Newspaper Page Text
n 4 BISBEE ZDEBATItCEISr'r. PAUSE and 0- I Uvery and Feed Stables, BE9T TURNOUTS IN THE CITY. At reasdble rates, and on short notice. The patronage of the public is respect fully solicited and satisfaction guaranteed QRlFFZ&jQtli. ADAM, Proprietors. " Bisbh. Arizona.. Chop House, Main ttreet, Bisbee. OTTO GIESKNHOFFEB. Prop Finest Restaurant In Bisbee. Private Rooms for fmHi or for pnvate parties. fresh Oysters and all kinds of Game in season. The table suvvlied with the best the market afford THEO. F. METZ, Pioneer Soda Ms. Soda water, SarsapanIta,Sarsaparilla and Iron, Gsnger Ale, Champaign Cider, Syrups, table waters, etc. rs, Latest improved machinery, and none out the eery betl of matereais ever used. Bbboe, - - ArlioBS. ISSifr AND RUCASTLE MASOrACTVmUt Or BOOTS and SHOES Repaired and Made to order on Short Notice. Afu!Ilinet GENERAL MERCHANDISE Constantly on hand. Consisungof Boots, Shoes. Shirts. Underwear, and Gents Furnishing Goods A well selected stock, and the Cheapest place in Bisbee quality or goods considered. F. H. McKAY Keeps a well selected stock of SCOTCH. IRISH AND BOURBON WHISKIES, lad the best brands of Cigars. lee Cold Beer on Draught OMXB ROOMS ATTACHED. f ot a p'easaat, social time, and courteous trest raent, call on McKay, Bisbee. Arizona. BISBEE DAIRY. Berrrranks- Propr, POKE. FKES11 MILK Ddivtred to all parts of the city every -eaisg at the lowest market price. Your patronage solicited, Satisfaction Guaranteed. Leave orders with Union Market. A. O V. w. OUEEN 1VODGE No. erery Saturday evening' IX "MEETS Visiting broth. erx cerenay tavuea. Amos Kindied. M. W. 2&WAU Baikcc Recorder. H. C FiASEK, Financier. H. SCH3HEDOTU, JEWELER AND DENTIST. ALL KINDS of dental and jewelry work in atl branches performed wnn neatneus ana 3Sccs, Bisbee ard Tombstone. dispatsh. DK J. W. FARRIN rrON. "DENTIST. All work in the line of Dentistry done in a srofessiooal manner and satisfation giurant-ed. barges are very reasonable. Office atJShearer JldLoj. T C. A. OVERLOOK. UNION MARKET AN DBAKtRY Brewery Avenue, Zisbee Aizona. IrmhBetf and Mutton, $ork etc. lalso iiaU'P f . Cernt&Beef.ZMl 'tends of Sausxfe Always ' Ion hand. 1. "ft Mrfiinea and Cakes every dan n,-yiin in the FRED WABBDRTOH Tie London Tailor, lust reoited. anew lin of govds for fall and piinjr, Fit and satisfaction guaranteed. For a futl suit, pants or overcoat, call and see FRED WARBUETOK, The London Tayler, J 1 1 tTMEET, BISBEE. BISBEE. Steam Laundry. BISBEE. A. T. All kinds of laundry work dne with neatness aad dispatch. PRICES REASONABLE. Delivery vgon work. collects and distributes Give them a trial. all GEO. DREYSPRING, - - Manager Office With Marks 4 Wittlf barber shop. Visit Maikey's Studio or op Jo date, high class photography. CRAYONS, INK. PASTELS and WATER COLORS. To meet "outside competition I will make you a high class life size Crayon tor f 0. A good enlargement can be made from card, cabinet or tin-type UrEitjMAiNstreet. Bisbee, Arizona. CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES. Fresh fruits of all kindsZre- ceivea aaiiy. WINES, LIQOORS. CIGARS, AND TOBACCO Goods delivered to all paats of town. 10 per ' cent oST for cash. -31. SIKBICOTICn, Propr. DUBACHER & MUHEIM, Brewery Gulch, Bisbee, Ariz. Pabst Milwaukee Beer On Drauht?)Uonstantlu on Sand. Our BarisSap--plied with the best Wines, Liquors and Cigars Your patronage respectfully solicited. V. Q. MEDIGOVICH, Wholsale and Retail Dealu la Groceries, Poultry, Game received once a week. LIQTJ0R8, WINES, .CIGARS AND TOBACCO, BAPTISTA CABETTd dxaxks ar " - DRY GOODS, GREEN AND DRIED FRUITS, WINES, IMPORTED LIQUORS AND CIGARS, EGGS, BUTTER AND PROVISIONS; IMPORTED CHEESE k SAUSAGES Also Dealer in Wood. Fl Cheap Casb BISBEE Happenings at the Great Copper Camp. Budget of laterestiac Items from ear Regular -Cor resneatlent. BisBua, Oct 29, 1896. corrsxiXGs. Wm. Sbilliera of Benson cama in on the train ihit evening