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S d fif U 4) h I I 41 TOMBSTONE PROSPECTOR -miLURRB KVHT KVKaTIlraV' (CTXDAT W) WaJ5itUcb,It atf Fropdeter. -tmrioL DIRECTORY.. -OfaMf take. VatYWard iioIWard raarbVWanT - h P4& Waneftras & Dcyta IttWuiBor rVW.Don. . D.-JC"Wit JCWTT -v. DlMrlctABoiM Piaham lodge CtafkDUatoOwt Cwl lMtmhalrMV or I. V. Vttff - - O. W. Saata - w. r. snar . H. O. HawaV . . T. A. BM . . I.-fVCaacaa .... .. in II - V nnaiwoTiunuicruiv L. P.'FISHER. ; MarcaaBts Exefaaaca Saa Ffcaaeiaeo. a H. KELLOGG, N. . wrt twgjxl ag, SaaJtclaro B. C OAXX. nis. Macbui &HkMcc M Fraadsao. ,, OSO. ROWELS to Serosa St 1a Mk. N. W. AVER & 30N.WjitoMfc AAtraajactJoea naU by tie ah mmJ ; w m m ru HHUli HECTOR tghwiW,' THE . FUN OR THE MON? Froaa the expression upon ourl friends face he is evidently here for neither but asffor us ARE- HERE FOR BOTH. THE WILLOWS CHAS, BULOTTI, Propr. Choicest line oi Wines and Liquors. Imported and Domestic Cigars, Courteous Attention to Patrons. Ailea, feet. 4th & Oth. TaaabaxoBe OuTw .. xMmAi XkiMXratta AaaHoatLv - DaU-awd by Oirriaw tor bW ire" handling ywwri - - ti arriiD worn iwiciit tini -.r . ,'rt TfcapraaUenlhM aarfJooadaaoraB tkiaf. Bat for traaaury elarkt who supported Bryan tbara i bo forgtaK M. ltw Yarir-JaaiBaJ. JLb eastern Mrtmt,rsatHn Mm fitarae a tirtrtaaatltrf-laB lata alaction, says asajBBir'2iJI---rotaa diatriboVad tSrosch'Cfttifwma, Oragoa, tha PafcuUaraatwarjvlBdl an and Watt VirginU-womU! baaa givaa Bryaa a aajaritj la iha alaeteral Jttllafca. Hw8alth tf thaTata7aalactiBB fcj GTTBor FraakliB aa aaWgata at Urea to tha irrifaUoB.aaftaaa, aay thaGaMtU,jBldac.tha BBBoialavan. partly aa a coropllaaet-i rj af CaeW, bat mora aartfoalarr ha-; caaa of bit paMUar Ataaat tor taa workMd tBapropfiatr-( fcaviag o ialafata iaeoBsraaa,itfaraas)i,Wali only eaa JarotaMa UfWUon U aaenrad in tha way oi appropriiai for raolamatioa oL'4aartlaBi. ... fcRJviv eirr-A.r-iL,s;so-AJP "Which fofeasy and perfect" Washing cant' be beat. COMET SALOON GilLEVATOiPAU,Propr WINES.L1QU0RS& CIGARS. Dealer in Bourfi Irith and Scotch WhUhy, and Otktr Well Known Brandt. A Specialty made of Utt Claret and Winet. Billiard Ptrlcr in Connnection and the Cr;Ies Place In Town. AJles, beu Oth M. 7h, Tombstoae Consolidiitfd National Bank. mmmmmmMm Of Tiickom, Arlaoitn. Canital Stock - $50,000. OFFICERS. II. P. FREEJUN. Pxtsidem. W C DAVIS. Vtoe-rreslie-it H. h. ENEV. Ciihi'. ltsxxti drafU aVkSUUs fct axy pelt la it United Stxtn. bis bills cm eichante Oi European cities, and ttulti a speualtj o(out-o town accounts with trial od cor rtioa$. ouai-H PONY SALOON, J . A. KOSKA Proprietor. Hn$t Stock of Wine, Liquor and Cigar in the Territory. niVATE CLUI ROOMS ATTACHED. Best and Purest Brands of Whiskies Brandies and Wines kept Con stantly on Hin(L You nil find "AV s home, on Allen St. bet. 4th and 6ths FLY'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, FreaM t I'rect, oppod e Prospector. FAMILY PHOTOGRAHS OUR SPECIALTY Careful attention given to turning o t the Finest viev and picture of all tiset in a mott artistic manner, tuperior finiih and'Jone, 3EM-CX HJJl3Erll Taken on short notice. Groups i a ally Cabinet, pinsiiilitiili Cottolene - Cottolene - Cottolene. Y That, perfection for shortening purposes is . riving" general satisfaction We have it in 3, 5, and 10 Pound, fails v !