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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
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njr.ti-. Tfrrr"r"- -CT'gwwgg"agaes . , pf. Xp .irjrjt. ",-S: .- THE TOMBSTONE s PROSPECTOR I ill WATCHWORD--"OOCHISE COUNTY FIRST, THE WORLD AFTERWARD. 3 '!IH VOL. X TOMBSTONE, ARIZONA SATURDAY EVENING. DECEMBEK 5. ISoo. M No. 51 ,v i 1-1.-1 w s '; V 1& i-x Jt r ?. W If DAILY PROSPECTOR. City and County Official Ptftr PUBLISHED EVEEY EVHJINO (Excirr Suda) -j BY- ,Wayiattich Editor and proprietor. "" Fnnbat St. Oppswtte City Hll The PsosrECTO wiU not holt itself respon sible for any of the article or sesliaxels ei. presicd by any of it correspondents. Entered In tbe Tombstone PooBm becoad Class matter. PROFESSIONAL OABD8. JAMES REILLY. ATTOrtNEY AND Counselor at Law. Land and Minins eases a speoaltv. Tombstone, Arizona. W M.C.STAHHLX. ATTORNEY AT- Law and rotary ruouc i'"" AiUona. G EO. W. AWAIN. ATTONEY AT t wni wuv In U caurtl Ol to 'Territory. "wi.vsw A-iti. 1 SfloratUw. 084 ? thfeotet. 0 belweet Allen and snc .t. Tcmb- Wm practice in all k cvts of lb T. OHAKLES GKANVll.l-liJunj-. w.-.. Auoroey and Counsellor at Lax- and " Noury rublic, sa7 Fremont street ft .ath and cth Mn-ets. A member olthe Rar en tLc Supreme Court ot tbe lemloty. aad will practice in any ai me unuu "- AWENTHWORTH COUNTY RE corder and Abstract Office. Abstracts of title to real estate and mines fura shed promptly and acurately. Qwnplete uaa scripts. OSce in Court House. Tombstone. E. ALVORD. JUSTICE OF THE Peace. Office on AUen St: bet. 3I alb Tombstone. ri L.KOS5 A, USTICEOFTHFPEAC Orno-'on 4th St. bet. Allen aad Toiyfhnut, Tombstone ' H & (SORDON. M. D. PHYSICIAN AX Ssreetn: Office adjoining; hia rcsideao "on street. Call attended at aU Wars day and night. - FC.EAKIE. ASSaYER AND ME r. luncal laboratory. 0ce No 319. Fremont M. opposite City Hall. THE ORDERS. F & A H. KING SOLOMON LODGE NO. I Meets third Saturday in each month. Visiune brothers cordially invited to at- end. 1 h Mcpherson, w. m.. A L GROW Secretary. . R. A M. .i.-t? uiirrsD nn m MEETS third Wednesday in each month. ts Itinr Companions cordially invite to at- tend. iuw.. , WENTWORTH Secretary. P. O. S. OF A. WASHINGTON CAMP NO 1 MEETS lit Friday evening in each month. Vis-t..-- r. H11 inntrd "" J. W. CLARIC. President., A. L. GROW. Secretary. A. O. U. W. TOMBSTONE LODGE NO j. A. O U. W. meet T and 3rd Thursday In each month. Vismag brothers cnrdiaur ia- ,,te3' ROBT. BESTM.W. W. D. MONMONIEK Rocorder. K- OF P- ARIZONA LODGE KNIGHTS OT Pythias No .eets every 1st aad 3rd Monday's in each month. V siting rothers corcialiy iaTtted. - A. H. EMANUEL. C. C. W. D. MONMONIER.K. ofS. Pro: h oeeu First Snnday in each month at their hose boose n the corner of Serenth and Fremont streeu, opposite the school haaac. WM. GARRETT. f. Foreman, TOM MtTHSecretary. R ESCUE HOsE COMPANY MEETS First Sunday in each month Lity Hall vrm,tt,i I.V.VlCKEkS. W ENTW ORTH. Secty President J. 3i. McDONOUGH. Foreman. EA'GINE COMPANY NO I, MEE1S lm Sunday in ea h moo b at hose boas oa the earner vfToufhant and jth street. luscrn uri&Ki rgcenu HENRY DUNKER. Secretaiy. Wan'ed Aa agent in ereiy seitloa to, can vats $4 to js a cUy made; sells at sight, akoa man to sell Maple goodi to dealers lot ide line. $75 a north. iviUiy or large en misuon nuor; eaperieTcewneceisary Tor tealed parbculats send sunp. CMtao Soap X Manulsctcring Company, Cindnnati, Ohio. ONION WATER WORKS. F. CALVES, Prop. ? Drfmpt Strrice. Water per barrel, $&. Per bucket, $ as. Soecial Rates toT Families lave order w:th warmt. VSzj Ksert. a. A iiz- J ri" Ii4S Lott Ao-rhflM xrA ljci4inrffr'Tc.urpJTt'r- lfpwjt if- of ll..lir"r1Ll swj2t'.t-jaaw- r;ia Wl SAMUEL M, BABBOW Sfei V- r4v fc ?. SAMUEL M.BARROW 1 "1 THE HOODED DISTRICT Ice Jammed Over Thirty Feet High IS PARTLY LUiDATKL. Water Backs Up Over Two Miles and Things Look Serious PLANING MILL FLOODED 8H1W1S0, Wis The altuttion at Ltibrnagrowi strioun. At Keshena Falls two miles up tha rirer. tbe ice is piled below the (alls thirty teet high uJ the water bads upto that the falls are covered. The ic jam