Newspaper Page Text
h - The Prospector DECEMMR. 2. 1896 RAILROAD TIME TABLES AMZOMA It SOUTHEiSrERN R. R. ?3 TIM TAUS cXo i. juir s ism. Soith is1 a - lual Firs!- Flm SUtk Dar ClCCt anSiy T a,m TeW I.U aallv xeeft saaaay .S S.H isa . F1W .... ArUJ ,..Da Laiv. .......!GM ...Fackarl Ur. , IW. i-f tsa. .30 10,-OS Baf.Bi .Water 'Tank...... 9 1 ChAllMWC .'v3 . lrbtnk ... .Lv 10 1J 18,10 11, t TwtMViv. nr ua.ii. 'nifU ' mi. . las Wouua, 8aptrialn',t. SOUTHERN PACIFIC R R tEast stations.! Welt I 4.4J a. Bl pm S-SP8 8.3 a mi ...B)sb. .... .Aru.35pa .Tucsan i.5a m ....VaHcopa .. ...... Y-iraa .... ,...Los Aoreles . 4 soa n nnm W" San "Sft, JUalua. ml' beani, Uoaaas lad Hi radava 8,10, BaaMO Bun Get, I. mit von Mtiaa, Wedaertays and dabudayi, 4.06 Eki J Kictsckkitt. CM E Randolph. DS NEW MEXICO A ARIZONA R R West STATIONS Eat 6.oopmj Lv ....Brasn ... Fatrbank ..... . . . . Iluachuca. . . . . .. Crittenden .... .. Calabata .... ....Noealei ... A 10-40 am t copra 8,50 am loo a in ts.iopm 10.30pm 1.40 a rj a. 37 am 9.00101 8.30 am 1.15 pm aEy except Sunday. Pacific time. I. J. Fair General Manager. A. Navolx. L. H. Albxecht. Assists General Maaarer. iTraia Mister. Xaria 1 1 ma : jj OT.MLt ....rurksnt ...ArllSS f ...X. SL A A. Cr.fci:g. .. H7.T I -! u( jilt J. ...... aiiteat'M .S 'MSi Braaoa Li MARICOPA k PHOENIX R R. North station's South t 8 copo L......PIiaix Ar tma 8.35pm .Tempt 735am o.opm ......Kyrene 700am 9.35pm Beaton 635am 0.45 P .....Marie pa 615am E. S. SHAMr. Ceo. Supt. ' " - " LOCAL NOTES. fatlvsr is quotrd at C5 A. Mexican circus is headed (or Tombstone. To board of supervisor meet on the 21st insL mm Taxes are coming in fairly well at tb county treasurer office. E. J. JacVliu and Lem Overlook are Tisitors to tbe count seat on a brief business Tbe family of Wm. Fourr bas moved to town so that the children can bare the benefit of our sciool. Mr. 8 1. Clair of 1'icacho district near Yami left for a visit to Biobee, to see the great copper camp. A doable bead (1 freight train con sisting of sixteen loaded cars lift No- gales for tbe east Saturday morning, 1 m m . la answer to a query we would slate that is is generally under Uod that the N. M. &. A. intend to continue Sunday service regularly. Oscar C. Felton of Mesa, challenges anyone in the territory to a steer tying contest on a wager of from $100 to $200 a side. Here is n chance for soma of our Coohise county cowboys. Yavapai county supervisors are tbe defunct railroad from Preicott to Prtacott Junction. The bonds were dead until a late art of congress resur rected them. No news has bsen received of the whereabouts of lilsck Jck and bis pals or of th g workings cf tbe various posses. Thfi officers are quietly at work and no new of their wherea bouts is made public. - Awarded tflzhest Honors World's Fair, DR; CREAi BAM1NG MOST PERFECT MAD". k awe Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Fre fssss Ammonia, Alu.n cr s-iy other adulterant . &x teaxs'tke tanoarc WW LWWffl MEXICAN BOUNDARY, Carefullv Re-Marked Accord ing to Trettv Agreement. J. W. Barlow, of the corps of engin eers, Uuited States Army, bas submit ted to Secretary Oloey the final report of tbe international boundary corneals Ion and the anmouncemeot of tbe completion of the work assigned it. The original commission was con cluded July 29, ISS2, and subsequently continued by a later convention to October 11, 1S9G, Tbe report consists of nearly seven hundred pages of printed matter, ac compauied by maps and pbotograpbie views. In brief, it shows lie complete marking of a series of stone and iron monuments of the entire divisional line from tbe Rio Grande to the Pacific ocean, aboutTOOmiles. In accordance with general instruc tions, the commission erected 253 monuments in all, includiug all the old ones that could be put in good condition. Mcst of them are of cast iron, but the ptiucipal ones are f stone. They average about two and a miles between Ihotn. Stone was used wherever possible. Generally they are in the form of a