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.,rV t- -.!? ""SP1 - i$0&4f' &m V?k s "." ." & .? j' TOMBSTONE PROSPECTOR. OUR WATOHWORD---OOOHISE COUNTY FIRST, THE WORLD AFTERWARD. 'vol. X TOMBSTCWE. ARIZONA MONDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER .6. 18,6 No. 35 THE ft " DAILY PROSPECTOR. City and County Official Paper CJ'UnLISHED EVERY EVENING (.Except Su.sdav) BY Wm. llattich d tor anl propiietor. Fremont St. Opposite Ciij Hall t ' "" 2 ' The PxosrcCTOK will not hold itelf respon sible for any tf the aiuclrt or s-otimenls ex pressed by any of it correspon Jeots. ' Fntered in the Tombstone Potofh.e a Second Class matter. PBOFESSIONAL. OARDS AMES RE1LLY, ATTORNEY AND I Counselor at Lavi. Land and Mining " crses a specialty. Tombstone. Arttona. w M.C.STAPHLE. ATTORNEY AT- Law and Notary rublic. Tombstone' Aiizcoa. S-EO W. SWAIN, ATIONEY AT I -j Lw. Will pracuce in all coui ts of the " Territory. Tombstone Aruona "S. CLARK. A1TOSEY AND OOU.N. i seloratLaw. Office en Fourth Sjtreet. beteei Allen andToajhnut, Tomb Will practice in all the courts of the ory. HARLES GRANVII.LEJOHNsTON. Attorney and Counsellor at Law and Noury Public. aa7 Fremont sli eet bet. th and 5U1 streets A member o'the bar or the Supreme Court oi the lemtoiv, ani tfl pracuce in any ot tne cxnms mac.u. AWENTIIWORTH COUNTY RE corder and Abstract Office. Attracts of t tie to real csta'e and mines furn shed promptly and acurately. Complete trn scripts. OSce in Court House. Tombstone. E. ALVORD. JUSTICE OF 1 HE Peace. Office en Allen St. bet 3I & xth Tombstone. A L. KOiKA, USTICEOFTHFTEACE Zi OHlce on 41b St. bet Allen ana Toughnut, Tombstone. S. CORDON. XI. D. PHYSICIAN AND Sureecn: Office adjoining his residence on 4th ttrjet. Can attended at aJ hours "day and"mght. - F" C EAKl E. ASSYER .AND MEM. laboratory, efece Jjo 319. Fremont t, cpposite City HalL THE ORDERS. . & A M KING SOLOMON LODGE NO. 5 Meets third Saturday in each month. V3itinr brothers cordially """! at" end. ! H VlcPHERSON. W. M.. A L GROW secretary. "R. A M. OOHISECIUPTER NQ. 4 JEETS third Wednesday in each month. Vis- it-g Companiono-dirind .Opat- A. WENTWORTH Secretary. P. O. S. OF A. ASHINGTON CAMP NO 1 MEETS w isl rnoay crowds uc.. ...w... - iliac Comrades crtidiaHy imilrrt U. GROW, Secretary. ' A. O. U. W 'OMBSTONE LODGE NO 3. A. O U. . ... .4 .n! Thnrvi3, tn Htil montU. Ms-ung brother cnrdiaEy in- Tiled ROBT. BESTM. MONMONIEK. Recorder. W. W. D. K- OF P- ARI7XNA LODGE KNIGUrS OF IVthhsNo 4. meets erery 1st and 3rd Monday's in each month. V siting T'f "aXanuel. c. c W. D. MON.MOMER. K. of S. PRO! ECTION HOSE COM PANY NO j. meets rirstSnndayin each roorth at their hose hcuxs u ihcccrsfrctSerenib and Fremont streets, oppos-te the chocl house. WM. GRRETT. J Foreman, TOM MITH Secretary. '. t?e-..i? nov ffiuPAW MEETS First Sunder n each month at Cut Hall p ....; r v VICKFkS. WENTWORTH.S cty President J, X. McDONOUGH. Foreman ; Cfr-NGINE COMPANY NO t. MEE I JJr laitSasday in call inon hat hose hou-e on uv ccrcrr 1 1 1 oiuuiii . y " - ( JOSEPH UPI'EkT l-o eituo HENRY DL'NKER. fecretaiy f"i aned An agent in ereiy section to can UUa' 74 to$5ad.y midr;se!Is at sght; V .nsan to tell Uple RO-jd. to dealers Imtsidv VW73a trcth. S.ljiy or Urge comroUsiorriMae; eipcric-ice nncetessary l-cr sealed pamculaiS jcthI sump. CUftn 5P Macoiactunns Company, Cincinnati. Ohio. Hill fill WATER uniun works. 1 F. CALVES, Prop. rompt Sf rvicr. Water per barrel, sjcts Per bucket, 5 cs. Soecial Kates to! Families Leave order with wagnn. IS PrfJl. of ai7 rast, ... lj"-y,f" p"wi I9E gy SAMUEL M. BARROW V -4- iV T I C i 1' ? IE ' 1 &' . -,", fS a nfttst. J I . 4 i '& jT V -fe ' -3 - ! . 1 ' SAMUEL M. BARROW 53? 5 t fr- 1 'J fl J? 1i '! - 1 4 FATAL EXPLOSION. Deaili and Destruction at Niagra V . j THE ELECTRIC PLANT Thirtv PoBBds of Dvnamite Send TIiibjcs Heavenward Terrific NoIsp. THEKILLED AND INJURED Niagara Falls, N.Y. By an ex plofioo of about thirty pound of dyna mite ia the rfli.