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s-tf'' fr V -. 1 m a i! y '. J ir-v N fcV-L '--. & J ". If x V- v si w m For u ,ined eguiu fiuing suk of cIothcs Cjh on WAP BURTON - THE TAILOR, Main Street", Bisbee. THf KKSTOOODS TH3 LATEST STYLES, REASONABLE PRICES. 53 The fact that an cstablishin2nt in this town scarcely six monthsblfl can steadily employ throe first class tailors speaks more for'our work than a barrelfull of recommen dations; - j frfaA. TRIAL IS jKIlJLa AVJ3 ASK. r r .A. OVERLOOK. UNION MARKET ANDBAKtRY Breuety fiuenue, Bisbee Hiizoha. it : Irish Beef and Mutton, Pork ctclalsoZtMlPForJcland Corn edlBeet.z, All kinds of bausxge Mwws ? '.onhand. FRESH BREAD PIES AND CAKES. EVERY DAY PAIAOE anl I Livery and Feed Stables, BEST TUItXOUTS IX THE CITV. At reusable rates, aiul on slwrl notice. The patroniRe of the public is respect folly soIicite4--and satisfy tion tf' guaranteed GRIFFITH &, ADAH, Proprietor. Bisbee. Artzona. THEO. F. METZ, Piflieer -Sflfla Works. Sod warter.Sirspanlla,Sarsaparilla and Iron, Gsnger Ale, Champaign Cider, Syrups, tabis wtters, etc. rfi. hatfJii improved machinery, and vine j ; ( Ae t'fry 6ef pmderyoj ereT uW5 Blibee, Arlioni. Chop House, Main stree, Bisbee. OTTO GIESESHOFFEtt. Prop Finest Restaurant ia Bisbee. Private Rooms for families or for private parties. " fresh Oysters and all kinds of Game in season. TJie tablcsuovliedwith Hie best' the market afford WETT AND RUCASTLE MASarACTVW OF BOOTS and SHOES Repaired and Hade to order on Short A Notice. -Aan line it gIsne'iial merchandise Constancy on hand, Consisting of Eoou. Shoes Shirts. Underwear, and Gents Furnishing Gaols A well selected stock, and the Cheapest place " Bisbee quality or goods considered. F. M. MoKAY Tt- WiU iel,eaa,T?-TWl CAfArrMII 'T1 mwm WHISKIES, kn the best brands of Cigars. lc Cyjieer on Draught. CL.UB KOO.HS ATTACHBD. M a pleasant, social tiaiea'ad conrt'oui Irot racnt. call on McKay, Bisbe;, Am ma. A. O (I. W. QOEEM JDSE: No. IX MEETS zaj iatur3ay eTentflB' VisJUng lyoth 'erieorduBy"iaited. . -t - j . AOS KlNDRED.M. W. 2oWAd'A'sK ReVrdr. . " HC. FiASCK.'Finanoer. H. SOHHlEDCJfU, EWELERANDDENTIST ALUKIDS I ol .dental and ieweky ork la all britches,. a Tcmestooe. t y si RF.IN rrasy DEifrisr. Kae-oi Dmttstry done a a aMscieaa) miinnrr aad saasjaafm gwuava. j ... p a --- t Ttf T'maftMrfiMmaa c " ' IT AH miiwiacit "FT1 "Pi" BISBEE Stsam Laundry. BISBEE. A. T. All kinds of laundry worV. done with neatness aad dispatch. Pit ICES IlEASOXABLE. Delivery gon work. collects and distributes, all Give them atriil. i GEO. DREYSPRING. - - Manager Office Witfi Marks 8. Witu'g barber shop. Visit Markey's Studio or up!to"date. class photography. high CRAYONS, INK, PASTELS and WATER jCOLOKS. To meet "outside rompebuontl will mike you a rugh class life size Oavon for $3.00. A good enlargesaent can bj made from card, cabinet or tin tpe ' " ; UprEKjMAifJ.strret, Bisbee, Arizona. J CHOICE V FAMILY OROCEBIES' Freshfruifs of all kindslre-X ceived daily. wines;4 -" ' . LIQOOR8, . cigaks, .. : , ' ' ff - ,'AND TOBACCO. Goods delivered to all paats of town. 10 per cent on for cash. M. SUSIilGOTlCIl, rropr. DUBACHER & MUM,' Brewery Gulch, Blslee, Ariz. Pabst Milwaukee Beer On Draught, Constantly o n Hand. Our Bards Sap-" i plied with tlieJbtst Wines. Liquors and Cigars t youcpatronaMTespectfally so'ictted. r' r,'n ' ' f ' r ' V. G. MBDIGOVICH, WhoIsaleandRetaDUeak. !o t Groceries, ' l Poxdtry, Game received once a week. LIQDORS, wines. CIOARS AND TOBACCO, BMISIA CABETTO DKALKB IN DltY GOODS, " i ' GREEN AND ' , t DRIED FBUITH. WINE8, IMPOTXDjj AXU UlUAKB, S,- r .BUTTER -ANI?PRdYj8KS: IM FORTSD OHKBeC k. 8AUSAFSf