simply tapering shaft, bearing suitable in scriptions in English and Spanish. The stone monument am about eleven feet high, and tbe iron monuments about six nod a half feet high. Tbey are arranged so that they are within sight of one another from one end to the other. "Wc had an epidemic of dysentery in this vicinity last summer," says Samuel S. Pollock, "of Briceland, Cal. "I was taken with it and suffered severely until some one called my mention to Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. I procured a bottle and felt better after the first dose. Before one half of the bottle had been used I was well. I recommended it to my friends and their experience was the same. We all unite in saying tt is the best." For sale by Druggists. . . INSPECTION TItlP. Santa Fe Officials Pass Over tbe N. M, & A. Ths special train bearing the offi cials of the Santa F system returned Saturday from the tour of inspec tion to Guaymas and southern points and continued their journey north. In the party are Mr. J. J. Frey, general manager of theStnta Fa system, John Player, superintendent of machinery; .H. C. Whitehead, general auditor; H. 0. Short, general traveling auditor; and John McCarthy, private srerctary to Mr. Frey. Tbe local officials of the N. M. and A. and Sonoraroids, Assistant General Manager Nitigle. Road master Mon tague, Trainmaster Gibson and Mas ter Mechanic Jehnson, accompanied the party to Bsneon. TV,.- Bh-!s -.--t ". r-.r.-.r.i' 1 .- r.isa over the new line of the S. F. P.'i P., vis. Phenix. The Videttc thinks it is understood that the company have in contemplation some decided improve ments in tbe service between Beuson and Guaymas. The public schools of San Francisco have be?n closed on arcnuot of lb prevalence of diptheri. Reports from eaetsrn cities show that the disease has taken quite a bold thero also. The church entertainment and fair which will bo one week from Thurs day next, promises to be a novel and ntertaining treat. Some entirely new and unique features will bo pre sented, and atogether its success is assured. A man can easily ruin bis lepntation in China. If be rides in t'lr same car riace witb lii niletbe dec-d T dene. In this country men reach the same end by riding iu errlg w t1) sera one slss's wife. Citizen. Every IiolJr of an unpatented min ing clain should see to it that claim jurnptis will find scanty ricking on Jan. 1st, 97. But 23 days remain ia which, if not already tlon-, the f 100 worth of work or improvements for '9C can be performed. The noon t2M "J""' aonwbit latter than ijul t xlay. Trie delay is occaionpd by the non ar rival of the . M. &. A. t Kairbauk on schedule tim. Since mixed tra ns are being ruu cousiCtrsble time is oc casionally consumed in connecting freight carr. QUEER PEOPLE, Everything Tkev do is Done Backward. ' Tbe Chinese ile everything back ward. Their compass points to tb south, instead of to the north. Tbe aiern r skirls and th women wear trousers; while the men wear their halt loog, the wmuru coil theirs in a Knot. Tne ilres.mnVcr are men, while tho woaien crry burdens. The spoken language Is not written, and ttie written language u not spoken. BooLh read backward, an I any notes are inserted at tbe top. White is used for mourning, and bridesmaids wear black instead of being maidnns these functionaries are eld women. The Chinese surname cosnes first, and they shake their own hands instead of the hand of the one whom they greet. Vessels are launched sideways, and horses are mounted from the off side. They commence dinner with desert, and end.witb fish and soup. m Advertised Letters. Tbe following is a list of letters re maining in tbe general delivery at tbe Tombstone postoffiee for the week ending Norember 28, 1S96: B.-Henredy, D. McUonalJ, Bessie Wand, J. Seamon, W. Miller, Francisco Valdez. 