Newspaper Page Text
.C-Uiii-iiumrirBufr-umfT m pjm , aa a .a a na i i l t $ Uv It u f 14 -I r.-- ! I" .i liS ' i -1 if 11 m if ill. i TOMBSTONE PROSPECTOR PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING (BCHDAT EXCXFTZD) -T Wn. Hattich, Editor and Proprietor. GmolL DIRECTORY. Uavor P.lB. Warnekros td. Doyle Chief at roUce. Councllmeo: "- f- " Hacob MMer r.W. Downs - - - - D. K. Watdwel First WiM Second Ward rMidWard Fourth Ward xvrtt crricxas: ifcorU OS.Fly Treasure Recorder - a CMstrtct Altotne Probate Judge desk District Court I. V. Vickers A. Wentworth G. W. Swala W. F. Bradley Scott White H. O. Howe . A. Bright . K. Duncan Surveyor - - - Court Uomntintoner - - J- AUTHORIZED AOENTS. L. P. FISHER, at; Merchants' Exchange San Francisco. ' O. It KELLOGG. No. 310 Pine street. Room 57 and 53, San Francisco. E. C DAKE, room 65. Merchant Exchange, an Francisco. GEO. P.ROWELL, 10 Spruce St New ork. N. W. AYER SON. Philadelphia. AD transactions made by the above named persons wCl be complied with at the PROS PECTOR office. MabBcrlptiost Kates. One Tear $10 00 8lx Months 6 00 Three Months 3 00 OneMonth. 100 Delivered by Carriers for 25 cents pn week. CITT AND COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER Many new mining schemrsare iu pro- greet ef incobttion in Cochise county, If a, few of them materialize it means iacreased prosperity. Additional evidence cf restored con fidence: A New York gentleman has succeeded in selling; gentleman from Brooklyn a beautiful geld brick. X Georgia editor takes this tensible view of the aituation : "Sink or svrim, we're with ibis country, aod we'll never drown while we can kick and holler for rope." - seems, has something else besides eilver to sustain herself the is .a great oeffee producer, and last year she sent 53,983,500 pounds ef that berry to market the yield of about 50,000,000 trees. The extreme high price of 14 cents per pound for copper ought to make a great activity in prospecting in Cecbite county. Fine copper prospects are found at every point of the compass from this place, and some ef the pros pects are unsurpassed anywhere in the territory. Cochise abounds in good lead j. Thousands of working men in dif ferent paits ol the conntry who know that free eilver is right, but voted for the gold standard under a premise that their wages would be raised ten per cent, are not worrying themselves just now about the ten percent, but are standing out in the cold wonder ing what has become of the other ' Dlaety. AlltUtjUcrijue Ceiuwcxal. THE LADIES. The pleasant effect and perfect safety with which ladies may use Syrup of Figs under all conditions makes it their favor ite remedy. To get the true and genu ine article, look for the name of the .California Fig Syrup Company, printed near the bottom of the package. For sale by all responsible druggists. Weigh the Tea you Buy in packages -for some packages that are ' I supposed to contain one-half iwrJaS. 2f2nL WIS S&2T or one pound weigh onlv 6 and 12 ounces. Pride of Japan Tea the best in packages imported- Weighs full 8 and 16 ounces. Ask your grocer for ," Pride of Japan Tea M. J. BRANDENSTEIN & QO. Sao Francisco aa Yokohama What Are We Here For? 'V S THE FUN OR THE M0N? From tte expression upon our friends face hej is evidently here for neither hut as for us WE ARE HE&E FOE. BOTH. We are handling FRAjVIZ SIDDAL1LS SOAJP "Which for easy and perfect washing cant' bo beat. Cottolene s Cottolene - Cottolene. That perfection for shortening purposes is giving general satisfaction "We have it in 3, 5, and 1 0 Pound Pails WE are well supplied with for use during J:hishot Boned Turkey, Boned Chicken, Roast Turkey, Eoast Chicken, Sardines of all, kinds, Canned Soups in variety, French, Enelishand American Mackeral in cans. Brook Trout'in either Tomato or Mustard