Newspaper Page Text
It s i ,- t U t. I s , f !.' ir KM r.i r t 3J t ? , II t V V, I r A y a. - X j? ' 3 1 The Prospector. NOVEMBER 17.1890 RAILROAD TIME TABLES IZONA A SOUTHEASTERN R. R. ?.-. 1CT fivj Tint? 2fi K .- " I- . li; ?i Jul; ami. n l C1m opt 11 r .IS I JO a OJ as .- 05 SUtkmt L-J 4 0- ... '30 0 r.SLv.., Hib .... Ar'SSJ ...rXMlAlU ,5U ....racllni ...'. watr Tuik 0l1 .. .Cturlotoo. f-3.3 ...F Irbink .. ,Lt 10 Falrbuik . .Ar.l. 11. A. Gtshinc...!! 7 .... una ,15.7 . DUntin j .S ... Btaaoa...... Lk'O South !" COMPLETE OFFICIAL RETURNS. . CANDIDATES. radftc Unc l4f tUUoai. Fttrt Mix' rfnodr no J.S 1W IS SO 1S.19 iivsj KWp a iol. I Kttum, Ra rinfenStut. SOUTHERN PACIFIC R t UJa n.loatn.L." 9.30 am! 6.03 a m 11.55 p ml 8.45 am' STATION!!. J art . ...Beoti . .., ., Ar 5-40 pro ...lucson ,705pm ..Manrepa ij 10.05 pm .... ....... 1 385 am ,..Ixa Angeles.... iioopm San st, Umlts.1, nit bound, J!oUji ud h nitja 8.19, Beuxm 8aa Stt, C. initt wctf banl. TIdihuji fctaraiji, CM Bcntca NEW MEXICO 4 ARIZONA Vest 6.00 pm 8,50 am .ooam 1.40 ani 0.37 am Ltjpn Lv. Benson .... Fairbank ..... . . . . Hoachnca.. . . . ... Crittenden .... ... Cutlbavu .... ....Nogji At East 10.40 am t oopo 12 top m 10.30pm 9.00 ara t-3oaci ally exer pt Stnday. Pae5e timt.", I. I. FssT'Otwral Manarrr. A. NAVCLE, L. II. ALXKECHT, j Ctrxtai Mtnaser. Train Master. MARICOPA A PHOENIX R. R. Nona tattons Socih 8.0 ptaLv Phn!x Ar 3 ooam ''SP" Tempe 130am 0.00 pm Kyreae 1155pm 5,35pm Sicatoo 1330pm 0-ISPra .....Mane pa. .... txiopm Delegate to Congress- A.J.Doran, R..., Marcus A. Smith, D.... WmO'Neil, P . Council W.P.Lonjr.R BAPackard, D J. MatbiasP. Assembly T. W. Farnnglon, R.... Wm. Speed, R M.J. Castanaria, R J. N. Jone, D, J. M. Merrill, D J. J.Riggs.D P. A. Lolgreen, P G. P. Crockett, P. N. Errickson, P Sheriff-r F. E. Cadwell, R Scott Vhtte,D j. G.J. McCabe,P District Attorney G, W. Swain, R A. R. English. D Jas. Reilly, P Probate Judge V. F. Bradley, R S.A.D. Upton, D W.M.Fike, P Recorder E. W. Perkins, R , M. J. Bron.D. ..:...., Geo. Porter.P Treasurer C L. Cummings R A. Wentworth, D iP... Sun e) or V.C.Tler, R .. Supenisors T C.Arasden,R John Montgorreos R J. McPherson, D L. Shattuck.D H. Schmieding, P.. Geo. V. Bo-an. P 5 8!4l 9635 3l3 39 .134 . 16 . 81 . 77 69 7 99 , 20 , 21 . 68 56 6942(3 09 37 13 - - I--1 a, o a .150 3S 15 .107 . 66 . 6! 2' 9 11 S 3 5 21 26 30 20 34 7 4 4 5 26 14 16 '9 '9 , 3H IS 6 '34 204 101 138 19S 77 1 78 '36 bo 200 . yt'.Ai .132.40 15 .105156 4 49 .11311 ."4 29 3 4 . Ill 2 . 28 4! 10 12S I57i 162 89 88 5i 839 18 too 40J 103 83 20. I re 93 o' 39! IO 2 S3 13 "335 120 i' uSW 2 232 04 'J3 232 212 43 138 I69 :-4- 4 53 28 36I III 2 47 8 :J? 3 3" S 8 f. 8 6 o o 8 21 4 7 3 20 3 1 6 8 14 5 S 14 s 16 3 7 7 3 4 11 5 S 8 20 4 4 6 8 o 5 7i 1 1 1 5 5 6 16 16 15 54j 2 5 1 7 3 4 9iO 1 W s wl 015 3 4 I l m 3 fttf: sis 3 1 0 -2 9 6 s 3 3 5 3 7, 1 8 1 3-3 ; i'j-sA 4 3 3 u ii .-, loM; 3 J 4 . 0,'262 ote97 664 116 : OFO 53 357 394 443 261 433 !38S S? 10S 'f3 183 34 3?9 IJW "3.537 ojiog 9537 534 C2I2 4 4. i J f7 III I -T ' 3 ;j or 31 1 1407 519. 152- V" 337 748 ;6i 4H 48i 7450 0107 ol 66 YU3IA'S UEAT. Cl. l)rr.BgtoHSav8 Flies Die the Wiag at Yana. The Republican Icat eeninc rciTT Iratsrnat call from Col. J. V. Dor- ringlon, tditor ol the Yuma Sntlntl ud proprietor ofjlbe oep;r(re- yard at that plac. The Seniinrl i a cloae at-cond to thn Tunon Cit zrn in point of year. The- Citizen having been the firiv netrtptperealablished in ArizoDs. During his control of the paper CoL Dorriugtoa hat seen tl.e death of many purualiuic ventures in tit city by Ilia ihifiinz and, mil sadly, but not with trpbraidintr, ho hi laid their rsmaina away to a peaceful and uulamented red. Speaking of Yuma, Col. Dorriogton frankly admit the extreme torridity ol the ummer climate. "Thera'a no doubt il'a hot," ta'd lie. ''It' hotter than , well flies die en the wing sometime, and the exhala tion. Jrom the mouth roll out in warm vaporous oloudr. it u not a severe beat, though. People work without ditxotafort and there is seldom em- plormtnt for the dootor thrre. It's the