Newspaper Page Text
1 , I r fe 1 Q 1 E 1 U 1 rjHjn AVYATT EARP. THE HEREFORD RANGE. MURDERED JSE4U- YUMA. NOTICE. a w R t? The Prospector. DECEMBEK 12. L896 RAILROAD TIME TABLES At IZONA & SOUTHEASTERN R. R. tSSJ. ?L? Korta I HUD 5" I TIM TABLE ISO . juir a tsss. Stations 3 2; Sflith Flrs'- First I CUm DsOy ttcrpt 8onlay asilv xoept BUnday M SoO M 1 1 10 .l-r-i SV " . I .! I 4 0 7.3T .4 BlfbM Ar'SSJ ...Don Lul J ....rscksrd Ht.f Wter Tsuk Be 1 ...CbulMton. jtiJt ...F lrbwk ... .LvllB.0 ,...F!rbnk ...ArSS.O M. 4 A. Croin.. jir.7 .....L&Tid I1-'! . ontrntiftn........f .5 ...K&90d.....,.Lw 0 I 8.13 8.10 ;00 15.4." ... BB.O'.... OS. A... J7.S.LV . ..J. P.15 .S0 0,-03 J . tS.S It SO 11,10 I1.S0 iJ 8 ... acUc tunc Flr ststloiM. Stop on !:. fin Wruum. SapniuUnJctit. SOUTHERN PACIFIC R R fJEast STATIONS. Wert Arji 4.4Sani(L j,o arm It.jopta 5.50 pm 8.30 am' ...Bensn .Tucson , .lancopa ...... .. Y-Ima .Los Angeles .. n 35pm 1.50a m 4 soa tn jxaaoata I 7 cop m 8an Set, Umltsd, out bound, MonJsyi and ,Tb nday 8.19, Benson' bun St, L,iait west Bound. Wedaesdsys sa tarda, 4.05 Bnteo J KKCTSCHNITT, G SI E RANDOLPH, D S WM'I HI'i'liMMIIMW" VIHmi,V'"" NEW MEXICO & ARIZONA R R West stations East 6 00 pro Lv Benson Ar 10401m 8.50am Fnirbank I copm .ooam Huachuca..... 13.10pm 1 40am .... Crittenden .... 10.30pm 37am .... Calabasas .... 0.00am i.iSpro Nogalei 8.30am v .Daily except Sunday. Patific time. I J. Frit General Manager. A. Nauru: L. H. Albricht, Assist General Manager, Train Master. MARICOPA & PHOENIX R. R. .North rtaiioss South ScopmLv I'honix Ar 8001m 8.35pm ..... Tempe 735am 9.00 pm Kyrene..... 700am 9,35pm Siciton 1 0.45pm .....Mane Jpa it. E. S. Shamp, Gen. Supt LOCAL NOTES. fcilver is quote I at 65 J Two more drummers arrived on tne coach today. A. Wentworth leit this morning for tb copper c&rup. Allen T. Bird, of the Xogalea Oasis, ia a candidate for appointment as col lector of custom at that port of entry. City taxes are being paid. Action if being taken against delinquents by in litutlni; suit for the amount. NickNobile. Mt this a. m.iorBisbee where he goes on a brief visit, and will accompany his mother back to Tombstone. m Tomorrow the change of tims on Ifae K.-of. ec A. goes into eSVct. The stage, with cast and west mail, will arrive at 9 a. m. instead of 12:30. The ad for the lUecue ball on New Year's Eve will appear in Monday's issue. The ball promises to be a grand affair. The Mexican hand has been engaged. a The papers are on rile In the sur-Teyer-general'a office in application for Bnckey O'Xcill and others for patent for a group of t-leven onyx clsitss cetr lr?5Cdt. If yon want a giod Ho. 6. cookstove aeveral pans and pots, also a small heating stcve thrown in ; ill second band but in good condition, can be had for $10, cash ; aUo a good sewing machine Singer second band but iu Al working order, for $12, cash. Call at this office for canicular, tf We are pleased to note that Mr. Waffle brother of Mrs. C. B, Tarbell wbo'is here or his l:eKh isimproving daily which adds another testimonial to the wonderful efficacy of our health giving climate. Awar3cI Hlgkcst Honors World's Fair, sDEL- wmm mmm MOST PERFECT MAD?. 4 pare Crape Crea.-n of Tat tar Powder, fttr sb Ammenn. Almi or any ether adultsrant S TCAW THE STtAMBAU An Indictment iu Arizona Still Hangs Over Him. There is on file in the district court of this Frst Judicial District in and for Pima county an indictment for murder against Doc Efolliday, Wyatt Earp, Warren Earp.Sherman MoM asters and John Johnson, charging them witn too ranrder of Frank Btillwell in Tuc son, March 20, 18S2. The Star rays this indictment waa found and prt tcated to the couit March 25, 1SS2. After the finding of the indictment the parties wt-re outlawed for several months and were neTer taken. Most of the parties are now dead, but the fact of Wyatt Earp's appearance in the recent Fitzsimmoae-Sbarkey fight makes