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JfrinifofrrifcaBhiiwfl jfr. &&sfjisz ygi, iJSSR ' r HSJS JUWWJfS-WllffM"., JT5" PIPl-WUBIflr pWHWJW it THE MBSTONE " PROSPECTOR OUR WATO HWORD--"COOHISE COUNTY FIRST, THE WORLD AFTERWARD. VOL. X TOMBSTONE. ARIZONA WEDNESDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER tl. I806 No. 2l Til m .I s 1 r vi -? DAILY PROSPECTOR. City ami County Official P-iper POLISHED EVERY EVENING i (ExCElT gtJMJAY) BV Wm. Uattich Editor anl proprietor. .Freniout St. Opponitc City Unll The PEOrccroR will ot bold luelf respon sible for any of tbe ajuelts or itnumenti ex pressed by any of it correspondent!. Entered tn the Tombstone Fostoffi ai Second Class renter, ' FROFESSIONAL. CARDS. JAMES REILLY. ATTOrOJEY AND Counselor at Law. Land aad Mining c set ,1 specialty. Tombstone, Arlxona. w M. C. STA&HLE. ATTORNEY AT- Law nnd Notary Public. Tombstone AiUona. G EO. VT. SWAIN, ATTONEY AT Law. WUI practice la ail couiu ui itc Temtory, Tombstone Aniona. VS. CLARK. ATTONEY AND COUN- 5 selor at l.a . Office on Fourth istreet, ' beteea Allen and ToutbnnU Tonib- WiU practice In aU the conns of the 7. CHARLES GRANVll.UE.junr.aiu.. Attorney and Counsellor at Law and Noury Public, ifl Fremont street bet. 4 th and 5lh stn-tts. A member or the Bar of the Supreme Conn ol the Territotr, and ul practice in any ef the courts therein. WENTHWORIH COUNTY RE corder and Abstract Office. Abstracts of title W real estate and mines furn tied promptly and acurately. Complete tran scripts. Office in Court House. Tombstone. O" E. ALVORD. JUSTICE OF THE Peace. Omce on AUen St: bet. 3I & ath Tombstone. L. KOSKA, USTICE OFTHF PEACE Office on 4th St. bet. Allen ana Toughnut. Tombstone. HS. GORDON. M. D. PHYSICIAN AND Surgeon: Office adjoining his residence on 41b street. Call attended at aU hours day and night. FC EAR! E. ASSiYER AND ilETA lurical laboratory. Office No 319. Fremont M. opposite City Hall THE ORDERS. F &. A M. K ING SOLOMON LODGE 0. 5 Meets third Saturday in eaca mouuj. Visions brothers cordially innted to at- ...4 I H McPlIfcKSU.-N. w.m.. A LGROW Secretary. R. A M. COCHISE CHAPTER NQ. 4 MEETS I j third Wednesday In each month. is hine Companions coidially invited to at tend. TOM LOWRY. H. P. A. WENTWORTH Secretary. P O. S. OF A. jt WASHINGTON CAMP NO 1 MEETS VV lst Friday cren-ng in each month is. iline CCTnraoes cnroiauy invii'u J.W.CLARK.. President. A. L. GROW. Secretary. A."0. U. YV- TOMBSTONE LODGENO 3 A. O U. V, meet 1st and 3rd Thursday in each month. Visiting brothers cordially in- 'riteJ' ROBT. BESrif.W. W. D. MONMONIEK Recorder. K- OF P. ARIZONA LODGE KNIGHTS OF Pythias No 4. meets etcry 1st aad 3rd Monday's in eaca month. V siting brothers corually inrited. A. H. EMANUEL, O. C. W. D. MONMONIER, K. of & PROTECTION HOSE COMPANY NO , meets First Sunday in each month at their hose house n the corner of Seventh and Fremont streets, opposite the school house. WM. GARRETT, Foreman, TOM MITH Secretary, RESCUE HOE COMPANY MEETS First Sunday ir. each month at City Hall Fremont street. J, V VlCKEkb, W ENTW ORTH, Secty President f, N. McDONOUGH, Foreman, ENGINE COMPANY NO 1, MEETS last Sunday in en h mon b at hose bouse on the cerDeruf Toughnut and sthsueet. JOSEPH LlPPEitl roreman HENRY DUNKER, iecretaiy. Waa'rd An agent in evay section to can vass $4 to J5 a day made; sells at sight; also a man to sell tuple rood to dealers Lest rule Kje, $75 a no-lb. S.l.iy or large commtstTroaac: eaperieice nncrccssiry ror sealed particulars send sump. CUftan Soap Manufacturing Company, Cincinnati. Ohio. iilliriM WATER UlllUll WORKS. ;;F. CALVES, Prop. rompt Service. Water per barrel, sjctj Per backet, 5 cts. Soecial Rates to Families Leave orders with wagon. :.--t-s- ... - j. n Gmx vfm-mm .Ok-Sic . iTr- it jsrs,-fi - r p . ,L- v- t . wvr reawKM Hs?l H SAMUEL M. BARROW .Ull"1 . i T f 4' M i i -A t 5 1 Ui lr vl 5 "lb SAMUEL M. BARROW . -. -. 