Newspaper Page Text
a 4- k ff TOMBSTONE PROSPECTOR PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING (SOKIUY EXOXFIXO) tr Hi. Halticti. Editor and Proprietor. UFrlCIL DIRECTORY. Mayor ' - P. B. Warnekros Chief of Folic. . ." M. Deyto Coandbaen: First Ward - ixwdWtid - H 'J"00 imer rnlrdWard - F. W. noni Fdonh Want - - - D. K. Watdwel jcuyrr ernauts: Starts t . Treasurer staoontes- "w Dlstrict Attcnno Probate Judge Clsrk District Court Barrejor - -Assessor Cl twnltnkier as. Fly . V. Vlckers A. Wentworth G. W. Strain W. F. Bradley Soott White H. G. Hde . A. Bright I, F. Duncan ADTHOKtZXO AOKNTS. L. P.'FISHER. at Merchants' Exchange aH. KELLOGG, No. 310 Pine street, Reom S7and 58, Sxn Francisco. E. C DAKE, room 65. Merchant Exchange, as Francisco. " . GEa P. ROWELL. jo Spruce St. Nem ork. N. W. AVER A SON, Philadelphia. All transactions made by the above named persons Q be complied with at the PROS PECTOR office. Ssabacrlpttom Rate. One Year 110 00 Six Months..... 6 00 ThreeMonthi 3 00 One Month...' .-.. 100 Delivered by Carriers for 25 oents per week. CUT 13D CODSTf OFFICIAL PAPER These ia movement on foot to se- curetberassego ot a law by the lfjris- -laturo this winter eompelliog all . I ganibjiiig tg-bo taken from the lower floor of buildings. Hungry Populist office seekers in Kansas are giving the people of that ili-Btarred state an idea of their mental caliberin tlreir" applications for "jie." Here is a sample request for a job, ad dressed to the "teketry of stat:" "Kiniftley, Ka., Novem 13. My deer mr.edsrards will yon pleeas send me a aoppyot the blew book as i want to get a gob at the stait bouse, .watjs.the'ialry of Private seketry of have worked i'thVpopaston3Tnni an tbink i ot to get sumthin Yurea 5 . ' s. o ..... Tn the paragraph quoted below the Santa Fe Jfew Mexican makes an ex. cell en t suggestion, and one which ought t6'bj carried into effect by con gress. We quote? "We notice that the California State Miners' 'Association has sdopted a res olution memorialising congrsss to cre ate a department of mines and min ing. Certainly there is quite at much need for such a department as there is for, a department of agriculture, but we sincerely question tbe wisdom of increasing 'the number of special de partments of tho government in tbe manner suggested. Tbe creation of a department of mines and mining would establish a precedent for an almost endless multiplication of de partments, and doubtless we would soon have a department of the nail and arer! trust, a department of the fael combine aud ao on adtinilum. Oar impression ia that it wonld be better to abolish the department of ag riotnrerand "create, in lieu thereof a department of industries with bureaus under it covering 'sgricnlture, mining, manufacturing, elo. This ts merely a modest suggestion. It is not neces sarily binding on oodkt'bs." Two IilvcsISavexl. '. Mrs. Pboebe Thomas of Junction City t III., was told by Her doctors she had con sumption and'lhat there was no hope for her,- but two bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery cured ner, and she says it saved her.