sauces, Deviled Turkey, Chicken, Tongue, and Ham, Ham burger Eels in Jelly, Boston Baked Beans plain or ir " . Tomato Sauce, Antf many other Goods too numerous .to mention, Also m regular receipt ol Holland, Limourger and American Cheese Jon't Forge: that we are icls agents ior .ToTibstone and icnity for Chase & Santa's Seai Brani "Col. EORGE THE D0RNF.S, OB S1X1H u?Oi7' 9E&lLm y ' 'wg prepared goods of all'kind weather consisting of H. nm Grocer, AND ALIEN S1REEE8 THE WILLOWS, CHAS, BULOTTI, Tropr Choicest line 01 Wines and Liquors. Imported and Domestic Cigars, Courltoui Attention to Patron. Allen, bet. 4th & GUi. Tombstone COMET SALOON GAItLEYATO & PALA, Propr's, WINES.LIQUORS & CIGARS. Dealers in Bourk's Irish and Sc0lch Whisky, and Other Well Knotcn Brandt. A Specialty made of belt Clareti and Wintt. Billiard Farlcr in Connnection and the Cfcles Place in Town. Allen, bet. 0lh.S-.7tb, Tombstone PONY SALOON, J . A. KOSKA Proprietor. Fineit Stock of Wines, Liquor and Cigars in the Territory. PRIVATE CLUB ROOMS ATTACHED. Best and Purest Brands of Whiskies Brandies and Wines kept Con stantly on Hand. Tost mil find "Al" cf home, on AUtr, St bet. ith and 5th. Billiard Parlors, J. N. McDONOUGlT, Prop. Ihe Finest and Best Htted Billiara Parlors in the City. Importer of the Best Wines, Liquors and Ggars. Billiard and Pool Tables in Conjunc tion. Mixed Drinks a Speeialty. Private Club Rooms. Allen, bet. 4 lb A Gtb.Tombiiton PROBATE N3TI3E. In the Probate Court of the County of Co chise. Territory of Arizona. Inth- mater ol theestite"pf Dunn Holcombr. deceased; Pursuant to an order of said court, made on the 17th day of September. A, D. 1896, notice is given that F' iday, the 5th day of October, A. D 1806, at 2 o'clock p. m ol said day, at the court room of said coon, at the court house In the city ef Tombstore, and county of Cochise, bas been appointed as tb: time and place for prov ing ttewill of sid Emma llolcombe. deceased, and for hearine the apoliration ol ". F. Nich ol for Ihe issuance to r ira of letters tesumentary uben and here any person interested may ap pear and contest the same 3 W. F. BRADLEY, S-iS-tf Ex.omcie Clerk TA JTED SOLICITORS FOR CAM PAIGN Book "Bryan Sewall and Free Silvti'a authorit-d by Bryan written by R. L. Mctcalf editor Omaha World Herald appointed author by Bryan, contains speeches and platform. A bonanza for agents; a Iree silver mine for work, ers; onlv i tn; jbfnn'y ?uthorited bock ys ser cent; credit ciTenrfreteht paid; cutfitfrre, Bcjin now with choice of territory; cermanent, "proS table work for '96. Address The National Book Concern Star builiinr Chicaro. ar Tohbstonk, Oct, 29, 1E5 TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Take notice; That on the 28u day of Septem ber. 1896. the firm af Hazlewood and Huddy. doing bus ness at Pearce. county ot Cochise, A T. mortgaged to Geo H Fitts all the stock in trade and personal property of said firm, includ ing the book accounts, and gave him possession of the same, and tne same pttfpeny'arid'booV accounts were attached in tl.evuitciP D War nekros, v Hazlewood & Huddy This is therefore to warn all persons who sre indebted to said firm not to pay the same to the said Hazlewood ft Huddy. cr eitherof them, as suehfpaynjent will net be recognized by ui. C. H. FITTS. .P. B. WARNEKROS. -30-ied " MILL FOR SALE. A ten-stamp mSl a it.KTK, 6 panv, 3 set- 1 tWs, an agitator, to iS-foot revolving concen- tra'orj. 16x36 CorLis engine, two vmitn, alt in good wcrkins rrder. ' BuiMing" r.ear'y nrw Canberroved as 11 close to. railroad Must de sold, and can be bought for $S.oco cash Address sosptcioi loe. Tombstone Ari fax CieWfctice ,. Notice Is hereby siven that the duplicate assessment toll ot the Cocr ty of Cochise is now in my posicn for the ccllection ol tases lev. iei-ior tbestarltcAinlald annty