Newspaper Page Text
V TOMBSTONE PROSPECTOR PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING (StWDAY Excmtxd) Wb. Hattich, Editor and Proprietor. UFFICIL DIRECTORY. M.vnr Chief o! Folice. First" Ward Second Word Piird Ward Fourth Ward F.,B. Warnekros ni. Doyle Counrilmen: ;- llacob Miller - - F. W. Doc - V. K. Waidel xvrrt crncxas: SuerU - - aS. Fly Treasurer ; - J. V. Vickers Recorder - - A. Weotworth District Attotns - - O. W. Swain Probate Judje - W. F. B-adley Dark District Court - - Scott While garreyor - - - H. G. IIoe Assessor - - - - '.A. Bright C31 Cni-wlvnner - 1- . F. Duncan AUTHORIZED AGENTS. L. -IVFISHER. ill Merchants' Eachance San Francisco. ' a .H.KELLOGG. No. 310 Pine street. Room 57 and 58, San Francisco. E. C DAKE. room 65. Merchant Exchange. an Frar-ciseo. GEO. P.ROWELL. xo Spruce St. New ork. N. W. AVER a SON. Philadelphia. All transactions made by the above nuned persons -Q be complied with at tLe PROS PECTOR office. NabM:rlpUoH Rates. On Year $10 00 8tx Months 6 00 ThreeMonths 3 00 OnoMonth 100 Delivered by Carriers for 25 cents per week. CUT AKD CODNTV OFFICIAL PAPER What Are We Here For? fjRMgs. ITHE WILLOWS, CHAS,BULOTTI,r.iipr. Choicest lino 01 Wines and Liquors. Imported and Domettie Cigars, Courteous Attention to Patron. Allen, but. 4th A: 5tli. Tombstone A concession has br-en granted by Governor Guadalupe Maniero, of Vic toria, for the construction of a railroad from Baa Miguel, a town opposite Rio Grande city, Tex a, to the gulf rail road. The federal govern merit will Kire him a subsidy of 95,000 each kilo meter constituted. United States capitalists will furnish the money for the enterprise. The results of closs competition in so mo lines of business is illmtated by the report of the Giant Powder com pany at its annual meeting last Wed nesday, when it was shown that dur ing lltoyear 7,000,000 pounds of pow der had been mads, on which the profit was f It700. In the faco of such mea ger profits it would look if competi tion may give place to confolidation. Er. THE FUN OR THE MON? From the expression upon our friends face he is evidently here for neither hut as for us "WE ARE HERE FOR BOTH. The tramp question is aj;ain agitat ing tha authorities along the railroads and steps are being taken te keep them moving. The Tucson jail is crowded with patty ofTWuder!, mostly tramps, and thty are increasing daily numbers. Tsmbstone being off the attain Hne is not troubled very much, and the fact when a suspicious look ing utranser arrive he is-compeiled to leave at jnnce, deters this class of tourists from seeking this health resort.,' The Ilix-orer NwroU bis f .lie. Mr. G.Caillouette, Druggist, Beater aville, III., says: "To Dr. King's New Discovery I owe.xay life, Was taken with La Grippe "and tried all the phy sicians, but of no avail and was given up and told I could not live. Having Dr. King's Now Discovery inmy store I sent for a bpttle and began ita use and from the first dose began to get bet ter, and after using three bottle was up and about again. It is worth tts weight in gold.. We won't keep store or house '-vitlnut it." Get a free t tall th . Tombstone Drug Store. r- Weigh theTea you buy in packages -for some packages that are ' (Supposed I to contain one-half or one pound weigh onlv j 6 and 12 ounces. PrifiO rvf Tonon Tiao 1 the best in packages imported. WeighsfuH 8 and 16 ounces. ' vf PS js Aik your grocer-for Pride of Japan tea i I M. J. BRANDENSTEIN Ic CO. I I Sta Francisco and Yokohama I We are handling - i Which, for easy and perfect washing cant' be beat. COMET SALOON GAHLEVATOPALA,Propr'sf WINES,LIQUORS& CIGARS. Dealer in Bourk't Irith and Scotch JI'Aiiity, and Other Well Known Brandt. A Specialty made of belt Claret and Wines. Billiard Parlcr in Connnection and the Crcles Place in Town. Allen, bet. Oth Ah 7ih, Tombstone PONY SALOON, J . A. K.0SKA Proprietor. Fineit Stock of Wine, Liquor and Cigar in the Territory. PRIVATE CLU3 ROOMS ATTACHED. Best and Purest Brands of Whiskies Brandies and Wines kept Con stantly on Hand. You wil find "Al" tt home, on AUei St bet. 4th and 5th. Consolidated National Bank. Ot XucHtii. Arlttoiin. CanitaljStuc - - 850.U00. 