Newspaper Page Text
WWAAi l. ' ; ; :ti MkjBX For a nne elegant fitting suit of clothes call on WAEBUETON THE LONDON TAILOR Main Street, Bisbee. ggrjust received a larp;o stock of Domestic and Foreign Wollens for the Winter trade. C. Bkaxdes, Manager. A. TXTLAJL. IS C. A. OVERLOOK. UNION MARKET ANDBAKfeRY Brewety Auenue, Irzsh Beef and Mutton, Pork etc. also". Zalt Pork and torned.Ueer.i:AU fcinas or aausxQe.aiwa's '.onlJthand, FRESH BREAD TIES AND CAKES EVERY DAY. PALM ani 0-1 Livery and Feed Stables, BEST TURNOUTS IK THE CITY. At reusable rates, and on short notice. The patronage of the public is respect fully solicited and satisfaction guaranteed GRIFFITH & ADAM, Proprietor: Bisbee. Arizona. THEO.F.METZ, Pioneer Ma forte. Soda water.Sarsapanlla,Sarsaparina and Iron, Gsnger Ale, Champiisn Cider, Syrups, table writers, etc. Latest improved machinery, and but the-very best of maiereaU ever used. ItWrtec. - - Arlxonn. Chop House, Main, stre, Bisbee. OTTO GIEfsHXHOFFKR. Prop Finest Restaurant la Bssbee. Private Rooms for families or for private parties. fresh Oysters and all kinds (jf 'Grttllhoiil SBOSOTi. J-itO table suovlied with the bsb tlie market afford BLEWETT $ aOCASTLE UAXvrxSiv or BOOTS and SHOES Repaired and Made to order on Short Notice. A fa3 line ot GENERAL MERCHANDISE Constan5y on hand. Consisting of Boots. Shoes, Shirts, Underwear and Genu Furnishing Gxsls A w'ei selected stock, and tie Cheapest place in BUbce' quality cr goods considered. F. M. KoKAY Keeps a well selected Socle of SiOlCII, IRISH AND BOURBON VTH1SKIES, Aid the best brands of Cigars. Ice Cold Beer on Draught. GLiUK ltOOMS ATTACHED. ot a pCesstnt. social tiro-, and courteous trel--nen call on McKar, Bisbee. Arizona. A. K II. XV. QUEEN' LOD3KJ So. IX JMEETS ev;ry aturdav evening' Visidng broth ers c-wdiaHy hiited, Amos KtNOSEO. II. W. . ovmio BvKKCC Recorder. II. C FitASEB, Financier. H. SCHMIEDIXO, JEWELER.ANDDENTIST. ALLKIMDS of dental and welrr work in all branches performed w! h nsatneiss ad dispaOh. TX&ces. Bisbee and Tombstone. D; R; I. W. FARKINGTOy, DENTIST. -rf-UoriI manner and aanVation guaranteed. Ail worn in inc unc &-m.m , w-- .- ehanres aie vervreasonhIe.y3ice at.Shearer bsOosaf. 3DE REASONABLE PRICES ALL AVE VSK. Ztsbee hiizona. BISBEE Steam Laundry. BISBEE. A. T. All Un4s of laundry orc done nith neatness aid dispatch. PRICES RE A SONA DIE. Delivery wirou collects and distributes all work. Give them a trill. GEO. UREYSPRING. - - Manager Office With Marks & Wittlg.baibcr shop. Vtsit Marltey's Studio J or up to date, high class photography. CRAYONS, IXJC, PASTELS and WATER COLORS. To meet "outside competition I will mite you a high class life sire Crayon for $3,00. A good enlargement can be made from card, cabinet or tin type. Urr-EKUAix street, Bisbee, Anion. C&8EB Casl Store. CHOICE FAMILY' GROCERIES Fresh fruits of all kindslre ceived daily. VINE5, LIQUORS, CIGARS. AXD TOBACCO. Goods delivered to all .puts of town. 10 per cent on for cash, st. jruuiooricn, rropr. DUBACIIER & MUHEIM, Brewery Galch, Bisbee, Ariz. Pabst Milwaukee Beer On, Draught, Constantly on Hand. Our Bar is S ap plied with the best Wines, Liquors and Cigars Your pitron-ijjs re jpectfuHy so'tcited. V. G. MEDIGOVICH, WholsJe and Retail Dealt, In Groceries Poultry, Game, received once a week, LIQUORS, WINES, CIGARS AND :T03ACCO, UXA. XUlXl UXittXJX xu DEA.LE8 IK DRY GOODS, GREEN AND DRIED FRUITS, WINE8, IMPORTED LIQU0R8 AND'CIGARS, EGGS, BUTTER I AND PROVISIONS; ' IMPORTED CHEESE & SAUSAGES Also Dealerlia Wood. RiPTOTA - I,X,DVEE33Sr,l? BIMMS. Daily