faxes "iI li-ccme deh'riquent on the 3d Monday in. Deoeft'xr i8c6. atd nnless paid before ih cUte a penally of five per cent wi beadded thereto. Payment may be made at my effie in tb county court' house at Tombstone, during office hoars 9 a m to 12 m and 1 to 5 p m, J WICKERS, Treasurer and Ex-Ora'So Tax Collector Cochsse county Tombstone, October 26, I896 02 Consolidated National Bank. Of" Tucson, Arliouii. Cauita! Stock - - $50,000. OFFICERS. M. P. FREEMAN, President. V. C DAVIS, Vice-President. II. B. TENNEY..Cashi-i Issues drafts available at any point in the United States. Dsaws bills 01 exchange o- a European cities, and mikes a specialty of out-ol town accounts Kith Invdiui"U, firms and cor eratlias. in. ail' FLY'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, Fretoo t s'reet, opposi e Prospector. FAMILY PHCTOGRAHS CUR SPECIALTY Careful attention given to turning o t thr Finest views and pictures of all sizes in a most artitt'e manner, superior finish and'Jone, : JLCJSE? CU aS3E&i Taken on short notice. Group, ass ally Chjiast, onil i 1 itn It TJSDKBTAKUJa PAJOjOB? OF C. B. Tarbell Coffins, Caskets. Robes. Etc From the Plainest to the Finest Made. The Columbia Iron Caskets kept Con stantly tn stock. Bodies Temporarily or Permanently Embalmed by the Latest Process. Tombstone & Pearce MAIL AND STAGK LINE. FRANK BLATZ, - Prop. Makes semi weekly trips to and from Pearce every Wednesday and Sun day of each neek, making the round trip in one day, carrying TJ. S. ma! and passengers. FARE, round trip - - 54 The National Matte Smelter. A practical and simple method of matting sulphide ores, such asnickle, copper, gold and silver ores. In localities where lead ores and fuels are scarce and almost unattainable, our pyritic, water jacket Matte Smelter has been re cognized with highly satisfactory results, and has been thoroughly trsled on various pjratic sulphide and arsenide ores, in capacity of 2 to So tots per day. It is the most practical, cheapest and simplest m-thod of gold and silver ore matting and concentrating that is known today It requires no extrao-dinary skill, no lead ores, no fluxing material, and no fael of any kind for the smelter alter it is started. The sulphur in the ore is its natural fuel anly, and its cost has no comparison with any other process of con centrating We are prepared to furnish any size or capac ity plant complete to substantial mining people, srt it up and furnish our men to run it for them on eay payments. Price and specifications furnished with references and testimonials on application, NATIONAL ORE & REDUCTION Co. 573S Cheltenham Avenue, St. Louis, Mo, Manufacturers of Furnaces for NicUe. Copper, Gold, Silver and.Lead Ore jzt.iy PROBATE NOITCE. In the Probate Court, Coanty of Cochise Ter ritorrof Arizona. I1ITHK MATTi-R OFTHK. ESTATEjOF cmiie Lencmuna deceases; Notice of Appliealioa for order of sale. Notice is hereby given that Geo. II. Fitts Administrator, has filed with the Clerk cf this Court a petition praying for an order of sale of all real snd personal property 01 rccearrtJ and that the 5th day of. October, I896, at 2 o'clock p. m. of said diy being a day of a regular term ef t'lis court 10 wit ef the October term. I806 at the Cochi:e countr court bouse, in Tomb stone county aforesaid, has been set for hearing saia petition, wnen and wnere any person inter ested may appearand show cause why the said said petition should not be granted. W. F. BRADLEY. Ex-offido Clerk. Dated Sept.. 5th i3c. ATTTn-r J.1U1 S.KJ XLl TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. Notice is hereby given, that certain mining claims called theTam Bien, McGinty and Par agon, situated in the Warren miciog district, and about one-half mile north-caste Iv from the Holbreok hoisting works, and about 'the same distance from the town