Newspaper Page Text
rsr &? The Prospector. NOVKMBEK 7.1896 RAILROAD TIME TABLES IZONA & SOUTHEASTERN R. R. a?2 ,erta TIM TA.BLE Ko.. jij msti. ii f South M . 1 IMS MOB Ml CteM KiFBt BaVr Fir IIms BUtlou '4nr xct Sai4r -) :- ......Kb ArJWJ ....Don Lnl (1.1 IXklM . T:It Mr .U ao : j o "... I...., JO 0 .!". J7.Lt ..K t . .... s.fl .... Jii Si .. s.s MS l. !." If' MM .! I1.SS ..-natrr Tan J0.1 .. .Chariot .ml. J ...r Irbaak ... .Lr 1B.8 ....Ftlrbuk ia Jr. A.CninC...UT.T tAn4 IS.7 . ent&tla I .4 ... Batoa...... L.l :l KUc tint. n utLs. atop nf't.iii. nymim. Saw rinttnS.ut. SOUTHERN PACIFIC R tsC STATIONS. tr.lo a nt ;.oam i.ojam L- ... Benin.. ... .Tucson Mar'eopa ... ... uma .Los Angeles. AH 540pm 7.05 p m 10.05pm 335 am 1 eopin .5"" Baa Set. fUmlUJ. cut Voand, Monaari ul h iaaynt,l, Benton Son Set. I. mis wc bjuoi. We!ndars a fctmaeje, 1.05 BenMn NEW MEXICO ARIZONA (Test East &aopra 1,50 am aooim Lr. ...Benson... .. Ftirbanlc .. ..Huachoca.. , Crittenden ., , Cabxbatas ., ..Noeal'i... .AH 10.40 a m z.oopm 12.10 pm 1 0.20 pm 0.00 am 8.30am 1.40 am a. 37am; 1.15 pm gg JiVr rcpt Saeiar. PacSe time.;. I. J. FkeT General Manager. A. Naucle. L. H. ALBKEClir. Awste General Manager. Tnia Master. MARICOPA & PHOENIX R R. INorlhJ; jtaiioks " Sooth So poLi Phonix At Ooasn t.a5pm Tempe . taoam .Mpm . Krrene tc&pm 9,15pm ......Sacatoa isjiopm a.4Spm .....Mane pa. .... raiopm U. HVHoNSHXlX, Gen. Sapt. LOCAL NOTES. fcilver it Quoted at C5 Trash Fiih is received every Thnrs 4y at Noble'. tf. Tb Mexican band is again with ui. Mm. Marrf, wif of Jim IXarrs, ii very ill aad reported sinking thii morning. X. W. Land came ovr from Biibee today to rtatia over Sunday on visit. The jnrora to aerve at tbU term of sort were summoned to be in attend ance Tuesday morning;. m m . Judge Betbune is expected to arrive la Tombstone tbis evening and lo open district court Monday morning. Sidney Bareteen, a deputy United States marshal, arrived today from Tucson on hurried official business. There are fourteen patients in the boipital at the present time, and most of them are getting along nicely. There is In Tombstone at present a merry-go-round, a panorama and a graahopone. We don't lack for amuse toeata even if tinea are dull. The whereabouts of Geo.E. Simp eon etr E. Wilson, formerly of Tomb stene, is desired by W. E.Smith, 254 X. 9th street, Philadelphia, Fa. Also c! J. a. Scott, by R. J. Scott, LewistOB. Wioming. . . The university of California seems te be suffering from a plethora of stud at. Tenia bare been erected on the eeaipus.the building of the univer sity hering been found lo be quite inadequate for the accommodation of the erowd of seekers after knowledge. Awarded iriffcttrt Honors World' Fair, VWCFJ CHEAM BAKING PtHWR MOST PERFECT WxD- terClJeCKsn of Tartar fowier, Ftt Amswnis. AJuji or any other adaNerafK WW TW STANCMV PARTIAL CANDIDATES. Delegate to Congress A. J. Doran, R Marcus A. Smith, D WrnO'Neil, P Council W. P. Long, R..... ....... BAPackard, D 1.. J. MathiasP. Assembly T. W. Farrington, R , Wm, Speed, R... M. J. Castanarla, R J.N. Jones, D J. M. Merrill, D J. J. Riggs, D P.A. Loigreen, p C. P. Crockett, P. N. Errickson, P Sheriff F. E. Cadwell, R Scott White.D G.J. McCabe,P District Attorney G.W.Swain, R A.R. English, D Jas. Reilly. P 99 . 29 . :o . 31 . 63 3 34 34 .150 Probate Judge W. F. Bradley, R S. A.D. Upton, D W.M.FiVe, P Recorder E. V. Perkins, R M. J. Brown, D Geo. Porter, P Treasurer C L. dimming R A. Wentwortb, D i P.... Surveyor W.CTyler, R Supervisors T. C. Axnsden, R.......... John Montgomery, R J. McPherson. D L. Shattuck, D..... H. Schmiedmg, P. Geo. V. Bryan, P .107 . 66 . 30 .132 .105 . 41 .113 .114 -63 . 12 . 