1). Harrington, ri AY hell calling for above letters, say dvertued, givitr,; dite of advertise meat. Evtit. Sydow .P. M. BUCKLIN'8ARSICA SALVE. rhe best salve in ths norld for cuts buises, sores, ulcer, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains corns, and alt skin eruptions and posi tively cures Piles, or no payment requir ed i: is guaranteed to give peefect stis a faction or money retunded. Prices 50 cents per box. For tsale ' Tomhione Drug Stere Xew line of cl cke at Wolcott's BOB HAYS DIED GAME. The Storv of tha Fight Told hv a Participant. Ths 1 Palo Times gives the fellow ins; story of the recent fight witb BUck Jsck's party in which Bob Hayes was killed: J. L. Dew, sheriff elect of Eddy eonatyKew Mexico and Deputy Unit es! Ktatss Manlidl who was in charge of tbe poise that kill d Bob lieyse of Black Jack's gan; on the lSili, was in the city yesterday nnd to a Times) reporter gave ths following particulars of the battle in which Bob Hayes was killed: "On tbe evening of Tuesday the 17lh after following the trail of Black Jack's gang several days we struck tho placo where they bad recently broke cams aad from tbat point the trail led to- OTrd-iterCrct. Wu knew the rob bers were out of provisions and con cluded they would go into the Diamond A, ranch next morning to secure sup plies. In order to get there ahead of them we went around tbe trail and by bard Tiding 'alt night reached the Diamond A, ranch at daylight. After getting breakfast ws did net have long to wait befere, just as wo expected two of the robbers cssae riding in'o tbe raacb. .They ware Bob Hayes and a large dark oesnplected man with heavy black moustache and I knew ho was Black Jaek from the description given ate of the Ieadsr of the gang. I had two mrs with mo but they were dead srasas. When the twe robber; got within 6.1 yards of us wo covered them and I cs lied ont for tbt-m to threw up their Bands. That however was not tbsir game. B-th seen snatched out their pisloU, jerked their liorsa heads up Iritwsit us sud t'leroselvrs and r-uiint; Iek irr theirasai!t'Iis opened ITr, whit'h ret imbd with interest. In pulling his horse haak Black Jack jerVid te aniiaal t his aiioches and tbeneetbisa wild !) thncbing his spurrsd bssl into tbe animal to keep biasself frcui ftll'ng off. Th horse be gsa pluaging and seeing Hayss fall Jack beaded for the bruh. Seeing ho was about to gel away, I shot his horse killing him. The auimsl. r lied over on Black Jack's rifi but he swiftly lift ed tbe bone aufficiemly tj enable him to secure his gun and he disappeared In tbe bushe. Bob Hayes, though mortally wounded, fought tr a Guirh, firing twesnets at us while be was lying m bis back dying. I don t think uy el'as'toach'ed Black Jack; bis cenfoaaiad .- bofse was cavorting aroitad atlrack raU. He rejoined bis ARIZONA AT3I0SHIERE. Park A. Finlev Writes of Its Health Restoring Merits Park A.Ftnliy, who came to Anion for bealtb, found tli lrM-ure lie wan seeking, and la the Iowa State It .'it I li ter he has an article lu which be tells appreciatively of tho gloilnns air aud health-restoring qualitite of this cli mate. Altitude and pure ir with mediam humidity you get in Celorado. A mild, moist air you find in California. Now, when you come to hunt for a medium altitude with minimum of of moMuie and a mild fall, winter nnd spring, and comfortable living, the text ari usually silent. It is the purpose of tbe writer to call attention ts Ariioaa as combining the requistes just mentioned, knowing as be does, tbe benefits to bs derived from the climate and tbe merits of tbe country as a pertnaaeut or temporary resi dence, and th3 great dithculiy of ob- uissing such information iu the east. FOB HITf VKABS. An old, well-tried" remedy. Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup has tfti used for over fifty years by millions of mothers tor their children while teeth ing, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gume, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. It i pleasant to the Uate. Sold by drupgiat in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottles Its value is incalculable.