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L -v -xc - i ;i e J25trar3?WWfPWWK'P3W''r' ilf$ j. & v I PROSPECTOR. f WW r-Vi l JK4 1 I uri "i nr niiimTn win ii unvMUi TniarifwTnic)i:injiumni WATCHWORD -"COCHISE COUNTY FIRST, THE WORLD AFTERWARD. VuL. X fOMBSTONE. ARIZONA FR1DA.Y EVENING. UECEIMBER n,18g6. No 56 THE ,1BQ1WF t? 1 , JLW r ' M V JL W i f.s & ' Wt. f f i X ft 13 r h i m rr M H W1' M r ' r j 14 x- . - c r-v w DAILY PROSPECTOR. City MuLCounty Offlcial i. 1 5 - ' . ' I'UULISHED EVERY EVENING (.Except Sumjav) BY Wm. fljttich Ed tor anl Proprietor. rreiuoiit St. Opposite City Hull Tbe Prospccto IH nothoM it'dr rrspon bte for any U the a-ndes or sentiments ex pressed by any of it correspondents. Entered In the Tombstone Postoffi-e as beconl Glass nutter. BOFESS!ONAL CARDS. I AMES REIIJLY. ATTORNEY AND I Coanse'orat La. Land and Mining ' cases ispedaltv. Tombstone. A rliona W .. r- ctiuim? ATTORSEY AT- LaV and Jotary Public. Tombstcne Aiuona. EO W. SWAIN. A1TONEY AT t' ivmi mniK In all corts o te G Territory, lombstore Anions- CLARK. ATTOJW 7 COIBI. c selorai-a. uhk:vi. .--"- bec.AfiandToa.r.H't. Tomb- ill p.-itt ce in all the courts of tbe r. 11ARLES GRASVI!.LEJOHNTON. Attorney and Counsellor at Law and Noury Kublic. 42? Fremont street bet. 4th and sth stwts. A member otthe Bar of the Supreme Court ot the icmtoiy, and iU practice ia any ef tbe eosrts thtrein. WENTHWORTH COUNTY RI corderand Absuart Ofice. Abstracts cf title to real esta-e and mines funs shed promptly and acurately. Complete tran scripts. Otf ce in Coart House. Tcmbstone. E. ALVORD. 1USTICE OF THE Peace. Office on Alien M bet-31 & .1U1 Tooibstonc. L.KOSKA. UST1CEOKTHF PEACE A Office on 4m at. oeu mit . Tougnnut, Tombstcns. HS. GORDON. M.D. PHYSICIAN AND Surgeon: Office adjoining his residence on 4tb street, unattended at aJ hours day and eight. CEAKLE. ASSYER AND META luncal Iabuatory. Office No 319. yieassat St, opposite City HalU THE ORDERS. . - - KING SOLOMON LODGE NO. 5 " Meets third Saturday in each montn. Vlitne bra hers cordn-ly myiied to at cad. 1 II McPHERsON. W. M , A L GROW Secretary. R. A M. COCHISE CHAPTER NQ. 4 MEETS third Wednesday in each roosth. is ltire Companions cordislly invited to at tend. TOM LOWRY. H. P. A. WENTWORTH Secretary. P. O. S. OF A. WASHINGION CAMP NO 1 MEETs 1st I- nday cren'ng in eich month ts- I.... rz:rtr cnrdialW invited jwCLABiC, rreJdeat. A. U. GROW. Secretary. A. O. U. W- " -T-OMIKTONELODGENO 3. A. O U. J W. meet 1st and 3rd Thursday 10 .each 1 rooatli. Viutins brothers cordially la- ,Ue sgS)3r. BESTM.W. W. It. MONMONlbtC Recorder. K. OF P l KIZONA LODGE KNIGHTS OF P.thias No 4. meets every 1st and 3rd Mondiv's in eacn monih. VsiUcg rothersccrcaallynted CQ W. D. MONMOMfcR.K. ofS. ROTECTION HOSE COMPANY NO , rTneets "First fenndayw-eacn montn at'.iin- n lhecornerot Seventh and Frtraoat streets opposite the school Ikjcsc. WM. GARRETT, Foreman, TOM MITH Secretary, riESCUE HOsE COMPANY MEETS W First Sunday it each mcnih at City Hall Fremont meet. I, V VICKEkS. W ENTWORTH. S cty President J. N- McDONOUGH. Foreman, , - CRIME COMPANY NO MEEIS r UK S jaday in ea h mon h at hose noire 01 th-cjrneriToajhnutandsthstrtet. lOsEril UPPEkJ toeir-m HEVRY DUNKER. t-ecretaiy. 