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Newspaper Page Text
n i'te3'",,5W -f ".! . -. ' J, - SPECTOR .ft OUR WATCHWORD--"COCHISE COUNTY FIRST, THE WORLD AFTERWARD. VOL. X TOMBSTONE. AltlZONA TUESDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER 17. IS06 No. ?6 - . " 4 v, - -s iXjf - . , ' . ' .. THE-- TOMBSTONE 1. i ; - v luj v! I Lb I fe5 N I 141 V ' K ?. 8 'i hit DAILY-PROSPECTOR. City ami Comity biUctal Papo; PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING (Excarr Su.vdav) UY &,. Datticfa Ed tor anl Props ietor- femoiit St. Opposite City Hall The PtosrECTOB Vi not hold ittelf respon sible forauy cf the articles or sentiments rt pressed by any of it corresponaents, Filtered in the Tombstone Po&tofii as Second Class .matter. PROFESSIONAL OARDS VmES RE1LLY, S J iMinscurai l". . - CIK) speoaitv. Tombstone, fl riioa. W .. - i.diit iTTflliMfV AT. law and Notary PubSc. TcrnratcnC AiUcna. G EO. W. RWAIN. ATIOSU Ai Law. Will prictiee in all com ts o! the Territory. Tombstone Arizona. OS. t.LARK. ATTOXF.Y AND COUN siior at law. Office on Founh Mrert. betweel Allen and Tomhnut, Tprab Vill practice in alt lie count of the ory. HARL.ES GRANVILUEJOIISsTOS. Attorney and CcunseJor at Lr and Noury Public, 42T Fremont street bet. 4lh and th surrts. A member or the bar of uie Supreme Court o! the n'0,'- eai "' pTACuce in My " w-. " AWKNTHWOKTll t-JU.- i "i cordcr and Abstract Office. Abstracts of t.tle to real estate and mines forn shed promptly and aecrately. Cnroplete tnn scripts. Offce in CunrtUoire. Tombstone. E. ALVORU. JUSTICE OF THE Trace. Office on Allen bt: bet. 31 & alb Tambstose. TT .....v..-,. T. t " U KOSKA, USTICEOKTHF PEACE L OtBce on 4th St. bet. Allen ana ToOBhnnt,"Ienibs:one. HS. GORDON-M.D.I'HYSlCIANAND Sargeon: OScc adjoining his residence 'oaathttrxt. Calls attended at U hours day and nigfct FC EAR! E. ASStitR .' ""'" lupcal laboratory. Offi7'; 3'5- Fremont t. opposite City I ialL THE. ORDERS. & A H - KING SOLOMON I.OnGC NO. e Meets third Saturday in each rnenm. Vi-itinR bra-hers cordially muted to at- et,d. 111 Mcpherson, w. m.. A I. GROW Secretary. R. A M. -. ,- ...... . -r frri vOCHLSR CHAPTER KQ. 4 MEEJS I i third Wednesdiy in each month. Ms- A. WENTWORTH Secretary. p. O. S- OF A. WASHINGTON CANlV NO 1 MEET:, 1st Friday evening in ech month v is iiinc Cororailes cnrdially invitfd J.W. CLARK. President. V. L.. GROW. Secretary. A. O. U. W TOMES! ONE LODGE NO 3. A. O U. '. meet 1st and 3rd Thursday in each month. Visiurc uromcis m.iu.. .u- Tiied ROBT. BESFM.W. W. D. MONMON1EK Rocordr. K- OF P- RIZONA LODGE KNIGHTS OF .- m. mMii km ist and ?rt2 1 others ccrcially inrited. A. H. EMANUEL. C. C. W. D. MONMOMFR. K. ofS. ROIECTION HOSE COMPANY NO J. meets 1 irst Sanday In each at their hose house n thecornerol Seventli and Fremont saeets. opposite the vchool hotse. W M. GAKKt-ilf Forecun. TOM M1TH Secretary. R ESCUE HOSE COMPANY MEETS First Sunday ir. cacii mentn ai uiy nsu. Vrm.lri. I.V VICKERS. W ENTWORTH. S. cty lYesident , NT. McDONOUGH. Forrman. Ef.GlNE COMPANY NO 1. MJ'-E'S last Sunday in ea h mon It at hose.toa.e on the corner t-fToaghnut an3 sth street. ICrsEPH UPPEX'I