- Be sure and isk for Mr. Win sloff's Soothing Syrup, and teko no other kind. If Jyou want a good Ho. 6. cooketove sevsral pans and pots, also a small heating sloe thrown in; ill rtcond hand but in good cendition, can be bad for 10, cash; aluo a good sewing machine Singer gecond baud but in Al working order, for $12, cash. Call at this office for particular.', tf saetSWorp n -3d saaera Oija ij ,na aa iTR wcm. - Lt. Miw' r&ln lllte. ARIZONA LEADS. She Places Her Orange Crop on the Market First. The fi'st carload of oranges tver shipped from the Sll River valley will go out thia evening oyer the North and South roed for Chicago. 'Ibn shipment is made by Mr. W. M. Ward from his extonsive orange groves north or this city. This shipment will be followed almost daily for some time by carload shipments from the groves of th Arizona Improvement Company and others. Herald. msn vi ho had remained out in the bushes. 'I had to return to E idy to file my band and qualify as sheriff, but left Chnrlie Ballard in charge of the posse to follew the trail of the gang. Black Jack will be hard to catch as his men can get tresh horses as often as they noed them, and they have nore friends out there than the officers. I. expect to rejoin the cliaae unless the men are run down before I can get through with my business in Eddy. Ko, Sheriff Shannon was not in the fight." This is the first story published of the Gght from the lips of one of the men participating in it acd tallies with Black Jacks story as he himself told a rancher which was published in tha PsospitCTOt hst niht. Cranberries, eastern apples and Buckwheat flour at Wolcott's. . Two Liivcs'Saved. Mrs. Phoebe Junction City I!!.; -as told by her doctors she had Con- sumptiorrand that there. was no -hope for her, but t a bottles of Dr. Kind's New Discovery cured ner, and she says it savecTher life. Mrf Thos. Egers, 13 J Florida St., San1 Francisco; suffered froirt a dreadful cold, approaching consump tion, tried without reu!i everything tle then' bought One bottle of Dr. Kin New Ditcoverp and in two weeks is cared. He is n-tturdly thinkful. It is ruch results, of which there are samples that prove tbe wonderful rffieary 01 the medicine in coughs aad colds. Free trial bottles at Tombstone and Bibee drug stores. Regular size 50c and Si 00 m m TEAMS WANTED. To haul coke and copper bul lion between the tsrminus of the Gila Valley, Globe and Northern railway and the town of Globe Arizona. For ptr tlculars "'address W. W. Ed wards, at Geronimo, Ariz na. tf NOTICE. TeMS.TOXK, Novemb-r 35. 1896. OfSceof the Board of bupenlsors of CocLisc County, Notice Is hereby -;Wen Uut the Board of Su pervisors wi 1 self at pnraie sale the following dexntKd real esutf. Mtuale in said county, the same having been dalr will and by tax deed conveyed to the Territory of Arizona by the Tax Otlector or vuJ wanly to recover the urpiid tax and charges against each tract or pati-el of land, a the same appears of recoid la the nnwe f iheTax Collector and Recorder of same. t it: Mtj I A Allcock. Tombstone "Lot 1. Uo-k 45. O.beaaro Anay.lWee adobekoue. 4 90 1 15 4 4 ' 7 34 83J jo 81 833 11 1 10 53 6 63 M 3 l 06 5 is 69 S9 5 93 J9 18 6S 51 Joe Bt coa. TombsUne, Lots I, a and 3. luoca a. ........ Manuel Billion. B.bee s fraaie house.. ... ..... ........... P A Bo)er, Do Cabexis Blacksmith sbopand stab'e A Binrhan, fct Duld Improve ments ocrauch ........... J I-"Bra.nom Imp'ovem-ntsoa ranch Malcomb Improvements on ranch Juan Barillo. Willccx Im 17. Block 20 CS Clark, Tombstone- Lat 14. blotk js Wm CavanauKB, Tomltone I-ots 5 asd c, liiocK 3. J N Cbrutianson. St. David Im provements on ranch . W K Duncan. West Huathueas Ia- provemeats on ranch....... ... James Doyle. Benson Lot 18, Block Qaaaaeae AUen R Eneliih. Tombstone I Jti'e Pedro mine. No. 96J Biz I'eare mine. No. 94; I-ols 14 15, 16 and 17, Block 44 A Escalante, hubee 1 frame house.. C E Frederick. Tombstone W H f lotG, Wock5 Sam Fnedman. Benson Lots 27 and 23, block. 