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fiW .x iST.- "; - 4 vV$ T TOMBSTONE Jr r f v s OUR WATOHWORD----"OOOHISE COUNTY FIRST, THE'WORLD AFTERWARD. VOL. X TOMBSTONE. ARIZONA SATURDAY EVENING. OCTOBER 3j.;18q6 No. 31 &i - - THE PROSPECTOR - JHLILY PROSPECTOR. City and County Official Pjtp!r PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING lExcuiTSuxruv) BY Wo. Hattich E'l tor and Propiiclor. Fremont St. Opposite City Hall The PaOsPECToa will not hold Itself nspon tlble for any of the artkte or sentiments rx pressed by any of it correspondents. Entered in the Tombstone rostoffi-e as Second Class matter. PKOFESSIONAL CARDS. AMES RE1LLY. ATTORNEY AND I Cownse'orat Law. Land and Mining ' cscsaspecUltv. Tombstone. A rliona. W xt f STAkfll.n. ATTORNEY AT- La and Notary Public Tombstone Arizona. G EO. W. 8WAIN, ATTONEY AT 1.vr. Wdlnrjctioelnallcou-tsof the Territory. Tombstone Arizona. OS. CLARK, ATTONEY AND COUN selor at l-a'w. Offvw on Fourth Street, betweei Allen and Toughnut, Tornb Wilt pracfce in all the courts of the op. CHARLES GRANVILLEJOHNsTON Attorney and Counsellor at Law and Notiry Pubhc. aa7 Fremont street bet. 4th and 5th streets. A member o: the Bar of the Supreme Court -M the lemtoiy. and iU practice in any ef the courts therein. WENTHWORTH COUNTY RB corder and Abstract Office. Abstracts of ttle to real estate and mines turn shed promptly and acurateiy. Complete tran scripts. Office in Court House. Tombstone. O' E. ALVORD. JUSTICE OF THE Peace. Office on Allen St: bet. 3d & ath Tombstone. L. KOSK A, . USTICE OF THF PEACE Office on 4th St. bet. Allen ana Tocghnut, Tombstone. Ha GORDON. M. D. PHYSICIAN AND Surgeon: OSce ad;uiniog his residence on ath street. Call attended at aU hours day and night. FC EARl E. ASSWER AND META luetal laboratory. 6ffice No 319. Fremont St. ouposite C3tr HalU THE ORDERS. F &. A M. KING SOLOMON LODGE NO. s Meets third Saturday in each month. XMimg brothers cordially inrited to at- ecd. i h Mcpherson, w.m . A L GROW Secretary. : R. A M. OOCH1SE CHAPTER NQ. 4 MEETS third Wednesday in each month. Vis itins Companions cordii'ly inrited to at tend. TOM LOWRY. H. P. A. WENTWORTH Secretary. , . P. O. S. OF A. W ASHINGTON CAMP NO 1 MEETS 1st Friday een'ng in each montn. vis liinf Comrades cordially inrited. J. W. CLARK, President. L. GROW. Secretary. A. O. U. W. T OMESIONE LODGE NO 3. A. O U, w meet 1st ana OT inursaay in eacn montL". Visiting brothers credially In- Thed. W. D. ROBT. BESTM. MONMONIER Recorder. W. K- OF P- ARIZONA LODGE KNIGHTS OF Pythias No 4. meets ereryist and 3rd Monday's in each month. V siting brothers coruaUy ranted A. H. EMANUEL, C. C. W. D. MO.VMONIER. K. of S. ROIECTION HOSE COMPANY NO 3. meets lirst Snnday in each month at their hose boose n the corner ol Seventh and Fremont streets, opposite the school hocse. Wil. CASRETT. Foreman, TOM MITH Secretary, RESCUE" HOaE COMPANY MEETS First Survdjv is each month a) Gly Hal! Fremont street. J. V VICKEkS, W ENTWORTH-Sccty President J, N. McDONOUGH. Foreman, ENGINE COMPANY NO 1. MEEIS Uu Sunday in ea h mon h at hose boue on the corner tToahnut and 5th street. JOaEPH UPPEKl ro.emn HENRY DUNKER. Secretaiy. Wanted An agent m erey settion to can vass $4 to is a dUy mide; sells a; sight: also a man to sell staple eood to dealers lt side li v, J75a rro' th. Sultry or large comrmssioo maae; experience unnecessary For scaled particulars send stamp. Chftn Soap te Manufacturing Coropioy, CiDcicniti. Ohio. Union WATER WORKS. F. CALVES, Prop. rompt Service. Water per barrel, 25ct Per backet, 5 cts. Special Rates to Families Leave orders with wagon. iBisus f Si JX? b"i" Owjm a4. diCiarrrtfrna U rtvy w m E-IE,iriT-TI i"""rl I ' Ulji - r r -m. n'irti j.rTy jnrK, POLITICAL, Democratic Platform. THE DEX0CHAT1C TICKET. For Council... ..',V. A.l'AiJKARD. Fbr Assembly J. M. MEKUILL. J. N. JONES. J. J. BIGG. For Sheriff. SC01T WHITE ForTreoiurer... .A. WENTWORTH. For Recorder M.J. BRO VK. DUtrict Attorney A.R. ENGLISH. For Probate Judge S. A. D. UPTON. For Supervisor J.ilcPHERSON. L.SHATTU01C For Surreyr LeH Vacant The Democratic party . oi Cochise county, Arizona, in coivention assem bled, hereby reaffirm our belief in and allegiance to tbe time honored principles of Democracy, and do unqualifiedly en dorse the Democratic Rational Platform adopted in Chicago, and Democratic territotial