Newspaper Page Text
lnlffll'T,tlW,ll,lil'l ' ?r I? I rv W mi- . 1. i ft X' a -r ' LCk PALACE ant 0- K- Livery and Feed Stables, BEST TURNOUTS IS THE CITY. At reusable rales, and on short notice. The patronise of the public is icspct- fully solicited and satisfaction guaranteed GRIFFITH & ADAH, Proprietor. BlgRKK. AlUZOXA. Ghop House, Main street, Bisbee. OTTO GIESKNHOFFEtt. Prop Finest Restaurant la Bisbee. Primate Rooms for families or for private parties. JBresh Oijstcrsand all kirids of Game in season. The table suvvlied with ilte best the market afford ' THEO. F. METZ, Pioneer Soto Ms. Soda water.Sarsapanlla, Sarsaparilla and Iron, Gsnger Ale, Champaign Cider, Syraps, table waters, etc. Lalett improved machinery, and none but the very bctt of materealt ever uted. Bisbee, - - ArlaoRis. BLEWETT AND RUCASTLE MANCFACTt7RR OF BOOTS aid SHOES Repaired and Hade to order ore Short A'otice. A full line ot GENERAL MERCHANDISE Coastaa'Jy on hand. Consistingof Boots. Shoes. Shirts, Underwear, and Gents Furnishing Goods. A well selected stock, aad the Cheapest place in Bisbee quality ot goods considered. F. M. HoEAT Keeps a well selected stock of SCOTCH IRISH AND BOURBON WHISKIES, And the best brands of Cigars. Ice Cold Beer on Draught ULVUB ROOMS ATTACHED. ?os a pleasant, social time, and courfous treat ment, call on McKay, Bisbee. Aruoaa. BISBEE DAIRY. Ben Franks Propr, POBE, FREMU.H1LK eHirtrei. to all parts of jhe city every -ening at the lowest market price. Kiur patronage solicited, Satisfaction Guaranteed. Leave orders with Union Market. A. O- I). W. OUEEN LOOSE Na every aturday evening IX MEETS Visiting broth. a ers coroiauy invuca, Amos Kindred. M. w, Sowaio Baxkrk Recorder. IL C FitASESt, Financier. H. SCHMIEDLNU, JEWELER AND DENTIST. ALLKINDS of dental and jewelry work in all branches performed with neitneiss aad dispaoh. Offices, Bisbee ard Tombstone, DR I W. FVRS.IN .TON.-rDKN'TlST. All work in the line of Dentistry done In a arofessional nuaer and satisfatioa guranted. htrges ate verf reasonable. Office atshearer j, fldta;. . .A" OVERLOOK, r UNION MARKET ANDBAKfeRY, Breuey fiuenue, Bisbee Mtizona, 1rishrB6effan& Mutton, Forty etc. '.a1s?ZiaWPor.iid ' C0rTUd,,zvji,vu,-i y7iEfra7ioZ, rn.JHes and Cakes every daft nJtin'TJjithe ; 3wrv - made t&hn0igj' m ej: Tie London Tailor, lust received, anew tin of gouis for fall an J sp-injr, lit and satisfaction puaranleed. Yut a foil suit, pasts or overcoat, call and see FRED WAR BURTON, The London Tailor, tll. STREET, IUNIIKK. BISBEE Steam Laundry. bis'bee; a. t.v All kinds of laundry work done with neatness and dispatch. PRICES REASONABLE. . Delivery wagon work. collects and distributes Give them a trial. all GEO. UREYSPRING. - - Manager Office With Marks A Wittig barber shop. Visit Markey's Studio' or upjto; date. class photography. h'jh CRAYOXS. ISK, PASTELS and WATER COLORS. To meet 'outside competition!! wDl mike you a high class life size Crayon for $3.00. a gooa enlargement can be made from card, cabinet or tin type Urrzx MAiN.street, Bisbee, Arizona. CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES Fresh fruits of all Jcindsre ceivea' aaiiy, WINES, LIQUORS, PIOARS. AND TOBACCO. Goods delivered Wall piats of town. 10 per cent off for cash. 91. MEDlGOriCH, rropr. DDBACHER & MUHEIM, Brewery Gulch, Blsbco, Ariz. Pabst Milwaukee Beer On Drautfti, Constantly on Sand. Our Bur is Sap plied with the best Wines, Liquors and -Cigars Your patronage respectfully solicited. V. Q. MEDIGOVICH, Wholsale and Retail Dealu in Groceries, Poultry, Game received once a week. LIQUORS, WINES, CIGARS AND TOBACCO, 8APTISTA CARETTO DUXES' TW DRY GOODS, GREEN AND DRIED FRUIT8, WINES, IMPORTED LIQUORS ANDiCIGARS, EGGS, BUTTER AND PROVISIONS; IMPORTED CHEESE fc SAUSAGES f Also Dealer in