Newspaper Page Text
!? u I I l It 1 ,i - I.,? ?, i ' Por a nne elegant fitting suit of clothes call on WARBUEOT TEE TAILOR, Main Street, Bisbee. THE BEST GOODS TH3 LATEST STYLES, REASONABLE PRICES ftjf The fact that an establishment in. this town "Scarcely six months old can steadily employ three first class tailors speaks more for our work than a barrelfull of recommendations. TJR.XA.1-. IS G. A. OVERLOOK. UNION MARKET AN DBAKfcRY Breweiy Avenue, 9isbee nuzona. Jrtsh Beet and Mutton, Pork. ete.VdoZJSaUPrk'and CornedlBeefX All kinds of Sausae.lwd"s longhand. FRESH BREAD PIES AND CAKES EVERY DAY. PAUGE anfl 0-1 Livery and Feed Stables, BEST TUBXOUTS IN THE CITY At reasable rates, and on short notice. The patronage of trie public is respect fully solicited and satisfaction guaranteed GRIFFITH &. ADAM, Proprietors. Bibbkx. Aktioka. THEO. 1". KEXZ, Pioneer Soda forte, Scda water, Sarsapanlla, Sarsaparilla and Iron, Gsoger Ale, Champaign Cider, Syrups, table wsters, etc. LoUtl improved machinery, and vone but the very best of maiereals ever used. BUbM, - - Arlmossss. Ckop House, Main street, Bisbee. OTTO GIE8KSHOFFJBB. Prop Finest Restaurant in Bubee. Private Rooms f'orjvuixs or lor private panics. Iresh Oysters and all kinds oftrame in season. The idblesuvvUed with She best the market afford ISWETT AND RUCASTLE SlAJTOFACTWtB or BOOTS and SHOES Repaired ami Made to order on Short Notice. A f tsD line GENERAL MERCHANDISE Coenanlly on hand. Comsisunf of Boots. Shoes. SUrt Underwear, and Genu Fomlshinr; Goods A a selected stock, and the Cheapest place fa Bsbce qohtr goods considered. F. M. " Keeps a we3 selected stock of SCWCH, IRISH AND BOURBON WHISKIES, lad the best brands of Cigars. Iee Cold Besots Drattght. OLTJB BOOMS ATTACHED. ? a peasant, sodaJ timet and eoorteoas trwt saakVealt on McKay. Bubee. Arizona. A. (). W. OUEEN ITOSHi No. . every atardav evening tX MEETS Visdag broth. l ers cormaur umtec, T Amos Kiudik.H. W. Kbwaxd Baikki Recorder. H. C Fkasix, neancter. . H. SCHXIEDCH, flTELER AND DENTIST. ALL KINDS f I sat dental and lewesry won n an nwaa U !!rtentrf wWh neitaeiss-aad dafihr 3ss.atsweeardT ' -1 - ClK I. W. PRUN.TON, DENTIST. ( AH wwk ia the toe of Oensktrr done ia a iol ksaaaer aad swlistsinoraaTaael. rSfaee verVseaseaiW bhsseer AJUL. TVJE .A-HIC. BISBEE Steam Laundry. BISBEE. A. T. All kinds of laundry work done with neatness and dispatch. PRICES REASONABLE. Delivery wagon work. collects and distributes Give them a trist. all GEO. DREYSPRING. - - Manager Office With Marks ViKtog barber shop. FINE PHOTOS. Visit Marker's Studio or op JtoJ dale, hlfb class photography. CRAYONS. INK, PASTELS and WATEBJCOLOBS. To meet outudc rornpetitisst1 wO make you a hifb class Me siie Crayon for $ A good enlargement can be made from card, cabinet or tin type UrrEJtMAiN.street, Bisbee, Anion. CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES Fresh fruits of all kindsZre' ceived daily. WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS. 4 ANJ TOBACCO Goods delivered to all paats of town, so per cent off for cash. M. MsKBlGOITICIl, a?r.r. DDBACHER & MUflEIM, Brewery Galcfe,Blabe, Arlr. Pabst Milwaukee Beer On Draught, Constantly on Sand. Our Bans gap plied with the best . Wines, Liquors and Cigars Your patronage respectfully solicited. V. G. MEDIGOVICH, Vholsaleand Retail Deak. la Groceries, Poultry, Qame received once a week. LIQUORS. WINE8, CIGARS AND TOBACCO, BAPTISTA CABETTO SCALKI XX DRY GOODS, GREEN AND DRIED FRUITS, WINES, IMPORTED LIQDORS AND CIGARS, EGGS, BUTTER AND PROVISIONS; IMPORTED CHEESE k. 8AUBAGE1 AMaR7eswat m Intjew. Ciieap Casi Tn-iuie; bisbee mm Daily Happenings at the Great