Newspaper Page Text
The Prospector, OQTOBBK 30.a896 RAILROAD TIME TABLES r ARIZONA ft SOUTHEASTERN R. R. Tltf ttstias. Sfay ens! cuts. Bn WtlAum. SaitrintcBlt. SOUTHERN PACIFIC R UEul I t.loaii),L. STATIONS.I 'ast lt.10 Bentn Art S-4opn 7.5P 3fcom .Tucson.. .... .Maricopa .... ,... in...... .Los Angeles. .ojam 10.05 p 9 -SSP 3Ssn i.wpm .45W BraM Ualted. cut baud. Mondays u4 k ndayt.u, B.Mon' Ins Set, LmlU 'west ligni, WtdntsKft aa Saturdays, 4.0S Benton' NEW MEXICO ft ARIZONA vest STATION Eatt I 6.00pm Lt , ...Benson. Ari 10-40 am 1.00 pm 13.10 pm 1.50 am dtoin , Fairinnk ..Hoachuca..... . Crittenden .... , Ca'abasas .... ..NotraVi 1.40 am 10.30pm .J7.nii 0.00 am 8.30am i.X5pra' AaB esccot bandar. ""PaciSe'tlme" 1. 1. FBY General Manager. A. NAUCIX. L. H. AUrtBCHT. Anlitc General Mas&rer. Train Master. MARICOPA PHOENIX R. R. Navtb South I pm i.Spra e,eepm M5Pn Lv Phoall . .Tetnpe ..... .... Kyrene ..... Sacaton .Marie pa .Ar a 00 a m t ki at i5SPm 13 30 pm 13 JO 7 13 tt. H. Hqssheli, Gen. Snpt. LOCAL NOTES. hilver ii quoted at 65 J Dr. Gaff, Benson Physician and surgeon. !' Vresh Fiib ii received every Thurs day at Noble's, tf. Phoenix has adopted tv bicycle ordi nance forbidding a rata of speed ex ceeding eight milts per hour. m CO Mrs.B. S. Coffman and daughter contemplate) a visit to New York for "a Stay of a fortnight among relatives. They expect to leave tomorrow. Dr. JW. Farringtoti, the Bitbee Dentist, will be in Tombstone nntil Sunday. Office at Mr. Bastian's, Tenghnut street, tf.' a m . The great register of Cocbiee eonaty ha been printed and a copy it on our ii typographically neat a good piece of work, cud contains the names of 1502 voters. The atreete are being cleared and cleaned by acting Chief Wiser's chain gang. Attention will be giren to all ' parte of town where the work i nee eesafy Mr. Whitelaw Beid, the great Xew York JournalUt, bae rented two reei deocee in this city and will arrir here next Sflonth with his entire family for the winter. Herald. Pheenixeanjiow boast of a Orit- toatoa Htnae -She hu the insane sjlatn, tbeJKcely cure establishment ad tbecapitol. Allof 'these iaititu- tioai art said to be in a prosperous onditioa, "Hark Hannais playing his last ctrd,'' rejaarks a conteHporary. course or is it another UbT Billy Bryaa holds all the hearts asd tiia eyadee and spades art) trusaps this year. Spokaae Chroeicle. ,. X Awarsletf r ttitfrMt Honors WorU' Fair, MOST PEitFECt IKiADS. A fore Oese Oska of . Tartar fewder. aUeaaai jhsf Mftf aQstaMaT S I TIM TABUtj ? uth 'mmmmm ; 8 Ha 1. a J1L i f j . . . j S FJrrt" j E Stttlons g (lM Wly " : Hrt Baaday Sand?' ' t. BUkee At a u T4t 4.0 DanLol. tl.3 to T !.! Packard . ts sjit a.r .;.... wtr list st.i rm Ml M.0 .Cturinton t5"8 I1'9 :m JM;I r ItbMk ... .Lr lt.o loo 0J t7.Lr. rtirtunk Ar 1S.0 VI ..JT. at. A A. CroaJao.. 17.7 tin It . ..Land 15.7 UM ISC fiS.S ntmtlon . t 'HI Beatoa L tl ll.M a. a" r , ziyj? RAILROAD ACCIDENT. Eateiae Teader Jsnps Track ea the S. P. Ike An aold-nt occurred yesterday morning to the west bound Sontnera Paclfio train, fire mile east of Ifail- eopa. which caused m delay ft eereral hours. The forward tracks ( the locomotive and teader jumped the track, and lor ssTeral yards tae Uee and rail! were tors up before the train could be etopped. A wreaking crew was dispatched from Gila -Bead and soon had the traek repaired. Fortunately noone was injured, al though the train was running at a high trae of speed at the time of