Newspaper Page Text
nBa&aagjUHHBiffiOTrwra M t The Prospector. " OVEUBEK IC t8 PARTIAL. RETURNS. A STEEL BRIDGE. A HVNDKE1) THOUSAND, JOSEPH HOEFLER, n The San Pedro v ill be Spanned bv a Model, The Sort of Bars Turned Ontat La Fm tu up. rt RAILROAD T!ME TABLES A h r- rj Uj r 1ZONA 4 SOUTHEASrERN k. R. JCwia Till TABLE. No 4. July u wss. South fa 1 : a : 3 I MID, ii CUM Flro StaUou 11 I lUiir; Sttndar 3 ' ts Trtf so : os at e. E1.U Ar'S5 ,...Ta Luia. .......&3 PKkiKl (. ...M'lUr Tn5t IS0.1 .... Charleston WSJ ...F lrbt ... .Lt IS.8 ....Fairbink .. .Ar JIM , it. A. Cronr.Jl7.T i. Land .. J15.7 t. Dtntla .....j .5 .. Bmmii... ...Ll6 1 J 4 l.SS IN 4.0! Ut.4'.., W.O"... Im.i'a.. SLr. J . 15 JO 1I.1S 11. tt 'mm' Ijc ! 06 ractSc .tin. yit tUUs. Stoj. en a amli. xx Wiiuiio. Sa nutta'cut. SOUTHERN PACIFIC R tast STATIONS. 'ait -L ' ....Uetsrn , ....Tucson ....Maricopa .... amu.... ....Los Angeles Arj 5 40 p m 7.0s pm ,io.o5 p in 33511m I 1 sop m raaoar 6.03 1 to; it.5spm 8 m Set, -Uailte.1, et Vouni, llemiiy uti a rtdtTS 8.19, Btnwnt San St Lmlt ' wcU boanl, Yedaeiaij-t n &tiarlira, 4.03 Bnon MJ WmiK 4 4Z'jevvz?tw NEW MEXICO ARIZONA West f East f.oopa Lt trUoahi nt ......Bessan ...... Arlto-toara Fairbank I oopm ...... Hmchoca..... uiopn ....Crittenden,,.. 10.30pm .... Calabatas .... aeoam ......Noralei 1.30 am 8,r,oarr 03 3.IT 1.40 a t 9. J7 am i.lP i jaTy except Sunday. Pacific time. J. J. Fsxv General Maaager. "A. NAUCLE. U H. ALBKECHT. Atsiste General Manaser. Train Master. MARICOPA & PHOENIX R. R. North STATIONS Sooth I.O pm Lt Phonix Ar 300am 1.35 pm ......Tempe. inin 9,Mpm ......Kyreae 1155pm 9,3jpm Sacaton tajopra iHifim .....llaric pa 13.10 pm U. II. HONSHEIX, Gen. Supt. LOCAL NOTES. feilver is quoted at 05 Geo. H. Watcrbury, Postoffice in spector, is paying Tombstone a visit. The Indian school ball team did up the Phsnix eleven lat Saturday at Pbenix. Globe, the copper camp, is growing rapidly, and is one of the livelist towns in the territory. ) Mr. . Drew, who is associated with August Bail the well known agent (or Lexnps beer, is a visitor to oar city. . Mrs, A. D. VValeli well known . Tcxnbitone, is rerorled seriously ill in Phcnir. At Benson cattle shipping has been Tery brisk for the past twe week?, both far the east and the west. James O'Hara has deeded I). J. Janes, a former resident of Tombstone, the Belview mine near Congress for 110,000. . The business men of Pheoix, Mesa ad Globe are perpaiing to build a jo ad wagon road between Phenix and Globe. A. W. Howe, proprietor of the Orb, is over from the copper camp on busi ness. Ho paid P'ftrcn a short visit yesterday. The Board of Supervisors are bnsy this p. m. in counting the official vote oftheprec'nctsof thetlrction. Messrs, Oilman and Williams arriving to he on band. Xditor Bants, who has purchased the Populist, is one of ths oldest and ablest editors of Arizona. Ha will en deavor to place that paper in the front rank among the weekly papers of the territory. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair, 'DEL w CREAM BAKING PWDfR MOST PERFECT MAD : A fort Grape Cream of Tartsr Powder, fie 4aasAawas)Rta, AJtut or any other adulterant, 0& VEAXfi THE STAMOAW CANDIDATES. Delegate to Concress AJ.Doran, R.. Marcus A. Smith, D..... WmO'Neil, P Council W. P.Lonp.R B APackard, D J. Mathias P. .96 . 83 39 .134 . 16 Assembly J. V. Karrinclon. R..... . Xi . 77 . 67 Wm. Speed, R M. J. Casunada. R J.N. Jones, D 9 J. M. Merrill, D J. J. RiggSi L) 73 99 29 . 20 P. A. Lotgreen, w G. P. Crockett, P. N. Errtckson, P . 2 Shenil F. E. Cadwfll, R . 6S . 83 Sou While, 1) G.J. McCabe,' 34 District Attorney G. W. Swain. R 69 99 AR. Eehsh.D Jas, Reilly, P 34 .ijp 35 Probate Judge - W. F. Bradley, R S.AD. Upton, D W.M.Fike. P Recorder E. W. Peikios. R M.J. Brown, D Geo. Porter.P Treasurer C. L. Cummings R A. Wentwortb, DAP.. Surveyor W.C. Tyler, R Suoervisors 5 .107 . 66 I3240, .103)56 T. C. Amsden.R lohn Monteomery, R. . . . 41 .113 .l4 . 63 . 12 . 