1 t . An. An arnt in mrv sstion to fan Vy van J4 tp J5 a djy midr; sells at sfglit; abo a man to sn upie enous 10 -cac ftWe line,J75a no th. SJjy cr Jare ooiauiion cuac; eipcitece nntrcessary rx isxJ-i paiucalars scad sump. CI itan boap .V ii.irmfactnnng Company, CmcitniU, Ohio. Sit ilON WATER WORKS. l F. CALVES, Prop. Prompt Service. Water per battel, 23CIS. Per bncVe', 5 cts. Scscial Rates to Families lare orders with waeon. MWaA. mw.ti r ft. .?"$. " A Jk)r, 4' ' 3 1 fe . 1, ' H & f $ -i -5. b "-S .BARROW CT3 JV -s ; .-.-i-fj I?- hSjS. JTiBTIfTiTt ETI - ry r .s WASHINGTON DOINGS Senate Orators on the Cuban Question. ADJOURN DNTIL .MONDAY Alien Ownership Bill Affecting ,The Territories is Defeated. VOTE STOOD CO TO 73 Wasiiingto.v, The house yesterday resumed consideration of bills under cnll of committees. Mr. Scranton (Pcnnlvnii) Republican, from the co-imiiUcs on tcrnt ier, called up the bill to amend the act forbidding aliens ownership of land in the terri tories, 'ibe bill sought to enable alien to acquire title to real property under mortgage foreclosure. By the terms of the bill they must dispose of euch ille rati) in ten years. After considerable dtbite the bill was de feated CO to 73. WaAlilSGTO.v, Thetenate yesterday tool: up the immigration bill end part ly pcrfrcting it; and after hearing the li'rt speeches upon Cuba, thoae of Mr. Cullom and Call adjourned until Mon day. Go to rsy j"er and ask for Schillings Best tea Japan, English Breakfast, Oolong-, Ceylon, or the Blend. He will pay you your money back if you don't like it A Sdaioz & Complex Sa r ranasco vn TEAMS WANTED. To haul eke and copper bul lion between theterminus of the Gila Valley, Globe and Northern railway and the town of Globe. Arizona. ForJ par iculars address W W. Ed wards, at Geronimo, A.rizcna Fresh Fish is receive; every Thura ayatKoble'f, tf two ounce bag, and two coupons inside each four ounce Dag oi xsiacKweiis Durham. Buy a bag of this celebrated tobacco I and read the coupon fbr Get X ft Your i Christmas H which gives a list of val ( EX-OUEEN IJL Unexpected Arrival in San Francisco. GOES 'iO WASHINGTON Entertains Hopes of the lies- toi'utiou of Hawaiian Monarchy. DKCLINES INTERVIEWS. San KlAcsco The unexpected arrival of ex-quccn UliuokaUna from Honolulu i esterday evoked much in trsKtnnd give riso to no little (pecu lation aa to the object o! lier trip. Lil iuoValana dtclines to be interviewed but her fello jisengers on the steamer eathered tbe idea that she will go to Washington and call upon Presi dent Cleveland in hops that tho United States will take somsst3pi looVing toward the restoration of the Hawaiian monarchy. l'lleo! Piled! Itcliiujr Piles SYJIPTGMS Moisture; intense itchin and stinging; most at night, worse b scratching. II