fintst climate in the world." JOSEPH HOEFLER, 1 r CORNER FIFTH AND TliKMoNT STRKE'i'S. PIONEER - STORE. DExVLEU IX General Merchandise; DISTRICT COURT Cases Heard Before that Trib unal Todav. U. H. HovsHElx, Gen. Sapt. i - -- 'j ' LOCAL NOTES. bilver is 'quoted at 65 m A matrimonial agency is about to be sUrled in Phenii. Phenix is rapidly filling up with visitors for the winUr. Cal"tfornis i now looking toward to Arizonaor its supply of beef cattle. Winlow is to have a telephone its. tern. Territory vs Sessions The entire attention of the court and jury was occupied in the hearing of this ease behind closed doorp. The jury retired about 3 p. m. and up to to tb lime ot going to press had rendered a erdict. Territory ts Cruz Charged with assault to commit murder; called and jury empaneled Court adjourned until 9:30 a. m tomorrow. COMMENCED Work on th New Steel Bridge Started, The rise in the price of barley is making it draatio for contractors who are supplying military posts inArizona. At Phenix, last week, a crippled boot blark clubbed an enemy with his wooden leg. The fine was three dollars. About the mest pathetic csss of elec tion bet we have heard is that of the Bryan man who was oblidjred to roll a peanut a mile with a tcoshpick. The editor of the Tmpe Xewa threatens to invoke the aid of the rain makers, tho town watr having been shut oft by the canal company. According to the registration of voters Graham county now stands tbird on the list, Maricopa and Yava pai leading in the order named. Co chise is fifth. The Walnut Grove dam, in Yavapai county, which wi swept away in 1S90 is to he rebuilt. The old dam was 110 feet high, and the water covered sev eral acres of land. 3tcent excavations have -weakened the walls of Monlrzuraa Castle, the largest and finest cliff dwelling in the world, the people of Flagstaff are talk ing of a movement to raise funds for its repair and preservation. The Vulturo is being advertised for sale un'fcr a trust deed. It is thought that Senator Tabor has arranged for purchatiog it, and that be will start it up, on a largcecale as soon as he gets it freed from litigation. The S. P. R. It. has commenced the precaratory work for tbe new bridge over tb Sac Pedro river, which stream is crossed by the railroad at Benson. Mr. C. C. Croup, resident engineer, informs tbe Star that tbe material for the bridge is being put on the ground and that the bridge will probably be completed by Jan. 1. The abutments will be masonry and the span steel. A BIT'OF HISTORY. 351IE A, A DIES. The pleasant effect and perfect safety with which ladies may use Sjrup of Figs under all conditions makes it their favor ite remedy. To get the true and genu ine article, look for the name of the California Fig Syrup Company, printed near the bottom of the package. For sale by all responsible druggists. Two new cyanide plants of 100 tons capacity each are to be erected at the Mioai Prietas and La Colorado mill. They will work tailings am, concen trates. Those at the Minas Prietas will first be roasted while those at La Colorado will be worked raw. Tho train on tbn Sodom railroad jumped the track Wednesday evening of last wek "ust after it entered tbe Guaymas yards. The engine and four freight cars were derailed, three being overturned. No one was hurt. Oas's, Arizona oranges are in the market. Arizona is about a month ahead of California with this fruit, and our orange growers got into the eastern markets ahead of all competitor. Awarded Highest HonorsWorld's Fair, KR; m CREAM BAKING MOST PERFECT MAL .pure Crape Creasi of Tartar Powdir. Fie fen Ammonia, Ahm or any other adulterant rn AXS THE STAMQA-U? i j - Ti ere i to be a social dance at tbe Mining Exchange tonight, given by the young people of Tombstone. The string hand has been engaged and will be on band to furnish the jnusic. A royal gcod time is anticipated and all are cordially invited to attend. Ifeallt of.TIn.i. D. Walsh. Mrs, Walsh, wife of our townsman, A. D. Walsh, died at Phoenix this moraing at 5 o'clock of pneumonia after an illness of but a few days. Mr. Walsb