the fact one of iaterest as the indictments stand against him untried or othsrwite dipjied of. A Welcome Ukbrr lor '. Tha beginning of the new year will have a welcome uiber in the shape of a frtth Almanac, descriptive of the origin, nature ana uses of the national tonic and alterativr, Hoatetter'a Stom. ach Bitters. Combined with the des criptive matter will be found calen dar and astronomicsl calculations ab solutely reliable for correctness, sta tistics, illustrations, verses carefully selected, aud other mental food highly profitable and entsitaining. Ou this pamphlet, published and printed an nually by the Hottelter Company, of Pittsburgh, CO hands are employed in the mechanical department alane. Eleven months are devotd to its pre paration. It is procurable tree, o! druggists and country dealers every where, and is printed in Enelish, Ger man, French, Spanish, Welsh, Nor wegian, Holland, SweeJish and Be hemian. A COCHISE MINE' Work to be Resumed on Pro perty Long Idle- James Burton of Riverside, Cal., a a welt-to-do orange growerof that fav ored section is a visitor to Tombstone. Mr. Burton is interested in some min ing interests in this county owning some claims in the Chiricahua moun tains which were worked some yenrs ago and from vrhich lie netted hand some returns. He expects to becin operations there main and is here for that purpose. He leaves today for hisclaims accompanied by Mr. Francis his partner who Is also interested with him m The United States civil service com mission will hold an examination to fill vacancy in the position of farmer at the San Carlos Indian agency. Per sons deeiring to be examined should call on or write to Secretary N. L. Orme, at the Phenix postoffice. Tha salary ol the position Is $65 per month. Prercott has two ehampion wood sawyers of the territory. They are Vitcor Thomas and Edward Brander. They recently took a contract to cut sixty cords of wood at the court 1 ouet two cuts to the slick, and completed the contract in seven and one-balf days. Who can best this record, asks the Journal-Miner. A complete reorganization of the general traffic department of tbe Southern Pari Co will take place on Jan. I. C. r". Smurr has been appoint ed general traffic manager, in place of Richard Gray, who retires on account of ill health, with full pay. J. M. Crowley, assistant general freight and passenger agent at Los Angeles g02s to San Francisco as general freight agent. C, W. Luce assi.taot general freight agent at San Francisco tikes the ssine position at Los Angeles. James Harsburgh will take charge of tbe company's pescenger affairs at Los Anglles. You mustn't imagine a foot ball game is going ou just-becaue you tee eight or ten peojls rushing frantically about and falling over each other in their anxious desire to get people to affix their autograph to a longer-than-wide piece of paper. Postoffice appli cants are alter bigger game than fcot ball but tbe petitions will be iound to be worth much less titan a football. Watch the people who keep quiet and don't say something Silver Cliff Rustler. Seedleas Raisins, Londor. Lave.-, 'Freeh Currents, Cape Cod Cra'sberries, Siclian Citron, at tllOFLEHV, Have a New Supply of Graded Animals. B. A. Packard, who is again returned to the legislative council from this county by a handsome majority, is a visitor to the ouuty seat, Mr. Pack ard has bee u tn.i.t of the tine during the pat two months in the east look ing after his Urte cattle interests in Kansas and thu In lian Territory, hav ing durin ttiv season shipped numer ous tratnloadsof cattle from the ranges in Cochise coinly and elsewhere to pattursgeand close to market. The cattle outlook he states is most en couraging. Tbe prises and demand now "brace" give every indication of getting better, and cattlemen gen erally have no complaint to made. Mr. Packard has given considerable attention to graded cattle and with his return has shipped 23 head of Hereford bulls for tbe ranges here. The animals are fine specimens of bovine perfection and will soon be roaming over tbe Hereford range on tbe river. Mr. Packard expects to continually add to bis grade! herd and Cuds it a profitable Investment. l'OB UVEU FlfXY VCAUK. Au old, well-tried remedy. Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup has ten used for over fifty years by millions of mothers tor their children while teeth ing, with perfect success. It soothes thu child, eolteus the gums, allays all pain, curej ind colic, and is the beat remedy for diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggist in every part of the world. Tweuly-five cents a bottles Its value is incalcu lable. Be sure and isk for Mr. Win slop's Soothing Srup, and take no other kind. ANOTHER CUKI0US THING. A Natural Soap Mine Xear Cave Creek, Arizona. A grizzled old miner yesterday pre sented a 1'htnix Republican reporter with a piece of soap. The gift was not meant as au insin uation, says the writer, for in the kindly care-seamed countenance one read only the most honest motives. Ihe loap was a specimen of a pecul iar mineral product of Cavo Creek that!ore attracted attention, but the investigation of which has never been industriously pursued. Near the junction of the Black canyon road and the Agua Krii, this soap-bearing rock lies in large upheavals, bating been forced to the surface from the sipage. Its quality was first discov ered nbeut twenty years ago, says "Old Raekeniack," the donor of thu epeci nien, but the man who found it never learned a practical process for extract ing the oil. ' Old Rackansaek" thinks this could be readily done, and tbat capital could make a paying investment in Arizona soap. There is a mine of It waiting for development The rock is soft and oily, and ap plied in its crude stale the soap is quite satisfactory a a dirt eliminates .ii Si I IVten-oa and Charles Kleck, of Kerrville Tex.,are the owners of a very remarkable animal. It is a cow about 5 years old which has eighteen horns. The cow has no hoofs but instead two horns extending in front from each foot. These horns are between twelve acd ib!n innbes long, Tb-r r two small boins extending behind each foot. The horns on her feet are curved like iberp l.orns. Card ol I'll i tilt a. I take this means of expressing my grateful thanks to lb? Tomb. tine Fire Department and to my neighbors and friends wjio so kindly as-isf-d during tbe late illness of my hnsbniLFor their Under ryir.pethyand kindly acts I shaU eer hve a kindly rmeuir ranee Sauah Miller. SOX I VK S lice, memtrrs uf Engine Co. Xo.l you r requ-st-d to meet at the En gine house on Sunday the 13th at 1:31) p. m to transact buriness of im portance. By order of J. F. LirTEKT, Foreman, Hfcsuv IHj.nkrr, "errfrt4ry. "We had an epidemic of dysentery in this vicinity last summer," says Samuel S. Pollock, of Briceland, Cal. "I wis taken with it and suffered severely until someone called my attention to Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. I procured a botile and felt better after the first dose. Before one half of the bottle had been used I was well. 1 recommended it to my iriends and their experience wis the'same. We all unite in saying it is the best-T r"or talc by Druggists. Ghastly Find bv two Cocopah Indian", The authorities at Yumi are en deavoring to unravel the most nr.jste rious murders in rceut years at that place. The horribly mut-UKd body of an unknown man, sxidently two days dead, was found at the foe it of an embankment on u trail one mile wert of there Tuesday atUrnooo. The graeeome discovery was made by tae Cocopah Iudiane. Across the men's head was a bun dle of blankets. His throat had been gnawed, presumably by coyotes, and a jagded knife wound showed the cause of bis death. There were tw j deep gashes on the back of his head, pro duced by a blunt instrument. Hit re was no indication of a struggle, and the theory is that the man was mur dered and carried to the spot where found. His pockets were turned iuide out, and bis right trousers packet was torn and showed marks of bloody bands. There was nothing on his person to identify the man. He was evidently bent on a prospecting trip, although from his soft white bands and long fingernails it is thought he was a nov ice in that line. Last August while working to the bar vest field bicam; ovirtiited, was sud denly attacked with cramps and v.