Copper Camp. Budget ei lBterestiaj Itens frMi mr Ricalar Cor- nspeadeat. Bisbjck, N.V.17.189C. corrzsiKGa. Wb. Laud and daughter le- Mr. turned borne this aornlog after a visit of several days. Sheriff Fly returned lo Tombstone tbia Burning-, followed by the usual string of mournful looking facet. Mr. J, Y. Vickers of Tombstone and Mr. Morgan, a well known cattlemau. were incoming passenger ou the train this evening and will probably remain in our vicinity tor MTeral days to look affer their cattle InUrtsts. Mrs. Roberta and Mrs. Soeed came in en the train this evening from their borne down the river and expect to remain with ua for aome days visiting tbeir frienda and doing what they can to reduce the stock in the company store. Mrr.Christenot, wife of the former yard-master at Benson who is at pres ent employed on the A. and S. E. R. R. at this place, cam in on the train this evening. Mr. Chriitenot baa given up his position ia Benson for good and intenda to take up hie resi dence in Bisbee for the time being. Mr. H. G. Fraxer arrived among the incoming passengers this evening IUr an nbscnoe ot from Bisbee of boat five month?. Mrs. Fraxer has been visiting her eon in Oregon and other relative in both Washington and Cali'nrnia. She has thoroughly enjoyed the change after her long res idence in Bisbee, but Is well pleased to no all htr old friends once sgain. . M. J. Brnphj left for Tombstone this morning in response to a sum mon. Mike, is much pot out about i he matter a ,he wa disturbed atone f his very busiest timet to appear as t witness in an intigniScmt Mexican case at ut which hr knowa nothing whatsoever. .These Mexican squabble r gftting to be a nuisance to bo mo if out good people, and the sooner aa example it made of tome of them the better it will be for the tows. Bibe waa the eeent ol another of 4ntiqated but amusing election beta Sunday a'Urooon and aome of her good people have sot stopped laugh ing ovr it yet. It eeem that Chat. Overloek svnd Willfam Friobelt, one of our speedy-carmen, made one of tboae slab-rilled bt in whieh a wheelbar row and the main ttrtet of the town always play- moat prominent part. Sir William waa the unfortunate loser and In accordance with arrangement appeared promptly on Bunrir after noon towhetl hit successful optnnent about town ia the whselharrew. The wheeling in itaclt waa not eueb an un nsail feature but some heavy joker managed to Have the .Ditbe nana ana, ala a number otonr!rrepresible kid ob the gnuud, and between the many attraction a treat dial of sport was deviae.1. Charley's rule assumed the dignity of a triumphal march and about all tbe lreing nouses ia town enfTered severely from the extra appetites of the crowd after their tpell of hearty laughter. The Waldorf.bow ever1 waa not eftVctrd by tbe increased rush a Otto ia always prepared for ueh emergeaoiea end always cosnf t up smiling with plenty aad to tpare. Two litres Saved. Mrs. Phoebe Thomai nf Junction City III., was told by her doctors she had con somption and that there was no hope for her, bottwe bottles of -Dr. King's New Discovery cored her, and she sfcys it savril her life. Mr. Thos. Eger, 139 Florida St.. San Francisco, saffered from a dreadful cold, approaching consump tion,! tned withoai result everytntne ewe then: bought one bottle of Dr. Kin' Ness Diroverp and in two weeks was CurrfL He is natDTaHr thinkful. It It metresults, of which there are samples rissttirwov the wonderful eficary ef tbe medicine in cough aad colds. Free trUI'bottles at Tombstone and Bisbee sVW Mores, RegeJer tise 50c aed S1.00 a i PALACE URS. THOS. WALKEK.:rop. When visitintf Bisbee don't fail to go to the