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w r- 14 J TOMBSTONE PROSPECTOR PUBLIBHED EVEKY EVKNINO (SUHDA.T EXCMTXD) IT Wb. llattica. Editor and Proprietor, itbcr!ptta eUase. OhYnt 110 00 Six Months 6 00 TbxeeMontbj S 00 Om Month 100 . Delivered by Carriers lor 35 cent per week. C1TI AND COOHTY OFFICIAL PAPER What Are We Here For? 1 Election Proclamation FREE COINAGE 16 to 1 life For President and Silver: W. J. BRYAN, of Nebraska For Vice-President. ARTHUR SEWALL, Maine. For Delegate, "OUR MARK" Tehituky vy Akizova. EXECUTIVE OfUCE To all whom it may conceit. Wiieeeas under an ct of the U.1DER WHICH a-I.AO? "We are unalterably. opposed 10 the stak f eld standard. We de mand the immediate rcrtcrntisn cf the free and unlimited coinage f raid and surer at the present legal ratio M is to I. witbout wait lag for the aid or con Mat or of anv other na lion. We nemuid.thal the standard sHverdol lar shall be a full legal scaler, equally with .for all debts, imb 1 or private, and we favor such legislation as "will prevent the de monetisation of any kind of legal tender money by prirate con tract." Democratic platform, Chicago. We are unalterably opposed to erery meas ure calculated to debase our currency or Impair use email ot our coun try. We are therefore. opposed to the free coinage 01 surer except by international a.ree ment with the leadine commercial nations of the world, which we pledge ourselres to promote, and natil such agreement can be ob tained, tne existing gold standard must be preserved. Republican p'atforn, St. Louls,Juae tl. saoo. THE FUN OR THEMON? From tne expression upon our friends face h iB evidently here for neither but as for us WE' AEEi HERE FOB. BOTE, Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Aritona. entitled "Elections" approred March S h. 1I87, it is provided that lUr shall be held, throughoat the Territory. upon the Tuesday afltrthe flrjt Monday In November A. D, 1883. aid every two tears thereafter, an election tor members of the Lrgi Jativv Astrmbly. and such other oticrrs as may be required by law thill be caosen at sucii election. And WlUXEAS it is further provided in said Act that at least thirty days becire.each general election the Governor mutt Issue an Election Proclamation, under the rreat seal of the Ter ritory, and transmit copies thereof to ths Clerks of tne Boards of supervisors of tm counties in which sich elections are to be held. Such pro clamation t coatUa a statement ol the time of the election, and the amces to be filled. and the offer of a reward in the form prescribed by said act. Now 'TiiEXiFOKE I, Besjamin I Franklin, Governor of Arizona in pursuance of the duty enjjined upon me do hereby order a general election to be held on the Tuesday after the first Monday in November A D 196, and the offices to be filled at such election i do hereby designate to be as follows to-wit: One defecate to the ;th - Congress of the United States. , Twelve members of the Council of the Legist latlve Assembly of Aritona. Twenty-four members of the House of repre sentatives of the Legislative Assembly of Arizona apportioned agreeably t existing laws as follows to wit: KCatSEE Or HUMBER OP iiEUiEKS or vuiiitiii or I Vatinj Place. St David - BENSOM Voting iednct No to Inspector. G Wltrj an