Newspaper Page Text
V. . - . K TOMBSTONE OUR WATOHWORD----"COCHISE COUNTY FIRST, THE WORLD AFTERWARD. TOMBSTONE, ARIZONA FRIDAY EVENING. OC lOBEK 30.I&6 VOL. X No. 30 f- PROSPECTOR THE fVv 1- 1 ir ? 'A jtMiLY PROSPECTOR. Cilv and Couuly OlHcial Paper PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING lExcKrrSiiNDAT) BY Wm. Mich Editor and Prop:ictor. 'Fremont St. Opposite City Hall The PaOsr-ECTOa will nol hold itself rrspon Ue for any of ihe articles or sentiments ex pressed by any of it correspondents. Entered in the Tombstone Postp'fiie a Secesd Class matter, PROFESSIONAL. CARDS. JAMES RE1LLY. ATTORNEY AND Counselor at La. Lad Mining c M a speaaltv. Tombstone. Amooa. a -a IMP. STAKHL'E. ATTORNEY AT. yi Lavr and Notary Iublic, Tombstone - Aitona. G EO. W. 8WAIN, Alludes At La. Will practice m an cou w iu. Territory. Tombstone Aniona, S. CLARK. ATTONEY AND COUN- 5 selor at Law . Office on Fourth Street, between Allen and Toushnut. Tomb Will practice in all the courts of the cry. CHARLES GRANVH.LKJUHNaTON. Attorney and Counsellor at Law and " Noury Publ.c. 427 Fremont street bet. 4th and cth strrets. A member otthe Bar of th Supreme Court cl the lerntoiy. and v.Ul practice In any f the courts therein. AWENTHWORTH COUNTY Rfcr corder and Abstract Office. Abstracts of t tie to real estate and mines furn shed promptly and acurately. Complete tran scripts. Office in Court House. Tombstone. E. ALVORD. JUSTICE OF 1 HE IJ Peace. Office on Allen St. bet. 33 & ath Tombstone. A' L.KOSKA, USTICE OF THF PEACE Office on alh St. bet. Allen ana Toughnut, Tombstone HS. GORDON. M. D. PHYSICIAN AND Surgeon: Office adjommc his residence " on 4th street. Calls all-aided at 1 hours day and night. . C.EARLE. ASSAYER AND META- lneical I-aboiatory. ro 319. Fremont St. opposite City Ha'L THE ORDERS. F & A M. XING SOLOMON LODGE NO. ml r tKtprl Naiurdav in each month. Visitine broJie. cordially invited to at 7 tt woMfrncrw VI i ,eoo wtriuitjv... -. . A. L GROW S-cr&ary. R. A M. OOCHLSE CHAUER NQ. 4 lEETS third Wednesday in each month. Vis- 'itro Companioas cordially iovitrd to at- A. WENTWORTH Secretary. P. O. S. OF A. WASHINGTON TAMP NO 1 MEETS 1st Frr&syev-iwig in each month, "n iline Comrades cnrd".Hy invited. . W. Cl.AEK, President. A. -. GROW. Secr-UTT. A. O. U. W. OMB TONE LODGE NO 3. A. O U. W. nvet i;tard3id Thursday in each roooili. Visiting uoroers crraiaiy in- vrtefl. ' ROBT. BESrM. W. MONMONIER Recorder. W..D. K- OF P- ARIZONA LODGE KNIGHTS OF Pithias No 4. meets erery 1st aad 3rd Monday's in eacn month. Vsiuug tiro hers cctcially invited. A. H. TA'ANUEI, C. C. W. D. MONMOM'iR. K. S. DflTECT'ON HOSE COMPANY NO j. Y ineets First Snnuay in each month at their hose house n Ine comer or serraia ard Fremont streets, opposite the chool hoose. WM. GARRETT. Foreman, TOM MITH Secretary. RESCUE HOSE lOMPAY MEETS F.rsi Sunday m each month at City Hail Fremont street. J. V VICKERb, W ENTWORTH. Sccty Preudent J, N. McDONOUGH. Foreman, ENGINE COMPANY .NO 1. MEEIS last Sunday in ea h raon b at hose boure 00 the earner of Toaghnnt and 5th street. IOSEPH LlPPEKT roerruji KENRY DUNKER. Secretaiy. Wanted An agent m every .section to can vass $4 to $S a cUy made; sells at SJjht; also a man to sell staple pood, to dealers best side line, err a rco- th. SJnv or large otr mission maoe; eapcneTce unnecessary For sealed particulars send sump. Chftan Soap alanufacturinf Company, C-inanniu, umo. UNION WATER WORKS. F. CALVES, Prop. Prompi Service. Water per barrel, 3501. Per bucket, 5 cts. Soecial Rates to Families Leare orders with wagon. umm 1 49 fcow-t UrwsTt M atei3T-e- f rm lb vrmrf W0S l Cm nm WSt?Oe ltVtVwlTrjV-K fffcr&ffi u ;rujrit. POLITICAL; THE DEMOCRATIC TICKET. For Council.., ..B.A.PACKARD. ...J. M. MERRILL. J. N. JONES. J. J. KIGGS. ...SCOTT WHITE A. WENTWORTH. M.J.BROWN. ... A. R. ENGLISH, For Assembly. For Sheriff. ...... For Treasurer. . . . For Recorder District Attorney . . , For Probate Judge. .S. A. D.UPTON. j. Mcpherson. L.SHATTUC1C. For Supervisor. . . . For Surveyor Lett Vacant The Democratic party ol Cochise county, AruoQi, in convention assem bled, hereby reaffirm our belief in and allesianc: to the time honored principles of Democracy, and do unqualifiedly en dorse the Democratic National Platform adopted in Chicago, and Democratic territorial platform