extendi two and hall miles doftn tU river. Tbe water it backiag up trie creek at the villace and part of the place is un der At the government plan. lag mill tbe water U seven feet deep. All agenov property is in danger. THE LADIES. The pleasant effect and perfect safety with which ltdies may use Srup of Figs under all conditions makes it their favor ite remedy. To get the true and genu ine article, look for the name of the California Fig Syrup Company, printed near the bottom of the package. For sale by all responsible druggists. Tea is " good" when you like it; not good when you don't If you don't like Schil lings Best, the grocer pays you back your money; we pay him to do so. It is a good tea, well cured, and fired in San Francisco not in Asia. 4 Miluc & Caafaay aai Notice to Creditors. In the ProbAte Conrt of the Coosty of CoeKse. Territory of Arizona. ESTATE OF JANE L. BERRY, deceased. Notice is hereby given by the nndersiged ad ministrator of the estate ot Jane I- Berry, de ceased, to the creditors of and atl persons lav. ing 'claims against the Slid deceased, to exhibit them, with the necessary voocher, w.thln ttn months alter the first publication of this notice. .3 the administrator, at VUlcox. in the coantrof Cochise. WILLIAM M. RIGG. Administrator of the esute of Ian! L. Beiry. deceased. Dated December and. 1E4S. Ps-'f Wanted-An Idea WM ecjtSMBk ot aom Mnpir giumi tot tdeasj ILrr rnej brine I'M weaUk Viunu WS3DXKB0b 00, P.l-nl Mo, aast, waatactaa. IXCfor tir . -j:iion aaa ssss n aaaana. nmwn ... Get Your Christmas Gifts Free 5fc two ounce lag, and two coupons inside each four ounce bag of JJlackwell's Durham. Buy a bag of i this celebrated tobacco and read the coupon I which gives a list of val uable presents and how to get them. DIABOLICAL PLOT. Over Five Hundred People A RIVALS' JEALOLSY Arsenio Putin Bread to In- jure a Baker's Busi ness MANY CASES CRITICAL Milwaukee, What is thought te he an attempt at wholesale poisoning in a large measure successful was re ported to tbe police yesterday when information given of the sudde.i ser ious illness of about 100 fann'ies between 00 and COO p-rsons living in the northwestern part of the city. The cause of tbe siekness was traced to bread told at a bakery ewned by' Otto Fogestbaler. An analysis of the of tbe bread showed that it contained arsinic. Hie sick persons are living but a large number of eaeesare con vinced that arsenic was placed in tbe breed with intent to cause the death or serious illness of Fogesthaler custo mers, with the object f ruining his business. Aaresta wiil be made to morrow. m I-'rcc Pil!. Send your adoress :o H. . BucMen & Co , Chicigo, t qrt a free sample box of Dr. King's New Life P.IK A tna ill convince Vi u l lliciriiicii'.s. Ttese ;p lis are ei in scuon and ait- panic uUrl effecme in the cure ot consttpst on and sick headache. For malna and liver troubles, they have been proved in valmble. They are guaranteed to be oerfcxtly fres fro n every deleteriojj ub stance and to be purely vegetahle. The do not weaken by their action, but by givin; tont to the stomach and bie!s greitly iDvijorate the system Regular size 2 Jc. per box. Sold by Tombstone and Bisbee druggists. Ptlea! pe! Itcliiuij Piles SVUPTOMS Moisture; intense itching and stinging; most at night, worse by scratching. II allowed to continue tum ors form, which often bleed and ulceratet becoming very sore. Swayne's Ointmen stops theitcbing andbleeding, heals ulce atton, and in most cases removes the rumors. At druggist?, or by mail, foi fa cent. Dr. Swaynjixd Son, Phila dejob 1. Seedless Raisins, London Layers, Freeh Current, Cape Cod Cra-jbi rries, Sioiian Citran, at Hopi-sr'f. Hollard Herring, I.irr.brrger Chctete, and Saatr Kia it. at Horujt'i. :" Many thousand dollars worth of valuable articles suitable for Christmas gifts for the young and old, are to be given to smokers of Blackwell' Genuine Durham To bacco. You will find one coupon inside each BlMkwtir$' Highest of all in Leavsaia power. I V Powder u&g&STSi ABSOLUTELY PURE LATEST NEWS Flour for Australia by the Shipload. THE DEMAND INCREASING. Stewart Savs the Fiizainimons