Newspaper Page Text
asas-aaMtfiwu i"''1'Wl1 .mtaiiaaaaJ1 V ? 1:1 1 iS K D i 'I IS 1 i? i ; i ' t3! i' t 4 I'll J! -M i 3 IH r r si- i 1 The Prospector. DECEMBER 5. 1896 RAILROAD TIME TABLES M IZOKA SOUTHEASTERN R. R. ?? Xortk IiM TABLE Xo 1. Jolj it lSSi. 8th is I run. First llua 8ttkM Oxeeot tunasj- UUr XMI eaaaay X.1 So i MS MS 100 A 4 !.... ni.b- Atuj ...Don Luis jilj ... I-ackard !. ,.Wax '.(Hi fci .. .Charloton.. K5 J T.-S7 I.1S w .15 JO 0:03 &) 0 as. a". .7. 'Jill .... lit. ..F lrbjik ... .LtIisoI i--F-nHnlr . - A.lflaf K.IA. Cwsviiuj.. .117.7 .... una l.7 . station I . ... Reason .L.le lx 12,10 11, to ladflc .Haw. r lUtirnt. 8toy oaa (gala. ra TTuxum, 8 riateaStut. SOUTHERN PACIFIC R R East STATIONS. J West 4.45 a nxL" ...Bensn Arid it nm aaoani, ....Tucson .1.50am 11.30 pmj ....Maricopa j 410am 5.50pm. Y-sraa jiaaoam S.300.R.I ....Los Angeles.... I 7.00pm Baa grt. UmlUJ, cut beuad, W J ... MODJf ffJld ,30011 Set, Lm.t wen oouad. Wednesday. n "vt aaon. J Kictschmitt. G M E Rahdolph, D s NEW MEXICO ARIZONA R R " West STATIONS East THoopra Lt .Benson .... ..... Fairbank ... . .".t . If inchacx . . 1... fnttenden .. .... Caabaas .. Noas.... ,Ar 1,50 am 0.00 am 1040 am 1 oop ni 13. to pro to.3opn o.ooam 8.30 am 1.40 a m S.37 a m U(pn: U ally except Sunday. PaeiSc time.; t TT? I. I- FV General Manager. A. JUtle. L. H. Albxbcht. Awtjjg. General Manager. Trail Master. MARICOPA 4 PHOENIX R. R. North South 800pm 8.35 p a 0.00 pm Lt Phonix ... Temp .... . .....Kyrene,... Sicaton.... Marie pa. .. Ar 8 00 a m 725am 7001m 623.10 6.15 a ra 9.5Prn K. S. SllAur. Ceo. Soot LOCAL NOTES. Silrer is quoted At 05 O i Dr. L.C. Tony of Bitboe, isiTuitor to Tombston on business. C. A. Ortrlock, liisbee's prosperous butcher came ia Isst erenins from the opper simp on business. m Dr. Qaff nd wife bare returned from Mexico and it is understood th doctor intends to locate in Tucson. On Monday the teachers' examina tion take place. Four applicants for tacbsrs' certificates will be present to undergo the examination. Cranberries, eastern apples and Buckwheat flour at W0LC0TT8. a w m Oui Barron anJ William Garrett left yesterday for the. Huacbucassus tains where Mr. Barron has Taluable raining property on which they go to do the assessment work or 189C. A. Mexican miner fell down one hundred feet through a perpendicular winze in the Creston mine, at Mines rrie'.as the other day from the eighth level to the ninth without receiving My serious injury. 0 Mr. and Mrs. Guy Powell, of Miaa Prietas, Mexic, formerly of Tomb stone, were called upon s. few daya ago to moura the death ef their little three months' old baby boy. Norwood Gould Powell, which oecurred on Sun day last. Yum Sentinel: A high toned social 1cand.1l is about to burst loose and is liable to end in a divorce snit, in which cise it will be served up with all the verbal trimmings uxual in esses when big holes have been knocked in the seventh commandment. Awarded ri.'ghsst Honors World's Fair. CREAM am BAWNG POTtofR MOST PERFECT MA0. A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. rre faea Atrimrv, Akui or any othor adutteratK O aXUtf THE STAWURT; -sb at South pass. The Mother Ledge Supposed to be Found, Parties in from South Pass state that that section is ilrslined to agiin come to the front in anotbet uold ei citement. It appears that several prospectors in that vicinity hav mad a rich fiuJ which is believed to be thwtuain ledge from which the rich float and rock that caused to much exuitemeut sev eral months sincn was found, the title to the main discovery of which Is jet involved in la . Thulatest find, bow ever, it located on the same bnlt only ou the west fide of the 10 id, being close to the Kidcr and Swazee group. The ruck was fouad to be extiemely rich, after little work the ledge, a well defined one, was revealed, consider able free gold being visible. A large number of locations have Lcen made and filed for record. With further work some rich devel opments n) ensue as this is a highly mineralized section and plenty of float with free gold in it has been found hereabouts which wag developed at the recent excitement