for a short stay in out town. Steve Upton also came in on the evening' train. He bn been in Tomb atone for several days put. Geo. W.Taylor one of Bisbee old timers and well known miner left this morning for San Bernardino, Gal: where he has relative. George Has been quite unfortunate of late a be hat been afflicted for some- time past with acute attack of rheumatism. These aimott disabled him at time bat he is of an industrious, and persevering character ana managed lo work the greater part o( hi time. Lately these attack have developed into a kind of progressive ptralysis and George i sow entirely disabled as far as worktntr is concerned. He thinks a few months in Southern California may hilp him considerable and hts many friends and acquaint ance here sincerely hope to see him so much improved a to be able to re turn here in the sear future. In tbi column on October 28 lb. appeared an article referring to cer tain mUtatements made by the Daily Democrat. Owing to a typographical error the article was given an alto gether different meaning from what was intended. The position briefly was this: The Daily Democrat states in it columns that the Republican countyrcoavation had not endorsed, itber Doran or the Territorial" plat form and then added, to snake it ap- pear that the R publicans of the county had no nse for Mr. Doran, that the cjunty candidate ana me county central committee had both passed resolution that no money should be contributed to the Territorial cam-' patgnfund. This we declare te be absolutely tratrue and without any fundatioa whatever as &ouoh resolu tion ware ever brought up before either body and would not he enter tained for a moment if they wire. Both the candidates and the members, of the" central oommittee bare u. ecribtd liberally to that fund and are doing their ntmoet to insure Mr." Doran' election and w cannot for the life of us see oawbat the editor of the Democrat based hirertUl. buohki ucorrr Last night two more ef eur young folk, forsook the waya at single" blessedness and started down, the alluring-road of matrimony:.-Tbe bappy'eoupls in this instance are Mr. William E. Hughe and Mis May Liggett, both old residents of Bisbee whe enjoy" the respect and good wilPof all their -acquaintances, The many friends of the young couple nnrte in wishing them 'a happy and a pros perouclif and we have no donbt but what tbsv will enjoy it to the utmost. The Tjs-tansirilie Pf- . We will suppose that your occupation is sedentary that your are chained, so .to speak to tbe desk is tome counting bouse or perhaps to the loom in some vast mill where you are compelled to labor from morning to night. Sunday is your only day of relaxa ion. Y.' return borne every evening wearied mentally and bodily. Your health and strength begin to fail. What will most eftecteauy re cuperate your vital energy The weight of evidence points to no other conclusion than that HostetteV Stomach Bitters is your tales', most reliable sheet anchor. Use it persistently, and yonr system 111 soon regain its pristine vigor. Ever function will receive a healthful impulse. There is no remedy to equal the Bitters for Bevouscess and want of sleep, dyspepsia, constipation sad billiousness. ft arena and remedies all forms ef nuP- arial disease. aad is a preventive of rheumatism and nearalria. - VOl RALE A rood foo"huctV newly painted, tire just set, prions -adjust d and evwythlngfint-cla; -if purcbaesr ean Snaasyuing-wroar with rHe"bBfgy"wiil pay exprsV 'of nxsagaam wimwiis hj wuiwbu coat. Priee with saafta single ei 1, w aaals. Appiv a. iMa asaaa. PALACE Lodging House UBS. TII03. WALKER.: Prop. When visitin Bisbee .doji't fail to go fc the Palace. Rooms large' lighl? ,- and airy K ,. Well furnished rooms, Centrally and onvet ently located. Renovated throughout, - Rates Reasonable. STMSBEEMALL BI3BEE, ARIZ.V"" -, SHATTUCK & KEATING. -Vojinetors. t Agents for Anheuser-Busch Brejcing Association. Wholesale