Newspaper Page Text
Vi . . J k i: j f in Jt -rn M I i 12Lu4 ra J i At 1 'sn TOMBSTONE PROSPECTOR PUBLISHED BVEKY EVENING (SOKDAY EXCEPTED) IT Wm. Dattich. Editor and Proprietor. OFKICIL DIRECTORY. Mayor ... p.B. Warnekros Chid el Foiice. - at, Doyle Coondlmen: First Ward ... Second Waid - J- I Jacob Miner rMrd Ward F. W. Down Fourth Wvd - - - V. K. Waidwel .xuyrr crrtcxms: Sberi - r. - C S. Fly Treasurer 2 " L v- Vickers Recorder - - A. Wentworth District Alt 01 Dfl - O. W. Swain Probate Judge - - V. F. Bradley Clerk District Court - - Scott White Surveyor - - - II. G. Howe Assessor - - - '.A Bright Coat Ooaninloqer - - J- J. F. Duncan AUTHORIZED AGENTS. L. P. FISHER, at" Merchants' Exchange ban Francisco. O. II. KELLOGG. No. 310 Pine street, Rooo 57 and 53, Sin Francisco. E. C DAKE, room 65. Merchant Exchange, an Francisco. GEO. P. ROWELI 10 Spruce St. New ork, N. W. AVER 4 SON. Philadelphia. AH transactions made br the above named persons will be complied with at the PROS PECTOR office. Habacrlpttoa Kates. One Year .'$10 00 Six Months 6 00 Three Month 3 00 OneMbath. 100 Delivered by Carriers for 25 cents per week. cin and counr official paper Phoenix has the most ungentle manly footpad known. Alter robbing a mas of all he has they throw him into the meat convenient irrigation ditch at hand and let him scramble out as beat he can. What A re We Here For? 4kJ& '.$ fe f-JL.w What with mysterious air ships lighting the nights in central Califor nia and ajdaytime apparition of a winged female angel hovering in sev erel parts of Wayne county, New York, it seems that we are upen the eve of extraordinary developments or degeneration Los Angeles Record. THE FUN OR THE MON? From the expression upon our friends face hej) is evidently here for neither hut as for us WE ARE HERE POR BOTH. THE WILLOWS, CHAS.BULOTTI.Propr Choicest lino 01 Wines and Liquors. Imported ontf Domestic Cigars, Courteous Attention to Patron. Allen, bet. 4th & Gtb. Tombstone COMET SALOON GARLEVATO PALAt Propr's. WINES,LIQUORS & CIGARS. Dealer in Bourk's Irish and Scotch UTii'aty, and Other Well Known Brands. A Specialty made of best Clarets and Wines. Billiard Parlcr in Connection and the Codes Place in Town. Allen, bet. Gtb A.7tli, Tombstone Consolidated National Bank. (II Tucson, Arlxnnn. Canilhl Stocs 50.000. OFFICERS. M. P. FREEMAN. President. W. a DAVIS. Vice-President. II. R. TENNEY. CashW. Issues drafu available nt any point in the Unm d States. Diaus bHls 01 exchange o. a European cities, and rmkes a sptcu'ly or ott-ol town accounts villi invd-u1"!!, firms and cor o'tiai. m.aSt' PONY SALOON, J . A. KOSKA Proprietor. FiumI Stock of li'inM, Liquors and Cigars in the Territory. We are handling " IJtViNTv. SIT3T A.T-.X-.S5 SOAP Which for- easy and perfect washing cant' be beat. Caviling; contemporaries are draw ing editorial morals from the fact that a Chicago woman asked a court to grant her a divorce iosido o! twenty minutes the other dayandwasrefu-ed that accomodation. But if the coutt .was rushed at the time it was no more th.nfair to ask her to stand in line and take her turn. The discovery in Los Angeles that much of the beef cold was horse meat shows that they need food inspection as badly in the citrus belt as we need it here. With proper examination of the meat aupply this fraud on the pnblio could not have been carried out. Horse meat is wholesome, but no one wants to eat it under the idea that he is eating good beef. San Fraucitco 'Call. But if it is' so much like good beef that the people of Los Aneeles have been eating it for years without dis covering proves that the people of Los Angeles are not epi cures, or else that horse mea is as good as beef. And if it is as Whole some, and trutee as good, and doean't cost any more, what's the usj of mak Tng a fuss about it? j Two Cups in rs Choice, tender, young tea leaves, the first