- Skonld Dr. MpfaaaX, aMHaa pariaet hi prooaaa for tBCBiaKAMr iBto-pildrtha iraataMWwil fcapao pie witkeat eread or aalBBg , Lm u uAM wwaUmtero aatiatanwry. toalL la bj artiel mi Dr.BUpfiiat' diaoorery. tba Katioa3 JUeardaraey: "WTjea erarthiaf that haa saaai ob Ut&ed oa tha tab b -Wlad dows it ppaarathat thadisMrary alaiaaad ia aaathod of disaiMoiatiag tha analao- ular aoBatitatioa of ailrar aalaly bj phyaioal powar; tbam it k raaalrad lata iu ialUmaU attic-- f atoataUa diTiaiOBaad finally by tfcaaaaM loraa aad vithaat tha b nanaasieal agaata. tba laatwiaata thaa eblaiaad k raaii aaaabled Into aaaatal that aaawara aU-i task of gold. Ia Jbta-praaaai abanl oaa-qaartar of tha ailTar U J0at,bal la pita of thk Iom Dr. Eaaaaaaa eatf BoatM hit prolt at 13 oa ariry .aaaaf of aUrar ,eoaartad into gald. ' Last Aueust whae working ia tha har vest field 1 became orerbeated. wait aad dcsljrjkttxdced wah wis J. acany ceao. Mr. cuaamuMts, tha drag gist, gare sea dosa of Caaashafhwa't Colic, Cholera' aad Diarrhoea llemedy rbicb cororfcfaly- ralierad as, taow fceep a bettaVof aW'raasedy "haady.. A. M. Bravau, CeatarriOe, Was. Tar ale by DrajKJtti. - SDMSET LIMITED. Tha Soaaet Iimitad traia wbiahpaa aa Baaaaa twiaa a waak gaiag aaat at waat m hy far tha Caaat aad aaaat aaag. aifaaal lraaamntiaaalal itinagu 'rata iaartalaaaa. Il k ianoaiaawala, waaaatMad aad naaaallad. Ba . paaaahaa aaa parial to aaaka H par faat ia arary raapaat, aad aU' aha. hamaa akill or aataaaa aaatf iaraat aad apply la aaaka it abaalataly faH kaa baa baaa appbjad. Laxary aad haaaty hara baaa aattkiaad ailb tnagahaad tafaty, aad.aaataerhha. it tpaaa tha aonliaaat, laaikflVtlaj flaw aad tpaaa ia ik aaarakaavaaaali AH who hara had th ptaaaaaalaFa Bfipaa.taktcaia r-J)f-ftf UjTjfii amHaba Tarriaaatki abakad. AMsM.aa.tMaaaNasM.ssMM abaa aaabaragaiarsnOa. Tar farthar partiaakn aad aay Ja- loriaUta, addrasa. ' Agaat at akaaaa), rX.X.kaMu ' " - .r.JUBaa Mtip-rrell supplied with prepared goods of alljcinds W""1 -fiw"'ncu 1iitit tViio lint, wnnthor nnnciotinrr of" " 4 laniTmxkty, Boned Chicken, Boast Turkey, Boast .Chickem, Sardines of all'ldnds, Canned. Soups in c" axitty, Tramch.Enelisa and American Mackeral iabani; 'Brook Trout in eithar Tcmitp or uCi5, Deviled Turkey, ObickeB, Tongue, and Ham, Ham- buyer Zela in Jelly, Boiton Baked Beans plain or ir Tomato Sauce, Ani? Many other Goodi too numerous to mention. ;-4- Jfcwtaxd ui jjia.iaregilar receipt ex Holland, LimDurger and ?WT -;.