-e of El. Smith & Co contractors In charge of the axteueion of the wbed pit ami tunnel of the Ni agara Fallr, ypeterJay two men wer killed; one fatally iojnteJ; and sev eral were cut and bruised by limine rocks aud timbers. Tho office build ing, a frama structure 40 by l.'i was utterly demolished and the windows many yardsdntaat were broken by the abock. The dead are: Hanker Ham mer, general marsger, Kotf.rdam, N. T.; Albert Reynold, a negro worl asn. Last August while orkmg in the har vest field 1 b-came. overdeated, was sud denly attacked with cramps and uas neatly dead. Mr. Ciimmin js, the drug gist, gave me a doe of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy which completely relieved me. I now keep a bottle of the remedy handy. A. M. BUNNELL, Centemlle, Wah For sale by Druggists. It isn't big profits that makes the pile at the end of the year, Mr. Grocer, you know that It's the many. Schillings Best is the tea for good-v!i; and good will is your best advertise ments. Money-back tea. ASckiUIoi; fc Company .?M ri.UUKH tn Tills Is Your Oj.yortunltj. On receipt of ten ceiiU, cMsh or stamps, a generous eample will be mailed of the moat popular CatnrTlt nod Hay Fever Cure fHy'a Cream Balm) sufficient to demon strate the great merits of the remedy. ELY BROTHERS, 6C Warren St,, Jew lorlc City. t?o Jn1.nlli.iJ. Jr..of GrrntFalla.M6nt., j recommended Ely's Cream Ba!u to me. I 1 saa eniphaxize hia statement, "It ia a pod- Ut cure for catarrh if ned as directed." Bav. Francis W. Pool. Pastor CeatxalPrta. Church, Helena, Mont Ely's Cream Balm is the acknowledged cure for catarrh and contain no merenry nor any injurious drug. Price, CO cents. Get Your Christmas Gifts Free & two ounce bag, and two coupons inside each four ounce bag of Blackwell's Durham. Buy a bag of , this celebrated tobacco i land read the coupon which gives a list of val uable presents and how to get.them. WANTS TO KNOW Germany's Position on the Turkisk Question. A DISTINCT STATEMENT Plienix Dvnuuiiter Found tiuiltv and Slav (Jet 15 Years. HANXA'S PALATIAL HOME Bjrux, The coiernment will shortly be asked before the lleichatag to give a distinct statement of Ger mbUj'n position in regard lo the Turk. islj question and as to whether aha id in accord uitli other powers or not. Pkescott, Ariz , William B'.inkfey who blw up ibo Cabinet saloon here Iat July, was found guil y Saturday. He will be sentenced next Wednesday. The extreme penalty for the crime is fifteen years in the penitentiary. Thomasvillk, Ga., Mark Hsnna's palatial winter reilenca here is being put in order for bis arrival on January 1. He will bring Major McKinley wilb him to rest. "We had an epidem c of d)senteiy m this vicinuj last um ner," as h'.nnt.el S. Pollock, of ItriccUnd, Cal. 1 s taken with it and suffered severely unt 1 some one called my attc ition to Cna -berlam':. Colic, Chu.era ami U urrhi a Remedy. I pt rurert a artl hit better alter the fir t don. lit ie .m hlf of the bott e h-d been u 11 I was well. I recommended it o 111 nen and their expert -nee a-is the tne. Wr all unite in saying it i the bcM." roi sale b) Druggists. AttvertiM-tl Letters. Tho following is a list of letters re maining in the general delivery at the Tombstone podtolfice for the week ending November 7, 1896: Jose M. Uarba, Inez Jaramio, Juana Bejarano. When calling for above letters, say dertied, giving date of advertise ment. Emil Sydow.P. M. Free Pilli. Send your address to H. . Bucklen 3c Co , Chicago, and get a free sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A tna will convince you of their merits. These pills are easy in action and are partic ularly effecme in the cure of constipat on and sick headache. For malaria and liver troubles, they have been proved in valuable. They are guaranteed to be perfectly free from every deleteriojs sub stance and to be purely vegetable. They do not neaken by their sction, but by giving ton v to the stomach and bowels greatly ini ijorate the system. Regular s ze 2jC. per box. Sold by Tombstone and Bisbee druggists. Many thousand dollars wortli of valuable articles suitable for Christmas gifts for