18 W C Gitcnood. Benson K of S W Jf and W Jf of S E $,', Sic sS Tps6. R20 at 7 76 04 8 48 18 73 44 3 16 84 40 3 151 36 3 si Concepcion Gonzales, Benson Leu 1 and 3. L. a 01 r tv i rec 19. Tp so. n 19 Inacio Gill, Lower 'an Pedio Im provements .... Jescs Gonzales, Loner San Pedro N S 01 L. J4 oi .- x, aec 19, Tp 13. R 29 ... .....'.. ChiisGrauer. Chiricahca mountains; S E M Sec 3. Tp 17. K 3.. . . W A Gray, it David Improvements T T Hunter. Witcov-Sec 19. Tp 13. K 25; tec 16 Tp 13. K 35... Hall. Aston and Gray Del Val grant G Lonergan, Benson Lot 13, b'ooi 39 J C Lois, W)j of N W U and W X oiatl M cc a j, ip 15, iv. 24.. Mead and Clark, Tombstone Lot 7 Uock 19 Nicholas Myers, Lower San Pedro Improvements on r?nch.... .... E Morales, Willcox Lot 18. clock 56 loan Morales, Willcox Lt 17, block s6 Jacob Martin-z. Willccx Lot 1 block 12 R McCcnmck, Tombitont I-ots t and 3, b'od. tf Mrs. U II McVea', Tombstone i-aa Dieo nuneNo. loft EG Norton, Bisbee Improvements Main Itiert T O'B'Jen, Sulphur Spring valley Improvements en ranch Mrs. C W Puih. Willcox Lot 16, block 35 J R Parish S E K Sec 14. Tp 17, R so 20 37 5i 43 36 57 4 7 S7 ' 370 833 7 93 41 93 ! C3 s R Rundle, Bubee Frame house "37 Andres Rebiel. San Pedro Improve- mention ranch 113 93 O. M, Renaui, San S.mon valley Improvements on ranch. .... .. ED Roberts. San Pedro -Improve-mention ranch Ouong Sine, Tombstone Lot 16, blk. 16 W F Stover, Bisbe e Adobe house.. Noah Sxeeton S E X Sec 29, Tp 16 R 29 RDSwecton N E Jf Sec 3. Tpio. R39 E Saenz K of Sec 4. Tp !3,Ri9..' Tu2v, Ds!oiciad Ochca of SW J,' and E K of Sec 30. Tp 30. K . S E .' and W H of N E 5 . SocrjJ.'lp i6,R33;N Jof N E X and W H of N W K Sec 34. Tp 17, R 30. ...... .... .... -. Unknown, Richmond mine No, 94. Tombstone disctrict Unknown. McLelland mine No. im Tombstone U'Uict Unlxovri. Vay ro'ne No. 154, Tomb-sto-.c dutrict Unktovm Ophirmine. NcSy Win chester district Uuknaa i. Copper Kirg mine No. ;l CochUe district G S WUte, WiT.coX Lot 11 b'ock a 34 20 6 6 IS 15 18 10 IS S is s 761 ; so 5 c3 4 39 4 9 5 oS S 3 3l J, S. WILLIAMS, Chairman. Attct A. .V3NTW0KTH, Oerk. By W, A. IIaxwood. Deputy, SHERIFh?'SSALE. PUBLIC NOTICE IS IIERRBY GIVEN, that under and by viitu- ol a speeiaS execution is-ced out the Divtrict Cou-t, of the Firt lu-ii-cial District, of the Trrntorr of rizona, in and fr t!- County of Cochise, on tho 31st day of November iSc6. 01 a lodgment thereon ren- dere4 on the 20stdiv of Novrml-r, 1S96. in favor of IVral B. Warnekros. pUintfT. and against H. C Hazlevood and D-r.iel Huddy. copnrtsers under tbe firm name of Hazlewood & linddr," t'elendants, to- the sum of to thousand una forty seven and 45-100 dollars. 1 irs costs of suit, and accr ii.t; cosa by which Ian commandeit to sU all those certain lets, pieces aid parcels of real ettate. situate in the ton of Pearce, county and terntary aforesaid, and described as follows, to-vnt: Two lots in saM town of Pear.-e, known as the store and lumber yaid or said Hazlewood ft Haddy. on tin east side of Wtllc x stre-t and bounded r-n the north by the property of Henry Fitch. I will s-'l at puh'ic sale to th: hij"ieiit and best bidder for cash, currency of t.e- United btates, on the I6TH DAY OF DECEMBER, 1&.6. a TVa1- r, , f Si4, ttw al tk riV, tide and intereat which the saM Hazlewoodl and Ha lit had in aad to the said above des-j cribed reaf estate, on the 3! diy ol October, ' i8of, the day tbe attachment Is said care wast levied thereon. I C. S FLY. 1 Sbcriar. DaSxd Xovsaaber 33rd, 1896.I , 034-141 1 " -i JOSEPH CORNER FIFTH AND FREMONT STREETS. PIONEER DEALER IN General Merchandise. Cape Cod Cranberries Seedless Raisins 3r . jl it ? h-F- , e . " tj f ' ANGELICA, SHERRY, PORT, ZINFENDEL, JOHANNESBURG, WHITE Sauer Kraut, Limberger STIFLE MO CHOICE GINS, BRANDIES and WHISKIES BOTTLED BEER ggr Everything InlOur'Line is First Clnsp Gwjt:il Soldjat.i'iiee.rhat Defy Competition. yr t laftsft JUo, HOEFLER, STORE. 'e . ' - London Layers, $ Fresh Currents Iaa:i:-a O'X a. JbUlUdll iiUUII. Cheese, Holland Herring, FANCY -MF-t'1t-'' ' v t BRANDS OF FOR IFAIILY. TEAL HOEFLEI I