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nmffliaTiTMrn ffl m mxjfxntttnxmtfirimrx 4 IMBST 'i "'"M ' iwsmnauawn WATCHWORD--"COCHISE COUNTY FIRST, THE WORLD AFTERWARD. V,OL. X '10MUSTONE. ARIZONA THURSDAY EVENING. DECEMBEK- io. 18q6. No OD THE ifk TTPl PROSPECTOR ') i! K ft 1 a i ! LiJ I'l 1 t.'? ixv i rn 1 J5 DAILY .PROSPECTOR. City and County Official Paper PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING (EXCKIT SUNDAY) BY . Wm. llattich 61 tor anl Proprietor. Fremont St. Opposite CHy Hall The Prospector ill not boU itwlf respon sible for any of the a-tides or s-nuraenu ex. prated by any of it corropon Jems. Entered in the Tombstone PoMofli-e as Second Class matter, PROFESSIONAL OAUDS. lAMES RE1LLV. ATTOKXEY AND I Counse'orat Law. Land and Mining cases a specialty. Tombstone, A rltona w M.CSTAhHLK. ATTORNEY AT Law and Notary Tubhc, Tombstone- Ailzona. G EO. W. SWAIN, ATIONtY Ai Law. Will practice in all cowts of tre Territory, lomustone Antona OS. CLARK, ATTONEY ANr OUN selor at I j: s OSiie on Frmia Street, between At a and Touhrni. Tomb Wilt pran-ce in all the coiiiu. of the ory. CHARLES CRANVII.i.cjuii;jiu.'. Attorney and Counsellor at Law and Notary HuUic, - Fremont street bet 4th and 5'.h struts. A member o'the Bar of the Supreme Court ot the lermoiy. and iU practice In any of the courts therein. AWENTHWORTH COUNTY Re corder and Abstract Office. Abstracts of t tie to real esU'e and mines mrri. tiled promptly and acurately Complete trin scripts. Office in Court Hou'e. Tombstone. E. ALVORU, JUSTICE OF THE Peace. Office on Allen St bet. 3i S alh Tombstone. L.KOMCA, UiTICE OK THF PEACE Offlce on 4 h St. bet. Allen and Toughnut, Tombstcne. H" K. GORDON M.D. PHYsICIAN AND Surgeon' Office adjoining bis residence on 4th street, Lall attended at aJ hours day and night, FC.EARIE. AbSYER AND META Iscical laboratory. Office o 3:9. Fremont M. opposite City HUl THE OKDJtfb. F & A M. KING SOLOMON LODGE NO. 5 Meets third hamrday in each month. VUtin? brothers c-vdi-iUf invtled to at end. I H McPIIERSON. W.M., A L GROW Secretary. R. A M. COCKLE CHAPTER I.'Q 4 VEEJS third Wednesday in each mo-ilb. Vis iunir Compinions cordi illy invited to at tend. lOULOWRY.H.P. A. WEXTWORTH Secretary. P. O. S. OF A. WASHINGTON CAMP NO t MEETS 1st rnday even njfineich manth. Vis nine Comrades cordially inrit'd. J.W.CLARK, President. A. O. U. W- TOMBiTONELODGiiNO 3. A. O U. W. meet 1st and 3rd Thursday in each montfc. Visiung brothers cordially in- ntCd' ROBT. BESril.W- W. D. MONMONIEit Rocordr. K- OF P ARIZONA LODGE KNIGH T5 OF Prthtas No 4. meets every 1st and 3rd McAy's in eacn month. V suing rotbers ccrtiaUy izr.ted. A. H. EMANUEL, C, C. W. D. MONMONIhR. K. of S. KO 1 EC1 ION HOSE COMPANY NO 3, . x. .. nHiv in Mph montij all and FrcJuonTstreets, opposite the vAool boiie 11 11 mumr "Wa X I ItaT U( aj. V - Foreman, TOM JHTIIbeerfaiy, rSCSfiUn HObE COMPANY MEETS W First iundy in each month at City Hall J Fremont street. J, V V1CKEKS, WtNTWORTH.Stcty PresiJent J, N. MtDONOUGH. Foreman. .4 " XGINE COMPANY 0 1. MEETS Ian Sunday in ea h mou h at hose boa'e Oi th crnri.fTotijbnatand jth street. IOEPil LIPPEKl oecun HENR DUNKER, gecremy. 4 , an'cd An agent in eveiy setiion to can tAi nii$4 to 55 a diy on; sells at sight'; ' aloa man to sell staple Kcwd to f'e.Uers Uide Xir. J75 a n-o tb. Sl ry fir Urce ionimnsSca maae; expcue-ice unnecessary', Fcr mini p.ulcuUis send stamp. Cliften Soap t Mrfnut.irt.rfng Coropny, Cmc&nati,Ohi WATER WORKS. F. GALVES, Pfop. Vfimp S rvice. Water per barrel, :5cts .Per backet, 5 cts. Scecial Rates ttf Families Lave order with wajon. '-a. I , 1 1 v J . 