Newspaper Page Text
t K The Prospectoil OCTOB1R 31. UW RAILROAD TIME TABLES A' XZONA SOUTHKASrERN R. R. n tTlU TABL&j No i. July t USJ. . tint SUUoas? rJiT: ticcsw BUW ilU Pm Luis ..1-1 8J IK IM H-1S VI ltM K.1S 11." It.,- Packard tt! iBj fihr Ti ik.... SS Oi - .Charlaaiaa..... M.8 r Irbank ... .Lt BT.el,r ralrkwk AxUS-S 1 f.-J at. A. Cr.fcu..aM I .) Ixj U.T U utrallM I ' Baawa ,.L)tl PadSc tlu. Flag stattait. Slap an s'laals. En Wuimi, Sipnata4eat. SOUTHERN "AC1FIC R t&uC? STATIONS. I aat tx.loam L" ....lerj AH r.oi .. ..Tucson.. ... ....Maricopa ...... ...... US....... ....Lea Angeles.... 7SP 0.03 am l.5plK J-S 1 oepa 8.45 an Sua Sal, Usaitaa, eaat Wane, afoadajs aa a rs lays 8,11, Baaaaul as Sat. Lmita wcat tol. Waanaaaaya aa oatardaya, 4.04 Bauoa' awwm m wy.Ttw"wirt ivfcrsrr NEW MEXICO 4 ARIZONA Wat East I fcoopm t-T, , . Benson ... Falrbank .. ....Huachnca.. .. Crittenden . .. Calabava . ..At 1,50 a c 1 ep m tj.topm ilaopsn X.40aa a. 17 am a. 00 ara X.I D m1 ....NocaVs.. atauY csceot Sunday, pjanc time. I. I. Fv General Manager. A. NAVCUE. L. H. AUCHT. Aiista General Manaser. Train Master. MARICOPA & PHOENIX R. R. North Sawia pm S.Q5pm .oopm e.5Pm -45Pm L PooIx Ar cam 1 Mia .Temoe Kyrene Swcatoa Marie pa. .... i.jjpra ia.10 a m U. H.'HoitHsXU Pea. 8P- LOCAL NOTE8. bilver ! quoted at 5 a a m t Dr. Gaff, JBeneon Physician and anrgon. f a a Yreah Flab ia received every Thurs day at Xoble'a. tf. Dr. J. W. Farriujtou, the Biabea Deaaiet, will be in Tombstone until aJunday. Office at Mr a. Baatiaa'a, Toughnut atreet. if. - 1 a 1 Two more drummer came up today accompanied by several Saratogas, Scott WbiU ia in Bisbee and will ramain at that battlafiald ualil alee tion. ThaLadiaa Aid Sociaty of tha U. V. abureh will maat at tba raaidaaea of Mr. J. 3. Pattoa en Tuaaday Not. 3rd at 3 P. M. Scott Wbita, Jo MoPberaoa and M. J. Bruwn, war incomioa; paaaaa. Hra today from Biabea. Mr. Browa comtag from Banaaa. , - r, The eandidatee for Chief of Police are leaking a good natured f gat. Gaaa. Wieer, "Wen. Nealey and Andy Biatalt. Tbe ealary ia sot atuaiSeeat, hut coupled with the honor make the office a desirable one. Another of our cilizaaa haa wearied bl baefciordoB id -fi U said prepaacs t jcis the rankaof beaedjota at ao diataatday. Cupid ia alwaya at bia pranka, aad whaa ha goea hunting ha geaerally wings a bird. Thaf Skating Club will bold a buatnaaa meeting at the 8hatlng Kink at 7:30 tonight. All mjmbere are reqaeeted to attend. : i ? MilD I. S 1 B cim a Suit; 1" rax i 4 o. T3T 8.11 M ' Awarded rtlxfecst Honor World' Fair, vvcer BAKING PttfW MOST PERFECT MADE. A part Gnpe Cream et" Tartar IVwaW. Ptat aaa Ammmm, Alavn or any other adtatoeaf. ta wumrmnMmum l-aaeOsaflaVaaTaaMnaaaBVaaaa DEPLORABLE ACCIDENT Brakemam Gray Mtke K. M, fcA.KMe Xoitts PRMracTOav Thia araninf juat aa tha paaaaagar tiaio waa laar ing Crittaadaa, at 8 .-05, a t-laadcr aawaaaan baiag diaga;ad undar tha ears. Taa traia waa iumadiaUly atoppad aad tka bady talcaa out when it waa found to a BraLasaan, Wm. Gray. Hia body waa aearly all cut to piaaaa. Oaa arm off; one toot and bia head alao aaarly oC He kaa baan aick for a loag time ia Nogalea and juattogaa work agnin taaight, thia UisgbiafiralUip. Tha traia brought up a eouple of eara of tiathar tonight and they had eat thaai aut oa a aidetraek. Gray got aa tha teaderof theaagiaa to ride back to the traia and saake tha aoupling. It ia auppoaad whaa ha jutnpad from the tender he atieeed bia fooling aad waa caught uaderneath. He waa dragged aloag far eomo dia taaea and it waa aot until the traia waa Waving that he waa diacorered by ona ataading on the platform. Ha waa wallkaewn throughout tha territory to railroad roan, Earing worked on many different liaea. He waa about 35 yeara ef age and unmar ried. He had a boat of warm frianda in Nogalea. a o o Don't forget the grand republican rally tonight at Babaitalln