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t gesawea TOMBSTONE PROSPECTOR PUBLISHED EVEKY EVENING (8dxdit Excotkd) I-T Wa. Mich. Editor and Proprietor. tsetkocrlstUom BatN. OaoTou ...UO 00 tixJMoalha 00 Three-Month 3 00 OaeMonth. 100 Delivered by Carrier (or 25 casts fr week. CITY AKD CUUSTY OFFICIAL PIPES mmmamammmmMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmsmBssmssst WhatlraWeHBreFw?1" 1 ci FREE COINAGE id to 1 -1 SPSWVTV SsVTOmwXsVSfSSx'', TEE EUI OR THE MON?' Tbbmtosv or AmizoxA. Kxacurtys Ortics ToaH whom U may concern-; Wkukas aader an act of the Legislative A My of the Territory of ArUon. entitled Bectsona" approved March la. is provuea mat were sniu t Mia. throughout full For President and Silver: W. J. BRYAN, of Nebraska. For Vice-President. ARTHUR SEWALL, Maine. For Delegate, "OUR MARK" VSBEB WHICH H.A? "Wc are unalterably opposed 10 tbc single fold standard, we de mind the immediate restoration of tbi ret and irallmited coinage f (aid and silver at the present lezal ratio of 16 to x, without wait ing lor the aui or con Mat or of any other na tion. We denun d that the standard silver dot larehall beafuU legal tender, equally with rold. for all debts lie or prirate. and we favor such legislation as will prevent the de- moneaiatioa or any kind of legal tender money by private con- plat form, Chicago. 'We are unalterably opposed to every meas ure caicuutea 10 ucoase our currency or impair tne credit 01 our coun try. We are therefore. opposed to. the free coinare of stiver except by international agree ment wita inc leaaina rrrnimrrct nations of the world, which we Dltdee ourselves to nromote. and tatil such agreement can be ob- lainea. tne cimu( gold sucdard must be preserved. Republican p'atforn,St, Louis, June IB. 1S96. Xbe campaign thus Jar baa proven what is most desired by kit that ofno jandaliagiog or personalite. The , candidates who refrain from such un gentlemanly tactics and lay their claims for the suffrage of tbe voters on merit only are entitled to.lhe esteem and respect of eTeryone. From the expression upon our evidently here for neither but as for us friends fkce..hi ii WE. ARE .HERE FOB. BOTE. ;ju We are handling XTEL.AJNTi: SrtT ALLS SOAP Which for easy and perfect washing , cant' be, beat. Every corporation doing business la the United Slates, if it thought it could pay its employes in 53-csnt dol lars, would be in favor of free coin age ef silver. Bat they knew full well that there will be no such money. Therefore wages and employment will increase. Everybody says,'Xjriihit was over," Yes, the publio will draw a sigh of re lief when tha election is over, and Bryan elected; when the sidewalk orators quit talking and the fever beat Of political excitement has thoroughly subsided. Hen have been so engross ed with the themes at issu that they have f crgotton to pay their "bills or attend to business or home affairs. Cotioiene - Cottolene - Cottolene. That perfection for shortening. purpose!.. is giving general satisfaction We have if in 3, 5, and 10 Pound Pails tba Territory, on the Tuesday after the la November A.1D, its; and every two year thereafter,' an election for incmbrrs of tha Logitlativ Assembly, and such uhcr