'HJnr-f : - -'V tt&JUl mm SAMUEL IB S-Sj " :& K csasaa -i ', n SAM JEL M. ARROW a s. r caaJ ", &9RSi '-r"rrrzJBL BARROW EARP SCORED. One of Sliarkeys Trainers as a Witness SAYS -"BARP YAS FIXED J The Marine's Trainers GoBack on Him Lvnch Gets Indignant PROSECUTE FOR PERJURY San Fbascisco la tho trial here beforn tlia supreme court for the pos ses. ion of the $10,0U0 in tha Sharkey Fitzslmmonj fisht, the tjntoiiouy ot AuftrIiin Billy Smith trainer o' Shirkej-, ileveloped t'ie fact that Earp had been "fixed" as referee. Lyncb, Shartey'e backer, anil Sroilh had talked of a referee but could not agree on any refetco who nould not "tnlk business." Hii teatimouy was corrob orattd by Geo, Allen, another of bar fce'i) trainer, Witne.s sail that Lynch told Shirkey in the knockout to put hid ban I on his groin and feint with pain. Lynch grew in'ignant and saya was uot within 50 feet of the ring when the blow irns given -l.o tnyp lie mil prosecute Smith far per jury. Smith, he said, 1ml aaked for $1,003 n (miner's fee lor four weeks anl was refused all but $400, hence bisancer. Go to any grocer and ask for Schilling s Best tea: Japan, English Breakfast, Oolong, Ceylon, or the Blend. He will pay you your money back if you don't like it. A ScHllia & Cm?lnj sia rrancuco . v TEA.MS WANTED. To haul cokeand coppe rb ul lion between theterminus of the Gila Valley, Globe and Northern railway and the town of Globe- Arizoni. For par iculars address W. W. Ed wards, at, Geronimo, riz na XI Ur. Price's Cream Baking rovoer Vorfd-a Pair Hlthest AwauiL Get ristmas pi two ounce bag, and two i coupons inside each four H ounce bag of Blackwell's ill Durham. Buy a bag ofi 11 this celebrated tobacco I bis and read the coupon p which gives a list of val- !g uable presents and how Fjfl to get them. i3 THE BOLDEST YET Six Men Held Up a Train at St Louis. IN '1 HE BROAD DAYLIGHT A Passenger Held Up Within the Citv Limits Qnicklv Done. A MOST DARIA'G ATTEBIPT 8t Louis The Iron Mountain fast express outgoing, was held up one mile from Union station within the city limits by six masked men. It is not known a yet whether the robbtrs succeeded in securing any money from the express car. Onool tho mpn stood in the center of the track and waved m lantern signifying danger ahead. The engineer stopped the train and no sooner bad he done so than two masked tnn jumped upon the engine cab and presenting their re volvers tol'l him to hold tha engine still on pain of death. Two other robbers made for tho express car while the remaining two stuxl guard outside In Ibfs tlnn fifteen minute the whole tlunK waiover and theco-idnctor hst eriel to the nearest a'ation. The robb-rs had planned thi job t.cII for within two minutes nttr tha robhery thoy had dieaappearel from view and were lost jn the crowd of the ctty. lol Ib the robbery bus no qual in the annali of trail hoi tup in Mi-fouri. If y nt want a gtKxI So. 6. cookstote evcral puis and pits, also a sninll heating stove thrown in; all recond hmul but in good condition, ran be had f ir $10, ciish ; also a good vewing maehin- Singer econd hand but in Al working rrder. for $12, cash. Call at this office for particulars, tf Piles! lilcs: Itching- Pile SYMPTOMS ?.oissure; intense itching and stinging; most at night, worse by scratching. If allowed to continue tum ors form, which often bleed and ulceratet becoming very sore. Swayne's Ointmen stops the itching and bleeding, heals ulce aMon, and in mo.t cases removes the rumors. At druggists, cr by mail, foi So cents. Dr. Swayre ir.d Son.Phila defph v. Cranberries, pastern apples and Buckwheat flour at Wolc-ittV. New lino of cl ckr at Y. i Prio-'s Cream Baking Powder Aa- Ks'r Hfzhttt MwUI ni ritoVnrt Many thousand dollars worth, of valuable articles suitable for Christmas gifts for the young and old, are to be given to smokers of Blackwell's Genuine Durham To bacco. You will find one coupon inside each BtakwtHY Tthacii Highest of all in Leaveais o cr. hwcwd w k m i . a SZ&Z&&& ABSOLUTELY PURE LATEST NEWS Official Confirmation of Macro's Death. STRIKE IN SAN FRANCISCO A Big Contract is Awarded in California-The Teiriblc Plague . UIXGLEY BILL IN SENATE Mabbid Tlio official announce ment of the death ol Antonio Maceo Franciaco Gomez, eon of Maxima Go mez, has been published and ha caused great enthusiasm, Bo-VBAU Boinbonio plactte is rag ing