as adopted ot Wil liams, and the national and territorial ticket, and c congratulate the people that alter the most strenuous attempts to subvert those traditions and princi ples, by thoe high in power and in the interests of the money 1'nders or Eu rope, the Democratic party ha: risen in its might and cast out such traitors and has forced them into the party of plutoc racy, corporations, and assassins of labor headed by Mark Hanna and his gang, where thry properly belong;, and where they are receiving the hearty support and co-operation of every monoply and corruptiomst in our country. We congratulate ourselves and the whole people that every industrial soci ety and all parties which sincerely be lieve in our government returning to the money of our fathers' and the consti tution, are with us today in this mighty struggle for the emancipation of sixty millions of white slaves from the cor rupting influences of gold monometal lism, snd that there is every reason to believe from the signs of the times, that the machinery of this government will again soon be placed in the hands of the people. We oelieve the free and unlimi ted coinage of si ver is the paramount and overshadowing principle of tbe present campaign, and that no person should be elevated to office or position of power who does not believe' in such Iree coinage by our own government, without wailing for the consent or as sistance of other nations for we charne that it was the corrupting influences in Europe whichforced upon its people gold monometallism and therby reduc ed the wage earners to serfdom; and the same people who wrought such havoc there, are attempting to do the same thing here, and to oir sorrow, ihey have ptnally succeeded; thereby reducing the majorty of our own people to finan cial slavery, and impoverishing every producer or wealth in the United States. The contraction of the currency, of oar country, by the demonetization of silver was the most gigantic and heinous crime ever perpetrated on any people in the history of the whole world; and those reprnsible for it are traitors' to freedom and Republican institutions, and those who would now seek to maintain tbe present miserable condition of our own people by the maintenance of the pres ent cold standard when the present op portunity is oSeed in an expansion "of currency lor the alleviation ot the suner ings of humanity, are panics to thar zztsi crime, in sympathy with h influ ence which seeks to establish on tbe ruins of our government a plutocracy; or, they deceived and misled by the glittering falshoods circulated by the enemies of the itt-jJe tbe money caangers of the east. We pledge our party that every nomi nee of this convention is a free silver man v(h- endorses every sentiment of this pla'form. and we ask the endorse ment of their candidates by the people and we pledge to the people a .wore economical administration of territorial and county affairs than has characterized our government for the past two yMrs and (hat no more revenue shall be raised by; taxation nan-i reqoredfbr tbe maintainanr e of our county eovernmeat economically administered, -and that the revenue raised shall not he diverted for and other purpose than the strict admin iitration o' county Overnment- In ask ing the cn-operation of the" people, we pledge an efficient, honest and economi cal administration. DEMOCRATS. a C andidaf es whe are te be Vtw for on NoveBiber 3id Seott White, the aoasiBM lot ); iff. has served tbe peepW ia thalosss eial eeysseity mm Werea toan iftMfd tt Mm POLITICAL, faithful officer; obliging, courteous aad popular, ba baa never been known to fliticb wbtn called upon to do bis duty. - A. Wentwortb, ih candidate for treasurer, bas been rasiJent of Cochlas county for 11 Year, and for tbe pail lour years ha filled tbe office of recorder with credit to himself and satisfaction to tbe people.. He ha held positions of trut and much money baa been entrusted to his care. M. J. Brown, of Bibe, the nomi nee for recorder, is a most successful business man, positmne; the ability to ably conduct tbe duties of that office, and as it custodian the records would be carefully and neatly kept. A. R. English, a puant for tbe boa. on of district attorney, hu tiled that position for four years aad made a moat favorable record. He is a man f ability whose knowledge ol the taw it surpassed by tew of the Arizona bar. Ha baa a lucrative practice which peaks volumes for bis attainments in legal talent and efficiency. 