roreir-n HENRY DUXKEK. Secretaty a a jn.rl n atnt merer s-s.tion to can VV "s S4 to J5 a Uj madi; seUs jl s.;ht; ' also a mac to sell staple sood. to Ctuler I.t fide line. J7Sa rro'th. S.ljy it lare ownrwsion rude; experie-ice tinsecesjary ror sJeJ pniticulus send sump. v.uiid p MarwrctarirE Compny, Citderuti, Ohia. ilififili WATER uriiun works. F. CALVES, Prop. J "romp. Service. Water per barrel, l$cs. Jf er bucket, 5 s. Soecial Rates to -Families Xeave orders hh wagon. n-v .i.C J-.-.-- Vl .,,.., ! - . 1 . C!TW1 fjivf . '. ,..liiiLI 1 wi?l sx A 7r frH. 1:5... ' ". HiUllli-l Hi RftOsinilf ' COiNSTlTUTIONAL unniuki i&i ifnesei gw 1 :. ESEZISS h3'f a a.valr.Jw j 5- . 1 - -J ?- an -' dAMIItl I. BllliKUW 4?Mpm jr yawyi 1 '.iC'i ';,jif. J. J" .. - n u l: mr'Trw .' j. y - 'j ?"' ,-M . . - fa Wi ... ; ' . -, ! - -r . T, feU: (SISSBtt I 123: v-q 11 1 11 ; S3E I 2sMana i Continues to be Fat Pickings tor Lawyers. . T THE IIE1US 'GAI.V A POINT.) The Contract Widow , With tho ; Pencil Will und Valuable Deeds. CLAIMED ARE FORGERIES SaS f itAXClSCO, AUoruy Doltuas maile a li'iij et.iter.if-nt wliidi vva-4 not cu!itliii!fd titnit the noon rcccts. He raid hi ron jr with Itbwio tho pencil ill ire red by Mark Lsvingslon was to s'rengthfti Mr. Craveu's posi tion us a contract nifcuf Fiiir, and u porteisor cf deeds tit veltizbift properties tl'ced to huve been riued Jy Katr and termed forgciia by t'se Fair chil dren. 1). imast-aid if lue pencil will tboulJ borpjecied it would injure Mrs. Craven'o poaitio 1 aa the holder of those propertic, so Ih'j will wai tvitlidratrn and, Mrs. Crawn and her fllire will coiicrntrdte tbeir enrrgiea end trenr;th on the deeds in etall:biiiig Ibeir vi!ti The proccodtnrsycetcnlay morning Kre pneral!y rccirdcd aa n di-UiiCt iftory 1 r tlip F.ii.- h'irs. The prob to judjtri of Graham counly liita been" indlcleifforome irrciTtilarllie- crnnectrvtl tritb hi r.flice. . It is new to nmnintee tea satisfactory. Scfiiihig's Best is so guaranteed by your grocer. Why ? Because we sup "ply him the tea and the money. It is such tea as you will be glad to get besides. A SchiSins Sl Co-npaDy Sin rraocuco S?l TJiis I1"onr Orportonity. On TTvi!-.t rf ten cente. v.h or stansps, a goneron faraple sl l mailed ot thrf most jopnlar Catarrh and Hay 1'cver Curo n.. i-ivrtT. i?fT.ttv trflfieifent to dec;on- strate the great mriirt cf Uh. rcniedy ELY BKOTIIF.PS, 60 At'arrca i.'-, 1'cw Tori: Cily. Tlr-t. John TteM. -r.. rf Grrtt Tails, Mont., recommended By's Crcoru l;a!ra to tne. 1 eanempbasiza bis str.leni-i:t, "His a posi tive cure for catarrh it ucd rw directed." Rev. Fracci W. lxW Pttor Central Prts. Church, llclcaa, lloat. Ht's Cream Ta'in i th? a;inoTcledgel ccre'f or catarrh fl eoDt.iitw Jin mtrcury nor any injurious dn.2. Vucc. 00 cents. Get Your Christmas Gifts Free - Ken ntiTice bacr. and two Hi coupons inside, each, four gg ounce bag ot Jlackwell's l Durham. Buy a bag of (! this celebrated tobacco j and read the coupon pff which gives a list of val f uablc presents and how f to get them E5 An Important Suit Decided by Judge Ross 31LCH FOR CALIFOllMA. Millions iu Irrigation Bonds " Made Secnru Will Stimulate