3fe vw Pi! id fcSUO i The Vcnzuelan Trouble Will Be Adjusted. TERMS OF TREATY FIXED. Final Arrangements Made and the Mooted Question To Be Settled. TER3IS ARE ACCEPTED. WABUtHQEON Tbe meeting of the YenetuelUn Commission today was of mote tlian ordinary in tereet on account of tbu eigoificAnt statement in Laid Salisbury's speech Uat evening an nouncing the boundary dispute to be practically ended. All member of tbe commission were vreeent, but Jus tice Brewer did not remain until the close of tbn meeting, aa ie had to take bis placa on the supreme court bench to besr arguments in the Berliner case. Arbitration in tbe Yenezvellan dis pute is a settled fact. All arrange ments have been completed and all details of the arbitration treaty be tween the United b'lutes and Great Britain are arranged. Thelinal terms of tin treaty of arbitration were arranged in this city lst night. Thv term wre cabled to lndon and have been accepted. BUCKLIH'S AUSIOA SALVE. Tbe best ialve in the world for ruts hnip. cnrK ulrers. salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblain 1 corns, and all skin eruptions and posi Uvely cures Files, or no payment requir ed it is guaranteed to give peefect stis a faction cr money refunded. Prices 50 cents per box. For sale Tomhione Drug Store No one would drink poor tea if he or she knew the difference in tea. Good tea is not costly. Your grocer will sell you Schillings Best, and return your money in full if you don't like it A ScfciQUi Cp7 Ma ri This. Is Tour Opportunity. On receipt of ten cents, cosh or stamps, a generous tamplo vrill ls mailed of th most lopnlar Catarrh nnd Hay Fever Care (Ely's Cream Balm) suCdent to demon strate, the great merits of the remedy. ELY BBOTBX3J3, SC Warren St., Kcw Tork City. Bar. John Beid. Jr.. cf G r-at Falls, Mont., recommended Ely's ("ream Balm to roe. I can emphasize his s'atement, "It is a posi tive core for catarrh if uned a directed." Ber. Francis W. Poole. Pastor Central Prea. Church, Helena, Mcnt. - Ely's Cream Ba'm Is the acknowledged can for catarrh and contains no mercury skx any injarioas drag. Price. CO cents. BLACKWELLS I T will SUtd eoapoa llitli Mth wo aoax C, asUI Cwa oowpoau tnstde mel& ar & bag of Blck walls Dwrtuktn. Bvy a baa; f ai eUbrmtod tobaee J read U coaposv whlcb. arva m. Vat t valauabla am. aakfsi aa ktW arH . HBi BLftC! BsisaMv . I aOHJlNC Vv l Ms. 1 J Y DURHAM YWyfc k r--J I LYNCHING PREVENTED. Outraged Citizens Gather A Rope., A TALK SAVED HIS LIFE. A 100 Stamp Mill io be Erect ed Near Yuma. By Sen ator Dorsev A SHOPLIFTER RELEASED. Richmo.S'o,Mo. Early this morning after the sheriff had in Tain tried to persuade tin mob that surrounded the jail, trying to lynch Jtsie Winner and Lon Lackey, charged with the murder of Mr. Eva Winner and her two children, John SLarp, a brother of tha woman, addressed the would be lynchers. While lie wanted the murderers punished, he wanted lb,, punishment to come through legal process of law if possible. Within an hour the crowd scattered. It is be lieved no further attexpt at lynching will be made. San Francisco. Ei-Sentor Dor eey ha returned from London, where he has secured capital to erect a 100 stamp mill on the mioes uear the Col. orado river above Yum. London. Mre. Walter M. Caellu of Sin Francisco, re itenced to three months imprisonnimit Without hard labor, hnvitig pleaded s-nlty to the charge of shoplifting, w-n retraced from Wormwood Scrntbi prieun today on medical grounds, by order of Home Secretary Sir Mathew White Kidley. Jb'ree lills. Send your address to H. E. Bucklen Sz Co , Chicago, and get a free sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A tria will convince you of their merits. These pills are easy in action and are partic ularly effective in the cure of constipat on and sick headache. For malaria and liver troubles, they have been proved in valuable. They are . guaranteed to be perfectly free from every deleterious sub stance and to be purely vegetable. They do not weaken by tbeir action, but by giving tone to the stomach and bowels greatly invigorate the system. Regular sue C. per box. bold by Tombstone and Bisbee druggists. ' COU.1XY UEGOKVl, DEED. Jos. Todd to E. A. Wiltig, property inBisbte;$250. Henry O'Connor to Apache Mining Co., mines near jt. Bowie ; $25,000. C. B. Watts to J. H. Mathias, min ing property in Bisbee; $100. Ur. Prictt'a Cream UakJng: PowMr Wor!6- Fair Hlchest Awaitl. WANT tfitsflnmi DNuuinwf. SEE? 1 i LX"'J .aBL.'V? Ar. nfiiSsJuWliK "wnrjyfi j m lSBRSaW3Bi ilTTM Fm ISW IS Highest of all in Leivcsin DrAI