Newspaper Page Text
ft' Ki :l u -j UleX asttts Wmj8& PROSPECTOR FUKMSH ID irERY EVBXITiU - XCKITXD UV EIuor and Proprietor, UTJU& J DIRECTORY. Ha) Or Cie t rcSc-, r.jr. Waroekros M. Doyle CcUttZnec: iT3 i F -..! rrn t nak'wd Wum Itaceb Miller .. -- - K. W. Downs S-. - I). K. Waxdwel t t rrr ricxs: JLerin - - O H. Fly j-a-fS-.BMOT. - ! V Vfckers """"P tout - - - A. Vveutworth i'.fem.- li At- . - W. F. Bradley (XV- Mia t -itrt - - SooUJUTuic Sw). - - H. U Hcwe , - - - - t. a nrith U-.rtffi3TjS .ac.- - - 1- .r. Daacan Tff9 rtCTi -air:5:D aqkhts. , oML. P.FISU R. it' Merchant! Exchange Sad Jr. :t-i . 9AU i" IaWIm a.1HKKlAOGO. N'o. 310 Finef-aKet, JJoca57aJ ' Sal rraneisco. ( J, & C UAKE rocc 5. Merchant Exchanga, a FrincirW ' t GEO P. RC V2LI. to Spruce St. New cri , J. ;;. W. AVL a. W. Philadelphia. a trzistctit s mads by the abore ntmej jvsous vrE be -omf'Mi with at the PROS VECTOR e libc rlpllon Kalti. On.Yoar... $10 00 BlzMoatiif 6 00 Three Mentis 3 00 OneKoatb 100 Delivered oy Carriers for S5 cejat per wsefc. em axd umsxY official paper Sent hero Arizona, offers most ttre-tvTeo portuaititatw people look. jde (rr ioTcitmmt. ' According to the Cbleage News General "YYcyler claim that be ha jeea victorious, on tbe ground that, aUho'ifcli be failed to find the Cuban's, Jhcy didn't nnd h m. The Glil-'-Dercocrat aayi tbat np t- dt S00 v.ibies hae bteD named iffr v!--?resi(5at lct Hobatt. THuif prut My OTof the ubcii of tbe tca-fcr-si3rucy' whith 'as ignor- i4 Uj tlic-wa vr:o frfcnaed the con !Uut;03. i Jn rreTi nce ith tbe orders from IlijilieUrrrti entof i 1"t ' 'tlicfloirar.t ie a;.ir Animal Tndutry, inst Meiican cattle yrn mi-cd" th 15th ol Noretnber -jnd jn-lica not point to 'unusually UrRn shtpnjnjts cl stock from across the line this year. To tbofewlio bfiiers in the fatality ol thenum'-.'-r 13, some points about ' ;i tioJljacHcsu aiWer quarter will sound ... xexy slosnv jf thev are burdened Tfith .many orhjte coins. On tbequarters 1 ' Jate'.lS stj. J3 letts-a in tbe scroll the I - ' Al hoi Js in his claws, 13 feathers in j'-g'Sbe e.ilo's winf, 13 feathers in tbe tail, 13 para' el lines on the ehle'd, 1 horizon! el s'.rip?i,J13 arrowheads and 13 letterr in -"he word "quarttrdollar." But we ' laVo few quarters on subscription jute tn same a usual. Kow is the jeetpttj time. Last August wbile workioj in the har vest fiild of ijic orernsied, was sud denly at'.icktd with cramps and was nearly dtad. Mr. Cummings, the drug- 2 tT'MIve n"-ea cose of Cbamberlain'c , Colic, Cho'er land Diarrhoea Remedy ks;p a bottle of the remedy handy. A. M. Buvnell, Centsnrille, .Wash. For I ale by Dru 'gists. -1 f J. Weigh the Tea you buy; in'packagest 1 7i -for some packages that are supposed to contain one-half or one pound weigh onlv 6 and 12 ounces. Pride of Japan Tea the best in packages "imported. Weighs full 8 and 16 ounces. Ask j'our jrocer for Pride of Japan Tea vsJ!rcsm jiQsg fc ZJ If t I M. J. BRANDENSTEIN ic CO. T I Sua FnadKO es Yokobaaa