Newspaper Page Text
TiiTHMI HTHnM 'I I' M 18 J '! ir. ' ii i K if- i j 'I l ; m The Prospector. DECEMBER 10. lS9C RAILROAD TIME TABLES .. IZONA & SOUTHEASTERN R. R. 25: 5i North Tin table iKo i. July M ISSi, Station 3 South J i HI i s Flrrt tlaaa daUt; except PUDdlJJ s.t 00 1 13 1.S0 lo eecjt Sunaar fTa.m o. i:n .e . . I." !. . ..Ilh.... ...DonLuia ...Packard...., .Water Tank... ..Charlwtoa.,.. .Ar. ArSSJ l.J JJ j . .!! A F Irbank . .Lt 11.0 WAV eiLr..,...F'rbink ....Arliao B.15 JO 0J1S &i: ......... Land .........1&.7 Beaton Li'O 12,10 ll.tO Z aelfic tW, flag atatfena. Stop on a'jrtiilt. ciVuun, Su-MrinUndtut. SOUTHERN PACIFIC R R STEast STATIONS. West 4:45 am L ....Benn AHusspm J.aoarr.l ....Hewn 11.50am 11.30 pm! ....lIaricopa J 4.10am 5.50pm ...... Y-una ..... iioaoam 8.3a am' ....Los Angeles.... 1 7oop m Baa 'Set, 'Limit!, cast' boosd, JIorxLfiand h"rlTi 8.1S, Reason ana Set, Lmit wen Doand. Wcdneedari a" atsrdari, (.03 Bnon KlUTSCHKlTT. G M E Randolph, D S :.'tM'OS!TW.WJ.W i i,i eM3t.U-V- NEW MEXICO ARIZONA R R Wot STATIONS East 6.oopra Lt Brawn Ar 10.40am 8,50am ..... FnJrtnnlc t.oopm e.ooatn .Huachuca,.... 13.10 pa 1.40am ....Crittenden.... taaopm 3.37am .... CaUbaus .... 0.00am 1.15 pm Notalei 8.30am .Sally except Sunday. Pacific time. J. J. Fxxr General Manager. A. Naugle, L. H. Albeecht. Vsr General Manager. Train Master. MARICOPA & PHOENIX R. R. .North South 8 co p m Lt Phonix Ar S ooa m 715am 7 ooa m aj 5 U B.35 p m Temp Kyrene..... Ssciton Marie pa coapm 9.15 P 3-45 P E. S. S1IAMP, Gen. Sapt. LOCAL NOTES, Silver is quoted at 15$ "J; W. H. Weeks is in from the valley on business. J. II. Banks is in town from his Swishelm ranch. 81 Brian t want out to Turquoiss to work hi miss tsday. m m Treasurer elect Wentwortb is out of town 011 business. Pjn't forget the church entertain ment at the Scbeiffelin Hall touight. Mr. Jarley's waxworks is worth the prica ot the whole show at 8cliief felin Hall tonight. Tim Griffiith And I. Y. Wallace re turned to Bisbee today by private conveyance. Allen R. English left yesterday on a harried trip lo Tncton on a profess ional visit. Mother Goose melodies will call to memory the happy days of childhood. At SchtfTelin Hall tonight. - m Vou can procure chicken tamal-s at the laiies' fair tonight for 10 cente a piece or 3 for 25 cent;. Coffee 6 cent a cup. In yesterday' iatue chronicling the deathof Harry-Millar it wa stated thai Mr. Miller'a ftther who resided at 8t Louis was notified. It should have read St. Joseph Mo. The case of Martin O'Hare, here on a change of venue from Bisbee, wh dismissed this morning at the instauce of the district attorney. E. Yt", Land waa defendant' attorney. Awarded Highest Iicnor5 World'5 Fair, EDR; ffilli HMl iKa fir W MOST PERFECT M,v rV pure Crape Oti.n of Tartar Powder. Fre? b Arartna, .ruji or any otl-cr sdulterant C EA2S THE S7AMOAHT A FESTIVE ABIZONAN. Runs Amuck in the Citr of the Angels. A man from Aritona named 5UiV,a miner or the owner cl mines in the territory, became entirely loo f-stive Hit evening in '.be joints which deco ata Eait First street, and ws gar nered in by Officers Hcndcritou and Fay on the charge of carrying con cealed weapons. On his way to tbe stat'on ho attempted familiari'ie with Mr Fay'a Club and tbe otticer wa obligd to use the instrument on Burk'a skull, to tbe detriment of that part of his anatomy. To the clerk be gave the name of Frank Bark, but that is thought be simply an alias Los Angeles Times. Free Pills. Send your address to H. E. Bucklen & Co., Chicago, and get a free sarrlple box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A tna will convince you of their merits. These pills are easy in action and are partic ularly effective in the cure of constipat on and sick headache. For materia and liver troubles, they have been proved in valuable. They are guaranteed to be perfectly free from every deleteno-js sub stance and to be purely vegetable. Tbcy