Newspaper Page Text
COMPLvETE OFFICIAL RETURNS. (JUNE GLIMMERING. Was William Davrey'H Wife Wealth and All, JOSEPH HOEFLER. 3 1 NOVEMBER 20.1896 RAILROAD TIME TABLES vl s" The Prospector. 1ZOXA 4 SOUTHEASTERN R. R. ?g Koftk I TIM TABLE LSo 4. Sooth .1 Firat Btatloas allr 74aHr xcM Sunday a. BlaU ArUsjl ....Dan Luia JoU lt 3 :ta . J CO ISO 141 ,1. 100 ,... rackanl !!. ..Watar Tt ik 30.1 Kill . .CharlfvlM, msj ...F lrtr-i ... .Lt - -.F&lrhinlr 1. ie IT.SLr ilftO ...N. :i i .! . M. A. CraaUn. 1T.T una IS-T lt to 11.10 i .... L.IO l Mile tin, flaf ataHaat. 8tp eg t! rntla. a Wnauaa, 9a " ri&ttnAefet. SOUTHERN PACIFIC R Bmsi STATIONS. a nrioT5jC" ...Uenin.. ... ..Tucson.. ... ..Maricopa ... una.... .L Acgeles. na 540 pm 7.05 pm 10.05 pm 35 am i.oopm San Kt, UmIti, cut fcoana. Haaaar ml b radaj-s,l, Bsii1 Han St, t. utt ' wcm oooo-l. Wtdaeaavrt a n satartara, 4.06 Bntoa xtatrmn cg-j-y.vttta. ! d NEW MEXICO & ARIZONA STATtOVS East L Bensn Ar 1040am FtirhanV 100pm I? narhnra 13.10 pm 10.20pm Cnttrnden .... CaUbatas .... KoeaVt a 00 am 8.30 am r except Sunday. Pacific time. I. Feet Oneral Mam err. A. Nacclk. L. H. Auxkcht, Assists General Manager. Traia Master. Veil 6.00 pm l,;o an .wan 1.40am a V m . . MARICOPA A PHOENIX R. R. Nana stations South 8.0 pmLv Phonix Arjaooara "Spai Tempt iaoam 9.00 pm Kyrene 1155pm 9.253m Sainton 12 30pm Q-45 PnU Marie pa. .... 12.10 pm ti. H. HON'HElx, Gen. Sopt LOCAL NOTES. feilver ia quoted at 65 Jfreah Fuh is received every Thnra day at Noble'. tf. in Mm. Leraon and daaghUr of Pearce re makings ibortviat lo tbe county at. Goiercor Franklin will deliver the vldreas of welcome at tbe openiag of tbe irrigation congrers. m Tbe I'kosfector acknowledges tbe reoeipt cf a neat programme ef the Irrigation Congress to be held in Phe aix next week. Governor JFranklin this week granted a pardon to LarkPierce, sen tenced from Yavapai county in Jane, 1894, to two years and nine roentba for grand larceny. His lime wonld nave expired onTbanksgiv!ngdy,and the pardon was granted for tbe pur pots of restoring him to citizenship. 17. W. Ayer, the heavy cattle ship per to Califoraia, who came in from onora reeently, states that be four.d cattle scarce in the section he visited ; tbe people apparently prosperous and hoesful, and grass better tban for years. Mr. Ayer bought two train leads of cattle which he expects lo hip from Tuccon about December 15. . James Hugh's, a wood contractor aad saloon keeper of Chaparral, shot and killed a Mexican at that camp a few daya since. The Mexican entered the saloon and commenced shooting ont the lirfbtr, when Hughes emptied both barrels of a shotgun into hie body, ki ling him instantly. Hogbes surrendered. BACKiF&lSSFggszsSg ' Awarded fiighest Honors World'5 Fair, VtlCFi .- CREAM - BAKING P0HVR MOST PERFECT MAD psm Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. fte Jam Ammonia, Aktn or any other adulter '" IEAMS THE STANOAKC CANDIDATES. Delegate to Congress A.J.Doran, R , Marcus A. Smith, D , WmO'N'cil, P , Council W.P.Lone, R BAPack-d, D J. MathiasP. Assembly T. W. Farnngton, R Wm. Speed. R ;, M.J, Casianaia, R J.N. Jones D J. M. Merrill, D J- J. Riggs, D . P. A. Lotgreen, P G. P. Crockett, P N. Errickson, P Sheriff F. E. Cadwell.R Scott Whtte.D G.J. McCabe.P District Atmrney G. V. Swain, R A. R. English, D Jas. Retlly, P Probate Judge W. F. Bradley, R , S. A. D. Upton, D , W.M.Fike, P Recorder E. W, Perkins, R M.J. Brown. D Geo. Porter, P Treasurer C. L. Cummmgs R A. Wentworth, DAP Surveyor W.C. Tyler, R Supervi-ors T. C. A msdei, R John Montgomery, R. . . . I . . J. McPheron, D L. Shsttuck, D H. Schmieding, P. Geo. W. Bryan, P TO THE PENITENTIARY. Five Prisoners Whose Po&tof- fice Address will be Yuma. The outgoing stage la-t evening carried with them five pritoners d. tenctd at ttiis session of court for the various terms ia Yuma to pay tbe penalty of their crimes. They were handcuffed and chained as a precau tion Jorllie fact that with the real zation of an enforced