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THE MBSTONE OUR WATCHWORD- "COCHISE COUNTY FIRST, THEWORLD AFTERWARD. TOMBSTONE. ARIZONA THURSDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER 5. 18q6 OL. X No. ?J TO PROSPECTOR . DAILY PROSPECTOR.1 City and County Official Paper PUBLlWfcEVEUY EVENING BY Wm. Eattich Ed. tor and Propiietor. Fremont St. Opposite City Hall The PkospeCTO Bl not hold Itself -responsible Tor any cf the a'tides or sauowu ex pressed by any of I correspondents. Entered in the Tombstone Foitoffi.e as Second Class matter, PBObESSlONAL CARDS. JAMES REILLY. ATTOKNEY AND Counselor at Law. Land and Mining c ast x specialtr. Tombstone. A ruona. w .. ......... r. iT-mDVPV AT. Law and Notary rublic. Tombstone Ailtooa. G EO "ft. ft WAIN, ATI ON EY AT . ni ....,-.. In !1 courts Of tb Territory. Tombstone Arizona. -VS. CLARK. A.TONEY AND COUN J selor at Law. Office on Fourth Si rst, v- -., AIVnandTouhnut. Torob- W01 pracCee in aU the 'courts of the ory. ' . " ".'.-- ntiitt SkJTVkXI OHARLESUK.NVii.i.cjun..iiiu.' Attorney and Counsellor at Law and Notary Public, 47 Fremont suect bet. 4th and stb streets. A member o!the Bar or the Supreme Court ot the lemtoty. and U practice in any ei me conns mao. AWENTHWORTH COUNTV RE corder and Abstract Office. Abstracts of t:l!e to real estate and mines furn shed promptly and acurately. Complete trin scripts. Oftce in Court House. Tombstone. E. ALVORD. 1USTICE OF THE Peace. Office on Allen Su bet. 3d & alb Tombstone. L.KOSKA, USTICEL OF THF PEACE k OrUce en 4th St. bet. Allen ana Tougbnut, Tombstone. HS. GORDON. M.D.PHVSICIANAND Surgeon: Office adjoininR his residence on 4th street. Call attended at aU hours day and night. F' CEAR1E. ASSWER AND META- luRical laboratory. Office No 319. Fremont St. opposite ply Hall. THE ORDERS. F &. A H. KING SOLOMON LODGE NO. Meets third Saturday in each month. Visiting brothers cordally tarned to at d. 1 I! McPHERSON. W. M., A L GROW Secretary. R. A M. OCHISE CHAPTER NQ. 4 MEETS - iudSx-v".j - rrawov p A. WENTWORTH Secretary. UP. O. S. OF A. " .VjSrIINGlON CAMP NO 1 MEETS Uy ut rnday evening ineaeh month. Vis- itine Comra'ies cordially inTifd 6 I.W.CLARK. President. A. L.. GROW, Secretary. A. O. U. W- TOMBSTONE LODGE NO 3. A. O U. W. meet 1st and 3rd Thursday m each month. Visiting brothers cordially in- T'ted ROBT. EESTM.W. h "J W. D. MOSMONIEtt RcccrtUr. K. OF P- etrnMA 1.0DGE KNIGHTS OF I Ptthias No 4. meets erery 1st and 3rd Monday's in each roonih. Vsiung If brothers ccrcially mntcd. I A. H. EMANUEL, C. C. F W. D. MONMONIFR. K. of S. cnicrTinv KfKErlllPASYXO . I"' meets first Snnaay in each month at their hose aoose n wccoratrui .cuu. and Fremont streets, opposite tbe school bouse. WM. GARRETT, Foreman. TOM MITH Secretary, RESCUE HOE c.OMPAY MEETS First Sunday it each month at City Hall Fremont street. I, V VICKEkS. W ENTUORTH.Scty President f. N. McDONOUGH. Foreman. ENGINE COMPANY NO" 1. MEE1S lalt Sunday in ea b roon b at hose bout 1 onthecrnerJTou2hnatandsthstreet. IOS.EPH LIPPEKT Iroseman HENRY DUSKER, geoemr. Was'td An agent in evety section to caa vass $4 to js a dy made; sells at sight; also a man to sell staple good, to dealers best fide line. ITS a n-o-th. Saliry or large commission nJajflVjperie-K unnecessary For sealed pal CcBs send sump. Chflen Soap Jr. Mannlactcnng Company, Cincinnati, Ohio. ION WATER WORKS. F.GALVES, Prop. "rompt Service, Water per barrel, 25CIS. Per backet, J as. Soecial Rates to Families Leave order with wagon. sunk 5.fi3 Leu? r?,w v ! -. &jHVj SAMUEL M. BARROW -dMrt&S -f? f f a i. '7 ".-V.4 '4 - . !$ - r T V M - '' ;:;. ,, ?. a,nj - '? 'rli" f , T -,? -. ..Z 'ft WW r -. . iV -VyJ YM j ri m.. 'y- y 'X' ; - - . 3ti, .