THE TOMBSTONE PROSPECTOR OUR WATOHWORD-.-OOQHISE COUNTY FIRST.TArIFFeRrB: aol. X TOMBSTONE, ARIZONA SAJS5aT15n7ng. NOVEMBER 18q6, 21. N0.4O 4 r xee-' DAILY PROSPECTOR. City and County OiBcial Paper PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING (Except Sunday) BY Wn. natticb Editor an! Propjicton Freuiont St. OppoUTciiy Hall The PsosrECTOK will not hold itfelf respon sible for any of the article or ntiment ex. pressed by any of it correspondents. Entered In the Tombstone Vostofi.e as fcecond Class matter. FBOFESSIONAL CARDS. . ...1 null I V lTTfliiMrV AND u I .A - 1 t atn4 VftvStnt1 counselor ai ia. iuu -- .fc cases a spcdali v. Tombstone, A ruona. w M.CSTAEHUE. ATTORNEY AT. Law and Notary rublic, Tombstone Aiuona. G EO. W. SWAIN. ATTONEY AT Law. Will practice in ail conns ot 111c Territory. Tombstone Arizona. VS. t-LARK. ATTONEY AND COUN- J selor at Law. Office on Fourth Street. between Alten and Tou.bnut, Tomb. Will practice la zii. tie touits of Use ory, OHARLES GRANVII.Ut.JUlt4.3iu.A. Attorney and Counsellor at Law and " Notary Public, 42" Fremont street bet. 4 th and sth stn-ets. A member o: the Bar of tlie Supreme Court of the Territoiy. and will practice in any of the courts therein. AWENTHWORTH COUNTY RE corder and Abstract Office. Abstracts of title to real estate and mines furn shed promptly and acuralely. Oroplete Wan scripts. Office in Court i louse. Tombstone. .. it- At ividm HKiTirE OP THE C Peace. Office on Allen Si: bet. 3d S ') L.KOSKA, USTICE OF THF PEACE L Office on -th St. bet. Allen ana Tougttnut, Tombstone. HJ S. GORDON. M. D. PHYSICIAN AND Sarreon: Office adioinine nil residence ' on Jth street. Calls attended at aU hours "slay and nifbt, "C. EAKI-E. A3riK niu jic-,- IngteU Lahnratorr . . ?Tr'!l J IrefocaySt, opposite City Hall. r rr?ri THE (3"RDE"Rb. F &. A IU KING SOLOMON LODGE NO. S Meets third Saturday in .each month. Visitine brothers cordially invited to af ,d. I H McPHERSON. W. 1L. X LGROW Secretary. R. A M. OCHISE CHAPTER NQ. 4 MEETS 1 third "Wednesday in each month. a idn? Companions cordially invited to at tend. TOM LOWRY. H. r-5 A. WENTWORTH Secretary. D O R. OF A. WASHINGTON CAMP NO 1 MEETS sst Friday evening in each month vis itine Comrades cordially inrit-d . W; CLARK. President. A. L-. GROW. Secretary. " A. O. U. W- TOMRSTONELODGENO3.A.0U. W: meet 1st and 3rd Thursday in each month. Visiting brothers cordially ia- yitCi' ROBT. BEST M. W. W. D. MONMONIEtC Rocorder. K- OF P- A RIZONA LODGE KNIGHTS OF Monday's in cacn month, V sttiDg TOUler,eCTCUU7A. H. EMANOEU C. C. W. D. MONMONIER. K. of S. "-,ROTECT10N HOSE COMPANY NO 3. tJ .. Eire. Cnnrllv In P3Ch mOCtll t their bose bouse n the comer 01 Screnth and Fremont streets, opposite the scnooi rocse. WM. GARRETT, Foreman, -TOM MITH Secretaiy. R ESCUE HOSE COMPANY MF.ETb First Sunday in each mentn at v.y riaj Fr-mont tlteet. I. V VICKEkS, W ENTWORTH. Sittr President f. N. McDONOUGH. Foreman. ENGINE COMPANY NO 1. MEETS last Sunday in ea h mon li at bote bou'e on the corner of Toughnut and ys street. JOSEPH IJPPEKl r'o enu.B HF-SJiv-pilNKER. Secretaiy. A ian'ed VV.ass ' also best side line. 175 a no th. Sabry or Ur(e commission maa;efjie"ceuniirssary rvr sealed particulait sed sump. Cliftn Soap Manu!icmrinR ComrMny, Cindrnjti, Ohio. UNION WATER WORKS. F. CALVES, Prrp. "roRip: Service. Water per barre', 2Scts Per backet, 5 at. Soecial Rates to Families Leave orders with wasron. Mmsi - liOTr- -crrti Yfirbiurir. wn.f rrrm ir rns c r "riii-a .1. iv 1 SI. cf illXSmnarti R3m? ilssssV mBMiEriiu3 -1 .l B raWr I UKI M &i SAMUEL M. BARROW ;,. ,?: St'- ''.