J' ' ' IWhat&re We Here For? V t Tffi FUN OR From the expression upon ourj friend face he is evidently here for neither hut as for ua - WE ARE HERE FOR BOTH. We are handling jFXLAJsnz sirr alls soap Which for easy and perfect washing cant' be beat. Cottolene Cottolene - Cottolene. That perfection for shortening purposes is giving general satisfaction "Ve have it in 3, 5? m& 1 0 Pound i ails are -well'supplied with fnr'useduringjthisjhot i Boned Turkey, Bosed Chicken, Roast Turkey, Chicken, Sardines of jdi kinds, Canned Soups ii variety, French, English and American Mackera- incan8. Brook Trout in either Tomato or Mustard sauces, Chicken, Tongue, burger Eels .in Baked Beans Tomato Sauce, Am? many .other Goods t too numerous . to mention 'Also in regular receipt Jon t Forge; that we are bCle -geit: icnity Jor Ctee & SaioraiPm!!! W; ' " ' '-. Is "'iy"F ? -;4iLsssmA -- -- 3 u ".' - AlVssssssBsssssM ilH '"'is -, ' -' " Kp2fS?53lK -rittirrsD . - t s ''sssssKsVecMaissssl -.- - r LBBBIyx.a2s9v9K LLilDGC iJ tITTV XHE Gfocer. GOKWB. Of S1X1B THE M0N? prepared "goods of aii"ki? d weather consisting of- . Ror S3 Deviled Turkey, and Ham, Ham Jelly, Boston plain or ir , 01 HoL'and, LimDurger and ior 1 ombstone and .iJfe's'Sg!: w y- AW) ALUM 81MEEKS ? - --f W:l THE WILLOWS CHAS, BDLOTTIt Fropr Choicest line 01 Wines and Liquors., Imported and Domestic Cigar, Courteous Attention, to Patrons Alien, bet. 4tli & tlth, 'ruiubxtoi c COMET SAL00H GAMVAT0 4PUA,Propr WINES.LIQUORS& CIGARS. Dialers in BourVs Irith and ScoloK Whisky, and Other Well Kncvin Brandt. A Specialty made of but Clarets and Wines. Billiard Parlcr Crc'es in Connnection and the Place in Town. Allen, bet. 6th&7tb, Torabstoue PONY SALOON, .I.A.KOSKA Proprietor. Fiiett Stoet of Winti, Liquort and Cigars in the Territory. PRIVATE CLUB ROOMS ATTACHED, Best and Pnrest Brwds of WhisVies Brandies and Wines kept Con stantly on Hand. You vil find "Al" t hone. n 4Ker St. bet. 4th and Sik. Billiard Parlors.. j. n. Mcdonough. Prop. Finest and Bett ritttd BiUiarc a Parlors in the Ctfy. I- r porter of the Best Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Billiard and Pool Tables in Conjunc- Hon. Mixed Drinls a Specialty. Private Club Rooms. Alleu, bet. 4tb A GtU.Tombiton PROBATE M3TI3H. 'n the Probate Court of the Coticty ot o 1 i-. Territory of Aniona. ' Ihi" miter ol the estatejof Emma Holcocnbe sued jrstwnt to an ordrr of said court, tnad 01 7th diy of September, A, I) 1696. notice a that V kUt. tbe o h day of October. A I) at 3 o'clock p. m ol nid dir, at the conrt a of said coon, at the- couit house in the of Tombstone, and coamyof Cochie, has 1 appointed as th: time and pUceforp-ov ihe will of sud Emn HoleomV, dcease for heannc the ap )lirati 'n ol V. F N ich- iot the issuance to Hm of leUus tesUmer.ary -1 and where any prson interested may ap- - anti-contest the same E W. F. BRADLEY. S-i8-tf Ex-oflicie Clerk X A ITED SOLICITORS FOR CAM P IGN Boole "Brvan Sewall asd Free Snej a honz-d by B-raa written by R, U. Metealf ec 'or Omaha world Herald apaonted anther b- casta far scents: a tree silver mine for work, ti" only ti 50; the only aathoraed book 50 per cer.t;creaii pven: iretrnt paiuiouiaiiree, uea Bc'wwith choice afterntoty; permanent, Pjof ub work for 'oS. Address The Nauoaal Bonk Coscera SurBniUiar Chicaro. " TOUSSTONB, t. 39. 