platform a. adopted ot Wil liams, and the national and territorial ticket, and we congratulate the people that alter the most strenuous attempts to subvert those traditions and princi ples, by thoe high in power and in the interests of the money ltnders of Eu rope, the Democratic party has risen tn its might and cast out such traitors and has forced them into the party of plutoc racy, corporations, and assassins of labor headed by Mark Hanna and his gang, where they properly belong, and where tbey are receiving the "hearty support and co-operation of every monoply and coriup'.iomst in our country. We congratulate ourselves and the whole people that every industrial soci ety and all parties which sincerely he lieve in our government returning to the money of our fathers and tbe Consti tution, are with us today in this mighty struggle for the emancipation of sixty millions of white slaves from the cor rupting influences of gold monometal lism, and that there is every reason to believe from the signs oi the limes, that tbe machinery of this government will again soon be placed in the hands of the people. , We believe the free and unlimi ted coinage of silver is tbe paramount and overshadowing principle of tbe present campaign, an i that no person should be elevated to office or position of power who does nit believe in such free coinage by oar own government, without waiting for the consent or. as sistance of other nations for we charne that it was the corrupting influences in Europe whiebforced upon its people gold monometallism and therby reduc ed the wage earners to serfdom; and the same people who wrought such havoc there, are attempting to do the same thing here, and to our sorrow, ihey have panally succeeded; thereby reducing the majorty of our own people to finan cial slavery, and impoverishing every producer of wealth in the United States. The contraction of the currency, of our country, by the demonetization of silver was the most gigantic and heinous crime ever perpetrated on any people in the history of tbe whole world; and those responsible forit are traitors to freedom and Republican institutions, and tho'se who would now seek to maintain the present miserable condition of our own people by the maintenance of the pres ent gold standard when the present op por unity is offered in an xpansin of currency for the alleviation of the suffer ings oi humanity, are parties to that great crime, in sympathy with the influ ence which seeks 10 establish on the mins of our government a plutocracy; or, they deceived and misled by the glittering falshrods circulated by the enemies nf the people the money changers of the east. We pledge oar party that every nomi nee of ihi ennvf ntion is a free silver man th end"re every sentiment of this p'a'form, and we ask the endorse, mr nt of their candidates by-tne-people and we pledge to the people a more economical administration of territorial and county affairs than has characterized our government for the past two years and that no more revenue shal' he railed by taxation hm U requ red for the mamtainanceof our county government eronnmi'-aliy administered, and that the revenue raised shall not he diverted fbr and other purpose than the strict admin istratirn o' county government. In ask ing the co-operation of the people, we pledge an efficient, honest and economi cal administration. DEMOCRATS. C andidates who are te be Voted for on November 3rd Scott White, tbe nominee for nher iff, has terved tbe people in that oS cial capacity 1 ace before nd Itmm iMord ef btiag a bm( ftarleM b4 POLITICAL. faithful officer; obligiug, courteoiu and popular, ha has never been known to flinch when called upon to do bli duty. A. Wanlwortb, the candidate for treasurer, baa beri a resident of Goeliii county for 14 year, and for tbe'pait ftor year fa a filled tbe office of recorder with credit to himself and tatidaction to tbe people. He haa held poilion of trust and much money has been entrusted te bla care. M. J..Brown, ot BUbte, tbe nomi nee for recorder, I a most tuecttt Jul business man, petseaiinjc the ability to ably conduct tbe duties of that office, and as its custodian tbe rscotds would be carefully and neatly kept. A. P.. English, aiptrant for tbe hon ors of district attorney, has filled that position for four years and made a most favorable