Newspaper Page Text
"' 1 J V, 1 aMjvmmm kSirtMtfKA TOMBSTONE PROSPECTOR i .i ,m. i - ,i m,ytm ii .ii ,. - -.i - PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING (Suxday Excxhsd) by Wai. EatUctu Editor aM Freprit What Are We Here For? abcrlpUB One Year 10 00 8U Xontha ThrewMoathj S 00 One Month. 100 Delivered" try Cmrriwr. for XoMti per week. CUT AKD COUHTY OFFICIAL PAFE1 The dynamite gaa in ibe bands of the Cuban insurgents i paving lb way for liberty, but it U Mattering: death and destruction in ill ratbwftj. THE WILLOWS, CHAS, BULOTTI, Tropr Choicest line 01 Wines and Liquors. Imported and Domettio Cigar t, Courteous Attention to Patron. Allen, bet. 4Ui & H tb. Tombstone A. New- York woman ecssmitled suicide because btr buiband rode a bicycle too much, all ot which ibe could bare cared biro ol in one week by buying a tandem. Tha Pbospectob it greatly diiap pointed at Ibe result cf tbe rtoent election, for we had hoped tbe people of this country had borne tbe burdens imposed by tbe (ingle gold standard long enough, but tbe returns prove we were mistaken; they must suffer Jhe privations of a scarcity of money a while longer, but this want ie eelf iaposed, and, as it is bur belief that tbe will ii the majority should be supreme, we gracefully grecelly to that dictum and wail another day. It ia tbe mission ot tbe Paosri-cro todo everything in iU power for tbe advancement of the various indnstriea f Cecblse county and ol Arizona. Our mining interests are paramount to all others at present, and every new loca tion that is msde within our borders, and every new company that is formed with the purpose of developing our mineral resources adds to our wealth and Kat cnoe enlists our sympathies, and our efforts will also be in tbeir behalf. -Tbe' Copper King Mining company,,wboso properties arelocated in the Warren, mining district, and whose prospectus appeared in yester terday tissue jr this paper, ie com posed bfousbaesa men soma of whom have lived aasong us for years,and are energetic, enterprising men. Tbeir property ia adjoining tbe famous Cerw per Queen, and no doubt will prove equally as valuable with development. This company expect to- bejrjn opera tions very soon and we with them sue. eta. JKBrvcIoaa Keamlsa. From a letter written by Ber. J. Gundermanj-Df-Dimondale, Mioh'., we are permitted. to make this extract: 'I bare bo "bssiution in recommend ing lit. Xiaalfow Discovery, as the results were almost marvelous in the case of my wife. While I was pastor of tbe Baptist, Church atJEirers Junc tion she was brought down with Pneumonia succeeding La Grippe. Terrible paroxysms of coughing would last boors with little interruption and it seemed as if she could net survive tbem. A. friend recemmeaded Dr. Zing's New Discovery; it was quick in its work and highly satisfaesary in re sulU." Trial bottles free at Tombstone and any Drugs. Store. Begalar slxe 60e. SLOO THE "FUN OR THE MON? From the expression upon our friends face he is evidently here for neither but as for us WE "ME f: HERE FOE BOTH. Consolidated National Hank. Of Tiic-kuii, ArlionB. Canitni Stuck $50,000. OFFICERS.! M. P. FREEMAN. President. W. C DAVIS, Vlco-ftoitlrtJt. - II. a TENNEY., Cashliu Issues drafts available at any point in the United States. Dtas bills oi exchange oa a European cities, and makes a specialty ot out-ol town accounts with IntdiliWls, firms andcer riiijaj. m.aS I1 33S33S&SSS2 5 PIONEER Carriage i Blacksmith COMET SALOON GiRLEYATOfcPAU.Propr's, WINES.LIQUORS& CIGARS. Dealer in BourV Irith and Scotch TfTiitfcy, and Other Well Knovm Brandt. A Specialty made of bet CtareU and Wine. Billiard Parlcr in Connnection and the Cedes Place in Town. AJIn, bet. 6th & Tib, Tombstone We are handline "BB"1 FRAISTK groDALLS SOAP Which for easy and perfect washing cant' be beat. PONY SALOON, J . A. ROSKA