Others- MILLIONS ARE AT STAKE riAJj FhascIjCO. Much local inter est is'feltiu the decision of tho United States supreme court in the irrigation bonddc , for on it the development of the state greatly depends. About f S,000,OCO of irrigation bonds are held in this vicinity and iu Enrol'?. Local bankg aud oipiUlisU lure advanced much money upon the bonds d colUt crsl securitief, and the decision that they are vaild mean th? immediate etabliehmcnl olnctrongmarLetTalue for them. A decree of the cupremu court continuing Judge Kost' decicion lh.t the bjridsT;re invalid v.-ouId have in-anta lo-s to the estentof tticntnney jnvtatid in them end loa'ied upon theiu and retarding of iauurtJitt norUo! ir-rtg-it-riit for a titn.'. l-'rto Pills, hen i yr,ur address t ri. 11. Ilucklcn & CaJtCit .t.J, uil .fi Sic-aiiipie box 3! Ur. Ki. -iv"'ft-a New Lii.. I' il-. A tria wHf cons usee yjtt riue r ttt 1 bl-s? niii.irc cnr 1 .totoa 1 ti ate r.iftiL ' u'arly crTecnvo in trie co - fi.5tinm- 011 a t si- nn la .' . rO' nt'ii.-na an liver trouble, th-y r .ve btin provrd in Vibitble. l'ney Hie jjiMrtnteed to be perfc-tly fres Iroin ever deWteriois sub sttnee and to be purely egeiaHe. Tt ey do 1101 v.-t ticcn bj tl eir ac.;oo, but b ivin tnn . 1 :hi Sio.nach and bntveU Hretly invigorate the sjsteni Regular sue 25c. per box. Sold by Tombitoae and liibee druggists. Advertised Letter. The following ie a list of letters re maining in the general delivery at the Tombstone poatoffice for the weelc ending November 7, 189C : Jcse M. Barbs, Inez Jaramio, Juan Bt-j.irano. When calling for above letters, eay dvertised, giving dale of advertise mem. Ehil Sydow .P. M. Ed PROSPECroB : I be.j to advise that our -west-bound trin now pusses lienron at 11:35 p. in. instead of 12:15 a. in. The east-bound limited passes Bnaoii Mondays and Thursdays at 8:21 a.m., and the west-bound Wed nesdays and Sattinljij' at 4 :0a a. m. Your truly, F. S. Wecsikk. A:ent. Manv thousand dollars 3 yorLli of valuable articles suitable for Christmas gifts for the young and old, are to be given to smokers of BlackwelPs S3 Genuine Durham To bacco. You will find one coupon msiae eacn Blaekwill's . f iienuint DURHAM Totaled . Highest of all in Leae.itn;' owtr. Roy.' B)E,TEtV PURE LATEST NEWS A Dastard Attempt At Des truction. A BIG DYNAMITE PLOT Chovninski Put to Sleep in Six Rounds Wealthy Visitors. Hol'sto.v, An attempt ws made yulerday to blow up the Hotel High land, Roxbury. by tho use of dynamite. The hotel is a four story apartment houte. The chimny and ono upper etory were badly cracked. Alter the expiation the police found rn tho nol three unexpliMled sticks of dynamite eight inches in length, They think the intention was to have the bombs exnlnde Miiml'itneously which would he cut:sd terrible destruction. Nntv Yobk, Choytiinyki was knock eel out in ilie sixth lO'.inrt in his light i'li IVter Milter. "An FrMXCisco, I-nopold Meyer, l'inmg fi gineer ol liIcfm arrived in t e in'rrtet of U Iglan and French ctiitaliiU leaking large "mining inv stiixnts in California. Kansas City, A special from Guthrie cays there has been consider able excit rasnt here and at Oklahoma City over