record. He it. a man of ability whose knowledge of the law is surpassed by few of tbe Arizona bar. lie has a lucrative practice which (peaks volumes for hi attainmtnta in legal talent and efficiency. S. A. D. Upton, tbe probate judge nominee, is a young man ot rare intel lectual endowments, and haa been a resident ot tbe county for a number of year, lie Has lntsresiea nircseu 10 chool matters and is iu every way qualified for the various duties of tbe office to which be aspirer. In tbe selection ot supervisor great care was exercised to select repre sentative men, men who had been successful in tbeir own affairs, men wbe are thoroughly competent to administer tbe public affairs of this county and guard tbe welfare of tbe people and carefully expend tutir money, so as to do the most good Jo the greatest number, and when Lem Suatluckvand Jos. McPherton were selected all this waa secured. B. A. Packard reneminated for the territorial council iVone of the best known men in the county, it one. of tbe heaviest taxpayers and has done much to advance tbe in tore its of his county. He served witbcredit in the last legislature and through, bis in strumentality many good bills were placed on the statute books. Tbe candidate for the assembly, J. X. Jones of BUbee, J. C. MerrilJ of St. David and J. J. Rigg of Brannock are representative men who have many friends and in everysense well qualified to fill ths 'honorable posi tion. The people could rest assured that the county interests would be in safe banda and will- be 'guarded and watched with utmost vigilanoy. The following are:the dates forthe Democratic meetings throilghouljthe courifyT WillcoOct.26. Pearce, Oct. 27. Tombstone, Oct 28. Bisbee, Nov. 2. . v . Mark Smith will speak at the above places onljtbe dates named. Tai Collector's Kotice Notice Is hereby fins that the duplicate asseumest roll ol the CejBStf ef Cochiseisnow in my possession for the collection ot taxes lev led for the year ItoS la said county faxes will become delinquent oa tbe 3d Monday in Deseraer 189. and unless pud before that dtle a penalty of five per cent wi be added thereto, Payment may be mads at, ray cSe in th county court house at Tombstone, dunnf ofice hours 9 a m to ia m and 1 to 5 p m, J WICKERS, Treasurer and Ex-Ofida Tax Collector J Coctuae comcty rjoSstw,OSJbira5.1; so POLITICAL. fiplcaii Platform- THE HEl'UJSLWAX TICKET. For Council . V. P. LOKQ. For Assembly: .'. . J.V."FA'RIUNGTO.V f. J. CASTANADA, . JVM. SPEED. For Sheriff....'. F.E.CAUWELI For Treasurer C.l-.CUMMINGS. For Recorder E. W. PERKINS? For Probate, Judge. .W.F.BRADLEY. District Attorney G. W. SWAIN. For Supervisor T. C. AMSDEN. JOHN MONTGOMERY For Surveyor. ..'. WC.TVLER. Tombstone, Ariz., Oct. 8th, 180G. Mr. CiuiaMAN: W, your commit tee, respectfully submit the following resolutions for the consideration of the cdnontion:" . R-o1vm1, That we' most heartily eudurcti the principles of the Republi can pvty as enunciated by those great leaden LTdcoId, Seivaid and Chase and that we pledga ourselves to maintain and support the doctrine of the" parly "as tel torlh by. them. And we especially call tbe attention of the people of tbe land' to the advice given to the nation. iu bis-farewell ad drees by that patriot, soldier and talesman' George Washington, as it is of particular significance at thfe timr, and'theee are the words: "Be ware of-loreign influence, as tbe most baneful foe of a Republican govern ment." We therefore condemn, and rrjrctas un-American and an worthy of acceptance, any suggestion ot tub mitting anything opperiainiiig to American affaire to a foreign confer ence,, believing that wo-arc fully able to dtfend our country and piotect ourelve. , We approve of a tariff tbal will give American labor a just return, and furnish a tereutie that will maintain our, government, and also provido a inking-'fund for the redemption ot our-naiioDal,iadeb'edaet. We approve" of a law of reciprocity that will add to our commerce and furnish a market for our surplus pro- ducts. We insist that Arizona be. given the rights of statehood, and we demand tnis as aright and net as a favor. - We demand a restriction of immi gration under proper laws, and that more care ihonld be observed in- sd-1 muting people to our ibo'res, and that none should le;given tbe rights of citizenship until they ore fitted to ex