-life- Mr. Tbos. Eggers, 139 Florida St., San Francisco, suffered from a dreadful cold, approaching consump tion, tried without result everything else thejrbou2ht. one bottle of Dr King's New Discoverp and Tn two weeks was cored. natnrdly thankful It is inch retails, of which there are samples that pfove tbe wonderful efiicary ot tbe medicine In coughs aad colds. Free trial bottles' at Tombstone and Bisbee drag stores. Regular size 50c and S1.00 Mrs. E. E. Davis; of San Miguel, CaL, ,f uys "I aru trying jn a measure to re- paythe manufacturers of Chamber lan's Cough Remedy forthe great good their remedy has Hone roe.' For years I was a constant sufferer from weak Iuags and bapechial asthma. My rest' at night was dttXBrbed by a hacking cough 50 that I jWt miserable the greater " part of the thee. Manyremidieies recommended by i friends were tried, none' of which proved 'satiable to my case. I did not exper- tscvK. beneficial results until I began takiag 'Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. After two bottles of the larger size bad beee used I am pleased to state my beaKK better than it has been for years. Tfee soreaes has lefcmy lungs and chest astdJ can Veathe easily."1-II has done Mse.sastKsV-geodthat.rsra who aie sasring iVonihHH! troubles, as I was, to r sjm it's trial JffFstr Uc bydraggis'. What Are We Here For? THE FUN OR THE MON? From tto expression upon our friends face he is evidently hero for neither but as'for us WE ARE- HERE FOE, BOTH. We are handling ' '""- JPJR, AJNTS SJXTAJ.L.S SOAP Which for eas' and perfect washing cant' be beat. -Ti Cbttblene Cottoiene - Cottoiene. r Tliat perfection for shortening purposes" is giving general satisfaction AVe have it in 3, 5, and 10 Pound.lPails WE are well supplied with for use during this hot Boned Turkey, Boned Chicken, Roast Turkey, Boast Chicken, Sardines of all; kinds, Cannedj Soups in variety, French, Enelish and American Mackeral in cans, Brook Trout in either Tomato or Mustard sauces, Deviled Turkey, Chicken, Tongue, and Ham, Ham burger Eels in Jelly, Boston Baked Beans plain or ir Tomato Sauce, An? many other Goods too numerous to mention,? . JUso in regular receipt American Cheese . .- on'fForge: that-we are sols agents for Tombstone and -nam'ty for lase H aita's GEORGE ' K aaaaaaaaaaaaV aflsBaaaaaaaasl " sIshBHssHI KssHssV ' THE Grocer. UUKNFR OF S1X2R j- - W&- i. --,-, prepared "goods of aUkinds weather consisting of- 01 Holland, Limpurger and . -tf, . Seai-lral-; ;l ijWlw K. AND ALLEN S2REEES, TITTS. THE WiLLOVVS, CHAS, BULOTTI, Tropr. Choicest line 01 Wines and Liquors. Imported and Domestic Cigar, Courteous Attention to Pultons. Alien, but. 4th & itli, Tmnbsioue COMET SALOON GA1LEVAT0 PALA, Propr's, WINES,LIQUORS& CIGARS. Dealers in Bourk't Irish and Scotch Whisky, and Other Well Known Brands. A Specialty made of best Clarets and Winer. Billiard Parlcr in Connnection and the Crrles Place in Town. Allen, bet. Oth & Till, Tombstone PONY SALOON, J . A. KOSKA Proprietor. Ffneif Stock 0 Wines, Liquors and Cigars in the Territory. PRIVATE CLUB ROOMS ATTACHED. Best and Purest, Brands of Whiskies Brandies and Wines kept Con stantly on Hand. Yon ail find "Al" et home, on AUe St. bet. 4th and 6th. Biliiard Parlors, j. n. Mcdonough, Proi. 7he Fiwtt and Best Htted Billiard Parlors in the City. Importer of the Best Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Billiard andPooI Tables tn Conjunc tion. 3Hxtd Brinks a Speeialty. Private Club Booms. Allen, bet. 4th 5tli,Tombtton