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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
Newspaper Page Text
.' ...S' .jr--- 1V.S :.-. "w U -,. i -.-. .',ijJ..i.JHwfcS-' 'st .i.x -; i w. .-, l'-it rkj' -,JvC-S.-". pr 4 - t . . rf " ". J " - ' ' ' y.' !f.v " 4.' ' . ; .S PROSPECTOR r OUR WATOHWORD- "OOOHISE COUNTY FIRST, THE WORLD AFTERWARD, VOL. X TOMBSTONE, ARIZONA WEDNESDAY EVENING: DECEMBER 2. 18q6. No. 4 THE " TOMBSTONE . MMBgBjilSMMSSSSMSSSSSSgSESMSMSSSaaaMSSlSBBaaaMaSBaSSSMaSMaMJtSaam 11 MHIWimBnn nil,,,......,.. i. Sr- DAILY PROSPECTOR. Cltv anil County Offiuiiil Paper VUBLI3UED- EVERY EVENING (.Except Sunday) BY Wn. Ilattich EJ.tor anl Propiictor. Fremont St. OppouUc CUyHnll Tie Paosrscros. affl not hoW itself rrtpoa siuUsforany of the articles or sentiments preueu oy any ei n r.nrc, Entered In tbe Tombstone PostoS:t as Second CUss nutter. PROFESSIONAL CARDS JAMES RE11A.Y. ATTORNEY AND Counstforat Law. Land and Mining cases a ipeciiliv. Tombstone. Arizona. M. C STAK 1 1 LE. ATTORNEY AT i.v and Notary Public. Tombstone W AIUOU- EO. IV. SWAIN. ATIONEY AT I Lav. Will practice ie til courts or tee 'Territory, Tombstone Arizona. G OS. U-ARK. ATTONEY AND COUN selor at 1 jw. Office on Fourth Street, between Alien andTougbnut. Tomb Will practice in all the courts of the cry. HARLES GRANVll.LEJUHSs.TON. Attorney and Counsellor at La and Notiry fiiblic. 47 Firmont street bet. jth and Sth struts. A member oTthe Bar ol the Supreme Court ot the lerruoiv. and iU .; in i of the courts therein. Illit.UVV Ha ..y - AWENTHWORTH COUNT Re corder and Abstract Office. Abstracts cf t tie to real estate and mines turn shed promptly and acurately. Complete trin scripts. OrSce in Court House. Tombstone. E. ALVORD, JUSTICE OF1HE Peace. Office on Allen St: bet.31 4 ath Tombstone. L. KOSKA, USTICE OF THF PEACE L OrSce on 4th St. bet Allen ana Toujhnut. Tombstone. HS, GORDON. M. D. PHYSICIAN AND Surrcon: Office adjoining his residence on 4th street. Call attended at aU hours day and mnt. CEARIE. ASSYERAND ME'-A Ucical laboratory. ffice-ro 39 ' Fremont bt. c pposite City HalL THE ORDERS F &. A M. K INO SOLOMON Luuuc .-.u. Meets third Saturuay in eacarouovu. Visiting brothers cordiaiiy lnd to a. I tl.DIISBWM. W. M.. j I II VcPHEKbOS. M.l. A. L GROW Secretary. R. A M. O' O0H1SECHVPTER NQ. 4 MEETS third Wednesday in each rasntb. is Mbst Companions cordiillT invited to at tend. TOM LOWRY. H. P. A. WESTVYORTH Secretary. " 'P. O. S. OF A. . a ASHINGTON CAMP NO 1 MEET-, W" tst Friday eve ning tn escn rrtemm -, itinc Comrades cordially invited I. W. CLARK. President. A. L. GROW. Secretary. A. O. U. Y- TOMBSTONE LODGE NO 3. A. O U. meet 1st and 3rd Thursday in each month. Visiting brothers cnrcbaHj la- ,ited IOBT. BEST M. w. W.D. MONMOXJfrt. Rccordr. K- OF P ARIZONA LODGE KNIGHTS OF P.thias So 4. meets every 1st and 3rd uf (n each month. V siting rothersccrciily j r V. D. MONMONIER. K. ofS. ROIECTION HOSE COMPANY NO 3. meets lirstSnndayia each month at tbeir hose hense n thecornrrot Seventh and Fremont streets, opposite the school hocse. ""WM. GARRETT. Foreman, TOM MITH Secretaij, R ESCUE HOE COMP.WY MEETS First Sunday Jr. eacn monin at y x:au WENTWoitTH.Scty I-reiident J,"N. McDONOL'GH. Foreman. r-.