CII8BD Cash ' &- i &i 4 Happenings at r the Great Copper Camp. Budget froH 01 latertistiBe Items ear Regular Cor resDOBdeat. ElSBKl, November 14, 189C. coppKRias. John S.WillUmtlelt for Torubctone this morninjr to look alter some law butinoia and alio to attend hit datiei a tupervitor. He will not be back for a Dumbar of daya. Mr. and Mrr. Wm. Land and their little daughter came in on the train this evening for another short visit. Mr. Land has lone more heavy cattle baiineta on hi hard and expects to be kept buy for a few days. Mrs. A. Hill lett for her home in Totnbttonb this morning alter a pleas ant visit to her daughter! here of twe weekt or more. She had a meat en joyable time visiting her many friends here nd hopes to be ab!e to pay them another visit soon. H.'G, Stegall lett this morninc for a short vacation and a trip to Tuc.on. Steg says be wants 'it understood that he is "conductor" and he it going to attend the grand meeting of Hallway Traiomtu at that place in order to get bis so-called rights. Quite a number of hunting parties intend to leave town this evening to enjoy some good duok shooting in the early morning. The present beauti ful nights make a moonlight drive of l5or'20 miles a most enjoyable trip in itsel'. J. B. Anguis and Dan Simons cot an early start this morning and went out on an extra train nearly two hour before the regular left. What they sained by the move is more than we can see, as they undoubtedly had to !. : t?..t..Hl. Tak .La elr.A tll.ll irau to rftiiunuK ivi mg sc7 ., would not leave there until the regu lar train arrived. During the recent prolonged rainy season 'the numerous bicycles about town waro allowed to fall into dunce owing to the muddy road and the chance ol attacking if you ventured too far fro to town. These inconveni ences, however are now thing! of the pas', and it ia becoming quite the proper thiug to take a good spin on a wheel on a aunny afternoon or moon light evening. For the benefit of the 'uninitiated we will state that a num ber of good wheels are always on hand at Blackburn's and can be rented at reasonable rates.. The young ladier also -need. never deprive themselves of the pleasure for want of company or experience, for "Tommy the8corcher" is always ready to accommodate tbem with his company and experince and he will lake tbem orcc the road as if they were old timers. Don't forget the direolions Blackburn's for wheels and- Tommy, tea Scjrcher for guide and director. Two Llres Saved. ' Mrs. Phoebe'Thomas of Junaion City 111.", was told hv hex doctors she had con- ) sumption and that there was no hope for M her, but tw bottles toi Ur7 Kings rew " Discovery cured ner. and she says it saved her life. Mr. Thos- Eagerr, 139 Florida St., San Francisco, suffered from a dreadful cold, appro chrag consump-cio-T; tned -without result everythini: else then bought one bottle of Dr. Kind's New Discovcrp and in two weeks was cured. , He is natur.lly thankful. Ir is rtich results, of which there are samples that prove the wonderful efficacy ot the medicine itr coughs aad colds. Free trial bottles at Tombstone and Bisbee drug stores. Regular sue 50c and $1 00 CATARRH l a LOCAL DISEASE wmt U la rsw sf esW aa4 red aw cttmtUc cfcfta; Jtcxa be end by aptaaawt mwlf a!di isaIIM -jvjelr lata lac boatnlar' Bo gryStklysiaartsiittsjva Eh'sGrean Baim ssacKaowMacM wmw bv."!Tu," NaalCatnrh.Coldfai Uaaaad Hay fa rafcr of all XaalCtanh,Coldta UaaaadHay - um SIMSMaaH f. aSas aaW and kealasaaaani M.mniasw iceasia. riwam.Kv j if rtaMwna- nteaSsjUBtrTaws SM.T BBOTBBalk warwaowi. w saw. iilcij;.'