Hall. Nearly all of tbe oeuaty caadidaUe will bo on tha atage aad will make addreaaaa. The Bopublicaa candidatee, who hare been about the county on their election loura arrived hare from Ben aon yeatarday afternoon aad are cir culated about. FATAL BULLFIGHT. Tbe Picador Tossed into the Air and Killed X telegram f tarn Nbgalea aaya, in a bull light at Kogalee, Sonora, a bull ruabed about the arena goring every thing within reach. A, horse waa dia emboweled and Picador Joaa Angulo, attempting to place tha thorn ia tbe aide of tbe animal, waa caught on one of ita horna which pierced him like a award. He was toned, fell to the ground bleeding, where the beaat held him between hia horna, and bit and pawed him. He died ia a few miautaa. Tha Pope are quietly working indi vidually for tha auoceeaof tbetr ticket. They hare finUbed touring tba county together and leave the field for the thar partiea to cover again. Two of tbe homineea far Mayor have new withdrawn aa candtdataa for that high office Mr. Joe. Xoefter andMr.C.S. Baobeller leaving tie fat political peraimmoa for Mr. JL. 11. Emanuel. A Praacott paper, speaking of tba recent marriage cf a fireman aa the S. F., P. 4 P.. aaya "ha haa relumed to hia poet of duty, accompanied by hia bride." Juat what the bride's job oa the eagiaa ia tha item fails to atate. May to ahe ia passing coal. Tha higbaat priced lead ia tha world liea between Hew Tork City and tha Betterv, soma of tba lata aloag Broadway and Wall atrcat cold f r aa high aa $281 a square foot. Tha eaormona appreciation of land value in thia district and tha eeageetioB within it of business, which obstinate ly refuse to mov further up town, haa mad accessary a vertical ex pan aion. Where tba sky-scraping maria will and, no man can U. 1 he new eat lo'ly structure oa Park Bow will to thirty staeiea, with a front elava tioaof3S4 feat. X. Blabee will to tha scene of excite ment galore on Maaday aight. Both partiea expect to have tbair final meetings at the copper camp oa tha laat night et tbe eve ! battle. The -shrewd Bepablieaaa stole a march aad eugeg' 'r bU Th P" petition, aot to to outdone, propoee ta have aa epea air aseetiag. Tbe at traction at the difereat plaaaa will divide tha elreagtb aud the Fop chuckle aver tha situatioa aad think ttiey will wla tba to atratch. Waa. Bradley returned today from Baa fraaaiaeo where be haa beea oa tha eorrewing aaieetaa of attaadiag tha laat aad rilaa of hia wifaa funeral. She waa iaterred ia the family burying plot, aad thua tha laat mortal remaiaa ofagoadaadaetimableladyU laW to reatiaeteraalalaap. Tombatoao ia bedecked ia gala at tire today to ahew her loyalty to tha cauaa of atlver aa la doaoby almilar proeeedinga all aver the TJalted Btatea on thia data. Every bueineaa houae in towa heel eut f age aad ta many inatancea tbe froata deaorated with bunting, Do uot forgot that aa eleatioa aighl tha Bimetallic League of Tamhatoae have made arrangemeate to receive the Praaideattal returaa fram all parte ef the country aloe of looal returaa which will to thrawa aa a aareea by a magic lantern. Par tiee free iheaurreundiag country aheald alao toar tali ia mind aad to oa band If peeeible. T. 0, Amadea, Bepublioaa candi date for eaperTitor, and Wa. Spaedi for tha aaaambly, oama la yeaterday with the reat of tha delegation, from Benaon aoupoaad of O. W. Swain, C. L. Cumminga, F. E. Cad well and S. W. Perkina Tombetoae'a rerreaanta Uvc aaadidaUa oa that ticket. .A aumber of the Democratic eandi datee left tor Blabee tbia morning. A Democratic rally will to held there Monday at which ("Our Mark" will be preaaat to make tbe eloaing apeech of bia campaign aad the Dmooratio eandidatee alao make their laat addreaa. Lata thia afternoon Mr. Hugh Roaa, aged 45 died at the hoepiUL He waa a consumptive and in tbe laat atagea of that dread diaeaae when death re laired him. MEXICAN CRITICISM Whr Traia