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WSi p- J, PROSPECTOR. OUR WATOHWORD--"COCHISE COUNTY FIRST, THE WORLD AFTERWARD. AOL. X TOMBSTONE, ARIZONA FRISOAY EVENING. NOVEMBER 20. IS06 No. ?9 $ Jr THE ' TOMBSTONE DAILY PROSPECTOR. City and Comity OHicial Paper PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING iExceitSumiw) BY Wm. Mich EJ tor anl Proprietor Freitout St. Oppo-dtc City Hall The Prospector i!l nut hold itself respoo jltieforany of the quel's or s'suiawnti pressed bv anjrof it correspondents. Entered la the Tombstone Postoffi as Second Class matter, fBOrESSlONAL. OARDS. "lAMES RULLV. ATTOKSEV AND j cases a jpecUUy. Tomteiooe. A rliona. w t.CSTAcHLF. ATTORNEY AT Law and Notary Public. Tcnbstcne Aiiiona. G hO W. SWAIN. ATIONEV AT t .. Will i .ciice In all coutUOJ tre 'Territory. Tombstone Arizona. C5. CLARK. A1TONF.Y AND COUN-seloratl-avr. Office on Fourth Street, betweet AlVnaudTouhnuU Tomo Will pract or in all the courts of the ory, C HRI-ES GRANVil.LEJOHNTON. Attorney and Ccin-eHor at Law od Not-ry fuUic. 4 aT Fremont suect UL 410 and 5th struts. A roetnber o'the bar cf tbe Supreme Con-t o the lenitotjr. and ul practice in any cf the courts therein. WENTHWORTH COUNTY RI corder and Abstract Ofbce. Abstracts of t tie to real estve and mires furn shed prompUy and acurately. CnropWte trin scripts. Ofl-ce in Court Hone. Tombstore. E. ALVORU. 1USTICE OFT HE Peace. Office on Allen St bet. 31 & ath Tombstone. L.KOSKA. USTICE OF THK PEACE Oflce en 4th St. bo. Allen ana Toagbnut. "1 ombston HS. GORDON. M. D. PHYsICIAN AND Surgeon: Office adjojusc bis residence 004th street, CalN attended at aU hours day nd niht. CEAK1E. ASSYER AND META larical laboratory. Office No 319. ' Fremont t, pp"S.te City HaA THE ORDERS. rr o. A M KING SOLOMON LODGE NO. 5 Meets third Saturday in each month. Vi mne bro-hers c-Mtlally in"" to at end. I H MePHERON.W.M.. A L GROW Secretary. R. A M. COCHISE CHAPTER IQ. 4 "EETS tbird Weiresdiy in each cioslh. A -hine Companions cordis lr invur d to at tend. TOM LOWRY. H. P. A. WENTWORTH Secrettrj. P. O. S. OF A. WASHINGTON CAMP NO t- MEETS 1st Friday even tigmeich month Ais iiine Cotnra-'es cndiany innf-d " . V.CLPK. Prei.t. A. t,. GROW. Secreury. A. O. U. W. TOMBSlONELODGrlNO 3. A. O U. Av mtet jst and 3rd Thursday m each month. Visiting brothers cordially in- TUed ROBT. BES r M . W. W. D. MONMONIER Recorder. K- OF .P- ARIZONA LODGE KNIGHTS OF Pythias No 4. meets eiery 1st and 3rd Moodna in each monih. V siting rotben ccrtially innted. A. H. KMANUKt, C. C. W. D. MONMONIER. K. ofS. PRO I ECTION HOSE COMPANY NO 3 meets First bnnday in each month at their hose hen'e n tbeccrntrol Serenth and Fremont streets, opposite the school hotse. M. GARRETT. Poremas, TOM 1IITH Secretary. RESCUE HO-E ' OMPAY MEETS First Sunday in each menth at City Ha'l Fremont street. I. V VICKER.N A ENTW ORTH, & cty I'residect J. N. McDONOUGH. Foreman. ENGINE COMPANY NO r. MEE1S Utt Sunday in es h mon h at hov boa e 0.1 the c.rcerJTouhnm ni 5th smet. JOsEPIl 1.IPPEKT Joemo HEXg DUNtlER. Tegetaiy Wanud Anacentmeve-y ser lion to can vass $4 tossadymid.; seTs nt H0ii5; aUoa man tosl t-iplec'"dioiie-rcn 1 st fide line. 573 a rro JU. S 1 ty it Ure cm mi-icn ria3e;ep leice unteiessary Ftr sMfi piticuUiK seiid sump Cldmn Soap Jc JfanaVcturing Conipiiiy, Cirai mi, Ohio. WATER WORKS. Z.J- CALVES, Prop. Wotnpt Service- Water per battel, 25c!. Per bucks', ; c s. Soecial Rates to Families La-e order with sn. !aL.Rsfli I iM -gJg-gJSgg. I Ta if t s-t a-i.-" " ' I WteM4.r,Eki.iciwrri r a.rr-e - y- (p.rr '.(ta. Ml ONION SAMUEL 1 BARROW f- 2 .