Proprietor. Finett Stock- of Wine, Liqvor and Cigar in -the Territory. FLY'S PHOTOGRAPH. GALLERY, Freroo t s'rect, oppoei e Prospector. FAMILY PHOTOGRAHS CUR SPECIALTY Careful attention given to turning o t the Finett viexc and picture of ali sires in a mott artistic manner, uperior finish and tone, t Taken on short notice. Groups is a alty Cibiait, pin:l nisuiil TjHDKBTAXIsa PXBLOBe OF G. B. Tarbell Coffins. Caskets. Robes. Etc From the Plainest to tbe Finest Made, A. H. ETVlINTJEIl-.I'rop. -orner Third an.l Allen. The largest nd Best Equipped Estarlishment of its Kind in the Territory. All Kinds of Buggv, Wagon and Woodwork Neatly and PronrDtlv Done. Cottoiene Cottolene - Cottolene. That perfection for shortening purposes is giving general satisfaction We have it in 3, 5, and 1 0 Pound Pails PRIVATE CLUB ROOMS ATTACHED. Best and Purest Brands of Whiskies Brandies and Wines kept Con stantly on Hand. You tea find "AV home, on AVer. St. bet. 4th and 5th. Billiard Parlors, j. n. Mcdonough, Prop. ( 71. CYf nnA B. Jilted Billiard Parlor in the City. I Importer of the Best, Vmes, Liqoors and Cigars. Billiard and Pool Table tn Conjunc tion. Iftxed Drink a Speeialiy. Private Club Room. Allen, bet. 4tl GUi.Tombston The Columbia Iron Caskets kept Con stantly in stock. Bodle Temporarily or Permanently Emhalmed by the Latett Proeeu. r Toistone & Pearce MAIL AND SrAGE LINE. FRANK BLATZ, - Prop. Makes semi weekly trips to and from Pearce every Wednesday and Sun day of each week, making the round trip in one day, carrying V. S. ma! and passengers. FARE, round trip - - 54 i BLAGKSMITH1NG AND HORSESHOEING. Best Facilities for Doing All Kinds of Repairing in Wood and Iron. None but First-class Workmen Employed. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. JFull ajiortment of hardwood and iron (or ule Br ARE TOU GOING WE 1 ScroMa la deeeated blood disease which all the mineral jrairtmres in the world eaaaotwe. S.S.a jpntrssittd partly vtzeUtW) is a reel blood remedy for blood diseases and baa bo equal. Mrs. Y.T.3ck,of DelaBey.'Ark., had Scrotal lor twestyfiTe years and most of the time was nnder the care of. tie darian wae eoald not relieve her. A specialist "said he cosld corel her, bet be filled her with arsenic add potash which almost mined her ui UtutioB. She then took nearly erery ao-caliea niooa I n rlirinr and drank l them by the wholesale. .her troable. Some ooe adnseomer totry S.S.S. aad'she yery Itnil that she had a real blood She says: "Aner lax. bottle of S.SS. X am iiiTfcirflT weQ. my akin ia clear SStSorTs47dd mv sormer comikioo for two thouaad Sellata. tumsaJ ofdryiag apthepoisoB marr arstem. like the potash aad ZJSct drore the 5SeSe et tkra-ck theakia, aad I wae perma- .. v . . i. .. are -well supplied with prepared goods of all lcinds fVvr nno limner tViis hot weather consistinc of Boned Turkey. Boned Chicken, Roast Turkey, Boast Chicken, Sardines of all kinds, Canned Soups in variety, French, English and American Mackeral in cans, Brook Trout in either Tomato or Mustard sauces, Deviled Turkey, Chicken, Tongue, and Ham, Ham- : burger Eels in Baked Beans Tomato Sauce, ,An? many other Goods too numerous to mention, Also in regular receipt oi Holland, LimDurger -and American Cheese. PROBATE NOTICE. Ia tie Probate Court of tie County of Co ciUe. Territory of Atixooa. In th miter of the esUte of Emma Holeotabe, deceased: Pursuant to an order of taid court, made on the 17th day of September. A. D. 1896. notice U given that F'ldajr, tbe 9th daj of Octob-r. A. D. 1895, atao'dockp. the court room of laid court,, at the courthouse in the city of Tombstone, and county of Cochie, has oeen appointea as ins ume ana puce iw pew. injt the wiU of said Emma Holcombe. deceased, and for hearing tbe application ol W. F. Nich ols for the Issuance to Mm 01 letters resianiaiiary hen and where any person interested may ap seax and contest the same 9 y r. Diaui.L.i THIS StJIVllVIEEt' The Sontliern Pacific Company have place on sile at Benson round trip tickets to points north and east at greatly reduced rates. Before pur rhating your tickets call on or sddress E.!S. "a-EBSTER. Agent at Benton, Or T. H. Goodscae,; O P. A. San Francisco. C. L. CUMMINGS. Wholesale and Retail Butcher, COR. 6TH AND FREMONT STREETS. Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal, Sausage, Bologna Pickled Trip Choice Steaks, Roasts, etc. Experienced Cutters. iE rep-Delivery to all parts of the City. Your p atronage solicited. Jelly, Boston plain or ir S-i-tf Kx.officie Clerk WAiTED SOUCITORS FOR CAM PAIGN Book "Bryan Seirail and Free' SilveJ'x autborii'd by Bryan vmrten ,rjy r. i' ...ciai. PROBATE NOITCE. Ia ihe Probate Court, County of CochiseJTer ntory of Anaona, IN THE MATThR OFTHE ESTATEOr Emile Lenormand deceased; Notice of Application for order of sale. Notice is hereby jrirer. that Geo. H. Fitts Administrator, has filed with the Ork or this Court a petition praricj for an order of sale of all real and personal property of deceased and that the 5th dy of. October. I896. at a o'clock o.m . of said dar beine a day of a reeular term of 'this court to wit of the October term. I896 OYSTER PARLOR. ALLEN St.BETWEEN 4th AjN 0 5th. FirstClass Jreals Best'of Attention; Eveiy thing in Season BOARD PER "WEEK $7.G0 THREE MEALS 1.G0 SINGLE MEALS..... 50 Dinners tor Specia. Occasions a Specialty Try a Meal at this Popular Rcsor First-Class Cooks enly Employed. Accommodations for Families J CAESAR, Proprietor. edi'or Omaha World Herald appointed author . jv-j.:,. cua,. ,, bouse, ia Tomb- by Bryan, contains, speeches ana piatiorm. . ; ltQ COBIy aforesaid, has been set for hearinr bosaxra for -agents; a free silver mine for work, ers; onlySt-so; the only authoriied book's per cent: cmiit jiiren: freight paid; outfit free, Be;i now with choke of territory; permanent, profi table work for 'oS. Address ThcNational Book Concern, Star building. Chkaeo. ai . Joa't Forget that we are cl jents icnity for Jor Tombstone and NOTieE. .VSkJ BS Ghae & Santorn Seal Branfl I Sealed paoposals wiU b recefred by the board of superroora of Cochise eountyfor the build in of a branch jail at Bisbrf! according to the plans and specifications adopted by the board. Bidden can obtain all the further necessary information at tbe om of the board of super. arx l Tombstone, or lion I S Williams, chairman of Ih board at Bisbee, All .bids must be filed with the Clerk of the board on or before a p m More ruber 6 1846 'Ihe hoard reserre-lW ifjU'l ujectasycr all bids. A. WENTWORT0, Clerk, ByJW A HaiwoOD, . - Deputy Clerk oa KiM Mtition. when and where any penoa Inter- ested may appear and show cause why the said said petition should not be granted. W. F. BRADLEY. Ei-ofido Clerk. DatedJScpt..5ih i3o. A r Blood Remedy, THE B1 EWmt V'l i4Weod remedy. H 'H IniiaiaesisTT m 49 mi H. firs. HILL FOE SALE. A tetntamp mill ctssirnt, 6 pons. 3 set tlers, an agitator, two 1 8-foot rerolvim;' concen trators, IOXJ6 Corlis engine, two boilers, all In good workine "trder, fJullaiag nearly nw CanbetBored as it close to railroad. Meat de sold,- and caa be bought for tS.'ooo caih Address aoSTECroa ce. Tombstone i.Ari Grocer TaiCiilBCtorWiiie Notice it hereby fiYen'thar the duplicite assessasent roll ot tbe County of Cochise irnow to ray possession for tbe ooUectJonof urs!ev. led for tbeyear IS96 in said ccucty Taxes will become delinquent. Cn the 3d Monday in Deoem3er iBj6.