Newspaper Page Text
W -Tar? Jr. TOMBSTONE PROSPECTOR PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING . (6UVSAT ElCXPTKD) IT War Battfck Blitocaia. Propriety. W HrnkMriptl . fWVeej 110 Hz Moatha 6 0 Three. Months S Obo Month.......... - Delivered by Oarriere for 36 oeata per week. CITY ASP CWHIY OFFICLUrPAiiM FREE COINAGE16 ton For President and Silver:. W. J. BRYAN, of Nebraska. For Vice-President. ARTHUR SEWALL, Maine. ForDelegate'OUR MARK" I CSDEB WHICH tLAGT "We arc unalterably 'We are unalterably opposed to the sinifle opposed to every meas gald standard. "We do recalculated to dtbase mend "the Immediate our currency or Impair restoration of tie free anduaiimited coinage roe cretin en oar com ut. We are therefore. oi r'a ana surer at opposed, to .the free ' the' present legal ratio coinage ot surer except iaf tS to il without wait, br International atree sosor uc aio or con mesi ntu wc .valuta sent or of any commercial nations of lion. We neman d that the world, which we the standard silver do! pledge, ourselves to lar shall -be a fulTIega! tender, equally with promote, ana tutu sucm agreement can be ob tained, the existing rold. for all debts, pub lie or private, and we rold standard must be: UTor saca legislation as will prevent the de monetisation of any picsu tiu,- KcpuDiican (illtlorn, at, iouistiune II. ISOO. kind of legal, tender noner by prirate con- t p - Tm hi i nun e I j platform; Chicago. An important issue of tbif paign aeema to ba -either the free and unlimited ociaage of silver or the forced and unlimited pristine of bonds. Butte Miaer. Thtre wm a, good udica at tha halLlaat night to bear tbo candidate ad t welooma "Oar Hark" baeV ia kii. old borne, and to littea to Ma TgriBBeiiUUve poeeb, by' which ha raade many V6U. ' Under the' praUnsa of a proa is--ta.ecure free coinaga of allyer , Uixoagh'intarnational agreament, the 'territorial Republican easdidaU for eaagreai aaka tha'free ailrar Tottr for hl inffrage. ' The apceek ot "OOr Mark" laat night waa-oaa-of-tb bast oratorical fforta aret haard bf- Tombstonaraa diaaeai -ThU"liriit aaid, kecaiwo of oar' leaning to4rartf Coabisa'a farorlta aoa bot fram-aapraaaJOM-ayi-eoaa. tnenta Bade "by the 9ofle vbo;heard him, aad ragardlaM of,- art affilia tion paid the gilted Uadec the eom pliment which be so AHaxradlf arned. Tte following itaaa from the Loa AxgalMXaaord of' the ISd will jiraa gaod idea of the axtent of the, ailrar eentirsent inaoathera CaUfornia: Taaweabership of tha.ttlrer Ka nbliaaa club thU morning wm SSO, With acceeeiane 'whleh come to the roll Hatardajra tbavfaf mera eama to tewn, it ia expect that the roll will aaily raaeh ,U0auB9terrow nlghtT 0, W. Mill-, Secretary Coopeya aaaiitaat, . -V.. .v 4:ti4np Avgiitfati&o" rr applicant ie aaketl .; "Are 70a a Demo crat or Popnliatr It he- aelmtlahat be baa Toted with cither of lbee par tiea at'tka laat prraideatlal ejection , ha ia givea argenarat "ailyer badge and and hie Bame ie not placed os .tha roll. XrarjaaTort ie being aude to raetrict the roll to Sepablieana who intend to rata for,th:easl,rer principle." . Two Isrvea'8Tea. Mri, Phoebe Thomas of Junction City III., waa fold by her doctoh'sbie hid'eon SBsaption and that there was no hope for her, bat twa bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery cared her, and sbe says it saved her life Mr. Taos. Eggers, 139 Florida St, San