- " ir.' .at k: .1. r . " ?3 r X: SAMUEL M. BARROW ft - Sf'ij 'vSj - si : - - w, T. p-sjsjsB 4 i -riissr; STRONG APPEALS. Cleveland and iluntiugtdn Make Pleas. A WRECKERS FRIENDS. The President Asks Governor Bndd to Corarante A Sentence And SAVED FROM THE GALLOW SiCBaMEKTC Governor Budd tbii afternoon received from President Clavoland a personal plea for tbe com mutation of Salter I). Warden, sen tenced to bane for train wrecking in Yolo county. Tlio president states as groundu for bis interference, that while resident of New York state brore his elevation to tbe presidency be bad formed a great friendship for Salter D. Warden' mother, a tnutie teacher. The governor bas also received a per sonal appeal from C. 1. Huntington, president of tbe Southern Pucilic, for commutation of tbitdealb sentence. FOB OTIiK FIFTY YUARH. An old, well-tried remedy. Mre Winslow's Soothing Syrup has bn used for over fifty years by millions, iif mothers lor their r"" "", f .:,. -.. sriect succcs. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the Lent rarrtody for diarrhoea. It is pleasant to thr) taste. Sold by druggist in every part of tbe world. Ttventy-five cents a bottles Its value is incalcu lable. He sure and 4k for Mr. Win Blow's BoothiDg Syrup, and take no other kind. Your grocer will sell you Schilling's Best tea, and re turn your money in full if you don't like it He is our agent to this extent; and we want no better business. A Schtnior cpur Saa Fraaciaco S9X Tlila Is Tonr Opportunity. On receiptor ten cents, ctah cr stamp, a generous cample will le mailed of the moat popular Catarrh and Hay Fever Cura (Ely's Cream Balm) snGcient to demon strata the great merits of ths remedy. ELY BUOTITEIiS, C8 YTarrea St., JCcw York City. Iter. John Ileid, Jr.. -rGrrtr1la,JIonL, BT. Viand W. Poole. Pastor CentralPres. Church, Helena, Mont. Ely's Cream Balm is tio acknowledged vr for catarrh andeontaiavswzsercurj tsar as iojurioas drag, rnes, mj Get Your iristm Gifts Free f two ounce bag, and two coupons inside each four ounce bag of Blackwell's Durham. Buy a bag of. this celebrated tobacco and read the coupon 1 which gives a list of val uable presents and how to get them. f . "t il THE PUGILISTS and Carroll Settle the Championship. JNcAULIFF IS VICTORIOUS The Bruisers Fight 10 Rounds Until Carroll Trows up The Sponce. BOUT IN SAN FRANCISCO Sav Frascisco, Jack McCauliffe light-weight champion pugilist of ths world, and Jimmy.Csrroll, bit old-time rival, and three times bis antagonist in the ring for that honor, met last night before tbe St George Club in a ten round bout to forever settle the qufstion of superiority. Carroll ap peared to be in muoh the belt condi tion but both the teen were confident, tbe fight was lively from start to finish and while MoCaulifTs condition was not the best Carroll's age told against him, and at the conclusion of tbe tenth round the champion was given the de cision, as his fighting was the most affective. Washjnqto.v, There are no official verifications of the reports which hava been current here and iu London of the Spanish-Cuhan -r;.!.-s? v J -Mitmr avenue of ollicial inlornia- ion in Cuba is closed. If you want a goo I No. 6. cookstove several pins and pots, alao a aniall heating stove thrown in; H second hand but in good condition, cat be had fur 1 10, c;li ; also n guu I rewin machine Singer second band but in Al. working order, for $12, caab. Call at tliisotiica for piriiculars, tf FOR SALE CHEAP. One .Diebold safe, perfectly new, just from the factory. Double doors, first-class in every respect. Can't be laid down for less than $200, will sell same for S12o cash; En quire at Pkospector office. n!9-2w FOR SALE. Ranch and improvements. house, barn, and well; 8 acres under cultivation; about 75 orchard trees in bearing; water right under St. David Canal. Everything complete and can be had cheap- for cash. Good reasons for sell ing. Apply oraddress owner on premises. Mas. Hannah Neilson; St. David. I Many thousand dollars worth of valuable articles suitable for Christmas gifts for the young and old, are to be given to. smokers of Blackwell's Genuine Durham To bacco. You will find one coupon inside each ? fclttkvtN's Gmmm' IMM " 1 " ii. Highest of all in Leavcnin ower, Latest U. S. Got. Kcpsxt .4BSOI.IUTEEY PURE LATEST NEWS Another Strike at Leadville Imminent. A SYMPATHETIC STRIKE No Official News From Cuba Labor Union Solid for Silver. A CONFESSED MURDERER. Leadville