there. Two LivesISavetl. Mrs. PhoebeJThomas of Junction City 111., was told by her doctors she had con sumption and that there was no hope for her, but two bottles of Dr. King. New Discovery cured ner, and she s&.ys it saved her life. Mr. Thos. Esrger, 139 Florida St., San FranciscOj suffered from a dreadful cold, approiching consump tion, tried without result everything else then bought one bottle of Dr. Kind's New Dicoverp and in two weeks was cured. He is naturilly thinkful. It is uch results, of which there are samples that prove the wondertul efnca-y of the medicine in coughs nad colds. Free trial bottles at Tombstone and Bisbee drug stores. Regular sire 50c and $1.00 New line of clocks at WoLCOTr"s IRRIGATION CONGRESS. The People's Champiou Will be There, The National Irrigition Congress which meets in Pheaix nhout the 15th of the present month, U attracting wide spread attention The local com mittee in charge are doiog everything to give their dittinguisUed i?ilor a roval reception. $1200 having been collected for that purpose. An invi tation has been extended to Hon Wil liam'J. Bryan lobe present and addresi IbecongreM. A very interesting meet ing is anticipatrd, and from the delib erations much benefit it expected to follow. 1 Abend of nomadic gypsies have es tablished a camp near Benson and ex pect to come to Tembstonc. They are pursuing their usual avocations of trading houses telling fortunes and otherwise imposing on the charitably disposed and credulous.." The Cochise county teacher" insti tute will b held at Pbenix Hit year, Supt. BraJly deciaing to have it held in conjunction with Yavapai, Mari copa, Pinal, Pima and other counties as a joint territorial institute. All the pedagogues will assemble at the capi tal city on December 23th for mutual benefit and discuss the soieoce or art of successful teaching. Reduced rates on tb railr"d will b made to all teachers. The hunting party consisting Andy Bissett, J. N. McDonough and Chief of the Fire Department Ben Cook, re turned last eveiing. Ech are darkly insinusting that aomn of the heavy joshars put up a job on them which accounts for the fact that the surplus rabbit papulation was not tiuulrt back nith them. One of the crnrk sportsmen nesrly killeJ one of the horses, taking it for a deer. The fct that he had ih buck ue a..d j1 et wild saved the horse. Thareit a story of ayonr.gman ho when the minister asked: "Dn yon take this woman to be your wenle.1 wife?" he answred instantly with no email degree of warmth: "Ser here paraon, what doyoa suppoie sre came here for, a divorce?" No morelrue to life wai that than another esse when fn addrcteing the bride the minister a.led: 'D you take this man for better or for worse?" "I can't tell until I have had him awhile," inter rupted the bride. o The V. S. Gov't Reports tho-Hf Royal Baking PowdM -vr "" Mlt rubers. A BURIED CITY. It is Found in the Deep Reces sesof Mexico's Mountains. A New York dispatch of recent date giios the following utsciiption of a city recently discovered in Mexico: "FurieJ aud forgotten forages amid the. -auk vegetation of a tropical ferest a prthistorio Amercaa city has been d'scovered by a New York explorer Wni. Navins in the mountains ol M-xico. Quechomitlipan, by which name the city i kuown, is in the canton of Guerrero . and Nevins says the ruins cover an area ol a thousand acres. The templet and pyramids he has fount aad the specimens dug up prove the city was at some time one of the great centers cf wealth and power of the American hemisphere. I have been four weeks riding among the ruins of the grrat prehis toric city, and I fin d it covers a much wider area than what I bad at tiral supposed something like one thou sand acres. I have dug iota some subterranean chambers of the largest builtlings and found them filled with broken pieces of plaster painted bright red andjwbite, under the floors beads, axes, idols and broken pottery. In one excavation which I made, at a place called Guayaho, I fo.ind at the depth of nine feet from the surface, under an altar, an olla of terra cotta filled with dirt and mixed among it were seventy-two