do not weaken by their action, but by givin? tons to the stomach and bowels greatly invigorate the system. Regular size 25c. per box. Sold by Tombstone and Bisbee druggists. ARIZONA AHEAD. The Number of Cattle Inspect ed this Year. The Denver Times ey tha. Dr. Gresswell is now preparing his annual report as secretary o! the State Vetrinary-Santtary board which it is expected will be ready by the end of the month. Embodied in that report will be the following encouraging in formation on cattle inspected from be low the Thirty-six paralell of latitude and coming north into or through Col rade. From Arizona 135,000 From New Mexico 7-1,020 From Texas 77.492 From Old Mexico '. 14,115 Tctll W'. .: 391,530 A Texas exchange ay: Two horse buyers of the Spauiih government have been in town th pusi week. They have bougbtbut very few horses here a they wanted ?50 horses for $15 the highest they would pay. A report has reached Willcox to the effect that Messrs. Ituch Bro. have recently contracted 1600 head of steers at $11, SJ13.50and 510.50. The same informant stitos they lately sold a train load of threes at $1G per head. Willcox Xews. A little escapade is floated down from Benson. It !s reported a young sintsr of mercy becoming homesick sppcojed her longing for home and mother by escaping from her aitor companions through a back window and making for home. She was found aud finally concluded to return to to serve a nun. Holland Herring, Limbcrgsr Chepete, and Saner Krant, at HoflebV. Mr. Matt Ryan one of the largest cattle owners in Cochise county is in itie city. Sir. Ryan is on an inspect ion tour of his large cattla interests both in Arizona and Montana, and other ranges in which he is interested. Mr. Cox, mms;rr of tbe company in Cochise county accompanied him to the couniy teat. Justice Koska Mt this morning for the Douglars ranch on the ll&rha comari to join in tin- haly bond of matrimony Mr. Thorn is D njgln n I Mies Clara. FenUr botli of that rr-cM n The PuosirEOToit join in congrr. nat ions and best wishes. E. E. AM. of cowboy trur natnenlK, nil yesterday that Bill Jackson in 1890 at Winslow roped and tied ast'crin fifty-eitfbt second, tne animal having risen after being thrown the first time. This beats the record. Albuquerque Democrat. V. W. Ailnmii, who, ii will be re rx9mbt-rd, stitine.l serious injuries from an '-Uctnc holt at Bonita when on the round up, has recovered aud is engaged in makiag sutstintial im provements on his much nearRusell ville, Willcox New?. RAILROAD NEWS. What a Phenciau Savs of the North and South Road. A Fhenix eorreipondent has th following to aty regarding the visit of D. It. R ibiusou to that city: 1). U. Kobiuson, to whose efforts the b Hiding of the Sitita Fe, Prescott and Ph uix rotd is largely due, is again in the territory. His visit is said to havn eigniticanoe in connection with tbe extension of the rod in question uthnard. Jfxt 13 an overland line m ross tl e central Arizona from east to west, thi road would be most needed and the best paying railroad propnsi lion iu Arizona. Tbe survey has lonti ago been made, aad the line found easy and practicable, the grades being light and tbe curves few. The exten sion includes Phrnix, Tucson, Flor ence and southward to Calabasas where it will connect with the Sonora branch of the Santa Fe system. avrory wom V. 1. atUea Pain PHla. BUCKLIN'SAUSIOA SALVE. Tbe best salve in tbe world for cuts buises, sores, ulcers, salt rbeum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblain corns, and all skin etup.ion acd post? tivcly cutes Piles, or no payment requir ed it is guaranteed to give peefect stis a faction cr money refunded. Prices 50 cents per box. For sale Tombione Drug Store DISCOVERED AT LAST. A Machine for the Saving of Flour Gold. The problem of extracting flour and float gold by an economical inttbod of amalgamation, has at last been solved. Three of tho P. D. Baruhart patented