Newspaper Page Text
1 "! 1 V? ?J ,8 -f n , . t ' TOMBSTONE PROSPECTOR i -PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING . C8prtAT EzcxniD) Ws.Eattkb. Editor and Proprietor. :?iacrtUea Bate. Om Year 110 00 Mx Months 9 00 TkneHontha 3 00 OaeMoath. 100 Delivered by Carrier! lor 16 oe&U par week. C1TT AND COUSTY OFFICUL PAPEI What Are We Here For? 8an Francisco mint eoinaga for the first niue months or '96 waa f 16,361, 461; '95, 121,024.713 ; '94, $80,65M Arizona's msjority (or "Oar Murk" will put quialus on tboaa who per sisted in declaring that this territory ' wauld prove untrue to silver. Ariiona la true to herself and that meant that be U true to the cause ol the people. Bryan may not take tbe presiden tial chair on March 4th next, but he wilt remain Ike idol ol the party and will hare a future to which he may leek with confidence and pride. He haa Uabed to the serene heig hta of fame and will go into history as one of tbe jaeit admirable specimens of Ameri can independence the century hat pro duee& Amid the crash of political bopee and the lamentations of defeated can didaUs, Editor Rogers of the Fretcott Courier, one of tbe etauncbeat silver droeatee in Arizona, haa found time to jein tbe benedicts and on Saturday laat teak unto himself a better-half. It seeme nervy for an Arizona news paper man to take such a step in tbe face of the stern fact tbat prices are falling and money is constantly grow ing scirccr; but we wish the editor all the happiness and joy imagnable in his new venture. THE FUN OR THE MON? 'From the expression upon ,our friends face he is evidently here for neither but as for us WEARE: HERE FOR BOTH. THE WILLOWS, CHAS, BULOTTI, Propr. Choicest line 01 Wines and Liquors. Imported and Domtttie Cigar, Courteous Attention to Patron. Allen, bet. 4th & fftli. Tombstone COMET SALOON GARLEVATO&PEA,Propr's, WINES.LtQUORS & CIGARS. Dealers in BourV Irish and Scotch WhuJcy, and Other Well Known Brands. A Specialty made. of best Claret and Wines. Billiard Farlcr in Connnection and the Cedes Place in Town. Allen, bet. 6.1i&?ib, Tombstone Consolidated National Bank. Of Tiicot.ii, Arltonn. Cauital Stocu. $50,000. OFFICERS. M. P. FREEM4N, President. i W. C. DAVIS., Vice-President J H. a TENNCV. Cashl-. Issues drafts avaDable at any point in the United Stiles. Iuas bills oi eachan.e o a European dues, ami nuLrt a srxcia-'tr of ovt-ol town accounts with lnvdj"-)( firms and. cor eritijas. m 2J I' r We are handling JFIR-AJVKI &XTTA.TJ1L.& SOAP t! Which for easy and perfect washing cant' be beat. Mrs. E. E. Davis, of San Miguel, Cal., , says: ul atu trying in a measure to re pay the manufacturers of Chamberlan's Cough Remedy for the ereat good their 1,1 remedy ha done me. For years I was a constant sufferer irom weak lungs and "" ' "" bronchial asthma. My rest at night was A disturbed by a hacking courq so mat i telt miserable the greater part of the - time, Manyremidietes recommended by friends were tried, none of which proved suitable to my case. I did not exper ience any beneficial results until I began talcing Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. After two bottles of tbe larger size had - been used I am pleased to state my ' - 'health is better than it has been for years. Tbe soreness has left my lungs, and chest and I can Veathe easily. II has done me so much good that I want all who are suffering from lung troubles, as I was, to give it a trial." For sale by druggists. t ,.. . niarrelaat ate nits. " rom a letter written by Iter. J. Guaderman, of Dimondale, Mich., we jl " JTiepflikitfodto make this extract: j'U, -fl have sro hesitation in recommend ing ar, .ausisra xiew iiscovery, u iuo .reaalts wealmdt marvelous in the case ot ay wife. While I waa pastor of the Baptist Church atBivers Junc tion aha was brought' down with Pa'eumenia euooeeding La Grippe. Terrible paroxysms of coughing would last boora with little interruption and it Mteaedatifehe could not survive them. A. friend recommended Dr. J& f-'KiBt'i New Discovery; it waa quick ;n -- lta vrtrrsrand highly satisfactory in re