-i RjwigSy MefiPM PALACE Lodging House UBS. THOJ. WALK CM.; Vrop. When uisitinG Bisbee don't fail to go to the Palace, Roonis large light ' and airy Well furnished rooms, Ceitrally and Coneil' ently located. Renovated throughout. Rates Reasonable. STLOUISBEERHALL BISBEE. ARIZ. SHATTUCK & - KEATING . Proprietors Agentt for Anheiuer-Dutch JJrewinsf Auociation. 'WholeiaU and JUtail, ICE COLD BEERS DRAUGHT C. W. BLACKBURN. vlfcggSS The New Impiovtd Hbitc ea Machine i Khz ot All. i-old on the lntl!mtnt .Un on enr temu bjC.W. BLACKBURN, O K Html. All Machine Findmcn of all ktndr. Notary Public and Conveyancer. Miners Ezchange Main Street.'Bisbee. W.C.SMITH & CO. Choicest oj Wines. Liquors ana Cigars, Every courtesy and accommodation extended to piiionf, Reading and Card Room Attached. Notice to Creditors. Estate of Emma Holcombe deceased. PUBLIC NOTini IS HEREBY GIVEN by the undersigned administrator of tbe state of Emma Holcombe the cred tors, of and all persons baring rUlms against the said deceased, to exhibit them with the nec essary vouchers, within tour months after the first publication "of thisnotice, to the said ad ministrator, at his office in the tnwn 01 Win cox, in the said county of Cochise. W. F. Nirnois, Admimistra'or, with the will annexed, of tbe estate ot Emma Holcomb, deceased. Dated atjWillcox.tthis 12th day of October.1896 , O.tJtf. POR SALE. -A group of Copper Claims part'y developed. Ore black and oxide from the grass roots; ore found in all working's; plenty in sight and just the proposition for a company Good ro ds, wood, water and timber plentiful, claims eg:'. mile; from railroad. Addre Prospector, office, Tomb stone TOMBSTOXr, Oct. 39, 1896 TOi -LL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Tale notice; That on the a8ih'day of Septem ber. 189S. the arm af Hailvwood and Hnddy, doing bus ness al Pearce. county o Cochise, A T. mortfagol to Oeo IT Flits all the stock in trade and personal property of said firm, indnrf-' in the book accotints, 'and gave him possession of tbe same, and the same piopeny and"bok accounts were attached in the suit of P B War ckros, v itazlcwood &.Huddy indebted to said Arm hot to paytbe same to the suctiaxicvooa it tiaaay, er eiineroi incai, u sach payment will not be reencnued by us. C. II. FITTS. I'.B-WARNEKROS. -30-iod 7' Worlds Fair Tests H'i ..-J a-cr uniiJ.r aivvra mrm an.n.i j.m rja gt.amt J teav 1 NIOjtv nobi-le.' Beater in FinitejNuts.Candies, rj'i bVtiti Rjcah'ol Diily fnm California. Carries the Best Line of CIGARS AjYD TOBACCO Ever Bronght to Tombstone. Poultry, Eggs, Potatoes. Onions, etc., always on Hand. Fifth Ht. next to PostoJice. for Fine Stationery Of Any Deieriplion, Call on- WM. D. MONMONIER. Oppotite Mason Dorre. Carries a full line of Station ery, Books, Inks, Pens, Mu cilage, Toys, Window glass, Fancy Toiiet Articles, etc. Price the Lowest! Allen St. Bet Fourth' Fifth O.K. Livery Stable Full Line of Liven TKAXCIENT AND BOARDING STOCK CAREFULLY ATTENDED Prosvectiji Picnic and Ex cursion varties outfitted on short notice.. Or ders bu mail or tel fraph receives vromvt atten tion: TERM SUNREASOMBLY LOW. JOHN MOXTOOMERY, Proi-, J V. VPKER3 Frenom Mrrrt, 1 orrr-t-cn' . Anrora. Real Er.inic. Mines Monci: Cut tie and In suruncc.