the ac cident. The Southern Pecitie has been hay ing bad luok on their liae through this territory In the past two aseaths. Sireral wrecks have oMurred, but strange to relate, no lives have been lost in any of the iraashups. Ilia Btlecorttrjr kMrotf klsLUt, Mr. U. Ciillouette, Druggist, Beaver STille,IlL,says:"To Dr. King's Kew Disooverj I owe my life, Was taken with i Grippe and trieo all the phy sicians, but of no avail and was given up and told I conld not live. Having Dr. King's New Discovery in my store I seat for a bottle and began its use and from the first dote began to get bet ter, ami after using three bottle was up and about again. It it, worth its weight in gold. We woa't keep store orhouie without it." "Get a free t talt the 'Tombstone Drug Store. NOTICE To the voters of the city of Tomb elone'at aeenventionof ibe Dtlsgstes of the People's Party of the city of Tombstone. I wat duly nominated a oandidate for the poiiiion ot Mayor of of the city of Tombstone. I hereby decline te run for thi position as buii asts iaterest would interfere with my attending to the duties. Thanking all those wbe hare interested them eelvts tomyelectioa. I am respectfully G. 8, Batckklok. Free Pllla. Send your address to H. E. Buclclen & Co., Chicago, and et a free sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pitt. A tria will convince you of their merits. These pills are easy in action and are panic alarly effective in the cure of constipat on and sick headachr. For malaria and liver troubles, they have been proved in valuable. They are guaranteed to be perfectly free from every deleterious sub stance and to be purehvegetable. They do not weaken by' tbeir action, but by giving tone to the stomach and bowels greatly invigorate the system. Regular size 35c per box. Sold by Tombstone and Bisbee druggists. Tomorrow night the Rpublican candidates are billed for Tombstone. They are all well known to our peo ple, being our neighbors and friends, and the hall should be ailed with peeple to lit ten te what they have to y. A bet was offered last night by a prominent Tombstoner with no takers, of 2 to 1 fur any amount to 1500 that Doran would poll the least total votes of tho 3 candidates for delegate. The bet still holds good if anyone desires to cover it. The Bepublican says the deed of sale of the Arizona" Telegraph com pany's line te the Wttlern Union Tel egraph company was filed yesterday, although the rale .was .consummated several months ago. The Hce in ques tion runs from this eity to Maricopa aad the purchase price was S3,0QO. Aeeordiag to the assessment rolls of the several eouatie, Graham ocuaty ranks first in number ef ealtle, hav ing returned to tbe assessor 85,091; Cochise county cemtt third with' 51, 688; Pima fourth with 51,418; Gils fifth with 50,905; Pinal county la sixth with 24,15. , Several substances, wbote eder ie to western nostrils' eicediBglyrpBg aaat, are highly esteeaaetTia the east as perfumes. In Persia aad Afgaais taa, asafcttida ia-consldered.a 'iKfU perfaase, and many luxurious perseas oarry a quantity of it ia their pockets or in a bag suspended from their -, Ex. a A dispetes was received at the-gov-ernsr'Slc at Pboeaix from Collee tor of Csetems R.m Webb. The tale gram aaid that sallpex bad evokes ut en tha M-xien stele of the Haa a KegalWaad that there wm ao eaai tary iaiepeetor toeated at' the point aad reeetaaae&ded thateae be apaeiaU ed to preveat tbe disease freea spreed ig to the