Newspaper Page Text
RSLSSZXiSSK5raK2'fc'TOmmri TOMBSTONE PROSPECTOR PUBLT8HKD EVERY EVENING (Suidat Excepted) BT W. lattich. Editor and Proprietor, What Are We Here For? OFJTICIL DIRECTORY. Mayor . P. B. Warnekros Chief? folic. -' C Doyle Cosadbsea: FjaHWard - - -SseoadWatd - J- tjacob Mule robdWud - F.W. Downs Fnh Ward - - - D. K. Watdwel xmm cwcxas: Jhatf - - as. Fly Tnnm - - L V. VIckers kacorder - A. Wentworth District Attosne - - O. W. Strata Probate Jodje - - W. F. Brndtey Oek District Court - - Scott White iBTttTW - - - ' "fii!Xe Awessor - - T- - Brigbt Cst Oomtiltrfonec - - - 1. F. Duncan A9TBOSJXBD AQBJCTS. L. P.'FISHBR. at Merchant' Exchange San Francisco. a H. KELLOGG. No. 310 Pine street, Room St &d 5 S11 Francisco. E, C DAKE. room 65. Merchant Exchange, an Francisco. GEO. P.ROWELL. to Spruce St Ne ock, N. W. AVER 4 SON. Philadelphia. All transactions made by the above named persons wm be complied with at the PROS PECTOR office. ascription Bates. One Year 110 00 Ix Months 6 00 Three Montis 3 00 Oae Month. 100 DeliTtred by Carriers for 25 oaato aTWk. air aid cwjstt official paper !IlWAjfeaB&a THE FUN OR THE M0N? From tho expression upon ourj. friends face he is evidently hero for neither but asfor us WE ARE HERE POR BOTH. THE WILLOWS, CHAS, BULOTTI, Propr Choicest line 01 Wines and Liquors. Imported and Domestic Cigar, Courteous Attention to Patrons. AlIeB. bet. 4lli & Btli. Tembsione COMET SALOON GAELEVATO &PALA, Propr's. WINES.UQUORS & CIGARS. Dealer in Bourh's Irish and Scotch Whisky, and Other Well JCnotrn JJrands -A- SpoioJly '-made of best ClareU and Winej. Billiard Parlcr in Connnection and the Ccz',ts Place in Town. Allen, bet. Oth & 7ili, Tombstone Consolidated National Bank. Of Tuovh, Arlsoust. Canital Stock - . t $50,000. OFFICERS. M. P. FREEMAN. PrtoidenL W. C. DAVIS Vice-President IL&TENNEY. Cahk. Issues drafts available at any point in the Unitrd Stale. Diavt Ml 01 exchange o. a European cities, and roArs a specialty of cwt-ol town accounts ith iard.i-vlt. firms and cor oratiias. ta.ii ' FLY'S ?H0T0RAPII GALLERY, T Fresio t rreet, opposi e Prospector. FAMILY PHCT0GRAHS OUR SPECIALTY Careful attention given to turning o t the Finest view and pictures of all sifts in a most artistic manner, superior finish and'Jone, Taken on short notice. Groups : s 9 alty Chbinjt, pm:l ill JttiH The newspapers are furnishing tbe president elect with some astonishing cabinet possibilities. Arizona has more attractive open ings for the in-vestmrntof capital than any other section of the United States. As there ia now a lull in politici it is surfeited that the ministers of tbe country may resume the preaching of the goiDsl for awhile. Albuquerque Democrat. On the birth of tbe eigutb daughter laat week Gomer Davis, the editor of a Kaesas paper, announced the ovenl in a paragraph beginning: "Every thing appears to be coming our way." We are handling ' ' JFR.JVJV 151 SI103 AJIJUiS SOAP Which for easy and perfect washing cant' be beat. PONY SALOON, J . A. KOSKA Proprietor. JFTne-il Stock of Mines, Liquors and Cigars in the. Territory. PRIVATE CLUB ROOMS ATTACHED. Best and Purest Brands of Whiskies Brandies and Wines kept Con stantly on Hand. You vil find "Al" at home. r AUer. St. let. 4th and 6th. UnDERTAEHO FaBlOBg OF C. B. Tarbell Coffins, Caskets. Robes. Etc From the Plainest to the Finest Made. The Columbia Iron Caskets kept Con stantly in stock. Bodies Temporarily or Permanently Embalmed by the Latest Process. In .New York there are eleven sav ing banks with deposits of over f 10, 000,000 each, headed by the Bowery Saving Bank, with the largest deposits of any institution in the world, over $56,000,000, and a list of subscribers who could make an immense parade there being over 100,000 of them. Cottolene - Cottolene - Cottolerie. That perfection for shortening purposes is giving general satisfaction We have it in 3, 5, and 10 Pound fPails Billiard Parlors, j. n. Mcdonough, Prop. Ihe