Newspaper Page Text
v. Mv! u 9 , H Ji i HI m i ; i ia?i m w m f! TOMBSTONE PROSPECTOR FOBLI8HED EVERY EVKNING (SOXDAY EZCXRXO) BY We. Mich. Editor and Proprietor. 'Ss. N UFJTIOIL DIRECTORY, Major ' P. B. Warnekros CbJeiofFoUce, . n. Doyle Council men: First lWard - - iecoodWaid - J- Jacob Miller rhlrd Ward - F. W. Downs Fourth Wud - - - D. K. Waidwel .xokw anew: Jaeri - - OS.Rj Treasurer v - J. V. Vickers Recorder - A. Wentworth District Attwno - - O. W. Swain Probate lodge- - W. F. Bradley Clerk District Court - - Scott While Surveyor - - - II. G. Howe Assessor - - '-A. Bright C-xmOommlMloner - - - F. Duncan AtTTBeKOTB AQBNTS. L. P.FISHER. 21 Merchants' Exchange San Francisco. a H. KELLOGG. No. 310 Pine street. Room 57 and 58, San Francisco. E. C DAKE. room 65. Merchant Exchange, an Francisco. GEO. P. ROWELL, to Spruce St New ork. N. W. AYER & SON. Philadelphia. AH transactions made by the abore named persons will be complied with at the PROS PECTOR ogee. flabscrlsttloB Rates. One Year $10 00 Bix Months 6 00 TbiMMontha 3 00 OaeKonth. 100 Delivered by Carriers (or 25 cants yer week. cur m COUNTY OFFICIAL paper The Center Republican thinks . M. and Arizona are entitled to statehood, and says: "Both AriiODa and New Mexico are entitled to the assistance of Colorado in tbeir effort to secure admission into the Union at th6 ap proaching session of congress. They hare elected free coinage men as dele gates to congress and have thus'Qenv onstrated mat they belong in the bimetallic columns. Colorado will gladly help them to secure that which abeuld have been given them years ago." MET LIMITED. The Sunset Limited train whieh pas tes Benson twice a week going east or west is by far the finest and most mag nificent transcontinental passenger train in ex:stance. It is incomparable, unexcelled and unequalled. No ex pense ha been spared to make it per feet in erery respect, and all that human skill or science could invent and apply to make it absolutely fault less has been applied. Luxury and beauty have been combined with strength and safety, and, meteor like, it spans the continent, annihilating time and space'in its rnarvelom flight. All who bare bad the pleasure of a trip on this train unhesitatingly pro nounce it the Terr finest in the land. A ticket on this costs no more than on the regular train. For further particulars and any in formation, address. E. 8. WEB8TER, Agent at Benson, Or T. H. G00DMXH4 O JR. A. San Francisco. Scrofula Is a deep-seated blood disease which all the mineral raixtmres in the world cannot core. S.S.S. fjpiaranUed purely vegetable ) is a real blood remedy for blood diseases and has no equal. Mrs. Y. T. Bade, of Delaney, Axle, had Scrofula for twenty-five years and most of the time was under the care of the stocton whocimJd-not relieve her. A specialist said he coald cure her, bat he filled her with arsenic and potash which almost ruined her constitntion. She then took nearly erery so-called blood . medicine and drank 1 them by the wholesale, Mrat they did not reach ,her trouble. Some one advised nertotry S-S.S. and she verv foead that she had a real blood tesBedyatlast. She says: "After. tsJc lag one dozen bottles of S.S.S. T am perfectly well, soy akin is clear astd healthy and I would not be in ssty former coadkios for two thousand dollars. Instead of drying apthepoison i my system, like the potash and arsenic. &&S. drove the disease oat through the akin, sad I was persaa aeatlyridofit." A Real Blood Remedy, S.SJS. sserer fails to cere Scrofula, aVrema, Rheumatism Contagions Blood Poison, or any disorder of the blood. Do aet rely np8B a simple tonic to core at deep seated blood disease, bat take a reel blood remedy, , uer doom tree apes appli cation. Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, G. fsW U. S. Cfor'f Reports A v, h CasslmmVj- .aaaaaaaaaPK JammVs9li vflMCr "SItHX" sss What Are We Here For? 1SsP L TV THE FUN OR THE MON? From the expression upon our friendfl face he is evidently here for neither but WE ARE HERE TOR BOTH". We are handling Which for easy and Cottolene Cottolene - Cottolene. That perfection for shortening purposes is giving general satisfaction We have it in 3, 5, and 1 0 Pound Pails WE are well supplied with for use during this hot Boned Turkey, Boned Chicken, Roast Turkey, fie as Chicken, Sardines of all kinds, Canned Soups in variety, French, Enelish and American Mackeral in cans, Brook Trout in either Tomato or Mustard sauces, Deviled Turkey, Chicken, Tongue, and Ham, Ham burger Eels in Jelly, Boston Baked Beans plain or ir Tomato Sauce, An? many other Goods too numerous to mention, Also in regular receipt American. Cheese. Jorft Forge: that we are &C12 agents Jor- Tombstone and f ncnitv for ' . Chase IMm GEORGE THE asfor us ' perfect washing cant' he beat. prepared goods'of all kind; weather consisting of- ot Holland, Limburger and Seat Brand Golee. ,"V 1! "J H, TfS- mmM VjstVfr'"Cwimmmmmmk amHClslBBmf Grocer, THE WILLOWS, CHAS, BULOTTI, Propr Choicest line 01 Wines and Liquors. Imported and Dometlic Cigart, Courteout Attention to Patront. Allen, bet. 4th & Otli. L'tniibmoue COMET SALOON GARLEVATOPALAlPropr's, WIN&S.LIQUORS& CIGARS. DeaUrt in BourVt frith and Scotch Whithy, and Other Well Xnotcn Brandt. A Specialty made of best Clarett and Winet. Billiard Parlcr in Connnection and the Cedes Place in Town. AJlen, bet. Otb &. 7ib, Tombstone PONY SALOON, J . A. KOSK A. Proprietor. Finett Stock of Winet, Liquort and Cigart in the Territory. PRIVATE CLUB ROOMS ATTACHED, Best and Purest- Brands of Whiskies Brandies and Wines kept Con stantly on Hand. You vil find "Al" at home, on AlUr. St het. 4th and 5th. Billiard Parlors, J. N. McDOKODGH, Prop. "the Finett and Bett Htled Billiara Parlort in the City. Importer of the Best Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Billiard and Pool Tables in Conjunc tion. Mixed Drinkt a Speriaiiy. Private Club Jloomt. Allen, bet. 4th S 5th.Tombston PROBATE NOTICE. lu the Probate Court or the Counljr of Co chise. Territory of Arizona. In thmxter of theestiteofEmma Holmbe. deceased: Pursoant to an order of said court, made on the 17th day of September. A. I).-1896, notice Is given that F- iday, the 9'h day of October, A- D. 1896, at a o'clock p. in ol said day. at the colli t room ot said court, ai the court houte in the city of Tombstone, and county of Cochi'c, has been appointed as ih; tine and place for prov ing the will of s-id Emma Holcombt. deceased, and for hearing the application ol V. F. Nich ol for the issuance to I im of letters lesumentaiy hen and where any person interested may ap pear and contest tbr same W. F. BRADLEY", S-tS-tf Fjccfficie Qeik WA JTED SOLICITORS FOR CAM PAION' Book '.'BrranSewalland Free SiWea'x auihoru d by fl-Vn 'written by K. I- Melcalf editor Omaha Weld Herald appointed author by Bo-an., contain, speeches and piatfertn. A txinasza for agents; a free siher mine, for ork, ers; only 81.50; the only authorized book 5o"per cent;credit giren;freu:ht paid; outfit free, B. in now with choice of territory; rennlnent. profi. table work for 'o5. Address The National Bonk Concern. Sur builiinc'!Chieaco. at NOTICE. Sealed proposals wd bereceited by the board ofsupemsors of Cochise eoamy for the build in of a branch jiit at Iiisbre according to the plans and specifications .alopted by the board, Utdders can obtain a'i the tonher necessary Icformation at the otti:e ol "the board of super, visors at Tombstone, or 'frorp S "ViUIams; chairman of h: board at Btsbee. All bids must be tied with the clerk of the board on or before 3 p mNovrmber 6 186 1 he board reserve- the right to reject any or all bids. ; A.-;WgNTWORTn, - Clerk. By W.A.IUbwocd, vj- Ueputy.Clerk 02 MmrFQEflLE. A ten-stamp rnill "tr itrtrrE. 