and i Retail. r . ICE COLD BEER DRAUGHT C.W. BLACKBURN. Kinrof All. olJo th lDitAllmtDt pliaon tr terms by C W, BL-CKB0R1V, O JC BtrtvU All Mchln Flndific cf Ul ktod. r Votary Public and Conveyancer Miners Exchange Main Street. BisDee." W.'C. SMITH & CO. Choicest oj Wines, Liquors ana . Cigars-. Every courtes and accommodatioa extended to ' pauon, Reading and -Card Room Attached. - PROBATE NOTICE. Iu tbt Protwt-Court of -the Couotytof Co- In thr mater ol the estate ofEmmalfdcombe, deceased:. . ,. V Pursuant to an order of said court, made on the 17th day of September, A, D.jt8o6, notice is given that Friday, thethday October", 'A. D. 1806. at a o'clock p? m. of iajd"daV."r tfie court Toomofsaid couit,t the 1 court bouse 'In the ty of Tombstone, and .county of Cochise, has been appointed as th: time and pLjce for prov ing vie vnu 01 sua cmtns.f loieomoe, oeceasea, and for hearing the application ot W. INich; ols for lis issuance to turn of letters testamentary wben'and where any persga interested may ap. iear and contest the samt . - - W, F. BRADCEY, , 'S-18-tf . t Kx.6fficieClerkt EROBATE-NOITCE. r In W-e Frebate Court, County of Coehile.1"er ritory of Arizona. " "r IN THE MATTER OFTHE ESTATE" OP Emile Lenonaand deceased!- 1e- k'-i Notice of Application for Order bfSnV;. Notice is hereby civen fits Administrator, has filed with the Cleric Of 'fhl Court a petition praying for an order ofsaV o alt real and mrmnai Drooertv of rtecta-rd and Iktt the 5th day of. October, I896, -ita o'cldcV.' p. m 01 sasa oay rjant a day ot a recuar-terra of tMs court to. wit of the- October terAi jfo mt iKa fuklea wnefw Mt;v Jthvwtf "Ih fAmK' ea sw vasw vh4uas vtoH b "iasx f 4 jm stone, county aforesaid, has been Sei tor hearing said petition, when and where fcny person ft (er ested may appear and show cause- why the' 'til I said petiooa should not be-ertnted. " , , WF.BRAULEY.drt ..Ea-officio Oovn.H. Dated Sept.. 5th ito$. . ' . ,; Notice to-Creditors. " .. : , V 4 Estate of Emmallolccrabe deceased, "TaUBLIC NOTICE- IS. HEREBY-GIVEN JTJ by the undersigned administrator of the. swic ot LiwiH nojcomoe acceasea to ine crea Iters of and allDersons baTinprlaims aninst the 'sahl deceased, to exhibit them 'wjtb tbe nec essary toocVts, vtithra fourmonths after tbe nrsi onDucauon or irtsnottceL to rnesaio i- mlnhHrater, at his offics' irf'the tnvra at WnV cor, in tnejtaid county of Cochise, , ' . " W. F. -NICHOLS. Admimistrator. with the will annexed,' of the estate ot Emma Holcomb, deceased. Dated at WHlcox.ttbisiath day of Octobtr.itol f. r i. 0.-iat"f,.- r.PrtaVai rnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnny snnnnnnnnnnnnnrVwnnnnnnnnnnT' snllllisH.' Ik ssnlalK ' ssssssssssssssB XnPIsnmsni ' a 1 - n tr lsnnnnw m n gaa nssrsrm lytJAa a. BnnnnnnnnniHBBnnnnnvVvlj HgHP WwfMs Pate Wall at Awa.4. t AV .NJCjNOBILE. , Dealer in i?fe.Nnts.Caiidi,e?,. t.wsh Ffaiti Rjcaivol Daily from California, Carries the Bst Line of CIGARS AJSTD, TOBACCO Ever Brought to Toabslone. 1 .1 ,- Poultry, Eggs, Potatoes. Onions, etc., always on Hand. ' to Postoffice. FOB Fine . Stationery ZOf'Any Description, CaU en "" . m j- WH.I- MONMONDER, - S ,t Opposite Mason Done. Carries a Tuft line of Station -ery, Books, InksPens, Mu 1 cilage, ToyV Window glass, .Fancy Tpiit . - Articles, etc Price the Lowest' 4llen St. Bet Fourth Fifth K , I f f 0.K, Liiery Stable Full- Line -of Liven TKAXCIENT AND BOABDtHO STOCK , ' T" CAREFULLY ATTENDED Prosvectin- Picnic and Ex cursion varties outfitted on short notice.. Or , ders bu mail or tel- !