2S j. McPherson, D L. Shattuck, V H. Schmiedinir. P- Geo. W. Bryan, P DISTRICT COURT Cases Heard Before that Trib unal Totlav. Jesus Bsga Robbery of a car load o! Uour at Fairbank Senienceu lor 3 years and C mouths. Jose Oruz Assalt wiiti intent 10 commit murder; plead not guilty Set tVl ,UlilVAV". , r... ,n..w Blum vs Fike Mandamus denied; appeal taken. Harris vs Graham Jusemeut lor defendant Notice for a new trial given. Terrory s Barnet Continued for term. Territory vs Sessions Trial now ou as we go to press, with closed dooie. Drntlt ol Wslllaui Coomb. William Coinb, who was reported in the Pkospectob Saturday as being in the hospital dangerously iU, tfrew worse durinc Saturduy night and yesterday mcrning at 9 o'clock his soul look lis leave of earth and passed to the unknown. "Uncle Billy" Coombs, as he was familiarly known, came to Tombstone in'1879,and was a witness of its rise and fall. He wa SI years or age, and was well known and respected by all. He was a very quiet man, and every one was his friend, but now he is gone and his face will no mora be seen amoog men. The remains weie buried ia th cemetery yesterday afternoon. The Pkosi-ectoc j ins with all in sincere regrets at the deilh of this good man, though he had lived ut the full time allotted to man.. Peace 10 hisashts. An event o! interest to Phenix and Hie Salt Ktver valley will be the annual meeting of the Arizona Agricultural association, which is to bo held there on November 20 and 21. Thirty men are kept constantly em ployed at the Bon-tuz mine in the HaiqitH Ilsland ten stamps are kept runnicg; the cyanide process is also ustd on the low grade ores and tin- tailings. T Captain Xi. W.Gray, fur jrar sta tioned at TucrOit as master mechanic at the shops of ttie Southern Pacific railroad, hss been transferred to San Francisco. P. A. Lofgrcen, th school master of St. David, is io to a to attend court. He reports everything prorpering in his section and the artesian wells sending out their usnul II iw. Kobert WillUm and other', engaged in placer mining in ok Canyon, just a short distance from Palace statiou, according to the Journal-Miner, have opened op some very rich ground that is paying them tery handsomely. They jpect to clean 'up about 2000 from a snip of j?fund bout eighty feet long. 34i 1, 24 32 71 no 3M5 138J10; "9S3 ll'3l ?! 5 77io- 178 10, 1 .36 3 so; 5 200 3 139! 'o 7 160' w 54' 102 i 3 12820: 1 5636' 6 3 162 9; 18 io'iSo1 o' 19J1S8391 8 s'19 J 5 18 S 10 '53113, S 12 8 16 8 3' 7 335 9 4; 41 7 4 7 I 6' 9' 12 6 17. 6 31 7 4 4. O 73 44 2,6 II 5 2311 15 16 13 S 5 ! 12 8 II, o l 1 10; 1 12 6 6 7 .1 81 6 o o o o BLACK JACK. Himself and Pals Stop At A Ranch Their Talk. From a rancher who is in town today on court duty, and who does notdesire his name maJe ptiblir, informed tho PaosrECTOR reporter that ttie band of robbers after robbing HtiachucaSiding next appeared at ourinf jrmant's ranch in tho valley, where they dismounted mil remained for dinner. They made nn attempt to cenceal their identity and seemed well inform ed as to movements of the possee in pursuit. During the meal the robber became quite loq'iaciotis, recounting all their d-eds aad various hold-tips which would furnish an interesting topic for a blood and thunder novel, narrating some particularly ludicrous rpitodes of some unforlanate who was scared to death and begged pitinly for his life when there was uo intent ion of harming him at al', would break out in a most hearty laugh ; this would recall another incident followed by more peals of linglitrr until nppirent ly forgetting oil precautionary dan gers and usual v;rva demeanor and watchfulness turned the hou- into one of veritable mirth, seemingly enjoying it to the utmost. Upon taking their leaye, the rancher was informed that they were using ciiitea number of horses found on tho range, but would steal none nor rids any to death. They asserted they did not care to barm any individual. In regard to the posse or ofilcsrs after them, it was their duty to follow them but they woul 1 concern themselves much about it should they meet a fight would dojbtlessly ensue as they intimated they would not be taken alive. At Dos Cabezss the robbers stopped at a ranch leaving two hersrs belong ing to theowner and Inking two others, first informing the rat.cher of the fact. Hern Block Jack strted that they were at Willcn Knd'y or S-UnnUv when tin? p i pijna-tr was there is'ier the vein,tit iMitiey. 