-as neaily dead. Mr. Cummtncs, the drug gist, gave me a doe of Chamberlain' Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy which completely rehoed me. 1 now keep a bottle of the remedy handy. A. M. Bunnell, Ceutemlle, Wash For Ialeby Drucists. WILY CELESTIALS. Tbirtv or More will be-. Deport ed from El Paso. John H. Behau, Chinese inspector of El Pas; returned home this morn ing. His misoion here was to secure the arrest of three Chinamen who found their way their way to Albu querque from Mexico, having eveded tho officers at El Pao. 'the China men will have a lifsHnp: before United State Commissioner Burkhart this morning- and wiii probably bo sent back to China along with thirty others abo are awaiting deportation at El Pa-"o. Albuquerque Denvicrat. Oliui'di LVoticess- Melhnriirtt Chnceli. Sunday School at 10 o'clock a. m. Junior Epworth Leagua, 3 :30 p, m. Preaching in evening at 7:15, A cordial invitation is extended to all. D. Roberts, Pastor. Catohllc Cnurcli. Sunday School at 2 o'clock p. m. L. Biz M AT. Two Li t os Sji veil. Mrs. Phoebe Thomas of Junction City III., was told by her doctors she had con sumption and that there was m hope for her, but two bottles of Dr. Kind's New Discovery cured tier, and she sys it saved her life. Mr. Thos. E;ger, 139 Florida St., Sin Francisco, suffered from a dreadful cold, approaching consump tion, tried without result evervthtnz else then bought one bottle of Dr. Kind's New Discoverp and in two weeks was cured. He is nitarslly thtnkfuL It is ruch results, of which there are samples tbat prove the wonderful efficacy ot the medicine in cooghs aad colds. Free trial bottles at Tombstone and Bisbee drug stores. Regular size 50; and S1.00 Just a pinch of Pride of Japan Tea half what you use of ordinary kinds makes a' delicious, fragrant cupful. First pickings finest young tea leaves properly fired and packed on our own premises in Japan. Best tea in pack ages imported. U. J. BRANDENSTE1N & CO. Sin Xrjnctoo iwl Yfckohiau Fail rxjU'yit snJ i-lts. x Twmbstone, November 35, 1806 Office ot the Board of Supertisors cf Cochise '.ounty. Notice is hereby el ten that the Boird of S-i leriMs wi 1 sell at private sale the ibltowirg desciib'il real estate, situate ia szil county, tbe same having txen duly told una b) tex ctt e. rome) ej to the Temtory of Arizona by the Tax Cotlet-tor of said county to recover the urp-d Ui and charges against eacli tract or parcel of Und, as tne siipe appears tn rrcom in u- i-m-of the Tax CuUtclor and Recorder of same, to ii: Mu I A Atlcock. Tombstone IjJt 1, Boek 45 $ 4 G.benaro Arava.Bisbee adcbchoue. 6 62 Joe Bi non. lombstjnr. Lots I, 2and 3, Block 6a 15 4 Manuel Billdcra, Bbee I frame house. . . , 4 PA Bojer, Dot Cali-s Blacksmith ihopand llab'e 17 36 A Binphan. SI. David Improe- ments oc ranch ... ............ 8 3 J K Branom Imprcirm ntsonranch 30 81 Malcomb Improvements on rsnch 63 Juac Barillo. Wilicix Lot 17, Block 30., K 03 C S Clark, Tombstone Lot 14. B.oclc 3 53 Wm Cavaruush, TomlBtone Lots 5 and 6, Block 31 662 J N Chnstianson, L David Im provemenu on ranch 14 13 V R Duncan. West Jluactuxas Im provements caranch. . .. ... 1906 James Doyle, Benson Lot iS, Block 19 '5 '5 Allen R Entluh. Tombstone Litlla Pedro mine. Nix. 96; Bi Pedro mine. No. 94; Lots 14. 1;, to and 17. BIock44 6959 A Escalante, bistce 1 frame house. 