-mnd unless paid before that- dlte a peoaltT of fire per cent wi he added Jhe-ete, , . Parment sit be made at my offie in th county court bouse at Tombstone, during office hours 9 am to tarn ana 1 105 pm. JVV1CKERS, Treasurer aad Ex-OSdo Tar CoOectar Cochsse county Toa'ntote, Oaober 26,1196 oat NOTICE TO ALL WHOMI ITrifAT CONCERN. Notice is hereby giren. that certain mining chums ea'led ihe Tam Bien. MeGinty and Par agon, situated in the Warren mining district, and 'about one-half mile north'easteIy from the Holbrook hoisting works, and about the tame distance from the town of Bisbee, A. T. isi. As iheabore turned claims werr not located ia conformity with the U. S. mining law, there fore, a second party, at a later oate, reiocatea the same in full conformity with the above named laws, and is faOy determined to protect his rights. Tbrrefora, all parens are can tianed not to bargain for. buy or!te theJatoT! named claims. Z. S.-.MANSUR. aij-)m' Bisbee, A. T. - TOMBSTONE GAS CO. A. ASHMAN Lessee. WEESBACH INCANDESCENT 3AS EIGHT In General Use throughout the United States and Europe, -d successfully comf ing with Electricity, both in Brilliancy and Cost of Light. Uses Three Cub Feet oi Gas per Hour, and yields a Light of Sixty-Candle Power, Equal to four ordinary burners with1 double that amount of gas. COST OF LAMP !?2.r5 Placed in Position Without Extra Charge. . OFFIC'K in BANK BOII.DIKU. TO.MBSTOSE, AKIZOXA. MRS. A. I)AJkf.S0v Proprietress flOOHISE HOUSE. j Corner Fourth and Toughnut Streets. ELEGr'ANTLY FXJHlVISHnEI JELOOXia fVititon to this city will find the Cochisk a superior hotel nd ot offering excellent acc6molations. I lifiGE AKD COMMODIOUS SAMPLE ROOM FOR COMMERCIAL ME!, All Modern Conveniences. Rates Moderate. The National Matte Smelter. A practical and simple method of maniac sulphide ore, such as eickle, copper, gold and silver ores. In localities wbere lead ores and fuels are scarce and almcat unattainable, our pyritic. water jacket Matte Smelter has bees re cognized with highly satisfactory results, and has been thoroughly trsted on various pyratie, sulphide and arsenide ores, in capacity of a to 80 tons per day. It is the most practical, cheapest and simplest method of gold and stlrer ore matting and concentrating that is known ftidar v , It requires no extraordinary vVS. no lead ores. no noaing matetKu, aui. uvftm j .. 'the imeher aiur it U started. T.Ne sulphur in 'the ore is its natural fa-1 only, oast has no comparison with any otaer proce oi coc centrating " We are prepared to furnish any sue or capac ity riant comolete to substantial mining people. 'set it up and furnish our men t run it for them on easy payments, race ana specraniions furnished with references and testimonials oa application, NATIONAL ORE REDUCTION Co. 573 Cheltenham Avenue. St Louis. Mo, Manufacturers of Furnaces for Nickle, Copper, Gold; Silrer and I-ead Ore jai-iy Wanted-An Itiea iH ALLf PERSONS ARE CAUTIONED against yaciiasin, or negotiating a paper-purporting o eaS for'one hundred dollars, JSsjsr el cbnGaW aad endorsed- fcy sue u.ssmIib beeapaloVaS4 I hold ;Mr Gates receipt ?aM SAN JOSE HOUSE. MRS. F. J. BEAN, Prop. Centrally Located, Large, Clean ant Well Vintilated Rooms. --- Palace Hotel. Mrs. S. GALLEN, PlOp Fifth bet. Allen and Toug .nni Tombstone, -v Arizay FIRST CSASS IN EVERY RESPECT. PARLCR FOR (iC Everything Made Convenient for Guests Special Rates to Parties by theV?S Ar.Mon'b. Ricovated ThtOfghout. SJUPLic'00M FOR J)ItV3lMSRS. JIATEU REAS0NAB1 HOSTEL AMINGTON 1 NEWLY FPRNI3MED LARGE AIRY. ZZ &003IS BEST ACCOM 3!(MAT!K- This "Favorite Headqna.iers for Ccmm-rciil' 1 ai itct I n newly fitts lenovaterl and neatly furnished throughout ith ti-tcia! it.'utuc to the uaelift Rooms eosuite and' single. Prices Moderate. pnbUc. ' Everything5 fiirflt-cl "Sample xccrrs for rcirireria) m W 1 e 1 i ( , V ? f II f 1 i i M i A M H 'm "- Swtlt - aw kv . ... 1 tv mo wmmm tob 1 oser has been lost. T, B. CH TTM AN .TOMBSTONE, ARIZONA HORN Ot B1X1R AND.ALIW 81REBE8. 4 jlllMIHM wails4. I 1 sG'dtaia T 11 XQMJromrJliij1jHgi. A- -a&Xr&r 5.-5-. - . jk "' -- fi? ' - "- - ... .-fl isassSMM