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PROSPECTOR OUR WATCHWORD- "OOOHI8E COUNTY FIRST, THE WORLD AFTERWARD. TOMBSTONE. ARIZONA MONDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER, I896 VOL. X N0.46 THE TOMBSTONE P u u 1 II Ue ft . ( M m ri lUi . II r t I I DAILY PROSPECTOR. City and County Official Paper ??v- PUWSHED EVEHY EVENING (EXCEPT SlJTBAY) BV Win. Hatticli Editor and Proprietor. Fremont St. OpponUe City UM The PaosrECTOK will not bold Itself trespoo Ateta - oSe articles or seetncMs . prosed by any of"""5!""; Entered in the Tombstone Potoft ai Second Class matter, fBOFESSIONAI. OARDS. " ,-,. tv imi!SEV AND .12". liw. Gnd and MU-t w cases a specialty. Tombstone. tuona. WM.CSTAriHUt. ATTORNEY AT. Law Sid Notary IWic. Tcrahttene' Ailiooa. . S VT. ftWAlN. ATTONEY AT L Win practice in a courts of the Tmtr. Tombstone Aritona. ...m- .vinrnllM. sdorall-aw. Office on Fourth Street, betwrei Allen and Toushnnt, Tomb Will practice In all the courts oT the HARf.ES GRANVIIAEJOHNaTON. Attorney and Counsellor at Law " Notary Public. 4" Fremont street bet 4th and Sth stnirs. A member o: the Kar of fbeSuprtrne Court ot the Temtoiv. an - practice In nay f the courts therein. "jr"wRN-THVORTH COUNTY RE A corder and Abstract Office. Abstracts " of t t!e t real esue and mines rura lly promptly arid acutely. P""" scripts. Oar.ce in Coon Home. Tombstone. "Irx E. ALVORD. 1U5TICE OF THE I i Peace. OrSce on Alien ai: ocv. j. - aih Tombstone. AIKCSKA. USTICEOKTHF PEACE j OiBce on 4th St. bet. Allen and Tougnnut. Tombstone. HS, GORDON'. M. D.PHYSICIAN AND Sareeonr Office adjoining his residence on 4th street. Call attended at aihoura djy and night. V- C.KARIE. ASSAYKR AND JterA. I- laical laboratory.. OP".0 3l Fremont St. opposite City HalL THE ORDERS. F & A M. . k: '1NG SOWW - Meets truru saiuruaj "" .--,- .. kVMti"P; brokers .ewcuaur - - end. J McrneiKw.'. A L. GROW Secretary. 1 jr . YfFF-TS third Weinesday taea nonth. Vta a.S ConionsMiUyat- A. WEXTWORTH Secretary. P. O. S. OF A. WASHINGTON CAMP NO I MEETS , u ridar erenin in each month. i itinc Comrilescndialiyrnrii I. W. CLARK. President. A. L.. GROW. Secretary. A. O. U. W. milKinNELODCBNOl- A. O V. I ..r '. ... .nrt MThursdar In each . mn'niir. Visitinz brothers cordially in vited. ROBf. BEST M. W. W. D. MO'NMONTEK. Rccord,r. K- OF P- K1ZDNA LODGE Kiutiis OF P,tht.s N-o 4. meets erery 3., Monday's in eacn month. VaiUDg rothcr.ccrrJaliy,itediAsijKU Q yi. D. MONMONIER. K. of S. " i.-i-Yr:rv-- HOSECOfPANY NO J. P meets lirstSnnday in each n?' their hose bouse n thecornerol Serenth and Fremont streets, oppwte ttechoo! honse. WM. GARRETT, Foreman, 10t MrTHJrCTtiary. 'rSESCUE HOE COMPANY "EblS W First Snnday in each month at aty HaU Frrm-.nt ttiert. I. V VICKv5';. . UENTWORTH.SfCty President , N. McDONOUGH. Foreman. " GINE COMPANY NO I, MEETS r" lait Sanday in ea h mon h at hose home on t-V! earner K.t Toosbnut and sth stxi eu HENRY DONKKR. Sectetaiy. Wan'sd An afentm every section to can vass U o JS a dy md; selU at scht; alioa V-n to sJl fcip! Kd to dealers l.tWeSn-.7Sa rro-tt. Siliry or Ure Arr.mbsios imk; ajtie-jce unnrssary or tniAi piticnlrs scmI surop. CLItan Soap X'cturins Company, Cmar.niU.OaiJ. ONION WATER WORKS. F. CALVES, Prep. rompt Water per barrel, 25et$. kI'er bucket, S cis. Scecial -"Rates to Families Lave orders with wagon. .'&. a. . arl "TIT r. A -J vrfjiT-WI X -JtlSVI I . ' T mi . r.. SAMUEL M. BARROW -'?' - r'i 1 4 .t n t-' ' ? - --er - ".".. -'3 ' J m SAMUEL M, BARROW I -' 'j-. ;.. f. ,tr5t- .. . -Hi rJi iSV,- ... - f . - f? ""I 1 Sustained a Taking a Cold While Ride. WANTS 825,000 DAMAGES Has Been in Court Four Years Took a Bad Cold and Sues for Damages. PULLMAN CO DEFENDANT Sr. Jons X. B., i. nov-1 ait Sintt the Pullman PaUce 0r Co , U on trial here. TI10 caie which h&fc been in the comts since 11:92, !a an action for $25,000dnmges by Jsmea J. McGaffia, head oJ the tea importing firm o( J. J. McGaffio &. Co., throagb having Ciuglit c; 11 while traiclliDg from Botton to St, John' in in un healed Pullman ear in February 1S92 1 lie IlcTrj- Naroil