the young ands old, are to be given to smokers of Blackwell's Genuine Durham To bacco. You will find one coupon inside each BiackwiH's Highest of all ia Z.eavcnin cmcr. Latest U.S. Gov't Report m ABSOLUTELY PURE LATEST NEWS The Pie Hunters are Becom ing Anxious. NO STEPS TAKEN YET. ilrvan Delivers Two Speeches in Nebraska McKmlovs . Ohio Plurality. WANNAMAKER AGAIN. Caxtox O., The numerous report which hate been sent out from Canton relative to probable appointment to cabinet position and secretaryships j ate said to be entirely c .njecturul. It is not belrived that a single decitive step has ben taken on any important matter of that nature. LlxcoLN, Neb., William Jennings Btjnii drlitered two upeeehes in oln je.terday of rnnon ninl evniing rljich liitil been previously announced m h oji n'n.' gun in a polilical cam pai).n or 1000 CuLOMitrs, McKinley olficial plu rality in Ohio U51.109 PiutaiiLLfhn, P nn., The lcal branch of the McKinley and Hobart luriness men's national campaign commit tse formed a pennant nt organ ization last night at the Manufac ur- er's Club. A telegram from M. A. Hanna, indorsing the plan was read. The commander says Jobd Wanamak- er for United States Senator to succeed Don Cameron. Gladness Comes With a better understanding1 of the transient nature of the many phys ical Ills, which vanish before proper ef forts gentlecftorts plcasuntetforts rightly directed. There is comfort hi the knowledge, that so many form of sickness are not due to anv actual dis ease, bnt simply to a constipated condi tion of the system, which the pleascut family laxative, Sjnipof Figs, prr-rapt-ly removes. That is why it. the only remedy with mllltonsoi iamines.aiunsj everywnere cMceracu w muij t, ,, who value good bealth. Ita beneficU effects are due to tlie fact, that it is the one remedy which promotes internal cleanliness without debilitating the organs on which it acts. It is therefore all important, in order to get Its bene ficial effects, to note when yon pur chase, that yon have the genuine arti cle, which is manufactured by the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. only and sold by all reputable drugtristK. If in the enjoyment of good healt'i, aud the system "is regnlar, laxatives or other remedies are then not needed. If afflicted with any actnal disease, one may be commended to the most sMllful physicians, but if in ni-ed -f a laxative, one should have tho best, and with the well-tafonned everywhere. Syrup of Figs Kteids highest and U most largely e4aBd gives nKt gensrl snUafactioa. JS. I faflMlIlMW B MS mr IIOTKI. 1 ICICf VA1.M COCIIISK L.N. Barne.Willc x. J. Miller, llistiee. PALACE. Fred Ha'ris, Bisbee. PatQuinn, " " Con Sullivan, " " J. J. Kigg?, Dos Cabe2a. SAN JOSE. - H. C. Murray, San Francisco. J. SI. Hooker Willcox. Frank Penletin, Bisbee. AIIUNGTO.N C A Nnwman, Plienix. Emery I.achancei, Bilie. Harry Gnldwater, San Frannici. Gfo. H. Waterhury, Denser. E. P. Drew, Tuci-on. M. T. Cartillo," " N"N Wee.1, Tucson. Mrr. Win Herring, Tucson. ur. Price's Cream Casing Powaer 'YnrW-s l-'aJr Hieh&st Awa.d. FAIIIIIANK DEPARTMENT GEO. G.McGEE, Prop. Faivbank, : Arizona, Headiinartcie for U1t0r fromTomb- etone nnil surrounding country. Best of nines liquors and cigars always on hand. PAY THE EXCHANGE A VISIT P. A. DEMARTINI, GENERAL MERCHANDISE. A fall line of GROPERIER, PROVISIONS, CIGARS' AND TOBACCO. FAUtBAXH.. ARIZONA. Fairliank: Restaurant Faikeasic. A. T K. HARRINGTON, MRS. Prop. Chagres Reasonable. Parties goiag from Tombstone to Bisbee will hive ample time for dinner before the train arrives-. Table Supplied With tlicBcst. , GIVE IT A TRIAL. GUM IPXEY, AllenSt tear 3-!, (Old Cu.iom House.) VEGETABI.ES, FUFITS, 1 OTA1 OEH- ONIONS, ETC Freth Call fnrniii fruit rrcir'd every day by exprets. Everytliin? oll ni lowest tpUx, QokI uri!rr' Iree to ell oart tl i-.'y. Fttfi Received Kcery ThiiTrday. W. 0. ABBOTT ASSAYING IN ALL ITS BRANCH K Toiiittone,.Vvi5i5iiiv. Samples' by mail orepie"ri terelte prompt attention;?" Office and Retuieuee Ocerluek Houe. FlIBalEIGHAIE