--' SAMUEL M. BARROW --"H4y r ft tef.A 2 fr, v ., k. - (. J 5 - .! -- - if t-im "i" "0 ' OUR MARK. Will Carry the Territory by 1400 Plurality. Pbosxix. Returns received lrnm very county in the territory ihoir llaik Smith wilt carry erery county with the exception of three which are cloiely contested. His pluralities are computed at 1100 and if any thing will be increased when complete returns are in. Uraham county will give tbe Urged plurality for Smith giving him about 500; Maricopa 253; Cochise 175; Pima 500; Pinal 150; Yuma 125. A to-al of 1400. Coconino wilt give Doran about 50 plurality, Smith iccond; Yavapai will give O'Neill 75 plurality and Mohave the supposed Populitt ctronghold will give Bucky about 100 plurality over Smith aeeond. Gila will give Bucky 4fl plurality. THE POLITICAL COMPLEXION Republican Membership in the Honse is 207. VARIOUS STATE RETURNS. New York, Associated Press and Washington dispatches quote Chair man Babcock, who rays he has com plete reports from 193 congressional districts that havd elected Republi cans; 135 district have elected Dem ocrats or Populists, and 28 districts in which returns are incomplete ; thece will all be classed as doubtful with the yrospeettbat at least one hail outside may go Republican, which will make the total membership in the 55th con gress 207- It is safe to say that under no circumstances will the member ship (all below 200. Minnesota has auprised everybody in tbe site of the Republican plurality. MeKinley will have 35,000 more than Dry an. North Dakota it sura for MeKinley and Sooth Dakota will be found in tbe same column, although the vote is close. The Republxans claim Wyoming and Washington, but probabilities are against them in both states. Oregon has gone for UcKialoy and Colorado has given Bryan heavy plur ality: Idaho, Nevada and Montana have all gone for Bryan by heavy majorities, and from returns at band Califoroia has ucdoubtedly gone for MeKinley. Delaware has kept in the Republican column. The vou nt Maryland has shown an intrr stirs reversal from that of the last presi dential election. Cleveland carried the slate by 21,110; this year Me Kinley has a plurality of 21,00 in the city of Baltimore alone. The states of Virginia, Booth Carolina, Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Louisiana, Arkansas, Colorado,Nevada Montana and Idaho may safely be placed in the Bryan column. Good tea is extremely good you may not know how good. Try Schilling's Best; i you don't Hke it, your gror cer will pay your money back in full A ScfcHtaf Coopaap t Frsnetto, T97 i IMsafKesrariaataraJgc. aaHdwajsJsf LATEST NEWS How It Stood by 2pm Today 265 ELECTORAL VOTES McKinlev's Election Assured Conceded bv All. New Voks Returns reoeived by Associated Press up to 2 :45 p. ra. (odsy indicate that MeKinley carried the followinc states: Califoroia, Conn., Delaware, III., Indiana, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, Mass., Minn., New Hamp. shirp, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Oregon, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, West Virginia, Wis consin. Bryan carried the following states: Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Misiouri. Montana, No brisk a. Nevada, North Carolina, South Carolina, Texas, Utah, Virginia aDd Washington 167 votes. Leaving in doubt Wyoming, Kentucky and South Dakota 20 votes. Natv Yobk Chairman Henna has istued a statement in wbirh he says MeKinley has 2C5 elec'oral voles and that he Wt confident of 13 mor. Wamiinotov. Incomplete returns from all but four counties in the state if Vjihinj:!on givo .MeKinley 2J,409, Bryan, 31 C4R; Coiiirie.j-iiiKn D.oliul. , Rep. 22.0112; Hyl, Kep , 11.702; Lewis. Dem.,29,MtS; S.