Palace, Booms large Ugh I and airy WeD. furnished rooms, Ceitrallr and Convent cntljr located. Renovated throughout. Rates Reasonable. STIMSBEEBML BISBEE, ARIZ. SHATTUCK & KEATING. oilttors. AgtnU for Anhciwr-Butch Brttriny Association, Wholetale and Retail. ICE COLD BEER? DRAUGHT C. W. BLACKBURN. ass1 tsspssp laSp5sr&S? Th New Icprnved White KtwtDt Msehlnsis Klncor aU. I'olJo.i htnttal'si ni pUD o-i eay tera. bytt W. BI.ACKH- KM.O K blre t. if. Macfaln Findioct of ail kind,. Notary Public and Conveyanser. Miners Exchange Main Streer.'Bisbee. W. C. SMITH & CO. Choicest of Wines, Liquors, ana Cigars, Every courtesy and accommodation extended to patios J, Reading and Card Room Attached. Notice to Creditors. Estate of Emma IlolcHnbe deceased. PUBLIC NOTfE IS HEREBY GIVEN bv the undersigned ad-nintarator of the stale of Emma Holcombe deceased. to the cred tors of and all pen ons having Uims against the said deceased, to exhibit them with th- nec essary vouch, rs, vhkinioor irnnihs after the Srst pablicatinn of thhnotice, to th said ad ministrator, at his cilice in lb tnwn ot..WUl coi, is the said county of Cot bis. W, F. N1CH01S, Admimhtra'or. with the vill unaexed, of Ihe estatp ot Emma Holcqmb. deceased. Dated atJWUlccx.tlhis uth dar of October.1896 O.iatf. FOR SALE. A group of Copper Claims part'y developed. Ore black and oxide from the-grass rooc; ore found in "all -working's; plenty in sight and just ' the proposition for a company Good ro ds. wood, water and timber plentiful, claims eight mile from railroad. Address Prospector, office, Tomb stone ToMMTrsr. Oct. 29. i86 TO MX WHOM IT MAY COVCERV Take notice; That on the aS'b day of !W)tn ber. 1896, tbe Arm af Ha!ewod and Huddv, doing business at Pearce. conntf a' Co hsr, A T. raortgajred to Oo H Hits all the st vk in trade and personal property f said firm, ird'Kt fnr the bookacconnts, and gave him posesinn of tbe same, and the vwe rjoprny and l-cok accounts were attached in the suit cf P B,Var BrkRX. n f laabweod & ftnddy This is therefore to warn alt p-noii who re indebted to said firm not to pay the tame to the said Hazleweod Ilnddy. , r d'hrrof iher, as sach payment will pot be rrcirruedbytii. G.H,FinS. ;P.B.WAR.NEKR03. -jo-tod The Worlds Fair Testa akwe4 do baking pavdet, am ptom or bo gert la Jeer trntngpneermf t0 UrtrMJ. h'r E, Fes 74 k Ant POBLI I, NlJCOBIMi. Dealer in I6rmte,lfuts."Can(lies. - - - ten Jf'.-iUj '.jjjivi D til v-from Oaluomtd. Curries che Dost Liuu of CIGARS AjYD TOBACCO Ever Brought to Tombstone. Poultry, Eggs, Potatoes. Onions, elo., always on Hand. Fifth St. next lo Postoflloe, FOR Fine, Stationery Of Any Description, Call on mi. d. MosaroNiER. Opposite STa$on Done. Carries a full line of Station ery, Books, Inks, Pens, Mu cilage, Toys, Window glass. Fancy Toiiet Articles, etc. Price the Lowest; Allen St. Jlct Fourth Fifth O.K. Livery Stable Full Line of Livery TLAXUIENT AND BOA RDING STOCK CAREFULLY ATTENDED Prosvectin Picnic and Ex cursion varties outfitted on short notice.. (Jr. devs b'i mail or tcl ?raph receives vromvt atten tion; TERM SUHftEASCNABLY LOW. JOHN aiONTOOMEItY, Prop. J V. V1CKE33 Fremont Street. jontis'ciir, Arizona. Beat Eibrie. Mine Monei; CutU' ond hi surunce," "man. ! KUJ. E?rr" nnutit.'soM renter MIXES IVnurst soli managed. MONEY Loats nrjnujtcd and in 1 vsiiueuts msd CT TLB -Grower, drtj.r firj IXSURANCE-Fire. Acddcr.t, Tife. Prompt Attention Given CoUectii-nt. TOMBSTONE DRUG - STORE. Op. Wells Fargo Co. A Choice Stuck of Pare and F refill Drags and 3Iedi- cines on Hand, Fall Line of Leading Patent Medicines Prescriptions Compounded by a Careful Competent and Experienced Prescriptionist. Fine Selection