-- f? -r-3 --5 )oat Forge: that we are sol: -geats lor Tombstone and x--V " f icnity for Clasei aiW. Seal Brand Cote r - ---?wrTr 1 tfflf A BBamlStSBBBaf E ""VftJaJj ! mm i THE Grocer, r? ? CO 09 UXin AND ALLEN 87MEXES. FITTL Billiard Parlors, j. n: Mcdonough, Prop. Iht Finctl and Bet Fitted BiQiara Parlor in the City. Importer of the Best Wines, Liquors and Cigars. BiUtard. and Pool Table in Conjunc tion. Mixed Brink a Specialty. Private Club Boom. Allen, bet. 4th Gth.Torabston TJndxstakuio Pahiaks of C. B. Tarbell Coffins, Caskets. Robes. Etc From the Plainest to tbe Finest Made, The Columbia Iron Caskets kept Con stantly in etock. Bodiet Temporarily or Permanently Embalmed by the Latest Process. PROBATE NOTICE. Ia the. Probate Court f the .County ofCo- cnisc. A cmuny li Anion. Inth' miteroi tbeestiteofEmma Holombe, deceased: Psrsuant to an ordr of said court, made on tbe tjih Air of September. A, U 1896, notice is given that F'iday, the 9h djr of Octobrr, A. D. 1S06. at a o'clock p. m oi siiddir. at the court room of said court, at tbe court house in the dty of Tombstone, aad county of Cochise, has been appointed at th; time and place for pror. ior tbe will of S4id Emma Ho'combe, deceased, andfor hearing the apaEratin oi W, F,NIch. oU for th: issuance to im of letters tesumeutary vhefi afid wlw? iqv nmoa interested our arw pear and contest the same W. F. BRADLEY, 1TA fTED SOLICITORS FOR CAM. PAIG.M Book "Bryan Sewall and Free SilTei1! authorized by Bryan written by . R. L. Metcalf edi'or Omaha World Herald appointed author by Bryan, contains speeches and plaKorm. A rnarixa for scents: a free silrer mine for work, ers; ooly .t.50; the only authorized hook 50 per cent; credit siren; freight paid; outfit free, Be;in now with choice of territory: permanent, profi table work for 'of. Address Tbe National Book (-oncern. Mar txaldlne. ctucaco. NOTICE. Sealed paoposab will be reed red by the board 01 supervisors 01 iocntse county lor tne build in of a branch jad at Bisbrr accordiiif to the piaca uq spvaocauen j aaopica oy use Doara, Bidders cut obtain all too limber necessary imormaiion at use oms 01 tae Doam 01 super. visors at Tombstone, or frora I S Yr'ullamv chairman of thi board at Bisbee. All bids most be filed with the clerk of tbe board aa or before a p m November 6 ij6 The hoard resenro tbe right .to reject any or ail oua, A. WENTWORTH. M - - ' Cletk, Brlw.AIHAwoon. Depnty'Clerk FOErSALE; ' -- Tls "ATen-tamp mill C-UrCtTZ.-6 panr3 set iWs: aa afitaur, two,i-foot rerolria? concen trators. 16x36 Coriis ettgfne; two boilers, all in toot workiag anler.. Bail.liue nearly new Caobemoved ashv fcloseto railroad Mutt rte'sokL and cuVbO'Al caah Addreuj Botrzcros vce, TombstonrrAri rvjr T m- ' -n WolleclOFs Notice S' Notice is berebr riven that thr dtmlWi asseatmrntjcUot theOoontr of. Coehisets'now in ray possession for thecoCecuon oi Uses lev-Scdfcw'jiKyear.JSgoiftssJd-cqaarr - fares will become delinquent On the jd MoadayJcDejea'Kr J8o. and juless paid before that rUtea Denallr of five fttr cHit l bearJctdThereto; """ . "" Payment mar -be made at rar ofiein th coantf-coart bout at Tombstone, duriac oSce boars aa w to. ua aadi tospm. ui s '. J VVICKERS. h Treasurer aad ExOmcio Tax Cotktfor Cochae county , TBSaosJgOctober &. Itgf, s3a Tombstooe & Pearce MAIf. AND 8rAOELINE. FRANK BLATZ, - Prop. Makes semi weekly trips to and from Pearce every Wednesday and Sun- da) of each week, making the round trip in one day, carrying U. S. mal and passengers. FARE, round trip - St jt -Je3li2o Anwisan CAVMTBL Taanz aaawra. DESIGN PATENTS, COPYK1CHTS- at Sor tofomattna aa.1 fre jb4joo'c wrlt So UUN3 . CO, Ml EBOimriT. Naw liu. , Oldest brAa f'w Turtrtf pAirr.u ia Amerlea. XTtrjMtfB. cra c.fc 7 . 