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CUetoa Treasurer -- "- "What Are We Here For? ad Preprirtr. tww t: i - - 2xi& DIRECTORY. -' pa-Wniekro CeasctUaea: Itaeob Uffier Fii Want tamn.4 Ward - rWrdWard - - - Downs Few Ward - - - D. K. Waidwat .xtnrt orricaas: . g - u. si. rif I. V. Vkkert A. W DMrlMAlMU . 5 - Q. W. Ml Prolate Jndc - W. F. BradteT CVrtDtattolCowt - - Scott WnUe Surveyor - - H. p. Howe aasatso, - - - . I. A. Brlcte Cnactl9m'lyaatMr - - ! . P""" Amemn aobnts. L. P. FISHER, si? Merchants Exchange Kan Frauds!.' "ftr a U-JtBLLOGO. 'No. 41 Plaa street. Roots 57 asdsS, San Francisco. E. C DAKE. room 65. Merchant Exchante, as Fraadsco. , -.- t . . GEO. P. ROWELU to Spruos Sc Sea ark. N.- W. AVER ft SON. Putladerphla.- All transactions made by the-above aaiaej nmccswillbecompUod with at the PROS PECTOR oftoe. awacrlptlaai OaaYaax WO 00. bcafoatfca 6 00 Thxea Months 3 00 OaeMoBth....'. 100 DeliTered byt Carriers for 25 casta CUT AID WOT OFFICIAL PAPB1 Tba decision in the United SUtsa upreaaa court overruling tba decision o( JudgeRos of California, and sus taining tba constitutionality of the Wright irritation law, is one of tha saeat important deciiions,.in regard to its effect upon" the interest of all tbe irrigation states, that has erer been made' by the snprema court. THE FUN. OR THEMON? From the expression upon our friends evidently fiere for neitherbut asfor us face be is THE WILLOWS, CHAS, BULOTTI, Erepr. Choicest lint'oiWimes and Liquors. Imported and DomeMio Cigars, Courtevus Attention 'to Patrons. Allea. bt. 4th Sk ffth. Tatubateiie WE: .ARE-EEEE. FOR, BOTH, We are handling " ' ''ttVJKJPOS. SIDPAIJLSiSOAP- Which for easy and perfect" washing cant' be, beat. Aacordtag to the annnal report of Fayaaaster General Stewart, the coat of suinteiaint: the United Statesuayy laatyear, io'clasire of an increase to it andjbe permanent improvements at yards and dock, was $lo.95;862. Tha xaoaey and- material spent in arming 4inPPt85ibei,Tl snUitIa,.nbs including aaaWriaUoaned to the states was ,!&. '" .u f We Jersey now has "29.72 miles of railway to every 100 equare miles of territory. This is a larger percentage of track area than is contained in any other stale,- Massachusetts comes next,4 with 26.35; Pennsylvania next with SlT;X)aio,'ilA3; Connecticut, 30.81 Rbodetlsad,, 20.37. In tbe proportion, f railroad mileage to in- - r -i Ajf , a ix - habitanfst'Aruonalf ads. there being 20?.5r miles" af'raifway td every 10,000 of population in that " territory. M. and 8. PiaiESr Cottolene - Cottolene - Cottolene. That "perfection for shortening purposes 'Ib giving general satisfaction We have it in ' 3, 5 and 10 Pound-jPails COMET SALOON GAEEVATrfcPAW, rropr's, T WINES, LIQUORS CIGARS Dealer in BorV Irith and Scotch Whitfyt and father Well Knovrn Brandt. ,A Specialty mad of lett ClartU and Wint. Billiard Paxlcr la Connnection and the Cedes .Place in Town. AJlea, bet. Oth & 7ib, Tombatoaa PONY SALOON, v. J . A. K.Q9KA Preprietor. Finest Stock of Win, Liquors and Cigan in the Territory. NIVATE CUntMMS ATTACHED. Best and Porest Brssds of Whiskies Brandies and Wines kept Con stantly on Hand. You uil find "AV ai home, on ABer. St. bet. 4tk and 6th: Consolidated National Bank. OfTiMDK, Arluun. CaniUl Stock . $90,000. OFFICERS.' M P. FREEMAN, Pretiaenu W. C DAVfo. ViSPresldeDt. JL.B. TENNEY. Cshl. Issites drafts arsilable at anr point in tbe Uoitfd States. Diatrs bills 01 exchange ol a Etaropas cjtmaod nulces a iprdaJt'orout-of Unto sccoosta with imdurls fimu and cor ritioai. m.a$ ' I FLY'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. Freno I itrect, opposi e Prospector. FAMILY PHCT0GRAHS OUR Sf ECIALTY Careful attention ku en to turning: o t thr Finest views and pictures of all sixes in a mast artistteTmannlr, superior finish and Jons. Taken an short notice. Groupi ;s ally Cabin;:, pin si iii Mi ii. VvDxarxxaa Paklqrb op G. B. Tarbell Coffins. Caskets. Robes. Etc From tbe Plalsat to tbe FineM Made, The Columbia Iron Caskets kept Con stantly in stock. Bodies Temporarily or Pertrianenlly Embalmed ty the Latest Process. Billiard Parlors, j.n. Mcdonough, Prp. Ihe Finest and Best ttted BiHiara ' Parlors' in the City. Beferring to the fact tnat a number of women bare been elected to tba -legislature" in acme of the equal tup frage- sfatar", tba- Salt Lake 'Herald says; "The presence of women in the.legislatare will ba not. to prereat all legislators from saying what tbey wish to, but to oompel the at to say it la bettor styls. Aad-'aa the manner iaspiaTaa so will.tbe asattsr. Nothing that has traaspired ia Utah shows greater advancement in cirilizatioa than tUs.elselion of women to the let islature." MrsCPhoebehoausjjaf7anctioa City III., was told by her doctors she had con sampubaaad that there was so hope for her, but twa bottles of Dr. King's New Discorerv cd hvairftheg-a savid her-iife. Mr. Thoi. "Ecgers, 139 Florida St- San Francisco, suffered from a dreadful cold, approaching consump? Uoa, tnea wiiaoat result everything else' then aoagbt one bottle ofDr. Kind's New Diicoverp and in two weeks was cared. He is aatnnllr thiakfnL If t rucb results, of which there are samples that provethe wonderful efficacy ot the medicine ia coughs aad colds. Free trial bottles at Tombstone and Bitbee drug stares. Regular size 50c and 5i .00 "Mrs. K. E. Davis, of Saa itiguel,,Cai , says: "I am trying in a measure to re pay the manufacturers of Chamberlan's Coagh Remedy for the great' good their rested y has doae me. For years I was a caastaar sufferer from weak lunzs and btoachial asthma. My rest at night was" d istar oea oy a backing couga so that I fek miserable, the greater "part of the time. Maayremidieies recommended by friaads were tried, nose of which proved suitable to my case. I did sot exper ience any heaefidal resells until I began takiag CbamberUio's Cough Remedy. Afier two bottles of the larger size bad besa os:d I am pleased to itate my' ' aaMti is aaHer tain it aas oeen tor years. The sereaess has left mr leers and chest aad I can yratke easiir II Jsas-'doae sae so raach good that I waat all who are eaaTsriwg from laay treables, as );was, to give it a trial." For sale by druggists. The V. S. Qov't Reports llP are well supplied with prepared 'goods of all kinds ' ' for use during this hot weatheFconsisfing of- - Boned Turkey, , Boned Chicken, Beast Turkey, Boiit Chicken, Sardines of all' kinds, Canned Soups in variety, French, English and American "Mackeral in cans, , Brook.Tront in either Tomato or . Mustard