Aaarrkaa aide ef tbe betder. Mark at !, NeoAXM, Oei, , 18W Xo. Paosracroa: Tealgbt Vogalet ia all ossiiemeat agaia. This tlaae not frosa fear but from the kaewlede that oae of tfca ase4 eleea asea that speaks the Xeglisk laagaage ia Ariiona today ia geiag to eddreee Ike people af Nogalee tonight ea tbe po litical issues ia the territory, with the hope of uniting them oa tbe greaad of oommoa interest. The streets are, baaaen ly lag, musio l-layiag and itj oae tell Ug his neighbor that Mark A. laiitk, Arizona' ato-t papular orator, politi cian and aext rt legale to oeagreas. is geing to speak tonight at Marsh's Hall. We feel assured mat Mark A. "atita pceeeaees every Merit that oeali. hope to find ia a wlveaa we wish to represent oar iatereeU ia ike congress of the United flutes. Mark A. Smith dees aot speak far purpose, or wHai the hepe ot preatet iag discord, bat tor the patrietie aad lawful idea i laying the plate facta before the people. This we kaew" he will do tonight, folly, eeatpreheasively aad ooBvlaeingly. "Boxsxa." n Xh SeaMllIcsaiCauillaie. Bxuscw, Oct. 29, 189f. Id pBosracToa: The Kepublicaa county candidates tock this towa fairly by storm today. They held a meet tueoeasful sneetiag last Bight at Will- cox at which many vwters were pree eat. The candidates -were sosaswbat fiatigusd after there leag ride areaed the country and from the further fact that the law prohibits eertoia laaul geoces which lead to eathase the voter aad inspire the eesdidatc, haw- ever, notwithstanding these disadvea- tangtf, the candidates were in good ooadilioo, and iatroduccd to the. audi encc stopped to the treat with, that promptness and speke thei ptoeei with tbe freedom of eoaseieui power. While oae and all rl.d well, Q. W. Swain, candidate for 'district attorney, was distinctively the orator of the evening. George was at his best aad was more than usually aspired Tbe Iowa herb is lull of peeple from the country today who have come to the rally, aad we expeot a rouaiag time tonight. But I'll tell yon a)) about it in my aext. o . "OUR MARK'S" RECORD. It is Uasarptsced by Other Delegate. Ay The following brief synopsis of the record of Marcus A. Smith has "been hunted up by the Videtto asd is taken from the Ooagreuicaai Record :, - "First, the Keoord shows that ha introduced 315 different atcasares.ia tbe way ot bills introduced, aatead ments offered, pcUtiensMd memorials presented, all of w&Ieb, with the ex ception of four, which were in fayor at Utah, were for the benefit of Arizonr., and be was oa tbe floor ef congress 71 different times making speeches ia favor of those measures. One of hie speeches is considered to be the meat xaastaiful effort ever made ia the eouso of silver. "Second, ho pasted the- bill twice through the lower houeC admiUlsrg Arizona to statehod, which eoalaiaed greater appropriatioas thaa those re ceived by Dakota, Idaho, Mcataaa, Wyoming ar Utah, tho territories mentioned ia tho epea letter of Mob Wm. O'Neill. "Third, he passed a bill which gave to tho territory twenty-five tboasaad dollars for the defeat at the Pcralta Koavis lead grant. tbrau(hjwkiVlsLi great fraud -was defeated, IMttt fo survee alone, to give scttlon'aa ,ep pbrtiraity of previag upcasiekUads, $100,000 to pay private Iadiavaaof- datioa claims, acme ei which wore ro- sslvsd by people liviaf ia Piesa Co. today ; 2200 aeier of load for a ' prison farm which. If properly ajcacged, will atake that isstitatioa self' eastoiaiag. tberrby