PR"0BA11;t?utioe? Iu th: Probate Cocrt of the County, of 10- cnise. territory cl Arizona. r lnth-.raitcrol theestiteofEmma Jtobombe. deceiied: h Pursuant to an ordT of said exsurt. made on the 17th day of September. A, D. 1896. notice is given teat hiaay, tne o-n oar 01 uctobr, A. u j8q6. at 3 o'clock p. m. ol siiJ dav. at the comt ro m of said court, at the court house in the city of Tombstone, and county of Cochiie, has been appointed as In: time ana puce lor prov ing the i'.I of s ud Emma Holcombe. deceased, and for hearing the apolirathn ol W. F'Nich-ol- for the isa'jance to k im of letters tesumestaty hcn and where any prrson interested may ap pear and contest the same W. F. BRADLEY. S-iS-tf Kx-oflicie Qerk VA JTED SOL1CITOHS FOR CAM PAlGN.Book "Bryan ewa and Free Silvea'i authorir-d by B-vn written by R. I.. Metcalf editor Omaha World Herald appointed author by nrran. contains speeches and p'atrorm. A bonanza for aeentJL a tree silver mine fer orlc. ers; only 81.50; the only authorized hook 50 p-r cent; crecit given; Irruht paid; ontmiree, lle'n rnyr ithchoic; of territory; permanent, profi table work for 'cfi. Address The National Bonlc Concern, Star buildinj, Chica0. si NOTICE. STSealed paopsls wia be received by the board of supervisors of Cochise county for the .1 in ofa branch jil at Bisbee according to the plans and specifications adopted by the board. Bidders cin obttin all the further necessary information at the o!ti:e o the boanl el super visors at Tombstone, or from J S W lUUmi. chairmtn of ih" board at Btsbee. AH bids mint he filed vilh tbe cleric of the board'on or before ipm November 5 1S9& '1 he board reserre- tbe right to r ject any cr all bids, '- - - A. WENTWORTn, Cletk, By,WA,IUEWonD,' lcpotr.Clerk oa MILLlFOH sale. A ten-jtaroD mill cviturrti. 6 rmns. s set. t tirii. aa a;itatsrr tro 18 -foot reralvia; concen. iraiors, 1027 kAi czaiae. iwo .ixvin, OA in goos wjrUin? rder.; nearer nw CaA-be moved as if dote to railroad Mut de ao!a and an bebo-'ghr fjr Jooo ca h AdJresi KOPCCroa Bje, TumtBtone An A SaUceii- hsreby-enren that, the duplicate assessment rollot the. County of Cochise is now a affomtiutM tot tlw; cillecoon ot taxes lev ied for th ycirlSset in said ctnn'y ' Taut Wf lircome rletirKjnent cm the 3d Monday iq DexnVxr 1&95. and unless paid before trrU- dte a penalty of live ..Percent id be added, thereto,. Payment may be made at my rfCe in th county'court house avTorobstone, dating office hours o a ala'nm and r to 541 tn, , J WICKERS, Treasurer aad Ex-OffcSo Tax Collector Cochsse county Tornbstarie; 0ober 26, I896 cat aSFfJBSJJaiL: W TColttslotice Consoliilatd National Bant Ol Tiicmn, ArtcosiH. Cumtal Stocu - . - 650,000. OFFICERS. M. P. FRCEMAN, President.- W. C DAVIS. Vice-President. II. a TENNEY.'Cathi". Issues drafts available at any point in the Unit. d States. Uiavts bills 01 exchange o. a European cities, and lu-Jtrs a tpccia'ty of out-ol town accounts wiiii inii.iil, fitms aed cor omtUns ni al' FLY'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, Frerno t s reet, opposl e Prospector. FAMILY PHOTOGRAliS OUR SPECIALTY Careful attention given to turfttn' o t the Finest vietrs and phtures'of all tizSs in a most artistic manner, superior finish andjone. Taken on short notice. Groups : s o ally ChViri:t, y nil 