Newspaper Page Text
f It 11 u V i . ', H 1! i i w n I J i II n & 3 S l: r The Prospector. OCTOBBR & l896 i i i RAILROAD TIME TABLES ARIZONA SOUTHEASTERN R. K. TIM TADLXJ So 4; joir ias. Sou 'I lint StetSana. xo t Sanaay ....BUbM.... .Don Luis. .. Pwlud... .Ar!4 ,131.1 1.0 1M IMS e Wt lit IMS IMS bwTi 4t ,., Water Trik. ,. .CnrI5ton.. ..F lrbank ... .Li 1S.S V. k A. CroaUnc. ArtlS.S 17.7 1S.T , o-tmtifta ...... .. Btuoa.......L S-l I f trite .timt. Flag station. Stop en s'rMls. rw Wiuum, Su j rUUiJot. SOUTHERN PAOFIC R tlst' STATIONS. "ast it.loaru .ojara ' ....Beni,. .. ....Tucson.. .. , Arj 5.40pm I7-5P ....Maricopa ..,.. ....Los Angeles.... tr.t0.e5 pro I 3.45 am 1 oaptn .sami Ban Set, United, east beund, Mcntsys u4 n rdsytS.l, Benson Sua Set, t ite wot tund. We4nMdsvt aa Saturdays, 4.0S Benson' NEW MEXICO & ARIZONA West East I S. oop n ,50 a ta, .eoara Lv , ...Benson Ar 10.40 am t oopm . Fairbank ..... ..Huachaca..,.. .Crittenden .... Calabasas .... ..Noealri ta.lopm 10.30pm t.oe .37 am 0.00 am 1.30 am l.t Bra' ai!y except Sunday. Pacific time. 1. J. Fesv General Manager. A.NACCLB. UH.AUHCHT, Assists General Manager. Train Master. MARICOPA PHOENIX R. R. North Sovth Is pm (.35 pm .pm 9,35 p m -45 P " Lt Phoair Ar a ooasa 1 ta "5SP 13 30 pm is top m ... Tempo ...... K;i6,6 Saeaton...... .....Mark jpa G. HVHCftSHEl , Gen, Supt. ' x: LOCAL NOTESi btlver ! quoted at 5 Dr. Gaff, .- Beaton Physician and surgeon, tl Fresh Fish is receired every Thurs day at Noble's. tf. Frank Ysple who has been at Crip ple Croek,Colorado,for several months, teturned hoase today. Last night wasvrery celd and the first frost of the season vras visible on the bouse tops Ibis naomiog, H. O. Hsrrick was up from bis ranch on the river today, ilr. Her is one of the siauacn republicans of this county. Dr. J. W. Farriajtou, the Bitbee Bensist, Trill be in Tombstone until iunday. Office at Mrs.' Bastian's, Toaghnut street. tf. . . We beg the indulgence of our adver tising patrons whose ads have been set ut for a day or two on account of the great amount ef campaign matter we are compelled to run. Nothing further has developed at the sheriff's oSoe as to the where abouts of the Separ robbers. X look eat is kept and should they again acme back to Cochise county more trouble is anticipated. The Republicans bold a rally at Season lOuiitit and tomorrow ilia candidates are expected here. The iiepubhean rally in Tombstone is billed for Saturday and Monday at Biebee. m . Mark Smith and Frank Cox left this morning for Xegales wbere they are billed U appear ton tent; On Sat urday Mark will speak in fiisbee and It la probable the closing speech of the eaaapaign will be Made at the .copper Map. Awarded Hlcfaca Heaers WerM'J Fair, DR w ClffiAM BAKING WWDffl MOST PERFECT MADE.. A purr Caee Cream of Tartar Powder. Fw eta Ajmwnia, Ahan er any etfcer aduMenni lYorth : J it-ISS , " "" " ei aaoept Sudsy ' . rat 4.o. 73T l.4.., KM I ,.... !' o a-.... :U1 5s.sU..., :isy J .,'.-.... ao its.s 06 u s! ... TWSTAMMaC ....... ,11 .t.ssaaamssaammsm DEMOCRATIC RALLY. Oar Delegate ad tke Comaty Caadidates Speak. Bchiefelia Hall was well atUnded last night tree tke Democrats rally asdlisUa to Oaf Mark, Frank Coj aad tke oeunty aadidate. The stage waa tastefully decorated and the arraagement of flowers and decorations beepeke of artistio tasU aad execution for which the fre silver ladies in Tembstone deserve credit. Tba baanar at "Our Mark" ia large letters of evergreta oaugh eaoh ones eyoand enkindled mora enthusiasm for Cochise favorite son whleh mam tested . itself is uamiepaakabla terms throughout hit able and elequeat speech. - Allen B, English acted as ebaJrman and with a few appropriate remarks introdued Mr. Fraak Cox. Mr. Cox made a brilliant speech eiakUaUag with free coinage facts aad naaaswtr able arguments. He is a rsady orator whose Sow of eloquence is aot inter rupted forwent of adjectives and whose rapid delivery captured his audience. He refuted some of the charges brought against Mark Smith and read eome ef bis speeches in congrete