lain I. He. Mr. (J. Oaillouette, Drupgist, Denver aville, 111., says : "To. Dr. KingV Kew Discover I owe my life, Va tiken vrith i Grippa and trieu all the phy i:ciang, hut of no avail anil w civec up and toM I could not hvp. Having Dr. Kins' Jfewr Discovery in my lnre I eent for a bottle anil bezan its nor and from the firat doitr began to get bet tor, and after using three bottle w3 up and about again. It is worth its weight in gold. We won't keep r.tore or hour-e "vithDUt it." Get a free t tall the Tombstone Druz Store. Piles! Piles! Itching Piles SYMPTOMS Moisture; intense itching and stinging; most &t night, worse by scratching. If allowed 10 continue tum ors form, which often bleed and ulceratet becoming very sore. Swayne's Ointmen stops the itching and bleeding, heals ulce ation.anJ in most cases removes the rumors. At druggist, cr by mail, foi a cents. Dr. Swayiesr.d Son, Phila del obi. You can expect too much of Schilling's Bcstt is only tea. But your grocer irivcs your money back ii you dont like it In packages, full weight A Schltline & Compaar Ala riuuM. TH1 1 Your : ;llljnltr. On receipt cf ten cents, irtb or sttmrr!, a gscercui rircple wi.l la mniled of the most popular Catarrli nnil Hay Fever Cure (Ely'a Cream liahn) enCdant to deinoa itratotho great merits cf thoirinevJy. rLi r.r.oxHinis, CJ Vi'arrvn fct., New Ycth City. r.ev. John Iteld. Jr.. rtfirrM Tall. Mont, 1:. .iiu rT r?L' '! rt Rev. Franci W. l'oo. Pastor CentxalPres. Church, Helena, Mont. - Ely's Cream Balm i the aeknorrtlest'd etrra for catanU and contains no merenry sor unj injurious drug. Price, 50 cents. Get Your Christmas Gifts Free i jf. A NOVEL SUIT two ounce hag, and two coupons inside each four ounce hag of Blackwell's Durham. Buy a hag this celebrated tobacco and read the coupon which gives a list of val uahle presents and how to get them. THE BLIZZARD 30 Degrees Below Zero in Montana. PRACTICALLY CUT OFF. 4k& -Dakota' Blockade Snows in . ,, EvervinK Trains Abandoned- COLDEST EXPERIENCED Helena Last night wai tbb cold e it November night in Helena in the 'recollection of the oldeit pioneer." Tbermomt teri refittered at the cold en hour from 27 to SO below. Tbii o ty 11 again practically rut off from tha out-iido world a far as train ser vice ii concerned. The laat train ar rived from St. Paul yesterday morn ing tx hours lite. 'Snow in Dakota I locking everything. All weft bound trains hare been abandoned. Omaha Severe weather continues to prevail throughout Xelraikn. The thermometer has beeu close to xero for thirty-iir hours? If you want a goo I No. 6. coolcatove several pau and pots, also a small heating Move thrown in; ill ftconrt hand bit in good condition, can he had for $1U, cudi; a1o a good vewing machine Singer second hand bin in Al working order, for $12. cab. Call at this of!i:e fo' pnrticti ar, tt Krrc Pills. Stnd your address to If. E. Bucklen & Co., Chicago, and gr-t a free sample box ofDrt King's New Life I'dls. A tna will convince yiu nf their meiits These pills are eay in action and are pirtic u'arly eflectivc in the cure of constipat nn and sick het.tachr. For mal.-ria and iiver troubles, they have been proved in valtiible. They are guaranteed tn be perfectly fre: from every deleteriots sub stance and to be purely vegetable. They do nut weaken hy iheir action, but by givtn; ton; to the stomach and bowels 0 and H:shee drugsists. Chui-ola N"oti cets. DIethcdint Chuccb. Sunday School at 10 o'clock a. m. Junior Epworth League, 3:30 p.m. Preaching in evening at 7:15, A cordial invitation is extend. d to al). D. Roberts, Pastor. Catolilic Cn:irf!i. Hun-lay School at 2 o'clock p. m. I . Bk?.m AT. Many thousand dollars-i worth of valuahle articles suitable for Christmas gifts for the young and old, are to he given to smokers of Blackwell's Genuine Durham To bacco. You will find oTii rnmwn inside eiach r of i Highest of all in Leavenin Dower. m ABSOLUTELY PURE LATEST NEWS No Trains Since Wednesday. Over the Northern. TV COMPANY FAILURE Lavge Factory Closes and 1200 Thrown Ont Nebraska Weather EXTRACONGRESS SESSION WaSlliKOTOX