was notified of the. desib with request as to what disposition U make the remains. He gave orders that the body be shipped to Tombstone for in terment, ana tomorrow tue remains of Mrs, Walsb, who left us but a few short weess In perfect health, will be received and laid to rest in tbe cem etery beside taosso! her two tons Wal ter and Willian. Tbe departed leaves a husband, five daughters and a son to mourn her loss, to all of whom tbe Pbospkctob joins with the many friends in Tomb stone in extending tbe band of sympa thy in tbis the hour cf their greatest loss, How Nogales First Reoeived Its Name. In speaking of General Wheaton's visit to Xogalef.'lae Oasis give an interesting bit of hlslery, and says: General Wheats is wore tbaa ordi narily interested ta Sorfalt aa be gave this place tbe same it now bears. In 1850 when the tTaitad States engi neers were survey fag theinternalioaal boundary line, tbe.,t;Rsra"twlio.wwas Uieu but eighteeqeauojage,jrasa lieutenant of engineers, sud in com mand of the advascgr parly, .who camped on the spottof what js now k nown as Kogales. , , . During tbe work of surveying the line at this point Lieutenant Wheatoa encountered two "nogales" (the Span ish for walnutt reea, one on each side of the boundary line. In bis report to WaahingttT 'tho lieutenant recom mended that tbe (pot be named "Los Do Xogales," but tbe officials there cutoff the "Los Dos" and left it plain Nogalet, which it has ever sine remained. "We had an epidemic of dysentery in tms, vicinity last summer, says baniuel S.-Pond'ckJofB'riCeland, Cal. "I was taken wilhit andtuffered severely until some one called my attention to Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. J procured a bottle and felt better after ibe first dote. Before one half of the bott'e had been used I Has well. I recommended it to my friends and their experience was the same. We all unite in saying it is the best." for sale by Druggists. r. Price's Cream staking PowOct VrM' Pair Hlchast 5tUl aad DIstMaa- m FROM BENSON. Tho board supervisors have iioi-lieI the count and a completed tabid of til I vote cast at lbs recent election will lx found on this page oi today' iwue nl There will be a meeting tonight of the '-Fbi Beta Kappa" society at tbe office of Judge Slahle, and tbe judge gives a lecture on Mexico; Morena lecture on the bioycle; Kreuud, on tb merry-eo-rouiid, and Dr. Toney on "a lock f hair" atd it sequence". Star. FOB OTKS Fim- YAK. An old, well-tried remedy. Mr Winslow' Soothing Syrup, has bn used for over fifty year by millions of mothers lor their cbildrenwhile teeth ing, with perfect success. It soothes" the child, soften tbe gums, allay all pain, cures wind colic, and i the best remedy for diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggist in every part of tbe world. Twenty-fivo cents a bottles Its vain idaealca lable. Be aura and k lor Mr. Win slosr's 8oothing Syrup, and take no other kind. Iteaa of Interest bv Our Reg ular Correspondent. Rumors are rife concerning certain railroad transactions which, if tby mature will bring prosperity one more to our burg. Urt.E'.t accompanied by Ler little daughter will soon start for San Fran Uco where she expects to consult medical experts in regard lo her child's bearing.. - Dfptheris is aupposed'lo have broken outio, our midst. Dr. Watkin advised the- closing- of the public school and Prof. Sipes acquiesced at least until further development. This is a ter rible scourge anil it pays to be on guard against the havoc that may re sult from it. Miners and Ranchers Supplies, ? $t '"" Tents and Wagon Covers. STAPLE MD FilCY Mis. E. E. Davis, of San Miguel, CaL, is: fcI Alii trying in a measure to re- Div Ibe minuhrtnrrt nf jiimlvflu'c the Pkospecsob, giving toUl r.unib-rCouRb'Remedy for the creat good their of TOtes each randiJate received. Judge Mock, receiver of the land office, and Mr. Eugene Trlpplr, regis ler, returned yesterday morning from Crittenden, eaya tbe Star, having been there five days making sale of tbe old "Fort Crittenden reservation, embrac ing 3,300 acres The