28 THE SAN SIMON VALLEY Said to be the Rendezvou of the Robbers. It is stated on good authority that the band of highwaymen that have been boldly riding the country ever ioce their attempted robbery o! the Xogalcs bank, taking in postoSices, railroad nations and helping theni- elves to whatever pKner 1 tbrlr fancy, in defiance of both the lw and officer, are at present camped at or near the ranch ol Fred Ruch, about eight miles north-weetof San Simon Station in the San Bimon valley. The officers have been notified of thia fact but up to tbis time they have not routed them. The bandits have the advantage in this that they can climb to the top of Ruch' windmill and by the aid of a field glass could see any moving object mile away, so as long as the sun abinet tLey are able to ditcern and avoid any per60n coming their way; thus it will bo seen that the officers have but one show and that i to surprise them at night. These men are bold, tbey are brave, tbsy are desperate, and when they are brought to bay some body is sure to be hurt; the officers know this, and while tbey are brave as the average of man kind, they must out general these des perate men or be maimed for life or worae. Still the country must be rid ef the outlaws whatever the cost. Word received states that the rob bers have Lesorae more defiant, and the Southern Pacific haTe taken the matter in hand and secured a posse in Tucson who, with the forces of the United State marshal, left that city early thi morning for Bowie and an attack on the robber is looked for to night. Should a battle ensue blood shed will surely follow. m Nptiaoa were posted at the Home stead Mil!, of the Carniega company, Pittabuig, Fa., of a readjustment of wages, to take effect Jan. 1837. Under the agreement with the workmen, eaeh tide is required to give a 90 day' aetica ot any change in the wage paid. - While delivering a p Iiticl pob at Hoehne, Colo,, the other night, Senator Casimiro was shot at five times by a man namsd John Hoyi, who stood irsseediatrly outside the hall and fired throneh a crack in the bnildinr. One of the balls took effect in the senator left jaw and be fell to the floor, though not seriotuly wound ed. The funeral f Mr. J. D. Noriega tok place this afUrnoen from the Catholic church. A larga number of aympatlsizing friends being present to hear the last solemn requiem ierTice ere also held at the cem:cr Eev. BesetaU officating and the lart mortal remain of a devoted mother was aigae to everlasting rati. RETURNS. 34 2 7 o 3 . 06 . S3 39 204 3 13 to 101 29 10 til o 19 o 8 .134 198 3" 14 . 16 77 to 4 12 8J47 7S 10. 6 811 2 s I 7 2 4 9 77 66 t36 3 6 1521 9 4 9 7 . 67 Bo 5 4 69 200 11 72 S39 10 16 160 40 '4 $4 9 6 8 3 102 1 IS 83 2; 15M 128 156 It 6 3 2 18 3 3 16 8 5 8 4 7 6 15 ifl 162 3 6 9 99 189 Q' 188 I39 8, 819 58, 10 2 353 '3 8 33 '3 !3 129 139 191 232 34J8 64 10 73 133 1 282 16 CO 212 2 142 138 11 8 169 6 10 242 2 3 4 4114 28 52 c 361 8' 12I 8 AN OBSREPERO US DRUNK. Attacks a Jailer and is Laid Oat with a Bunch of Kevs. Handcuffed and howling with rage, maddeucd by excestire drink, J. C. Dennis was brought to the police sta tion yesterday from Bojle Height, where be had been arrested for drunk enness. On arrival at the police sta tion he was placed in one of the duu geoas, as he fought and kicked like a demon. Once inside thn cell Dennis tore around like a mad bull and kicked at the iron door until the whole jail resoundtd with the clamor. Twice the eell doer waa opened and he was warned to be quiet, and fer a few moment subfided, only to renew his kicking and roaring a ooa a left alone. The third time Jailor Bon Bobbins opened the door to speak to the infuriated man. A he did so Dernis jumped forward out of the darknsss. struck the jailer in the eye with his fist and grappled with him, clawing tcotb and nail. Bobbins tried to shake him off but could not. In bis right hand the jailer carried his bunoh of huge heavy keys fastened on a obain. Seeing there was nothing else to be done he smashed the diink arazed man over the head with them, laying him out cold. The blood poured from a gash in the scalp inflicted by the sharp wards 0! the keje and Dennis taken to the receiving hospital for treat mtnt. The blow and loss of