An official dispatch lts this afternoon says no through ea.t tound trains on either the North ern Pacific or Great Northern lines have reached St Pul since Wcdtiet day, and the lotert wett bound tiains on each hue which get through left Wednesday. Subsequent through trains, the dispatch Kays, are now iu Nnith Dokott enow bound. Ci.kVEi.aNb T. H. Brooks was to- lay appointed receiver o! the Pliteniz Irou Works ompany. No statement rvi'lilei!. it is laid a Urge amount f coi.trcct work was outitaudiDgand the con pany had a large number of rook accounts upen which it could -.ot rel:zr. John H. Shepard, pre-i in t of the company, tiled answer, a! the rtatcmsnts and concurr ing in the apoointment of a receiver. Bofton' The extensive pUnt of the Roibury Carptt company baa rbut down for an indafinits period. Agents mada no itatsmect conserning the action. The plant is the largest of its kind in New England, exploying 1200 peotilt. Gband Rapids, MicL Congressman Smith, who returned from a visit to McKii.ley at Canton la.t night, said today lie is euro an extra session of on grass will be called.. Eo Prospector: I beg to advise that oar wel bound train now passes Uenon at 11:35 p m. instead of 22:1 v a. in. The east-bound limited pssees 3-naon Mondays and Thursdays at HiZl a.m.. ant ihe west-bound Wed- aelay ui u ti"!iv at4K)5 aVim. - . -. . . The Sanet-Lirnited train whieb pas ses Benson twice a weeK going east or wet is by far the finest and mwt mag nificent transcontinental parsenger train in axiatance. It is incomparable unexcelled and uneq'ialh-d. No ex. pens hat been spari-d to make it per fect in every respect, and all thai human skill or science could invent and apply t make it ahoolutely fault less has been applied. Luxury and beauty have been combined with strength and safety, and. meteor like. it spans tbe continent, annihilating lime and space in its marvelous flight, All who havn bad the pleasure of a trip no this train unhesitatingly pre nouneeit the very finest in the land. A ticket en this cots no mora than ob tbe regular train. For farther particulars and an; in formation, adores. E. 8. WEBSTER, Agent at Benson. Or X. H. Goosuae, G. P. A, Baa Fraaeiaeo. Lira Latest U. S. Gov't Report llOITrL A1IBITA1.K l' COOHISX Chas. Noyts, Faitbanlc. . II. M. Fool, Ban Fraacisoo. H. C. Ziramerao,--Washington. fas jest, V. H. Hamilton, jr., Los Angelas. F. Hadford, Los Angeles, Mart Chubby, do AKIIXOTOX Tom London, Bisbee. Jas. Scow, Dot Cabeia. J. C. Bxrue. do THE LADIES. The pleasant effect and perfect safety with which ladies may use Svrun ol Fies ur.der all conditions makes it their favor ite remedy. To get the true and genu ine article. look for the name of the California Fig Syrup Comnanv. minted near the bottom of the package. For sale by all responsible druggists. . . FOR SALE A good top buggy newly painted, tires just set, sprinys adjunt. d and everything first-clirs; If purchas;r can find anything wrnnt: with the buggy, will pay expnce of fixing came without any additional cos'. Price with shafts single or double, $60 cash. Apply at this office i i 1 i- FAIRBANK DEPARTMENT GEO. G.McGEB, Prop. Eairbankj : Arizona, Headquarters for vieitors'from Tomb stone and surrounding country. Best of wines liquors and cigars always on hand. PAY THE EXCHANGE A VISIT P. A. DEMARTINI, GENERAL MERCHANDISE. A fall line of grocerier, provisions, cigars: AND TOBACCO. FAIRBANK. ARIZONA. FairlM Besiarat FAIRBANK, A. T. K. HARRINGTON, MRS. Prop. Chagres Reasonable. Parties going from Tombstone to Bisbee will have ample time for dinner before the train arrive. Table Supplied With(he Best. GIVE If' A TRIAL. - GUM MAXEY, Allen St.ncar 3d, (OldCuuom Houe. VEGETABLES, . FRUITS, - - I OXATOKS. ONJ0N84 RTP Fre$h CaMfoTuiafrutirrrrietiieT'rjfduy by exprt$t. .ZeeryfAinp told ot lovctt raU$. Gooih delivemi (rettooll ftytt jot riff. Fith Rectivtd JCrery Thmvhy. W. 0. ABBOTT ASSAYING S IN-ALL ITS BRANCHES TTonibtrtoiie, Arizona. Samples by rtail or express wi'l receive (prompt attennor. Oflfcyt sl Jkaidrtttf Orfrfae Mtutr. FAIBANKEICBANGE Jl !i ,', V L