the report that Harry St. John, son of ex-Governor John P. St. John of Kansas was not dead as an nounced three weeks ago, Young St. John was under Indictment for the murder of hi wife and the trial was to have commenced shorty after his death was announced. Gladness Comes With a better understanding of the transient nature of the many phys ical libs, xvhich vanish beforvpruter ef forts Rentlo eitorb. pleafcantefforti rightly directed. There is comfort in the lrain lechjc. that to many forms of sickness are not due to any actual dis ease, lmtMmply to a con.tipateil condi tion of the system, which the pleasant family laiative, Svrnpof Figs, prompt ly removes. Tlmt is -why it J the only remedy with millions of frmnics,andrs everywhere stecmetl so lughly bv all who value good health. Its beneficial effects are due to the fact, that it is the one remedy which promotes internal cleanliness witbont debilitating the orpans 011 which it acts. It is therefore all important, in order to fret if-s bene ficial effects, to note when you pur chase, thit you hare the genuine arti cle, which is manufactured by the Cali fornia Fijr Syrup .-. only anu sow oy all reputable druggists. If in the eniovment of (rood healfi, and tnosysU-m Is regular, laxatives or other remedies ore then not necrlsil. If afflicted with env octrnl iljseac. one may be" commcrxlctl t the nKt fckillf ul physicians, hvk if in rfed jt a laxative, one should Jiavctbe best, and with the well-rnformed everywhere, 8yrop of FigastirJds highest and is most largely oscd and given general ShUftf actca. Late U.S. Gov't Report HtTEH MHIVA1.H COCHISX Joe Miller, Bisbee. Ram Anriercon, Bouita. Ed'Hooker, " " fALACK. W T Fowler, Lewis Springs. W H Bame, Tucson. S JI Franklin, " " ClVWorM, " " SAX J03S. .. - .. H. C. Murray, San Franciico. J. M. Hooker Willcox. Frank Penletin, Bisbee. ARLINGTON J E McNair, Ashland, Kh-. M J Bropby, Bisbee. D W BUny. Los Angele-' Paul Hermans, Phenix. W II Barnts, Tucson. S M Frdklin. " M. T. Carrillo, " " 1 1 Ur. Price' Cream Baking Powder World' Fair Hfehest Awa.d. PAIRBANK DEPARTMENT GEO. G. McGEE, Prop. Faij-banhf : Arizona, Headquarters for visitors from Tomb atone and surrounding country. Best of wines liquors and cigar always on hand. PAY THE EXCHANGE A VISIT P. A. DEMARTINI, GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Alalllinto! GBOOERIER, PflOVISIONS, cigars: ANP TOBACOO. FAIKBANK. AKIZONA, FairM Resianrai Fairiask. A. T. MRS. K. HARRINGTON, Prop. Chagres Reasonable. Parties going from Tombstone to Bisbee will have ample time for dinner before the train arrives. Tabic Supplied With the Best. ' GIVE IT A TRIAL. GUM IPXEY, Allen St near 3d, (Old Custom Houte.) VEGXTABLES, ' . ; FRUITS, ' 10TATOES; ONIONS,; ET8 FWth Califqrn ia fru 11 receixtd every day ty TXJKW. irrrtfthinp sold at 4 Umfit fatti. Qoof't dtllveriA t a frer to nil xxtrtt cf city. Fith Jtfceirfd Kvery ' TltUTxdity. " W. 0. ABBOTT ASSAYING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES ? Tomlstonu,At'iKona. 1 Samples by mail or express will receive ' prompt attention. g Office and Rewf-nceOiTtock Bouts. FAIBANKEXGHAN&E 3ii I - . i -. jf 1 . t f V