of NOTIONS, TOILET MODS, PERFUMES ' PIONEER BARBR SHOP, JOSEPH LIPPERT. Pmp. Everything N'nt, Clran and in t'trtt-f"-u Order. Sbavirv, Shampoting and Haircntting done in an Artistic Manner. The Oldett aid ilott Favorably Known Barber on the Coatt. Pay Him. a Catt. Attest, bet, 4boV3lti.rntstei.tosse CITY BARBER SHOP AND Bath Rooms, J. B. 3iTAyO, Prrprietiir, Hair Cottinc, Shavtne and Shampooing Large, Convenient and Commodious Bath Rooms attached. Hot and Cold Shower Baths. Every thing first-class Fear of Prartkal Experience makes this Shaving Parlor a most ' Popular Snort.. I AHem.momrVr S(jt.T.stase. QlH As a compliment to our many patrons and the public generally, for a short time we are going to give to every oureharer nf Ten Dollars' wortb.ofXg-otxls a fine : . : : : Life-Size Ciayon Portr?it -QsTeN, There is not a family but possesses some picture of Father, Mother, Brother or Sister, which' they would like to have -reproduced in a life like and durable manner. ' Vhat more suitable, for a present Call at once and see specimen. THE FJEtLIVCE. The portrait Company uas made it conditiona upon us that wit each portrait we sell a frame. The price is $i.oo to $5.c'o. Call and select your own style. OTJIfc ZtPJL.AJV Is to issue tickets on your first purchase of five cents or over, and every additional riurchase. ' large or small, is added thereto, and when the amount reaches $to we deliver, free of cost, a liife-bize portrait. Call and get a ticket. F. NwiLCOTT, Dealer in Choice Family Groceries A WELL SELECTED STuCK OF HARDWARE AND TLNWARE, AT PRICES TO SDIT THE TIMES. - Goods Delivered free ARIZONA MAIL & STAGE CO Office Opposite Drug Store, 5th St, Carries U. S. Mad and W, E. & Co's. Exp. FAB-10 (H FROM FAjRB&N'K 1.50 TI3ME E" A1FST iES, Leaves Tombstone at 8.15 a. m. to connect with Trains for Bisbee ; east and west Leaves Tombstone at 5:1.5 p, m. lor Fairbank to connect with Nogales and ill points south. Arrives 12:45 p. m, with Bisbee mail and passengers. Arrives at 9:00 p M. with eastern and western mail and passengers. . . BAOGAO of Passengers delivered to and f. on Office in the city Jree of Charge TENTH STREET DAIRY. - JOHN HANLEY PROPRIETOR, Pure, Iresh Unadulterated Milk, delivered dail" tool parts of the city. j.n -?'" Milk Wagon in town MilV' 1 yt'.e quart, 10ct3. Iteduction is made for larger quantities M Ofiico is on the wagon. Your patronage solicited. John Weiland' Anheiiser- Lemps.i,-: Jr - CJ LIT TH r 'J 4ADETS VPPLiZD aJ 'iV11 I? .VCT1,- Acnt; Ti;tll.t, ARIZO.Vl Bottled Weiland Beer Jui nished to families in lombston by .TOSHOEFLER Miiisirator's Sale A Good Ranch and Improve ments Offered for Sale, XTOTICB IS HE'EnY IVEN THT w bi'lawilb-recri'ed hv th unHr-irnd admi-irtor f ih- -tate of Em'Ie InoTnsnd d np W nd Ineln-iing Nrenilr nh iz6 t t i o-e in TomV-one Ari-ns f w the ranch nf 160 res he-etofore oned rA wen frrA by ld Vcea'd, ituatl fn theSjn Ped'O iT-r in a'd comtr: j"t ahnre in- '"rand Ten'ril Mill and abort two mil- s below th town f FairbanV and al-ofornll ih pronal and n'eiwit brlnncine to and -mule 1 nro nid nci whi h pe-vwial rropntv is d iTbed in the in-ltofT and antwhrn-nt it this estat. on fiV -Hi the Probate lodr' o' said erantr. P'i'i'nor' eai be eirn Drembe lt, itefi. Te-rxs ( al. cnh. Tbe rii;bl to teiect any ana all bids ia br-et v ievied. " GEO. H. FMTS Admislstntor. Daled September ph. iScA z2 a ' to all parts of the City. ST. LOUIS V WHOLESALE 5S. BEER HILL KteH-i 'J-'-- a rV5JA . yT I &S2XS&' 1?2JST tuTi-'- 1 tmm'tt !?"( ;' it ?&&&: MABTIN COSTSLLO Aent for Anheuser Busch BeerK I 1 vjrlV l'v.K t.'lsfll t a mJ & y. , ''J.1 ". si." " """r- ' ' - - r. f.