1 Lroocht toefora (a pobu t a aotia flrau Irvo c caarsa la Sks Mtvti&t American Jjuyptt eTvi.ittn & kst trtrntlCc wr ta th avorati. KVeTKlKIy lsluattts.t. h-t lutvlllrrnt naa bc.M to Trittxss iu Weekly. jgS.OOa PROBATE NOITCE. In the Probate Court, County of Cochise Ter ritorr of Arixoca. t.'t;'i: Ai .c or iiie estateof Emile Lenormand deceased; Notice of AooIk-'-; U craer of sale, notice Is hereby dcn that Geo. iL Fitts Administrator, has filed with the Oik of thU Court a petition praying for an order of sale of ill real an1 personal property of (leceaJ and that the 5th day of. October. IS96, at a o'clock p. in. of said day bcinz a day of a rezular term of this court to ait of the October term. 1896 at tne i-ocmie county court nouse. in Tomb stone, county afoRsai 1, has been set for hearin? laid petition, when and where any person ioter- estea may appear ana snow ciuse wny the said said petition should not be rrsnted. - W. F. BRADLEN'. Ex-offido Clerk. Dated 5ept. 5th 1806. NOTICE TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Notice is hereby given, that certain mining claims callad tbe Tarn Biea, McGlnty and Par agon, situated in the Warren mining district, aad about one-half mile BOrtb-easteily from th? Hcvbrwok hoisting works, and about the same dista-ice from the town of Bisbee, A. T. tst. As the above nuned claims were not located in conformity with tbe U. S. mining lawf , there fore, a second party, at a later date, relocated the- same in full conformity with the above named laws, and Is fully determined to protect his rii-hu. Therefore. aS sesc-u are cau tioned not to bargain for, buy or lease the alv namea claims, s: MA.NNUK. aS-V Sisbee, A. T. The National Matte Smelter. A practical and simple method of mattinc sulphide ores, such as ruckle, copper, gold and selrer ores. In localities where lead ores and fuels are scarce and almost unattainable, our pyritic. water jacket Matte Smelter has beta re cognised with highly satisfactory results, and has been thoroughly tested en various prarlc sulphide aad arsenide ores, in capacity of 3 to 8 tons per day. It is the most practical, cheapest aad simplest method of fold and sSrer ure buuuj ua canccstraung ini is Known It requires no extraordinarr ikiU. no lead am. no fluxing material, aaC no fuel of any kind for ine a-neuer aiier 11 is sianea, I lie ssjpnur la the are b its natural fu-I only, and iu cost has no comparison with aay other process of con centrating We ate prepared to furnish anv sixe or canac- ity plant complete to substantia mining people, settt up and furnfah our men to run it for them oa eavy payments. Price and specifications furnished with references and tesu'mon&s on application. NATIONAL ORE REDUCTION Co. J736 Cheltenham Avenue, St- Louis, Mo, Manufacturers of Furnaces for Nickle. .Copper. Gold. Saver aad Lead O.