objects cf mother of pearl, all perforated, and flvo of them were head of kings with crowns nicely carved. "I found at other pUces bones of strange animals, and have carefully packed some. I Have already taken over t0 hundred pictures, fifty of which I have developed, and lost only two. I found the ruins of twen'y temples and two great pyramids." LIVE COUNT. Arizona Has Within Her Bor ders A Scion of Rovaltv. Arizona has a real live count within iter borders and withal a practical hard-headed man who it not travelling on his title, but is actively engaged in the business of mining, a,s tho Los Angelas Timts. His namcii Grapello and be comes from Italy. lie is a thorough eliemUl and besides being a graduate of the University of Turin he has tak-n po-t-grndua'e coursrs in chemisry in Berlin, Vienna and Paris His father is ambassador to France and his brother minister to Austria. He it a chemist at the Union mine, engaged in extracting gold from the tailings left ball worked by the old pross. "We had an epidemic of dysentery in this victnitv last summer," says Samuel S. Pollock, "of Bricelind, Cal. M was taken with it and suffered severely until someone called my attention to Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. I procured a bottle and felt better after the first dose, llefnre one half of the bottle had been used I was well. I recommended it to my friends and their experience wjs the same. We all unite in saying it is the best." for sale by Druggists. o CUII.1TX UIX'OR . LOCATION. t. tt it:.. i- ix .r. . 0,6aUIU.MU,(,avrI1)iUIqu1. Bis we- wM .., - .:..i. i.f km ., wsaui aJr,vsrf falUIIIUBIU aJUn In Germany and Holland they have a tramp farm colony where they send able-bodied vagrants not past middle life to work on the farms and leain to do farm work. When ividcuee Is shown of ability and willingness to suppoit themselves the prisoners are to L released and helped to become ertablUhcd in independar.t occupa tion. A similar measure has been tried twic nd failed before the New York legii-ltturnbut the return of eold wriher i driving ths tramps in again to the cities and the project is boing i.n-more agitated. An elecrical engineer hasben ex hibiting in Lonon the model of hi proposed slnglo rail electric line for rmetdof 150 miles an hour. The rail is fixed on a V-e'.iaped t'estlt and runs up into tho body of the car which, as it wers, runa astride of it. The car runs on twelve bearing wheils and seals 135 passengers with spsc for the- baggage. By running the rail within the car the Istsrnal tendency of trains to run efftbe track is over come. mJ auuawaaait Dr. Milta Pain PTOa. i' jfbissssaitsn THE INDIANS. What it Costs Uncle Sam Look After His Wards. to Ettimaies far the entlro Indian ser vice for theGscal ear ending June 30. 1S9S, will bo emulated to congress at the opening of the ees-i-n c-tlW for an approprmtiou of $7,290,000 in rouud uumbor. This is $190,000 more than the appropriation of the current fiscal year. The increase is due to the policy of the government adopted at tho ltst session of congrees abolishing gradually tho contract Indian schools and to place all the Indian schools absolutely under government control. FOB UVI'.IE SIFXY ilUIW. An old, well-tried remedy. Mrs Winelow'a Soothing Syrup has b-n used for over fifty years by millions of mothers tor their children while teeth ing. with perfect success. It eoolhea the child, softens the guine, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste. Sol I by druggist in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottles Its value is incalcu lable. Bo sore and isk for Mrs. Win eloVs 8oothing Syrup, .and take no other kind. P. T. Penrote of the Commonwealth Mining aud Milling company at Tearcr, Arizona, passed through Albuquerque Monday night for the east. This company employs sixty men and ehipa three to four carloads of ors a day to the Pueblo smelter. The ore is rich in gold and silvsr, j itl Jing ?100 io the ton. Democrat. BUCKLIX'SAKXIGA SALVE. The best salve in the world for cuts buises, seres, ulcers, salt rhtum, feicr sores, tett:r, chapped hands, chilblains corns, and all