Happenings at the Great Copper Camp. Budget ot Interesting Items from our Regular Cor- resDomleut. Bisbee, Dec. 1, 1SUC, CorTESISQ'. Travel both ways on tha Iraint to day was qiite heavy, but consisted principally of traveling men and traa- Menu in (or a day or so. We noticed no vo-y 'amtliar face amongst the throne;. As the cold weather draws on some of our good people aeem to think a little nip of something stronger than o la water is absolutely indiepsnaible at The wiser ones araoni; them generally try a drinlc hero and there about town for a while and then wind up at MoICai's as etca ly cus tomer. To those whoarenot n'perly informed or wish to fivo the trouble of an investigation, we will simply say, try McKay'd good Scatch whisky, and ire will then waste no time in fig uring on I'ct result. Before it become too late we deeiro to note a slight correction to one of our articles in yesterday issue. We stated that there was a rumor about town that Warburton, Bubee'd prince of tailor, bad gone OTer to pnd a few months in fitting out the Prince of Wales for the coming season. This rumor has been fuund to be ortirely groundless and was started as a jolce by some of the witty people. Mr. WarburlOTi is doing very welt in thi country and has no intention of leav ing it at present but ii merely taking n short ttip to San Francisco on bui nep. He told us before ha departed that he intended to bring bsck a filk plug ha, for Mr. Clias. Branded, as he very much dislikes to see hi manager KOing about town in a much bedrag gled golf cap. Windy Dick says nothing but hint that ho may yet Cml a use for some of his ancient hen fruit. In making your selection ofCbriel- mns and holiday presents there- i nothing more appropriate than a well selected piece of jewelry. Our local jeweler, Mr.Schmicdincbas lately laid in quite an assortment of artclea ic .(.!- i:f i r .t. ..... -a .A. n, ..a ....U, .... ... ... .W ...... IMwl. m.' provf d patterns. His tlock ot gold- rjuar.z jewelry is especially attractive, and a call en him may save you much rouble and care in your Cmistmas selccfiotif. His present assortment of watches and diamonds can't be beat. free 1'lIls. Send your address to H. E. Bucklen & Co . Chicago, and get a free sample box of Dr. King's New Life Fills. A tna will convince you of tbeir merits. These pills are easy in action and are panic ularly effective in the cure of constipat m and sick hea.Iachr. Formibiria and liver troubles, tbey have been proved ta- J valu-ible. They are guaranteed to be perfectly free from everdeleterio-js sub j stance and to be purely vegetable. They do not weaken by tbeir action, but by jivi.i tont to th: stomach and bowels gres'iy invigorate the system. Regular size 25c per box. Sold by Tombstone and Uibee dri'jrcists. mm luted. Ths S-.toset Limited train which pas- -?s 13-non twice a week going east or iTft u by far the finest and most tnag- nihernt transcontinental paencer cr-iin in ex'atauce. It is incomparable unexcelled and unequalled. No ex penx1 hai beon spared to make it per fert iu every respect, and all that human akill or science crrnld invent nd apply t inikn it alolntelr fault- Ire 1ib been apphe'. Luxury and beauty havn been combined with sirensrth ard rafety, and, meteor like, it epane lh continent, annihilating time end space in Us marvelous night. Ai! wVu havn nad iii pieaeure of a trip on this train nnhefifa'inely pre nnnnit the v-rv finest in the land. A ticket on this cons no more than on the rezular train. For further particulars and any in formation, addrrj. E. 8. WEBSTER, Ageat