Wood. FINE PHOTOS Clean Cask Store Daily Happenings at the Great Copper Camp. Budget ot Interesting Items from our Regular Cor- respondent. Bisbee, Nov. C, 189G. corTEaixo. Rather exteneive preparations are being made today for the farewell party which is to be tendered to Mi6 Jennie Humphrey at tbe rink tonight. The young lady expects to depart for her old home in New Mexico in a few days and her friends have decided to givo her their parting regrets this evening. Miss Humphrey has not been with us very long, but lier never failing good nature and rnirtbfulness have wot ber a great many friends all of whom are sorry to bear of ber departure. The boys got a great joke on Windy Dick on election day and have been making th most ot it ever Bince. Dick unwittingly made a bet several daysbtfore (lection, in the.pre6DCO of several members ol the opposing partiex, and as a consequence he waa promptly challenged on presenting himself at the polls Tuesday morning. The challenge was as much of a joke as anything else but Dick was not aware of the fact and concluded that he didu't want to Tote anyway. From that moment hiB life has been one series of disappointments and he is now spending the greater part of bis lime at his chicken ranch poring over a thumb-marked volume entitled ''Life of Mark Hanna." He tried to come up town on several occasion?, but whenever there was any political talk o'ng on Dick was always informed that he was like that proverbial steam engine which did the puffing and snorting but couldn't vote. This got very wearisome to his "talkative high ness." so he determined to isolate him self until the inconvenience dies out. From some unaccountable reason only a portion of our Biabee corres pondence arrived today. Last August while working in the har vest field 1 became overheated, was sud denly attacked with cramps and was neatly dead, Mr. Cumratnss, the drug gist, gave me a dose of Chamberlain' Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy which completely relieved me. I now keep a buttle of the remedy handy. A. M. Bunnell, Centerville, Wash. For sale by Drussists, 9 Tbn Tyrauar el (be Deslt. We will suppose that your occupation is sedentary that your are chained, so to - ,1- ,n ifc .Vt in snme eountm? house or perhaps to the loom in some vast mill where yon ate compelled to labor from morning to night. Sunday is your only day of relaxation. You return home every evening wearied mtntajiy ana bodily. Your neaitn ana strengtn uegm ,n fail. What will most effectuilly re- cuperate-your vital energy The weight of evidence points 10 no otner conclusion than that Hostetter's Stomach Bitters is your safest, most reliable sheet anchor. Use it persistently, and your system will soon regain its pristine vigor. Every function will receive a healthful impulse. rhere is no remedy to equal tne uiuers for nevousness and want of sleep, dyspepsia, constipttion and billiousness. It aert"and remedies all forms of mal- 'arial disease, and is a preventive of rheumarfln and neuralgia. TIi ! Your Oiiortanlty. On receipt ct ten cent, cash -or staaptv a geoeros temple ..! tj mailed, of the roott iomiUir CaUut h and Kay Tever Cure (FJy'a Crein Ealui) xfEcient to demon, strato the rjreat merits cf the remedji. ZIjI jlKOZUELrf, J 'V.'irrer. CL, 3'tw York City. T Jnlm rJd. Jr. f Cr. -U ralU.HonL. recoinmcnded Eiy'i ( icatii )'.a.iii to ma. I can empljwizo hm a'-ntemn.t, Itiori- tire cure lor eaiarra u &en a u.icbcu. Kev. Francis W. Poole. Ttstor CentralPrea; Church, Helena, Mont By Cream Balm U the acknowledged cure for catarrh and coaf ains no mercory nor any injurious drug. Price. 