skin eicpnons and posi tively cures Piles, or no payment requir ed it is guaranteed to give peefect stts-a fict'nn cr money refunded. Prices 50 cenis per box. For 1sale Tomb ione Drug btore 1 m ' A CREAMREY. A Larse Plant to'be Establish ed in Arizona. Within a fow days the machinery will be placed, in the creamery at Pheuix. The Gazette says th? plant is the largest anJ finest in all tho southwest, bing capable of handling 20,000 jKiunds of milk daily. Every branch of the manufacture of diary products will b9 pursued and, it is hop ed soon cheese and butter made at home will supply all the Inter-moun-tain region as well as the coast towns. Phenix is the ideal place for dairying as growing alfalfa is at hand through out the year. Tim l'j muni- ul lite Deal. We will suppose that your occupation is sedentary that your are chained, so to speak to the desk in tome counting house or perhaps to th: loom in some vait mill where you aie cornpeII:d to labor Irom morning to night. Sunday is your enly day of .relaxation, "iou return home every evening wearied mentally and bodily. Your health and strength begin to fail. What will most effectually re cuperate jour vital energy The weight of evidence points to no other conclusion than thxt Hostettei's Stomach Hitters is our satest, most reliable sheet anchor. Use it persistently, and yoursjstem will soon regair. us pristine vigor, l.very function will recene a healthful impulse. Tnere is no remedy to equal the Bitters for ncvousnes and want ot sleep. dyspepsia, constipation and billiousness. It averts ana remedies all lonni ct mat atial disease, and is a preventive -A a . . t I nCUulall itism and neuralgia. o 'l'be IJiiuroverjr svkI Ilia I. He. Mr. O.Cailloutt9, Druggist, Beaver aville, I1L, eayt:-'To lit. King'u New Discover I owe my life, Wan taken with La Grippe and trieu all the phy sicians, but of no avail and ws given up and told I could not live. Hiring Dr. King's New Discovery in my- etore 1 sent lor a ixHlio ami lean its use and from the first do-began to st bet ter, and a'ter using three bottle was up and about again. It is vortli U weight in goM. W won't keep tlcre or house -vltlnut it." C5dt a fr- t tall the TombiiViine Drug Store. If you want a good No. G ciokstove several p-rni and pots, also a small heating stove thrown in; ill scon! hand but in good r.nditiori, can he had for $10, cih ; al-o a goo I sewing machins singer (econi hand but in Al working Older, for $12, cash. Call at this office for narriculsrr, tf TEAMS wanted. To haul coke sind copper bul Hon between theterminus of the Gila Valley, Globe and Northern railway and the town of Globe. Arizon . For par ticulars address W. W. Ed wards, at Geronimo, Arizona tf lolIRlTONE. November 35. 1896. Office of the ISoard of Supervisors of CocUse County, Notice iitacby clxen that the Hoard of Su pervisors wi I sell al pnvate sale the followirg descntvd real estate, situate la said cs-untjr. the same having been duly sold and by tsx dtrd convrjed to the Territory of Aruona by the Taa Collector of said county to recover Ihe unpaid tax and charges agamst e;icb tract or parcel of land, as Ibe same appears of rrcord in Ihe oftice of tv.e Ta Collector and Recoider cf aaiue. to ii: Mti I A Allcock. Tombstone Lot t. Ho-i 45. Gbenaro Anara.Uisbee adc.Vhour. JoeBinon. lombstanr, Lolsi, aand 3,niocl.6a Manuel Udldoza. Bisbee t frame house. PA Itojer. Dot Cabers Blacksmith "5 4" 4 01 shopand ttaoie... A Bmchan. SL David Improie- men ts oc ranch J p Branom lmprocmrntsonranch . ililcomb Improtements on rrncb Juan Bantlo. WiUctx Lot 17. Block 20 CS Clark, Tombstone Lot 14, B!oct 3 - Wm Caranaueh. Tomltttone Lots 5 and 6, Block f J N Chmtianson, it. David Im provementsonranch......... .. W R Duncan. West Kuachueas Im provements on ranch.. .... ... James Doyle, Benson Lot iS. Block 9 AUn R Eneluh. Tombstone Utile Pedro mine. No. 96; Bij Pedro mine. No. 94; Lots 14. 