-er, Kex., 2!), 149. Okeoon Complete return from all bnt 5 counties in the state give Me Kinley 38.911: Bryan, 37,601. Chicago. Indiana elected one sil ver Democrat and two Republicans for congress. Nebraska will send five silver Democrats and oue Republicans to congress, and Michigan will eend one Fusiouistand one Democrat; Min nesota offsets this with seven Republi can congressmen. Mrs. E. E. Davis, of Sao Miguel, Cat., says: "1 am trying in a measure to re pay the manufacturers of Chamberlan's Cough Remedy for the great good their remedy has done me. For years I was a constant sufferer front weak lungs and bronchial asthma. My rest at night was disturbed by a hacking cough so that 1 felt miserable the greater part of the time. Manyremidieies recommended by friends were tried, none of which proved suitable to my case. I did not exper ience any beneficial results until I began taking Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. After two bottles of the larger size had been used 1 am pleased to state my health is better than it has been for years. The soreness has left my lungs and chest and 1 can breathe easily. 11 has done me so much good that I want all who are suffering from lung troub!e, as I was, to give it a trial. t or sale by druggists. : FOR OTKB FIFTY YEAK9. An old, well-tried remedy. Mrs Vinslow'd Soothing 8yrup has bn ! fur over fifty years by millions of . iUier tor their children while teeth ing, w th perfect success. It soothes Mip chltd, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colio, and is the beet remedy for diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taate. Sold by druggist in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a. bottles Its value is incalcu lable. Be sure and sk for Mrs. Win slow's Soothing Syrup, and take no otberkind. Tills Is Tour Opportunity. On receipt of ten cents, cash or stafsps, m srenerous ttmiile will be mailed of the most popular Catarrh and Hay Fever Cure (Ely's Cream Balm) sufficient to demon strate "ie great memsoi um resiaoy. ELY BEOTHEIiS, EC Warren Et.f New Tork CHy: I5ev. John Reid, Jr., of Great ?alIs,Moiit roeommended ElVa Cream Balm to me. I can emphasize las statement, "It is a posi tive eiire for catarrh if used as direetLVr Her. Francis AV. Poole. Pastor Central Free, Church, Helena, Moat, - X3ys Cream Balm is the acknowledged evra for catarrh and contains no mercury mat say tajqaona drag, rrica, CO highest of all in I.iavcara.'Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report ll.fgiM-f sH LLk w a vasiJB XgLf m. L assssa JsTw ABSO&&TEE.Y PURE MeKinley Receives- tlie Voles Necessary to Make Him President A Perfect Land Slide, for the Chauipiou of Gold. MR. H ANNA'S STATEMENT. Chicago Returns received by the Associated Press indicate thep obable eltcttou of MeKinley and Uobart, allho'ugh returns ate to nuagro from a number of doubtful states that tbi conclueion can only bo reached by an estimate based uion gains and lesies. The bast estimate ottainable indicate that Main and Vermont bavo given majorities somewhat reduced from the special elcotiona; thai New Hamp shire gives about 20,000; Massucini eetts 120,000 and Rbode IeUud and Connecticut proportionate iimjuriiiee, all for MeKinley. New York is esti mated at about 225,000 and Pennsyl vania is likely to reach tbe same figure if not greater. Maryland has teen carried by the Republican caudidato for presideutby a majority exceeding 20,000, and Delaware is confidently claimed but apparmliy in dispute thuugli the plurality id likely to ex ceed 1,000. Returns from West Vir ginia are not sufficient to justify the claim of either parly. Ohio has given a very large Republican plurality and Kentucky apparently assured to the MvKinley column, bltbougb later re turns may not justify