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i 4 -'? Witfli &" K qaMtfeCMett d)1 jftf j. - t ' "jm-( JWV H MBSTONE PROSPECTOR. . B iff Cl OUR WATOHWORD----"OOOHISE COUNTY FIRST, THE WORLD AFTERWARD. sap VOL. X TOMBSTONE, ARIZONA SATURDAY EVENING. DECEMBER ei2. I896. No 57 THE Til !rs i $ i 4 . fe5t DAILY PROSPECTOR. Citv and .County Ollieial Paper PUBLISHED EVEllY EVENING (EXCUPT SUM1AV) BY - Win. Hattidi Editor an! proprietor. Tremoiit St. Opposite CitjHftll rhe Prospector j!1 not hold iteU respon sible for any of the articles or s-ntimenu pressed by any of it correspondents. Filtered in the Tombstone Postof5:e ai hceocd Class matter. FHOFESSIONAL OARDS 1 AMES RfclLLY. ATTORNEY AND I Counselor at Law. Land and Mining J cases a specialtr. Tombstone. ArUona w M.CSTAfcHLE. ATTORNEY AT- Law ana ioury iuw ... ... AiUona. GEO. W. RWA1N, ATTONtY AT Lsw. Will practice In all cou'ts of tt e Tcmtorj, Tonillooe Cb. U-ARK. ATTONLY XND COUS selor at U Office m FourthMre. t. between Al'en and li hoot, Tonil Will p-art'ee in all the courts of the cry, - H KLES GRANVILLEJOHNsTON. f ) Attorney and Counsellor at Ln and " Notary Public. 47 Fremont stteetbeL 4th and 5i stmts A member o' the Bar of thefaupremeCou't ol the Tenitoiy. anl will practice in anyoflbe courts UVrein. AWENT1IWORTH COUNTY RE corderand Abstract Office. Abstracts of I tie to real esta e and mines furn shed promptly and acuntely. Cranpltte trin scijpts. OJce in Co irt House. Tombstone. C" E. ALVORU. JUSTICE OF THE Peace. Office on Allen Si bet 3I 4 alh Toaibstone. A L. KOK A, UaTICH OK THF PEACE Uilice en 41 n i. ocu ic Touzfcnut. lombs'cns. HS. GORDON" H.P.PHYalClANAND iorgeon Office acjjunnj: his residence ,,. f,-, .ti. t:r;, XaIU.atter.ded at aJ hoars day ard nynt. FCKAKIE, ASbYER NI ME A KRical I-ab&iatciy. Ofhce No 319- THE ORDJ5RS. F &. A M. I XING SOLOMON LODGE NO. fv fleets mini umu; v - 1 XV-hinz bra.bers cordially inyted to at- esd. 1 it wntiiuu .., A L GROW hecretary. r. a m. COCHISE CHAPTER NQ 4 MEETS third Wednesday in each roonih. Vis-iuo- Companions co'diilly invited to at tend. TOM LOWRY, H. P. A. WCNTWORTH Srcreury. P. O. S. OF A. WASHINGTON CAMP NO 1 MEETS . jst Friday evening in eich month is- ltlntr Cctrra'ie cHtlialtj r.iud J. W. CLARK, President. A. L. GROW. Secretary. A. O. U. W -T-OMB-5TONE1.0DGEN0 3. A. O U I W. meet 1st and 3rd Thursday in each .!. Vi.Vmi. brotlvers 4yrdiallr ta- Tiled. """" "s ROBI". BESTM. . V W. D MONMONIER Recorder. K. OF P AkUONA LODGE KNIGHTS OF PyihhsNo 4. meets ercry 1st and 3rd Monday's ia each month. V suing W. D. MONMON1ER, K. ofS. r win Ki -TIGV KOSE COMPANY NO 5, k naeeu First fennday la each moctli at their ho bcusc c n ibe corner of Seventh and Fremont streets, opposite the chosi rocs. VM. GRRETI. Foreman, TOM MtTH Secreta-y. rLsCUE HOS.E COMPANY MEETS r First ?uodjy .r. each mcnih at City if all ' l Frrmr.nt (tfft. 1. V VlCKfrkS. ENTOkTH.S.ctr PrewJect JL . N. JJcDONOUGH. Fcrcman. ENGINE -u 1. jii-c.OS last S-iidAj" miab mon h at hose houie I os Ok cxnerof Touhnut and jth stKeC lr' IOM.PH J.IPPEK I raema HENRY DLTN'.i.H. iecreta ' ' Wactd An njent m evcy section to can vass 14 10 IS h W m6f, sells at sight; a'.ica ron to W1 staple s,cwd to center bestride line, 575- iro t! Sjl.ty rr Jare caimmlcn mi ; cis-rncc nnrrcessary Ft traled p-iitctil: t teml amp. CMten Soap A XUnuUciunngC&itptny, Cinor.iuti.Otao. Wi WATER uvi WORK WORKS F. CALVES, Prop. Prompt Service. Water per baicl, 25cts Per bock", 5 . icecial Rates to Families Leave orders with wagnn H 1 -crrt. M ol rli3y -"!rT?fe olfiv . j 3cit pVn.l(mLil I rtvnni or i " wvt "tL.i tyy.NTv ;" if IB SAMUEL M. BARROW Lz't '-A ?- -J4cT"-'' i. 41 't 'fir i-flr 'Jff SAMUEL M. BARROW ? ,t?ilAA t r v . f!f CUBAN RECRUITS. A Large Enlistmeut in CoHller Trip ro Washington of orado. TROOPS ARE RECALLED Over 600 Signify Their Inten tion to Help the Belieerants. THE NATIONAL GUARD Dsktss, Order wr Uiued yei terdsy for the rtturn of 11 members of the National Guard to LsadviUe for duty. This appliei to iereral bud red men who have been ut home ou in definite leaTe of abcenca and it 'aid to be due ta tha fact that over 200 of tbem are alleged to have joined the company now being formed in Denver for tervice in Cuba. A rectuiticg office hatbtfn open here for the patt three dayi and about COO namra bare been enrolled. Schilling's Best tea gro ce gives your money back if you don't like it. It's one thincr to say money back, and another thing to do money back. We say it, and your gro cer does it; and we pay him. ASduHioff & Conpany su f raoatca TEAMS WANTED. To haul coke and capper bul lion between theterminus of the Gila Valley, Globe and Northern railway and the town of Globe: Arizona. For, par iculars address V W. Ed wards, at Geronimo, Ariz tf DESICN COPYRICHTO. eta for ta'omitlna and f rvo Hvxxxlc vrlM ts ML.NN CO- Kt BaourVAT. M YoaC OUnt bnreail f -rTirlaspatrtla Amerl( rrv Mitn .cn nut fc- tm U I riult bcfcz It, pjjjc t a nole sSwj Iiv: crctaiss S tae Jjkrzttt drealattrtn of mnr leattfle ppe in tha wc-ul. Sp!ivUa!r I lntrast lut!lrt man thocVl I ltbou. Ik .Wortlr, K3.oOa j-esr:tusji rfinils. jiim.:Vs COt, Vcaunrrr.--r.l imSyrtc, Xew Xcrk CUT. Get Your Christmas Gifts Free - two ounce hag. and two coupons inside each four ounce bag of Blackwell's Durham. Buy a hag of , this celebrated tobacco j and read the coupon which gives a list of val uable presents and how to get.them. I Hi -v aen YaPtas rfllfti' aam-feY &p!r W mjkkr & HIMKHviM EX-ODEEN HI.. Significance. C. S. W1LLX0TIXTERFERE Officials Will Not Regard Her Visit of anv Official Interest. AS PRIVATE CITIZENS. Wjlhihgton, la the event of Queen I.iliuolalana and princeu Caiuolani coming to Wa-thinngtoa their ritit could not be regarded by the authorities here at official for the United elates has formally rccognued the Republic ofjHiawaii and its diplo matic representatives receive full official credit here. The lait friction was removed when Minister Thurtton retired on request of Mr. Gresham. The ex-queen and princess could not therefore be treated other than as pri va'e citizens. Pile! Pilot! lttliin- Pile Symptoms Moisture; intense itching and stinging; most at night, worse by scratching. If allowed to continue tum ors funr, which often bleed and ulceratct becon.inserv sore. Suavne's Oinimen stop thf itchms and bleeding, heals ulce anon. nJ inmost caies icuoves the rumors. At dnijjis!, or by mail, foi Ju cents. Dr. Swayi e it d .Son.Wi't deioh. Ititi. From a letter wri-lui ! llr J Gundfrinaii, of Dini'indalc, Mich., w arepermittfil lo iiibUh tin- extract: 'I have no lio-iUtion in recommend ing Dr. Kinp'n New DirCuvry, the results tveieaimoi't tnarveloua in the case of my ..if-. While I viiw pus tor of the HiptHt Church ut Rivers Junc tion sho was brought down with Pni-urnonii succeeding l.a Grippe. Terrib'e pnroxjsmso! rouliini; would iost hours with Utile interruption and it teemed as if she could not survive them. A friend recommended Dr. King's Xew Di't-overy; itwas quick id its work and hiehlr eatisfaeoorv in re I suite." Trial bottles free at Tombstone and any Drug Store, Regular size 50c, $1 00 E Prospector: I beg to auviee that our nest bound train now passes ?etvou at 11 :35 p m. instead of 12:15 a. in Thn east-bound limited pn-fts B-nsou Mondays and Thurcds8 at 8:21 a.m., and the west-bound Wed nesdays ami Saturdays at 4:05 a. m. Vours truly, F. S. Webstfr. Agent. New line of eloekt at W irorr's r Price's Cream Baking Pow lci . Fair Hlzhtst .Vf il and DlcJf Many thousand dollars worth of valuable articles suitable for Christinas gifts for the young and old, are to be given to smokers of BlackweiFs Genuine Durham To bacco. You will find one coupon inside each felMlmliV fiUHM f Highest cf all in Leaeain vowcr 07&1 ABSOLUTELY PURE LATEST NEWS Women Will Have A Chance to Vote, 33 BILLS TO BE CONSIDERED A 3Inrltier ti be Shot in Salt Lake Citv on the 15th. CLOSE OF A FAMOUS CASE Boise Tlf supreme court today handed down an opinion in which it is held that the equal autTragA amend. rueut, voted on at the recent election, win adopted and hereafter women will ote in this stale. Washington, Atthp night session of tho House thirty-three bills were favorably acted upon. There were no new feature of the eetfion. Salt Lake Citv Av Kaudolpb, Utah, Judge Hart today sentenced PutricV Ci'hlan to ha shot on Decem ber 15, f-r tha silling of Officer Dawes in. I si g; Ust yer. I HAVkMioirTh At the close of the irc'iniriit in the Santa Fe case Judge lljets annouct-d ihat he would file a written opinion in the atata district court on Dec. 28. The Ufucurer Karod hla I. He. Mr. U. Oaillouette, Druggist, Beaver srille, 111., says: "To Dr. King's New Dis-coverj I owe my life, Was taken with La Grippe and trieo all the phy sicians, but of no mail and wsa given up and told I could nut live. Having Dr. KincV New Discovery in my store T oft... tnm t..,lft .nil !... .... ... and from the first dose began to get bet ter, and after using three bottle was up and about again. It it worth its weight in gold. We won't keep sto're or hou6e -vithout it." Get a free t'tall the Tombstone Drug Store. m FINANCE NOTES. The cane sujjar product of Louisiana amounts to C03.S53.037 pounds, enti tling' t!ieiilantertoSll,C3I,lOI bounty. Dinner foroifrn trado from the South Atlantic po'ts lias at last licen accom. plihed by the presence of a passenger steamship lotdmg at I'ort l.oyal, s. C, " irrvT'w,! A has been appointed at Lawrence. Kju., for the J. II. Watklns Morttrajje company. The total liabilities are aid to be S4,M5,O00, and the assets, Sil.UiO.OOO. Tit director of the mint has pre pared a report, showinp that the total pold proJr.ct of thi TInitel States in I' 03 as 1,739,031 ounct-s valued at "i,C50,CC0, r.n Increase for the year of 73,-tw ounces. The Iron Ae reports total capacity of pi iron furnaces In blast April I, at 126,73-.! .tons, against 110,1V tons on March 1, 09,342 tons on February 1, and as compared with 173,8S3 tons on April I. 1S33. The- annnal report of the Standard O J company, of JCetv York, tiled with .he wcretaryof state, shows: Assets. 0,150,000; debt. 3IM5OC0; capital .toctr, 87,000.009, all of which has been actually pail in. A blind Inbian by the name Ta-li e- je atumptsd to commit suicide at the camp abnve tiwn last nig t by cutting bin throat with a pocket knife. He had some trouble witlj his rquaw, and at she had been indncrd to leave him he concluded that life wan not worth living. The poor fellow Is hovering between life and death, but the chanc es are geod for hie recovery. The In dian aie holding a trial on Walapai Cbsiley and ) a ton for alienating the a flection e of Ttvlf-e-j't squaw, bat the result hat ret ben announced. Kingman Mir WW. Lateit U.S. Gov't Report k-.? IOTM. AI.BtlVAI.N COCHIfB C. L. Baker. Separ N. M. r A LACK. J Nn map. Ft Bowie. Wm Kutss, ' " WNichol, " 81H JOSK. W CTruesdaU.St. Louh. ARUNOTOS C. K. Garduer, San Simon. I- -l- - L J FAIRBANK DEPARTMENT TJ GEO. G.McGEE, Prop. Fairbank, : Ari-ona, Headquarters for visitors from Tomb atone and surrounding country. Best of wines liquors and cigars nlwAr-Mm baud. PAY THE EXCHANGE A VISIT P. A. DEMARTINI, GENERAL MERCHANDISE A full line of GROtTERIER, PROVISIONS, CIGARS AND T0BAC00. PAIKlJANIi.. ARIZONA. FairM Bestaiii Fairbank. A. T. K. HARRINGTON, MRS. Prop. Chagres Reasonable. Parties going from Tombstone to Uisbee will 1 have ample time for dinner before the train arrives. Talk Supplied With the Best. GIVE IT A TRIAL. GUM MAXEY, Allen St. near 3d, (OldCustom Houe.; VEGETABLES. FRUITS, 1 0TATOE8 ' ONIONS,', ETC Freth California Jruh reeeivedevtry day by ezpreis. Everything told at lowest ratti. Good delivered Ire to all vartt 0 ctfy. Fith Recehcd Evtry Thursday. W. 0. ABBOTT ASSAYING IN ALL ITS .BRANCHES TombstoncArizona. Samples by mail or express uill receive prompt attention. Offlet and RetiametOrtrhel' li-i. This It Your Orsu.rli-nlly. On receipt of ten cent, eri.ii or eUtaf, a generous aatxple wf.l Is uiiiled of th xaoKt jopn!ar Catarrh r.niTJy Fever Cura (Ely's Cream Belui) siftlcfant" to denioa. atrate ths great merits the rccrOy. EL ISR0THETU, - ' W Warrcc !t i. r:. Yet!. CKy. TUv.JohnRriiiJr.. -r'7 ""'.Moat., recommended. Elj's t iai.iin. I can empLiuize his I'jtOt .!. " in a tkvs. tiro cure for catarrh ji u ' r t! reettnt." Ear. Francis W.Ponlf. I'-rt-r CutiU-alPrM. Chorea, Helena, Mout Ely's Cream Ba'm ' ta inaT.UdgS care for catarrh rnl 'c'sro tnereury vr mj iainiicma drot. ruc,CCctit. FAIBASKEXGHANPiE v t-.. Ltit. 1 1 1 U 1-1 r r - &-- -