blood bad sobered him up considerably and attar the wound had been stitched up he was glad enough to behave himself and go to eleep in a cell and forego any fur experience in the dungeon. Dennis cao-.e hers Irom Bisbee and Tombstone, Arizona, recently and is a miner. L. A. Herald. The ituance of marriage licenses ia the Probate court's office does not come up to this usual standard this year, The reason for the falling off is ac counted for by tb fact that thi is leap year and the girls are bashful. The fairdamsals should remember tbis is the lati opportunity 10 exercise the leap year privelege for eight years and there is only on month and a half left. The Anaconda(Montana) Company is constructing two tana 150 feet in length, 6 feel deep and 8 feet wide for it eopper precipitating plant. The plant ha been operated by the com pany line Mr. Kedford's leaan expired Mr. Ledford netted between (5000 and $6000 per month from the water of the Anaconda and Lawrence -mine, and the company expect to make even abetter shewing. ARIZONA'S GOVERNOR. What Governor Franklin has to say on Arizona. "Arizona," said Uovrrnor Franklin when interviewed in the Washington Post, 'i scarcely appreciated ia the east, hut it i one of the Guest coun tries in the world. The climate of its soutbrru part ia seuii-tropiul, and in winter is as fine s.s Italy. Whitelaw Reid who spent a portion of last w'ntar with us, said that nowhere on earth had he experienced a climate more delightful and salubrious than that of Phoenix. We have beautiful and fertile valleys that will grow sweeter fruits than those of California and which mature from four to six weeks earlier. Our ptcxluction of precious metal last year aggregated f ld.WU.UW, and there is one copper mine in the territory thai is valued at I20.COO.000. This season we shipped 220,000 head ef cattle. There are 0, 000,000 acre of grazing land. "Two things are ureded to start Arizona on a career ol prosperity second to no state in the union. We should be granted statehood, and the government should build big reservoirs so as to convert our arid land into fertile farms. This is legitimate and just, forit is no more than tbe expend iture of government fund on the im movement of river and hartors. Statehood is our risht and all our peo ple demand it without regard to party," A dispatch Irom Washington says the Mexican minister has informed the secretary of state that American cattlemen will be permitted to cross into Mexico in rounding up their herds under the same conditioas as are applied to Mexican cattlemen by the United States customs. The secretary of the Indian., state health board has reported from Columbus" where a man persisted in kissing his sweetheart, who was alarm ingly ill of diphtheria, and ha also contracted the disease. The secretary therefore want to interdict all kissing concerning which he say: "I am convinced of the difficulty the health board will meet in trying to taboo kissing amons sweetheart. Al. hough a most dangerous pastime, thereems to be an inherent tendency to indulge in it and we have little hope of ever be ing able to do away with it. I may have to recommend a disiafectant. All that would bentcetsary would be to rinse the teeth well with It and rub it well on the lips. That would in sure devotees against the trouble of oesnlalion." Chixrcli INToticen. Sfethodiat Ctmceh. Sunday School at 10 o'cUck a. m. Junior Epworth League, 3 -30 p, ni. Preaching in evening at 7:13, A cordial invitation i rxtesdwt1 a 11. D.R0BRT8V Pastor. Catholic Ctourch. Tomorrow rvics wilt be held at the usual hour; that is: Mass at 9:30 a. m. Sunday School after ratis. Vespers at 7 30 p.m. L. Bxzuut. The U. S. Gov't Reports show Royal Baking Powd trlnr ' toilers. Or. Price' Craaa Bakiac Powefec WorM'a Pair tf iefseat Aw. 4. Tea that has not been qualities on a long ocean moisture. fi.M-.wwtt .,. M- At jour grocrr't 1 wA.jawJaMMga.