nSsntrs.aa, aball be dttossei soon olectioa. ,- AmdJWhiss U Is -further provide larsald Act that at least thirty 4a )rs betore cachcencral eleatloa toe . Gorsrnar -must. lilts a. Ktoettai rVoclsanttwi. nadorthe great seat of ths'Ter ritory. and traaimft cosies thereof to the Clerks of la Boards of Supervisors of thi counties in wUchs-sca elections are to be held: Suchpro- contais a stalsmoat of tha time of Ktfeo eiretjoa.Jand'tne eSicesilob Bliei,. uU tha ofer. of a raw ard is th (ona prescribed Now Thuiiou f. Beaiamin I Franklin. Governor of Arisonaia pursuance of the duty ewjjfaed VPa tsadoJaercbT ordra general ksctna to neia oa ice tucsoar aitcr tne first Monday la November A D 196, and ,1b eestobeiHed'et such election I do herebj rlaalgiin to he as faOowi ta-wtu "", 'Oneoclefata to, the ijlh .Congre(s,f,Vbe UskoaStaMa, - Twehre members of the Coanca fthcLecis Uttve Asaembly of Alisons. , Twenty-four saembers of the Hoase ofrepra- saatativws of the LajUlstive Assembly afAritona aafonieaosVagreeably t JesistinU laws as fallows towns-' . w .1 . KVKIU r4 MDMltt or uuaxsjf cr r mlmbsju or coomu council. -vHovia Apache t i x 1 I 3 t 1 x . a 1 4 X X X 1 4 - x a i i" Aad. there shall ha elected la each county of the tetritorv; oue Probate ludce; one. District Attorney; on Sheriff; oae Treasurer; one Hecor. dr: oae Survcorer: two members of the 'Board f SuDcrnsars: exceot la tbc coaotr of Navsioe where there shall be elected three members of the,Boid of Soperybon; and in each of'ths caonts where the office of Tax collector has not been, consolidated with the office' of Sheriff or Treasurer, oae Tax Collector eaaU be s elect td. Also la the several preencu of each couaty. oae Justice wf tha peace, one Coastablevand la such TVvHnrta am fltlltlcrf to two lllsliccs of the 1 Peace and two Constables, that number shall he elected. ... AXDlDoHKXXtt oBer a reward of s -for the arrest and cenvtcticB of aavaadsvery per- soa rialalwg' aay of the provisioas of title 4, part x of the, Peaai . Code. lis Wrrxkss Wkskzop I have . hereunto set my haad and ceased the treat teal of (suu.) the Terltaryto hohereaito affixed this joth, day of September ,A- X. ' IS56 ", Dext. AT Phoucx. the Capital this 30th day of September. 1(96. By the Governor, f- BENJAMIN J. FRAKL1N CHAJtLES U.. BRUCE. Secretary of Asuana, Valbg ruce. SI Itt1d BEKSJS Votiiut rteiiK.t No 10 'Inspector. C W Br, an Iuicea, H Gerweio, Wa Ohncstvfao ilarshall, Wm hoover BiUot Oik. WmZeek and AJ Ddahanty Vottag Place. Benson - TkESALAMOS Votinf Prrclnct. No it Inspector. E M Doobar lutdfes. A Urijtlba. J C McCotmkk Marshall.) D Allen lljjlot C erks. Miicus Pchtcs aid E Duabp Votlsg Place, Tres AUnios MOL't k.scn Votiag Preciuct. No la latpector, J K Bianseu Iudites, MKobes. Blas5anchrs larshall. RIdwid Ko. BoCot Clokv - Bobaa and A Sosa Voting Place, Pool's Ranch Sl'SSr.l.VII LB Voting Prrcinct, No 13 Inspector, Wm Pourr ludgf s, A H Weio. Asa Walker Marshall. DAcUms BaUot wl.tks, W A rieg. aad Chas Haider. 