-e Isr-ry '.FaBB5Ba?BjfctBWaa aaat wSRO aBBaVBaVBBBBlaBaBBprVaaWiaMHk ayrytwaaaf a, yWiaaa aNaa. aBaaWtrfaBaaBiasa axvaSEaasSCav " ALL PERSONS ARE CAUTIONED against prchasmg or negetiating a paper pur- pertiaf la out fer one fasadred dofiars, favor ot jtm Gates aad endorsed by ate at same has btea-aM,''as Iboid Mr. Gates receipt Jai papeTr been tost: T. 8. CHVTTilAN flBfJ avaBaf aiy SV9V PIONEER Carriage I Blacksmith A.. X-l. EM.4VTJE-(Ii'op. -omer Third an 1 Allen. Tbe largest 'and Best Equipped Establishment of it Kind in the Territory. All Kinds of Buggv, Wagon and Woodwork Neatly and Prom-ntlv Done. m BLftCKSMlTHING AND HORSESHOEING. Best Facilities for Doing All Kinds of Sf Repairing in Wood and Iron. None g but First-class Workmen j Employed. m SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. B xy Full assortment of hardwood and iron for sale. (JB m&&&&Km&JirkmA C. L. OUMMINGS. Wholesale and Retail Butcher, COR. 5TH AND FKEMOXT STKEETS. Beef. Pork, Mutton, Veal, Sausage, Bologna Pickled Trip Choice Steaks, Roasts, etc. Experienced Cutters. Free Deliver- to all parts of the City. Your patronage solicited. OYSTER PARLORb. AJUTJIZIS St.BETWEEN ttli AI nth First-Class Meals 3'st"of .Attention; Eveiythirp in Sensor BOARD PERTKEK.:....: .7...:.'.: '. S7.CC THREE MEALS 1 1.00 SINGLE MEALS i. 50 Dinners, lor Scecta. Occasions a Specially Try a Meal at this Pccular Ecsor First-Class Cooks crJy Ewplcyed. Accommodations frr Families J Cli:SAU. Iroprleir-. TOMBSTONE GAS CO. A. ASHMAN Lessee. WELSBACH INCANDESCENT 3AS LIGH1 In General Use throughout the United States and Europe, -d successfully comr ing with Electricity, both in Brilliancy and Cost of Light, Uses Three Cub Feet of Gas per Hour, and yields a Light of Sixty-Gnd!e Power, Equal to four ordinary burners with double that amount of gas- COST OF I-.ArvII JStajT-CJ Placed in Position Without Extra Charge. offi:k l.-w n.i.-K mrn.mxji. tomiixtoi:. aiiizos 1. fOOHISE HOUSE. M1" i?-pj:s,' j Corner Fourth and Toughnut Streets. EIJE&AIVTL.Y FURNISHED ROOJ I r 0arT" Visitors to this city will firjd the Cochisk a superior hotel nil at ofTering excellent accomodations. A LARGE ASD COMMODIOUS SAMPll? BOOM FOR COMMERCIAL ME All Modem Conveniences. Rates Moderate, SAN JOSE HOUSE. " MRS. F. J. BEAN, Prop. Centrally Located, Large, Clean am Well Vintilated Rooms. Palace Hofe FIRST CSASS IN EVERY RESPECT. Mrs. s;JGAClTEri, 'Pior F.ftli bet, Allen ar.d Toujpfau- lat Thmbstoiir, - AizD PARLtR FOR f VF. Everything Made Cor.ten:tnl for Guests Special Rates to Parties hne W r Monh. Rernvattd Ihrorghcut. " SAMPLE BOOM iOK DRUMMERS. BATES! REAS&SAIti HOTEL ARLINGTON NEWLY FURNISHED LARGE A1KV I'r J ROOMS. REST ACC03I3IODATIOX -- T' This Favorite Headqnariers for Ccmovsroal Men has tectntly i r- rCtTy lizs renovated Jr.d neatly furnished throughout vith special itftMrnr ti t'rVi public. Rooms .ensuite and single. Prices Moderate. "" EveTythinc.iiirHt-class Samule rccms for ton n c rial' n. -v - ' J. TOMBSTON E, A RIZON A. ;x & . i