50 ccttta. flfvav- vaaM0 Miae. OC81CM PATKHTSf vwriniMfm v.w Ttr f nfnrntattna end free nawSbooi writ to JIUXN ft CO- Stl BlOiOWlT. MW Yoat CKdea fcnreni 1" -Tiragr'.''m?rJt. tvery titm- cen cot fcr U iTonrM Defer; sn Mwi tajiu ftrwlive otefcuxe ta mmmt wmm 1 VwuaU.r-w iJ-cwry w 4 ScicstWo Arrsrictfl iL mmT Mmm iHWlTtL MWr s PALACE Lodging House IIHS. THOS. WALKElt.IProp. When visitiws Bisbee don't fail to go to the Palace, Rooms large lighl and airxj Well furnished rooms, Centrally and Conveni ently located. Renovated throughout, Raies Reasonable. STLOUISBEERHALL BISBEE, ARIZ. SUATTUCK & KEATING. Proprietors. Agent or Anheiuer-Btuch Brewing Attociation. Wholetale and Retail. ICE COLD BEERS DRAUGHT C. W. BLACKBURN. The New Improved White r-eneff Machine U Kireot All. bold on the Installment plan ou easy term, by a W. BLACKBUKS, O! K btreeL All Machine Findincs of all kind. Notary Public and Conveyancer. Miners Exchange Main Street. Bisbee. . W. C. SMITH & CO. Choicest of Wines, Liquors ana Cigars. Every courtesy and accommodation extended to patrons, heading and Card Room Attached. Notice to Creditors. , Estate of Emma'Holcornbe deceased, PUBLIC NOTICE! ISHEREBY GIVEN by the undersigned administrator of the state of Emma Ilolcorabe deceased, to the cred tors of and all persons having claims against the said deceased, to exhibit them with the nec essary vouchers, within four months after the first publication of tbiscotice, to the said ad ministrator, at his office in the tnwnfofj Will cox, in the said county of Cochise, W.IFl NICHOLS, Admiroistra'or, with the wO annexed,! oij the estate ct Emma Holcorob. deceased-. Dated at WBlcox.tlhis lath day ef October, 1B96 Ciatf, FOR SALE. A croup of Copper Claims part'y developed. Ore black and oxide from theTgrass roots;, ore found in all - working's; plenty in sight and just the proposition for a company Good ro- ds, wood, water" arjd timber plentiful, claims eight mile; from railroad. Address Prospector, -office, Tomb stone , r.J- " rOBLlFW ' 1 TowBSTOsr, Oct, aj, 1856 TO .LL, WHOM IT HAY CONCERN Take notice: That on the 8ih day of Septetp ber. lSo6, the Arm af Hailewood and Hcddy, doing bus nessat Pearce. county ot Cochise, A T. mortgaged to Geo II Fitts all the stock in trade and personal property of said firm, includ ing the book accounts, and gave him possession of the same, and the same pioperty and book accounts were attached in the suit of P P War- nckros, vs Hailewood & Huddy This is therefore to warn all persons who are indebted to said firm not to pay the same to the said Haztewood Huddy, or either of theaj. as such payment will not be recognised by ui. G H. FITTS, P. B. WARNEKROS. -30-iod The Worlds Fair Tests showed CO baklag pcrvdat so pare cr so stcjst la Is-w tains porrser us ilrti Rnysl , NIOirvNOBILE. j Dealer in rjih b'raits RjcuumJ Daily fronl California Carries the Best Liuo of CIGARS AWD TOBACCO EYF.Brouslit to Tombstonr. ToXTV ? potatoes. 0(iiQns, eto., always - oh Mand. Fifth St. next to P,ostoffice. FOR f me r l I j -s ? Of Any Detcription, Call on WM. D. MONMOJflEg, Oppotite Maton Doree. Carries a full line of Station ery, books, Inks, Pens, Mu cilage, Toys, "Window glass, Fancy Toiiet Articles, etc. Price the Lowest! Allen St. Met Fourth Fifth O.K. Livery Stable Full Line of Liven TKANCIEN T AND BOARDING STOCK CAREFULLY ATTENDED Prosvectine Picnic and Ex cur sionvurties outfitted on short notice.. Or ders bu mail or tel &raph receives vromvt atten tion: TERM SUNREASONABLY LOW, JOHN' MONTGOMERY, Prop. J V. VICKER3 Fremont Strert, 1 ombstonr, Arizona. Real Estate. Mines Jilonei', Cattle and In surun ce. '""aw KEU. ESTATE BousbOold renteol MINE-! Bright sold manaced. MONEY Loans negotiated and in vestments made CATTLE Groer. dealer rtdrftl INSURANCE-Fire. Accident, Life. Prompt Attention Given Collection. TOMBSTONE DRUG - STORE. Op. Wells Fargo Co. A Choice Stock of Pare and Fresh Drags and Medi , cines