stay of many cummers atYuma staring them in the face they may become desperate and make a bold attempt to escape. As a furthefbar to any such experiment, Sheriff Fly and Deputy Dan 8imons will act as cliaptrone to tbecity by the Colorado and turn their charges ever to the prison authorities. Kore of the prisoners had much to say as they took their seats on the coach beside their keepers. Charlea WiUea (imparted the iuformalion that when he bad served his time he would r6turn. His is the lightest sentence of his five companions. The others were reticent and evidently resigned to tbe Inevitable. The prisoners were: Charles Wilkes, guilty of assault acd resisting an nf&cet $10 fine and 10 months rit'"l. Jesus Baga, who was found guilty of robbing a car of flour at Fairbauk, will serve three yers and sx months. Charles Smith, for holding up Frank Dabscher in Bisbee and taking f 1,207 from, will wear stripes for eight years. Jose Cruz, guilty of assault with in tent 10 murder, will alio serve eight years. George Williams, convicted of the same charge attempt to commit murder, will be a guest for tbe longest term, receiving ten years. Not for many years have cattlemen of the territory been so prosperous at now. The heavy rains of last summer were a blersin?, for tbe ranges are coy. ered with g-a-ui and cattle aro sleek and fat. This in connection with tbe prevailing demand and co;nrquent goed prices for range cattle raiita general safrfacsion among cattlemen. Franci'C., ' Mrs. D. J. Davi of San Cal.,bas tho longest hair in the world It clusters in a ercat mass ntx.ul her bead and though l,e is a tall woman being five fret nlno inchca in height, her long Ireste. when uncoiltd, iwt ep upon the ground for nearly a f ei. Her bair is just six feet aud eight inches in length. This week Acting Chief Herrera of the Nogale Fire department, issued an order requesting members of tbe department to come to all alarms dur ing the month of November armed to prevent any raid by defperadoet that may be be made on tbe l'vet and prop eny of the citizens of Nogalet. IH. Pricea Creassi BeJttfg Pewior WtfU's Pair Maftot Awa.4, '34 tf 204 S3 101 - 39 13S 19S 111 o 134 .. 16 7 7j 77 ? o ,. 8t 178 '36 IO 77 3 .. 67 80 5 69 Joo J4 3 7 . 99 29 . 20 139 18 7il6 6o o;i4 54 8 3 102 1 21 83 5 s . 6S 128 20 I 6 4 VI . 83 5 .69; 162 19189 99 19 IBS 34 .150 IS 58 o S33 8 12 3S 5 '535; 5 4 12 '9j 4 .107 . 66 28 6 32 812 . 26 64 4 73 7 4 "33 26 5 " .132 I? Uo 25; 2311 28 15 .105 ! "3 212 142 38 .11419 I69 . 63154 . 12! 2 . 281 4 242J 36l MARSHAL HALL'S Posse Kill one and Wound Another of the Robbers. The sheriff office this morning re ceived word that the marshals posse had killed Bob Hayes, one af Block Jack's gang of bannils, and voundtd another in the Animas valley in Xtw MVxiro. No further particulars wre received. Tbij following later news is received from a ditpatcb from Separ which says. "Separ, IT. M. Deputy U. S. Mar shal McGlinch arrived hereabout 5:30 this morning and reports Marnhal Hall's poaje as having had a Ssbtwilb the Black Tack gang about S o'clock last night at Deer creek, on the Chi huahua line. There were four in the gang, of them Bob Hacs was killed, and bis body will reach here this morning. George Mnsgrave, alias William, was wounded, but eecped with his two companions. None of the posse were injured and wero still in pursuit of the fleeing baudits going, west." DISTRICT COURT Cases Heard Before That Tri bunal Todav. McNair vs Lutlet and Bryant Judg ment for plaintiff. Warnekros vs Huddy Hazelwood Judgment for plaintiff. Barrott vs Greene Judgment fer plaintiff for ?20S and costs. TCate Ward vs White Writ denied. Kbtice of appeal given. Wills vs Willt Divorce denied est giound ol want of evidence. Worets vs Donnelly Continued by consent. Board tif Supervisors rs Probate Juder Submitted agreed that judgiurut be entered iirt day of next trim. Governor fiaukliu has recommneded i hi report to' the secretary of thein- trrior that 100,000 