- SAMIELM.BABROW f ffs Z9 V- 4Js .", frl c . J" - C ft r--' fTTTTr-B IS CONTUMACIOUS. A Mormon Apostle to Be Fired. VOTE TO BE CONTESTED) The Kentucky Election are Declared to be Fraud lentlv Conducted- DEFAULTER SENTENCED Halt Lace, Utah, Apostle Sloiea B. Thatcher will te declared "coulu tuxcioti," ttu-1 dropped from llis rolls of the Mormon church. This as the day fuel by tie cliuro'i nathoritie for the trial of Mr. Thatcher fur his failuso to taLe ouofel before taVing part ia rolilicul maUcr a j ear ago whfnhewan a candidate for United States senator. Louisville, Secretary Richardson of the state democratic co-timi.tee an nounces that the party Las definitely decide I to contest the election of eleren McKinley electors on the grounds of fraud. Kkdding Cal, William Jackson, defaulting county treasurer, -as sen tenced lat nit;ht to leneam in San Qicatiit. Roasting ScJtillwgs Best tea in San Francisco costs more than roasting other tea in China or Japan, but it makes tea better. You don't have to pay the difference, though. It comes out-of our profits. We make money in giv ing up profits. Queer! A Schilling & Company San f rancisco Tlit I 1'onr 0?s-,rl"n,,y On receipt cf tea ctt.V, cwh or stamps, a concrou-i iiuaplo v,i:i to mailed or th rat lopular CaUrrh and Hay I'eTer Cure (Ely's Creara JL.: jOciorit to demon strate the gTMi n cr t cf U10 remedy. ELI ItROTJTCBrv, EC AVarr-a fcL, .'.ex Yorl: City. IeT. JounllcU. Sx.. ' t GnrJ ra!KMonL, recommended Ely' ( reru lwlni to roe. I can emplnwiio h.s f tci unt, "It in a posi tive euro for catarrii if tt-setl ivt directed." Rev. Franci Av. roo'.e. I'lor Cntrwca. Cliurch, Helena, lloat, . Ely's Cream IUIm i the aciturwledgcd ecre f cr catarrh and contains no mercury sor aaj iajuriona drug. Price, 60 ce&ts. rrH v ri vr arrjc -l a - -M Xxttrt On. Uaea'Karre Plasters Be. a aU uKta HAt . Your fhiiem9e WnriaLlflaO Free two ounce bag, and two coupons inside each four ounce bag of Blackwell's Durham. Buy a bag of this celebrated tobacco and read kne coupon which gives a list of val uable presents and how to get them. IS -DETERMINED. Tiie Pencil Will Widow Files Another Suit. TO OB TAIN POSSESSION An Accident-Which Causes the Death of a Number of People A PLATFORM FALLS IN. Sax Faxscisco. Mrs. Nettie Craven has commenced another suit to obtain posessiou of a poition of the late James G. Fair's es'ate. Yesterday morning her attorneys filed a com plaint In an action against Richard V. Dey one of th appraiiers appointed on Tuesday last, and in whose bands tbe much talked of compromise contract was placed, to quiet title to the prop erty on tbe south-west corner of Pine and Sanjome street, which she claims under a dctd of gift alleged to have been executed in ber favor by the de ceased millionaire. Memphis Tenn , A brief telegram from Macon, Ga , states that 500 feet of platform fell there yesterday aft r- noon. Thirty people and 3,000 bales of cotton went down in a craih. Su far fourteen injured have been taken out. Several are thought to tie killed. .tlurri-luua tteul(. From a letter written by Rev. J. Giiiulrmian, of Diniondalc, Mich., we ire permitted to make thi extract: I have no hesitation in recommend ing Dr. Kiag'ii Ifew Discovery, as the results n ere almoft marvelous in the euro of my ifife. While I was pastor of tbo liiptiit Church at Rivers Junc tion che was brought down with Pneumonia tucceeding La Grippe. Ferrib'e paroxysms of coughim; would liut hours nitli little interruption and it eeemed as if cbe could not rtuvive ttiprn. A friend recommended Dr. Kiag'aNew Discovery; it was quick in Its work and liichly vatisfacaory in re tult." Trial bottled free at Tombstone and any Drug Store. Regular size 50c. $1.00 FOR SALE. Ranch and improvements, house, barn and well; 8 acres nnder cultivation; about 75 orchard trees in bearing; wator right under St. David Canal. Everything complete and can be had. cheap for cash. Good reasons'for sell ing. Apply oraddtejs owner on premises. Mrs. Hax.vah Neiusox, x St. David. -"nig Many thousand dollars wortn ot vaiuaoie articles suitable for Christmas 1 s1"5 for the yormg and lold. are to be triven to smokers of Blackwell's Genuine Durham To bacco. You will find one coupon inside each f BbckwiU's Highest of all in