I'tlgri, li icrwcui,.WmOhoesurgan Marshall, U'n Showers ' Ballot CIkj, Vm Zeek and A J Delahar.ty Voting Place. Bensoa . w -TIES ALAMOS Voting tVcintt, No it Inspectcr, E M Dunbar Jutdges. A Urii Uba. J C McCormick Marshall. J D Allen Ballot Cerks, M it cut Pachecs and E Dualap Voting Place, Tnrs Alamos PjOU'S XANCIt Votiag Precinct, No ia I M Rob'es. Bias faschei Inspector, J K Branson I M Ro Marshall. Rkhard Rce Ballot Clerks, 5am Bohan and A Sjfa Voting Place, Poor Ranch BUSS U.VILLK mmy Voting Precinct, No sj Inspector, Wn Fourr judg.s. A II Wcln. Asa Wallet Ml Marshall. D Adams Ballot Clerks. W A Flege. and Chas Haider. Voting Place W A Fgfs Voting PredneVNo Inspector. W R McComb We are handling , , FJEL AJSTK SIDDAIiLS SOAP Which for ea9y and perfect washing cant' be beat. Four days mora ami free silver will achieve the greatest political victory In tba history of this country. It will reach from !Nw York to Call forcie without a break along the linei An Oklahoma girl hai agreed to marry a certain man if Bryan If elect ee), and to make it dead tare; the man baa agreed to marry the girl if McICin ley U elected. Evidently they are bound to be epliced let the political resultbcasitznay. Low price and high wage it the' rale in gold standard countries' says a Kepnblteaa writer, yet that same pirty tell ui we must have protec tion against tke cheap labor of Euro pean nations who an gold standard countries. Oh I eontiiteaoy, thou' art ajiwel. The "oldest inhabitant" hat not witnessed inch copious rains so late in the season aa are sow upon us. October ia usually a dry month, as in fact bare most snsamer months been foriome yeare. The prediction of thesageeof the Pimae thai we are to hara twenty-eeren yeare of heavy taint bid fair U be verified. Cottolene - Cottolene - Cottolene. That perfectioh for shortening purposes is giying general satisfaction We have it in 3, 5, and 10 Pound Pails COOKTtES Apache.... Coconino.. Cochise... Gila , Graham.., Maricopa.. Mohave. . . Navajo.. Pima Pinal..... Yavapai... Yuma.,... x X X X X 1 X I 1 I I t HOVSE I X 3 4 I x 4 a 3 x Indg-s. Otto Moore, T Marks, v Court rlarshall: S B Apple Ballot .Clerks. Win And there shall be elected in each county of the territory; oue Probate ludge; one District Attorney; one Sheriff; one Treasurer; one Recor der; oae Siu-reoyer; two members of the Board of Supervisors; except in the couuiyol Narajoe where there shall be elected three members of the Boaidof Supervisor!; and in each of th: couaues where the office of Tax collector has not been consolidated with the office of Sheriff or Treasurer, one Tax Collector shall be elected.' Also In the several precincts of each county, one Justice of the peace, one Constable, and In such precincts as are entitled to two Justices of the Peace and two Constables, that number shall be elected. AMD I Do Hiiebt offer a reward of ISO for the arrest and conviction of any aad every per son violating any the provisions of title 4, part x olthe Penal Code. In Witness Wheeeof I have 'hereunto set my hand and caused the great seal of (seal) the Teritory to be hereunto affixed this 30th day of September A. D. 2S96 Dose At Phcehix, the Capital this 30th day of September,-1 196. ,, By the Governor, BENJAMIN J. FRAKLIN CHARLES M. BRUCE. Secretary of' Aiixona. Speed and .L V Mc Voting Place. WBlcox " DOS CABEZAS i. , Voting Precinct, No 15 Inapector. PI White Iudges, P A Boyer, Chas Nobile . farshall, James Scow Ballot Clerks. W T Cooper and S Porters Voting Place. Dos Cabcsas BOWIE STATIOJf Votiag Precinct. No iS - ' Inspector. D W Wickersham Judges J H Tevis. W P Kelsey Marshall, E L Shaw ' Ballot Clerks. G L Bugbee. aad Geo Shaw Voting Place, Bowie Station. 