at Benson, Or T. H. GooDMaF,' G. P. A. San Francisco. ur. Price' CreasB Bakfac TPowmr I VM'f Vtie Hiskest Awft4 PA-LADE Lodging House URS. THOS. W, V L1C EU.: Prop. When visitintf Bisbee don't Zfailtogoto the Palace, Booms large light and airy Well furalihed rocmis Cestrally and Conrerl, ently located. Renovated throughout. Rates Reasonable. STLOUISBEER-HADt BISBEE, AltfZv SHATTUCK & KEATING'. Proprietors. Agents for Anheutelr-Duseh Brewing Association. Wholesale and Retail. ICE COLD BEER? DRAUGHT C. W. BLACKBURN. VXT zry. r-.'. , '--.-V'-r-rTJ The New lnrproTed Wtute Seinnp Uaeclnel Kicgof All. vlioi the lnfUKm -n: plan on easy term bjC. W, BUCKUl'KS.O K tr:t. All Muchlne of all kinds. Notary Public and C-mveyamer. Miners Exchange Main Street. Bisbee. W. C.SMITH &. CO. Choicest oj Wines, Liquors ana 2 Cigars, Every courtes and accommodation extended to pauocs, Reading and Card Room Attached. Notice to Creditors. Est'tte of Emma Holcom'je deceased TUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN j br th; nndTsisned adminltrito if the sute cf Emm Holeombe deceased to tiv crcd. tersofandallrier'oishwn? ialmsayaiustthe said deceased, to eihiit them iih th" nec essary ouchr, within fo-wmmths afier tbe first paWicatiin of thiinotice. to the said ad ministrator, at his office in the mwn ct Will cox, in the said county of Cochtse. W. F. NICHO S. Admimistra'or. with the ail ?nneiel, tf the' estate ot Emma Holcomb, deceased. Dated at WTOeoi.tthis X2lh day of October.iBjj" FOR SALE. "JtanclTand improvement', bouse, barn and well; 8 ccn's nnder cultivation; about 75 orcbard trees in bearing: water right under St. David. Canal. Everything complete and can be bad .cheap for cash. Good reasons for sell ing. Apply oraddress owner on premises. Mrs. Hannah Nfjlson, St. David. FOR SALE. A grouo of Copper Claim oart'y developed. Ore black and oxide from the grass root'; ore found in all working's; plenty in sight and juat the proposition for a company" Good ro"ds, wood, water and timber plentiful, claims eight miles from railroad. Address Prospector, office, Tomb stone The Worlds Fair Tests Bbov.'cd xio bskln? pawdst so pure or so S' o Icjy tolas j?' the Uoys!f JSM FH?-yt?zf(-.v NICVjNQBILE. Dealer in , Fraits,Kuts.Candit3sl rjjh Fraiti-R swivel Daily from California. Carries the Boat Line of 'PIGABS AjYD TOBACCO Ever lii'ongiit to Tombstone. Poultry, Eggs, Potatoes. uniuns, eiCj, acways on Hand. . . . . . ' Fifth' St.' next.'to Postofftce. FQR .' 4 Of Any Description, -Call on WMr D. MOJfONIER: Opposite Mason Doree. Carries a full line of Station ery, books, Inks, Pens, Mu cilage, Toys, Window glass, Fancy Toiiet Articles, etc. Price the Lowest Allen St. Bet oitrtli& Fifth O.K. Livery Stable Full Line of Liven;! TKANCIENT AND BOARDING STOCK CAREFULLY . ATTENDED Prosvectin Picnic and Ex cursion varties outfitted on short notice.. UrA ders bu mail or tel Graph '. receives vromot atten tion: TERYCSUNREASOHABIY LOW, .TOIIN IWOXTGOSrKKY, 1'roj. J V. V1CKER3 j Fremont Street. i omtstone, Arizona. Ileal Estate. Mines Moncv, Cattle ond In surance,mmsBu. KEI. ESTATE Boaght.'sold rented! 