sults." Trial bottle free at Tombstone jiSv". T issd any Dragj8tore.r Regular size " !. SL00 Cottolene -Cottolene- Gottolene. That perfection for shortening purposes is giving general satisfaction We have it in 3, 5. and 1 0 Pound Pails PONY SALOON, J . A. K0SKA Proprietor. Finest Stock of Wine, Liquors and Cigars in the Territory. PRIVATE CLUB ROOMS ATTACHED. Best and Purest Brands of Whiskies Brandies and Wines kept Con stantly on Hand. You wil lind "At" at home, on Allen St. bet. 4th and 5th. Billiard Parlors J. N. McDOJiOUGH, Prop. IKe Finest and Best Fitted BiUiara Parlor in the City. FLY'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, Fremo t street, epposi e Prospector. FAMILY PHOTOGRAHS CURSPECIALTY Careful attention given to turning o t the Finest view and pictures of all tises in a moit artistic manner, superior finish and' tone. Taken on short notice. Groups t s 3 alty Cabin ;t, si 1 i i U asiMKKngigi m 8 a Uhdxbtakibo Pakiobb of C. B. Tarbell Coffins, Caskets. Robes. Etc From the Plainest to the Finest Made. The Columbia Iron Caskets kept Con stantly in stock. ' Bodies Temporarily or Permanently Embalmed by the Latest Process. e WE aTe well supplied with prepared goods of all kinds for use during this hot weather consisting of- Boned Turkey, Boned Chicken, Roast Turkey, fioast Chicken, Sardines of all kinds, Canned Soups in variety, , French, Enelish and American Mackeral in cans, Brook Trout in ertheriTomato or M Mustard 3,ff Chicken, "f 'i-' Deviled Turkey, and Ham, Ham Jelly, Boston plain or ir r.l Scrofula IHRlSkk sauces, Tongue, burger .Eels in .Baked. .Beans t - Tomato Sauce, An? i--' many other Groods J- ,r too numerous -to mention. -Jklso-in-Tegular receipt ol HoUanoV'timDurier and American Cheese. Importer of the Best Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Billiard and Pod Tables in Conjunc tion. Mixed Drinks a Sperialty. t Private Club Room. Allen, bet. 4th & Ctli.Tombston PROBATE NOTICE. In the Probate Court of the County of Co chise. Territory of Atuona. Id the miter ol the cstate.of Emma Holcombe. deceased: Porsnant to an order of said court, made on the 17th dar of Septerober,"A, D. 1896, nouce is eiren that Friday, the oth day of October. A. D. 1S96, at 3 o'clock p. in ol said dar. at tbe court room of said court, at the court house, in the atjr of Tombstone, and county of Cochise, has bees appointed as tn: time and place for pror. tag the will of Vrud Emma Holcombe. deceased, and for hearing the apoliration oi W. F. Nich ofo for the issuance to im of letters testamentary vbea and where any prrson interested may ap pear and contest the same W.F.BRADLEY, S-iS-tf Kx.oScie Clerk Tomttae Fearce MAIL AND STAGE LINE. FRANK BLATZ, - Jft-op. Makes semi weekly trips to anTfrom Pearce every Wednesday and" Sun day of each week, making the round trip in one day, carrying U. S. mal and passengers. FARE, round trip - - $4 PIONEER Carriage I Blacksmith A. H. JElVrVTJ13IJIi-op. Corner Third an 1 Allen. B:aS I The largest 'and Best Equipped Establishment of its Kind in the Territory. All Kinds of Buggv, Wagon and ' -Woodwork Neatly and Promntlv Done. BUCKSMITHING AND HORSESHOEING. Best Facilities for Doing All Kinds of Repairing in Wood and Iron. None 4 but First-class Workmen. Employed. SATISFACTION -GUARANTEED. ZTTvll assortment of hardwood and iron (or sale. ARE YOU GOING THIS tSTJIVCMEItV The Southern Pacific Company have place on tile at .Benson round trip tickets to points north and east at greatly rednced ratrt. iieroro pur- rhastng your tickets rail on or address E. S. WERSTER, Agent at Benton, Or T. H. Goodmae,; -3 ' O P. A. San'Franeisco. O. L. OUMMINGS. Wholesale and Retail' Butcher,: COB. 5TH AND FBEMONT STKEETS. Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal, Sausage, Bologna Pickled Trip Choice Steaks, Roasts, etc. Experienced Cutters. Free Delivery to all parts of the City. Your p atronage solicited. St -" la a deep-seated Mood disease which vr the mineral mixtures in the world .caassotcsre. &SJ5..