allowed 10 continue tum ors form, which often bleed and ulceratet becoming very s re. Swajne's Ointmen stop, theitching ind blredisg, heals ulce anon. an t in most ca-es removes the rumors. At crrggisis. cr by ma I, fct S cents. IjT. bvvrf)j e ar.d. Son Ji'hila Jeluh i. T31 s -I-,l. ItMtIt. From a leler ri l:i hr fev. J. Uuinl- r.nan, nf Dim id ' . Mich., we irrt pe mi ' tn - thii n tract: I 'iv.o no liP'i'niion I rerrniniend .ne l)r. ItiaV Nf. lJiiiivrv, as Ihe (fiiiitl wjc iiiiiio-i niBrnloii? in the cao of my .'ife sVliilf I j Bior of the I5apu Churrh nt Kivt f Junc tion (.ho trai brought dimn with 1'iictirioni i sucerthng L Grijipe. rrrrib'e IlroInl?nf couchiriK would last hours uitli little interruption r.nd it seemed as if she could net piuvivo them. A friend recomnicjiltd Dr. King'riNtw Dheovery; itwaa quick tn its work mid highly ptnfienry in re sults." Trial bottles freo alTombstone nnH .iiv llri.rr In.n T)cnta- iita 50c. $1 00 "We had an epidcmfc of dsentery in this vicinity last summer," sas Samuel S. Pollock, of Bricel tnd, Cal. I vris taken with it andiufTeved severely until someone called my attention to Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrho-a Remedy, I procured a bottle and felt better after the first do?e. JJefore r.e hilf of tbe bott'c had been us:d I was well. I recoromeided it to my inends tnd their cxpenecce wis the -.ime. We ill unite in sirg ttjs the best." For sale by Dtuggi?ts. Tiew 'ioj ut el mr t U'oLCOTT'e f-rv's Cream UaUnij Powdtr Man' thousand dollars worth of valuable articles suitable for Christmas gifts for the young and old, are to be given to smokers of Blackwell's Genuine Durham To bacco. You will find one coupon inside each r Rbw' Highsst of all in Lca-.crai 'owtr. v s R5 1slss irflT'Ci Va4 n J Y'rzm' &? NSi&'tiJ Wk w &g&zs& Am&Z&TEH PURE LATEST NEWS The Prize Fight Squabble Getting Rich. TESTIMONY IS STARTLING. Earp is Fined $50 for Carrv ing Concealed Weapons NO CLEW TO THE ROBBRS Sax Fkancisco, The evidence irr the Filzsimuiooa-SuarLey csi jraier day was along the linta aa the testi mony previously given, anil Fitz-im-monaand Julian htv certainly ful filled their promise to produce a story of conspiracy that would eUrlle Ihe r;-ortiiig world. George Allen, Shark kej'd second and a:eistant t miner. vrs the principal witness yenarday. Uis eridenbo corroborated in the main tha testimony given by Australian Billy Smth. San rKiscico Wyatt Earp was fined $Z0 for carrying a concealed weapon yesterday. Sr Lodis, The rolice I avo thus far bf ea unab'o to trace the six men who hsld up tbe Iron Mouutain ex press train. Sax Francisco, The steamer Chin yesterday brought a J rices concerning tho progress of the insurrection in Phillipine Islands. It is stated that the rebels are daily gaining strength and practically control the districts ousida Manilla although the Spanish government strives to create the idea that the revolution is practically sub dued. Tho origion of the uprising ii asserted to be due to excaseivo taia tion and despotic rule. 