Francisco, suffered rota a dreadfel cold, approaching consump tion, tried srithoat resalt everything- else then beoght one bottle of Dr. King's New Dwccnrerp and ia two weeks was cared. He is naturally thankful. It is rack resells, of which there are samples that prove the wonderfnl efficacy of the xnedidae in coughs aad colds. Fret trial bottles at Tombstone and Bisbee drag stores. Regular see 50c and 5i.oo UOKLUrd ARNICA SALVE. The best. salve in the world fofent' bruises, seres, nkars, salt rhean, fercr sares, tetter chapped hands, cliirhlaiai cams, and all slasi eraptjeets aad paP timely cares gileaj of ao -payment rajtr5 ed it is gnaraateed to gnje jsaaleet.stia -a iictifm er asoney iiwndtat , Prices Jo eesvta perbe-x. For.aale keeabiatM What ArfrWe Here For? , THE FUN OR THE-; 1 From the expression upon bur ' friendi fat h ii evidently here for neither but as for us -' WE , ARE EEEE FOE " BOTH, We are handling Which for easy and perfect washing" cant b beit. Cottolene - Cottolene - Cottolene. ITiat perfection for shortening" purposes is giving general satisfaction We hay it in 3, 5; and 1 0 Pound Pails . 1 WE are well supplied with for use during this hot Boned Turkey, Chicken, Sardine - of all variety, Fwch,-ln'elishaadAmeri(llAcker in cana, BrMk Trout in either-Tomato or Mustard I.aaucee, " "Deviled Turkey, Chicken, Tongue,' and Ham, :Ham- burger Eels in Jelly, Boston Baked Beans -plain or ir Tpinaq Sauce, -JLa . -lTiany'Otlier Goods t mil I - - -too- iumerous ... tomentiont , . Also in regulax receipt American. Cheese. -"t"V Jon't Forget .that weresoJe events ;Jpr Tombstone and icriityfor " ' Cte & SailioniTofia! BraDfl Cofee. r , a 'f.asssf 'll ,r 'j":iVB.tsml J aSraKHf' ' aaaLBsP9aaBBT nBMB BawfSSreBsaa 4 'aH3sUBaV Uct eyl litotflvt "Ba'fSSJ . rXHlOirocer, DQZNF Of S1X1B ti-Saa i ii'.i ' "BSMgafa if W' M - i i ' !- V- .J W , 4jJ. Ttt-I prepared goods of all kinds weather consisting of; , Boned Chicken, Roast Turkeys Sotuit kinds. Canned' &oupf in ,. a;t 1 -n- t-v - J Jf r-. ? i t Holland; IJMrntrxr and . t rc is lonfToh. o UJi fyr r P a . -T At? rs ehff 11 AND ALLEN 81MMBES, lEleclion Proclamation TstSITOSTCJUlIOXA, executivb owes concern To all whom it soar "Wttsssuts acWrU atr 'cfrtfar'tLrMlatlre .asenbly of ttVe Territory ofAiitoaa. entitled rectlooi" approred March 8 h. 1IS7, it Is prettrjed that MMVshall fat held.- throuirhnit She Territory. afot?tbTueearartrrthe..arst Vonday in'NoTemBer A.T. sU. and every two fears tDcreatter. an election lor members f the Lcadilaiira JLaiemhlr. and 4iuek mihm ItraTi-asmty be rrqairKt fcy law shall be AKO-Wftsi5M it is fiirtlitr ororlded ia said Act that least thirty Ays betote - teoeral rWrteraaf mnsrliu ah ZlecOon rrocUsisti naiarshs sreat seal of tha Ter. ritory, and- traasatit copies thereof to tin Clerks efthe-BceJtfaaf iiupq mors iavcin lies U which srsek alectiaos are tbr held. Sock pro rlstMlhjn 14 conUtt.-hjnitieBl of ttssnimc of tM'asretioa. and tH" ioc . w b.' ? filled, eatrsto.offsr fariward susacform prescribed by said ad. Now THU'troa'a I. Beajamin Franklin'. Gorarnat a.jVriscanriawenawatW'C'f the .duty c)4iVirinin mVcV nerepyonier'a ceaeral akcsioe, M be held the Tuesday after1 the first Meadar la" NVvember A D I806. and the lolleca to-be filled at such ekctioa. t do hereby lVi4H. Ink. ..fUnwta:U' "Oeie taWegate to- .