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wWSMmtimimrmr.. .y .,n ,-, , MttMuaseuammb The Prospector, NOVEJIBEK 11.186 -- i RAILROAD TIME TABLES aHZONA 4 SOUTHEASTERN R. R. PARTIAL RETURNS. UNUER THE GROUND. 1I1 FIRST ORANGEf. JOSEPH HOEFLER. T M A City That Exists sntl Flour ishes Below the Surface. Arizona I'm nislies the First 1 Boxes for Shipment. t w 3 V Is ft -t Ir. I r ;1 u PjU- f' aorta I min l CUM Baaaiy IIIH TABLE, No. 4. Julj tt UH. I iU: Stations, 0. I OUlm. Ol Den Luis. TJt T3T 4i : :u J at w !.! ...Fackinl.' WaUr link., su j" .Chariecton. P.S T Irbaok ... .Lr ;7.:L lurtnnk ....Ar .N. II, A A. Croatia. a.LAna ., DtefiUon . ..... S. J&f i BaM.......Li EH 5- Booth. IB : 3 Ban : o " Urn xoH bandar AT.&J.3 U ,..U to ,..m mo ,..MM 14S 11.0 100 ITT IS-Tl It JO .S U.1S 0 I 11,10 aoUc .tin. Flat Ut!oa. Stop on anali. I a Wmum, Siriattatt. SOUTHERN PACIFIC R tfiast STATIOKS. 'alt U.lom,L ....boitn At 540pm ;oom ....Tucson 7.05pm 6.03am ....Manccpa V id. 05 pm II.55PIQ 7" ..... ttSUL 305am a.sara. ....Lea Angeles.... loopm Sua Sot, Umltd, sut beaod, Hesaajs as k ntijt Kit, Buso 3aa Srt, (.nnu "wort boani. W4nedas aa iatariajt, 4.0 Btosos iwwwriwwt'yiiiy NEW MEXICO ft ARIZONA West STATIONS East 600pm 8,50 am a. 00 am Lv, ....Benson ... Fairbank .... ....Huachoca,... .. Crittenden ... .. Calihatas ... ....NogaW .AH 1040 am i.oepm 13.10 p m 10.30 pm 9.00 am tyan 1.40 am a-37 am p m1 sily except Sunday. Pacific time.; 1. 1. FBT General Manager. A. NAUCLE. L. H. ALIBBCHT, Assist Giral Manarer. Train Master. MARICOPA ft PHOENIX R. R. North STATIONS Foots t.o pm Lt. Phonlz ......Ar a ooaaa 1.25pm .Tempe I so am 9.00 pm ......Krrene re 55pm 9,35pm Sacatoa u 30pm 045pm .....Marie ipa. .... 13.10 pa U. H. HoNSHSXL, Gea. Sopt. LOCAL NOTE8. bilver it quoted at 63 a New tin of clocks at Wolcotx' Mm. B. A- Woodbury cam a in from Psaroe today oa a briel visit. There are at preeemt lMpetieats in the territorial insane asylum and the capacity of that inititotion b lazed 10 Its uttermost. Cranberries, eastera apple and Buckwheat four at Woixott's. Mrs. Noble, mother o! our esteemed townsman, Kick Noble, left today for visit to Bitbe. Niok accompanied her to Fairbank. Dr. J. W. Farriagton of Bitbea will be In Tombstone Wednesday Not. 11 end will remain one week. Office at Mrs. Baalian' on Toughnut St. tf Rev. F. W. Downs is the happiest nan in Saford. The new baby boy who arrival at bis bom last Sunday snakes bim happier than a lucky aan didate Guardian. Mr. Ernest Tarah Hooley, promoter of the Dunlap Tire company, amassed a fortune of over 112,000,000 ia twelve months, and yet it la said that there is so money fn bicycle, 0 aw o Prof. Fiieltohaae saya that if we reckon the depth of all oceans at aa average of three miles there would be a layer of rait 60 feet thicr in their basins, should the water of all sud denly evaporate. Mr. Brockman, superintendent of a aaiae in Cochiae county, on Saturday shipped a nice lot of horse from Temp for use at the mine. Mr. C. P. Borrowdale aeeompanied aim, return log home this Morning. Herald. Awards tilCbest Hesers World' Fair, WW BAKING WWMR MOST PERFECT MADE. A m Grape Cream of Tartar Powder, ftee ' fwAaSMAajeTy)arasjfte CANDIDATES. Delegate to Coogrtu A. J. Doran, R 28 Marcus A. Smith, D 96 wmuweu, r X3 iouncii w. r.i-ong.K 39 o a racKara, u ...134 J. MathtasP. 16 Assembly J. W. Farrington, R Ii m. peea, . 77 M. J. Casunada, R 67 J, N. Jones, D 69 J. .m. Merrill, u..... 72 P. A. Lotgreen, P 39 C. P. Crockett, P........ 30 N. Errickson, P 31 Sheriff F. E. CadwrlI,R 6S Scott Wbite.D 83 G.J.McCabe,P 34 District Attorney G. W.Swain, R. 69 a. Jv, r-nglisn. u 99 as, xteiiiy, ........... ........... 