1 - Z Wwffww'!fWltf9 Voting Place W A Fieje's Cochbo .... Graham. Maricopa Uahav ltt!:r.:::v: PJaal Yavapai,,. aa.. &&&&&& PIONEER Carriage i Blacksmith Voting Precinct, No 14 Inspector, W R McCoreb ludf s. Otto Moore. T Marks. Marshall. S B Apple Billot Clerks. Wm Speed and L V Mc Court Voting Place, WUlcox .DOSCASCZAl WE are well.supplied with prepared goods of all ldndi for use during this hot weather consisting wof Soma of the catechism that Is pro rogated for political purposes about the county will have about as aaaest effect on the voter as the following which wa. submit: Stand up Jimmy Smith . If a jack knife cost 50 cents in Bisbee how znueh will a pound of wool weigh in Tombstone? X give it op. If bean cost 17 cents per pound as the Saa Padro what is the average life ol a pot hoaiepoIitieanT Ask me something easy. If brains ara a necessity is rtutaiag a newspaper why don't mors people have mors brains and run soars news papers and make more money and quit shouting? Boned Turkey, Boned Chicken, Boast Turkey, Bout Chicken, Sardines of all; kinds, Canned -Soupi -in. variety,- Fnnch.EnelishandAmencanltackeral in cans, Brook Trout in either Tomato or Mustard sauces, Deviled -Turkey, Chicken, Tongue, and Ham,, Ham burger Eels in Jelly, 'Boston Baked Beans plain or vr Tomato Sauce; Ant?-- many other Goods too Jiumerous to mention. Also in regular Holland,1 Iaim&uigejand American .Cheese. NOTICE. By the Board af Supervisors f.Cochise Co. List of KLectioa Precincts, Inspectors. Judies, Marshalla and Ballot Clerks of Election in and for the Couaiy of Cochise, Territory of ArUoaa as prarkled for the sncral election to be held November jrd. I Bon, -TOMSSTONK. Vonae Prtdaet N I Inspector. T. N Wolectt. Judees. W. R. King. lake Trow.bridge.,. i:HshalI.loha,KyV ,-.. BanoOerkJ, Jhoa-JLcwj.JaBd: Q ftR. Vlmg pif y, Tv.. . Voting Precinct No. s-. I .Jrupector. w. jsnarw Jirfe, W. H.TM,2-$r Penia. rirha. Ben faaes, ; rl15lJK--0'VRealw41T,'-W, Wallace, "Votngt,iac,BUbe. f suuteroan. Two I,lTe Ssred. Mrs. Phoebe Thomas of Junction City 111., was told by her doctors she had con sumption and that there was no hope for her, bat two bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery cured her, and she says it saved her life. Mr. Thos. Eggers, 139 Florida St., Sin Francisco, suffered from a dreadful cold, approaching consump tion, tried without result everythror else' then bought one bottle of Dr. Kiag's New Discoverp aed ta two weeks was cared. He is naturally taiakfeL. It is rBch results, of which there are samples that prove the wonderful cftcacy at tbc CBcdiciae in coaghs aad colds. Free trial bottles at Tombstone and Bisbee drag Mores, Regular size 50c aad S1.00 9 sm."5 v. 4 r iw Jon't Forget that we are sole agents lor Tombstonaod , vicnityjor. ". , t , Cte & Sita'ii SeaiBraa- Cwi-s. - ,(Mjt. ar ef Xi iSr"- '-'l US. A. Kell, of Pomona, Cl, hadi thebd lack to spratn her aakle. "1 wriedaeveral liaiaieuts," she says, "hot , Passat cored snail I ased CnaWJherSaiw' laia Bate. ' That remedy caead sac aad ttake pleasare recommewdssg k aad estifviagta its ftatcy." This ed iriaeit ako af ffreatvalaeer rheamatisai.Iajae hack, aias;in tbc chest, pJearisy aed ah deea ssslsd aad tasscnlar asiar. Ft 'amwmwVs4S4mwmwBv SSSSSnfifSmaOMwmwmwr -f BswBSSSSeaesfTmwSSw V0B0B0BmBs?