11 1 ituli TJSDEIlTAKIXC YXTLtOSe OF 0. B. Tarbell CofBns, Caskets. Holies. Etc, From the Plainest to the Finest Made, The Columbia Iron Caskets kept Con stantly in stock. Bodies Tnnporarily or Permanently Embalmed by the Late it Process. JIA-If. AND Sl'AGE LIKE. FRANK BLATZ, - Prop. Mates semi weekly trips to and from Peatce every Wednesday and Sun day of each ueek, makins the round trip in one dv, catrying TJ. S. ma. and passengers. FARK, round trip - $4 The National Matte Smelter. A practical and simple method of matting sulphide ore;, such as nickle, cooper, gold and silver ores. In localities where kad ores and fuels are scarce and almost unattainable, oar prit.c, water jacket Matte Smelter has been re cognized with highly satisfactory results, and has been thoroughly tested on vinous piratic sclphide and arsenide ores, in capacity of 3 to 80 tots ptr day, "It is the most practical, cheap :st and simplest mthod of po'd and silver fcPx,tln--22SL-c232-lraa"s k1 Js, .known It reiiires no eitrao-dinarvskilr. -i..j no fluxing material, m. 110 fuel of any kino tof" me sieiier alter 11 is started, ltie sulpnurin the ore is iu natsral fu 1 only, and its cost has no comparison with any other process of con centrating We are prepared to furnish any size or capac ity plant complete to sabitanlitl mining people, set it up and furcUh our men to run it for them on easy paymnts. Price and sptnScatioris furnished with references and testimonials on application, NATIONAL ORE & REDUCTION Ca 5735 Cheltenham Asenue, St. iouis. Mo. Manufacturers of Furnaces for Nickle. Copper, Gold, Silver -and Lead Oie jsi.iy PROBATE NOITCE. In Hie Probate Court, County of Cochise Ter ntory of Arizona, It! THE MATTKR OF THE ESTATEOF Enule Lenormand deceased; Notice of Application for order of sale. Notice is hereby Riven that Geo. H. Fitts Administrator, has file J with the Clerk of this Court a petition praying for an order of sale of all real and personal property of Ceccaed and that the 5th day of. October. IB00, at 1 o'clock Pl ra . of said day brine a day i f a regular term of tMs court to wit of the October term. 1896 at the Cochiie county court house, in Tomb stone county aforesaid, has been set for hearing said petition, when and where any person inter ested may appear and show erase why the said stid petitiati should net be f ranted. W. F. BRADLEY. Ex -officio Clerk. Dated Sept.. 51b 1806. IffOTICEr TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Notice is hereby triven- that certain minini claims called iheTam Bien, McGinty and Par aeon, situated Ll tbe Warren m'ning di-tnet. and about one-half mile north easte ly from tbe, Holbrcok hoisting works, and about the same distance frcm tbeto-n of Uibee, A. T. 1st. Ai the above named claim were not located tn conformity with the l. S mining 1jw, there- lorr, a sccssa party, at a later date, relocated the same in full conformity with the dhove named laws, and "is luliy determined to protect his rights. Therefore, all ps'ons are cau tioned not to bargain lor, buyorleae l!iea!ot naawd e-r ' Z. S. MANS. It. ai5"-Tn 2isbec, A. T. LOCAL DISEASE fWl aR4tsthjrMiil!tjeoit; m!l$etm Us cadden CiczVc chana. $-:' iv?: ' Jt can bo e-.rcd bya pLaiwit reaedT -zlzza laaerid ul-re-ly Into the mtui.u !le 1c; cmlcUy abaorbsd It gi. cs relief at snee. Ely's Greaai Balm .