this claim. Ten nessee seems to havo been carried by Bryan, notwithstanding the assertion to tbe contrary of the Republican managers, and the same is probably true of North Carolina. Indiana and Michigan as well as Minnesota indi cate a 'heavy Republican gain Illi nois will give MeKinley 100,000 plu rality. Nebraska and North Dakota are very close and still in doubt ; Wyo mlng seems to have gone for MeKinley Chicago Returns from the entire country, although iucomplste in some states, are of a naturo to insure the election of MeKinley. A sufficient numbe' o( states have declared for the Republican party to make certain 264 votes in the electoral collegn for its leader. -The states whoso totes are sure for him are as iollows: Connect icut. 6; California, 9; Doleware, 3; Ill inois, 2i; Indiana, 15;lowa,13;Maiue ft; Maryland, 8; Massachusetts, 15; AAkculgnu, 14; Minnesota, 9; New Hampshire, 4; New Jersey, 10; New York, 36; North Dakota, 3 ; Ohio, 23 ; Oregon, 4; Pennsylvania, 32; Rhode Inland, 4; South Dakota, 4; Vermont, 4; West Virginia, 6, Wisconsin. 12 Toial, 264. la Michigan free diver papers con cede the state to MeKinley. West Virginia was conceded to MeKinley by the Democratic stale committee thii evening. Tennessee is claimed by both parties. Returns are coming in so slowly that neither side seems jnsti. lied in claiming the electoral vote with any connaence. .norm uarolina is claimed by both parties. No definite conclusion is possible at tbe present time. South Carolina, Qeorgia, Miss issippi, Alabama an I Louisiana are all for Bryan with normal Democratic majorities. Virginia electors will be for Bryan but havo been elected by heavily reduced Democratic vol. It has been conceded to Bryan that Neb raska has gone with himnotwithstand- ing Republicans claims, but Kansas Sana IP ha y t said practically nothing but oath parties claim the slat'. U'iecon t"iirij"uro for the Republicans by an enormous plurclily. i fc m i HOTCL.A. ItltlVAt. COCHISE Cbas. Noyes, Fairhank. AKU.SQTO.V Chas. L. He'artt, Loj Angeks. BAN JOSE, H.A.Callaway, Globe. ;' Mrs. A. W. Smith, Earl, III. T ' H. St Armand,Bisbeo. T11K LiAOJUS. The pleasant effect .i i pen ct safety with wiiich ladies may uie Syrup of Figs under all conditions m;. es it tl.eir favor ite remedy. To get t' e true and genu ine article, look for he of the California Fig Syrup Company, printed near the bottom of the pickage. For sale by all responsible druggists. FAiRliANK DEPARTMENT GEO. G.McGEE, Prop. Fairhank, : Arizona, Headquarters for visitors from Tomb stone and Burrounding country. Best of wines liquors and cigars always on hand. PAY THE EXCHANGE A VISIT P. A. DEMARTINI, GENERAL MERCHANDISE. A full line of GRO.CERIER, PROVISIONS, CIGARSr '. AND TOBACCO. FAUCIS ANK. AKIZONA. Fairbank, A. T. K. HARRINGTON, Prop. MRS. Chagres Reasonable. Parties going from Tombstone to Bisbee wilU have ample time for dinner before the train arrives. ' Table Supplied With the Beatr GIVE IT A TRIAL. GUIK fPXEY; ' Allen St near 3d, (Old Cutoirt House.) VEGETABLES, FROITS, P ' 1 OTATOES; , ' '' v ONIONS' . ETG- Freth California received epery day . by express. Everything told at -lowest rates. Goods delivered ' irtt. to all oarts ol city. . ' .F77i Ueeeived. Every Thursday. -, w. ASSAYING W ALL ITS BRANCHES i; Toxiib.tone.Vx-izoriJX. ! Samples by mail or express will receive ; prompt attention. Ogice and lletioerxte Cfcerloeh Souse. . 5 FOB SALE A good top bu?gyj newly pui tried, tires ju-t rbt. springs i adjuit d nd evr ryililngfirrt-cfass If J purchaser can find anything ,wrongi with the buggy, will pay wpjjme of fixing rmo without noy jSuUftional j co. Pric willi" jrafsingle or J double, $ CO ch. Ajply at th'ia office," EHAIE ABBOTT I V E-- - v .