34 rrooate Judge W. F. Bradley.R 150 b. A.D. UptOD, U 35 W.M.Fike.P is Keccrder E. W. Perkins, R. , 107 M.J. Brown. D 66 Geo.Porter,P 20 Treasurer C L. Cummings R 73 A. Wentwortb, D t P 132 Surveyor W. C Tyler, R 105 Supervisors T. CAmsden,R 4 John Montgomery, R 113 J. McPherson, D "4 L. Shattuck,D 63 H. Scbmteding, P. 12 Gee. W. Bryan, P 2S DISTRICT COURT. Cases Tried Before that Tribu nal Today. The grand jury being completed H, Uerwetn was sworn as foreman. W. A. Fiege, B. A. Fraiier, August Barron and J. A. MeRae being eioued the jury retired for delibertions. Case of Emanuel vs Beilly P.sed for the present. Court took recess until 3 p. m. awaiting partial report of grand jury. The Black Warrior Copper company recently organized in New York by James A. Fleming and J. M. Forfl of Pheaix, and W. H. Nichols and Mr. Laugetrcutb of New York, to erect reduction works on the Black Copper group at Globe, will commence wert at once upon twe large reverberatory furnaces. In yesterday's report of the court proceedings the ease of Emanuel v Tambarell waa made to read, through an oversight, Emanuel ts Taraell. Mr. Tar bell has no case in court what ever and through the similarity of names and the ruth in copying the records the error was committed, but we hastily take thie means of rectify ing same. 15. A recent San Fraoenco dispatch says that the city has lately furuitbed the finest and eesilient piece of min ing machinery ever sent to Mexico. It is an eighty stamp plant for the Pro greso mine, eighty miles north of the City of Mexico. It is farnUhed with eighteen amalgamating peas and about the same number of griding and other pans, Ths machinery ccst $200- 30. o The funeral of Mrs. Carmelite Marrs took place this afternoon from the Catholic church, a large anmber of friends being present to pay their last respect and esteem to the depart ed. The impreeaive services were con ducted by liev Bezamat and the olenn cortege followed the remain toitalatt reitine- Dlaee. The A. O. U. W ol which K,rdn Mr. Marrs ia an honored member, formed in line aod acom pinied the remains to the cemetery. 0 e - BucVy O'Neill-wrlUs from Prescott that ho will for a aeaeon leave the whirl of (olitics and for a few months will devote bis energies to pushing before the Irrigation Con freer, which meets at Phenix on December a tb, and at Washington bis bill for reclalma- tion of the arid leads of the wet. The bill, which has already been given much publicity, U one that turns the land "over to the states and territo ies under such conditions and with such aid as to permit the construction of reeervoire for etrong flod-water of the streams that aow are ueeleee ia the , " 34 204 32 7 29 2 lot 38, 1 9S 77 178 36 80 200 39 I6040' 54 102 83 128 t i63 162 1638 189 188 53 'S3 13 8 WW "9 M 129 ?3 64 33 282 142 o 138 169 22 3 42 52 5 3$ 2." 12 SMITH'S LANDSLIDE. The Greatest Political Victory He Ever Won. The greatest pelitieal victory ever won in Arizona by any candidate for office was that el Hon. Mark A. Smith delegate elect. ', Following i a table of counties car ried by Mr. Smith and also "of the counties carried by Doran audO'Veill. Backy is over 300 behind Dorau in the territory. SlUTH OYKR DORAK. Yavapai 160 Cochue 225 Graham 500 Pima ....... .300 x uma .......................... x..i Vfaricepa 350 Gila 175 Mohave 100 Total of 8mith ever Doran 2035 Dorax oyer Smith Apache 10 Coconino CO Navajo 25 Total of Doran over Smith 95 Smith ovk O'xeill. Maricopa 750 rllult eeeeeeieaee tmFJ Cochiw 200 Pin At ............... 