-the- SjthCosxTesa'of the Uail4 6ates, Twerrcavben the Council ftheLeclst latrre-AjsemblyofVWaona. . - 1 ' Twaniy-Jor"BeoiWrs of tar rraus frcpre seatati rcs-af the Lei islatlTa .Asscmhlfof Krisaoa appelated ejreeably't'j' exiidnjf lawsasUllows Uwit: " rtti.'f MUMSiKor 'Mumuor Vuuui or Mkuaus or cocjmrs cofrictt; - kocsb Aawche 1 ? 1 Cfalao . 1 1 LVCSaaVW aaas X ca::.. 1 -t s Graham. t a ataricopa , 1 4 Mohave 1 .it Naraioe ' 1 x :::::::::::'.. "i I yarapal. ......-. s - 3 YaauM. ........ , Ik I. And there shall be elected la each county of the tetritery: one Probate Imdre;' bae District' Attorney; one Sheriff; oacTreaaorar; one Recor der: oac aarreoyer; two ntwxri o me Boara of SuHtn lsorsrexofpt la the 'coartr of NaValoe' where there shall be elected three members of rlk B6aid"ofSuprvliri;'aad in each of ths cotiee w?re the otEceef Tax ceBertorUt not been coaaolidated with the emce af,Nerur or TteansrcrsYax-CisrteaorshaU be elected.; Also la thenereral yreciactt asssscosaty, one litsticc'af the nasce. one CoastaUe. and la. such precincts as are 'rsrti tied lotwo Juitices of the Peace astd two ConatsbleV thasausaber anaU be elected. '-JAxBITJo-HEiiriT effer a reward of $50 for tla.arraat aadrn-ricsioaxsf assy aad every- per ton' violating any of the, provisions of title 4 part t ottSc Penal' Code. - 1st WrWarWKaOf-'T'tiMeherettnio act .- w. my -hand and caaaadtac great seal of (haL)" the' Ttritery'to be hereuato asfixed - rr this joOs -Jar of -Sepwfaabar .Xr D." . . a 96 ' --' OaNK AT Phcxhix. the Capitsl tail 3etk day of Septeaaaer. itoft? E - - - ,. n .BytneGorernar.-. . BE-NJAiilN I. FRAKUN CHARLES M. BRUCE, Secretary of ".Aibena". tc-s xf NOTICE. By the Board of SupernSorsat Cochise Co. Listef Xlectiaa Precincts, laspectors, judges. HartSaBs and BiHet CltrkrotSectioa in aad for the County of Coclsiae,- TerrMory of Arlsoaa. SI ptlrWEa NT U COWmi IW4W M 14V bo Tfovemrsfd. 1I90. i T T01UST0KE. Vofiig Prsdact Na. 1 Inspector. F. N Walcott Judge. W. R. Xing. Jake Trowbridge," w.W.11 job, ICelso. 'staotT3erkarThoi:tiwy; aad'Ose. fiRaf- tarry. , . -ji " " "' Voting Place, Tombstone. ;f. jas. i'.tzpm Voting Prednct Nevisr-'- laspector. u. w. rairmnoa. aspect) rJS Wr FlM. b'. CI Perria. - u.t..n av i.m . - ... ' "-Ballet Clerks, OttoVaa Renal' aadf I. W. Voting PiacaVBiaboc. Kuxroin. ottogrYedsc,N f ' " laspector, A A Packard. , Ttsagat, Tames IVolie. Ed Roberts. ..Mirswalt. BaaSaead. -A -"..r "Ballot desks. A- F. Healep aad Thaa VeSc fUoe, W Q Gra'sre4. Vot'ractNo. 4 . ..bawecte. t-JlTjtiaai 1 "Tadcea, I. A" Haid. Thoe Von. f? Manas 11 AltrawBond. - " BaBot Clerks. P. M. Hfllon aad Raaart TodeV Voting PSaeaSchooi hoaae. . rorr HTJACBtrca. Voting Precinct Na , laawctor. Otto Schroder. ut L. lodges C L. DeifTait. MarshiTT, WaiiarSerac: rbaC McGU a. BaBt Oatta, Taatoa fleBry aad TeaitDoe. vawC 1-iacc.aors naacaaca. WBST BCACHOCA. Vwing Preciaet. Na. 6 laspector. Wm. Dean. , , - lastgas. A- P. Laagfard, X. TOattrtB Msrsaell E. Clad. - t " sUSec Cloths. Melntjre aad WalCasar-- sag.r. " - Veeksg-rnaee.Ctvy4trGUnceMiaigCa. arVACSrOCA SIDISUL alag-raclaa.,No.Tr-' ' x.w. vjara.