-. KEU, ESTATE Roucht.'sold renin) MINES Bought soil aiinaced. it -.N ELY Loans negotiated and in vestments made CATTLE Grower, draltr tit tf INSURANCE-Fire. Acddect, TJfe. Prompt Attention Given Collection. TOMBSTONE DRUG - STORE. Op. Wells Fargo C. A Choice Stock of Pare and Fresh Drugs and Medi cines on Hand, Fall Line of Leading Patent Medicines Prescriptions Compounded by a Careful Competent and Experienced PrescripUonist. Fine Selection of NOTIONS. TOILETCOODS. PERFUMES PIONEEK BARBER SHOP, JOSEPII LIPPERT. Prop, Everythina N'nt, Clean and in Ftrtt Clant Order. hv-r, Sbmpi-ing and Haircuttmg d-me in an Artistic Manner. The OUlett and ilotl Favorably Known. Barber on the Coatt. Pay Him a Call. Attest, bet, 4th4fc3tli.ToBalM.tone CITY BARBER SHOP AND Bath Rooms, J. B. MIANO, Prrprietwr, Hair Cuttin Shavineand Shampooing Large, Convenient and Commodious Bath Rooms attached. Hot and Cold Shower Baths. Erery- thing first-class Year 0 Practical Erperience mahe ' ' Ihu Shaving Parlor a most PopularSetort. ' AHeat. saeasrOr Slla.Tawha(Bs. As a compliment to our many patrons and the' public generally," for a short time uc arc going to give to every purchaser of Ten Dollars' worth of oods a fine : : : : : Life-Size Ciayon Portrait, There is not a family but pos&csses some picture " ot Father, Mother. Brother or Sister, which ' they would like to have reproduced in a life -like and durable manner. What more suitable , for a present Call at once and see specimen. . THE FJR.3E. The portrait Company inu made it conditiona . upon us that wit'- each portrait we sell a frame. - The price is $4.oo to $ Call and select ,' your own style. OTJJEt PLAN Is to issue tickets on your first purchase of five . rents or over, and every additional purchase, . large or small, is added thereto, and when the amount reaches $10 we deliver, free of cost, a Life-Size portrait. Call and get a ticket. F. N. WOLGOTT, Healer in Choice Family Groceries A WELL SELECTED STUCK OF HARDWARE AND TINWARE, AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. Goods Delivered free ARIZONA MAIL & STAGE CO Office Opposite Drug Store, 5th St, , Carries 1L S. Mail and W. P. k Co's. Exp. FARE TO OR FROM FA1RBANK ...1.SlT TIlXliE. Leaves Tombstone at 8.15 a. m. to connect with Trains 'for Bisbee: east and west Leaves Tombstone at 5:15 p. m. lor Fairbank to connect with Nogales and all points south. Arrives i2:-15 p. m, with Bisbee mail and passengers. Arrives at 9:00 v. m. with eastern and western mail and passengers. BAGGA G of Panengerx delivered to and J '.oni OJJicc in the city Jrtt of Charge TENTH STREET DAIRY. lOHN HANLEY PROPRIETOR Pure, Bresh Unadulterated Milk, delivered dail" tonl parts of the citi. u n, '" Milk Wagon in town Mil'r 1 .v t'.e quart, aOcts, Reduction is made for larger quantities M Office is on the wagon. Your patronage solicited. John Weiland Anheuser. Lemps. I OJ-LJ TE 1. 3RAUJXSTU P1JED ' BACL, A ert; a.i Bettled Weiland Beer furnished to families in lonihston by .70S. HOEFLER Minisirator's Sale h Good Ranch and Improve ments Offered for Sale, -VrOTlCE IS' HERF.BV OIVENTTHAT iS bids will be received by the undersigned administrator of the estate of Emile Lenormand deceased up to and including November 14th 1896 at his store in Tombstone Arizona for the ranch of 160 acres, heretofore owned and otcu. pied by said deceased, situated on the San Pedro river in said county; just above the Grand Central Mill, and about two miles below the town of Fairbank and also for all the personal property and utensils beloneinif to and limited upon said ranch which personal property is de scribed in the inventory and appnsement in this estate, en ra sriih the Probate Judge of said county. Prj'esarn can be given December 1st, i&Vi- Terms ef sale. cash. The riht to reject an and all bids Is heretv reserved. GEO. II. FITTS Administrator. Dated September 5th, i8c,6J SiR, .p" to all parts of the City. lager; ST. I (WIS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BEER HILL Kj'-sj MARTIN- COSTELLO Atfent for Anheuser Busch Beer. i htrret aie ftrf rsasjnaiT jy-.'-'- ftttsf. 1 sawasr- rfatkaw) 'AsftSla 4V IN JTrW AIe Dealer im Waesl. ni - ".". Vf