100 iQmi. ... ........... .100 OrAueim 500 jVPewCti 9 ekv aVVeljO 4hJ Conenico 175 Total of Smith evsr O'Neill 2645 O'heim. over Smitu. Yavapai 145 ila : M0 Mohave , 60 Total ef O'Neill over Smith 345 Smith over Both. Maricopa 350 Yuma 100 Pima ...: , ...300 Graham 500 Pinal 100 ratal 1550 A few daya ago at the Amarillas mine at La Colorado a Mexican fell from the cape while asoending tha shaft, slid through an eight-inch (pace and dipptl from the 300 to the 500 foot level. The cage waa lowered osre fully, the occupants, as they descended expecting to find the pieces of the body along the side of the abaft, but to tbeir astonishment found the man holdiog to the Umbers on the side of the shaft, very much alive. His arm was broken, however, and he was con siderably bruised, but the wonder is that he was alive at all. Vidette. rr. Mat's 1 1 asalciac Pew-afeff WaswTsMrl It is generally believed that light and treah air are absoluto neceteities to human i'Xitenc-, ami that if the normal supply of either bM cut off meu cannot long exiot. It apprar, how ever, that tbere ie at iexst one spot on the glebe (ir, rather, iu the glob) wberea citilized community of tut mau bsing nut only manage to exUt, hut which live in a flouriihiog condi. lion in a place where sunlight is total ly unknown. We refer, raya the "Republic," to tha "City of the Salt Mines," which is situated several hundred feet below the surface at Wielicka, Galicia. This wonderful tubtarraucau city has a (.opulation of over a thousand men, women and children, scores of wbcm have never seen the ligtitof day Ar the earth's surface I This remarkable city has its tewu ball, a theatre and its as sembly room, as well as a braulitul church decorated with statuer, all being fashioned from pure crystalizsd rock salt. It baa well graded street and specious (squares, all well lighted with electricity. As mentioned iu the foregoing, there are isolated cnet iu this undergrcua I city, ithare no', a single individual in three or four suc cessive generations has ever f ecu the sua or hat any idea of how people lire on the outside of tbo earth 1 Their rock-salt bouses are said to be perfect santiariums, and the average longevity of the denizens of the "City of the Salt Miuea" is eaid to exceed that of the surlace inhabitants of Galicia. GAGE NOT A CANDIDATE. Bnt Would Like to See a Gold- bug Governor. The Journal-Miner published tb.6 following letter from E, B. Gage, for merly of this city and now of the Con gress mine: (Editor Journal -Miner) In viow of the article published in iho Mirrninp Courier to the effect that I waa likely to bo a candidate for the appointment of governor, I would respectfully state that I am a candidate for no political office, and would not, under any cir cumstances, accept an appointment. There are many Republicans in the territory who are entitled to consider ation politically, and at the same time much better qualified than I am. It is to be hoped, however, when a chanee takes pKce that it will not be until after full and careful consideration is given to each and every candidate; that Arizona's interests will be placed above the wishes of ambitious men, and that her next governor will be a Republican in every tense of the word and one who was not afraid to stand squarely on the St. Louis platform. Yours very truly, E.T3. Gage. Vise biscorer Harod nlal.lie. Mr. G. Caillouette, Druggist, Beaver sville.Ill., says: "To Dr. King's New Discovery I owe my life, Was taken with. La Grippe and tried all the phy sicians, but of no avail and waa given up and told I could not live. Having Dr. King's New Discovery in my store I sent for a bottle and began its use and from the first dose began to get bet ter, and after using three bottle was up and about again. It is worth its weight in gold. We won't keep store or house without it." ' Get a free t lall the Tombstone Drug Store. Brary ok ns ?r. JISW FkIs fOaa Tea that has not been qualities on a long ocean mnistiirf?