(uaraUtdprtlj " vegeUile ) is a real bloodresBdy for r : blood ditfitaad has so eqcaL -53C v- Isjs-Y.T; Bockof Delaney.Ark had , Scrofnla for twertry-fire years ;and tooet 'of the time sraa nader the cave of the 1 ttot a-who'conld not reliere her. 'Ml specialist said he foalfl csxre her, bst hJ filled her with rsekic- aad potash which almost mined hercoastkatioa. She thea took aearly ererT so-called blood asedictBe aad drank them by the wholesale. Dot taey am sot reaaa OCX &xuuu,c re oaeaaTssea Bcrioiry &.SJ&. and she Terr fotrad that she had a real blood uini Ty at last. She says: "After tak lag oae docea bottlea of S.SS. I am perfectly well, my - akin ia clear aad healthy aad Z would set be ia wry few rner condition tor two taotusnd imsrf n ot orytag; apucpoiaoa say ) Mini, like tse potaaa aaa esse SS. chore the rHnraar oat tarengh theakia, aad I waa perata ssesstlrridofit.'' A Real Blood Remedy., SS. ae-rer sails to care Scrofahs, m, thnrmetinn rfrnriri-nf K" Ftosaoa, or any disorder of tlseMaod. Doaotretyapeaasuapiesosac aaeasc a oVtp seated Wood dlaeaae, bat take a real Mood reasedy. rv to kaeks - 'r ma& a-3a- 2 -; 3ont Forge: tbat we are scle jents for Tombstone and ricnity for Cisao Seal-BranHoteer 1 I I K '"' sbbbbVswSSksbbbbbV " vf (IwaHsawawawaHv '" TrwawawawHaawaT 'i awaBwaaawy I na a GEORGE HUllTS THElGKocer. CORN&M. OI S1X2H' AJiD-ALLENSlMESES:' WA JTED SOLICITORS FOR CAM. PAION Book "Bryan Sewalland Free Stlrii anthorued br Brran .wniteajij R. L. Metcalf editor Omaha World, Herald f appointed author by Bryan, contains speeches .And platform. A Dosaot&for agents; atrecsttTer mine for work, era! onlr Si. to: tbeonlv authoriied book co oer cent; credit jfirea; fmgbt poJdfoutfitfree, Be;m rjOTTwrlB" choice oltemtory: permanent, profi table work for '96. Address Tbe National Book coocem. tjtir.Boiainc cbicaeo. ai -.HOflCE. Sealed paoposals win be receircd br the board of supervisors of Cochise county ion the build in of a branch jail at Bsbnv according to the plans and specifications adopted by, the board. Bidders can obtain all thr further necessary information at tbe ornce of the board of super. Tisors at Tombstone, or from S Williams, chairman of ihi board at Btsbee, All bids must be filed with the clerk of the board on or before a p m Novrmber 6 1896 1 be hoard reserre-the reject any or sJlbnis, " - - A. WEJJTWORTH. Clock, BrlWJAIHAJtwoOD. Deputy Clerk 03 PROBATE NOITCE. In tbe Probate Court, County of Cochise Ter ntory of Arizona. INTHE MATTi-R OFTHE ESTATElOr Emile Lenormand deceased; Notice of Application ,f or order of tale. Notice Is hereby (nrn that-Geo. H. Fitts Administrator, has filed, with the Clerk of this Court a petition praying for an order of s lie of all real and personal property of decearrd and le 5th day ol. uctoDer. iuo6, at 2 o clock p. m. ol said day bang a day ol a regular term of this court to wit of the October term. I896 at the Cochice county court bouse. In Tomb stone county aforesaid, has been set for bearing Said petition, when and where'any perse inter ested may appear and show ciuse why tbe said said petition should not be granted. W. I7BRADLEY. Ex-offido Clerk. Dated Sept.. jth 1806. MUL-FOEqSALE. A ten-stamp null c dif-rrK, 6 pant. 3 set tlors, an agitator, tvro 1 8-foot rerolvin concen trators, 16136 Corhj engine, two boilers, all ia good-tworking order. Bjildieg nearly new Can bs moved as it 1 close to ra'lroad Must ?- tola, and can be bo-'ght for cash AddrCT.JSwracroa'Wce, Tombstone , Ari TaiMuCtoE's Notice Notice is hereby riven tbat tbe duplicate assessment roll ol she County of Cochise is now ta ray pcelcnforihe collection ol taxes ler led fortheyear ISg6 in Slid county. fazes mU'tbecame-delinquent on the 3d Monday in Deoenver 1896. and unless paid before that date a penalty of fire per cent wl be added thereto, .Payment may-jbe made ats my ofSe in th county court bouse at Tombstone, during office hours 9 a m to 13 m and 1 to 5 p in, J WICKERS, Treasurer aad Ex-Ofck Tax -Collector Cocbtse county " - Ton'jstone, Oaber a6, M96 ea Wanted-An KJea Zsm 9SSSSS MiMiark&tfSLTZg: saiWatMiM, m. eta iswar aLaw iwtasacw NOTICE rt ALL WHOM