6 pant, 3 set tlers, an aritator. tcriS foot rerolvinz eoncen. trators, 16x36 Corin ejgtoe.'two boilers, all in gool workinj r3efr H 11'lainc neuly n.w Can be moved- at it 4 lose to railroad Xlust de SOUS, and can He ho.tphl for e4 n-n m ch 'AddressJ sosraclos Ij Tombstone Art r'sNoUce '1 J 9 WHVWH n,.vi (tra HHSli HM7 UliUUVXIC . jnrey pbrwioi'for thccollection-ol trxesler- rrr'faxes- wsIPltcorae -deb'nqisent on the 3d "XroribUVin DeSerii'xr iSo6aad ssnfesa naid 'T"iTijuiiijigvcTercwoa u os aocea tneieio. -- , - 'yj. lajmenLMPwy. oe raaiwjsti .y- ' .t ir . -.- . - Tjrr . Triifr nt "FT-f5lfiirt T. v rAltrs i Cocbsse.eoenty- TomVstone, October 96, IB96 036 KUk lllilliltiill . .? . -g isbssssswBs. Awifwa ShlasaftawMasf rnnsrilwItHil Vut'iniTjl Ihnlf I VI'IIOUIIUUVVU 11UV1VIIU1 WU.1I1H 4rr"I'ucKui, Artcostn. Canital Hocw - $5U.(RiO. OFFICERS. M. P. FKEEMAN. PresidenL W. C DAVIN Vice-President II. a 1ENNEY, Casha Issues drafts available nt any point in 'the Unit. d States. Dias Ulls 01 exchange oaa European cities, and nukes a specialty of out- ' town accounts with intdiuhwU. firms and cor oration. v m.3'1 r FLY'S PHOTOGRAPH-GALLERY, Freoto t s reet, opposl e Prospector. FAMILY PHOTOGRAHS OUR SPECIALTY Careful attention given to turning o t the Fines! vtetrs and pieturet of all tites in a mott artittic manner, tuperior finith and'Jone. IPJLCSSP CT3U(DEi Taken on short notice. Groups :ss ally Cabinet, p 1 :l 31 1 f. 1 1 1 UNOKRTAKOia FaBIOKB OF C. B. Tarbell Coffins. Caskets. Aobes. Etc From the Plainest to the Finest Made, The Columbia Iron CasVeU kept Con stantly in stock. Bodiet Temporarily or Permanently Embalmed by the Latett Procett. ToHttne & Fearce MAIL AND STAGE LINE. FRANK, BLATZ, - Prop., Makes semi weekly trips to and from Pearce every Wednesday and Sun day of each week, making the round trip in one day, carrying U. S. mai and passengers. FARE, round trip - - $ eiwsT. TftaDsr aisn DESIGN PATUITST, ' COPriieuTi m. J"or Information and free Uaztdbuok wriui to MUXN ft col ssi Bbowway. Mv Ycac pldnt bmvau f xrurlas pttrnu U Amerlea. a.TtryrteB'inoiitt7-ta troaitht befora tnpuUiot-anouccsl'"riotctMU-sHiOi Sf. titntiiit mtitm Xarcrat cfmlatlnn of ur sef entUo paper tn th world. tp:tudU31r lartratod. ha lauMUrrnt; rasa shonM bn wtuxx-t It. tVerklr, S3.C(li year: euu its rvwitm. AtJr.aI0VvTt OX, PROBATE NOITCE. In Ibe Probate Court, County of Cochisefer ritory of Arizona. I.I THE MATTER OF THE ESTATEJOK Emile Lenormand deceased; Notice of Application for order of sale. Notice is hereby' giwn that Geo. H. Fitts Administrator, Ks filed with the Ort of this Court a petition praying for an order of sale of all real and persnnal property of deceswd and that the sth day of. October. 18o5,at 3 o'clock p. m. of said day beine a day nf a regular" term' of this court to wit of the October term, I896 at the CochUe county court house, in Tomb stone, county aforesall, has been set for hearing said petition, when and where any person iptet ested may appear and show c tuse why the said said petition should not be granted. W. F. BRADLEY. Ex-ofBcio Clerk. Dated Sept. 5th i86. NOTICE TO ALL WHOM IT MAY uWrnN Notice is hereby giien. that certain minit c claims ea'led iheTam Bien. McOinty and Pa r agon, situated in the Warren mining jlistriu. and about one-half mile north-caste ly from'th'!' Holbrook hoisting works, and about the s'ime disunce from the town of Bisbee, A. T. lit As the above ntmed claims werr not locatr-d in conformity with the If. S. minin? lw, there fore, a second party, at a later date, rek cated the same in full conformity with they abore named laws, and is fully determined to protect his rights. Therefore, all, pet son srre cau tioned not to bargain for. buy or lease the aiore named claims. - S: XIANSUK. aS-rn Jibber, A. T. The National Matte Smelter. A practical and simple method of mattine sulphide ore. such as nickle, copper, gold and silrer otes- In localities where lead ores and fuels are scarce and almost unattainable, cur pyritic, water jacket Matte Smeller has been re cognized with highly satisfactory res