-JGINE COMPANY NO 1. MEE1S I U;t Saailr in ea h mon h at hose bouse "" ou trKCwnercnoubnutandilhstrret. lOsEI'H IJPPEKT fro-enum HENRY DUNXER. ieaetair. W an'ed An ent 'in every ssttioa to cat t ti ioua d-r md?: es at-Ktit; lltai rcaa ici ?" r. w,...r .. . . .. . - ll ..n! njQ . . X-.!r ltWe lire, 173 a rro-tr- ojiiry w re ocuJUvca rau-;ef3ie-5Ceum!fcesary Fcr lOtifl particuUis send sump. a.(tn Soip A Mnaic;c.nj CouipLy, Ondr-niti, Ohio. tl WATER : WORKS F. CALVES, Prop. Tl. nr. n kHkl Per bucket, 5 cts. Scecial Rates to! Families Leave order with wasnru ?&; lnn.irrv-tll rm I 'Vyf PTVl 1 rtiwt'ir tv tv iknrc ttw llTtoeifi. r.U7-.ait'!,' ifiiif&i uniun SAMUEL M BARROW 111! ; s . . . v - . . .,"5 vkK X-'Mfll II 1 "' ' iisKaisss - (? flstsSsM " r'' .'"'' nsasi9 ;' jsj' t 1 p BBEBBI ' S " , r J. f Jill W - '; mh rr ii " . tassS V "-" ,-r- wr win 1 ' JrT ' - . ;. -' i 1 ,-, 6rnwrin . .. -' s 1 t Mill"" ', .1 ft"- ,'L v -' ,?" I ff-3 .!?,- -- S ----- q j SAMUEL M. 79 1 &. " -. "" Rfissnw j i A FLOOD. Falls Under .Water, STREETS 'INUNDATED. Considerable Damage Done A Kaginff Torrent -in the Streets. BLOCKS ARE FLOODED. Ciuravi. Faixs. Vi Ycster.Uy hut been a day cf excitement and anxiety acd lst nisht tiuds tbe inhabi tants of this littlo villece in a state bordering on panic. Thoao vrbost boueei liav-j been ilooHed bare remoraJ mucli of tbeir household goods and b- lon;iii to higher ground and arc buddlcd together in tbo fcbocl hotitst and otber vacant buildin; out of Hie pt!i of tbo torrent that is eirec-pine down several of tbe main street j. All bops has vapished of saving tbe entire business portion of the placet from be ing rubmergtd snd'tho water will soon reach tha ctunhouse eight bloett from tbo river. Tbe country tvery wiierB :a dcodfd. The present state of tin; tea-trade can't continuc Americans drinjc ike worst tea in the world, and pay double for it. Schilling's Best is the remedy. Proof: the grocer gives your money back if you don't like it A ScbiHias ft Cootpaay Saa Fraccisco tn This I Tour Opportunity. On rv!Er. cf tea cents. -aih or atatape. "a gcnerotn rarap'o wCI 1 a smiled of tha most liopniar v,atn-ri ami jiav re -.w (Elyii .Crerun ltaiui i sufEciont to demon strate tlio groat merits cf Uio rcmsJy. ELY iiROTIiERS, CO Wcrroti isi., T.c- Tcri City. T.ev. JoTh T.tU. Jr.. of v Ta'Is. Jloit., recoratnend EIjV i rOJ lxJia i me. i. can crapbrtiiza liu htus snt, '-It is a posi tive cere for catarrh h t ed nIirrclea-" Itev. rrmci-t W. lWe. I-utor Ceiitrairres. 'Cnorcb, ifieu, ausu - rava crerui. !2,- i tbe ackwTOle2,-d ctrre for catarrh and crx.: ":to no rnerenry j cor any injuriooa drog. Prioj. CO cents. WanterJ-fin Idea Wad nn thrjjr tit iouo wmpM 9.nt rat I..... Ih. ln. Kv4n .Ml r Kllh Wrtu JOHN WJOtJEKbOkN CO, Am.1 Jttor. &er. WuUrcum. D. cror tbrtr $Uu prtis oocr L lus lo Aoaorea iotciucu wnic. ssxassssat Cet Your Christmas Gifts Free p two ounce bag, and two H coupons inside each four fSi ounce bae of Blackwell's III Durham. Buy a bag of. this celebrated tobacco I and read the coupon IS ttiiiMi m'twe o lief rf Tra1- jj w. 6.w ..