8. A. D. Upton, tbe probate judge nominee, is a young man of rare intel lectual endowments, and bas been a resident of the county for a number ot years. He bas interested nisseu in school matters and is in every way qualified for the various duties cf tbe office to which be aspirer. In ihe selection of supervisors great care was ezereised to select repre sentative m-n, men who bad been successful in their own affairs, ma whe are thoroughly competent to administer tbe public affairs ot this county and guard tbe welfare of the people and carefully expend tueir money, so as to do the most good to tbe greatest number, and when Lem Sbattuck and Jos. McPberson were selected aU ibis was secured. B. A. Packard renominated for the territorial council is one of tbe best known man in tbe county is one of tbe beavisst taxpayers and bas done asucb to advance the interests of bis county. He eerved witb oredit in tbe last legislature and through his in strumentality many good bills were plaoed on tbe statu to book. Tbe candidates for the assembly, J. H. Junes of Bisbee, J. C. Merrill of Si. David and J. J. Kigga ot Brannock are representative men who have many friends and in everysense well qualified to rJU the honorable posi tions Tbe people could rest assured that tbe county interests would be in safe bands and wiU be guarded, and watched with utmost vigilancy. - -' 1 "' Democratic Dates, S fi The following are-the dates for the Democratic meetings throughoutjthe county: Willcox, Oct 2G. Pearce, Oct. 27. Tombstone, Oct 28. Bisbee,. Oct. 31.. 3Iark Smith ' will speak at the above placjes . on tthe dates named. AiJ ills' ? Notice Is berebv. fires that the duolicate asisrnrrcfKWy-I Cochise is now in my possession tor the coUrction ot lazes lev. lea for tbe year Iloi if mid county i faxes will reVrMarliitiracpt on lh jd Mooda ia December 19. aad unless paid before that date a penalty af five per cent wi be adaed tbaMsa, '. Payment may be made at my oSe la th ccoaty court boase at Tombstone, dorlag oftee boors 9 a s to lamandt 105 pm. J WICKERS. Treasurer aad Ex-D6so Tax Collector ICacatet county rii-fiTift Unfinn -raaaXxu uA:r a j. l) oaw POLITICAL. Repiican THE UHl'UBLWAN TICKET. For Council. . . For Aittmbly. W. P. LOXG. .J.W.FAURINGTON M.J.CASTANADA. WM. SPEED. For Sheriff. . . . For Treaiurer. , ....F.E.CADWELI ...C.l.CUMMIN'GS. For Recorder E. W. PERKINS. For Probate Judge. . V. K.BRADLEY. District Attorney O.W.SWAIN. For Supervisor T. C. AMSDEN. JOHN MONTGOMERY For Surveyor WC. TYLER., Ariz., Oct. 8th, lb96 Mb. Oh airman : We, your commit tee, respectfully submit the followiug resolutions for thoconrider&tion of the convention: Keaolved, That we nnet heartily endorse the principle of the Republi can paly as nunriated by those great leaders Lincoln, Seward and Chase and that we pledge ourtelvee to maintain and support the doctrines of the parly as set forth by them. And we especially call the attention of tbe people of tbe land to the advice given to tbe nation in bis farewell ad dress by that patriot, soldier and statesman, George Washington, as it is of particular significance at this time, end these aro tbe wards: "Be ware of foreign influence, as the most baneful foe ot a Republican govern ment." We therefore condeiin, and reject as un-Americau and unworthy of acceptance, any suggestion ot sub mitting anything appertaining to American affairs to a foreign confer ence, believing that we are fully able to defend our country and protect ourselves. ' We approve of a tariff that will give American labor a'jum return, and furnish a revenue that-will maintain our government, and also proviJo a sinking fond for the redemption ot our national indebtedness. We approve of a law of reciprocity that will add to our commerce and furnish a market for our surplus pro ducts. We insist that Arizona be given the rights of jStatehood, and we demand tills as aright and net as a favor. Wedezs&cda restriction ol immi gration under proper laws, and that more care should be observed in ad mitting people to our shores, and that none should be given the rights of cilisensbip until they are fitted