ABS3LUrE3LY PURE LATEST NEWS Heavy Snow Storms in the East While WE BASK' IN SUNSHINE. Defaulter of A Snug Sum Will Wear Stripes For Ten Years. A REPORT IS CONFIRMED. St. Paul Quite a cteady snow fell since yesterday morning and the depth ranges from two or three inches in this city, to two or three times that in Iowa and southern Minnesota. The storm Ix'gan in the Dalo'as two or three days ago and now extends nearly all over the northwest. LeadvILI-E The storm still contin ues. The heaviest enow in yearn has fallen. Trains arrived on time this morning. Brov, N. Y. Geo. II, Morrieon, de faul'ing treesurer of Baneallear county ha 1 f leaded guilty to the indictment as charge. The total sum of his de falcation was $240,000. Morrison was sentenced to ten year and five months 111 Danntmora prison, Constantinople. TI10 report last Thursday that sixty persons were killed in a massacre in an Armenian village near Klsarich wai not ex aggerated. On the contrary the affair turns out more serious than at first announced. The massacre occurred in the village of Kverck where a hundred persons were killed and near ly all the Armenian houses pillaged. Gladness Comes With a better understanding of the transient nature of the many phys ical Ilia, which vanish before proper ef forts gentle efforts pleasant efforts rightly directed. There is comfort in the knowledge, that so many forms of sickness are not due to any actnal dis ease, but simply to a constipated condi tion of the system, whkh the pleascnt family J axative. Synmof Figs, prompt ly removes. Thatisv.hv it j the only remedy with millions of families, and is erery where esteemed so highly by all who value good health. Its beneficial effects are nua to tho fact, that it is the ona remedy which promotes internal cleanliness witlurut debilitating- the organs on which it acts. It is therefore all important, in order to cct its bene ficial effects, to note when you pur chase, that you have the genuine arti cle, which is manufactured by the Cali fornia tig Syrnp tk. only ana sola dv all reputable druggists. If in the enjoyment of good healfi, and the avsUrn "is retrnlar. laxatives or other remedies are then not needed. If afflicted with any antral disease, one may be commended t the most skillfm chv&icians. but if in need f a laxative. one Bhould have the licst, and with the well-informed everywhere, Syrnp of arieasieids highest and is most largely Wei aad gives most geaeral sCif action. owtr.' Latest U.S. Gov't E.cport 1 w&mfig. bwder iioii;ia EcitiiMi.-t r.GCUiss Mre. P. Plumb, St David, Mie.E, Merrill, ' Mi Jcsie Ochoi, " Mre. Floretta Sabln " Mrs. E.Gould, " Fanny Galvez, 1 PALACE. I). K. Wardwell Ft. Hunchuca, H Clifford, and family. St David, F. Favnre, Pearcp, ' SAM JOSE, W. H. Udd, Bi.bee. AKUNOTOS Sam Coleman, ronch. H II Goeschunpr, Lo- Ingeles, F Dubicher Uibbep, F. Muheiru, " " " Dr. C M Carr, Willcox. G. S. Callochan, San Pedro, THE LADIlls The pleasant effect and perfect safety with which ladies may use Sjrup of Figs under all conditions mikes it their favor ite remedy. To get the true and genu ine article, look for the name of the California Fig Syrup Company, printed near the bottom of the package. For sale by all responsible druggists. FAIRBANK DEPARTMENT GEO. G. McGEE, Prop. Fail-hank, : Arizona, HeadUttrters far visitors from Tomb stone and surrounding country. Best of wines liquors nnd cigar always on hand. PAY THE EXCHANGE A VISIT P. A. DEMARTINI, GENERAL MERCHANDISE. A full line of GBOQERIER, PROVISIONS, CIGARS? AJTD TOBACCO. rAIKBAJfli. ARIZOXA. FairM Restaurant Fairbank, A. T. K. HARRINGTON, MRS. Prop. Chagres Reasonable. Parties going . from Tombstone to Bisbee will have ample time for dinner before the train arrives. Table Supplied With the Best. GIVE IT A TRIAL. GUM IPXEY, Allen St. near y, Old Custom House.) VEGETABLES, FRUITS, 1 CTATOEfl.. . ONIONS,', ETC Frrth Ccdifrm la fruit rwirM rtfry day by rxprtsi. 'JfttrgtUing oUl at loicett GwJ iMitrrrJ. Irtf ti till oartt ct city. Vhh Jl'frtrcd Erfry TliuT$day. W. 0. ABBOTT ASSAYING jN ALL ITS BRANCHES TombKtone,Arizoiia. Samples by mail or express will receive prompt attention. Oficf and Betidnct Ovtrlock Hoxute. FAIBilEXGHAI&E Ki I I ii, :M SSiiCjJ. 1 ajw'wa-- jct-