1890 .O .LL WHOM IT MAY CQVCERV. Take nu'ice: That on the xSih day of Septem ber 180O. ine nrm al tiatiewood ana Muaar, doing bus ness t Pearce. county ot Cohise, A T. gK'Ugw 1o Znt H ruts ail ue aiock In and persona property cf said rm. inded in; the bo1- accounts, and (ae bun possession S .ue sane, and the same picprny and took accounts were attach in tne suit cl i" o Vi ar nlro. UaaleskcodA Iledd 'this is the-efore to want all persons who are indebted to siid-flrm not to pay .the same to il t nid tiaxiewsoa iiaay, er etcerot ura, aschlaayincat will not be recrwsiied by ua. G. H. FITTS. - - -:p.b.warnkros. -3 old HBSESeOB. SALE. A tenstamp buH' otit.ETK, 6 pn. 3 e: tlrri.aBariUtor'. to l$-foot reolinz crncet. tratofs,l6i36'Cortis engine, two bcilfrx all 11 rod workine. rder buiin2 r.eirly r-r tTuba moved asltr, close to niilroad Must de-sold,. and" can1 Ee'bStht frr t 000 ta h Atiress aosracTOi 'ce. Tombstone An . r i -" f -Tax Collector's Eotics '- i - ftu"oe Wby rifen 'tha tie dupHat" lirfWvsJcfor-iJieo"nectrr cl Uies ler w tl-Tear Ii in Slid crun V 1 - tiiei- vnft'l-CTtne-debnqu-'.t en th ." i vay. jr ""e.ip.',eT r,3yO an unless pa be ht dUtea penalty of h ercent wi be dded tereto, Tasment tnay bernsdc at t rfiein tit coifclir couilhtAije at Totnlftcri during ofSce lioT s b a m to'ii m'and 1 to 5 pro. 33 El""- . J WICKERS, Treasurer, and EiJflSrjo Tax Collects Coc'-'we county tw-tsTombstere, October aS, 1 1$6 02 y. -j f a.. , JJgXBtA ca T Dr. Uttaf ?ao ! ICrasolidNtd Katioaal" Bank ( lucnui, AriKomi. Cf miio - ' OFFICERS. Jf P. FREEmS. Piesident. W. C DAVIS. Vice-PreixJ-nt II. a 1 HNNHV. CsSlir, uej Orifu artiUble at any point In 1)'" V 5: d St,ie. Xmus b.lhoi change tea li. pcan cltK5, and miln avjxeiiy ofoiit-c. ic- a iccouetj with lndMil , fnos at. J cij PIT'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, t Fiewo t s rert, oppes. c Proipector. FAMILY PH0T0GRAHS CUR SFECIALTV Careful attention given loturn:nt;o t tr- Ffutt tievi and pifturrs p.aff i3 it? a tnest artiit'c manner, tuprrior finish andjonr. jKJLCJrJC EL ISC3EE5 T&lcen on short notice. Grojps a s - alty Cnbiatt, oiij! 11 1 : 11 It Undeetaciso Paiuces or 0. B. Tarbell Coffins, Caskets. Robes. 'Etc. From the PUiacs: to tbe Fiaeit Made. Tha Columbia. Iron Caskets kept Cor iUntly in stook. Bsdiet Temporarily or Permanently Embalmed by the Latest Process ToilislDne & Pearce MAIL AND S TAGE LINE. . 1RANK BLATZ, -Prop. M Ues semi trips to and froci ?arce every Wednesday and Sun day of each weeV, matinK the round -ip tn one aay, carrying u. a. mai -rd pasencrri. F VXiJ, rojnJ trip - $4 r National Matte Smelter. 