Robberies are Scarce la Mexico Tbe trequency with which trains are being robbed in the United States ia rather paralyzing to the understand ing of the are! age American who lives on this side oi the Bio Grands. In Mexico train robberies ara an unknown and unthought of oc currence. Yet thete are acme people. aot properly educated to be aure, who pretend to look upon Mexico aa a half civilized country. To such per sona hareia a problem to aolte. Wny ia the holding up of traina auch a common, and often auecessful feat oa one side of an imaginary line while on the other eide tbe art is atill unknowoT We do not pretead to ex plain the phenomenon. We simply aak the question. Are tbe people of America put to auch desperate straits that they are prepared to bold up any thing and every thing in sight from a train to a buzz aaw, or ia there auch a vaat difference in the execution of lawa for cnminalef It must be admitted that Mexico Iosea very little time and red tape whaa a man la caught tam pering with a railroad train or with the track. He ia taken out and ahot and that speedily. It is certain that at least oae traia wrecker ia thua disposed of. There ia also au example that ia aot a shining one before the other fel lows who may have been planning to de tha same thing. Train robbery, brigandage aad foot paddery ara ao cupatioae which ara practically u known in tbia republic, Tha light fingered gentleman, under tba local name ot jatero, doee considerable work ia and ant of tail, but he ia not dangerous to bamaa life. Mexican He aid.' -Owing-toaome miserrasgsment of date Mark Smith was billed to ap pear at Tucson and Biabea tha same iUt. Tn county eoeamlttee abaaged the Bubee data for Monday iaatead of to J ay to elreigbten matt era out aad thua "Our Mark" and the ceualy candidates will appear before tha eop por camp Vetera tha aight before election. Yesterday tbe sum at $50,000 seem ed by Jas. A. Fleming ia Maw York for tba porpoae of building a ameller 0a tha Black Warrior copper claim aear a lobe, wa yeatarday placed oa depeeit ia the Phoenix Xatioaal Bank W. W. Hill, the euperiateadeat of thj company, left yesterday for Globe to make preparaUoaa for the building of the smelter. Republican, DESERT PERILS Aa Uafortaaale Prospector Drivea Wild for Water William Strethern'e food aud water gave out aa ha waa propeotiag en the Moiave doaert, and ia hia extremitiea. after being loat for three days, he hunted vainly far a rattUauake, that ha might be bitten by it and thereby meat a apeedv death. Aa bia reaaoa hegaa to weaken he pinned a note to hia coat, aaying be wae loat aad aeek ing for water in tha direction of the St. Elmo, and tied the garment to a etake. Two Bakereleld men found it aad him, hut the yell he gave on being arouaed from a dying lethargy eauaed tba reicuare to run away. Finally he waa captured, and the man, babbling of iced drinks and boquete, waa taken to Mojave and restored. Miser. a o a Bare ia some oi the "logic," "fact," "intelligent argument," etc, which is toiag used in the intereat of Mc JUnley, and to show that the gold bug party have tba best inteieata of all that ia moral and honest, at heart. "Bryan tbe very name carries condemnation with itl Why? Be cause it ia a eynonym for anarchy, communism, war, chaos, And lastly, if you want to see our country go to hell in a hand basket, then vote for the arch anarchist, W. J. Bryan, who upholds aud pcta all tbe damnable heretiea and isms that ara antagonialio to American princi ples aad intereata. El Paso Tribune. Although we claim to be the most aiviluad of all the races, mora murders per 1,000 inhabitants occur ia the United Stales tban in any other country. e a JONES' OPINION What tbe Cbairiaaa Savs of "Our Mark" To Frank P. Trott, Phoenix, Arizona. Chzcaoo. Illinois, October 22. My dear Sir Mark Smith waa a valuable delegate in congreaa; he waa widely