Bmal;amatort, according to the Miner, are now in successful operation on tbe Colorado river, near Scanlon's Ferry, in Mohave county. The ma chine is very simpla in construction and requires bit litild power to run it, about one-twentieth of a horen power for each machine. It is as well adapt ed to saviog fine cold and flowered quicksilver in stamp mills as to the work of placer mining, and can be easily rubstituted in the place of the usual copper plates. "We had an epidemic of dysentery in this vicinitv last summer," says Samuel S. Pollock.'of Brireland, Cal. "I W2I taken with it and suffered severely until some one called my attention to Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, I procured a bottle and felt better after the firt dose. Before one- half of tbe bottle hid been ustd I was well. I recommended it to my friends and their experience was the same. We all unite in saying it is the best." e or sale by Druggists. cou.rv itr.cott. DEED H. L. Davis of San Franci-co lo J Marden lot in Tombstone, $15. LOCATION. Relaap? and S)!rer 2ell, Goldsa Rule Dut J. True, A. Bauer, B. Biues. DSFD J. Hanniger to II. R. Hanniger and George Hanniger, property in Bisbee, I. PaciGo Improvement Co.. to Henry Kemp, Benson $75. A. R. Stinett to E. S. Adams, prop erty in Bisbee, I0. LOCATION. Chactan, Hartford District Z. T. Parker, A, R, Stinnett. Capt. A. L. Meyer, acting Indi in agent at San Carlos is quoted as say ing that a ioll of tbe Indians on the reservation on thequestion of granting thenzhtof way to the G. V.G.A Jf railway woi-1 1 bo taken in a few weeks. It is thought that the Indians are aSont equally divided on the question, whil' C-ipuin lry-r is favorable to tl'O prnj"t. From a letter written by Rcr. J. Gunderman, of Dimondale, Mich., we are permitted to make thi extract: 'I have no heiiation in recommend ing Dr. King' Nex Discovery, as Ihe results weie almost marvelous in the case of my jrife. While I was pastor of the Baptist Church at Rivers Junc tion she was brought down with Pneumonia succeeding La Grippe Terrible paroxysms of coughing would lat hours with little interruption and it seemed as if she could net survive them. A friend recommoded Dr. King's New Discovery; it was quick tn its work and highly eatiafneanry in re sults." Trial bottles free atTombatnne and any Drug Store, Regular size EOc. $L00 ar.Pricc-4 Crcxia baxMj, Pvwmm SCI1IEFFEL1N HALL. Real Pleasure and Solid En joyment fop All. Juet remember that Dnigtit i the time which lim been fixed upon by the ladite for the holding of thtir fair and ntaraiimenvnd SohiefMin hall is the place wbera it will ! held. The ladies have worked hard to make their entcrtainmeut a complete suc ctt in every way, an 1 their efforts will surely be rewarded, fur they have spared neither pains nor labor that tt-b people might have an evening at the very beginning of th-s hclMay which will give pi "ata t memory, by retsan of its thorough enjoyment by all. Tho booths will be supplied with lots of choice and dainty things, alike pleas ing to tbe eye as well as to tbo p&latc. Then let us all go and have a genuine go id time iu a rational way. FOB OVkXK FlSr'1'V VIIAItf. An old, well-tried remedy. Mis Winslow's Soothing Syrup htsb'n used for over fifty yeira by millions of mothers tor their children while teeth ing, with ported success. It soothes the child, softens the gum, allays all pain, cures wind colic, mid is tho best remedy for diarrhoea. It is plenant to the taste. Sold by druggist 111J every part ol tbe world. 