IT MAT CONCERN. Notice is hereby given, that-certain mining claims called the'Tara Bien. McGtnry and Par agon, situated in the Warren mining district, aad about one-half mile ncrth-eastoly from the Holbrook hoisting works, and about the sam disu-sce from tbe town of Btsbee, A. T. lit. As tbe above named claims were not located in conformity with tbe U. S. mining law, there fore, a second party, at a later date, relocated the same in fall conformity 'with the above named laws, and is fully determined to protect his rights. Therefore, all pasocs are cau tioned not to Dargaffi lor, tray or lease trie aiovr naawd cUIai Z. S: MANSCE. ai5-3tn Btsbee, A. T. OYSTER PARLORb. AXLEN St.BETTVEEN 4th ATV .Ttli First-ClaBs Meals Eest'of Attention; Eveiytliing in SeasoD BOARD PER WEEK $7.C0 THREE MEALS 1.C0 SINGLE MEALS 50 Dinners for Specia. Occasions a Specially Try a Meat at this Popular F.esor First-Class Cooks enly Employed. Accommodations for Families J C4.CSAR. Proprietor. TOMBSTONE GAS CO. A. ASHMAN Lessee. WELSBACH INCANDESCENT 3AS ' LIGHT In General Use throughout the United States and Europe, ..d successfully comf ing with Electricity, both in Brilliancy and Cost of Light. Uses Three Cub Feet of Gas per Hour, and yields a Light of Sixty-Candle 'Power, Equal to four ordinary burners with double that amount of gas. COST OF LAiMDP &&.YG Placed in Position Without Extra Charge. OFFICK IX BANK BTJII.DIMU. TOMBSTONE, ARIZO.f k. MRS. A. I)AKS0f Proprietress The National Matte Smelter. A practical and simple method of matting sulphide orer, such as ruckle, copper, gold and silver ores. In localities where lead ores and fuels are scarce and almost ..unattainable, our pyntic, water jacket Maue Smelter has been re cognized with highly satisfactory resells, and has been thoroughly tested on various' piratic, sulphide and arseaide ores. In capacity of a to 80 tens per day. It is the .most; practicaL cheapest and simplest method of gold and silver ore matting and concentrating' that Is known today It requires no extraordinary still, no lead ores, no fluxing materia, and .no fuef of any kind for tbe snelter alter it ia started. The sulphur in the ore is its natural fu I only, and its cost has no comparison with any other process of con centrating We are prepared to furnish any size or capac ity plant complete to substantial mining people, set it up and furnish our men to run it for them on easy payments. Price and specifications furnished with references and.tesunoruals on application, J NATIONAL ORE & REDUCTION 'pi 573S Cheltenham Avenue, St Louis, Mo, Manufacturers of Furnaces for KicUe. Copper, Gold, Sdver and 'Lead Ore fai.ty ALL PERSONS $& CAUTIONED against purchasing or negotiating a paperpur forung to call forgone bsadred dollars,' faVor of (obadate and'endors fis os. as same, has toen'paid, as aolOarlpitrtrerapL-aid paper has been lest, T, B. CH VTTMAN IVaras As. S7 Sof5. I1GOHISE HOUSE. J Corner Fourth and Toughnut Streets. ELEGkfVLVTLY FTTJRlVISHaEI) BOOMfe 0F Visitora to this city -will find tbe Cochise a superior hotel md 01 offering-excellent aecomoiUtions. i LARGE AND COMMODIOUS' SAMPLE BOOK FOR COMMERCIAL ME All Modern Conveniences. Rates Moderate. SAN JOSE HQUSE. MRS. F. J. BEAN, Prop. Centrally Located, Large, Clean am Well Vintilated Rooms. Palace Hotel. Mrs. S. GALLEN, Pi op Fifth beL Allen and Toug .nu TombstonSr1 - Anzon FIRST CSASS IN EVERY RESPECT. PARLCR FOR ( UE "C .L!.. t.J f Ia . f. ,. CnaxM Pff te PirtiM Kt, V a W't iVCf. VlillUfc; MAUC V,UlaCIlCil. IU WliSJW hyl.VSi ; .. aj , . cr Mon'K Renovated Throofcccis. SAMPLE ZOOM FOR DJiUHMEBS. RATH8 REASCSABl HOTEL ARLINGTON -IJ4EWLY FXJRNISHED LARGE A1R ! R003IS. BEST ACCOM 51 01) ATI ON- This Favorite Headquarters for Ccmmercial Men las ttftnth I Krvly iittf renovated and neatly furnished throcghout ith fpeciil itfricne n ibetraeln public. Roomsjensuite and single. Prices Moderate. Everythiii. fiirfit-claE8 .Samcle rams fcr ccmmerial m TOMBSTONE, ARIZONA J! i N iy a. -. ttli 1 sniiiiH . hum im. l. -t "' ' ---.. .. . 1 , 1 .. ' .. -. "r -"" " . - " z - - -t LM