11" t'ed ihrra rrlo n yimrifriire-eitt although h w t-t reni)U)!litii hfr seVrral of tlieni uoring in their lcfti. Th- ll ei f the tobberr, they wen heading toward Bowie an 1 tts pnse have Urn i.otifi d. 1 t Tim I.AD1KS. The pleasant effect and perfect safety with which ladies may use Srup of Figs under all conditions makes it their favor ite remeoy. To get the true and genu ine article, look for the name of the California Fig Syrup Company, printed near the bouom of the package. For sale by all responsible druggists- N. ft Mnrnhv. Arizona's delegate to congress and George E. White who has jnst ben elected to congress irom the Fifth Illinois district, are on their way to Arizona and will reach Phasix l& a few days. 129 19. 232 34 64 6 33M 28247 212 24 42 5 13828 169 31 24227 52 3 36 3 The San Ftancisco ChronicU says that a steel bridge is to be bui'thr (he Southern Pacific over th San Pedro river in Ariz ma. It will bave a 160 foot span and masonry abutment. The steel will come from the east t &d the stone from Texas. Work will be begun upon it at FOB OVKU IllTV VKAMH. An old, well-tried remedy. Mrs U'imlnv'i Knnthinc Rvrtiu has l-u used tor over fifty years by millions of mothers lor their cnuaren wnue leom- n arStV rwrfrrt lURpeaa. It soothra the child, softens the sunns allays all pain, cures wind colic, ana is the test remedy lor diarrhoea. It is pleasant ii it.. tat Ri.lil hr drueeist in every part of the world. Twenty-five oents a bottles lis vaius is incalcu lable. Be sure and sk (or Mrs. Win. glow's Soothing Syrup, and lake no other kind. Gen Wh'atnn, accompanied by Mis. Wheaton and Miss Wheaton, passed over the N. M. and A. In their private oar Saturday on their way to Htrmo eillo on a visit to Geneal Torres of the Mexican army and the other officers nd officials of gouora. It is understood an attempt will be made to throw out the entire Bisbee vote when the returns are counted by the Board today. It is claimed ropes were not put up ar'Jind the polls and that betting, etc. was conducted within the 50 foil limit. It is not likely any such proposition will be considered. FROM MEXICO A Warning From Our Sister Republic Citv or Mexico, Nov 3th, 1896. Editor Prospector: Owing to mis information'published from liruo time in the United States, many people come or contemplate coming to this country who ouht never to have left or leave their homes. Such action is detrimental not only to the people themselves, but to Mexico as well. The opportunities here for some classes are excellent, for others they are not. In order that truthful and accurate information may be Available to all , such persons, this paper will undertake to answer through its columns such reasonable questions concerning the re sources, advantages and opportuniliss of Mexico as may be propounded to tho end that prospective immigrants or in vestors may learn in advance the pre cise fact,and not ascertain thsm when too lite. The TnTohnation will be furnished under governmental sanction, and its accuracy and reliability will be unques tioned. The managing editor of this paper, in a personal interview with Senor Senacio Mariscal, Secretary of Foriegn Affairs, was authorized by him to state that the Mexicau Governmeat will esteem it a kindness if you will Eire this communication publicity in your columns. War respectfully, The Two Republics." W. W. Blake, Managing Editor. The Disc ver flssed his l.lle, Mr. G.Caillouette, Druggist, Beaver STille, III., says: "To Dr. King's New Discover) I owe my life,-' Was taken with 1-a Grippe and tried all the phy sicians, but of no avail and was given up and told I could not live. Having Dr. King's New Discovery in my store I sent for a bottle and began its use and from the first dose began to get bet ter, and after using three bottle was up and ahcut sgain. It is worth tu weight in gold. We won.'t keep store or house ivlthout it." Gel a freo t lall ihe Tombstone Drug Store. If you want a gooJ No. S. cookstove, several pans and pots, also a small Mealing stove thrown in; til stcond hand but in good condition, can be had for $10, cash also a good mswing machine Singer second hand t tit in Al working order, for 12, cash.' Call at this office for particulars, tf There is now being dde-J to the Indian school another building al a cost of 12,000. There are now 350 registered at the school but nearly a hundred of these are out working, the buys on farms and the girls as domes tics. They are respired to spend io many months io school and their con tracts far employment are made direct