-.. w- ps uable presents and how to get them. THE D1NGLEY BILL May Pass this Session of Congress. WHAT MR. HAYS SrtYS Believes Cleveland Would' Not Veto It The Pressure for Revenue CONGRESS OPENS MONDAY Wabhujotos Senator Hale today oppressed the opinion that the senate would late up and he honed would pais the Dingle; bill at the otnine; session bejinuiu next Moudoy. "VV oujibt to have it," be said "for the treasary reports show srsat need of more revenues. T am quits pur tiarted tha. Mr. Cleveland wjuld not veto tho bill if it should b presented to him." J. Krnf t Walter, of l'henix, bas an iutf-rsting collrstion of Confensrate money, which can hardly be equalled outride a museum. It comprises au thentic samples of nearly all tbe cur rency i'Mird by tho routbern Confed eracy during the time of tho late iin p'easantlierf. In evidrnre ar f300 bilU and trrniury notei of mallsr de ndtiiinations, tiio.noti of slate bsnlrr and ihns (if firim privileerd in isrtie currency r.nJ Hernial ihoumn -do la bond with n.any of their fori; -d lUi I coupon ""till uncut. .liarvuloni t--tils.. From a letter wnucti l.y Kev. J. Cundprman, nf Uinmcdalf, Mich., we aro permittf it It imke tlii extract: 'I have no lit"-i'jon in recommend inr; Dr. Kinp' 2e.v Iii-covry, the results weioalmo-t marvelous in 'the case of my -if. While I ws pastor of the li.tptitt Church at Junc tion oho was brought ilnwn with Pneumonia suict-filiiig I.a Grippe. Terrib'e paroxy-rnof co'uchinz would last hours with little interruption and it seemed as if she could nci survive them. A friend recommejded Dr. Kine'd Jsew Di-'sorery; it was quick in its work and higlily salisfacaory in re1 sults." Trial bottles free- at Tombstone and r.ny Drug Store, Regular eize 5)o. 1 00 lile! I'lles! ItcUiit? 1'ile SVJIITOJIS Moisture: intense itchins and stinging; mint at night, worse by scratching. If allowed to continue tum ors form.which of:n blerd and nlccratrt beco'iiin'; very ssre. Swayne's Oir.tmen stops thoitcbing and bleeding, heals u!ce ation. dai in mo; cases removes the m-riorj. At druggist, 01 by mail, fot :n', !',' Sryre and Son, Phila de!o! i. A ' Fieph Fi9h i- receive every TliurJ ay ut Xob'e. tf. i Many thousand dollars worth of valuahle articles suitable for Christmas gifts for the young and old, are to be given to smokers of Blackwell's Genuine Durham To bacco. You -will find one coupon inside each BlackwaU's fisMHHMA TaIuaaa Highest of all in Leavenin T,cw - 1 &3&&31 wiCSy J T1 ABSOLUTELY PURE LATEST NEWS Considerable Damage , by Floods in Wisconsin. SUSPENSION OF TRAFFIC Farms Ruined and Stock .v.Tveiit Awav Families Rescued by Traiu- meu. A UEAVY SHIPMENT Eiu ('LAliiK, Wis Owing to the floods there is a total suspension of railwsy trstlic on the Wabash and Du rand branch of tbe Chicago, Milwaukee t, St. Paul railway. Great damage has been donn farms along the Chip pawa river. Tbe farmers families who escaped to tbe railway track from the rising waters weie racuud by train man and in tngine. Cuii'lwa F.iu Tie Chiprewa rn.r ii rilled mill g'-rgea in many i.l a tf. At FlamLleau faun the river ran ovtn its baukedutroying 30Obead of live atick and ruining a dozen luruw, Ba Kltisci.'CO, Thestsamer City of Pekin railed fur China and Japan ttdsy takinr; a shipment of bullion aggregating mora than $2,000,000. . m Tlir Trrauur ol flic Desk. V.'e will sappoic tha: your occupation is sedentary that your are chained, so to speak to tbe desk in some counting bouse or perhaps to the loom in some vast mill where you aie compelled to labor from morning to night. Sunday is your only day of relaxation. You return home every evening wearied mentally and bodily. Your