1. wenty-hve cents a bottles Its value is incalcu lable. Be sure and isk for Mr. Win slop's Soothing Syrup, fc.and take no other kind. FAIRBaNKJOTS. Newsy Bits From the R. R. Junction. A. V. Noyes returned from his trip to Tucson latt week. Harry Herbert is a visitor from across the Mexican border. MifsMrytlo Hand left ytctcrdar for a vitit to Biebee. Lam Kelly aud Jus. Kane were in yesterday a'tsr supplies. Everything in their Kcction U looking promising and all ura correspondingly happy. The freight traffic over the K. M. & A. U heavier than usual nowadays. Shipments to aud from Mexico is on ttiH increase. A large number of Mexicans arrived in town ysiterday and alt-r. taking aboard a considerable quantity of t suglefoct were wrought up lo a tight ting fitol). Turre was a regular up rising among themselve4 and judging from the battered appearance of the faces of a number, t'le revolution was evidently quelled with a rolling pin or two. All hands are ngiin on good terms aud departed today. More Axon 'l'f.f I'j run 11)" ol ilie Ilchlf. We will suppose that your occupation is sedentary that your arc chained, so to speak tothe desk in some counting bouse or perhaps to the loom in some vast mill where yea are compelled to labor from morning to night. Sunday is your only day of relaxa'ion. You return home every evening uearied mental! and bodily. Your health and strength begin to fail. What will most eftectn ally re cuperate your vital energy Th weight of evidence points to no other conclusion than that Hosteller's Stomach Bitters is our safest, most reliable sheet anchor. Use it persistently, and your system will soon regain its pristine vigor. Every function will receive a healthful impulse. There is no remedy to equal tbe Bitters for nevousness and want of sleep, dyspepsia, constipuion and billiousness. t, qvrfc nA rm rti all fnrtrt ffal- jarial disease, and is a preventive of heumatism and neuralgia. Advertised Letter. The following is a list ol letters re maining in tho general deliver' at the Tombstone postoffice for the week ending November 28, 1S96: B. Hanrody, D. McDonald, Bessie Wand, J.-S-earuon, W. Miller, Francisco Vnldez, D. Harrington. When calling for above letter, ay dverlised, giving dttoof a-lvertisc meut. Evm. Synow ,r. M. - Sf edlees Raieics, Londor. Layer, Freh Currents, -Cape Cod Cra-iberrier?, Sioiian Citron, at HorLErt'R. Better a plain wrapper w:t:i t Pride of Japan (Tree) Tea tlierein man a ( costly covering filled with I rubbish. Prlie ol Jar'n clean!ieratei pro-rly coioJ a! ! of cnmCi, rtutes lull Haver aad arona. No aonty waited oa ez rtstive fidtz' 1 value " In th tea. !.' J. BBAXPETSTri U Co. San HioclKo c Vokoham. AT NOTICE. TttMBSTONE, NoTembcr 35, 1856. Office of the board of Supertuors of CocMe '.ounty. Notice Is hereby -jlven that the Board of Su. pemsors wilself at private sale the rb'Jowirg deciib d real estate, sitmte in saii county, the tameliaving been d-ily told and ly Ux deed conveyed to the rcmtiiry of Arirona by the Tax fi.tlrtorof wit! cDuntv to recover the unmid tax and chatfies aala.t each tract or jaicel cf land, as the same appears ol rrcoiu in ine of the Tax Collector arid Rsetrder of same, te lt: Mil I A A'lcock. TombstoDe Ixt 1, B'o-i 45. G.Unuo Atiaa, Biabee adebehoux-, Joe Bi non. Tombitsnr, Lots 1,9 and ,Block62 Maruel BiUdora, Bisbee i fraT.e bouse PA ISojer, Dos Caber's Blacksmith shop and ttable A Binjhan, St DiTid Improve ments oc ranch....... J F Branom Iroprovemrmson ranch $49o G62 IS 4" 4 01 7 3 3 3 31 ill 63a II Oj 10 53 6 Ca 14 13 19 06 15 IS Jlaicomo improveroenia on ranch. Juan Banllo. Willccx Let 17, Block 30 CS Clark. Tombstone Lot 14. Block 3 Wm Cavanauch, Tomlatone Lots 5 and 6, Bloct. 37 J N Christianson. tt. David Im provementaon ranch .. W R Duncan. West Uuachueai Iai- proTements en ranch ... James Doyle Benson Lot i3. Block 9 Allen R Enclish. Tombs'one Uttln Pedru mine. No. 96; Bi Pedro mine. No. 94, Lots 14. 