Lttiug a heavy aaaaal bardca feraT ti poopli;'f 10,000 tor a lory ea the Gil rivr, and I500O for tee grvge.iwo wf oool laadt, 'Wbn Arisoaa ic edmiuedtoeteto hood, aader tea bill provided bf -Mr, Bmkh, thee, will his work te preprioriotrof lands aad opboildiag of Aristae baAfobt oae .the tofrilary to It other, aad we will be oae of teaoos proa perouc states ia thoaaioa." ttoaoarly.ttetetooaViat tho eld gskof "the baskbeae ef eaaaatorscH apaarentl btofcoa," ao vtao arebeeomtegobUljr aad oho peaks oa tho rTaschwts wore ooyorod with a at as lie of the bcaaHfal aaov yeetordoyBseralag.. THE GOVERNORS REPORT. Ywluaiaeu Report Fall Stftteetties ef Tho people of Arisoaa are in favor of statehood, cays Uoveraor Benjeaata FraaJtlia la his annual report to eosotory Fraacia. The report is oae ef thoasottTolumlDoas and profusely Ulaetratod received tor years at the doaortatoat. It shows that the total snialag output ef the territory for the year woa 113.976,24. Of this amoost gold acaeogatod $5t9,000, exelutive of abotit foXW.OJO taken by proepectora treat placer miaee aad the total ie a year's iaereeee of 9940,000. The total prodact ef sold, silver and copper ia Arisoaa for twenty years, coding June 3. loot aggregated 9127,160,016 ; cat tle shipatentc from thr territory from Jeaner? 1,199. to Juae 30. 189, rceshed oH9 head. The territorial board returns show a value of taxable VF't7 gained half a millioa during the year aad coascrvativo men claim the astual valualien to be 990,000.000. wm otkbi pirn yeau.- Aa eld. well-tried remedy.- Mrs Window's Boothiag 8yrup has bees used for over fifty years by millions of mothers tor their childrca while teeth teg, with perfect success. It soothes the child, sot teas tho gums, allays all pain, carte wind eollo, and ie the best rmiy tot diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste. Md by druggist in every pert ef tho world. Twenty-five coats a bottles Its veins is incalcu lable. Be cure and sk for Mrs. Win dow's Boothiag Syrup, aad take ao ether kind. VS. A. Kelt, ef Pomona,CaL, had he bd lock te sprain, her .ankle. "I trie dtavcral linimeiitjj" the' says, "but was aot cvred'nnA'l I osed Chamberlain's Pain Balm.' "That remedy cored me and I take pleasure recommendig it and ter.ifying te its aicacy."This ratd idneb also of great value, for rheumatism , lame back, paint, in the chest, pleurisy and air decp-teated aad muscular pains. Flo tale by Drurgit Good tea is extremely food you may not know bow good. Try SchiUmfs Best; if you don't like it your gro cer wiH pay your money back in tulL PUBLIC NOTICE- Tomsstokb, Oct,- as. 1I95 TO. ALL WHOM IT MAY' CONCERN TaLe notice: Tint on the atnYdxr f Seotem- fcef. Ityj, the arm af Haslewocd and Haddr. doing buvnesa at earce. county ot Cochise, A T. mortgagee te Ken H Fitti all tbe suck in trade and panenal propenr of s'd grm, Incltut. ing tae poojc acsoonts, ana fan cm possession of tbe tame, and tbe tune rnoce Ir and book aceeonu were attacbed la tbe suit of P B War ackros. vs Ha:tcood A Huddy This is therefore to warn j .11 persons who "are Indebted to said firm not to pay the same to the s.