-o"mpft- receives "- vromvt atten tion: . - TERM. SUHREASOHABLY LOW. JOHN MONTGOMERY; Prop. J V. VICKERS Fremont Street, sorabstonr, Arizona. Real Estate, Mines Monet;1 Cattle olid In- surance?mmi K&U, ESTATE Bosht,oId rented MINES Bought sold manured. - MONEY Loans negotiated and in CATTLE-rJroer. . dealer i d ( rNtfRANCK-rire. Accident, TJfe. IVowtBi-dfiewlfon Giten CoUectiont, TOMBSTONE DRUG - STORE. f 1 -r . Og. Well; Fargo Co. A Choice Stock of Pare and . Fresh Drags aad Med i--. ,. eijies ea Haad. Fall Kfteofteaaiiiipr Patent Medicines Prescriptions Compounded by, a Careful Competent i.' and -(Experienced Presoriptioni8t. -. -' Fine Selection eft . (i; - VOTiONS, TfllHCtCf $;JvflME5 ,M-J?10NEER -" BARBER SHOP. ' Y1Pri:jtiTlPERf:Prop. ""iytKlng Keai, Clean 'and in First- ' "CUM Order. . iv foe-siv - -- y t: 4 -Shaving, Shampooing . and Haircutt ing done in an Artistic, Manner. The (Adept and Most Favorably Known Haroer 0 the Cost, Pay Him CoZL , . 4Ua,4et, assiss.T lr,.i'f -- . -i-- - u GJEJX'MPERSHOP .( AND 1 r, -A' BafhlHobrhs. J. B,t,'.JaIANO. .Prrprietwr, Hair Cutirngr 'Shaviotr and Shampooiag Earge, Coovehif ni and Comnsodioas Bath Xooms attached. Hot aaa1 "-:6W Shower Baths. Etrary-t-v.n si thing fim-ckus- Yfars of Practical TSiperienee 1mmhti this Skating PttrUr a asaaf fwfusin jasavvs. esse aaaMvssB . "aw'ssassaejesssaf) .Jtii j tlevU as Vi . As a compliment to our many patrons and the public generally, for a short time we arc going to give to every purchaser of Ten Dollars' worth of goods a fine : : : : : ,-?&W ;: LIfe-Size. Ciayon Portrait &mGi There is not a family but possesses some picture oi Father, Mother. Hrother or Sister, which ' they would like to have reproduced in a life like 'anil durable manner. What more suitable , m for a, present Call at once and Bee specimen. THE FRAME. ' The portrait Company r upon us that wiiu each The price is $4.oo to your own styb. OTjja iiiuAlIS' Is to issue tickets on your first purchase of five rents or over, and every additional purchase, large or small, is added thereto, and when the amount reaches $10 we deliver, free of cost, a Life-Size portrait. Call and get a ticket. F. N. WOiCOTT, Dealer in Choice Family Groceries A WELL SELECTED STOCK OP HARDWARE AN.1 TINWARE, AT PRICES Goods Delivered free ARIZONA MAIL & STAGE CO Office Opposite Drug: Store, 5th St, Carries U. S. -Mail and W. P. & Co's. Exp. FARE 10 OR FROM FAIRBANK 1.50 Leaves Tombstone at 8.15 a. m. to connect with Trains for Bisbee; east and west Leaves Tombstone at 5:15 p, m. lor Fairbank to connect with Nogales and all points south. Arrives ia:45 p. m, with Bisbee mail and passengers. Arrives at 9:00 p. m. with eastern and western mail and passengers. BAGGAG 0 Passengers delivered lo Office in the city free of Charge TENTH- STREET DAIRY. -.OHN HANLEY PROPRIETOR Pure, tresh Unadulterated Milk, delivered daib' tool - parts of the city, u it' '" Milk Wagon in town MiJV r ,y t'.e quart, lOcts, Reduction is made for larger quantities M Office is on the wagon. Yonr patronage solicited. Jolifi Weiland Anheuser, Lamps. GJfLl TEKlRJVESVPPLlSl) AI)L.F AJDL.r Aent; " ' " TTJCSJV.f, AMfie.f, Battled Weiland Beer imnished to families in lumbston by JOS. HOEFLER '" ArjiDinistrator's Sale A .Good Ranch and Improve- w r ments Offered for Sale, TXXTICZ IStIHEREBY"OIVENwTHA.T Jl bidsvrill be received by the tindersifned BdafnistrBter of the estate of Emile Lenonaaaa deceased up to and locludinf November ssia 1S96 ft his store in Tombstone Ariaoaa for die ranch of r6o acres, heretofore owned and occu pied by said deceased. situated, n th San Pedro vtver in said coonty; jost above the Oraad Central Mill, sad aboettwo asiler below she town of Fahbsak and also for all the personal piopeny and nteasfls be!nciaf to aad ihaitaa npoo said laaeh which parsoaal property ia de scribed laths Inventory aad apprlseaenf in this estate, on Bsr with tbe Probate odxr-f said couaty. Pf aniline can be riven Deaember xt, stoi. Terras ef sale. cash. Theriehtto RjeetaayaadaB.Mslhfetr reserved. e geo. h. rrns Dated Septfmbw 9. ro6 ' irm i t "1 ims made it conditiona Dortrait we sell a frame. $ Call and select , " TO SUIT THE TIMES. to all parts of the City. LAGER! - . i tv- r" ST. LOUIS wHotrsAiir- RfcTAiL ' BEER HILL ''&' MAITDT OOiTILLOj -J0ent tgr jinkeuser Busch , Beer. V. .J