'I lso IUfCoVerj- Mrotl IiIm Mr. G. Caillouetle, Diumist. Beaver Javille, III., gave: "To Dr. King's New uifcovert I owe my life, Was taken i'it A,a Grippe nnd trieo all the phy i.eians, but of no avail and wsc given up and told I could not live. Havine Dr. King' Xew Discovery in my etoro l sent lor a bottle and began its use nd Jrom the first dose began to get bet er. ami n'ter using three bottle was up nd a. cut isain. It is worth t. weight ii. gol I. We won't kef p store or house with ut it." Gel a fiee tltall s rb3.,'rnrblto Drug Suire. Ed 1 1 OfiP jrroK : I lee to advisr thatocr wfl-bniind trnin i,nw pnMe Ben'on Ht 11 ::5 p m ina'pudof 12:15 a. m. The pj(-bound limited pats Bnm MoihUvh nil Tliiirsiiayn at S:21c. m., ant tln wtet-bnund Wed nesdays and Suturdsy a' 4 :05 a. m. Yours trnlv, F S WfcE.srER. Agent. ( Better a plain wrapper with j Pride of Japan (Tree) Tea therein than a costly covering filled with rubbish. Prlir cf Jifjn cImo uiudglteratoi rroreriy ctrti t ple of ctwirth.reulns full I fc -ra-iirxra. No marry wami on t- J filve pa-. -ti the ili.t ' in C lt. 3 t. J. BatMjfNStE'N it Co- I k,r htitnicv . l oOftaar t Latest U. S. Gov't Report W& H . V A r"? 15 rewaer ICOIKI. Al:t!Il,l.M cccuifx C L Baker, Scpir N. M. rAt-KE. Martin O'Hare and wife, Bisbeo Char. Woress, Tucson. SAN" J03K. A. Freund and wife, Kl Paso. ARUSGTOi) f. K. Garduer, Snn Simon. FAIRBANK DEPARTMENT FlIBiffilAME GEO. G. McGEF, Prop. Fail bank, : An-ona, He-idquarterc for vi-itors frcin Tomb stone and surrounding country. Beit of wines liquors and cigars always on hand. PAY THE EXCHANGE A VISIT P. A. DEMART.NI, GENERAL MERCHANDISE A full line of GBOCEKIEn, PROVISION'S, OIGABS AND 10BACCO. Fairbask, A. T. K. HARRINGTON, MRS. Prop. Chagres Reasonable. Parties going from Tombstone to Bisbee will have ample time for dinner before the train arrives. Table Supplied With the Best. GIVE IT A TRIAL. GUHS H4XEY, Allen S: Dear 3d, (Old.Custom House. VEGETABLES. FUDIT3, iOfATOES ONIONS, ETC Fmh California Jruh received every day by express. Everything told at lowest rates. Goods delivered ir;r io all oartt ot city. Fish Jlecehed Every Tlmrtday. W. 0. ABBOTT ASSAYING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES Tomlr-ittlijO,i.i'i5soiin. Samples by rnai! orcxprejs will receive "prorrpt atfepttm. Ofpxr and Ii'iit":icr Orerlock House. Tills 1 Vour I, ;.ort-inIty. On rteeipt cf ton et. ' c-ish cr stamps, a ccnerro irmlo . " cmilcd of Ui most popular C-t -Ii pw 5tay Fevrr Curo (Ely's Cn-i-T : 1 rtCnni to demon f -t t&rasedy. r : 1, T'V Tori City. . - -T v,ZTonL, , illlH UK. I -ft 13 posi- ' (Hrpeted." . .. . L-!raiPrcs. - c--s-rirea k : urrcBrjr If. i. XtS ctrato tec 2" - r r BeT.J'V " rccomrn 1 can emj- ' live crre Ir. Kev.Pa" Churc'u, l..Vtr, - Ely's Ctst "s't cm far -e? r- -it nor ocy iBJrri?r t :s i hi LlJlI i ' I 1 'f I It 1 !( i. h r li- Hi r M 'J . ( SAMUEL BARROW :- sm uable presents and hoi s to get them. t- f ? , fi l i 1 fj, 11