-4q xiaziesrexi nsaoy, or other of iheso, as nek paysaeat wIJI POtbi recocsUed bytu. P.B.'WARNEKROS. e3-iod , Of rice or tk Mavoa p? tkb Crrr or TOMMTONB, AZIZOMA TatBITOir. Te Wbo It VUj Cnotrn,'Oreetiag: Wheraaa, Under an act ef tbe LegUiuiTe Assesabty ef tbe Territory ef Arizona, entitled "Elecaaot," aoprortd March Sth. A. D, 1M7. aadiacempliance with Section 4. Article of the Ory Charter, a general maniapal election is to be held aa the 3rd Cay of Kvveaber for the pwpeae of electing dry acacers. New, ttortfara. I. Paal a Warsekret, Mayer ethe Utf af Tseabeteae. ia persnaace ef the dy ' issessadepoa je by a realtioa duly swend aad catered apon tbe miantes of tbe Cuaieiia Ceooalef atidcity, hereby order a (eoeral sasBJeiBa esneUao te ae.aeafea the laeaaeranar ue.Brat aaeaaav a, D. jsoi. and dntriietr.lOe usa.a -I seeaasieuevB, le-wa: j Mayer. Ceanefiauta fna To Ward. S-CniertlieiB fr Itnmt WnrC - 4 rrihrOB seeaaJTUed Ward.' 5 Coiiatniii tmm roasta. Ward. 6-Chief of PatieavZr 001 rii atyAwssCr. Oty Tan Canarlnr. QsyLWrsae lax Cot- tteaua uatear. fuac Master asd PTbe lelloalog plttee are dedenatid 0 snU- "trst WafdAdeee boese ao 3d stnet be twee AOraaad Tencbaut streets. iBSDector Mfte ' : Welch. laCln Thee. Tony aad Dai reSar Oerks-Ieia C Lilly BaBot derk-J. tOktat. Dan Carter. aad J. Tracy lescad Word -Cay HaO. lUftt-T. Z.naaigaaaad J. McHah PtO Uerbf-Rftbt Marue aad T. Kid. Freak Eagle.. TbSrd Ward Corner. laiBiatsi Jos. Llppen, joeowe-F. rorla aid J oei NcSaoelac- KttOg Clarke- f. Cberer and 1. W. Raaay. SaBet Clerk The Cowaa. Feotth Ward Prattctiea Hate Heoac. Iaapectar. W. Hobhs. Indfts Was. Cerbeetand H. Salaasa. roKag Ocrbs Dave WWi and A. aaaet Clerb-Mtbe Walsh. o ehatai wetteet I have hertoate set say head, aad ceased the stal of tbe Oty ef Tea. eteeetebetelert tberete, Deo at tfce oty miityty??r (l. bm ytq oay or ucteear. tsae. i ' P. B. WA.NEKR05, liarar. D. K, WaaBWltt, dark. 0-4 Election Froc POL.T1CL. Populist Platformf THE POPULIST TICKET. For Council J. M ATIII AS. ForAuembly P. A. LOFGREEN. G. 8. CKOCKETJ. , '. EKK1CK60K. For Sheriff'. O. J. McCA BE For Treaturer.....A. WENT WORTH. For Probate Judge W.M.FI'.CE, For Recorder GEO. PORTER. Dittriet Attorney JAB. ItEILLY. For Supervisor GEO. W. BRYAN. H SCHMIEU1NG Tbe People's Party of Cochise oouuly in convention assembled this 1st day of October, 1806 make tbe f ollowiog dec laratiotia of principles: 1. We approve and endorse the platform of the National People's Party adopted at St. Louis on July 'J2rd 1890 and most heartily endorse'tbe nomina tion, by the convention, of W J.Brjsa and Thomas E. Watson for president and -vice-president "respectively, and tally approve the action of tbat con vention in refuting to endorse the nomi nation of Arthur Bewail for vice- preei. dent by the Chicago couvention. I 2. . We heartily approve tbe platform adopted by the People's Party ef Ariz-1 out at zrnenix ea august zvtli lsu auU heartily endorse tbe nomioat.on ot Hon. vfm O noil for delegate to congrett aad pledge to him our best effort for his election. 1 3, We denounce as unfit to be trust ed by tbe people, the men thtough whom, the present interest bearing debt of this coonty (about 9200,000 has bees created and we particularly de nounce the system of estoitiou, pecola tion, jobbery, 'corruption and bribery whieh with few exceptione has inhe'red on county offices for sixteen rears, re sulting in a neccestery tax levy of $1.22 on the hundred dollars notwithstanding that the people have every year paid mora taxes than would be sufficient to govern a far larger and more popu lous county if henettly administered. 