'officers. M. P. FREEMAN, President. W. C. DAVlS, Vice-President. H. a 7UNNEY, Cashlr. Issues drafts available at any point in. the United States. tns lOlsoi es.chanf.eoaa European clue, and mak-s a srn cli'ty cf out-oi town accounts with lndi'"Ms rns ardctr rutloa. nuai ' FLY'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLER1T. Fiemo t s rest, opposi e Prospector, FAMILY PHDTOGRAiif. OUR SPECIALTY Careful attention given to turning o t the Finett views and picture of all tilt's in a mott artist'c manner, tuperior finith and'Jone. Taken on short notice. Groups ass ally Cn'jt.-Jit, n:l til jtult Undertaking Paiuj038 of C. B. Tarbell Coffins, Caskets. Jtobes. Etc. From the Plaiaest to the Finest Made, The Columbia Iron Caskets kept Con stantly in etock. Bodie Temporarily or Permanently Embalmed by the Latest Process. Cottolene - Coiiolene - CottoieneJ, That perfection for shortening purposes is giving general satisfaction We have it in 3, 5, and 1 0 Pound Pails AfZ are well supplied with preparedjfgoods of allkind - for useduring thishotiveather consisting of- Boned Turkey, Boned Chicken, Ecast Turkey, Roast Chicken, Sardines of all kinds, Canned Soups in variety, French, English and American Mackeral in cans, Brook Trout'in either Tomato or Mustard sauces, Deviled Turkey, Chicken, Tongue, and Ham, Ham- hurger Eels in Jelly, Boston Baked Beans plain or ir Tomato Sauce, An? many other Goods . too numerous to mention Also ic regular receipt or Holland, Limouiger and American Cheese. Billiard Parlors, J. N.McDOOUGn.Trop. the Fineit and Beit Htted Billiara Parlors in the City. Jon't Forge: that wc are tela ents 'for Tombstone and. ncnity for Cta I Sato's Sea!. Brei 6 wk 77.- T. -.w..- " " ;?Jt ti L fmporttr of the Best Winer, Liquors and Cigars. Billiard and Pool Tablet in Conjunc tion. Mixed Brink a Speeialty. Private Club Rooms. Allen, bet. 4tli A otli.Tombston PROBATE H)TI0: In the Probate Court ot the County of Co chise. Territory of Ariiona. In the mater oi theesttteof Emma Holcombe. deceased Pursuant to an ordT of said court, made en the 17th dar of September, A, D. t8o5, notice is given that K-idir. tbe yh day of Octobr, A. D IS6, at 2 o'clock p. m. ot said day, at the court room of said conn, at tbe court bouse in the city of Tombstone, and county of Cochise, has been appointed as the tirre and place for prot wgOicwillof sudEmma I to' com be, rjceased. and for hearng the apcliraticn ol W. F. Nich ol. for the issuance to I im of tetters testamentary Khen and where any person interested may ap pear ard contest the same g V. F. BRADLEY. S-18-tf Ktofficie Clerk 1VA 1TED SOLICITORS FOR CAM PAIGN Bok "Bryan Sraa and Free Stbez aiithorii-d by Bryan wntten' by R, I Metcalf editor Omaha World Herald appointed author by Bryan, contains speecnes and piaticrm. A bonanza for arents: a Irce sHser mine for work. nnlv Mi en nnIT nuthoHiftl hnolc en per cent; crecit given; ireifni paia; oumiiree, ue;m now with choice of lemtory: rermanect. profi table work for '. Address The National Book Lcncem atar bmllmr (.lucaro. PUBLIC BUM. Tombstone, Oct. aj. i&,6 TO ILL WHOM IT MAY COVCERV Take nonce; That on the 2S:b day of Septem- ber. 1896, We onn al itaurariod and linear, doinf bns ness at I'earcev county ot Cochise, A T. rnortga! to Oeo H Fitts all the stock in trade and personal property rf said firm, inclod nr the book accounts, and gave him possession 1 -u -. mm,A k- --s;e '"'certT :zd bsc accounts were attached in the suit of P B War nekros, s IIa2lewood 3c Muddy This is therefore to warn alt persons who are indebted to said firm not to pay the same to the said Haxjcaod& Iluddy, tr either of them,, ts snchFpayment will not be. recrcnizea by us, I " G.1I. FHTS. !P. B. WARNEKROi. -3 o-lad MILL FOR, SALE. A ten-stamo mill CSrtrrE. 