pick ings of the crop prop- I erly cured and packed as I soon as picked never touched again until open i ed by the consumer. Re i'sult, the fragrance and strength of two cups of ordinary tea in one cup of Pride of Japan. - tAlk-your grocer for it M. J. BRANDENSTE1N St CO. Saa Ttmdtcm mmm YatoaasM Cottolene - Cottoiene - Cottolene. That perfection for shortening purposes is giving general satisfaction We have it in 3, 5, and 1 0 Pound Pails PRIVATE CLUB ROOMS ATTACHED. Best and Purest Brands of Whiskies Brandies and Wines kept Con stantly on Hand. You veil find "Al" ut home, on AlUr, St bet. 4th and 6th. FLY'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, Fiemo trreet, opposi e Prospector. FAMILY PHOTOGBAHS OUR SPECIALTY Careful attention given to turning o t th Finest views and pictures of all sizes in a most arliit'-o manner, superior finish arul'Jone, 33JLC3S? CJ3SC:E3f5 Taken on short notice. Grojps a s a ally CiVnst, i i:l il Jtiilt gS2SgLS!sSgSSSS3Snffl PIONEER 1 Ukdektakihg PjuuAse or 0. B. Tarbell Collins. Caskets. Roues. Etc From the Plainest to the Finest Made, The Columbia Iron Caskets kept Con atantly in stock. Bodies Temporarily or Permanently Embalmed by the Latest Process. m 4 B m a 8 Carriage i Biecksrnjth 1 SHOP. .A. II. 23IVXlSTJJSI-.I-roi. -orner Third an i Allen. jfc$ The largest 'and Kest Equipped Est.iH.shment of its Kind in the Territory. m ' ;gj All Kinds of Bnggv, Wagon and Wood-work Neatly and Prom-otlv Done. a ir2- .D3 Billiard Parlors, J. JJ. McDUNODGH, Prop. 7he Finest and Best ritted Billiara Parlors in the City. WIT are well supplied with prepared goods of all kind fnr use during this hot weather consisting of- Boned Turkey, Boned Chicken, Roast Turkey, fioast Chicken, Sardines of all kinds, Canned Soups in variety, French, Enelish'and Amet ican Mackeral in cans, Brook TrouHa either Tomato or Mustard sauces, Deviled Turkey, Chicken, Tongue, and Ham, Ham burger Eels in Jelly, Boston Baked Beans piain or ir -' f- Tomato Sauce, Antf many other Goods too numerous 4to mention, Also ir regular receipt 01 Holland, Limourger and American Cheese Importer of the Best Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Billicrd and Pool Tables in Conjunc tion. Mixed Brinks a Speeialty. Private Club Rooms. Allen, bet. 4th A" Ctli.TombMon Toilislone & Pearce MAIL AND SrAGEJ.IXE. I RANK BLATZ, - Prop. yti.Vcs semi Kerkly trips to and from Pearce every Wednesday and Sun day of each week, makinz the round trip in one day, carrying U. S. ma; and passengers. FARE, round trip - 5.) The National Matte Smelter. Jon't Forge: that wc are scls agents for 'To-nbstone and Mcnity for tee & Sanloriii Seal Braid BSSSSSSSBniitBSSSSSsV SJJJJJJBr iTTTSTt-lSSSSSSSSi am5tJRMS?isssssssm , -fc IWeBSSBMSMISSSSSSSSSSHv bsssssssssssssWbi ViFtSjI''W 1 A r . 1 ' V GEORGE I IMS THE G roper, VOMNfiS OB 81X1H AND ALLEN S1REEES PROBATE N3TI3E. IathtProbxteCotirtor the County of Co chise. Territory of Ariiona. Inthf mstero thecstiteotEnima Holccmbe. deceased: Pursuant to an order of said court, made on the 17th day of September. A, I) 1896. notice is given that F-iday, the yh day of OctoN-r, A. D 1896, at 3 o clock p. m ot s-id cUv. at the coutt rocrn of said court, at the court hooe in the city of Tombstone, acd county of Cochi'e, has been appointed as th; time and place for prov ing the will of Slid Emma Uolcotnbe. dereaed, and for heanf g the aptJifauon ol W. F Nich ol forthehsuancetofimcf fetters tesUmentaiy lien and where any person interested may ap pear and contest the same 8 r l- r TiosnT xrv S-18-tf Kx-offide Cleric BLAGKSMiTHENG AND HORSESHOEING. tej! Best Facilities for Doing All Kinds of out First-class Workmen Employed. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. tS'FuH assortmrnt of hardvrood and iron for sale. g&w&wpmimr$i88i&.& O. L. OUMMINGS. Wholesale and Retail Butcher, COR. 5TH AND FREMONT SIltEETS. Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal, Sausage, Bologna Pickled Trip Choice Steaks, Roasts, etc. Experienced Cutters. Free Delivery to all parts of the City. Your patronage solicited. A practical and simple method of mattintr sulphide ore, such as nickle, cooper, gold and silver ores. In localities vhere lead ores and fuels are scarce and nlmott unattainable, our prritic. water i iclct Matte Smelter has been re- cognUed with highly satisfactory rcu'ls. and has been thoronshly tested on vinous prauc, sulphide and arsenide ores, in capacity of a to 80 tons per day. It is the most practical, cLeaprst and simplest mrlhod cf fold and silver ore matting acd concentrating tht is, known today It requires no extrao-dmary skill, no lead ores, no fluxing material, aac. no fuel of any kind for the smelter alter :t is started. The sulphur in the ore is its nitnril fu I only, and its cent has no comparison with any other process of con centrating We are prepared to furnish any sire or capac ity plant comDlete to substantiil mining people, setitupandfurcihcurmn,ti for them on eay payments. Price and sprcificatiors furnished with references and testimonials on application, NATIONAL ORE & REDUCTION Co. 5735 Cheltenham Avenue. St Louis, Mo, Manufacturers of Furnaces for Xickle, Copper, Gold, Silver and, Lead Ore j2i.iy WA ITEI) SOLICITORS FOR CAM. PAIGN Book "Bryan Sewa'l and Free SHveJ's authorized by Bryan written by R. L. Metcalf edi'or Omaha Weld Hera'd appointed author by Eryan. contains speeches and platform. A bonarra for agents; a tree mine fnr work, ers; only 5i 50; the only authorited book 50 per veni;ciejil ;;., iittplit jiu..aitfilffwl &;m now with choice of territory; rermanent, profi table work for "96. Address The National Book Concern Star liUiIiiup Cbicafo. ar I TounsTON'E. Oct. 39, 1896 TO .LL WHOM IT MAV COVCERV Take nwice: That on the 281b day of Septem ber. 1696, the firm af Hailewnod and Ituddy, doing bus nest at Pearce. county at Cochise, A T. mortgaged to (Voll Fills all the stock in trade and personal proprrtv of said firm, includ ing the book accounts, ami gave him possession of tfe same, and ire-srre piopenyand book accounts were attached in the suit cf P BWru nckros. IlaiUwood &. Huddy This is therefore to warn all persons who are indebted to said firm not to pay the rameto the Slid Hazltwocd A Iludrfy, cr citl er cf theis, as suchf payment will not be" rewpTlred byut. G. H. FITTS. IP. B. WARNKKROS. -30-iod MILL FOE, SALS. i A ten-sump mill c 'i:t.TZ, ej pin, 3 srt tWs, an agitator. to 18-foot rerolvuvz corcen trators, 16136 Corlis engine, twu boilrrk, all in good workinc rler. Bui! ,irg near'y new Can be moved as it .lose to ra.lroad Must de sold, and can be bought forsS.oco cash Address aosreciOR Wo-. Tcmbstcrr An vTax CollBBtor's Notice Notice is hereby riven that the duplicate assessment roll ot the Coority of Cochise is now is my poesefsion for the cclrrctron ol taaes lev ied for tteyear I?6in s-ud.ccmy fases- voll brcom"- ctIif'roft en Ihe sd I Monday in DeicniVr 1896 and unless paid PeiOTC.n. olc I. pviiaujwi UTCjcrvcfai ni b added thereto,- Paymentmay be mrde st try cfEein th county court house at Tombrtcne, during office hours 9 a tn to 13 m and 1 to 5 p m, J WICKERS. Treasurer and Ex-OftVio Tar Collector Cochise county Tombstone,. October 26, I896 cai mDjULOIA cored by Pr. MrM Sx I at. wttetr GrvfiM Dsrsrww 1' PROBATE N01TCE. In the Probate Court, County of Cochife.Ter ntorrof Arixona. IN THE MATTER OFTIIE ESTATEOF Emile Lenormand deceased ; " " Notice of Application for order of sale. Notice is hereby cien that Geo. II. Fitts Administrator, has filed with the Ork of this Court a petition prayirg for an crdVr of sale of all real ana persnnai property 01 ceccarro ana thtt the 5th day of. October. 