ercise tbe same. in an intelligent man ner. We are opposed to the Appropri ation ol--ny xl the public fund for sectarian purpcuti, and we claim that every expenditure of publio moneys should be for public purposes only. We pledge ourselves to nominate only honest, intelligent and ' capable men for the various offices to b voted for, and when so nominated, if possi ble, to elect them. REPUBLICANS. r if: ' r . ltr - Candidates who are to be Votec fur November 3d. Wm.P. Long, the Republican nom inee for trie council, is a man well and favorably. knpw4n to juost cf-the voters of Cochise county. Be will, if elected, serve the people faithfully, and the county's interests would be safe in his bands. Mr.' Long is apromioet mem ber of the G. AR., K'nigbts of Pythias and kindred societies. Speed, of Willcox, who haa bees nominated for thearaemblyby the Republicans, is young, man( telling worth and One whom 'fb voters of this' county can vote for with the assurance that he will, if chosen to represent them, do all in hi newer to legislate for tbe interest of the. H. F. CaeUnada, of Benson, also IOL1TICAL. cao'didate for the ascetnly"is a young aud prosperous merchant of that town. 'The voters of this county are assured that, if he is elected, he will devote tne same careful attention to the affairs of' the 'county' and' territory tbfttjoiijhaa given., to-his, own business. Dr. J. W. Farnngton, of HUbee.wbo has been chosen by tbe Republican party apne of its nominees for the aisembly, id also a young man. who however, is not to be blamed for his youth. He is a auccessful practitioner of dentistry, and u well known throughout the county. A vote for Farrington is a vote for good govern ment,. r . - F. E. Cadwel), the nominee for sheriff, is an old resident of the county. Ho is thoroughly familiar with the duties of theeffice, having served as un Icr'sheriCr during the pretent ad ministration aod would make an efS- e'ent officer. 0. L. Cummings the nominee for county treasurer, is a mau,well known for his honesty aud integrity. He is a successful butinei man and thor oughly competent to bxik after the county's funds. Mr.Cummings has served the people in office before and has fulfilled every trust reposed in him. He is a heavy taxpayer and has all his interests in this county. W. F. Bradley, the old Republican war horse and. present incumbent, is gain seeking the ofHce'of probate judge. Judge Bradley has long en joyed the confidence of the people and is well qutlified to conduct tbe affair 01 his cftice. For district attorney G. W. Sain, the present incumbent, is again the nominee. He has saved the count) many times from bi ing imposed upon by rapacious peons who have tiled to collect exhotbitant bills. He performed his. duties faithfully and has been rewarded by a renomiuatlon at the bands ot his parly. E. W..P.rkius of Tombstone is the Repubhcan nominee for Recorder. He is we'l and favorably known all over the county for his sterling worth and is a man well fitted to assume the du tit's of the office to which he aspires. Fur Supervisors, the .Republican party ptides itself in the nomination of John Montgomery and T. C, Amsden. Johd Montgomery, who is familiarity known as "Honest John" has served tha people long and faith fully as a supervisor. T. C. Amsden is a new man before th people but an old resident of tbe county an'o a property holder of Bisbee where be resides and enjoys the confidence and respect ot all who know him. For county surveyor the Kepubli cans have nominated W. C. "Tyler of Biebee. The duties of this office at present consint principally in the ability to bold up' the title but the people in be assured that Mi, Tyler is fully capable of handling any work xhich might come up in or about the county. Farrington, Speed, and Castenada'j ; are a strong team and will be hard to eat. They are young, vigorous and : re safe men for the assembly. Hrauley, Cad well, Cummings, Swain .nd Montgomery have been tried and o found wantinK. Long, Perkins Yinedenand Tyler are new mea'bn 'ill fulfill every confidence reposed in them by the people and are deserving of support. The following are the dates for the Republican meetings throughout the county: Pedrce, Oct. 26. jWillcox, 0"ct27. . SanSimoK, 28. -' Benson, 29. Tombstone, 31. . RgnuDlican I 1 Bisbee, Nov. 2. j J Highest of all in