on Hand. Fall Line of Leading Patent Medicines Prescriptions Cornpounded by a Careful Competent and Experienced Prescriptionist. Fine Selection of MOTIONS. TOILETCOGDS, PERFUMES 1 . PIONEER .BARBER SHOP, .to? PIT LIPPERT. Prop, tyvHitknuf ynt. Clean and in Ftrtt i Clou Order. f having. Shampooing and Haircatting , dne in an Artistic Manner. The OUiett and ilott Favorably Known .Barber on the Cotut, Pay Him a Call. Alless. bet, 4thtl.ToBBone CITY BARBER SHOP AND Bath Rooms, J. B. MIANO, Proprietor, Hair Cultinp, Shavinz and Shampooing Large, Convenient and Commodious Bath Rooms attached. Hot and Cold hower Baths. Everr- tn!ngfirst-class Yeart 0 Practical Experience malcet '- this Shaving Parlor a mot Popular Re tort. AHosa. war CTwVUi.'rwlw. Staipnery As a compliment to our many patrons and the public generally, for a short time we are going to" give to' every purchaser of Ten Dollars' worth of r;oods a fine .rl Life-Size Ciayon Portrait.; " - There is not a family but possesses some picture ol Father, Mother, Brother or Sister, which they would like to have reproduced in a life likeand durable mariner. What more suitable fbr a present Call at once and see specimen. THE FIJ.lIIE. The portrait Company has made it conditiona upon us that wit' each portrait we sell a frame. The price is $4r.oo to $ Call and select your own style. OTJJR. &JL.A.TS Is to issue tickets on your first purchase of five :ents or over, and every additional purchase, large or small, is added thereto, and when the amount reaches $10 we deliver, free of cost, a Life-Size portrait. Call andget a ticket. F. N. WOLGO Dealer in Choice Family Groceries A WELL SELECTED STUCK OF HARDWARE AND TLWVARE, AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TOrES." Goods Delivered free ARIZONA MAIL & STAGE CO Office Opposite Drug Store, 5th St, Carries. S. MattjM WJF. &Co's. Exp. FARIrTO Qri FROM FAIRBANKS -- ."!...7....1.5Q Leaves Tombstone at 8.15 a. m. to connect with Trains for" Bisbee; east -and west Leaves Tombstone at 5:15 p, m. lor Fairbank to connect with Nogalesandall points south. Arrives 12:-! 5 r. m, with Bisbee mail and passengers. Arrives at 9:00 v. m. with eastern and western mail and. passengers. , 9.riGr(7.,lG of Pasiengem delivered to andfjom Office in the cityree of Charge TENTH STREET DAIRY." -jOHN HANLEY PROPRIETOR ' Pure, fresh Unadulterated Milk, delivered daJl" foul parts of the city, a re -nh' Milk Wagon in town JliJ'r r yt'.e quart, lOcts, Reduction is made for larger quantities if Oflice is on (he wagon. Your patronage solicited. ' John Weiland' Anheuser, Lemps. - 'yjfTi Tin iradf; supplied ' TVCKOX, ARIZOS.1, t ,- Jjettled Weiland Beer furnished to families in lumbston ' T "";".' .b: JOS. HOEFLER ' - Aflministrator's A Good Ranch and Improve ""ments Offered for Sale, -XTOTICEmsrHEREBY'OIVEN "THAT J.1 bids will hertcetTed by the un-imkjned administratcr of the estate of Emile Lenormand deceased up to and -including November 14th l8cAat his store in Tombstone Arirona for the ranch of 160 acres', heretofore owned and occu pied by said deceased, situated on the San Fedra river in said county: Just above the Grand Central MuT. and about two miles below the town of Fairbank and also for all the personal property and utensils belonging to and situated upon said ranch which personal property is de scribed in she inventory and appnsement in this estate, on "file with the Probate lodge o' said county. Pfjwssion can be given December ist,-i89&. Terms of sale, cash. The right to reiect any and all bids la hereby reserved. 1JGEO. H. FITTS Administratcr. Dated September 301,1896 Sale MS e a - '. igvp - - "' to all parts of the City. LAGER" ST. LOUIS WHOLFSAI.E AND RETAIL BEER HILL MARTIN COSTJ5LLO J Aent -for Anheu&er Busch " Seer, " TT, uMk r. :3H