-- Than, SeaHh. W. H. Kaao. L-D CWctaae. " BaBot desks. Blavaers. Was MBlar.l Tadag Place. Taos SesleV 4! r . r." . . rAasAxc yotsag Pradact Nof 4IaayeAsrj JlVKoyas x Teelieuiasee, L. Larrioa - v r iraean. . . . A 'J atsttsMB. aad Frank TSL7i rlaoVFasrhaak il U4V 47 n .tf. MV-'e Wf UTID Vottagfweiart.No naBBsVansfJara I KlaaayhMeAa. aad-Chaa ' BaEaaOsi Valine Place, St David eHSOM Voting iednct No so Inspector, GW Bonn ttilfes,-H Oerweia. Wm OhneKire an -liitrshall. Wm Shower - , , Ballot Cleiav WmZeck aad A J Dclahaaty Votinj Place. Benson. .. , TSES ALAMOS Voting Precinct Non Inspector. E M Dunbar lutdrevA Griiilba, J C McCormick Marshal!. J D Allen Ballot Ccrks, Mitcus Pachect and E Dunlap' Voting Place, Trcs Alamos rjOL's IAMOI Votiag Precinct. No ia ' Inspector, J ("Branson ludres, I M Rob'cs, 51as Sanchez arshalVIUchard Roe - - - Ballet Clerks, Sam Bohaa and A Sosa Veling Place, Poors Kanch XCSSELTIU.S Voting Precinct, No 13 Inspector, Wm Fourr judr.t, A H Wein. Ala Walker Marshall, D Adams Ballot Jrtks, W A lHege. aad Chas Haider. ata4 Voting PUce W A Fiege's 1 WILCOX Voting Precinct, No 14 Inspector; WR McComb lodes, Utto Moore, T J Marks. ia arshaH. SUA Ballot Clerks, Court Speed and L V Mc " Voting Place. WDlcoi DOSCAlaxXs Vctlnr Precinct. No ti - tintpecior, ri rvnite ludgcs, PA Bayer. Chas Nobile Marsnau, lames Jw. Ballot Clerks WT Cooper and S Porters v Voting Place, Dos Cabeaas i SOWIE STATIOM ,j "ff - - Voting Prednct'No i Inspector. D W Wickersham f Iisdjes I H Teris, WPKelsey Marshall, E L Shaw Ballot detks, G L Begbee, aad Gee Shaw Votiag Place, Bowie Station ' SAN SIMON i Voting Predtict, No ty- r , Inspector. T R Brandt ludres. Chas, F. Gardner Fred Rnch ' ruarshall.vH Basaiord'- -Ballot Oaks, Peter. Fervent and ohn Doe.1 Voting Place, San Simon ' BKANNOCK Votine Prednct. N0-18 inspector, Be'l stares iudfes. G. B Devencizl, B RIggs Sr iarshaH.' Chris Gracer Ballot Clerks.-Thos Riggs. and Jaraes Riggs Voting Place, Rirjr's j 4 . WILOUI Voting Precinct. No 19 Inspector. C P Smith Judges. Wm Smith. Wm Sanders Martha 11. Leonard Alverson ' i- Ballot Clerks, D E Fitch and Rila C Plumb Voting Place, B F Smith aTCXEX Voting Precinct No so : Inspector; r W Meny - Judges, NHunsaker,. Peter Moore '1 MarshalL'TamesHuhsaker Ballot Cterks-.-FnaktMoore and L 0Kecfe Voting Place, F W Heney TATLOIS BAXCrt .Voting Prednct. No 'si Inspector, F Samonial "Judges, Mannel'Simas, Louis Duvall ' Atarshall. Frank 1 Bopp ' ' "' ' Ballot Cleras, HughCanloa, and Richard Roe. Voting Place, Coalon's House - . , ' CATUVUXE Voting Precinct No aa ins lad lit TM..M-,ft n Mr isart.. i Indresf S .Smith 3 R"1 Maatremenr itarshall. I C Hancock -j Ballot Clerks. "Robert Mvers. and Richard Roe. ' 'Voting Place, Gaylev32e raAKCS Voting. Precinct N0S3 Inspertor.,T Chattman, -lndger. Qdea'WiIliams.Geo 'Brtvin Mars nail. leeBii sBignoa t '. t. Ballot CleiVs, Wm ohnnand Wm DeH Washineton Yotiss Place, Pes SAN SUNAxDIKo ' etia'g Precmct'No aa Inspector. I H SUughtcr 1 ' Judges. W Hildreth. I Fisher t Marshall. VH Terry - Ballot Clerks. John Doe and Richard Roe ' Voting Place, San Bernardino Ranch i V S CUSTOM BOUSE Voting Prednct, N035 Inspector. Wm King . ' . ' - '. v Todgeat Peter McCoy, Frank Hare MarshalT.'Wiluam 'Porter " Ballot clerks, Peter ohrtson and E Hanson Vc2i- Place, CtscsKsa t Rched. That ths Scud-of Bectioa each ekctioa prednct be and is hcrabr authorix- ed to select a conTeatenjinllliag' plaoe .lar the prednct: and at least tea days before November jrangyfrstat aaMng-giyaaerhal or"other'gen eral notice to the electors of the orednct iniorro- I tag: them of the' place at which.' the -ekctioa . will oe eeio. A ATkntwobtm., Clerk. By W. X. IlAKwoon. Deputy. Oct i). if 96 Last August while working. in the bsr r est-field '1 became overheated, was sud denly attacked with crarnris and was neatly dead. Mr. Cummines, tbe drug gist, gave me a dose .of. 