on the aub jct, extracts of which have teen published in the FaospxCTOK at var ious times. He made an excellent impression and was warmly applauded. Mark A. Smith, Democratic candi date for delegate to congress, then stepped forward, which waa the signal for a deafening round of applause. He spoke feelingly of his old home and associates and his speech waa punotuated throughout with applause. He made an urgent and sincere appeal for the free and unlimited coinage of silver at the present ratio without waiting for the advice or content of any other nation on earth. He dem monstrated the necessity of free coin age by the United Slates, and among other things said in substance that "the only way to get free coinage waa for congress to pass a free silver bill, that the battle now being waged waa fraught with more momentous conse quences to the republic than the war of the revolution. VThen Mr. John Sbenuin was sec retary ef the treasury he decided to resume specie payment, to that the greenbacks and other outstanding ob ligations of .the government should be equal to the coin money of the natien. He, in order to meet any demand that might be made on the treasury, set aside one hundred million dollars in gold besides the silver on bond .to re deem these .paper .obligations. The greenbacks became at once equal to coin. Congress passed thereafter a law prohibiting the redemption of the greenbacks and directed that when re ceived at the treasury they should be recmitted. There waa then no .longer any use for the reserve except to aid the conspirators who were attempt ing to demonetize a'lver. He then proceeded to abow how from that time the diabolical work was accomplished. The repeal at the Sherman act was the culmination of the purpose. Tbe gold reserve waa diminished by the redemption, or exchange of gold for greenbacks, Sherman notes aad all paper money, except silver certifi cates. Bonds had to be issued ta pro tect this unnecessary gold reserve or the conspiracy would be ineffectual. Beads were issued by the million in a time ef profound peace tbe people were submitted to as additional bar den of . taxation r to .that .the .money sharks might lend without fear of lose their idle capital to the United Statee. Money that should have been iaveeted in enterprises helpful to tbe eouatry was utterly withdraws from circula tion. Moaey weat op; everything else weat down, aad every produet-ef humaa labor aad every day's work of a man became leee aad lees valuable aa compared with tbe money left in circulation. He showed further by unanswerable arguments the benefits to be derived from aa iacreaee in our circulation.' That aa international agioemeat would follow independent action by tbe United States. That the Orieal, aad all free silver countries on which England's commerce lived would im mediately begin to trade with us. To furaieh the auppliee demanded by this increased trade would start to active energy every slumbering eatcrpose (a America aad give employment to every idle maa who U willing to work, aad thua lake from labor the press ef hungry people for its place. He deplored the Uueeteaed dvisioa pt the silver vote MArisoaa. Ia every otswsr territory aad searly every-stale that aoattmai bad faem jtajte. aaa. pout of all free silver people. Ia Arizona aloae, which above all placet should be faithful to the cause of Bryaa and silver, oould any division be found. This divisioa was caused by thepereeaal ambitioa of a man who by populleU taemselvea bad beta declared, la pablie priat, at the nom inee of ao parly whatever. The cause of silver aad the prosperity of Arizona depended 00 the people's topport of the no wDeclareUea of fadepsndeaoe as set forth in the Chicago platform. A vote for O'Niel he declared to be a vote for Doraa and the geld standard aad urged the people, aot for himself but for tbe great cause, to support the principles aad tbe candidates standing with Bryan, oa the Chicago platform Division weaceaed the cause. There was noaeed of It. What right bad any maa of hit own