acquainted and vary ialuea tial. It would bava given great grat ification to our frienda iu the aenate to have bad Smith amengat ua. We have favored the admiaaion il Arizona because it ought to be admit ted, but it waa kept out by eaatern prejudices, fearing that two eilver men would came to the aenate. I know that Smith'a peraonal atanding and character among the eenatore waa a strong help toward statehood for Arizona. In my opinion no mere efficient or capable man could to aent from your territory to congreaa, and I am aare n man could render more aubalaa tial assistance. Sincerely hoping that he will bo re turned, I ass very truly yours, James IC. Joxes, Chairman o i There ie truth in thia item going tbe rounda of tbepreaa: If you start or report a bad story to any one you ara doing a damage tbat ao repent ance i shame on your part can evor uado. Whisper a slander to your beat friaad and though yon stand on a hill the next day aad proclaim with a loud voice tbat it ia not true, you cannot recall tba bad story. It you hava no pity for those who do wrong, have a little reipect for yourself, and don't gossip about them. Good tea is extremely good you may not know how good. Try Schilling's Best; if you don't like it, your gro cer will pay your money back in fulL XA SckHiog Cmpaar SaaVraaciaeo t PUBLIC NOTICE- TOUSSTOM. Oct. 39. 196 TO .LL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Take notice; That on the 18th day of Srpte n ber. 1196. ibe firm U Hailewood and Huldjr. dang bos neat at Prance, county ot Cochise, A T. mortgaged to Ceo H Fitts aU the stock h trade ana personal pro; em of said firm. Includ ing: the book accounts, and gave him posiession of. tbe same, and tbe same pioperty an! book acoosau were attached a tbe suit of P B War- Dtk.ot, vs Hai!eood 3c Huddy This b therefore to warn all persons who are iadebted to said firm cot to pay the same to the laid Haslewood Haddy. or either of them, as snch payment will aot be recorahed by vs. G. H. FITTS. P.B.WARMEXROS. 0-30-iod WJI-TICI- l'eople's Party Platform. THE PEOPLE'S PARTY TICKET. For Council J. MATHIA8. ForAtiemhly. .P. A.LOFUKEKN. G.S.CKOCKErr N. ERRICKfeON. G.J. McCAl E .A. WEN n OK I'll. For Sheriff". . . For Treasurer. For Probata JuJgr. . . .W.M.M1CE, ibr RtconUr GEO. POUTElt. Disfrtct Attorney JAB. REILLY. i'or Supervisor GEO. V. JJJtVAN. H SCHMIEU1XG The People's Parly of Cocbiaa county iu cooventioD assembled this 1st day 01 October, 180G make tho following dec larations ef principle: 1. We approve and endorse tb platform of tha National Peoijle'a Parly adopted at St. .Louis on July 23rd 1890 aud most heartily endorso the urinina tion. by tbe convention, of V J.Brysn and Thomas E. Watsou tor president d vice-president respectively, and fully approve tbe action of that con vention in refusing to endorse thenomi nation of Arthur Bewail for vice- presi dent by the Chicago couvention. 2. We heartily approve tbe platform adopted by the People's Party of Ariz ona at Phenix ouAuguat20tlil89Gnod heartily endorse the nominat.on of fion. Wm O'Neil for delegate to congreea and pledge to him oar best efforts for hie election. 3. We denounce as unfit to be trust ed by tbe people, the men thiough whom, tbe present interest bearing debt of this county (about 8200,000) has been created and wa particularly de nounce tbe system of extortion, pecula tion, jobbery, corruption and bribery which with few exceptions has inhered on county offices for sixteen years, re aching in a necceascry tax levy of W.22 on the hundred dollars notwithstanding that the people have every year paid morn taxes tban would be sufficient to govern a far larger and more popu lous county if honestly administered. i. We have placed in nomination for county offices, men chosen from amongst tbe people, for the soul reason of our belief in their honesty, and fit ness on tbe prinoiple tbat tbe office