and spreading everywhere. Tues day thete were 55 cases and 37 deaths hre. There has been 1,420 cases and 60-1 deaths. Kan FRASCifcCO The employees of Pacitin rolling milU. nunitxjrin 125, are on a siriko o:i account of reduction in wages. WasAlvoTON The war department has awarded the coalraot for building gun and mortor battery implements for San Diego to the California Con struction company for$109,417. MawAUKEK Will S. Meyers el tjf department store known as the Boston Store, was reized by the Sheriff yes terday morning on four attachment, aggregating $58,921. Later Uyers mad an assignment. Washington Allan, (Neb) moved consideration on the Kingly bill in the senante today; carried. 35 to 31. Sev eral Democrats and Foculists voted to take up the bill. The OlncvYerj-Karoahlsl.lte. Mr, G.Caillouette, Druggist, Beaver hTille, ill., sa: a: "To Dr. Kinc'a New Dicovcrj I owe my life, Whs taken u i urrppe ana inea an me pny j.cians, but of no avail and was given up and told I could not live. Having Dr. King's New Discovery in my etoro I sent for a bottle and began its use and iromtne first dose began to get bet ter, ami after using three bottle was up and about again. It is worth tie weight in mild. We won't keep store or noube vniuul it," Uet a free tjtall the TombsUmo Drug Store. m m . - Ed pROSPecrott: I beg to adviso thatonr wpsI bound train r.nw paore Benton at 11:35 p. m. instead of 12:15 a. m. The est-bound limited parses Benson Mondays and Thursdays at 6:21a. m ant the wrst-tviund Wed nesdays and Saturday at-1 .0j a. in. Yours truly, F. S WhKUTER. Agent. DESICN coprnnirrit, .Mi .WB-rf Tafln Mrcirw- lor tnfrnnatVvn 4 trt lUQdtH r-rlf to MIiaJi U CU, Stl BCOIDWAT, hV TKC OMet Ij '"nj T-i-aarat.Tt la America. Krcr naten r"x,r L. I nt-111 b;nra tii0 ttw t a npuoa sl a xie or ctmrro la tb larptt clinic !i r t r-T rvlratlBr rrr la tin -v ', J7I1 .-!. M 1 L.f'Un-iit ni 1 vr J la . a. . f , Wer. 1 j- cg.ou a i-.jritjie-. S.J !vOT.c, I w Xn Cuy. Latest U. S. Gov't Report E I m,Mnff - -.a) vasa BiP a WffMVA IIOTEX. AUHIIA1.N COCUIFK C. L. Baker, Separ N. M. TALACE. Martin O'Hare and wife. Bis bee Char. Woress, Tucson. SAX J03K. H.Freund, ElFaso. ABUMOTOii Jas. Fourr, ranch Wm. Holmes' " FAIRBANK DEPARTMENT GEO. G. McGEE, I'op. Fair-bank, : Arizona; Headquarters for victors from Tomb stone and surrounding country. Best of wines liquors and cigars nlttajson. haaj. PAY THE EXCHANGE A VISIT P. A. DEMARTINI, GENERAL MERCHANDISE- A fall line of GHOCERIER, PROVISIONS, CIGARS AND TOBACCO. PAIKBANK. ARIZONA. FiferReiiit Faixbask, A. T. K. HARRINGTON, MRS. Prop. Chagres Reasonable. Parties going from Tombstone to Bisbee will have ample time for dinner before the train arrives. Table Supplied With the Best. GIVE IT A TRIAL. GUM MAXEY, Allen St near 3d, (OIdCutom House. VEGETABLES, FRUITS, lOTATOES ONIONS,' ETC Fresh California fruit received every day by exprett. Everything gold at lowett rates. Qoois delivered i fw to all oarts ot city. J Fish JUeeired Etery 't Thursday. W. 0. 'ABBOTT ASSAYING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES ' Tombstone,Arizona. Samples by mail or express will receive prompt attention. Office and Bestdtnce Over'ock House. TU'. Il.nri , - "tiMily. On rt ccij t of i. a-.- .1 b or slampi, a gner..i:4 ean rv tuiilcd ot th most portnlar Cth r! a Lay Fever Cura (Ely's Cm.m J a il. to demon strata the rer.t - f ila, rcia-Oy. EL BI;'-' --". CO .. , ri- VikCity. Rer.JohnR '!. " -- nrXMont., recomni( oiled -", j lis . u ; jue. I can empbaidzc . .it, "Jt iin post. tiTB core for c-ltiT!t ." ' ' ik ihrtc:!." Kt. Franeu W. V t rtIor Central Vzza. Church, Helena, Ut Ely'aCre' ,gi'm ' tt.'. rr'.nmrlwTgea cure for ca arr't . ."1 ji jucrcuiy nor any isjnrioaa dn:, i't.e. ) cents. Wanted-An Idea SrS TrolcTor I1i; th-r tn-iT briar J" ! wm JdaN WiarJEiicOiur co, p.t-it ana. aasyWaalitttiin. p. c. tot tbatr uio wlaaaaW Sam mt t two tanku loTaaUoiwuwt. FAIBfflEMIE 4 rl 1 i .. 1 1 ','' fi ' 1 i ', " r? 1 n 1 il Sr l i M3 hn'