-Jf-a vy. , ' , , m g flg INCOMPLETE RETLRNS. Following are the partial returns received at this office tbis p. m. CUSTOM H'lfSE. Mark Smi'h O'Niell, , 0 Doran 0 White 8 McCabe English 7 8wain 2 HKREOKl White McCabe.... Cadwell.... Engliih Rrilly Swain .. .. Wentworth . Bradley .... Fiktr.... . Upton Tttii Lives Sutcd. Mrs. Phoebe Thomas of Junction Citv 111., was told by her doctors she had con sumption and tbat there was no liope for her, but two bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery cured tier, and she iis it saved her life. Mr. Thos. EEgers, 139 Florida St., San Francisco, suffered from a dreadful cold, approaching consump tion, tried without result everything else then bought one bottle of Dr. King's 4ew jjiscoverp and in two weeks was cured. He is naturally thankful. It is ruch results, of which there are samples that prove the wonderlul efficary ol the medicine in coughs aad colds. Free trial bottles at Tombstone and Bisbee drug stores, Regular she 50c and Sl.oo Gladness Comes TtAVitha. better understanding of the v v transient nature of the many phys ical oils, vrnicu vanisn beiore proper ex forts gentle efforts pleasant efforts rightly directed. There is comfort in the kno-vledg-e, that so many forms of sickness are notdne to any actual dis ease, but simply to a coru-tipated condi tion of the system, which the plrascnt family laxative. Syrup of Figs, prompt ly removes. That is why it is the only remedy with millions of families, andii everywhere esteemed so highly by all who value good health. Its beneficial effects are due to the tact, that His the one remedy which promotes internal cleanliness without debilitating the organs on which it acts. It is therefore all important, in order to get its bene ficial effects, to note when you pur chase, that you have the genuine arti cle, which Is manufactured by the Cali fornia, Fig Syrup Co. only and sold by all reputable druggLsts. If in the enjoyment of good health, and the system is regular, laxatives or other remedies are then not needed. If afflicted with any actual disease, one may be commended to the most skillful physicians, hut If In need of a laxative, ene should have the best, and with the well-informed everywhere. Syrup of Figs stands highest and is most largely ana gives most general skotucuc. PROPOSALS FORFORAGEANDSTRAW : Office ot Chief Quartermaster,, Denver Colo., November, a 1896 Sealed proposals ia triplicate, will be recced here and at office of Quartermaster at each post below rxvori nnul 11 o'clock. A. v.. 120th meridian time, Decem bers, iSo5. and then owned for fjmishinr For. aja sad Straw, at Toiu. Gnut. Hoacfauca. sxo-posi 01 :-aa ursos aad Wfirapla Barracks, A.T.: Forts Bayard and Wugaleu,N. M,; Forts Douglas aud DuChtine, Utah, and Fart Logan Colorado, darinr tie fiscal vr coding Jane 30, 197. Proposals for qoaauues less than the whele required, or for delivery at points other than those named, will be entertained. The right is reserrcd to reject anr or all proposals or any part thereof. Information furnished on atDlicatisn hem r., i offices of respecure post quartermasters. En. rrlopes to be marked Proposals for For age aad Straw." E- B. ATWOQD Atafcw uueltj. M First Insertion Nov, asi. Pride of Japan Tea loses none of its f - aroma or strength on the long ocean voyage fi from the Orient, be- f cause it is the finest first pickings, properly fired and packed as soon as gathered. fully fired loses its good voyage absorbs the salt BRANDENSTEIN -SanFrando & CO. I and YokohxTia I I JOSEPH CORNER FIFTH AND PIONEER DEALER IN General Merchandise. Miners and Ranchers Supplies, STAPLE Al FANCY Improved Agricultual Implements, -?, ffMSanilMOEu - Everything InOur Line is First Cla.cs Gccds SoUTat Prices That Defv Comcetilion. JOS. STORE HOEFLER. FREMONT STREETS. - STORE. fr- Tents and Wagon Covers. S- j?r-s. T-6 . ' ' ... . r ew ' Sfe 1 - r Windmills Wagons Pumps FOR FAMILY TRADE-' -1- JSSL Jtr 'jr js ' and HOEFLER. ! VI ! i i'l V Ji -0 V TV v. Jr mr - ; tit u