to ex ercise tbe same in an intelligent man ner. We are opposed to tbe appropri ation of any ot tbe public funds for Kjctarian purpotrs, and we claim that every expenditure of public moneys abould be Jor public purposes only. . I We pledge ourselves to nominate ssly hoses:, intelligent and cspasle men for the various offices to be voted for, and when so nominated, if possi ble, to 'elect them; REPCJBLICANS. - Candidate who tre to be Voted fr November 3d Wm. P. Lonir, tbe Republican nom inee for the c-.nncil, is a man well and favorably known to moat of tbe voters (I Cochise county. He ill,if electad, serve the people fii,tofally, and the count)' interests would be safe in bfs bands. Mr. Long is aprominet mem brr of tbe O. A. R., Knights of Pythias and kindr d societies. Wm. Sjveed, ot Willcox, whe has beea nominated for the assembly by sue ..UU....U., - j. -- voters ot this county can vote for with the assurance that-he will, if choteaj to represent tbera, do all ia hb pwr to legislate for th interests ot the people. j j IOUTICqL. candidate for the asfernby, is a young and prosperous merchant of that town. The jrojex of tjtacoiinlyare assured that, if he i elected, he will devote the fame careful attention to the affair of the coUuty and, territory that he lias given to his own business. Dr. J. W. FarriiiRton, of Uisbep.who bas been cboseu by the Republican pnry a one of its nominees fur the assembly, is also a young man. who however, U not to be blamed for liio youth. He Is a successful practitioner of dentistry, and is well known throughout the county. A vote for Farrington is a vote for good govern ment. F. E. Cad well, the nominee for ehenil.ii an old resident of thocounty. Hb is thoroughly familiar with Ihe duties of tho office, having eerved as unler sheriff during tho present ad ministration and would make an effi cient officer. C L. Cummings tbe nominee for county treasurer, ia a niau well known for hid honesty and integrity. He is a succoful bueines man and thor oughly competent to look after the county' funds. Mr.Cummings has served tbe people in office before and has fulfilled every trust reposed in him. He ia a heavy taxpayer and lias all his interests in this county. W. F. Bradley, the old Republican war horse and present incumbent, is gain eeeVing the office of probate judge. Judge Bradley has long en joyed the confidence of the people and la welt qualified to conduct the affairs of his office. For district attorney G. W. Sain, the preift iiuurabeiit, ia uguin ih-nomint-e. He Itn4 Msved tlm count) many times from boitig impue'd tip' ! by rapacious pvrsinx h lime t I to collect t'xhorbitnnt I'll!''. II performed hi Julio faithfully wii' has been rewarded by a renonuiiHtitiri at the hanJs of hia psrly. E. W. Perkins of Tombstone is the RepubLcan nominee fur Recorder. He is we'l and fivorably known all over the county for liis nwling worth and is a man nell fitted to assume tho dutits of the office toKhich he aspires. For Supervisor, the Republican party prides itself in the nomination of John Montgomery and T. C, Atnsden. Jubd Motitgettibry,wbo is familiarity known as "Honest John" has eerved the people long and faith fully as a supervisor. T. C.Amsden is a new man before tbe people but an old icsident of the county and a property holder of Bisbee where he resides and enjoys the confidence and respect of all who know him. " For county surveyor the Republi cans have nominated W. C. Tyler of Bisbee. Theduliesof this office at present consist pnncipilly in the ability to hold up tbe tbW but tbe people may be assured thtt Mr, Tyler is fully capable of handling any work which might come up in or about the county. - . i Farrington, Speed, and CaMenada area stionp learn nd will tv I ard 10 hea. The me joung, vi'O'Ous and areafr v - n lln apgrmblv. Hrtvil-t, - .l,(luiulil ire, Hwiu and M nio v liavobeeu tried and to '01ml wniTii.c, Long; Perkins Amnion and T-l r are DewJTBU8hB will fulfill ev -rye torideooVrepostdia them by th pe.ix'le and are deserving of support. RepuDlican Bates,, The following are the dates 'for the Republican meetings throughout the CQimty j pearce 0ctt 26 Willcox, Ctt27r Sin'SiinoT, 28. v m Benson, 29. Tombstone, 31. Bisbee, Nov. 23 J "Highest of all b Leavening MTOI HW ABSO&t)lTEE.Y POBE LATEST NEWS A Mother Tries