-B'b mwmwmwCjBS7u)lwmwm -.Tjw"!mwfl 'a " e jsT" lasas Voting Precinct, No S5 - Inspector. P 1 White ludges. P A Boyer. Chas NobSc VfarshalL lames cow Ballot Cle-ks. W T Cooper and S Porters Voting Place.i Dos Cabcias BOWIE STATIOM Votiag Precinct. No it Inspector. U W-Wickersham Iodces I H Tevis. W P Ktlsey larshatl.K-L.Shaw, Ballot Clerks. G L Buzbec, aadGeoSbaw 1 Voting Place, Bowie Sution SAN SIMON Voting Prednct, No 17 Inspector. T K Brandt lodges. Chas. F. Gardner Fred Ruch Marshall. H Basblerd Ballot Oaks. Peter. Fervent and John Dor. Voting Place, Saa Simon Votiag Precinct. N01S Inspector. Bel Starks ludgrs, G. B Devendxi, B Riggt Sr Marshall. Chris Grauer Ballot drrks. Thos Riggs, and James Riggs Voting Place. Bigg's WIUQUS Voting Precinct, No 19 Insrector, C P Sraith ladges, Wm Smith, Wm Sanders Marshall. Leonard Alverson Ballot Clerks. D E Hub and Rila C Plumb Voting Place, B F Smith Voting Precinct. No ao Inspector. F W Heney Judges, N Huasaker, Peter Uoore Marshall. lames Huasaker Ballot Clerks, Frank Moore and L CKeefe Voting Place. F W'Heoey TAVLbXS ANC1I . Voting Predact. No ar Inspector. FSamonlal , judges, llanotl Simas, Jwuis Duvall ' Marshall. Frank Bopp Ballot Cleras, HnghConloa, and Richard Roe. Voting Place. Caalon'a House CATLSVILLZ Votiag Precinct, No aa Iasepector, G W Walker iodgex, s anuin. j k Moaigmar7 larshall. T C Hancock Ballot Clerks, Robert Myers, t and Richard Koe, Voting Place. Gaylev31e rXABCB oting Prednct. No aj 1 Inspector. T Chattmau, ' Iudgett'Quen Williams, Geo Braria, iat shall. Joe Bfjnon Bal Clerks, Wmjchiuon aad Wm DeH JVashingtoo. Voting Place, Peare A. Corner Third an 1 Allen. rop. The largest 'and Best Equipped Est-irl.shment of it the Territory. All Kinds of Buggv, Wagon and Woodwork Neatly and FromDtlv Done. BLAGKSMITHING AND HORSESHOEING. 'Best Facilities for Doing All Kinds Repairing in Wood and Iron. None but First-class Workmen Employed. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. ,, . SSTull assortment of hardwood and iron for sale. g KinJ in of B O. L. OUMMINGS. r Wholesale and Retail Butcher, COB. 5TH AND FREMONT STREETS. ' Beef. Pork, Mutton, Veal, Sausage, Bologna Pickled Trip Choice Steaks, Roasts, etc. Experienced Cutters. Free Delivery to all "parts of the City. Your patronage solicited. Voting rredaet JSf 0-3 Inspector. ssATSciard. B ass.WoUe,iE4fccSateVt Bcaaaeea. TCJV- Heatapi -rasa, " . MruMsfcAxrvex Tora,' Sgael7TKewr. HHtoo- aad Robert Tea, " Votiag Place. School boose. roar ttCAcatrca, Voting rWtet'W rr I&necior. Otto Schroder. ladresC L. Douglass. MeGItt OYSTFiR PABLORb. AJLJUE1TS St.BETWEEN 4tli AIS 5 -"Jtrk First-Class Meals Pest'of Attention; Everything in Season BOARD PER WEEK $7X0 THREE MEALS 1.C0 SINGLE MEALS..... 50 Dinners lor Specia. Occasions a Specialty Try a Meal at this Pooolar Resor Frst-Class Cooks enly Emplcyed. Accommodations for Families J C4E8AB, Proprietor. -f- - i i SAX BUXAXOINO oting Precinct. No as 'Inspector.' I H Slaa'hter Judge. W Hildreth. I Fisher larshall. V, II Terry Voting. PJaoc'Saar Bcrnardtao Ranch -Ballot Clerks,- loan Doe and Richard Roe V S CUSTOM SOCSK Voting Piecinct. No as -Iaspector, .Wm King fudges Peter McCoy, Frank Hare Mariiall, WSIiara porter Ballot clerks," Peter Johnson aad E Henson Voting Place, Custom House Resolved. That the Board of Election in each