- S v i.xl . n 1 .. M- J I Full aright i and 1 It. ptthigu t At ymr groat' t J aes oa i.n . ' n. . - 4 O W. N. Ward 8leicay brought iu from hi rau.'Ii northtael f I'liwiix several boxes of orange?, the tirat o bt matkeird from the grove of the tallry this rear. Tuey are turitty of ro ti les orange, small in iz, but v.ry sweet aud juicy, lhey rij ned this )ar earliir than wax expected, end will be ix week IieaiI of the Cnlifor ma orange product. Fig and ?trw-berrit-s are again in market and art meeting with good saU'f. Mr. Ward expects to get 100,000 oranges from his grove of tweuiy-six acre, which is the first bearing nf bis trees. His tree- I are grown up un protected in winter except by the hi of the Camel' back mountain, which is thrown off during the night and temp'ri the chilly atmosphere wiibin a radius of several miler. The orange groves in that section are a source of great attraction to our winter visitor, and to one who has never seen an orange with the trees filled with ripe fruit, they present an intereatiogeigut Republican. "We had an epidemic of dysentery in this vicinity last summer," says Samuel S. Pollock, of Rriceland, Cal. I wis taken with it and suffered severely until some one called my attention to Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, I procured a bottle and felt better after the first dose. Before one half of the bottle had been used I was well. I recommended it to my friends and their experience was the same. We all unite in saying it is the best." For sale by Druggists. THE MARSHAL'S Posse are Still on the Hunt for the Robber. Last evening AlEzekiela and Wm. Long the well known U. 8. Deputy Marshals arrived in town on offiical business and returned shortly after on their mission. The gentlemen have keen on the trail of tha Huachuca robbers who are the now noted band who attempted the Nogales and A. & P. holdup's the Separ aud San Simon psetoSca rob beries with others to hear from. After robbing the Huachuca station the baud headed toward Fairbank and the posse with 10 men and 2 Indians trailer followed them, particulars of which were published in the Prospic- tos. The movements of the posse or the whereabouts of the robbers is kept quiet and the public wilt not be advised of the progre-s until a jar is had i believed the robber will Weither captured or killed. Ttmi'a Wlto. Who weep with you when yeu are EBU, And laughs ith you when you are .. giaa, And swears with you when you are mauf The editor. Who baj to be both kind and wise, And never (hardly ever) lies, Aad when he does, creates surprise? The editor. Who ownw a heart as well as cheek, Is pesrersed of a spirit proud but meek, And lives oa forty cents a week! The editor. Ex. Be. Maes' Rarve Hester ate. a an Pride of I Japan Tea loses none of its aroma or strength on the long ocean voyage from the Orient, be cause it is the finest first pickings, properly fired and packed as soon as gathered. fully fired loses its good voyage absorbs the salt - BRANDENSTEIN & CO. a San Francisco and Yokohama 9 i CORNER FIFTH AND PIONEER DEALER IN General Merchandise. Miners and Rancher's Supplies, ")l J STAPLE AD FANCY Improved Agricultual . Implements, Wr;, WINES-ailu OTOBS Everything In OurfLinef is First Class Got ds and" ?oldat irriccs.That Defy Centre.. tun.- v JOS. JPI03NEEH. 8TORE FREMONT STREETS. STORE. S Tenls and Wagon Covers. S- Cti v . J 3 -A Windmills Wagons Pumps FORFAMILY TRAE. J- f- -wa&r-s - vS5rt HOEFLES '1 3fc- u 1 -rr H u- y- ,jt3M.E.i;-