to Protect Her Son Which Results IN A DEPLORABLE KILLING. A Terrible Explosion of Gas and Several Killed-A Tor- nadoDistructive Route COCHRAN GOLD TALK MinneahoUs A special from Mr rysville, Montana, saja Mrs. Mary Allen accidentally shot and killed her IS year old eon &nd fatally wounded her husband this morning. He was whipping tbe boy, she interfered and be turnrd on her. She took a rifle and shot at liim but killed tbe child by KCciiicut. She then shot him in he head. Ho may die. Shs i crazed wMi gie'. Mlt-sKArout A pecinl from Butte, to the Journal vjn: James Kelly, mine, who aocueed bieBiveet ticrt, Jtraie Hill, of unfaithfulness, -bother this morning and then killed niiiictlf. The girl will live. Canton, O., Ihe historians of the campaign of 1890 will record Thursday October 1 0,a one of the red letter day p. Major McKinley bas been kept busy eince early morning and v:sitors came so fast abent the middle of the day that he could not find lime to lunch until after 3 o'clock. One party was in town before 7 o'elock, but consider ately delayed their call till the major had finished his breakfast. VlCKSBUlto, Miss., Tensas parish was frightfully afflicted by a tornado yesterday about noon. Six negroes were killed and there was great des truction of buildings on various plantations- Keven bouees were destroyed 'n tbetownofSt.Joteph. Full detail were not obtainable last night. Wilksbarrk, Pa Six men prob ably lost their lives today in a gas ex plosion which occurred in a sbatt of tbe Lehigh Coal company. Two ef tbe rescuing party were overcome by fire damp and killed. Three bodies have been discovered. XokFoLK. Va., Bourke Crchran has '- . . . . .. oeen trying an nonr ana a nan tospeaic at Armory ball here. Four-fifth of his bearers are free silver men. His voice has bten continually drowned by cheers for Bryan and hisses for Coch ran.'- Cochran says he will stay all day or apeak. taken with it aad tnrfered severely until some one caiiest ray attention ta vstiam. berlain's Colic; Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. I procured a bottle and felt better after the first dose. Before one half of the bottle had been used I was well. I recommended it to my friends and their experience was the7same- We all unite in saying the best." for sale by Druggists. Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report m mmFs&w U xgss&ssi m. wlil iiori:i, AUK:tMi.i cocint-i: O. Sn dgraw, Ranch. W. Rae, " C. W. Blabkburu, BUbce. 6AN JOSE. Mrs EJ Rolerte, Ranoh. Jako Spitz, San Francisco. L. Bishop, " " ALACK. Thoc H. Killerry, Phenix. ABUNOTON M. A. Smith, Pearce. Frank Cox, " " D. H.Armtrong, Grand RipM. V. C. Gray, San Francisco. C. H. .Martin. Los Angeles. THE LAlMIiS. The plea int effect and perfect safety with which mav u,e Srup of Figs under all conditions makes it their favor ite remedy. To get the true and genu ine article, look .for the name of the California Fig Syrup Company, prin'ed near the bottom of the package. For sale uy nit responsible druggists. FAIRBANK DEPARTMENT I CfEO.G. McCEE.Prop. Fail-bank, : Arizona, Headquarters for vi-itora from Tomb stone Bnd surrounding country. Bc8t of wines liquora nnd cigars always on hand. PAY THE EXCHANGE A VISIT P.. A. OEMARTINI, GENERAL MERCHANDISE A full line of GROCERIER, PROVISIONS, CIGARS' AND TOBACCO. rAIKBAXft."AKIZOXA. i Kairbvnk, A. T. K. HARRINGTON. MRS. Prop. Chagres Reasonable. Parties g(jjng from Tombstone to Bisbee mil have ample time- for dinner before the train arrives. Tabic Supplied With tlie Best. GIVE IT A, TRIAL. liUlfl HI A At T, 1 a mm m. a 1 w a r M Allen St near 3d, (Old Custom House.) VEGETABLES. FRUITS, 1 OTATOES onio'ns, k ETC Fresh California fruit recetvedetery day by express. ' Everything sold at lowest rates. Ooods delivered iree' to all ouris 0 city Fish Received Every Thu-nday. NOTICE. aJed paoposa! will brreceiveil by the beard of supervisors of CocIJ ecoamy for the Laild- tfce- boird. Information at the cthle o the toa-rl pf taper, visars at Tombstone, or iron- J S WVlIamt. chairman of lh 'board at Ristxe, All bids mult lie filed rth the cierV bf the board on or before a p m November 6 iltfi "llie heard reserve-, tb: right t reject anv or alibis. A. WENTWORTil. CJetk. By W A HXiwceo. DepatvJCerk ' oj eisarv EICMGE ffi tWwjit: mm mf vHssyssWMWf SI iMV -