molioa to inject his personality lato a fight like this, whtre oalv harm could reeull ta the cause which he preuadei te support, Mr, Sastth exeasrated himself from every charge eealaiaed in what be deaomiaaled the cowardly opea letter which O'Neil had circulated ia counties through which Mr. Bmith't campaiga bad already been made. Several of the county candidates on the the stage were introduced tbe first being Mr. M. 3. Brown tbe Candida te for recorder. He made a neat talk of 15 minutes duration gracefully asking tbe tuffragee 'of the voters. Iu bis misfortune of being disabled he was ineenciteted for other tbaa office or clerical work and aubmitled bis olaima far consideration, S. A. D. Upton next mounted the political ships bridge. V othing further from significance could be the three first initials of bis name when spelled into a word for Mr. Uptoa ie a jolly geaial, merry makingiuien wbo haa the happy faculty of making all about bim goodaatured. Heie pleasing of address and was at hi best last flight. He recounted bis ambitions, aspira tions and air castles whleh be fondly harbored forlo, these many years. He aever ran for oCce before but now that as aid ne was in tor 11 gooa ana ir hard. Ho made a bid for the influence of the ruarriareble ladies and widows by bluihingly asserting he might get married ami cloiing in aa humorous strain the talsnted editor retired amid applause. Scott White addressed a few remarks in a gentlemanly manner and pledged bis fidelity to duty ehould the voters return him to tbe office of sherifl. He was wildly applauded. Getting late the meeting adjourned by giving three cheers and a tiger for the national, territorial and county ticket whicb.was done with a veng ence seemingly everyone joining to ewell the deafening cheer. ROLL OF HONOR, Namesof Those GiviBg te Aid ia tbe Cause of Silver- The following is a list of contribut ing members of th'e Tombstone Bime tallic'League. The roll of honor will be published occasionally and addP tional names added aa fast, aa aay, donationa are made : A.. Wentwortb, C. S. Clark F.K. Wolcolt A. L. Grow Joe MoPherson Samuel Barrow M. D. Bcribner B. A. Packard Dr.H.S. Gordon. Henry Dtinker Joha McCarty Ben Cook A. H. Emanuel H. J. Gray W.F.Bradley Scott White Chae. Lengpaap" Thomas Tnnny E.W.Perkins rete Bute Frank Eogle F.E. Cad well J, A. Koska J.'N. McDonoagh M. Doyle A. Ashman Alex Mclntyre John Haaley GeorgeTleffert Fred Carlevato X. Kobile J. Forhnda Jas.F. Duncan Emil Sydow . Jar. Tork Alloa R. English E.H. Storrs Mrs. Josiah Kirlew A. D.Welsh M. J. Brown Pbospxctox Chat Baeigalupi Geo. H. FHU Ed.Tarbell Wm. Garrett Tin. Kirlew G. L. Cammlae-e Thos. Lowry ' Col. B.8.HaJTord John Escapule Geo. Thomaaoa JUE.Jaekiea Josiah Kirlew Martin Cottettf Louis Duval J. B.Miaao W. O. Abbott J. U. Trowbridge A. L, Brooks F, B. Waraekroa Sam Cowan Joe Hoe tier Chat. Hancock Hale MeCormiek Wm. Fearce C.H.Batsett Gut Barron C.B.Tarbell GeoWiSwaia, J. J. Patton H.Trorpmea Chat. Wiser James Clark ' Fete Hook Qoiaa Hampatoa ,G. H.FitU, Cbas. Keyet waa at the rally last sight. He cease npte aaeettaccaa-l taaalai ami Uliaaf "OmrMatk'' naak. THE SEPAR GANG AGAIN. Black Jack aai a CompaaioB Hold Hp the Town. The Star has the following regard ing the Separ robbery : T "Two masked niru, one of whom wee rvengulzml as "Black Jack," of the famous bejr ran, robbed the oper ator and t'ie pumpman, marched tbem over to tbe hotel, received all tbe available cash about the hotel, added the Inmates of tbe establish ment te the procession and marched to the neighboring merchandise store, wbere about 8 armed cowboys were leiteriag. "Black Jack" and bis com panion disarmed tbe cowboys, relieved them of 'their loofe change and tbea turned their attention to the keeper of the store, wbo was the only one of the crowd who had the nerve to resist. He receiv.d an ugly scalp wound from a bandit's gun, and was lined up with the operator, pumpman, hotel keeper and cowboys. ."The bandits, altar .securing aboat ISO in money, a lot of whisky aad marehandise, paraded what proved to be nsarly tbe entire population of Separ .two miles from the depot, raoanted tbeir horses which were sta tioned there, gave the crowd a farewell drink' of whisky and departed. Tbe crowd was just returning to the city as the evening train pulled in at the depot. FOR OTKR FIFTY TEAI An old, well-tried remedy." S Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers lor their children while teeth ing, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens tbe gums, allays all pain, cures wind colio, and is the best remedy for diarrhoea.