acres of land to Jbe set apart ana e ceded to the territory ( or rather tu the sime of , Arizona, for the purpose ol f.iundirga miner s horn for disabled miners and prospectors This was thoughtful of the governor and la deserving of the warmest praise fiscaute it there be in this broad land of ours, a clsas of men who deserve public recognition and substantial aid t ie these men. They are the pioneers cf western civilization, the scouts that fought the Apscl.e. and made it DOtsible for tbe settler to foml a home. Crn is selling f it three dollar faaega iu Tepee owing to tbatalwrt el the erop. 2' , o 262 521 8 5 o 3l 357 1 297 7, 9664 o. J 116 3 394 443 261 O 2, I 5 6" 5 413 38S 5" 5 5 6 16 9 16S 183 31 CJ 183 5 3 0 I Oi 344 7 I J'6, 31 61 431 8 3,329 6 1 ' ' 3 3 373 3'527 0199 7;? 6 7 5 3 3 lit o 2 8 5 4 6 8 -J 2 9537 S.5 2 o t 6 5 5(3 4 3 0,212 3 o o,' O I te 3 21 1 407 519 '52 3 7 5 71 iu o 1 o o 1 o 337 74S 56t 7 9 6 8 7 11 4 4 A o 29S 3 3 3 5485 8483 74S 6 I 3 4 1 4' o 5 7 o 2 81 o 33 Ol 2 ii o'l&S THE BANDITS. How Thev Held Up Sfpir Their Boldnes?. In tho lengthy letter of P.O. Inspec tor Wnterbury, part of which was pub lished yesterday, we extract the fol regarding Black Jack's hold-up at Separ : "This second hold-up they compelled thirteen men to throw up their hands and stand in line, taking every one in as they entered the store and parsing a bottle of liquor around. They re quired rach man to lower his hands in turn and take a drink. Thoy then marched them all out in the dark to tho stock yard and again stoon them up in a line just as the Southern Pa cific train was coming in, and after Baking them whether they thought one Winchester bullet would go through the bodies of the entire thirteen, told them to stand ctill wh'le the bandits mounted ther horses and roje off. "They are that bold that thry no longer pretend to wear maels, and openly tell how they held up the white Oaks stage, the Atlantic 4 Pacific railway mail train, tha Southern Pacific mail train, the Separ posh ffice; aurOG? uS SQ SilTiOa iu'! TCTaitCS postofices, thn Nogalet bank, and Huacbuca Sidiug,and they declare that they will rob every small post oEce they come across until ther get a sufficient "stake" when they will leave the country. "The names of thete bandit are George Musgrave, alias J ff Davis, alias 'Jesse Williams, Bob Hayes, Black Jack, whose nght name is also said to be Williams, are thoroughly familiar with the country from White Oaks to Arizona, and who will. ride 100 miles in twenty four bours with ease, stealing fresh horses whenever they need them and terrorizing the people along their route into silenoe fur feitr of their lives and stock. Thus yon will see that these bandits are as bad as the Apaches and that something deaperato must bj duue to stop these outlaws or it will be hard to sy wha the end will be." BUCKLIN'SAftMIOA SALVE. The best salve in the world for cuts buises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hinJs, chilblains corns, and all skin c tup-inns and posi tively cures Piles, or ni p tymi nt requtr ed it is guaianieed to give pee'eci stis A ficiiin cr m.mey rstundtd, Prces ;o cents per box.s For tale i T-.rr,hione Drug Store T v Ed Prospsctok: I beg to advise that oor west-bound train now patties Benton at 11:35 p. si. instead of 12:15 a.m. Ihe east-bound limited pastes Bnson Monday and Thursdays at 8 iil a. ro.. and the west-boa fid Wed t etdaycaad Saturday at 4:05 a. m. Tour tmly, v t .. F.8.WxJnrjt. "- AgtM. A dispatch from Vancouver, Va1l1 ington, says William Davrty, the owner of a farm near that place, -unveil tliere recently to learn that his wife had cruelly d-srH.d him and eloped with Kay Cleary, u deserting private soldier from the Larrtcks. Three years ago Davrcy went to Arizona to engage u iuiiai:, u pui suit in which he believed ho cuulci ihv mote readily lift the mort;g from hia place. He tuft behind two chil dren aud a vi e whom he had teuron 10 belie Vu Wait both loving and