of Birbee, A T. 1st. As the above turned claims were not located In conformity with the U. S. mining; lswf, there fore, a second party, at a later date, relocated the same in full conformity with the kabove named laws, and' Is fully determined to protect his rights. Therefore, all peirons are cau tioned not to bargain lor. buy orleve the atf named claims. Z. S. MANSL'R. ais-m Bisbee, A. T. CATARRH is a LOCAL DISEASE and It the rssull ef cMt and tuiMen clm.tic cianjts. It can be cnrwl bra pleuant r.raedr 7n!ca la ippHed di rtcSf Icto tb cottrUa, IU Ingouiekly abutted It gives rekeratraee. Efy's Cream Balm I acknowledged to be the most tloronrt ear Svr ?fusl Cstarrn. Co'J rn Head and liar Fever or afi tanin, ItcreniandctriaestneiirsalpacueM, sJSzjg palA And ioilaniinstio; . bea Ue sotm, pr tecta ta menbrac from eold nttom the neomru (taftnd.melL rriceSe.atrrarElASrl7miL SIX jjaOTUEKS. U Warren StrMt, Vev Tew. ALL PERSONS ARE CAUTIONED against purchasing; or negotiating a paper pur porting to call for one hundred dollars, favor ol John Gates 'and endorsed by me as same has been paid, as I bold Mr. Gates receipt Sal rape I has been lost. T, B. CH VTTMAN Pearce, Attg. 17 184 PWI PIONEER Carriage I Blacksmith Corner Third The largest "and Best Equipped EstaHIshrr.ent of iln Kind in the Territory J All Hinds of Buggv, Wagon and Woodwork Neatly and Promntlv Done. 8LAGKSMITHING AND HORSESHOEING. Best Facilities for Doing All Kinds of Repairing in Wood and Iron. None but First-class Workmen Employed. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. XcTFull assonmrnt of hardwood and iron for sale. - - - - - - O. L. OUMMINGS. Wholesale and Retail Butcher, COR. 5TH AND FKEMONT SIKEETS. Beef. Pork, Mutton, Veal, Sausage, Bologna Pickled Trip Choice Steaks, Roasts, etc. Experienced Cutlers. Free Delivery to all parts of the City. Your p atronage solicited. OYSTER PARLOR. A.TJIJE.1S St. I3ETWI3E3V 4,th. AI v .Ttla FirEt-Class Ji'eals Eestof Attention; Every thing in Season BOARD PER WEEK $7 CO THREE MEALS l 00 SINGLE MEALS '.'."".'.'.'.'.'.'. 50 Dinners tor Scecia. Occastons a Specialty Try a Meal at this Popular Resor First-Class Cooks enly Employed. Accommodations for Families J C4i:SAR, Proprietor. TOMBSTONE GAS OO. A. ASHMAN Lessee. WELSBACH INCANDESCENT 3AS LIGHT In General Use throughout the United States and Europe, d successfully comr inj; with Electricity, both in Brilliancy and Cost of Light. Uses Three Cub Feet of Gas per Hour, and yields a Light of Sixty-Candle Power, Equal to four ordinary burners with doable thztsmssst of gas. COST OF LAMP $2.75 Placed in Position Without Extra Charge. OFFIC'K I BASK DCII.bl4J. XO.1I IIKTOX E. ARIZMi. (1CCHISE HOUSE. MRS J. ) Corner Fourth and Toughnut Streets, "y ELEGA1VTLY FUIt3VISEaEr ROOBIS gjfVieitOTS to this city will find the Cochise a superior hotel end oi offering excellent accomcUtions. A LARGE AND COMMODIOUS SAMPLE ROOM FOR COMMERCIAL MB. All Modern Conveniences. Rates Moderate. SAN JOSE HOUSE. "'' MRS. F. J. BEAN, Prop. Centrally Located, Large, Clean ant Well Vintilated Rooms. fe a II x I Mrs-S-GALLEN P p Vlllglfj H1T0 Fifth bet. Allen and TouS .no. UlUUU BBU&?l!B TinjbstonrT"7 An'zoc FIRST CSASS IN EVERY RESPECT. PARx;C It POR (SUE Everything Made Convenient lor Guests Special Ratts to Parties by the W or Mon'h. Renovaied Throcf;hout. SA3IPLB JiGOM FOP. DPUJJMKJIS. HA TEH JtEAECKABi HOTEL ARLIN6T0N 1 NEWLY FURNISHED LARGE A1RVI 1 ROOMS. BEST ACC03DI0IATRX- . This Favorite Headquarters for Ccmmercial ?.itn lia-itci tn nevly fitte renovated and neatly furnished throughout with irtiir.ietn the ti&'e c public Rooms essulle and single. Prices Moderate. Everything fiirst-class Samnle rccrrs for roimr.eria) xn m an 1 Allen. T 'M r i" i 5 r i. S -J . n.. 'i i sii 1 If 2 I v , I & ML-. IA lwr Br. .TOMBSTONE, ARIZONA. s AU