- It ie pleasant to tbe taste. Sold by druggist in every part of tbe world. Twenty-five cents a bottlee its value ia incalcu lable'. Be sure and ask for Mrs. Win slow's 8ootbing Syrup, and take nn other kind. Vsoheifielin Hall was beautifully dee orated last night with evergreens and red white andyellow obrysantbemums ; a large pieture ol Washington hung ou the front wall of' Uje stage to .the right of the speakers and a likeoae of Jefferson decorated the left wall,, while that William J. Bryan, the people's champion of today, set on the back ground to the stage, all three were handsomely draped In bunting while the speakers table was .covered with a profusion of lovely flowers. --V We want your 'tea-trade for the rest of yurtlife:. Do you see now how we can afford to say: "Get every sort of Schillings Best of your grocer, and get your money back on what yu don't like"? Afeaaaaj BaaFi Election Proclamation Offics op- tub Matok ,f the Crrr or . Tombstone, Arizona Texxitokv. To Whom It May Coaoera, Greeting: Whereas. Under an act ef tbe Legislative Asstmblr of the Territory of Arixsna, entitled '"Elcctioai," approved March tth. A. D, 1887. aad la compEaorr with Section 4, Article t of the Gtr Charter, a general mania pal election is to be held oa the 3rd day of .rf.vember for the purpose of electing city officers. New, thcrcfere. I. Paul B. Warnekros, Mayer of the City of Tombstone, in pursuance of the duty imposed 'ttpos' ne by a rc-olatiorr duly parsed and entered upon the minutes of the lim,i -.., m cc Muer a xeaerat municipal eircrioa to he held oa the Tneadey' after the first Moadayin Noreatae' A. ZXtison, and desicnate tne ofBca to b, filled as follows, to -wit: . 1 Mayor. 3 Coancilmaa from First Ward. 3 CtmnrHm.n from Second Ward, , 4 Comiwflmai from Third WardJ 5 Counciimaa from Fourth Ward. 0 Chief of Police. Ex-QOJjcto'CityFAisi&Qr. City Tax Collector. City License Tax Col lector, Healin Officer. Pound Master and Street Commissioner, The followtag places are desicnattd as poQ- iac places frrt Ward Adobe hoose on 3d street be- twee AQen aad Toughnut streets. Inspector Mike .Welch, ladees Thoa. Tunny and Dan Carter. Pomcg Clerks John C UUr aad I. Tracy BaflotCJerk J.Elains. " , ' SeoMd Ward-City Hall. A.A4h-awa laspecUf. Jxices-l7. E. Flanicaa aad J, KcHujh Polling Clerks Robt Martin and T. Loudon Ballot Clerk Frank Engle. Third Ward Oriental Corner. IasDccetor Jos. UoDert. Todies F.. Payla.and Joel Keisweiader Po.Ung Clerks F. OiCTer and J. W. Rrany. Ba2o Clerk Thos Cowan. Foutth Ward Protection Hose House. Inspector. W. Hobha. lodges Wm. Corbett and H. Salznun. Polling Clerkj Dae Welsh and' A. Garrett, Ballot Clerk-Mike Welsh, In witness wbereoJ I hare berruntaset mr band, aad caused tbe seal of the City of Temb stone to he affiled thereto. Dene at the Gty Hall 13 the City ef Tombstone this I SEAL the 7th day of October, 1S96. P0.WANEKROS. ifavor. DK.WADWll, CW, : ; O-14... TmV JUmM mvIuBmVaV Gladness Comes With a better understanding of the transient nature of the many phys ical Ills, which, vanish before proper ef forts gentle efforts pleasantefforts ngnuy uirecUHi. 