faitlilul. It appears that Daviey nicceedetl fairly well, fur fiom time to limn be rtmitttd money to his wile toaUt m freeing tils farm from debt. Itecently Mrs. Davety I'icelvcil a $3,000 dralt trout her husband for that purp. sr, and iu reply al e wrote to him that she would no long r consider her.ell his wile, and aakul il iliapooiticu should be made if the tliildreu. He at once took bis departure) from Ari zona lor home, but when he reached was not there to bid him weicume. He learned that the last $3,0C0 he remit ted had not been applied to the part cancellation of the mortgage upon his farm, but that tho faithless woman bid appropriated it to her own use. Then Its learned of the elopement. a Last August while working in the har vest field I became overheated, was tud denly attacked uith cramps and was neatly dead. Mr. Cummincs, the drug gist, gave me a dose of Chamberlain' Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy which completely relieved me. I now keep a battle of the remedy handy. A. M. BUNNELL, Centerville, Wah. For sale by Druggists. THANKSGIVING DAY. The Governor Issues His An nual Proclamation, TEKniTouv of Ahizona, Executive Office. To the people of ArizonaGreeting; Ana people we should bedevoutedly thankful for the bles-dngs and benefac tions that have b?en voucheisaf to us during tho current year. States, like; persons, have their epochs of activity and depression; after hours cf suffer ing there usually come period of com paritivn ease. We thould not be un mindful of the gratitude we owo al mighty God for His Divino favor, and should rejoice over tho events of the past year which promieo so much for the future of ourTrrritory and Xatlon Arizona has been favored with plenti ful rains and bountiful harvetts which ensure good returns to the husband men and a renewal of industrial activ ity. We have been in the full enjoy ment of civil and religious liberty, and our advancement in the arts and sciencespd the development of inlell. ectual and moral potter has made con tinued p regies e. A.. ..WV.....WW .... .... .!., A........ edcustem, and in compliance with the proclamation of the President of the United State', I, Beojamin J.Franklin Governor of the Territory of Arirona. by virtue of the powr conferred upon me by law do hereby designate and set apart Thursday the 2Cth cly of the pretcnt month of November to be kept and observed by the pople of Arizona as a day of thanksgiving and praise, and I do hereby recommend that on t!al day tbe people abstain so faras pos sible from their ordinary ptmuits and occupations, and avertible in their us ual places of worahip to offer thanks to God in spirit and in truth. It is a day especially nupropriate for the wort of charily and merry, re membering tbatall our (Icings without charity are nothing worth, wo truBt th Very bond of peace snd sll virtues will be exempt. fit I in tho ibservance. of the day. That lloin who have been blessed with prosperity and plenty should rotnc-n.'opr with sympathy the uafortunv.e and ne-dy, add by gener ous contributions from their bounty to the poor, enable all to share ia the general rhanksgivlng. Is Witsess WiinitEoF, I have hereunto set my hand and raued the (seal) great Scat of tbe TerrHorj ti be affixed this i( tlty ol November A. D. 1S06. Doss at PiKEXtX. the Cat itn, thin 16th day of November, A. D. 189G. , lly the Gorrrunr. BBXJAUIN J. FRANKLIN, j F. B. DEV.EiUF.UN, Astt. Secrerr of th Territory. aip Craa berries, estu ra apples sad 'r Bsekwheit fioar at ' WoLCt.TT'a. CORNER FIFTH AND FKEMONT STREETS. PIONEER DEALER IN --a General Merchandise. Miners and Ranchers Supplies, STAPLE Al Improved Agricultual Implements, MEiflLWOBo -0 Everything Jn Curl J.iieiH Fiist CjW; C. gSoldj atc Triers. Ihat M. PiOAEER (STORE - STORE. -,- ' 9 r. ; lie is and Wagon Covers. FACT G1CE a. " u i:jiin YVIIHIIITIIS 8; - Wadons rumps i ' - & SO ,! ; - -, r" '-si? t5- FOE FAIT f Ell. bi't - f i 4 1 u? j.: t L cfy Ccit j ahhu. HOEFLES. V 0 t1 r