-r.-c?n: a M tVnnu f tA ntuf Thnsrmtli yn v.. J-'aiaH.'a-jmfi.CoU In Ileid end Hay Fever oCsT?; rraeaiea. it opens ana cleanses me n.-f si paesses, aHays pain and laCauisaOr. . teals tts sorts, tin ttasU.e meratirane nom coisa, restores the tenser 5f taretd"el!. rricesacatmnizttuorbymail. ZIX BUOTHERS, K V trrea Street, pew Yor' ALL PERSOM5 ARE CAUTIONEr against purchasing cr r-cgbUiticg-a. pa ir .pur porting to call foronejmndrfddclfars, favcrol ohn Gates and endorsed by rot" as same ha been paid, as I bold Ur. Gates' receipt yJ; papei has been kt. T, BiliiATTMAN ? Pearco, Aug. 17 iSoA nt. rnce-s crca 'Toistae k Pearce ? PIONEER erriage i '0 M iSi -V. 1-1. EJCAlVXJ'EI-.Iroi. Corner Third an.l Allen. m l,Li The larcest "and Best Equipped EsUr-Kshment of ilB Kind in the Territory. All Hiruls of Bnggv, Wagon and Wood-work Neatly and Pronmtlv Uone. ri! h.1 1 S3 m 1 BUGKSMITHING m a." "gj Best Facilities for Doing All Kinds of ih Revairin& in Wood and Iron. None OS? but First-class Workmen HJ Employed. 1 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. fc4 3TFull assortment of hardwood and iron for sale. msrwMAmfBW C. L. CUMMINGS. Wholesale and Retail Butcher, COR. STH AND FliEMONT STKEETS. Beef, Pork, "Mutton, Veal, Sausage, Bologna Pickled Trip Choice Steaks, Roasts, etc. Experienced Cutters. Free Delivery to all parts of the City. Your patronage solicited. OYSTFR AJL.JLJI21S tSt. 333ET"W3i:Ers' 4tli VTN Stlx First-Claps Jfeals J3estof Attention; Everything in Seaon ROAP.D PHK WTSEIv ' .,rf$7.C0 THREE MEALS 1.00 SINGLE MEALS 50 Dinners tor Scecia. Occasions a Specially Try a Meal at this Ponular Resor. First-Class Cooks cnly Eniplcyed. Accommodations fcr Families J CAIISAK. I'roprletor. TOMBSTONE GAS. CO. WELSBACH In General Use throughout the United States and Europe, ..d successfully comt ing with Electricity, both in Brilliancy and Cost of Light. Uses Three Cub Feet of Gas per Hour, and yields a Light of Sixty-Candle Power,. Equal to four ordinary burners with double that amount of gas. COST OJP J-.AIWDP JS.-TTS Placed in Position Without Extra Charge. OFFICII IX II,V.-K miI!.IM. TO.llBSTO.1i:, AieiKOX JL. ilCOHISE HOUSE. M,ts- fc"?" Corner Fourth and gafVUitora to this city will find the Cochise a superior hotel end 01. offering excellent accomolAlione. A LARGE m COMMODIOUS SAMPLE ROOM FOR COMMERCIAL ME-V All Modem Conveniences. Rates Moderate. SAN JOSE HOUSE. AIRS. F. J. BEAN, Prop. Centrally Located, Large, Clears ant Well Vintilated Rooms; FIRST CSASS IN EVERY RESPECT. Everything Made Convenient lor Guests or Mcmh. Rrnovatrd Throrghout. SAMPLE ROOil FOR DRUMMERS. liOTEL ARLINGTON, NEWLY fURNISUED LARGE AIR' ' Dnnvc mrcT Ar,r,rirtrnTiA'PifxT. I 'I j"""-""' "ii"'- aivJsiuvJ-'a.a-afas This Favonie'Headquarters for Ccmmerctal Men has recently teen newly fitte renovated and neatly 'famished throughout with special reference,to the trae c, public Rooms en suite and single. Prices' Moderate. Everything fiirst-class Sample rooms for commeria m ifiokssi iiith SHOEING. PARLORb. y A. ASHMAN Lessee. INCANDESCENT 3AS JLIGH1 Toughnut Streets. Mrs. S. GALLEN, Pi or Fifth bet. Allen and Toug .r.n Tombstone, A; izoc PARLCR FOR HUE Special Rates to Parties by tbeW-.V BATE! RE A ECS A Bi TOMBSTONE, ARIZONA. V V V W 7 Ar-1aciMK. u -1 vr: