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IH III! Illlll Ml ! Bllfc.1 i 3 1 is & i f i& II j 4 J U FT a 5 -J if 1-tL.J s 1-lQ - t ?. '5 . f E FT im ru USi vi liii m li- AS 1 1 r 3 ,-E.l i The Prospector DECEHBEK. .. 11.1S9G RAILROAD TIME TABLES A 1ZONA & SOUTHEASTERN R. R. B IS? Kwtn TE TIM TAUUS. Sutb Sg Wi tVA Hi t... .. 1 K4IIB July M180S. KOXS Flra'- F1 Stations Dailr VlCCf SurU&y except eundijrj soo is HI loo .!! 0. EUbe... ....Pen Lut. ., .....rclard . ...Wter TwnV Chu-lotoa.1 ..At J :i ?. 1.15 I A3 0,-00 4.0! I3.ti 4S.9 l.Z sa.1 fi esj P Irbvnk .. .Lt 18 0 tU.l'.Lv IVrVwik... r. no 17.7 .1J . 0,05 ...I. H.AA. VTMI1... .......LAna ., orrtentioa 1J.7 It so 12,10 11,0 bssj ......Beaoa.......Lt' 0 ' . S welnc time fli StlUat:. Slip on s rjnslf. I n vViumim. Sjr nntendrrjt. SOUTHERN PACIFIC R R Rut STATIONS. West I .S a ny.- ....Beosn Ar-ispm ,33arr.j ...' ucsoa 1.50a n 1 :. 30 pent ...,Iarcopa 14.20am 5.50pm Yurra iosoam 8.30am! ....Los Angeles.... 1700pm 8nn Set, Limited, cut bound, Mondavi rf Th nJtrt 8.19, Benson1 am Set, Lmlt wen ooana, WedBesdars aB alurdars, 4.05 BeatOB I Kbdtschkht, G M E Randolph, D S NEW MEXICO & ARIZONA R R West East 6.00pm 8,50 an. coo am 1.40 am a 37am Lv Benson Fairbank ..... Huachuca..... .... Crittenden .... Ca!abaas .... No?a!.. ... AH 1040 am 1 00 po 11.10 pin 10.20pm 9.00 am 8.30 am i.ucn DaOr except Sunday, Pacific time. I. J. Frxt General Manager. A. NAUCLE. L. H. Albecht, ssisto Gneral Manager. Traia Master. MARICOPA & PHOENIX R R. North taiioss South Icopmb Phonix Ar 800am t.35pm Tempe. 735am 9.copm Kvrene 700am 9.35pm Sisaton a; a 345pm ... Marie ipa S.t; E. S. Shamp, Gen. Supt LOCAL NOTES. feilvcr is quoted at 05 J A. Wentworth returned last even ing from his trip to the other end of the county. m 1 The L Amorillas raines. Sonora. ara producing from $110,000 to 120 000 gold monthly. H.C. Herrick, Sr. and H. 0. Herrick, Jr. were tipfrjni the river last even ing to attend the entertainment. Otto Mergenthaler. the inventor of the Linotype machino machine, is go ing to spsnd the winter in Deming, New Mexico, with his family. The'ladies who devoted so much of their time and ecergies in making their entertainment the sucoresit was deatrre much credit. The children who took part in last nijht's enterttinment covered them Mlvas a'l over with glory. They are u bright as new dollars every one of them, in If yen want a gcod Xo. 6. cookstove several pans and pole, also a small beating stove thrown in; ill second hand but in good condition, can be bad for $10, cash; alto a good eewing machine Singer second hand tut in Al working crier, for $12, cash. CaII at this office for particular, tf Manager Fillmore, of tbe S. P., is ut on an inspection tour. He was in Benson Monday for a few hour?, with his special tram, and left in the even ing for Turn a. 1 Arrangements will soon be made to start the furnace of tbe Arizona and 2(ew Mexico Smelling company, which is controlled by the American Zinc aud Lead company of Canyon City, Color ad a. Awarded rilghest Honors World's Fair, CREAM DH m. P ' -mS BAK1N6 Pimm MOST PERFECT MAD Apure Gripe Cream of Tartar Powder. Free ssi Ammonii, Aran or any other adulterant n- TEAJtft THE STAWURE &- THE ENEMY CAPTURE!). And a Short Confinement is Put to Death. 11. C. Herrick, jr. bad quite on ex citing experience a few dys siric with a prairie wolf. Ho ws o'it ricing over the ranch in clo proximity to tbe river when suddenly hip d"s run onto a coyote which, in i' r ffiriw to escare, made for the water with thr dogs in hot pursuit and about midway of the stream was overUkt.ii at d li Id until Mr. Herrick came up, when by a little encouragement the dogs look bold of his woljship and attempted to drown tbe animal by forcing its head under water and holding it thtre. An idea stru-k the young man that here was an opportunity to secure a valu able addition to bis managnry end, putting tbe thought to action ho took liii riata nod waded into the river; securing tbe wolf he brought it to dry land but tbe thine was frightened ar.d vicious and hard to handle, however Clay improvised a muzzle out of piece of wire and after fixing the beat' inoutb so that there was no danger from itt biting, led anddragedit liotno. Reaching that haven of r6l he tied lip his prize and allowed it a little time for meditation on tho chsngo affairs had taken, but the wolf grew more vicious with each passing hour until finally, in self-protfCtiou, Mr. H. with a heavy heart was forctd to part with his. pet by shooting it; and now h! is out of the wolf business. Cranberries, eastern apples and Buckwheat flour at Wolcott's. avery otc in. Xlies Pain 1111s. THE SECRETARY OF WAR Reports on the Condition of Geroniuio and His Band The secrrtiry of war in Iim Annual repsrtof ISfG, just public, says of old Chief Geronimo and his band of Apaches: "The Indians now in confinement number 310, al! members of the Apache tribe, who were captured in Arizona in the years 1S57-SS. While in captivity there have been 117 births and 295 death?. -They arc now cstabii-hea at tbe military reservation at Fort Sill, Okla., and are living in comfortable dwellings built by thir own labor. The climate in this region is arid acd net well adapted to farming, Lut thece Indians last year raised upward of 3,000 buebth of African corn,'-1.000 tons of hay, 00 tons of corn fodder, 2,500 bushels of potatoes and 40,000 melons. They have a herd of cattle including 2SG calf increaro during the year. "The special appropriations mnde by congress for their benefit aggre gateths earn of $32,5uO, of which nearly 410,000 was expended for cat tle for ihesn Indians must become a pastoral people and ?8,50D for build' ing materials, tools, seeds, etc. Their rations, clothing, medicines incident al, supplied by tho quar crmaster, subsistance and medical departments since their arrival at Fort Sill, have cost tho edilitional sum of $14,00. They bavo now made such progress towards a basis of sustenance that no further special appropriation by con- . m ttlan " BUCKLIN'S AliNICA SALVE. The best salv in the world for cuts buises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chdblains corns, and all skin eruptions and posi lively cures Piles, or no payment requir ed it is guaranteed to give peefect stii a faction cr money refunded. Prices 50 cents pertox. For sale TVvnlwone Drugblore A luarzi'ge licenso was ismd ftlay bj Trobata J.idce Brodlty to Gi. A. pendl 10 wed Lucy Humphrey, belli' of Bffbce. A-licinsn wee h!s"o i.soed for Win. P.Sctit ai.d Maud Liggett to wed; als'i of Pisbte. A winked exebanee eaya that in a certain town in Utah a woman has a husband who i in the habit of coming homi tipsy at night and she derided to frighten him for a cure. The other nightebe r raved herself in a frightful apparel and as the boozy husband en tered the door, she said in dry sepul chral tone: "Come with me; I am the devil." "Xat sot" said the husband 'Shake! I'm your brother-in-law; m-m-marmd your sister." nr. Price's Creaua &aaa Powv fltafcJJB A CHAMPION RETURNING. He has Been Touring the West ern States. Mr. J. Harry Brown, the popular Phenix bicycle rider who has covered uvr 10,000 m.les on his wbel since list Mny in a tour over western and nid 1 staled, is now at El 1'aso, Tx, ciming this way, and expects t teitoli homo next Tuesday. The INpnhlicnn eaye a large numbsr of flit-nix wheelman expect to meet him bo weei, then and Florence and escoit him in. Harry Brown is the holder of several A men a championship and will probablv ride at the cycle races in Phenix in January. Tlin ryranur til Iek. We will suppose that your occupation is sedentary- that your are chained, so to speak 10 tbe desk in some counting house or perhaps to the loom in some vast mill where you ate compelled to labor from morning to night. ' Sunday is your only day of relaxation. You return home every exening wearied mentally and bodily. Your health and strength begin to fail. What will most effectually re' cuperate your vital energy The weight of evidence points to no other conclusion than that HosietterV Stomach Hitters is v our safest, mot reliable sheet anchor. Use it v, ana your system will soon regain its pristine vigor, tvery function will receive a heal'htul impulse. There is no remedy to equal the Bitters for nevousness and want of sleep, dyspepsia, constipation and billiousness. It averts and remedies all forms of mal arial disease, and is a preventive uf heumatism and neuralgia. Holland Herring, Limberger Cheeese, and Sauer Kraut, at llOFLEIi's. THE ENTERTAINMENT. The Old "and Young sinend an Enjoyable Evening. The ent-rtainment, for which the Indies of th Epworth League have been rnakiug preparation for the psst fortnight, came ill" last evening, as previously anuouced it would. The people c in menu d to congre gate at an early hour, and by the time the curtain raiecd the hall was comfortably filled, but the crowd kept multiplying until standing room was at a premium. The Mother Gooso mpdip and scenes were the first on the programme and the Mother Gooee with her flock of gosling fairly took the hoU:e by sur prise with their perfect acting and childish nelooies. Tho little milk maid end her admires tok their part well, the acting and singing being perfect. The haj makers and t!ie Lit tle Bow jPecp scenes wero alto fine, while the tableaux wero beautiful. Tho Wand Drill was simply perfect, the children going through the many steps and motions with that precision only attained by careful training. Mrs. Jarley's Wax Figures, the lca'ding feature of tie stage part of the pro gramme was excellent, all taking their "parts as natural as if molded for I'je occasion, while tho two principals Mrs. Jarlcy and John were j efectly suited to their characters and went, through their parts with such ease that they would tt once be taken for professionals. The different Booths were well sup plied with beautiful wares and good things to eat, in the Utter line hot IBIliniYS BI1U UtllVIUU. W4.W . W serving of eepecial mention, noi ever they all appeared to do a thriv ing business ;lhw rUh pond was drained of its last micow and some strange fortunes wero told. The receipts of thoevening was12G, and still we hear of hard times. A Hind Inbian by the name Ta-"!i e je attempted to commit suicide at th camp ab-ive tnwn last nigat by cutting jsjttiroat with a pocket knife. He had rrse trouble with his rqnaw, and as sha had been induced to leave bini be concluded that life was not worth living. The poor fellow Is hovering between life and death, but the chanc es are goo 1 for his recovery. The In dians ate holding u trial on Walapal Charley acd bis son for alienating the aOectmns of Ta-li-e-jn'equaw, but the n suit has not been announced. Kingman Miner. m Seedless R air in, London Layers, Freeh Currents, Cape Cod Craiberries, Siciian Citron, at Hofleb's. Ur. Price's Cream BafcJng Powaer World's Pair Hkluut Aws.4 COPPER LT THE WATER. Not Allowed to Run to Waste at ths Anaconda Mine. Talking about the sarins cf coppo held in solutinuiu tbe uer tatcn from copper limit, John P. Henry uu old MonUua miner, said : "For a long nine the wet-r from the copper mini' at Butte was llow to run off the owners of tho mines not teeming 1 1 undarstand the impottnncu ol treating the water for the copper in solution. A few year aso when tbe water from tho Auaeom 1a mine was leased to an cl I I eadviilo miner, who took out 120,000 in three years at a trilling ciw-me, saw a copper mine in which water was a very im portant factor in tho fining of value. Tho mine was very wet and the ore was extremely susceptible to the action of water. The operators discovered this fact very soon by having to replace their iron pipes at very short intervals They then put in wooden plpss and treated tho water with scrap iron in settling tanks. As scon as tbe water had been exhausted uf its mcttillic value it was pumped to a point at some distance away from tho shall and permitted t- percnlato slowly through the crevices of the veiu and by tbe time it reached the sump it was ajain so heavily charged with cop per that it was treated over again. The owner told me that the copper received in this nay represented the prafits of their opration. In the Butte mine the water is so heavily charged with coppei that cetain parts of the pumps have toba replaced every forty-tight hours," SIXTY AND TWENT"Y-FIVE Accepts a Branch off the Main Tree. An oil man, CO years of eg?, living in Indiana, made love, year ago to a woman in Gcrmsny. Her jaren's frowned upon her suitor and hu whs rejected. The lady afterward married another admirer, am! be died. Lover Xo.l, again proposed but the lidy e-x cuscd herelf on tho ground that she had promised her dying hueb&nd never to re-marry. However ihe felt that tho old mans dcvoti.m should bn rn wardtd, so she offered her 25 year old daughter. The i-l 1 man wept for sev eral days, but linal'v accepted, and now they say he is the happiist Hoos ier in Hoetderdom. FOII uVi:XS S'SaTV i'RAKsS. An old, well-tried remedy. Mrs Winslow'a Soothing ftyrup lias b'n used for over fifty yotra by millions of mothers lor their children while teeth inij. with iicrftct succesj. It seoihes the child, oltcns the gum-, allays all pain. cur wind colic, find is the best remedy lor diarrhoea. It is pleasant to tho taste. Sold by druggist in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a botlie3,it4 valua is incalcu lable. Be sure and tek for Mr. in- s'o'i Soothing Syrup, and take co otherkino. mm CDinrs ki:cob?s, DEED II. L. Davis of San FrAnci'CO to J. Marden lot in Tuuibston?, $!- LOCATIONS IIeiape asd Silver Bell, Golden Rule Dist J. True, A. Bauer, li. Baues. DRFD J. Hanniger to H. R. Hanniger and George Hanniger, properly in Bisbee, ?1. Pacifis Improvement Co.. to Henry Kemp, Benson $75. A. It. Stinelt to E. S. Adams, prop erty in Biebee, $10. liC-CATION. Chactan, Hartford Di-tnct 7.. T. Parker, A It, Slmnit. l-'icc Pills. Send jour addrsss 10 H. E. Backlm & Co , Chicago, and get a tree simple box of Dr. King's New Life IMIs. A tria will convince you of their merits These pills are eay in action and ate pirtic nlarly efieciive in the cure of con-tiaat-cn aud sick hei.iacli-. for maLria and liver troubles, they h.ive been proved id valuable. They are guaranteed t be perfectly fee: from evjry deleterojs sub stance and to be purely vegetable, rhey do not weaken by their action, hut by giving ton? to the stomach and b iweU greatly invigorate the system Regular size 25c. per box. Sold by Tombatone and llisbee druggists. Last August while working in the har vest field b;cim; ovjriei -d, wastud- denly attacked with cramps and was neaily dead. Mr. Cummin?s, thedruir- gist, gave me a dose of Caamberlain' Colic, Cholera ana Diarrhoea Kemeriy which completely relieved me. f now keep a bottle of the-remedy handy. A. M. BUNNELL, Centerville, Wash. For Ialeby Druggists. NOTICE. 1ubstose, November 35. 1896 Office of the Board of Super isors of Cocll.-e County, Notice iibeteby given that the Roard of Su perrsors wi 1 sell al private sat the folloi"g described rial estate, situate In said county, the same having been doly told and ly tax deed cenvryed to the Ternurj of Ariiona by the Tax Collector of sa'd county to recover tt-e urpaid tax and charges sga'nst each tract or parcel of I ind, a the same eppears of record in the rne of the Tax Collector acd Recorder cf some, to tlt. MU 1 A AHcocl.. Tombstone lxt 1, lVo-i45 1 s 4 9 G.benaro Anava.Uabce adt.Lehoue, 6 Cj loe hi non, 1 ombsHne, Lo's 1, sand 3,Block63 S 4 Manuel Billdoza. Eisbte 1 frame house OI PA Boier. Dos Cabex s Blacksmith shop and ttable 7 3 A Binrhan. St. David Improve- ments oc ranch 8 3' J F Branom Improvemtntson ranch 3081 . Malcomb Improvements on ranch 33 Juan Barilio. Willcox Let 17, Block XO ' . " 03 CS Clark. Tombstone- Lt 14. Block 33 - 53 Wm Caranauzh, Tomlistone Lots 5 and6,Block3l 6 6j J N Christianson. St. David Im provements on ranch 4 '3 w a rwmir. Wt Hiuehueu Im provements c i ranch 1906 T.. rbivt rtncnn Lot lS. IHock 10 '. S 15 Allen R Enelish. Tombstone Litllo 1 Pedro mine. No. 96; Big IVdro mme. No. 94; l-ot 14. 5, :6 and 17. BIock44 6999 A Escalante, BisLee x frame house. . 5 92 C E Frederick. Tombstone W Jf of lot6, blocks 39 Sam Fr.edniaa. Benson Lots 37 and sS, blocki8 6351 V C Gieenood. Benson E H of S V J.' and W K of S E J.', Sec a8 Tpa6. Rac at97 Conception Gonralts, Benson Lets 1 ana a S E ii of N E X Pec 19. Tpso. H 19 a 04 Ignacio GUI. Lower San Pedro Im provements.. ......' 848 lesus Gonrales, Lower San Pedro N V. of N E i! of N V U. Sec 10. Ip 13. Ri? 18 7 ChnsGraucr. Chincahua mountains SE JT Sec 3.Tpi7. R3o.. . . 44 3 W A Gray, St, David Improvements 16 84 T T Hunter Willcor Sec 19, Tp 13. R 35; Sec t6 Tp 13. K 35. .. 40 E8 Hall. Aston and Gray Del Val grant tss 36 G Lonergan, Benson I)t 13, bloci 3" I C Loss, W of N V X and W X of S W X Se 33. Tp 15. R 24. . Mead and Clark, Tombstone Lot 7 Cock 19 Nicbo'-as Myeri Loer San Pedro Improvements en ranch E Morales. Willcox Lot 8, block i6 Juan Morales, Wjllcox Lt 17, block 26 Jacob Marticet. Willcox Lot I block 20 27 19 43 6 57 9 7 97 R McCormiek, Tombstone Ijsis 1 and 2. block 1 f 55 Mrs. I) II McNVv', Tombstone San Diefco roiceNo. ico 832 EG Norton, Bsbee ImprorrmentS Main strets 27 93 T O'Brien. Sulplu- Spring valley inijnvicM TitS CS 7u..i. . .. .. 4! yj Mrs. C W Pch, TVilIcox Lot 16, block 35 loca I R Parish S E J.' Sec 14. Tp 17, R R Rundle, Bisbec 11 37 Andres Rejbiel, San Pedro Improve ments on ranch "3 93 O. M, Renaud, Sin b.mon valley Improvements on ranch........ 34 20 ED Roberts, San Pedro Improve ments on ranch 662 Ouonz Sing, Tombstone I-ot 16, blk. 16 15 '5 W F Stover, Bi-bee Adobe house.. 18 10 Noah Saeeton S E U Sec 39. Tp 16 R 29 ij 15 R D Sweeton N E K Ses 3. Tp 16. R9 . IS '5 ESaenr H of Sec 4. Tp 13, R 19.. 7 6 TuDv, DnlirfsandOJi-M KnfSW V and E 4 of Sec so.Tp 20, R . S E X and .V a of N E X. Sc 34, 1 p 16. R 20; N J of N A X and W of N W X See 31, Tp 17, R 20 3050 Unknown, Richmond mine No, co. Tombstone district 5 c8 Unknown, McLelland mine No. 100 lomDSionecKtnci 439 Unknoun, May mine No. Z54, Tomb stone district 4 91 Unknown Ophirmine. No. 37 Win chester district 5 c8 Uuknawa, Copp-r King mine No. 38 Cochise district 503 G S White. Willcox Lot 11 b'ock 32 3 al j. s. Williams. Chairman, Attest A. .Ventworth. Clerk. By W, A. Harwood. Deputy. SHERIFhTSSALE. PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that under and by virtue ol a special execution issued out the District Court, ol the Fiist Judi cial District, of the T-iflUy of Arizona, in and for the County ofCoctme, on tho sist izjzi' November, 185,0, on a judgment thereon ren-f oerea on tne 20st my ol November, 1 856, in iavor 01 jam is. vyarneKros, puiatitt, and against II. C Ha 'enoodand D.ciel Hcddy. copartners under the firm name of "Hatleviood & Huddy," defendants, for the rum of two thousand atn loity seven and jt.ioo dollars. and one hundred ar.d seventv-five j;-loo dol lars costs of suit, and accruii.t; cos.s. by vvhich I am commanded to s.Il all thoe certain kits. pieces and parcels of real estate, siuute in the town of Pearo-. countand lerarrf aoreiiitt. and described as follows to-wit: Two lots in said town of Pearce, kncwn'as tne store an J lumber yaid ol said Ilaxlewood 4 Haddy, on the east side of Willc. x street and bounded en the north by the property of Henry Fitch. I will sell at public svl to tbe Llgi-esi and best bidder for cash, ccrrcncy of tfcr United Satr rat ,K 16TH DAY OF DECEMBER, iZjfi. at 1 o'clock p. m. ef that dar: all the ri; t, title and Intereet which the said Hatlewood ano ma in ana to in; sa'd atx ve des cribed reaf estate, on the 3! day ct OctoNr, 189$, tbe day tbe attachment u said care was levied thereon. C. S FLY, SberitX. i3atedovember,23-d,i8s,4, Bi4-ta inLDU unryrn UUOLMI IUfSTLCIli CORNER FIFTH AND DEALER IX h S rtS "3 EXIT'S M Cape Cod Cranberries - Seedless Raisins London Layers, ANGELICA, SHERRY, PORT, ZINFEXDEL, JOHANNESBURG, WHITE Sauer Kraut, Limberger STAPLE CHOICE BRANDS OF gins, mm BOTTLED BEER FOB Fill! TEiE " " j XSfj ifc22 Everytliing In Our Line rSoldJatJI'rkcpJIhat m 93Sl FREMONT STREET; SU Fresh Currents Sisciiian Citron. W i llllLl lercdeiidise. 11 Cheese, n u nerrlng. Fill HUES ' scr?" A im:: is I'iiit I i-fy Ct C hi zZq, ViJsa"s1hI k n 1 rV 4l V b'JSl "41 rfj ; 7 . rr if