with Mr. Hall superinteedesst of tea mbo!. Gas-tie. Wmlnetday morning on the 10:30 traiu for California. Hon. KjIi. M. Staui',uprinteud'Ut f la Forlutia Mining and Milling company, wwiil through Yuma in custody of a br of gold bullion which, by actual weight waa worth the enormous turn of yi. 535.93. Th bar include. I thrrw ten days clean-ups, or thirty da s riinuii g of the twenty-stamp null tf the com pany. This is the largest mouth's clean up the cuinpuiy has ever made, but they expect to reach the hundred thousand mark before long. The out put has increased tacli month, ard the poaeibiliiiea of the miue seem uu limiled. Yuma Sentinel. Mrs. E. E. Davis, pf. San Miguel, Cal., says: I am trying in a measure to re pay the 'manufacturers uf Chamberlan's Cough Remedy for the great good their remedy has done me. For ears I was a constant suiTerer tram wek lungs and bronchial asthma. My rest at night was disturbed by a hacking couh so that 1 miserable the greater part of the time. Manytcmidieies recommended by friends ere tried, none of nhich proved suitable to my cse. I did not exper ience any beneficial results until 1 began taking Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. After two bottles of the larger size bad been used I am pleased to state my health is better than it has been for years. Tbe soreness has left my lungs and chest and I can breathe easily. 11 his done mc so much good that I want all who are suffering from lung troubles, as I was, to give it a trial." For sale by druggists. Notice is hereby given that the annual meeting of the stockholders ol ttie Gila Valley, Globe and Northern Railway Company will be held at Bowie, Arizona, on December 9tb,189C, FINAL REPORT Of Grand Jury for November Term, 189(5. To the honorable J.I). Bethune, Judge of the First Judicial District of the Territory of Arizona, in and for the County of Cochise. We, the Grand Jury for theNovsm- br IVrin, 18'Jtj, beg leave to submit this our final leport. Vte havs examined witm ses and carefully investigated alt ckssb pre sented to us. Wa bave found seven (7) 'rue bills and have ignore J seven (7) eases as tbe evidence would not justify indict ments. We lisve examined the offices cf District Attorney. Treasurer, Recorder, Sheriff, Clerk nf the Probate Court, County Superintendent of Schools, Clerk of the District Court and Board of Supervisors, and find them in good condition, the records being neatly kept nd the papers in excellent shape. We have examined the County Jail, and find it clean, and Ixlieve the pris oners receive good treatment. We have examined the County Hos pital and find it iu a neat and clean condition. There are fourteen pa tients and they all seem satisfied with their treatment. We find the hospital cook stove in a bad condition and recommend that the Board of Super visors procure a mw one; Tbe Grand Jury desires to express thanks to the Honorable J. O. Beth une for courtesies and asrislance ex tended to them by him, they having greatly facilitated their labors, and also for the able manner in wlvch he has dispatched all business brought before blm since court 'convened, H. GER.WIEN, Foreman. Dtted November 14.1890. BUCKLIN'S AltNICA SA1.VE. The best salve in the world for cuts buises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, -fever sores, tetter, chapped bands, chilblains? corns, and 'all skin eruptions and posi, lively cures files, or no payment requ-r ed it is goarameed to give peefect siif-i facliia or money relunded. Prices 59 cents per box. For sale ' "'"'"nhSonc Drug Store FOR SALE. Ranch and improvements, house,. barn and well; 8 acres nmler quftivation; about 75 orchard trees in learing: water right under .St. David j Canal. Everything complete mm tun uu nau iiuuif iui casn. uoou reasons lor sell ing. Apply oraddress owner on premises. Mrs. Hannah Nxilson. St. David, . CORNER FIFTH AND PIONEER DEALER IN General Merchandise. Miners and Ranchers Supplies, STAPLE Al Improved Agricultual Implements, n MISffliWBSFflRFMYME ' "-. - 5- K1S7Z tBTi Everything In.OuiJ.iiie iFirstClafs Gctd ami JSoldlatl'rictP'Ihat Defy Competition. r" JOS. JiOISEER. HTORE FREMONT STREETS. - STORE - - aTsxh V f to Tents and Wagon u j- s V Covers. - i rt FANCY GROCERHS- .!" '' Windmills Wagons Pumps ' HOEFLEH. I j ) 4& S II -t 8V- -i 1 L- "A t !P.--