sauces, Deviled Turkey, Chicken,' Tongue, andHamHain- burger Eels in Jelly, Boston Baked Beans plain or v Tomato Sauce, An? many other Goods too numerous-.x ' '-"' tomentionaV - Also-tn recular receipt ft JtaL'and, Limouxger'and American' Cheese. Jon't Foigc: that we are scle ents Jor Tombstone .and 'icnityjor w Cte & lioni'ij Seai BMfl JottEfi:": K9ZC9sbbbbb9sbbbbbbbbbbbbbWT4' aaaaaaaasr3fSwafaaBawawaMK BBBaUuSBTBaawawf4 snH'w.tfr' -' I lt, ' I .". ' r...t .:?? GaCfUHii. itr Rrlllflaft IHSr SW bbw HBa aW PBS . , SiBnBlSaeUr -: - THEGroIoer? :., V J. VsfflsaaUsawaawLa X SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSBalslSBBBBBBrSBBBBV &P " "" a CooWn ooiy J .a. - - -5-TrS. -& mirmmr - " ' Z S "5 -v --v. a; Importer of the Best Wines, Liquors and. Cigars. Billiard and Pool Tables in Conjunc tion. Mixed Drinks a Specialty. Private Club Booms. Alles. bet. 4th 5th.TombstOB PROBATE NOTICE. " To the Probate Court of tbe County of Co- chue. Territory or Aroona. . loths miter ol tbe estoteof Emma Holcorabe. deceased:' ' Pursoaat to an order of said court, made on tbe 17th day ot September. A, D. iSoVnotiee is givra that FndaT, the 9th day of October, A. D. 1S0S. at a o'clock n.trr ol saiddY: tbecosit room of said" court, at the court hooseln tbe city ef Tcmbitoor. and -county or Cochise ros beerfSppoiBled as thstlice bad'plaee foVprov. 12 the will of J.iid Emma.IIotcombe. deceased. and for beanngthe applirarion ot W. F. Nich. ol for tbe iuoance to rim of letters testamentary when and wbereanjr-perscra Interested may ap pear and contest tbe same I S-iS-U F-BRaDLEY; z.omae Clerk T oistone & Peirce MAIL AND SrAGE LINE. FRANK BLATZ, - Prop, Makes semi weekly trips to and from Pearce every Wednesday 'and. Sun day of each week, making; the round trip in one day, carrying U. S. tnai and passengers. FARK, round trip - Si The National Matte-Smelter A practical and simple method of mattinc sulphide ore, such as ruckle, copper, gold and sOver ores. In localities where lead ores and fuels are scarce and almost unattainable, our pynuc, uater jicket Watte Smelter has been re cognized with Lifhly satiuactory results, and has been thoroughly tested on various piratic sulphide and arsenide ores, in capacity of 3 to So tons per day. It is the most practir. cheapest and simplest method of fold ai silver ore maiJ--od concentrating lh; "is' known today It matures no extrao'dinary skill, no lead ores, no flaxing materia!, anc no fad of any kind for tbe s-nelter alter it is started, Tbe sulphur in the ore is its natural fu'I only, and its cost has n comparison with any other process of con-cenuaiinp We are prepared to furnish anysixs.orcapac itv plaat complete to substantial minmV people. set it up and furnish our men to run it for tbenr on easy payments, trice and spectncations furnished iti references and testimonials .00 application, NATIOVAI. ORE & REDUCTION Co. 5736 Cheltenham Arenne, Sl Ixuis, Mo, Manufacturers of Furnaces for Nickle. Copper, Gold, Silver and Lead Ore 2i.ty Wa'jted soucrroRS for cam- PAIGN Book "Bryan Sewalland Free SUrei'i anthorit-dbf, Bryan 'Written by -R. Li Metcalf editor Omaha Weld Herald appointed -author Cymyan. cmiiams spctcnes-wno aiiiuiin. -ei bonanza for agents: a free silver mine for work, ers: only f t.50; tbe