should seek tbe man, carefully avoiding all men even remotely connected with former tax eating and county swind ling. 5. If our caodiatea or any ot them ahould be elected, we promise to watch them ana use our best ecdeavora lo see tbat they serve tbe people faithfully and honestly without extortion, fraud or oppression, and that they do not de- geuerate into county ringstera, and plundering officials, aad if they should ao degenerate we promise to bo first to expose them. C. We favor statehood for Arizona at the earliest possible date, but aot under the constitution adopted by our so-called Democratic convention five years ago, aa we believe it tobeabood lera constitution, specially manufactur ed in the interest of bosses, ringstera and tax, eaters, and we therefore earnestly urge our delegate lo congress to introduoe an enablingct, so that tbe people may form a constitution that will not be a disgrace to thia, and a greivioaa bnrden to aucceding gener ations. 7. We condemn the practice of ter ritorial and coubty officers, in soliciting or receiving, railroad dmggb. aa we consider all such favors, as incompat ible with independent and impartial performsace of duty. 8. We invite the co-operation and assistance of all honest citizens regard Is so of pir y who favor an honest ad ministration of county and territorial afiaira ia the intereat of all the people. Election Proclamation Or Fica of to Matoi .of the City of TOUBSTONC. ABIZOXA TkJtKnORT. To Whom It May Concern, Greeting: Whereas, Under an act of the Legulaure Aisamblr of the Te-ritorj of Aruoiu. entitled "Elections," approwd Uarch8ih.A. D, 1S87, aad In compliance with Section 4, Article S cf the City Charter, r. general muniapal election is to be held on tbe 3rd dar of Kivember for the purpose of decungaty officers. Now, therefore, I. Paul B. Warnekros. Mayer taiMuiy oi somosion-, m porsuance 01 tne duty imposed upon me by a resolution dolr parsed and entered upon the tnisutes of the Common Council of said aty, do hereby order a ceneral rnumcpal election to be held en the luesuay aiier tte nrst Atostuyts srecbe A. D. 1806, and designate tee offices to b SScSiifcikBn. tOTtK I Mayor. a Councilman from First Ward. 3 Councilman from Second Ward. 4 Comnalman from Third Ward. 5 Councilman from Fourth Ward. 6- Chief or fotice. Ex-Oflicio City Assessor. City Tax Collector. City License Tax Col lector, Healtb Officer. Pound Master and Street Commissioner. Tbe following places are dejrnatid as poll- ( tntr places; First Ward Adobe hemic on 3d.street be tvee Allen and Touf l.tiul streets. Inspector Mike Welch. Judges Tl os. Tunny and Dan Carter. PotUnc Clerks -John C. Ully and I. Tracy Ballot Clerk J. hlkins. Second Wa-d-City Hall. A, Ashraan Inspector. dges-F. E. Ftaniganand , McHogh PoUmr Clerks Kobe Martin dT. 1-oai'jn 4?r "feillot Clerk Frank Engle. Third Ward Oriental Corner. Ia pecetot-Nloi.Uppert. Jodees F. Payla and )oel Neiiaeinder Po hs Clerks V. bryer and J. W. Reny. Bllo Clerk T bos Cowan. Fcutth Ward Protection Hoie House. 'Inspector W. HoUu. lodges Wm. Corbeuand I!. Sahiuin. Po line Oeiks Dare Welsh and A. Garrett. Fallot Clerk Mike Welsh. In witness whereof I hare, hereunto set my band, aad caused tbe seal of the City of Tomb toa to be affixed thereto IVtne at tbe Crty Hall in the dry of Tombstcne this IscalI tbe 7th day of October, 1896 P. R WANEKROS. Major. D.K, Waidwiix, Clerk, O-14 JOSEPH CORNER FIFTH AND PIONEER DEALER IX General Merchandise. Miners and Ranchers Supplies, STAPLE AND FANCY Improved Agricultual Implements, f . - ' $ mim wm . DS Everything In Our Line is First Class Goods - and Soldjat Prices That Defy Competition. ' - JOS. PIONEER STORE HOEFLER, FREMONT STREETS. - STORE, -1 a Tents j and Wagon Covers. S- ... t.- r -j :p,' v - . ,-. 1R?V2-. Windmills Wagons Pumps t fob family tsae . j u -" 5, "V HOEFLER. - J I "--, I Vr V H -A a - J3,--.t.n-