'lucre is comiort in the knowledge, that bo many forms of sickness are not clue to any actual dis ease, but simply to a constipated condi tion of the system, -which the pleasant family laxative. Syrup of Figs, prompt ly removes. That is why it is the only remedy with tnillionsof families, and is everywhere esteemed so highly by all who value good health. Its beneficial effects are due to the fact, that it Is the one remedy which promotes Internal cleanliness without debilitating the orjrans on which it acts. It is therefore all important, in order to get its bene ficial effects, to note when you pur chase, that yon have the (genuine arti cle, which is manufactured by the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. only and sold by all reputable druggists. If in the enjoymeut of good healCx, and the system is regular, laxatives or other remedies are then not needed. If afflicted with any actual disease, one may be commended to the most skillful phyaicians, but if in need -f a laxative, see should have tbe best, and with the well-informed everywhere. Syrup of Figs stands highest and is most largely and givea most general savalactiots. Under ffMci Flag? PEOPLES- PART PLATFORM For President. W. J. BRYAN, of Nebraska. For Vice-President. T. WATSON, of Georgia. For Delegate to Congress. BUCKY O'NEILL. J The free aad unrestinled coinage of gold andsilreratlhe presint ratio of 1 6 to t without regard to the actions or wishes of any other nation or combination whatever, II- The increase ! tbe current money to an amount, sufficient to meet the wants of our growing population and buiness, such money to consist of silver and xold coin and U. S. Treasury notes equally a legal tender for all de mands public and private. III. The abolition of all national banks and the establishment of Postal Saving Banks, man aged aad controlled by the U. S. Treasury. IV, The establishment of a system of direct legislation by tbe people, giring to the people themselves the power, tst-To veto all laws pass ed by any less than 95 per cent of all their rep resentatives, and to propose the enactment of laws by any number greater tban five per cent of the electors and ccmpe.'l their submission to the whole tody of the electors. V. That all means of transpzrtating persons properly and iniellieeacg be gradually taken Br the Nation and conducted and controlled by an unpartisan comm!tsxnJuader strict civil service rales, VI. That aJl public salaries and esranrau. twos shall be made to correspond to tbe price of mwi MKuaooi s proauc I. THE POPULIST TICKET. For Council For Attembly For Sheriff. ....., For Trtaturer . . . . For Probate Judge For Recorder Dittrict Attorney. . For Superritor. . . J. MATHIA8. .P.A.LOFGREEN. G. S. CROCKETT. V. ERRICK80N. G.J. McCABE A. WENTWORTH1. W.M.FIKE, ...GEO. PORTER, ....JA8. REILLY. ..GEO. W.BRYAN. H.SCHMIEDING yKDKKTAKIXa PARICse OT C. B. Tarbell Coffins. Caskets. Robes. Etc. From the Plainest to the Finest Made, The Columbia Iron Caskets kept Con stantly in stock. Sediet Temporarily or Permanently Embalmed by the. Latctt Proceu. Billiard Parlors, j. n, Mcdonough, Prop. Ike Finest and Bett Htud Bittiara Parhr in the City. Importer of the Best Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Billiard and Pool Tablet in Conjunc tion. Mixed Drinks a SpeeiaUy. Private Club Booms. Allen, bet. 4th & Otb.Tornbston NOTICE. Sealed paoposaU wia be received by the board of supervisors of Cochise county for the build in of a branch jail at Bisbre according to the plans and specifications adopted by tbe board. Bidders can obtain all the turther necessary information at Ike otfiM of the board of sapor. viserj at Tombstone, or from S 'W'ima. chairman of tbe board at Bisbee, All .bids most be filed with the clerk of the board on or before 3pm Novrmber6 1896 1 he hoard reserve, tbe riht ta twm . - alibKis, ' ' . WENTWORTIT. fVrfc By W A KasmtcOD. "'''t, ' 'Defaty'.Cerk ca ' JOSEPH CORNER FIFTH AND PIONEER DEALER IN General Merchandise, Miners '- :- ' and ' ry ii Ranchers ' $) If Supplies, STAPLE AND Improved . Agricultual Implements, v.- -1 la Wm . . ZffcSf ;,,, -. - (JHT Everything InfOur Line is First Class Goods and Soiafat Prices That Defy Competition. JOS. PIONEER STORE HOEFLER. FREMONT STREETS. - STORE, J1 Tents and Wagon Covers. FANCY 14 -.. Windmills Wagons Pumps GROCERIES . .ii- j-wV' ' --;s-, FOR FAMILY TRADE- -. " Jpt H0EFLE8. "rts?W fb X