tilts, and I oas oeen raorougruy tested r.n vinous pyratic, sulphide and arsenide ores, in capacity of a to 80 tons per day. It is the most practical, cheapest and simplest method of ftold and silver ore matting and concentrating iht is known today It requires no cxtraO'dinanrskilL no lead cm. no fluxing material, fuel of any kind for 10c sTieiirr aiter 11 is started, ine sulphur in the ore is its natural fuel only, and Its cost has no comparison with any other process of. con centrating We are prepared to furnish any size or capac ity plant complete to substantial mining people, set it up and furnish cur men to run it for them on easy payments. Price and specifications furnished with references and test'monials on application, NATIONAL ORE REDUCTION Co. 5736C&eltenham Arcane, St Louis, Vfo, ?;.. Manufacturers of Furnaces foe- ,?!; NickfcjiCopperv Gold, Silver andV-Lead olfc ALL PERSONS ArE "CAtmbNEt) against purchaiiog or negotiating; a paper pirT porting tc caB -for one hundred dollars, favor til ota Gate and endorsed by'ase as same has bees paid, as I bojel Mr. GateTreceipt Pai paper has bee lest. T, B.CHTTM.N IBBBHansssCtslssslRBlssss IR! asssss sm j PIONEER Carriage t Blacksmith 9 JS. H. EMLV Ism lomer Th ird The largest fand Best Equipped Est iHishment of itH Kind in the Territory. All Kinds of Buggv, Wagon and Woodwork Neatly and Pronrotlv Done. BLMSMITHING AND HORSESHOEING. Best Facilities for Doing All Kinds of Repairing in. Wood and Iron. None out First-class Workmen Employed. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. jrFull assortment of hardwood and iron for sale. Ol JHR HiEEQRRHHRtfe O. L. CUiVI MINGS. Wholesale and Retail Butcher, t 7 COR. 5TH AND FBEMONT S1KEETS. Beef, Pork, Mutton, "Veal, Sausage, Bologna Pickled Trip Choice Steaks, Roasts, etc. Experienced Cutters. Free Delivery to all parts of the City. Your patronage solicited. OYSTER PARLOR. A.LTEZV St.BETWEEN 4th A3 HtH First-Class "eals B-est'of -Attention; Fvr 13 thing in Seaeoi BOARD PER WEEX $7X0 THREE MEALS 1.00 oJaNulall MEALS... 50 Dinners tor Specta. Occasions a Specialty Try a Weal at this Pcnclar Resor Fir .t-Class Cooks mly Emplcyed. rVcccmmodaticns for Families J C4K5AII. Proprietor. TOMBSTONE GAS GO. r A. ASHMAN Lessee. WELSBACH INCANDESCENT 3AS JLIGH1 Iq General Use throughout the United States and Europe, -d successfully comr inR with Electricity, both in linlliancy and Cost of Light. Uses Three Cub Feet of Gas per Hour, and yields a Light of Sixty-Candle Power, Equal to four ordinai-y burners with double that amount of gas. cost ofvduamt:.? g.t-c; Placed in Position "Without Extra Charge. OFFIUK I.t BAK BOILVI.'VU. TO.niIST. K. AKIZOX I. IIOOHISE HOUSE. Corner Fourth ELEGrAlNTLY FXJJRlSnSI3CEZ ROOfllfe afssT" Visitors to this city will od the Cochise a superior hotel nd of offering excellent accomofition?. A LARGE ASD COMMODIOUS SAMPLE ROOM FOR COMMERCIAL ME All Modern Conveniences. Rates Moderate. SAN JOSE HOUSE, . AIESF. J. BEAN, Prop ", Centrally Located, Large, Clean a Well Vintilated Rooms. n Palace Hotel. FIRST CSASS IN EVERY RESPECT. PARL( R I OK f UE Everyvhin; Madt Conveniet t lor Gutsts Special Rates to Parties bylbVV -t or Month. Renovated Thiocgfiouf. SAXPTJ;- JtuO.V SOP. PRITi. MF.RS. RA TF.'.i RE A F.ZSA Bl HOTEL ARLINGTON NKWLV FUKiVISHED LAKGE Allv R003IS. BEST ACCOSiSIOIlATlOX- 4 This Vi rorite Headqua "t rs for Ccmai enovat'.d'ln'dKeaily fan isi-ed tbrovghotit iih sfif'sl idmi't i public. Rooms ensuite ai.! jingle. Prices Modtraie. Every-Jhing fiirpt-chiss f amDle i. ns U r fnn trial xr. it TSTTJEl. Ii-op. and Allen. MJH.WJWIP 3IIIS A. I)A3'.S0V Proprietress and -To ugh nut Street's. Mrs. S. GALLEN, Pi or Fifth bet. Allen and"V, Ig o.u. DAV Tombstone An'zon - ircuJ Ktn 1 as no t tl J t n nwly n tte lietia't 1 Dr wramHRSMnnHr srC? ' ; - 1 ik tH UORNFM OB S1X1B AND ALLEN S1REEE8, aaaaJ3(asa.Sxx.lisr8israMaaiitsassw raasee, As s7 iaV TOMBSTONE, ARIZONA -q jafta.- - - ...