ejection precinct be and is hereby authoris ed to select a convenient Dolilnr "clace lor the I predict: aid at least ten days beforw November 3rd laconotensuiaggrveTeroaieroujergen eral static to-Sbe eteesorcoftke precinct Inforro isfacs sf the, pbcg ghid; they Oeciaa '! b7keld, -SpT- - ,- A fV-CTfSKTK, TOMBSTONE GAS CO. . A. ASHMAN Lessee. WELSBACH INCANDESCENT 3AS LIGHT In General Use throughout tbe United States and Europe, -d successfully comf ing with Electricity, both in Brilliancy and Cost of Light. Uses Three Cub Feet of Gas per Hour, and. yields a Light of Sixty-Candle Power, Equal to four ordinary burners with double that amount of gas. COST OP LAMP &a.TB Placed in Position Without Extra Charge. OFFIVR lM-BAIYK nCII.DIHti. TO.nBSTO.tE, ABIZOSJi. flCCHISE HOUSE. H MRS. A. DAV.SO Proprietress Corner Fourth and Toughnut Streets. pLEGAKTLY FUBtlVISEDEI) KOOHlft 4 "Visitors to this city will find tbe Cochise a superior hotel and oi offering excellent accomotlations. 1 LARGE HID COMMODIOUS SAMPLE BOOM FOR COMMERCIAL MEN, All Modem Conveniences. Rates Moderate. Ur.Wll Wait Ballot Clerks. lassos Reilly aad loan Do. Voting Plyf essHojuaMca.. Votiag Pnclact. No. 6 Iaspector, Wsa. Dca. legj.E P. Laagnrd. A- T. GattaB III r-TTarli ' 1 .BaBat .CUrls. McIntre:adjWaiJCa- .fVsrle;WriGiasMlsC. . acAcarcA tiniao. 4 s i , -x. yotintPredact, No,? , amtt. ,W, HSfehtanr'1 h-SoBotCkw;aT aolrrr, Wa I Votiag Place, Thos SmU'4 ) MESar." ALnliliL tSBBBBaBl SBSSmw7.aBkresBi 'nr llll nTt' .UftcHM wLMmLss T ' . ti r a fc n -- H. FITTS. JV -nt v TWE, Grocer, VAlBSASfK s Voting Prednct NoS--l.nrur. A. V Noves UrshalCtabaa- " Votiag; riWiFalrtaak .LglaeriMi i. .a4Kraak ST. MVB Votaag Proriact. Nc vlassirtiT, rOeowxae 3e7rSrToieph htcRoa and Chas O By W, A. HaswooK " Deputy. Oerk. Oct-xj. 1S96 Last August while-working in the har--vestjEeld 1 became overheated, was sud denlv atlackerf with cramos and was Itvasfty dead. cMcCumaitrres, the-drep-- gist, gave me a cose ol (.nambesum Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy which completely relieved me. I now keep a bottle of the remedy handy. A. J. BlNNtlX, Centerville Wash. For sslebyDrogeifts,- COMET SALOON CAlLEmy'tPALPwpr's, WtNESrUQUORS CIGARS. Daafert s's Botirfc' JrUK aad HeoU WHtky, ,mnd OOier WeU Know raadfci J. ffoeetaJfy mad ' f-hft ClartU and Whu. BiHiard Parlcr m Coaaaection and the Cr: "lace ia Town. SAN JOSE HOUSE. - .r.c T T-'H T T-.-- - ilio. r. u. i).Aii, xi up Centrally Located, Large, Clean am Well Vintilated Rooms. Palace Hotel. Mrs. S. GALLEN, Prop 'Fifth bet. Allen and Toeg r.ut Tombstone, - Ar izem FIRST CSASS IN EVERY .RESPECT. PARLOR FOR UUBsa Eveo thing Made Convenient ior Guests Special Rates to Parties by the W or Month. Renovated Throughout. SAMPLE RCOil FOR DRUMMERS. RATE8 RSAS0KAB1 HOTEL ARLINGTON 1 NEWLY FURNISHED LARGE A1R 1 RQ03IS. BEST ACCOMMODATION This Favorite Headquarters for Ccmmercial Men has recently bees newly fitte xenovated and neatly famished throughout with special reference to the trattlta public Rooms ensuite and single. Prices4. Moderate. Everything furst-class Sample roomBj for coalBserial m X -g 0QM8$MJ0 S1X1B AND ALLEN S1MEKX8, TOMBSTONE, ARIZONA sak hV Dtwrjris kt.tllot:7aa.