'SAM SIMOH Voting -Precinct, No 17 PIONEER Carriage! Blacksmith SHOP. A- H. EIMA NTJ13I-. Prop. Corner Third an.l Allen. H The largest 'and Best Equipped Estarli'shment of itt Kind in the Territory. All Kinds of Buggv, Wagon and Woodwork Neatly and PromptlT Done. lnraector. T R Braadt Jadges. Chas. F. Gardner Fred Ruch ' Marshall. H Bashford. Ballot Cksks, Peter. Fervent aad John Voting Place, San Simon Dee. WE are well supplied with prepared goods of all kinds for use during this hot weather consisting of- The Frospsotox baa net one word of faultfinding with Mr. Dbran'a record, for.he hat served the people ia the various traits reposed ia him with the utmost satitfaotioB Wat he is the rep resentative, in this campaign, of a principle which, is oar opinion, is dUmetrioally opposed to the best in Ureatsof this country, and whieh if continued ia will beggar the bone and sinus of this nation, and for this reason we are ia line with the major ity of the voters of the territory and are doing what we can toward bis defeat. Two Lives Saved. Mrs. Phoebe Thomas of Junction City Ill., was told by her doctors she had con- sumpticn and that there was no hope for aer, owi iwe Dottles 01 ur. Kong's New Discovery cared her, and she says jt savea ner ute. Mr, Titos. Eggcrs, 139 r lonoa at, san t raaasco, suscred from a dreadful cold, afreacbtag consamp tien, tried withsat resell everytiitag else then boufiht one bottle of Dr. King's New Discoverp'aad in .two weeks was cared. He is astrjndlr thankful. It is ruck remits, of which there are samples that prove the wonderful efficacy of (be Biedidae is coughs aad colds.. Free trial betUes at Tombstone and Bisbee drag stores, Regular siae; coc-asd; $1.00 ' IIL" Boned Turkey, Boned Chicken, Boast Turkey, Boast Chicken, Sardines of all kinds, Canned Soups in variety, French, English and American Mackeral in cans, Brook Trout in either Tomato or Mustard sauces, Deviled Turkey, Chicken, Tongue, and Ham, Ham burger Eels in Jelly, Boston Baked Beans plain or ir Tomato Sauce, An? many other Goods too numerous to mention, Also in regular receipt tl Holland, LimDarger and American Cheese. NOTICE. Voting" Precinct. No it Inspector. BeU Starks Judges. G. B DevencbJ. B Rlggs Sr Marshall, Chris Grauer Ballot arrks. .Thos Riggs, and James Riggs Veting Place, Rigg's Voting Precinct. No 19 Inspector. C P Smith jadges. Wm Smith. Wm Sanders Marshall, Leonard Arverson , Ballot Ckrks.DE Fitch aad Rila C Plume - Voting,PIace,-B F Smith BLKGKSMITHING ' AND HORSESHOEING. Best, Facilities for Doing AU Kinds of Repairing in Wood and Iron. JVone but First-class Workmen Employed. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. JSTFoB assortment of hardwood aad iron for sale. mmmMmm O. LOUM MINGS. Wholesale and Retail Butcher, COR. 5TH AND FBEMONT STREETS. Voting Precinct, Na ao Inspector, r w neney Judges. N Huasaker, Peter Moore Marsaaii, lameanunsaxer Jon t Forgo: that we are sofe jents lor Tombstone and ficnityJor Glase & Santa's Seal Branit Golee. BUCKU1T8 AMIGA SALtl,. The best sahre ia the world Jot .cmm bfwiesw, seres; tdcers, iArSfetim; sever seres, tetter,, chipped hands, chilhSIiTr cwsss,ad aSsfaa eraftieM aad peei toTtiT CIWC MrlM&f OC pssanMAt fQW mi k h fjsaraateed te grje aaefact stia-a lacttea or aaeaey KfttwoVi. Prices 5 esjeris aerbeav Fer.seJe Tassttsieae .J. V,fvHM 1 -si! brrs '- ssssfisf3ssssssssssr By the Board of Supervisors at CochUe Co. Listof Klcctien Precincts, Inspectors, Judges. MartkaUs and Ballot Clerks of Election in and far the Couaty of Cochise, Territory of Arizona as provided for, the general election to be beta November 3rd. 1806, TOMBSTOKK. Voting Precinct Na. 1 Inspector. T. N. Welcott. Judges, W. R,.King. Jake Trowbridge. Marsnall. John Kelsa, . Ballot Clerks. Thos. Lowy, and Ota. fRaS fertr. Voting Place. Tombstone. BIS SEE. Voting Precinct No! a ' - , lnipctor.C W. Farrington. Judges. W. M. Fike. b. C. Perrin. Marshall, Ben James. Ballot Clerks,, Otto Von Renal"aad"I. W, Wallace; . " - Voting Place, Bisbee. StEXEFOlD. Votiag Prednct No. 3 Inspector. B. A- Packard. Judges, fames Wolfe. Ed Roberts. Marshall. Bea 5 serf. BaUM Clerks, .?, Heslep aad Thee, Darsef. ... Vollaf Place; W, C, Greea'aaMb. MlLLXXsfCAHTesf, Voting Precinct, No. 4 laspecter; 1. W. Stump. Judges. J. Z. Hand. Tbss Tent. larshaD. Alfred Bane. Ballot Clerks. P. M. HlHoa aad Mtasri ToaVL , Voting Place, School heise. POET HCAOIUCA. Voting Pracinct Na ; Inisv-nor. Otto Schroder, lodges C. L. Dwagls. McGCl Marshall. Walter BernT. Billot Clerks, Jamas ReOryaad John Doe. Voting r-awe. Fort Huachuca. WOT HOACKUCA. Voting Precinct. NV.6 Inspector. Wm. Dean, ledges, X. F. Laagford, A.T. GattreU Uinlull. F- Clark Balksf dcrks, Mdnt)ieaad WmCnsbs- ing. Votiag Pktce, Caaper Glance Mining Co. x, BCAcaecA siDtxa. Ballot Clerks, Frank Moore and LCKetfe Voting Place, F W Heney's TATLOSS SAMOt. Voting Prednct. No at Inspector. F Sa menial Judges, Mas.ucl Simas, Louis Dursll Marshall. Frank. Bopp . . Ballot Clcras, HughCanloa, and Richard Roe.) Voting Place, Coslon s House . cAixxruiz Voting Predaet. No aa insepector, u w wauter Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal, Sausage, Bologna Pickled Trip Choice Steaks, Roasts, etc. Experienced Cutters. Free Delivery to all parts of the City. Your patronage solicited. OYSTER PARLOR. A.TJTJE.TS St.BETWEEN 4tli ATN .- Zth. 'First-Class tMi:als Best'of Attention; Everything in Seaso BOARD PER WEEK.. $7.00 THREE MEALS 1.00 SINGLE MEALS 50 Iudges, S Smith. S R Montgomery, a: B Roe. Marshall. I C Hancock Ballot Clerks. Robert- Myers, and Richard 'Voting Place. Gayler31e GEORGE I F1TIS .i . . . THE Grocer, -V 'U3.