1IINE5 Doajht sold tianaced. HON EY Loans negotiated and In-1 vestments made. CATTLE Grower, dealer aid ts INSURANCE Fire, Accident, Tjfe. gl Prompt Attention Given Collections. TOMBSTONE DRUG - STORE. Op. Wells Fa-go C. A Choice Stock of Pure and Fresh Drnsand Jledi- cines on Hand, Full Line cf Leading Patent Medicines Prescriptions Compounded by a Careful Competent and Experienced Prcscriptionist. Fine Selection of HOTJQHS. T0ILET.GQ3DS, PIP.FUMES HJONEEK T4 BARBER SHOP. JOSRPH LTPPERT. Everything Neat, Clean and in First Class Order. Shaviiv, Shampooing and Haircutting done in an Artistic Manner. The Oldest and Most Favorably Knovn Bartier on the Cosut, PayEima Call. AJlea. bet. 4ttsVSth.T7aBsitBi CITY BARBER SHOP akdJ Bath Rooms, J. B. MIANO, Frrprietor, Hair Cutting, Shavlneand Shampooint; Large, Convenient and Commodious Bath Rooms attached. Hot and Cold Shower Baths. Every- thing first-class Years of Prartical Experience males this Shaving Parlor a mst Popular Resort. aUea, smr;cwr UuTwlwf-sse, Stationery BJK - Mt As a compliment tq our many patrons and the public generally, for a short time we are going to give to every purchaser of Ten Dollars' worth of ;oods a fine : : : : : Life-Size Ciayon Portr?iti 7 There is not a family but possesses some picture' ol Father,. Mother. Brother or Sister, whicK'' they would like to have reproduced in a life like and durable manner. What more suitable ' for a present Call at once and see specimen. THE IT-JR-AJMCE. The iwi lU Company nas made it conditiona upon us that with each portrait we sell a frame. The price is $i.oo to $ Call and select your own style. OTTJR, HPJLiJV Is to issue tickets on your first purchase of five cents or over, and every additional purchase, large or small, is added thereto, and when the amount reaches $io we deliver, free of cost, a Life-Size portrait. Call and;get a ticket.' F. N. WOLCOTT Dealer in Choice Family Groceries A WELL SELECTED STOCK OF HARDWARE AN?) TINWARE, AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. Goods Delivered free ARIZONA MAIL & STAGE CO Office Opposite Drug Store, 5th St, Carries (LS. Mail and W. E. & Co's. Exp. FARE TO OR FROM FAIRBANK 1 1.50 Leaves Tombstone at 7.15 a. m. to connect with Trains for Bisbee; and points south. Leaves Tombstone at 5:15 p, m. lor Fairbank to connect with Benson and all points east west Arrives 9:00 p. m, with Nogales mail and passengers. Arrives at 1 2:45 p. m. with eastern and western mail and passengers. BAOOAO of Passengers delivered to Office in the city free 0 Chrgs TENTH STREET ; DAIRY. -iOHN HANLEYGPRORIETOB, Pure, Bresli Unadulterated Milk, delivered dail" toal parts of the citu. j. n -"'" Milk Wagon in town Hi)'.- ) yte quart, lOcts, Redaction is made for larger quantities K Oflice id on the wagon. Tour patronage solicited. John Weiland' Anheuser. Lemps. OJrLyTBi:'lBADJ'lSVPPLIXB TIJCHOJ, ARIZONA. Battled WeilandJBeer luinished to families in lombsto.. by JOS. HOEFLER Winislratofs Sale k Good Ranch and Improve ments Offered for Sale. XrOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT i.1 bidiwillberecdred by the undersigned administrator of the estate of Emile Lenonnand deceased up to and including November 14th Ms store in Tombstone Arizona for tilt ranch ef 160 acres, heretofore owned ad occu pied hv said deceased, situated on the San Pedro river in said county; ju$t above the Grand Central MiH, and aboat two miles below the town of Fairbank and also for all the personal piupeitj and utensils beloncinf to and situated apon said ranch which personal property is de scribed iatbe Inventory and apprisement in this estate, on file wlih the Probate Judge ef said county. Prtssion can be (riven December ist. 1896. Terms f sale, cash. The right to reject any and all bids is he et7 reserved. Cfj. H. FITTS Administrator. Dated September 3th, 1806 ' I " - tjWSo - to all parts of the City. lager; ST. LOUIS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BEER HILL MARTIN COBTKLLO Aet for Jnhauer Busch BtW