sale was made under an o derrfrom the interior de partment ilated July II, 1836. The land (old contains cithin its limits several large springs, and the entire tract evinces its fertility by now being covered by rich Iieavy grasses. Camp Crittenden was established as a mili tary post in '07 but has not been gar rison d for om year. remedy has dooe me. For years I was a constant suff-rer from weak lungs and bronchial asthma. My rest at night was disiurbed by a hacking cough so that I felt miserable ihr greater part of the lime. Manyremidieiesrecommended-by menus ere tried, none ol wbicb proved sunaoieio my case. I did not exper ience any oeseacial results until I began taking Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. After two bottle of tbe larger sire had been used I am pleated to state my bealtb is better than it has been for years. The soreness has left ray Idngs and chest and I can Veathe easily. II has done me so much good that I want all who are suffering from lung troubles, as I was, to ? ;. .;! w .- . . give it a trial . r or saic oy oruggists. If you want a good No. fi. cookstove, several pans and pots, also a small heating ttove thrown in; all Mcend hand but in good condition, cast be had for $10, cash ; alto a gawd Mwiag machinc-rSinger seoond band but in Al working. order. for f 13, cash. Call at thi office. for particulars, tf itJR Sale. Ranch and improvements. house, barn and well; 8 acres nnder cultivation: about 75 orchard trees in bearing; water right under St. David Canal. Everything complete and can be had cheap for cash. Good reasons for sell ing. Apply oraddress owner on premises. Mrs. Hannah Neilsox, St. David. 'Hie Southern Pacific magnates have decided to raise their road track about six feet in the vicinity of their woodeu bridge crossing thsSan Pedro and also to replace that ctructure, which i tomewbat antiquated, by a saodsrn steel bridge. At Fantano last weak an sagta jumped the track and went down the embankment; the fireman jumped and injured both ankle, lie is now in tbe hospital at Tucson. Tbe engi neer stayed at his' post end escaped uninjured. The hand of Time and tbe energy of our citizens are gradually removing tfea Usee of the recent disaster. Mr. Walker expects soon to repair tbe damage done lo bis drug store. The ."officials of the S. P. contem plate building a round hosts for six or more engines at Benson. Tbtre i alto talk of at nursery being started alone; tbe river. ' Hesuoriat service wete held . tbe M. E. Church last Sunday for Delia May Ashburs and E Igar P.Zeofc. The house was filled with sympathizing friends- Jfev BoKerU, tho pastor, con ducted the eryice. This was the closing- act of a tad drama of dealb, but tbe memory and the lessoir a ill not be effaced from tni generation. Our Sunday scbo-J is In a flourish fog condition and religious interest is being quickened in our community. Improved Agricultual Implements, V Sly Windmills Wagons Pumps : i? ?. fUSaDilSflBSM FAMILY TIME j ?'. " v .Price- Cream - "Wcgl- M- B. MMSa jn. mum- pta n SSUtAlaiA carad bv Dr. XCaa 7. aaaasr srasi BDCKLIN'S UIOA.gALVJC. The best salve tax Iho.werld Car cots buises, sores, ulceflL"'sMk tbeam, fever sores, tetter, chappssil'tods.-. ctulblaiBs' corns, and all 'skia-TZnipt ions aa'd posi" tively cures Piles, or no payment requir ed it is guaranteed to give pecfea stis-a cents per box. Fetvsa'e at Tnbiei, or homo without it," wasssrotr lanaratete ' lao ISIocovorj- tlavl hloJLIlo, Mr. U. Caillouette. Druggist. Beaver sville, IlL.v:"To Dr. Kins Uw Diseorery I owe my life, Was Uken wixb aa iffippe ana uita ail tue pliy sfeiass, but of no avail and was given ay and told I could not live. .Having Dr. Kins New Discovery in my store Isont-focabottls and began its use and from tho first dese began in get bet- ier,-anii aiterusirg three bottle was up and about aga'n. It is worth t weight in gal.l. We won't keep, store I ust a rev t lall tb Tsoabtilosn Drug Store. "- - : Every tiling JnOuri Lire iFirstOIa5Good JSoldJ at Prices; That Defy Competition? JOS, pioneer STORE HOEFLER. TvJ i S- aid A T