6-Dani-set- r ' r..-. . F -1 - .- - I U"-r. an agiiaior, tw trators. 10130 Conij eood ,ir'oriinz rri Can b moved as it close tu r-diroad Must de tola, and en be bought Tor jS,Vm' ca-'h Address aospicrpTr Ce; Tofubslone Ari RBE H. THE Grocer. 00RNXM, Oi S1X1B AND ALLEN S1EEEES flW'n on V V 31 i inVci-H ion Notice is hereby (riven that tbe dsplicate assessment roll ot tbe Corxcly of Cochise is now in my" poKession for the ccllecaon cJ 'uics lev ied for the year 180 in slid unty rites -i8 become delinquent 'on the 3d z-" .--- -v - .. -j . -- n. before inVt dte a penalty of Eve 'per cent wi be added, thereto, 'Paymenttnay be rbarje at my cfSe in th couatyjMUilnouseai lompstote, enrtngemee hour 9 am to 13 m" and J to 5 p m. : w '-r JVVICKER8, Treasurer and ExOrrj'ip Tax Collector Cochsse county " " Tombstone, October s6; 18st. oi ITBDltAMIAcTirod by Tjr. KnaaVPas I or. ttW Crciua bau, 1 mm. -to a. ActtrsaMa- I g. - M. Toistone k Pearce MAIL AND STAGE LINE. FRANK BLATZ, - Prop. Makes semi weekly trips to and from Pearce every Wednesday and Sun day of each week, making the round trip in one day, carrying U. S. mai and passengers. FARi;,- round trip - -54 The National Matte Smelter. A practical and simple method of mattinc sulphide ore-, such asmckle, cooper, gold and silver ores. In localities where lead ores and fuels are scarce and almost unattainable, onr pyntic, water jitkel Matte Smelter has been re- cognued witn liicniy satisfactory results, and has been thoroughly tested on vinous ntrauc. tulphide and arsenide ores, in capacity of a to 80 tons per dav. it is the roost practical. cheapest and simplest mrlhod of fold and silver ore mattittg and concentrating irut is known today It requires no estnordinarrskiU. no lead ores, no fluxing material, anc no fuel of any kind for the s nelter alter it Is started. The sulphur In the ore is its natural fu'l nly, and its cost has ne comparison witn any other process o: con centiating We are prepared to furnish any sire or carac ity plant comolete to substantial mining people, set it up and farnUh our m-n to run it for them on easy payments. Price and specifications furnished with references and testimonials en application, NATIONAL ORE & REDUCTION Co. 5736 Cheltenham Avenue. St Louis, Mo, Manufacturers of Furnaces for Nickle. Copper, Gold, Silver and Lead Ore jai-iy PROBATE NOITCE. In the Probate Court, County of Cochise .Ter nirv 01 rttunna. 11. inD.inl irn jr irir. t.: 1 a.- jmue i-enormana ceccaea; Notice of Aprficatioa for crder of sal'. Notice is hereby ren that Geo. It. Fitts Administrator, has Ied with theOTkof this Court a petition praying for an order of tale of all real ani personal property ot received and tkit the 5th day of. October, lyo", at a o'clock p. ra. of said day ticiru; a day of a nular term of t is court to wit of the Octoler term. I896 at tbe Cochise county court house, in Tomb Stone county afon-sail. btsbern set for hearinir Said petition, when and where pr.y persoa inter- rstea may appear and soo ' ciuse wrjy tbe said saia reutiou should not re mnted. W. F. BRADLEY. Ei-cf5do Clerk. Dated Sept.. 5th 1E06. "OTIOE7 TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. Notice is hereby given, that certain minm; Calais caned me lam men, MCUinty and far af on. sitcatecHn the Warren mining distnet, and about one-half mil roth-easte-lv from th Holbrcok hoisting storks, and about the same diita-ice from the town of Birbee, AT. 1st, As the above nimed claims were not located in conformity with the U. S. mining