only authorized book 50 per cefiTreredirfclretfr freiftUI paJdroalzUrree, Besin now with choice of territory; rermanent, rxofi table.wcck for 'ofi. Address The National Bonk Concern, Star buildmc. Chicajro. u UTOTICK j Sealed proposals win be received by the beard of juperrboTs of Cochise county for the- build in of a branch jail atBuber according to the ptaasaadspeancauons adopted by the board. Bidden caa'obtaia allvthe rurtlwr'necessary Intormation at tbe 2h:cvof thelicard of toner. hvtsaes afToxfibstoBC, or fronrf S WUUuna. cbalrena-of B bwrd at Bubee. All,tids man be filed whbOa clerk of tba board oa or before a p m Novrmtser 6"iva:- "" ' '1 be hoard reserre-tic reject any er all bids,- -- ' -1.T- -- ' i j-WetA-WeVfTWORTn. .. Clerk By W A Habwood, "BepmrVSA - ca ii 1rf-t ? a7 i2S fr-i A ten-stamp mill c Srt.ETt. 6 fiaae. t set tVrs. an aauatot, tg-o-8'-bot rerol-rilr'coacen. traiors, i6ijSriB'e4tfnf. two boJrVx, aQ'ifi IOO-J worlhfird6-. Bjilsing nedpy new Can be moved a it vlose tX aflwaaoTT Must -OawB rarTaeiria M4or.oab ash H aosnacieBJasee,uTon-bstaae (Ari st p. iGikii'sKlcB 'tb 'it- 73r. as " Jtoilot b-Wwhy cbrea wast- ibeidspficati astesWdt arttenC3uty-jr Cbctiis do. ,te now frVi imJgT'' fcrjhu tuataniiB ill ;6ies lev. uaaaay mjejeiii-jei 1890, aai uqes paid .- TOrtlStmtmit blvawac aJ'Sy rffic In lb caaatr oomt bouse at TomkcSMw, duriaf cSce iiAl SMltrirM-aii!l.tVi. - - r-- 57 j .4 .e.w ,r,m Jv.viCKEiia,, M'w. -i -itf r.r- V. h . u-ub ik voeiur r-SAT' JE awartawaBBrfawS&awaaswl r&mVZJbVfc2&&k2 X3aawBlBwMw-wBvw'-aB vkj. niaaWHMMMMteri.dM PROBATE NOITCE;- ,... j in tee Frebate Court, County of Cociise, ser ntory of Arizona. IN THE MATTER OFTHE ESTATE OF Eaiile Lenormand deceased; Notice of Armcation for order of sal-. Notice is hereby civm that Geo. II. Fitts Administrator, has filed with the! CWk of this C ourt a petition praying for an order Of sale of all real and Dersnnal Dronertv of teeeaed and that the Jth day of. October. 1890, at 2 o'clock cf this court to wit of the October term. I890 at tbe Cochite county court house, in Tomb stone, county aforesaid, has been set for hearin? said petition, when and where any perscs. inter ested may appear ana snow ctuse wny toe-'Saia said petition should not be mnted. W. r. BRADLEY. Ex-cfficio Clerk. Dated Sept.. 5th So6. NOTICE TO ALL WHOM IT MAT CONCERN Notice Is hereby given, that certain- mining cauEucaiwi ine i am Dies. Aicuiniy ana rar aeon, situated in the Warren mininr dtstrict. aad About one-half mile nonh-easte Iv from the Holbreok homing works, and about the same uuw UKitna gi dowv,u i. zti. 41s the above mmed cbiims we-r not located la conformity with tbe I'. S. mining lawn, there fore, a second party, at a later date, relocated tbe same in full conformity witb the above named taws; ana IS lolly -cetermtnra to protect his rizhts. Therefore, all parons are can- tioaed not to bargain lor. buy orleise tbe a"jo-. named claims. S. MAKSUK. aij-im Bisbee, A, T. CATARRH iaa LOCAL DISEASE and I tfea mutt cf esldi and tadi'ia ciiauiie ekaasM. It tan b cored by a pWnnt sea-MSr -Tia liapol'ed dJ ncrtatoUetj).tnU. Be- joeaokUy aincrlwd U (-Ires Ely's Crtasi Bain ill ackaowltdsed to ba the nut thorp-rt care fU. "Vasal Catarrh. Cdi In Head sod Jlay fever otaft. mmiMn. Itopem and dransM the ztnalpsesase, aSays pain and InSammatioC-heals the aorta, pro teoBi membrane from colas, ravtores tba senate aftswtaasdamell. af.T BHOTttESS, M Warrta tHrset, Hew Xow sLL PERSONS ARE CAUTIONED il-ilififf ftiiU'lilwS or srolialinr OMiner nnr. wrtsag to caff tar one buadred do-W-rs. favorol has recetpuSaf pa-M baajsea last: T, B. CHVmN 1-ea-ee, Aag. 17 J4. (pwrMa o u ier obc BusiHi-a a-Hrs, hto ItieS and'endersed by me- a same 'tiesa p-M,'a l bold Mr. Gates receipt, n-MhaaVe4lok T. B. mTTlf i::&&ttj:W T3TA1 E? XT T3 1 lWi ui:i Carriage i Blacksmith -tV. II. 3EIVJlIVT1EI-.X--i-oi. orner Third an 1 Allen. The largest "and lies! Equipped EjtiM.sliment of it Kind in the Territory. Jail Kinds of Buggv, Wagon and Woodwork Neatly and Promwtlv Done. BLAGKSMITHING AND HORSESHOEING. Best Facilities for Doing All Kinds of Repairing in Wood and Iron. None but First-class Workmen Employed. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. tarFull assortment of harda'ood and iron for sale. d&jjfj$xfziij?ijjd$l ffi&jjSjffl&lSffo O. L. CUMMINGS. VVholesale and Retail Butcher, COR. STH ATTD FREMONT STREETS. Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal, Sausage, Bologna Pickled Trip Choice Steaks, Roasts, etc. Experienced Cutters. Free Delivery to all parts of the City. Your p atronage solicited. OYSTER PARLOR. AJLHLJPllZ St.BET'VEEN 4th AIS nth First-Class Heals Pest'of .Attention; E-voytLing in Season BOARD PER WEEK '. $7.C0 THREE MEALS 1.00 SINGLE MEALS 50 Dinners lor Specia Occasions a Specialty Try a Ileal at this Pcpclar Resor First-Class Cooks enly Emplcjed. rVcccrrriiodalions for Families J CtlAlt. Proprietor. TOMBSTONE GAS OO. WELSBACH A. ASHMAN Lessee. INCANDESCENT 3AS LIGHT In General Use throus;hout the United States and Europe, -d successfully comp inj: with Electricity, both in lirilliancy and Cost of Light. Uses Three Cub Feet of Gas per Hour, and yields a Light of Sixty-Candle Power. Equal to four ordinary burners with double that amount of gas. COST OP LAiVTsP StS.'T'S Placed in Position Without Extra Charge. OFFICT. l.f BASIT nCILDIMU. TOUIsVrWvE, arizo a. cs A. I)Ay.SOv Proprietress IIOOHISE HOUSE. mt U Corner Fourth and Toughnut Streets. ELEGANTLY FURIVISEDEl ROOMS Ja9 Visitors to this city will find the Cochise a superior hotel and 01 offering excellent accorncxUtionp. A LA8GE AXD COMMODIOUS SAMPLE ROOM FOR COMMERCIAL J!E All Modern Conveniences. Rates Moderate. SAN JOSE HOUSE. MRS. F. J. BEAN, Prop. Centrally Located, Large, Clean am Well Vintilated Rooms. Palace Hote Mrs. S. GALLEN, Plop Fifth bet, Allen and Toug ,r.u An'0rt I TombstoHf, FIRST CSASS IN EVERY RESPECT. PARLCRFGR ( UE Everjthing Made Convenient lor Guests Special Rates to Parties by the W, or Month. Renovated Throcfjhour. SAMPLE F.GOit FOR DP.U212IERS. RATES JlEASCXABl HOTEL ARLINGTON I NEWLY FURNISHED LARGE A1KY1 - 1 R003IS. BEST ACC0M3I0IATKiX- -- This Favorite Headquarters for Ccmmtrcial Men la ir i ii l,irr. I; fit:c renovated and neatly furnished throughout with ; iiinmr ! tie 'iae u wablic Rooms easaite aad single. -Prices i.lcdttalc. Everything fiirflt-class Sample rocrrs' i i forr.ri'.erial m v murml Mmktmg COMNtM Of S1X1B AND ALLEN S1MEEX8. mtt TOMBSTONE, ARIZONA. .- IsBB-iwaas zase&s? 1 p-jZ""