4. We have placed in nomination for county offices, men chosen from amongst the people, for the toul reason of our belief ia tbair honesty, and fit nesaonthe principle that the effioo should seek the man, carefully avoid 11 z all men cyan remotely connected witu former tax eating and county awiad- j lingi 5. If oor candiates or any of" them J should be elected, wa promise to waloh them ana use oor best endeavors to see , that they serve the people faithfully and honestly without extortion, fraiulj or oppression,' and that they do aot de-1 generate into county ringttert, and, plundering officials, aad if thry ahoqld I ao degenerate we promise to be first to 1 expoee intra, 6. We favor statehood for Arizona ', at tna earnest pott) bit date, but under tbe conttitntion adopted ao-called Democratio convention five years ago, as we believe it to be a bootT lers constitution, specially mannfastur ed in tbe interests of bouea, ringsteia and tax caters,' and we therefore .earnestly urge onr delegate! o coo greet tc introduce an enabling act, to that the people may form a constitution that will not be a disgrace" to this, and a greiviout burdtn to incccding geaer atitat, 7. Wo oondemn tbe practice of ter ritorial and connty officers, in soliciting or receiving, railroad passes, at we consider all such favors, aa incompat ible with independent and impartial perfprmaace of daty. 8. We invite the eo-operation and eseiastaneo of all honest citizent regard Ices" of pipy who favor an honest ad atiniotration of county and territorial alaira ia the interest ot all the people. Gladness Comes "Uieha better aaderatanding- of tbe TT Tmaeii nl mitnre of the many phys eal tsts nbiib tbiiIsTi before proper ef jste gtptaeta'iati pleaxanteffortt : ,-bUy JuicmX There to comfort ir '! h-BowIede. that so many forma o tVtknettaro not doo to any actual di iaa of the system, which the pleaeaeJ, JiUy laxative. Hympof Figs, promise; j remores. a nar, is war njuieonE remedy with millions of families, asc.3 every where catcemed so highlybT who value good health. Its beaet'M etTects are due to the fact, tbat it la acta remedy which promotes later: cleanliness without debilitating ' , enreaa oa which it acts.- It is theref .'a ail Important, ia order to get its bene Bcael effects, to note when yon pn ; shstr that you have the genuine all ele, which a manufactured by the Ca' foritie TbySymp Co. only and sold b 01 reputable druggists. " If to the enjoyment of good healC' aad the system 'is regular, laxatives o etaor remedies are then aot needed. I rf -- with any actual disease, on" Baey be commended to tbe most aldlU Bhyaseia&s, but'if in need -f a laxatir', eao should have the best, and with C ' Sl-hrfermed ererywhero, Syrep , letoads blgheat and ie "o29P I aad gives roiW general aaafacOoB. .9BBaaaaaaaaaV ' -BBaaaBaBWaBBW iBBBBaBaaBBBk. "" aaaar 1 F 'bbbbb.btbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb BBBBWy BBBBBBW OBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbI B 5 "Baamal Baaaaaaaaa ' y pjyp ?? I; crIaaa,e. JOSEPH CORNER FIFfH AND PIONEER DEALER IN General Merchandise. Miners - and Ranchers Supplies; -Mr$i J;" "yft- m SViFl M&M..M FANCY Improved 1 Agricultual Implements, -"i mu&; iv Windmills fwwno Wagons A.00- '&&; '' ; -' ::. -: , '. v.a: . ;. " "" ' -"rs:- . :.;nif9ifcifi "' r'..f '".'.' . Kill -! f . a. Soldtn,nceR That JOS. PIONEER STORE EverytbingIn6ur Line is First .Class HOEFLER. FREMONT STREETS. - STOp. ',-;tiU.5 ' && ' Jisnts and Wagon Covers. s- .jjjtaiast-j v, V-.' i'F88 FAMfl,! MM- -XT t t ) -j 4-fti" "' it TT15t:-: a - tf and GooUs T Defy Competition HOEFLER. s -' TMBSTAMeUW, tmjg.'W:i - -f