15, 16 and 17, Block 44 A Escalante. Lisb 1 frame house. . C E Frederick. Tombstone W i of lot 6, blocks Sam Fnedruin, Benson Lots 37 aad sS, block 18 V C GieenwooH, Benson E X of S W ii and W oIS E . Sec a3 Tps6. Rao Conception Gontalrs. Benson Lots landa.SE K ofN E H fee 19. Tpso, r. 19 Ignacio Gill. Lower San Pedro Im provements ........""".... Jesus Gonzales, I.ower San Pedro N H of N E H of N V J,', Sec 9. lpi3,Ri9 Chlis.Graucr. Chiricahna mountains SE -.' Sec 3. Tp 17, Rso,. . . W A Gray, Si. David Improvements T T Hunter Willcox Sec 19, Tp 13. K 5; Sec 16. Tp 13. R 35... HalL Aston and Gray Del Val grant G Lonert-an, Benson Lot 18, bloc so J C Loss. WM of N W X and W j of S V H tec 28. Tp 15. R 34. Mead and Clark, Tombstone Lot 7 bock 19 Nicholas Mrerx, Lower San Pedro Improvements en r?nch E Morales. Willcox Lot 18, olocksS loan ?.Iorales, Waicox Lt 17. block 26 Jacob Martiier. Willcox Lot 1 block 13 R McCcnnick, Tombstone IJts 1 and 2, b'.otl. it Mrs. D II McN'eal, Tombstone San Diet,o mincNo. 100 EG Norton. Bisbee Improvements Main streets T O'Brien, Sulptu- Sprimr valley Improvem nts oa rauch Mrs. C W" rufch, Tviiicox Lot 10, block 25 J R Parish S E U Sec 14. Tp 17, R 30 R Rnndle, Bisbie Frame heese Andres Rebiel, Pedro Improve ments on ranch O. M. Renaud. San S moo valley Improvements on ranch........ ED Robrrts, "san Pedro-Improvements on ranch Ouonc Sine, Tombstone Lot 16, blk. 16 W F Stover, Bibe e Adobe house.. Noab Seetoa S E J,' Sec 29. Tp 16 R 39 R D Ston N E U Sec 3. Tp 16. R39 ESaenr K of Sec 4, Tp 13, R 19.. Tul!v. Dolores and Ochoa KofSW 'j; arid E '4 of Se; 30, Tp 2?, K . S E M and W M of N E i, Soc 34, '1 p x. R 20: N 4 of N E U and W H of N W 3.' Sec 34. Tp 17, R 30 Unkno'n, Richmond mine No, 99, Tombstone disctrict Unknown, McLelland mine No. 100 Tombstone t-i: trict Unknown, May o'ne No. 154, Tomb stone disutct Unknown Ovbirmine, No-S Win chester district Ucknawn, Copp' King nunc No. 38 Cochise district G S Wtite. Willcox Lot it block 33 69 59 5 9 39 18 63 51 31 97 so 04 8 48 18 "7a 44 3' 16 84 40 ts lis 36 3 31 20 37 &43 2557 4 9 7 97 S7 832 27 93 4 93 IO C3 '5 'S " "3 93 24 20 6 62 5 S 18 10 S '5 IS IS 7 61 30 50 5 c8 4 39 4 91 ScS 5 o 3 3l i. s. Williams. Chairman. Attest A. .Vestwoktu. Clerk. By W. A. IlAxwoon. Deputy, S HER I FIT'S SALE. PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that under and by Tutu's ot a ssetial execution issued out the District Cou-t, ot tie 11. st J uci-1 dot District, of the T-mtoiy of riicna, in and I for the County of CocbHe, on tho 31st day of' Noienvber. iB$b. on a jedjrount tbereoa ren-f dered on the 20St day ol Norember. iC$6, in fvr of P.'ul B. Warn-iro, pUintlff. and against II. C Hax'cwoid and Daniel Hcddy. copartners under the firm name of 'Ha2leood & Huddy," dtiendants. fo the sum of two thousand ana lotryseTen and 45-100 doHart, and one hundred and 4;too dol lus costs of su t, and accr ii.srcos.s, buhkh I a-Ti commanded to sU all those crrta n lets, pk-crs aad narceli of real estate, situate in the town of I'liiC. county and lemur aforesaid, and devjibrd as follows, to-wit: To kUin sail ion of Pearce. knewn a the store and lumber yaid of said Ilailewood 4 Haddy, on tbe east side of WiBc x sweet aDd loundeden the north by the properly of Henry Fi'ch. I will sell at public sain to the highest and best bidder for cash, cirrency cf trie United States, en the 16TH DAY OF DFCEMUEP. iJ,6. at 1 oVmk p. m. of that din all the rig t, tide and intereet which the said Iiailcwrd ar.d Huldr had in and toth; said above des cribed real estate, oa ihe 3 1 day ct O-tcler, 189$, the day the attacbmeil iu srd was levied thereon. as FLY. i Sheriff. x)aiedaNovetuberia3rdJi8j6. caj-U JOSEPH CORNER FIFTH AND FRE.MONT STREETS. v DEALER IN General Gape Cod Cranberries Seedless Raisins London Layers, :" Fresh Currents 11 ANGELICA, SHERRY, PORT, ZINFENDEL, JOHANNEoB URG, WHITE Sauer Kraut, Limberger 37v STIFLE MFFMCY GBOCEfflES CHOICE GINS, BRANDIES and WHISKIES BOTTLED1 MB .- iSf-ki- , ' t .-y. tgjg Everytliing'Iu;Our Line fs FirM. Clafs Cv :K.aii PoWjatJJ'ricts; I!.:itI vhld i. j of'iiii ,,. IU HGEFLER, d I lillts Merch mdise. ;-?, Siscilian Citron. Cheese, asir! Qppinn VI I HIMa BRANDS OF FOB Fill) WEAE I! i IS '- ; liiillLiLl tL&U lllliLi LL 1 r 1 1 -i i ii i ;i 1 1 . i. X? $S1 n Y