health and strength begin to fail. What will most effectually re cuperate your vital energy The weight of evidence points to no other conclusion than that Hostetter'i Stomach Hitters is ;vs!ei', l rc::!c i...l nuumr. Use it persistently, and your system will soon regain, its pristine vigor. Every function will receive a heal'.hful impulse, rtiere is no remedy to equal the Bitters i for nevounet and want of sleep, dyspepsia, constipation and billiousness. It averts and icmcdies all forms of mal arial Cisease, and is a preventive ol heumatism and seuralsia Ed Pkospeciou: I beg to advisu that ot wert bourd 'rxin cow passes lienon ul 11:35 p. m. iusteadof 12:15 in Tim east-bound limited pastes Bnson Mondays and Thursdays at 821 a.m., and the weei-bouud Wed nesdays and Saturdny at 4 rf)5 a. m. i m m i Ssedless KaiMna, London Layer, Freab Currents, Cape Cod Cra-ibt-rrie f, Siciian Citron, at Hofucr's. I Notice to Creditors. In the Probate Court of tho Couuiy of Co-Jihe, Territory of Arilona. ESTATE OF JANE L. BERRY, atceivd. Notice is hereby given by the andersijed ad ministrator of Cri tiliXe c! Jss L. Brrry. de ceased, to tbe creditors of and all persons rav. ior claims against the said deceased, to exhibit them, with the tecessiry voucher, within tan months alter the Ant publication of this notice. J the admiaistrator, tl Willcoz, is tbe count jof Cochise. WIL.UAM Vt RIOCS. Administrator of the esute of Jane L. Berry, deceased. Dated December and. 1895. Da-if WtCK-.r t. - . Latest U.S. Gov't 'Report, Baking itoiri: AkittrALis COCIIIrX Chsg. Noyes, Fairbank. PAIACS. M. M. Fool, San Francisco; H. C. Zioimeran, WathinkUa. ." sj oss. '-, Jasaes Harris, Jackson. Cl. "... ARUSOTOJJ' Hugo J. Dunn, Tucson. " THE LADIES. The pleasant effect and perfect safety with which ladies may use Syrup of Fip under all conditions makes it thefr favor ite remedy. To get the true and genu ine article, look for the name of tb California Fig Syrup Company, printed near the bottom of the package. Fcr sale by all responsible druggists. . FOR 8LE A good top bugy newly paiuwri, tires juat sat. sprios-s adjust d and every thing first-clats; If purchaser can find anything wrons; with the bupgy, will pay expne of fixing r.amn without any additional cost Pries with shaft single at double. ?C0 cash. Apply at this olSca' FAIRBANK DEPARTMENT FAIBolEEHAHBE GEOrtJ: McGEE.Prop. Fairbank, : Arizona, Headquarter far visitors from Tomb Mono and surrounding country. Best of wines liquors and eigars always on hand. PAY THE EXCHANGE A VISIT P. A. OEMARTINI, GENERAL MERCHANDISE. A full line of GROCEEIER, PROVISIONS, CIGABS! AND TOBACCO. FAIRBANK. ABIZONA. FairM fiestarat Faueank, A. T. k. ::ahp.incton. Prop. Chagres Reasonable. Parties going from Tombstone to Bisbee will hive ample time for dinner before the train arrives. Table Supplied Withlthe Bat. GIVE IT A TRIAL. GUM M4XEY, Allen St, near 3d, (.OldJCustcm Houfe.) VEGETABLES. .- , '. 1 FRUITS, -. - IOTATOES ONIONS4 ETC Frrth California f run Ttcr.xrtlrvfiytLty by fxpreu. Eterytking ,oM at loicett ratf. Gftodt fcliyertm ire to aU jtartt el 'i'.y Fiih Rrcrirtd Kttry Thuniay, W. 0. ABBOn ASSAYING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES TombMtone,Arizona. Samples by mail or express-' will receive (prompt attention. Office and lUdittu Orerhek Hm. " r DiEi- I J