'Chamberlain' Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy which completely relieved me. I now keep a bottle of the remedy handy. A. M.BUWNELL, Centerville; Wash. For sale,by Drugis. COMET SALOON " 'GAttmWtP.t'Sr Wl WES,LIQUwRS CIGARS. iVtafara i BeurVi IrUk and Scoteh WH4f,.mntJ Other' J?eB JKtsown armwU." A Specialty mad v- f b4M Ctttrett mni-Wine$. ananawai ran ajm, tr Paricr m ConnBectioB awe. the :!ee Plana ia Tesra. iI-V PIONEER Carriage I Corner Third The largest 'and Best Equipped S WW WS, W . m-k aix jooiicis 01 uuecv, w aeon ana j Woodwork Neatly and ; Promvtlv Done. BLAGKSMITHING AND HORSESHOEING. Best FacUities for Doing All . Kinds of i Repairing in Wood and Iron. None biit First-class Workmen 7 Employed. 4 . ...--.- J - ton i lor-My 1 1 win uuMnMix i ecu. SsTFttB anortraent of hardwood and iron for sale. - . " O. L. OUMWJINGS. Wholesale and Retail Butcher, COR. 5TH AND FREMONT 81KEETS. Beef. Pork, Mutton, Veal, Sausage, Bologna Pickled Trip Choice Steaks, Roasts, etc. Experienced Cutters. Free Delivery to all'parts of the City. Your patronage solicited. OYSTER FARLORz. ALLEN t. BETWEEN -4tli A3N .Ttlv. Firat-Class. Meals Eest'of Attention; Eveiyihing inSeasoP B0.4RD. PER WEEK THREE "MEALS SINGLE MEALS.... Dinners tor. Specia. Occasions a Specialty First-Glass Cooks enly Etuplcyed. TOMBSTONE GAS CO. A. ASHHA1? Lessee. WELSBACH' INCANDESCENT 3AS LIGHT In General Use throuijhout the United States and Europe, d successfully comr ingwith Electricity, both in Brilliancy and Cost of Light Uses Three Cub Feet of Gas per Hour, and y ields, a Light of Sixty-Candle Power, Equal to four ordinary burners with double that amount of gas. COST OF" LAlVjpP 2.75 Placed in Position "Without Extra Charge. OFFICK lit HARK BCIl.DI.'OU. TOJSBSTO.IE, ARIZOSA. IIOOHISE HOUSE. 1 AJ Corner Fourth and Toughnut Streets. ELJEGrAIVTlL,Y ElJIitNISiHEO IOOIMt SbV" Visitors to tbia city will find the Cocbi8K a anperior hotel sod 01 ' offering excellent accomoilations. A XlBiiE'lKB" COMMODIOUS SIMPLE' ROOM FOR COMMERCIAL ,ME Ail Modern Conveniences. Rates Jf oderate,. ----- "S'AN. JOSE HOUSE. MRS. F. J. BEAN, Prop. Centrally Located, Large, Clean ant Well Vintilated Rooms. Palace Hotel. F1RST CSASS IN EVERY RESPECT. Everything Made Convenient lor Guests Special Rates to Panics bytkeAV cr Month. Renovated Tbioughout. SAMPLE ROOM FOR PJiUVMERS. RATEX JIEASGSAB1 HOTEL ARLINGTON 7 I NEWLY FURNISHED LARGE A1K I 1 R003IS. BEST ACCOMMODATION- J , This Favorite Headquarters for Ccmmcrciat Men hastectntU Inn nrwly atts renovated and neatly furnished throughout public. Rooms ensuite and single.- Prices Modtrate. Everything fiirsUclass Samole rooms' for corcmeria m mmsssum m an.l Allen. Establishment of its Kind in. I Blacksmith the Territory. J "J r 4W - vl! ..V .WT M i. 'J :. 4.-J . -- 1 - f ! - hjbjhjpJbjI 7.CG - i,G0 50 Try a Meal at. this Popular Resor Accommodations for' Families VAf-lSAR, Proprietor. MRS. A. DA.VS0 Proprietress Mrs. S. GALT-EN, Pi op Fifth bet. Allen and Toug .nu " Tombstone, - At izog PARLt R FOR UhV- with special reference to the tra-elit .TOMBSTONE, ARIZONA. H n 3 i ft. ' if li i i 1 I m :sM' "t- - . . -s awacaaaaasatasasaaataMBMBMassassBaBBsasBasB "JT "ISzjfc- j TjZ u-