15, 16 and 17. B!ock44 A Lscalante. fcisb.e 1 frame house. . C E Fredcnck. Tombstone V Jf of lot 6. block 5.... Sam Friedman. Benson Lots 27 and 3J.LI0cV.lS W C GicenwooH. Benson E K of S W I! and W Jf of S E Jf. Sec 28 Tp26. Rao Concepcion Gonras. Benson Lota land 2 bZ Jf'IXEK fee 19, Tp20. r. 19 Ignado Gill. Lew er San Pedro Im provements lests Gonzales, Lower San Pedro N ,' of N E V. f N W H, Sec 19, Tpi3. R19 ChiisGraurr. CLincabua mountains S E K Sec 3. Tp 17. R29.. . . W A Gray, Sk David Improvements T T Hunter Willeox See 19. Tp 13. R 25: Sec 16. Tp 13. R 35... Hall. Aston and Gray Del Val pant G Lonergan, Benson Lot 18, b'oo 20 J C Lo. W of N W U nd W H of S W M Sec 23. Tp 15. R 24. . Mead and Clark, Tombstone Lot 7 bod. 19 Nicbo'as Mverx, Lower San Pedro Improiemenls en r?ncb n Morales, Willcox Lot iS, Dlock26 '3' 30 81 3 It 03 10 53 6 ia 4 3 19 06 5lS 69 v9 J S3 39 8 63 ji 31 97 26 04 S 4S 18 73 44 3t 16 B4 40 88 tS3 3 " 20 37 143 57 4 91 7 97 576 832 7 93 41 93 Juan Moraja, WOlcor Lt 17, block 20 Jacob Marucez. Willcox Lot 1 block 12. .......... . ............. R McCorrnicV, Tombstone I.OIS 1 and 2, block it Mrs. U II McN'nl, Tombstone San Di-fco mineNa xoo. ........... E G Norton, B sbee Improvements Main streets T O'Brien, Sulphur Spnne valley Improvements on ranch Mis. C W Puj,b. Willccx Lot 16, block 23 .... I R Parish S E Jf Sec 14. Tp 17, R 20... R Rundle. Bisbee Frame bciso Andres RebW. San Pedro Improve menu on ranch O. M, Renand, San S.mcn valley Improvements on ranch........ E D Roberts, San Tedro - Improve ments on ranch Ouong Sing, Tombstone Lot 16, blk. SDa ... or W F Stover, Bisbe e Adobe bouse.. Noah Seeton S E X Sec 29. Tp 16 R 29 RDSvieeton N EJf Sec 3. Tp iS. R29 EFaeni K of Sec 4, Tp 13, R 19.. '5 S " 37 "3 93 24 20 6 2 '5 IS 18 10 15 IS IS 15 7 61 Tufly. Dolores and Ochoa of SW X and E ii ef Sec 30. Tp 20. K , S E K and W K of N E X. S0C34, Tp 16. R 30; N J of N E X and W Jf of N V X S- 34. Tp 17, R so Unknown, Richmond mice No, 99, Tombstone disctiict Unknown. McLelUnd mine No. 100 Tombstone -irtllct Unknown, May mine No. 154, Tomb stone district Unknown Ot-hlr nine. No. 37 Win chester district 3050 SoS 4 39 4 j UKnow n. vupi 1 rwiug uuuc .o. 5 Cochise district jot G S White, WUcox Lot 11 b'ock as 3 2I l.S. WILLIAMS. Chairman, Attest A. .Vevtitoxtm. Clerk. By W.A. IIaxvtood. Deputy. SHERIFF'S SALE. PUBLIC NOTICK IS HEREBY GIVEN, that under a-ri r virtue oi a speeia execution issued ont the Distr t Court, 01 me Fust uU cial District, of the Territory ol Arizona, in and for theCoui.t of Coiiuse. on tho arst day of oweuiDcr, 1090, on a juoment tttcreon ren dere4on the 20(tdtv of November. 189. in favor of Paul IS. Warnekros. pUintiff, aad against II. C. Haz'cvood and D.niel Hoddy, coATtners under the firm name of "Hazlcwood Jc Huddy," de endants, for the su-n of two thousand na toity seven and 45-100 dollars, and one hunjrrd and seventy-five 45-I00 dol lirs eosts of sot. and accriiL.2: cos. by which I ati commanded to SU all those certaj) lots. pieces and gucels of re tl estate, siUsate in the town 01 1'carce. county ana temtor atresaia, and desunbed as follows, to-wit. Two lots in said iori of Peu-ce. known as thestore anl lumber yaid of said Haalewood 3c Huddy, 03 th-; east sUe of WiHc x street and bounded en the north by the property of Henry Fitch. I mill sell at public s-Jr to the hie.hest and best bidder for ctsh. currency cf u United states, on the 16TH DAY OF DFCEMBER. 1846. at 1 o'clock p. m. cf that day; all the rijh', title and ialrrect which lh aid Ilaalewocxl and Huddy hid la aid to the si'd ab ve des cribed real es'ate. en ire 3d day ot October, 1S96, the day the attai hnsenl Ja said case was levied thereon. CJolFLY. Sberft DatedJ'ovevabor3rdii5.i aat-M JOSEPH CORNER FIFTH AND ::: uiiiML,fc.ii nuiucn DEALER IN General Merchandise. Cape Cod Cranberries Seedless Raisins London Layers, fresh Currents Siscilian Citron. 1 ANGELICA, SHERRY, PORT, ZINFENDEL. JOHANNESBURG, WHITE Sauer Kraut, Limberger STIFLE Al FANCY CHOICE GINS, BRANDIES and WHISKIES BOTTLED BEER FORIFIMM TRADE- Everything InOur Line is First Class Go;tl and' Sold atPrices; That Eefy Competition.' -r JOS. JPiOlNEEIt STORE HOEFLER. FREMONT STREETS' - STORE. Cheese, Holland Herring, BRANDS OF '.S - VA d' SS-fV&T' J2f.f;X; p z&r - ' T HOtFLfcft. WWW GROCERIES yi I w 1 1.1 1 P 1 v: 11.'