Lcaveainy-Vower. Latest U.S. Gov't Report Ivfii Powder ABSOLUTELY PURE LATEST NEWS A Wife rPoisioner Gets Six ANOTHER ONE RESUMES. A Paying Company Opens Again Of Tombstone Notoriety. VIRGIL EARP IS HURT St. Paul Rev, Jas.G. Hull, accused of attempted wife poisoning, pleaded guilty today and sentenced to six months in tbe penitentiary. PitEscoTT, Arii., Virgil Kirp, one of tbe notorious Eip brothers who figured prominently in the early history of Tombstone hd a nrrow ecape from being kill d in w mine rave-in yesterday. He was uncdn-rf-.o tn for several bour, bis right bip diriiKultd, both feet badly crusbad and arenous cut ou !ii bead, besides other brnnpi. The doctor think ho will pull th'iiuglr, but will be laid up for set (taI weeks. Cj(M0N The Imperial Brick com pany, makers of shale paving brick, has ordered all former employees to n port tomorrow to arrange for re sumption Monday, Serenty-five men will go to work at once. r82 OVKK yirTF AB8. An old, well-tried remedy. Mrs Wintdow'a Soothing Syrup has bn used for over fifty years by millions of mothers lor their children while teeth ing, with perfect success. It soothes tbe child, softens the gum, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. It is pleasant to tbo taste. SU1 by druggist in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottles Itx value is incalcu table. Be sure and ink for Mr. Win Blow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. "Hero's a summer resort note," said i tli6 istirU editor. "What' the retort!" asked the city editor without looking np from bis work. "Vuroa, Arizona'replied the assis tant. "The average temperature there in siimuie , nid to b120 degrees. "Nice kind 61 summer resort that wonld be," snorted the city ed'tor. "I nUi-Hf you don't know the tl tory of ibis cummer kesurt burines. It's in- intgniitd to invfcora'o it man and put him in wrnper phyicHl condition to meet wrmt futurr may have in ttore for him." "Ttiat' why I refered to Yuma as a summer resir'," contine.! tin? as-iitant "It'a just tbe kind of pi ice properly to prepare rone men for tbe hvreaf ter." ChlcsgoPort. New line of cl ck at Wolcott's FOR SALE CHEAP. One Diebold safe, perfectly new, just from the factory. Double doors, first-class in every respect. Can't be laid down for less than $200, will sell same for $125 cash; En quire at Pkospector office. . n!9-2w IIOTIXA KKIVAM CCORISX F Betlman, San Frapcisco, F Bl ck, Tucson. riLicx. P. J. Delebanty, Benton, Dr. Watkinf, " ' IAS JOH, W B Hunt, Schilling Best. JlELWOTON Geo. W. Summers, Denver. M. A. Smitb, Tucson. C. A. Newman, Bisbee. E. Lacchancer, Bisber, THE LAD1P.S. The pleasant effect and perfect safety with which ladies may use Syrup of Figs under all conditions makes it their favor-, ite remedy. To get the true and genu ine article, look for the name of the California Fig Syrup Company, printed near the bottom of the package. For sale by all responsible druggists. FA1RBANK DEPARTMENT FMBoIEXCHAIE GEO. G.McGEE, Prop. Fairbank, : Arizona. Headquarters for visitors from Tomb stone and surrounding country. Best of wines liquors and cigars always on band. PAY THE EXCHANGE A VISIT P. A. DEMARTINI, GENERAL MERCHANDISE. A full line of GROPERISR, PROVISIONS, CIGARS! AND TOBACCO. FAIRBANK. ARIZONA. Fairbank Restaurant FaixsamsvA. T. K. HARRINGTON, MRS. Prep. Chagres Reasonable. Parties goisg from Tombstone to Biibee will have ample time for dinner before tbe train arrives. Table Supplied With'Jhe Best. GIVE IT A TRIAL. GUM IPXEY, Allen St sear 3d, (Old. Custom Houce.) VEGETABLE?. FRDIT?, iOTATOES- ONIONS ETC Frrsh California run rrceivederery dag j expret. Everything told at ln:eM raUs. Goods delivmi free to all umrtii ot city. txth Rectirrd Every TltvrtJai,. W. 0, ABBOTT ASSAYING' IN ALL ITS BRANCHES Tombstoiie.Arizona. Samples by mail or'exptess will receirs prompt attention-. Offiee-and Henatnet Ottritck JETetu'. llTJViit- cT 1 J. Jnaf-f Xr 5il t y -r f vt