1896, at a o'clock p. m. of said day ban; a day of a regular term of tMs court to wit of the Octolrr term. IE94 at the Cochise county court hous-, in Tomb stone county aforesaid, has been set for hearing said petition, when and where any person inter ested may appar and show cause why the said said petition should net be srnnted. W. F. BRADLEY. Ex-cfficia Clerk. Dated Sept.. 5th X806. TtfnTTsfTEV TO AI.L WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. Notk-e is hereby given, that certain mininj claims ca led the Tarn Bien, McGinty and Par aeon, situated in the Warren nrninj di'trct, and ahoot one-half nnl northeaste ly from the Holbrook hoisting works, and about the same dim-ice from the town of Bisbee, A. T. 1st M the above nmed cliim. we-r not located in conformity with the I. S. mining lm, there fore, a second party, at a later data-, relocated the same, in full conformity with th: above ramed laws, acd it xuJly cetemuned to protect his rights. Th'refore, all peifocs are can tloned cot to bargain for. buy orleae the aov pjned claims, Z. b. MANSIR. a5-m Bisbee, A. T. Isa LOCAL DISEASE and Is th: resoitcf cMi and tuUen cliraatic chants. It can be reed by a rlcaunt rt-wdr trhlch Iv applied di rectly Into tie tcsiri. Bo iQslekly absorbed!! circs relief at enca. ElylsGresmOalm Htaekntnyledied to be the jnost Uwrotrrh cure fw asaiicacrr,ica in uesa ana mjowwi tui rrraedlea, ItoKnondeiracteithectsalpauajH, 2iira bln Ui3 JMNTnfndw. . urmii T&fwuTlir p.- trcu the rneclrant from colci, rectnres th9 lensee 3ftMteandmll. Pricetne-atDraccUtserbyinca.' ELY BKOTIIEKS, M Warren Street, New Vor r'- NSxntSnsl ALL PERSONS ARE CAUTIONED against purchasing or negotiating a paper pur porting to can for one hundred dollars, favor ol Join Gates and endorsed by roe as same has been paid, as I hold Mr. Gates receipt Pai pip-1 Us been hrst. "V, P. CH VTCMAJJ Pearco, Ac 17 iScA OYSTER PARLORb. iSJlJLJIZIS St.BETWEEN 4tli JES Htli First-Class Neals Bcpfof Attention; Eveiythirg in SeaspD BOARD PER WEEK .. $7.C0 THREE lEALS : 1.C0 SINGLE MEALS 50 Dinners tor Specta. Occasions a Specialty Try a Meal at this Popular Resor First-Class Cooks only Employed. Accommodations forTamilies J CIIISATC. Proprietor. TOMBSTONE GAjTbo. A. ASHMAN Lessee. WELSBACH INCANDESCENT 3AS JLIGHT In General Use throufhout the United States and Europe, -d successfully comp ing with Electricity, both in Brilliancy and Cost of Lights Uses Three Cub Feet ol Gas per Hour, and yields a Light of Sixty-Candle Power, Equal to four ordinary burners with double that amount of gas. COST OP JArvIJE igiS.'T'S Placed in Position "Without Extra Charge. OFFlCi: IX BASK lIUII.IMrxU. TOH(TO?iG, ARIZOX1, 1CCHISE HOUSE. SM- J" Corner Fourth and Toughnut Streets, ELEGATSTLY ITUItVISEnE3 ROOJlg Js?V'iitor8 to this city will find the Cochise a superior hotel sod 01 offering excellent accorooilatioos. 1 Tinrin I-n rAlrAri.nt-r n.tfrtvv. tiaam vati ..f.rvin. .t .n a ivdiiuii Hal; UMLuvinvu.v bAoirLC huuji rwi U'.aij;n.iai iici AH Modem Conveniences. Rates Moderate. . SAN JOSE HOUSE. ALR8. F, J. BEAN, Prop Centrally Located, Large, Clean am Well Vintilated Rooms. - " 7 ' ."" , '"- "i - " " w r Bl J5L I MrS-S'GALLEN'"P,lr' lQICii liflTi'f y,r,:' beu Aiun ard Tcs t' I UlDUO fi g 51 SrO B BlWhsllUIrT""7 A iZoi. FIRST CSASS IN EVERY RESPECT. 1'AhLC R TCIi ME Everything Made Convenient IdrCccsts Rate to Paties ItihW or Mon'h. Reroyittd Thiorphr,i.i. . , - . SA11PLK ROOM FOR DRUMMERS. RATI-::,' REAECSAM H 0 Tf L A Rll6 Tjjj7- 1 XEWLY FURX1SIIED LAltbT. Al!. J H003IS. BEST ACC03I3IOPAT!N- This Favorite Headquarters for Ccm.nfrjia! iJhi la m-i1 im. i.i, ntte renovated and neatly famished throughout tb P' cal iihiuir if tie iiic i public. Rooms ensuite and single. . Prices Moderate. Everything fiirst-class Samole recces for cfminerial rr. TOMBSTONE, ARIZONA. 3 in I V ! t Vi i ) l .1 i :' if SK V 1 shsw vmst in A.uarumr mm-' "VwfgjtS . i tr . "9 -