Corbett Fight Will Take Placp. A NEW BICYCLE RECORD Sajf Frascisco The demand for flour in Austrnlia contiuufs lobe in creasing; two filnps have been chart ered to carry 4,500 tons to Sydney. Besidts these shipments orders have been placed for 30 003 or 40,000 bar rels which will ro by ail. Denver Arthur Gardiner, of Chi cago, this afurnoon established a new professional bicycle record by riding lia'f a mile nnpaccd from a flying start in 07 2 5 second. Dallas Dau fctuart said today the r-mlt of tli9 Fitz4immona-Sharkey fight would have nothing to do with the Corbett-Filzsimmons contest. The money is up. Fitzumnions has ac cepted and will toon depart for New York to sign with Corbett. Cekeedo, W. Va A match for $3, 000 a side has been made between Thomas Stevens of Kentucky, and a vicious ten months old bear cub. Stevens will be provided with a hunt ing knife with a four inch blade. The battle is to take place at Catlettsburg on Chrittma eve in the opera house. Jlsrrelous Beoulta. From a letter writteu by Rov. J. uunderman, ol Dimondale, Mich., we are norsnitted to make this pxtrrt- 'I have no hesitation iu recommend ing Dr. King 1 New Discovery, as the resulta weie almost marvelous in the cajfi nf mv fa. Whilrt T va naafrtp of the Baptist Church at Rivera June- -... .. .m ... i.vtvi. niitl Pneumonia succeeding La Grippe. Teriib'e paroxysms of couzhiui; would lat hour with little interruption and it teemed as if she could not survive them. A friend recommended Dr. ICinff'a New Diaffnverv ?t wan nnipV t n n rf,--" 1 - ; iu work and highly satisfactory in re suite, i rim bottiea free at Tombstone and any Drug Store. Regular size B"C. i.uu Advertised Letters. The following is a list of letters re maining in the general delivery at the Tombstone postoffice for the week endfng November 28, 1896: B. Hanrody, D. Mcl) nahl, Bessie Wand, J. Seamon, W. Miller, Franci-K-n VaMez. D. Harrington. When calling for above letters, say dvertised, giving date of advertise ' enent. Evil Rydow .P. M. I Ed Pkospkctor: I be to dvis that oor west-bound (rain now passes Ban poo at li :35 p. m. instead of 12 :15 a. m. The east-bound limited passes Bnson Mondays and Thursdays at 81a:m., and the west-lx.und Wed nesdays and Saturdays at 4:05 a. m. Yours truly, F. S. WE18TIE. Agent. Latest U.S. Gov't Report IXOTfcL AXKIVAI.H C00H1E Clis. Xoyra, Faitbauk. FAUICK. M. M. Pool, San Francisco, H. C. Zimmeran, Washington. 8AS JOSK. L Bishop, San Francisco. Miss Ellen Guernsey. Bowie, AtlUNCTON D Adams, Russelville. Dr. L C. Toney, Bisbee. Miss K. Tuttle, Kutselville. J S Williams Bisbee U D Frank. " " "-faBe FAIRBANK DEPARTMENT OEO.G. MnOEK.Prop. Fail-bank, : Ariz ona, Headquarters for vUitor frcmTomb- stODe and surrounding country. Best of wines liquors and cigar always on hand. PAY THE EXCHANGE A VISIT P. A. DEMARTINI, GENERAL MERCHANDISE. A full line of GHO0ER1IR, PROVISIONS, OIOARS! AND TOBACCO. TAIRBANK. ARIZONA. FaffHlIuMi Faiikwc. A. T. MRS. K. HARRINGTON, Prop. Chagres Reasonable. Parties going trom Tombstone to Bisbee will have ample time for dinner before the train arrives. Table Supplied With the Best. GIVE IT A TRIAL. GUM M4XEY, Allen S: near 3d, (Old'Custom House. VEGETABLES, FRUITS, I QTATQ,roT ONION ,ETO Freth California Jruil received every day by t-xprttt. Everything ili at loicett rates. Good delivered tret to all tarts of city. Fish Keeeired il"tery Thursday. W. 0. ABBOH ASSAYING IN ALL TTS BRANCHES TombstiitiArizona. Samples by mail or express will receivw J,prorpptMtention. Ofjie end Rrsutence Ocerlock House. This la YoarOriwrtnaUj. On vtceipt of ten eenU. ccth or assays a geaerous sample 'm,U 1 mailed of thu most'popnlnr Catarrh snl Hay Farsr Core (Ely's, ('rmrji 1'fiHn s-JSeient to dstaorv sttatVtlia jtw'.irt''n rf tl remsdy. xl i ri:.--.' T, ' 5,V r ..'...rcTrTcrkaiy. KT.Jo'.nt,U 'l J ' 'TnlKMoBt, yacommi uU; J 1 , - . ' - - a ! me. I ean nr)ba zz 5 . i -It is a posi tive. cur l, '.!' . -i" t tllrte'tL" Bev. FraniN W. 1 rw I sit CcatralPrea. Cburclij.ltiJ'W, iZrf.l J3f Crr. T'-'ra iv t'uo rc--3niiUag lor cuirwna u fai" "" ay injurious Un.j; 1 rire. 60 FAIBMEICHAIE Kl h i in 'J L I il i r.B