- COZNFZ Of S1X1E AND ALLEN 81KEEES. Voting Prednct, Na. CUrir. Kaae. Jndns. Thos. Smith. W. H. VanhaS. D C McLaac. BallM Clerka, B Landers, Wna MillrrJ Votiag Phwe, Thos SmHb'a VAIBBAMs: Votiag Predaet No IssferorAVNOTM Judges. Thaa Ickwoed, L Larrksa Marshall, V Kimball SaBot Clerks, A- J Abrahams Voting Place, Faarbaak MAICB Voting Prednct, No S3 ' Inspector. T Chairman, Judge:. Quen Wuhams, Geo Bravin ' MarshalLJoe-Bignoa. , . Ballot Clerks, Wm Johnson aad Wm DeH Washington Voting Place. Prarce SAJI BOMAXSIXO oting Prednct. No aa Inspector. J .II Slaughter . Judges. W Hlldreth. J Fisher ilanhall. V II Terry ' Ballot Clerks, John Doc and Richard Roe Voting Place; San Bernardino Ranch ' U S CUSTOM IMDSE Voting Pxednct, N035 Inspector, Wm'King Dinners tor Snecia. Occasions a Specialty First-Class Cooks enly Employed. Try a ileal al this Popular Re: or Accommodations for Families a C4KSAB, Proprietor. :Hart i - , Judges, Peter McCoy, Frank MunhalL William rotter - Ballot Ucrks, Peter Johnson and E Heasca Voting Place, Custom House Resolved. That, the Board of Election In each election predaet be and is hereby authoris ed to select a convenient peUiar place far the prednct:and at least ten days before November 3rd 1S96 next ensuing gire verbal or other gen eral notice to the elect ars of the prednct inform ing them of the; place at which the election will be held. A. vVentwoetk, Clerk. By W. X. IlAivfOOti. Deputy, Oct . .t9 . TOMBSTONE GAS CO. A. ASHMAN Lessee. WELSBACH- INCANDESCENT 3AS LIGHT In General Use throughout the United States and Europe, -d successfully comr in with Electricity, both in Brilliancy and Cost of Light Uses Three Cub Feet of "Gas per Hour, and yields a Light of, Sixty-Candle Power, Equal to.four ordinary burners with double that amount of gas." COS.T OF LAMP S.'TO Placed- in Position Without Extra Charge. BUIIUDIXU. TOMBSTO.IE, AKIZOXl. OFF1CK Iff MAltfS. MRS. A. I)AF.SOv Proprietress jlOQHISE HOUSE. ) - Corner Fourth and Toughnut Streets. JBLKGrANTLY FXJRNISEDEID X2.0091A jffJTT Visitors' to this dty will find the Cochibx a taperior hotel end 01 offering excellent accomodations. 1 LARGE, AND. COMMODIOUS SAME SOOM FOR C0MMEBC1AL ME All Modem Conveniences. Rates Moderate. - Xastiaaa, aad Frank , , T BATIO ISJWW.IWI. W V Tntisai J TaanasW-TWaVer -V TT y. Cksks, laMeh McXaeJaad Chas O Last August while working in the har vest' field I became overheated, was sud denly attacked with cramps and. was neatly dead. Mr. Commings, the drug gist, gave me a dote of Cbarribeilairi't. Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy which completely relieved me. I now keep a bottle of the remedy handy. A. M. BUNNELL, Centerville, Wash. For salc'by Druggists. COMET SALOON GAlLEYAWfcPAW.-frepr's, WIHEf , LIQUORS CIGARS. Dedtn ia BtmrVi 'irwa and Scotch TTKafcy, and OtrWr WtU Xnwn SrmuU. A SfteUMf mi$ tf splwrsiV.oai. Wiw, c. BfcKateV Parkr in Cotnecti aiaLthe Cccles Place ia Tows. aM. IMs. 7tk. twmwmgn SAN JOSE HOUSE. MRS. F. J. BEAN, Prop. Centrally Located, 1-arge, Clean am Well Vintilated Rooms. Palace Hotel. Mrs. S.GALLEN, Pioji Fifth bet. Allen and Tong .nu J TembstoBe, - Arixoa FIRST CSASS IN EVERY RESPECT. PARLCR FOR (SUE Everything Made Convenient lor'Guesls Special Rates to Parties by the"W4 or Month. Renovated Throaghout. 8 AMPLE HOOM FOR VltVUaJEBS. RATEV REASGNABl HOTEL ARLINGTON I NEWLY FURNISHED LARGE AIR. I ROOilS. BEST ACCOMMODATION- - ThU favorite Headquarters for Ct mmeroal Men has ttcenth been newly Site ? novated and neatiy 'furnished throughoat with special ttfeitme to the traelii renovated and neatly. onbli'c. Rootns easuite and single. Prices Moderate. L1.' r ' ' & ETwrytfeiBK-fiirBt-class SamDle tccus' for commerial m TOMBSTONE, ARIZONA ( ?.. I' r' ' ' 4asw , FSWW HMafc ---