law, there- lore, a second party, H a later date, relocated the, same in full conformity with the above named laws, ard is fully 'determined to protect his rights. Therefore, all pe-fona are call p'onjd not,loharzaiaJor.bcT-orreie theaVovr- niroen claims. a. :ansi k. tS-m Pasber, A.T. is a LOCAL DISEASE and Is the resell el co'is and tuUm cliststis claejes. It cm be cored bya pnrfnt remedy silica ippKei dl net'y into the tostnis. tie Ivzirclckly sbacrheditgivu relief at on ce, Ely's Cream Balm is acknowledged to be the most thorough can Va h'ssalCiurrh, OXJ In Head and Ilsy Fever of r, It opens and cleaue tbe naulpatsagea, allays pain and irflsramstioi heals the sores, pro tects the memorise from comv, mtnrrw tb mwt Tftxsteandsmen. I"rkcs.atInirittjor byiaail. EJ.Y BROTHEKS. W Warren Street, Jfw Yce-.. ALL PERSONS ARE CAUTIONED ayainst purchasing cr negotiating a paper par porting to call for one hundred dollars, favor ol John Gates and endorsed by mc as same has been paid, as I hold Mr. Gates receipt ?ai paper has been lost. T, B. CH VTTMAN Pearco, Aug. 17 !&&. f& 1 Eft i lW m PIONEER" I Carriage i Blacksmith 1 m m yA 1 m 2SOS3. A. I J. 321JMS I) 13 1- J'roi. -omer Third anl Allen. The largest 'and Dct Equipped ESt.d 1 slfnitsj, of it- Kind in the Territory. All Kinds of Buggv Wngori aad p? M Woodwork Kcatljr and - si ProznT)tlv Bene. 1 BLACKSMITKING jJ eivin Mr.nrriiiftPiiift rt m mu nmbtbmtim. w m Best Facilities for Doing All Kinds of i Repairing in Wood and Iron. JVone po tZ " but First-class Workmen HS Employed. m SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. f X3"Full assortment of bardtrood ard iron tor sale. m ttQjaigsrgBjggraaggiig O. L. OUMMINGS. Wholesale and Retail Butcher, COR. 5TH AKD FREMONT STltEETS. Beef. Pork, Mutton, Veal, Sausage, Bologna Pickled Trip Choice Steaks, Roasts, etc. Experienced Cutters. Free Delivery to all parts of the City. Your patronage solicited. OYSTER PARLOR. A.T1-.12?Z St.BETWEEX 1i .A. IN r th First-Class Meals rest'ef ittcr.licn; Eveiythiiig in Seasor BOARD PER WEEK . S7G0 THREE MEALS ioO SINGLE .MEALS !.".Z'.'.Z!".". 50 Dinners lor Scecta. Occasions a Specialty Try a Meal at this Prcular P.esor First-Class Cooks otily Empicjed. '.ccemmed-tion? Trr Families .5 CaZTfAZI, Proprietor. TOMBSTONE GAS OO. A. ASHMAN Lessee. WELSBACH INCANDESCENT 3AS LIGHT In General Use throughout the United States and Europe, d successfelly comr ing with Electricity, both in Brilliancy and Cost of Light. Uses Three Cub Feet of Gas per Hour, and yields a Light of Sixty-Candle Power, Equal to four ordinary burners with double that amount of gas. Placed in Position Without Extra Charge. orai'i: i:v sialic iici.iii.'sTo.'ii:, Attrzo.. nCCHISE HOUSE. ,0 Corner Fourth and Toughnut Streets. e.egka:lvtijy puknished xtoonife F"Vieitors to this city will find tho Cochise nsnperior hotel and ot oiTerinji excellent acconio:latione. 1 T 111113 IVTS r.mAV.tAtrr Itilinrn ni.i. t. M....Mn.,. . . a. x,dnuii nv tvjiaivwuua MairLc itvau run uoijirittiAir Aid All Modem Conveniences. Rates Moderate. san jose house; ' MRS. F. J. BEAN, Prop Centrally Located, Large, Clean ant Well Vintilated Rooms. - -- Mrs. S.GALLEN, Piop Fifth fact. Allen and Toug .r.u sil liis3ll Ml ra tmamtm rz n fa UaSSAu'V i iiOiP 3311 alfil Tombstone, - An'zon FIRST CSASS IN EVERY RESPECT. PARLt R FOR (,UE Everything Made Ccnvt niczt Icr Guests Special Rates to Parties byibsW or?.Jontb. Rercvated Thronrhcu!. SAZ1PI.K ROOM FOR Bl'UiUlERS. lt,TE!i REAECSABi OTEL ARLINGTON XKWLY KCKNISUKD LAliGE AIM R0()3.'S. BEST ACCOMMODATlOaV- This Favorite Headquarters lor Ctmmmal Wen hnstfrr.'? hfm tenovatcd and neatly furnished throughout with special itlcir.feto tiiciri'c t. public. Rooms er.suite and single. Prices Moderate. Everything fiirst-class Samxle rccms for commerial m TOMBSTQNE, ARIZONA V