Finest and Best HtUd BOliara Parlors in the: City. WE 2 are well supplied with prepared goods of alljcinds "for use during this hot weather consisting of- Electricity has made a great change in mining in California, where there are 800 more mines at work than in 1895, the number now being 2,411, aaploying ltJUO'mra. Only a few Tears ago no ore which assayed less than $10 a ton could be worked with prefit; now $4 ore may be made to pay if water power is near and abundant. Electricity gives the greatest aid to the miner, for it peruits him to carry power over roottutun oanyons, and to workTelneswhleh were formerly inaccessible. Scrofula la a deep-seated blood disease which all tbe mineral mixtares in the world caaaotcsre. S.S.S. guaranteed purely vegetable) is a real blood remedy for blood diseases and has so equal. Jar Y.T. Bock; of Delaney, Ark., had Scrofula' or twenty-five years and most of the time was under the .care of the doctors who could sot relieve her. A -specialist, said be could core her, bet he filled her with arsenic asd potash which almost mined her constitution. She then took; nearly every so-called blood . medicine and drank i thesB by the wholesale. Mrat they did sot reach her trouble. Some -oaeaansea nerioiry SS.S- and she very foead that she had a real blood remedy at last. She says: "After tak issg ose dozen bottles of SJ3.S. I am perfectly well, my akin is clear ad healthy and I would sot be in ssry former condition for two thousand doUars. Instead of drying trptbepoiaoa hi ssry system, like the potash and arsenic, &&.S. drove the disease out throegh tbe akin, aad I was perma- iSm&Ltwm HPsM sIHraLvF Boned Turkey, Boned Chicken, Boast Turkey, Boast Chicken, Sardines of all; kinds, Canned Soups in . variety, French, Enelish and American Mackeral in cans, Brook Trout in either Tomato or Mustard sauces, Deviled Turkey, Chicken, Tongue, and Ham, Ham burger Eels in Jelly, Boston Baked Beans plain or ir Tomato Sauce, An? many other Goods too numerous to mention, Also in regular receipt 01 Holland, Limourger and American Cheese. Importer of tbe Best Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Billiard and Pool Tables in Conjunc tion. Mixed Lrinls a Speeially. Private Club lloom. Allen, bet. 4tli A fitli.Tontbston Toistone & Fearce MAII ASD SrAGK LINE. I RANK BLATZ, - Prop. Makes semi weekly trips to and from Pearce every ednesday and bun day of each week, making the round trip in one day, carrjing U. S. mat and passengers. FARK, round trip - -St, PROBATE NOTICE. In the Probate Court of the Coanly cf Co chlT. Territory of Arizona. loth muerol the ejUte of Kranu Hokouibe, deceased: Pursuant to an order of said court, made on the 17th day of September. A; U. 1896, iiotice is given that F'iday, the 9th day of Octobrr, A. D ,80, at 2 o'clock p. m ot saiddiy. at the court roem of said court, at the conrt house in the taty of Tombstone, and county of Cochite, has been appointed a th; time and place for prov ing the ill of sid Emma Holcombr. deceased. and for hearing the apoliratian ot W. F. Nich ols for the issuance to r im of letters testamentary ben and where any person interested may ap pear and contest the same 3 ssesKlyrta of it." A Real Hood Remedy. 38. aever fails to cstre'Scrofela, tVfa, Khenmatiaaa Contagious Blood Poison, or any disorder of the blood. Do sot rely upon a simple tonic to care m deep seated blood disease, bat take a Jon't Forge: that we are sole ents lor To nbstone and ficnity for Cbase & Sanliorn Seal Brand Colea. 