1 j praebcal and simple methcM of catttnr Sb uide ore , surh as mcklrv coaper, go'd an 1 s T ores. In local ties uhere Irad ore a-1 fuels are scarce r. 1 almc t unat'iinable, oir py-iUC, water j'xket Matte S-neltrr hasbwn re ccmd wiJi Ughly s-ati Litor renin, ard has been thoroughly tested oa venous prai u paidc and arsenide ore in capinty cT 3 ts tens per cUy. It is tbe most practic 1. c -pst ani siTp'est mthorl of yold aid'sv r o ' matting atd coLo-nt rating ttul is fcacT t y : requires no estno-diniry sk J, no leid or. tf "ming mitrrul, anc no ttul n'anykmdf' tli s nlier alter it is tarted, Ths snlphu' tT r ore is its natunl fu 1 v-iiv. snd lis co-t ha r comparison vii'a any oilier proceis of o" cri'Itaung Wearr prepared to furnish afy vie or capa - it plant coTiolete tosab-tsnttJ mining peon t s it up and fafnlth our rnen te n' it for IheAi Of ci'X payuents- Piice and svi!icaliocs furnished with reference, and tcstiracnis on application, MATIOVAL ORE & REDUCTION Co. 5736 Cheltenham Avenue. S: Louis, Mo, Manufacturers of Furnaces for Nickle. Copper. Gold, Silver aid Lead O.e jai.iy PROBATE NOITCE. In the Probate Court, County of Cochise'! er ntorr of Ansona. P THE MATTFR OF THE ESTATEJOr r nile Lenormand deceased; Notice of Application for order of sale. Notice is hereby eiven that Geo, JI. Jutts A-Tiin'slrator. has filed ith ihe Clerk of'' ths Ce-irt a rtition praying for an ordefof sale rf aT real and personal property of feccaed ar-i ttit the 5th day of. October. 18v6, at 3 o'clocc p m. cf said day beinij a day of a regular tern if this court to it of the October term. I!4 at the Cocbite county court houf. in Tomb st re county aforesail. has brn set for heinnj K peiitioi, hen and here any persoa inter es d may appear and show eiuse hy the snd sa-d petition should net he mnted. . W. F. BRADLEY. Ex-cfiido Ckrlr. Dated Sept.. 5th 1804. NOTICE' TO ALL WHOM IT VA CONCERN. Notice is hreby giTen. that certain minicj claims ca led the Tam Bien, McGinty and Par aro, situated in the Warren nvsing district, and about one-half rale north easte ly from th; Holbrsok koistlDg works, and about the san distaice from the town of Bisbee. A. T. isu As theabore aimed claims wcrrnot located fa conformity with the U. S. mining law, th're fce, a second party, at a later date, relocated th? same in full conformity with th: abosc narsed laws, and is fully determined to protect his rights. Therefore, an pe'ons "are cau tlined not to bargain lor, buy orlense the aVor-nara-d claims. ;. S. MANSrk. aie-m Sisbee, A. T- r mnr- n I H.Vi VVMi. UdCHSC ttWATEAiiBH: arJIttiMresti!lclceUsar.d &J?S;-teei.caC ii-iita cliaatic cSa-Ks. JvSvVj ft eta be ec-d bja paaant B'lWrtv.f fta T? n y Into II., inl. JV- fr ir TcUkiyarbeditgiTcs VrS ' r. tatonce. ri Ej'sGfOiiiBalnisH K -low'ei'i'd fo to ft jmwt tboro3eh ere ' 1 Cslirrli, CnlJ In Held ana Ury f erer c! . 