I.eavcsiis;' BSOWTELY PURE LATEST NEWS A Cyclone Sweeps Over Oklahoma. , MUCH DAMAGE IS DONE. iteed in Santa Rosa The Two College Hoodlums are Expelled. GRAVE TS NOT LOCATED Guthrie, O. T., A cyclone swept over tbe country about twenty milea east of here nt 7:30 last night, dovast- ing a district Several 'miles long and a hundred yards wide. The farm houee of William Toby was destroyed aud Toby was probably fatally iujurcd. The Mitchell poetofficn and store was lifted bodily into the air, carried a hun dred yards and dashed to the earth. Th building was smashed iuto splint er and rojtmaster Mullen and wife kille I. Tlie farm house or Abncr Jones was also wreckeJ and many smaller building were destroyed, trees uproot ed and crop ruined. Rumors are cur rent that the storm did friglilful dam age further northeast. Several persons were killed, but no particulars are ob tainible. Dafjas, Tex,, Undertaker -Ed C Smith referring to the ip-cial from Waco, which says that the mother of of the late Ex Speaker Chatles K. Crip i buried in that city, said: The father of tbe late speaker died in Dallas in 1873, and was buried in the old city censtery. Ssvernl years ago Mr. Oriip wished to erect a monument over his father, but thegrave had' been fo neglected tbat it could not be found and it haa t.o-.lo this day been located. Kasta Rosa, Cal., Thomw B. Reed was greeted by an immense audience here today. He expressed a high sense of appreciation for such a fine aud ieuce, and said he would appeal to reason not to passion end prejudice. . Chicago, Louis J7 Hauchett snd Chauneey C. .Foster were expelled yes terday from the business college at which they were students. They are the youths who threw eggs at Bryan and were released by tbe pol'ceyester day.atBryans r quest. Neither of thesa were present when Principal O. M, Powers announced their expnlion to 250 students ot the institution. Tbe annouacement was received in silence. a m i NOTICE. " - .To the voters of tbe eity of Tomb stone at a convention ot the Delegates of the People's Party of the city ot Tombstone. I was duly nominated a candidate for tbe poaition ot .Mayor of ot tbe city of Tombstone. I hereby decline to run for tb'poeitioa as busi ness interest would interfere with my attending to the duties. Thanking all those wha have interested thetr telve to my election. lam respectfully C. S. Batch-slab. tOWer. Latest U.S. Gov't Report ITi:S. AKKIVVI. COCHIfE O. Sn tlgrasr. Ranch. W. Rbe, " " C. W. Ulabkburu, BisUe. sas jose. " - - Mrs E J Rcberlf, Rauoh.-r - -" JakeSivlz, San Francisco. -L. Bishop, " i alace. ' Thop. H. KiUerry, Phenix. ARLINGTON M. A. Smith, Pearce. Frank Cox, " " D. IT. Armstrong, Grand Rapida. V. C, Gray, San Francisco. C. H. Martin. Lo Augeles. THE L.AlIi:s. The nleatant efTert .mil nrf-i cr.i.r with wliich ladies may use Srup of Figs under all conditions makes it their favor ite remedy. To get the true and Genu ine article, look for the name of the California Fig Syrup Company, printed near the bottom of the package. For sale by all responsible druggists. FAIRI1AM DEPARTMENT GEO. G.McGEE, Prop. Fairbanks : Arizona, Headquarters for visitors from Tomb stone end surrounding country. Be3t of wines liquors and cigars always on hand. PAY THE EXCHANGE A VISIT tf. A. DEMARTINI; GENERAL MERCHANDISE. A full line of GR00ER1ER, PROVISIONS, CIGARS' AND TOBACCO. PAIKBAXK. ARIZONA. FairM Restaurant Fairbasc, A. T. MRS. K. HARRINGTON, Prop.' Chagres Reasonable. Parties going- from Tombstone to Bisbee will hive ample time for dinner before the train arrives. Table Supplied With the Best. GIVE IT A TRIAL. GUfVI i&XEY, VEGETABLES. FRUITS, 1 CTATOES ONIONS, ETC Fresh Callfrvnia Jruh receivederery day ly express. Everything sold at lowest rale. Goods delivered tree to ail oari ct eily. Fish Received Every ' Thnrrday. jsrotaL SeaVil poposab win Lrrcnrived br ihe boar.l of smmcr of Pochi-e county for the boiH 10 cfatiaochil at Rati acccnErc to tlu plans and spconcaticnt adopted l,y tbe board Bidders cm obuin a!( thr lurthcr necessary informatics t ite'.toreot tbe board of super, visors at Tombstone, or frcm J S Willbnu, chairman of ih t.rd at Bisbee, All bids must befi!ed ith the clerk of the board on or before a p jh November 6 1S96 lhe Hoard resent th .k, . .: . all bids, "i"""f" A. WENTWOKTIT, ByWAIUtwooD, nrk' DepmvJOcrk w FAIBffiEICMGE W.