1 a. bssbbbbbbVsbbbbbbba skssssssssssssssssssssssst? ssssssHHPssH1 sVwQH' S-iJ-tf W. F. BRArLEY.5 J-joofhae Clerk WA 1TED SOLICITORS FOR CAM. PA1GN Bock "Bryan Sewalland Free Shci's authoriz-d by Bryan written by K, I- Metcalf edi'or Omaha World Herald appointed author by Br) in. contain speeches and platform A bvnanxa for seenti: a Iree silver mine for work. era; only $t 50; tbe only authorized book 50 per cent; credit given; ireiznt paid; omnt tree, ueyn now ith choice of territory; permanent, profi table week for '96. Address Tbe National Book Concern, Star building. Chicago. ai NOTICE. Sealed naoposalt will br received bv the board of supervisors of Cochite county for the build in of a branch jail at Brsbrr according to the plans and specifications adopted bv the board. Bidders can obtain all the further necessary information at the oth re of tbe board of super visorsat Tombstone, or from S Williams, chairman of thi board at Bisbee. All bids most be filed with the clerk of the boud on or before a p m November 6 1896 "1 he !ard reserve, the right to reject any or all bids, A. WENTWORTH, Clerk, By W A.Harwood, 2 Deputy Clerk 03 real blood remedy. Ossr boots sppli- Swift Co., Ga. sss fkti U. S. Oov't Reports' mmriaei GEORGE H. f tifars. & sssW sssssl ss'ssssPssV1 im THE Grocer, DORNFB, OB S1X1B AND ALLEN S1REEE8. MILL FOE SALE. A ten-stamp mHl corLCTE, 6 pant, 3 set tWs. an agitator, two lft-foot revolving concen trators, 16x36 Uorhs engine, two -boilm, sl in good -worstnc rder. Badrinif nearly mw Can be moved as ii c!oe to railrcad M st de sold, and can be bo-jht for J'J.coo cash Address K(rtrciO! ?"se. Tombstone Ari ZIX. TatufiMorsfMce Notice is hereby riven that the duplicate assessment roll ot the County of Cochise is no v in my posion for the collection et taxes lev ted tor tie Tear 1 896 in ?M county Taxes will become delinquent on the 3d Mood it in Deoem'xr 1806. and nnles paid befreibt dUtea penalty of five jier cent wi be added thereto, Payment may be made at ray offie In th caooty court house at Tombstone, during office hours 9 a m to ia m and 1 io 5 p rn, J WICKERS, Treasurer and Ex-O(fi;io Tax Collector Cochsse county TobilO(e.-October a6. lSe5 os Wamed-An Idea Ir BVL7BrJsssJSE"! rta MIL wntmHi wssm lama m 00, rm asaa, Wsaktaassa. to. c, tat Ssatr Aiu mtBGgW J -t .SSSrBSSm CAVCSTSX. TRADE saaeaL. DESICN PATsTJSTS. COPVBIOKTS. asm Tor rnfannatlnn an4 free liaadbooic writ to UUXX a CO. cu Snoanwxr. M Voxc Oldest bureau r- Turlnjr patents Id America. Evcrytwteu ceaotit tyfiu tronrht betor tea publlo L a notice EtT.u tn or eLarx la tn f. tittAWit mttitm Lairect cfmttttna of tnr .vHrttlBo vw In th wCTad. f-psllAJr IJur-atcJ. J lutetLrrnk xaan hm:M to wlilioot ft, rewklr. XOOa rnrj cut) ir m Ai liv afCVar cuw a-Olt PROBATE NOITCE. In tbe Probate Court, County of Cochise Ter ritory of Arixona. IIITHE MATTER OF THE ESTATE; OF Emile Lenormand deceased; Notice of Application for order of sale. Notice is hereby given that Geo. H. Filts Administrator, has filed with ihe CWk of this Court a petition praying for an order of sale of all real and personal property of deceased and that tbe 5th day of. October. IS96, at 3 o'clock p. m. of said day bang a day of a regular term cf this court to wit of tbe October term. ISc5 at the Cochise county court bouse, in Tomb stone county aforesail. basbeen set for hearing Said petition, when and where any person inter ested may appear and show ciue why tbe said said petition should not be ernted. W. F. BRADLEY. Ex -officio Clerk. Dated Fept.. 5th i8o5. OSMMy rsaanu . PIONEER Carriage i Blacksmith -A.. H. EML 1VXJE1L. JProp. -orner Third and Allen. The largest 'and Best Equipped Establishment of its Kind in the Territory. v g All Kinds of Buggv, Wagon and "Woodwork Neatly and Prontntlv Done. BUGKSMITHIN6 AND HORSESHOEING. Best Facilities for Doing All Kinds of Repairing in Wood and Iron. None but First-class Workmen Employed. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. TTaa assortment of hardwood aad iron for sale. -M O. L OUMMINGS. Wholesale and Retail Butcher, COB. BTH AND FREMONT STREETS. NOTICE TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. Notice is hereby given, that certain mining claims called theTam Bien. McGinty and Par agon, situated in the Warren mining district, aad about one-half mile north-easte ly from tb? Holbrook hoisting works, and about tbe same distance from the town of Bishee, A. T. 1st. As the above named claims w.e-r not located in conformity with the U. S. mining tw, there fore, a second party, at a later date, relocated the same in full conformity with the above named laws, and is fully determined to protect a rights. Therefore, all persons are cau tioned not to bargain lor. buy or lease the aliove named claims. Z. S: MANSUR. ais-vn Pisber, A. T. The National Matte Smelter. A practical and simple method of matting sulplude ore', such as nickle, copper, gold and silver ores. In localities where lead ores and fuels are scarce and almost unattainable, our pyntic, water j icket Matte smelter has been re cognized with highly satisfactory remits, and has been thoroughly tested on vinous piratic sulphide and arsenide ores, in capacity of a to So tons per day. It is the most practical, cheapest and simplest method of fold aad silver ore matting asd concentrating that is known today It reqniresno extraordinary skill, no lead ores, no fluxing material, anc no fuel of any kind for the s ne Iter alter it is started. The sulphur in the ore Is itt natural fa I only, and its cost has eo comparison with any other process of con centrating We are prepared to furnish any size or capac ity plant complete to substantial mining pcop'e, set it np and furnish our men to run it for them on easy payments. Price and specifications furnished with references and tesi'menials en application, NATIONAL ORE & REDUCTION Co. 5736 Cheltenham Avenue, St 1-ouis, Mo, Manufacturers of Furnaces for Nickle, Copper, Cold, Silver and Lead O.e Jat-iy ALL PERSONS ARE CAUTIONED against purchasing or negotiating a paper pur porting to can for one hundred denarv, favor of John Gates and endorsed by me as same has bees paid, as I bold Mr. Gates receipt ?ai paper has been. lost. T, B. CH VTTM AN Pearco, Aug. 17 sSof, Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal, Sausage, Bologna Pickled Trip Choice Steaks, Roasts, etc. Experienced Cutters. Free Delivery to all parts of the City. Your patronage solicited. OYSTER PARLOR. AJUUBm St.BETWEEN 4th AN J ritla First-Class Meals Eest'of .Attention; Eveiy thing in Season BOARD PER WEEK $7.00 THREE MEALS 1.G0 SINGLE MEALS 50 Dinner tor Scecta. Occasions a Specialty Try a Meal at this Popular Reror First-Class Cooks enly Employed. Accommodations for Families J CAESAR. Proprietor. TOMBSTONE GAS CO. A, ASHMAN Lessee. WELSBACH INCANDESCENT 3AS UGH! In General Use throughout the United States and Europe, -d successfully comr ing with Electricity, both in Urilliancy and Cost of Light Uses Three Cub Feet of Gas per Hour, and yields a Light of Sixty-Candle Power, Equal to four ordinary burners with double that amount of gas. cost of i-aivdp ts.-rcs Placed in Position Without Extra Charge. OFFIOK I BAflK IsUIl.DIIKU. XO.rlBSXOK, ARIZe.1 a. (1COHISE HOUSE. aRS- J2 II ; " J Corner Fourth and Toughnut Streets, EIJEG-AJSTUY DPUIitlSSBrJEO JEtOOHltt gj Visitors to tbia city will find the Cochibk a superior hotel sod oi offering excellent accomoUtions. A LARGE ASD COMMODIOUS SAMPLE BOOM FOR COMMERCIAL lffi All Modern Conveniences. Rales Moderate. SAN JOSE HOUSE. MRS. F. J. BEAN, Prop. Centrally Located, Large, Clean ant Well Vintilated Rooms. Palace Hotel. Mrs. S. GALLEN, Ptop Fifth bet Allen and Tougibtu Tombstone, - Arizes : tfuE FIRST CSASS IN EVERY RESPECT. PARLOR FOR Ever) thing Made Convenient lor Guests, Special Rates to Parties by tbe W cr Monih. Renovated Throughout. SAMPLE F.003I FOX DUVililERS. RATE8 REA80XABI HOTEL ARLINGTON 1 NEWLY FDRNISHED LARGE AIRYI 1 ROOMS. BEST ACCOMMODATION- 1 This Favorite Headquarters for Ccmmercial Men baa recently been newly fitte leoovaied and neatly furnished throughout with special reference to tbetra'ca publk. Rooms ensnite and single. Prices Moderate. Everything fiirst-claes Sample toobqs for conmerkl .m TOMBSTONE, ARIZONA. I! - -Use- 'I s ' M n ft n,l hji i if v I VM : wmwmmmm '! s Jl J. -K ill 1 11 .in --