1 D. It cner. ard cleanses the n tal pauag a, paa.nd loflamsiUochca'a the sons, ro U. h oeinSrtno f-czx ccVs. rilo'T the foan 3f 'eandsnic'L Prircsie.atDroerai4 0rbyiaAU r T BUGTHiCKd. iVarTenbUTC.New lor' '.L PERSONS ARE CUTIOMED gj nit purchasing cr nejotiatinj; a pap-rpir poi inpto call for one hundred dollars, favor o. Jcl .. Gates and endorsed by me cs szrat has berqT paM. as I bold ilr. Gates teceict al ,1 papir has been lost. T, B. CH TTM .N I'earco, sug. 17 114c , rrtotr Crcwsi tsauusv rneae -' """fed . Is a i i M ifaf&&Sm$g& : I.. PIO -. 1 Carriage " - SHOP. .. II . ISM! .XJS.i ) K 1 Xroi-. "' rsr! Allen. f m. 3 The largest and'Best Equ Jfrl fc3 the Jtmtcry. )3 . '. Ail Hinds of F ugfir. Wat - au "Woodco.4L: K"ostly c vi ProziiTstlv !Dote.'' 'BLAOKSMlfiillTsT AN! HBRSESF.w2llii :M J5ea Facilities ff Doing All Kinds of fji Bepairijig in TT ood andiron. None iis Out j?zrst-ciass wortcmen Employed. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. aarFull assortment cf hirdwood and iron forsi. "aj O. L. CUM MINGS. Wholesale and Retail Butcher, COR. 5TH AND FBE:ONTSTHEE.- Beef. Pork. Mutton, Veal, -ausage, Bologna Pickled Trip Choice Steaks, Roastsr etc. Experienced Cutters. Free Deliver)' to all parts of the City. Your pitronage solicited. oystl:-i p.'bloro. 1 L.TJJB:7H St.BETT" 2X 4tli AIS -tlk First-ClasB Meals Pest'oi i U: .Vn; TvciytMrp in Seascn BOARD PER WEEK $7C'j THREE M.EALS U 0 SINGLE MEALS : 10 Dinner, lor Specia. Occasions a ; -r-al First-Class Cooks enly Ero 'yd. TOMBSTt i:. GA' A. At HA2? Lessee. WELSBACH INCA 'DESCENT In General Use throughout the Uai . Ttte -.nd Europe. ' ucces'fa!ly comf ing with Electricity, both in Hril'.'-incv an Cost of Ligh Uses T -e Cub Feet of Cas per Hour, anil ' ilIs Ugh' of S" ; Cl",d! Pover, Equal to four ordinary tur rs willi doable that an-.5ar.t of ?is. cost oi 3-.Arvn tr.-rrj Placed in Positio i Without Extra Charge. ornvr. ix ba.k urss .;?. ronKHto-'.r:, .i:-,ir,nsi. (1COHISE HOUSE. ?? Z J Corner FourtE and Toughnut Streets. EI-EGANTIaY F ' rR"NISHED BGOJlte B&T Viailora to thia city will fir , the CccHira n superior holfl cad ot offering ezc .!enl acsomo(itions. A L1RGE AND COMMODIOUS JME ROOM FOB COMMERCIAL MEN All Modem Conv .-.itnces. Rates Modernte. SAN JOSE HOUSE. AIRS. F. T. BHAN, Prop. Centrally Located, Large, C -'rn ini Well Vint'Jated Rooros. FIF.ST CSASS IN EVEKY HEC I L . Everything Mdc Conver.icut for G or Month. F.not3"i 1 hrorf hci'l. SAMPLE ROOM FOP. VPUMMF .V.?. R,t T. :: Mi,?C. . Ii. HOTEL ARUffSTGN - I M WLY FUHiW i Eij. I.AIU.E ' Jtn', S BUST . Ail rVtXV.UAT This Favorite Headqaarterffor Cr, 1 r 1. ' .,ft.5 a- ti tenrvated and neatly fuinished 1! rt;ltiit r-hijecrl i public. Rooms enscitcand si!i. !'ike& f.'.'dnaic Everything fiirst-clabs "S. mblo rixns A r rcn rr triai u- - &!E&tp$x r ' (& 1 1 iiiokShekn -E-CirS.shmeat of it Kin- in Try 3(.Vcf ' at th;s Pccul.r rttror vii-noca' ns f - Fsrnilics oo AS LIGHT 'J3S - Mrs. S. GALLHK, Piu. yl1ir"5g " rifilshei.. '-r.r!T.tS...u r BfSv i .a ';r . - A ::,. MH' ii ICl 1 I J c trie I Raits S'-nif. ' - - t TOMBSTONE, ARIZONA I rr-