The statement that the governor had decided to take summary measures to bring the miners' strike) here to an end, has caused tbe miners' union, backed it is said, by the West ern Miners' Federation, to send emmis- ac It tU AtlA lining ? . urging ji sympathetic strike, thus Us ing up all the mines iu tbe state. Cripple Creek and Tellnride are to take the initiative. In this eoun ac tion it is rtaud upon authority that ilia mine- managers of Montana have lecid-d upon making a reduction in wages of SO ciiita a day. This is ex pected to precipitate a sttika by the largest miners' union in this country. R. cbester The General Assembly Knights of Labor declared today for free silver by adding a clause-to the 17th plank declaration submitted by the committe on law. Nap Wm. M. Roe, .alias Moore, tbe self-coofessed murderer or Mis. John Greenwood, and about a dozen others, was found guiltyof murder in the first' degree, this evening, and will in probability suffer tbe death penalty for hie crime on the gallows. Gladness Comes With a better understanding- of t-e transient nature of the many phys ical Ills, which vanish before proper ef forts gentle efforts pleasant efforts rightly directed. There U.comfort In tbe knowledge, that so many forms of sickness arc not duo to any actual dis ease, bnt simply to a constipated condi tion of the svstcm. which the pleascnt family laxative. Syrup of Figs, prompt w n.nrv- Tliatis wliv it jsthooulT remedy with milHousof families, andS everywhere esieeineu bo nismjr j " who value soo-1 health. Its beneficial effects are rtne to tlie fact, that it is the Oft remedy which promotes internal cleanliness without debilitating the orjraaa oa which it acts. It is.therefore all important, in order to get its bene ficial effects, to note when yon pur chase, that yon have the prnmne arti ., which is manufactured by the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. only and sold by all reputable drngjjU.ts. ..... If in the enjoyment of good healti, and the system is regular, laxatives or other remedies are then not needed. If afflicted with any aetral disease, one mar be comoended to the most skillful physicians hut if in need f a laxative. Ii .i.nM mva Mia best, and with the sstegyasssssss - I wH-taformed everywhere, .Syrop of l r5r sods highest and i roost faiery I eslajdsflvcsrnotirerlsfUosv M1KLA MKIVAU CCCHIPE F Bettmaa, San Fmeiseo. St Block, Tucsen. PiXAca. P. J Dcithsaty, Benson, Dr. Watkias, " a JOtX. W BMunt, Schilling's Best. AEUXaTOS . Geo. lummers. Denver. E.Brdnier, Silver 01 ty. TUB LADIES. The pleasant effect and perfect safetv with which ladies may use Syrup of FiaV under all condilions makes it their favor ite remedy. To get the true and gena- rei:ra!-lc'",00H tor lh" flame of ,h'4 uali.omia riz Svrun Comiunv nr?nt4 near the bottom of the packaee. For sale by all responsible druggists. FilRBJNK DEPARTMENT FAIBolEICMGE GEO. G.McQEE, Prop. Fairbank, wCBfiksV stone sod surrounding country. Best of wines liquors and eigars always on band. PAY THE EXCHANGE A VISIT P. A. OEMARTINI, GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Afulllneof GR0CRIB, provisions',. CIQARa: , ",. AND .. i-,. " TOBACCO. rAIRBANK. ARIZONA. FairM Restaurant Faiksask, A. T. K. HARRINGTON, MRS. Proa. Cbagres Reasonable. Parties geiag from Tombstone to Bisbee, will v have ample time for dinner . before tbe train arrives. j? Table Stipplied With'Jhe Bttti GIVE IT A" TRIAL. GUM MAXEY, Allen St. near 3d, (OldJCujiora House.) YEGSTABLE8. " FRUITS, 10TA.TOE8, ONIONS ETC FntK Calif orn 10 Jht it receivJl every day by eapreit. Everything' told at Urvett raUt. V dtUterta trim to mIl"9ritjU city. Fith llrctittd avrrt Tit HTtdmy. W. 0. ABBOTT ASSAYING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES Tombstone.Arizona.. Samples by mail er express will recriVe prompt attention. 0fic4 and Residence Ovtrloek Huu r. Prios's 1 rePssl U-. iric' 1 Crssassrmirtsit fawm lasssssssssssssst Jlsswfal flssssst Bsssssssssssasw' Cgmmam BkJflC VtMarW Wj)W fWr MWissrt A