5 52 C E Frederick. Tombstone W i of lot6,tlccks 39 tS Sam Friedman. Bcnsit. Lots 27 aad 28,b!ocki8 0351 V.' C Gieenwocd, Benson C Kef S W li and W K ol h K H. Sec 38 Tp 26. Rso 2197 Concepcion GontaVs, Benson Lot lands iE X ofN E jr 'ee 19 Tp :. T. 19 :6 04 Ignacio Gill. Lower san Pedro Im- prove.-r.enls ."'""",,.. 3 4S Jesos Gonsales, Loner San Pedro N M of N E Jf of N W U, c 19, 'Ip 13. Rij.... 18 72 Chris Graucr. Chiricahoa mountains SEJfSec 3.TP17, R20.. . . 4 3 W A G-ay. Su David Improvements 16 84 T 1 Hunter Willcox-Sec 15. Tp 13. It 5: Sec 16 Tpi3 K25... 40 8 Halt, Aston and Gray Del Val grant $ 36 G Lonergon, Benson Lot 18, bloc-i 2D 31 J C Loss. WK of N W K and W H nf S W K hec 23, Tp 15. R 3. . Mead and Clara, Tombstone Lot 7 bock 19 . 2037 Nscho'as Myeri. Ij3er an P.dro Improiementscn recch ig 43 H Morales, Willcox Lot 18, clock i6 2657 Juaa Morales, WHIcoj Lt 17, block 36 491 Jicob Martinez. Wtlicox Lot 1 block 12 7 97 R McCormici, Tombstom I.ots 1 aid 2. tok 11 576 Mrs. D H McN'eO. Tombstone San Dieto mineNo. 100 8 ; EG Norton, Bsbee Improvements Main streets 27 05 T O'Brien. SidpLu- Spun vaEey " Improvem nts on ranch 41 93 Mrs. C W Pofcb, TVilIccx Lot 16. block 25 iocs J R PAnsh S n X Sec 14. Tp 17. R so 5 3 K Handle. Bisbee Framehots 11 37 Andres RebieL San Piiro Improve raents on ranch 113 93 O. M. RemuJ, Sxn b.mon valley Improvements on ranch.... 24 20 ED Robfrts, San Pedro Improve ment on ranch 6 62 Ouoaj Sing, Tcmbstone Lot 16, blk. G 5 5 V F Stover, Bibe e Adobe hocsc.. 18 10 Noah Svteeton b E X See 29. Tp 16 K 29 15 15 R D Seeton N E Sec 3. Tp 16. R9 -- 15 '5 E Saenz j; of sec 4, tp 13, R 19.. 7 01 TuEy, Doloresand Ochoa M ofSW U and E IS of Sea 30. Tp 20. K , S E M and V ;f of N E Jf , Soo 34, 1 p 16, R 23: N J of N li li and W JSo'NWj; Sec 3;, Tpij, R 20 3050 Unknown, Richmond mine No, 99, Tombstone disctiict 3 o3 Unknown, McLelluid mine No. 100 Tombstone Ucttict jj Unknown, XfaymineNo. i54,Tomb- suse distnet 491 Unknown Ophir mine. No. 37 Win chester district 508 Uuknawri, Copp-r King naae No. 33 7 Cochise district J 5 08 G S Wlite. Wulcox Lot t b'ock 22 " 3 si j ? Williams. Chairman, Attest A. .Ventuorth. Clerk. By W, A. IlAKWoon. Deputy. SHERIFFS SALE. PUBLIC NOTICE IS IIERPBV GIVEN, that under and hy virtu; ot a specul execution is ued out the District Court, of the First Judi cial District, cf the Ttrntorv of Amona in nnd far ihr County of Cochise, on tho 21st dayo.' November, 1896. on a j-idgment thereon ren ceres on tne 2ost cuy ot November. 1896, jn faviw of Paul IJ. Warnekros. pUiatiff, and again-t II. C Haz'ewoodand D.niet Ilrddy, lopar.ners under the firm name of 'Hazlenoad & Huddy," dtlendants. lor the sum of to thousind ana loity seven and 45-100 dollars, and one hundred and seventy-rive 4;-lco dol Iirs costs of sut, and accr.iij; cos.s. by whhh Ian commandeil to sU all those certa.n lots ptecet and Sired! of real estate, sitxite iir the town of Pearc-, cmr.ty and termor afjrt-StKl. ard described as follows, tcvil: Two lots in stid town of Pearre. Lnoan a? the store and lumber raid of said Hazlewood & Haddy, on th j east side of Willed street and boundedpa tne north by the property of lfer hjrth. I fil sell at puMic sa to the tl;l tA aid best bidder for cuh. currency cf ttv United states, 0.1 tbe I67H DAY OF DECEMBER, 16. at 1 o'c'oi p. m. of that da; all" the rigit, title and intereet which the said HaJ.;ood and Huddjr had ia aad to tbe sty ab v des cribed real estate, on tbe 3d dsy ot October, 1X95. the day the attachment said ca.e uas levied thereon. , C.ISt.FLY. - Mseriff s3atttavOTfmbeTtaydJsa. njs-M I CORNER FIFTH AND DEALER IM Pi SilPil m Gape Cod Cranberries Seedless Raisins London Layers, A NGELICA , SHE J! II 1', PORT, 'AN FEN DEL, JOHANNESBURG, WHITE RiT 2!!OP lVr nsi-i wuu iui ui aut, Lisriberger STAPLE AID FAICY GBUGEBIES 2 f CHOICE- BRANDS OF :S 1J -V BOTTLED BEEB FOB f 'V i ' Everj-tliing In Our J.iic its Tha Chh '-GiilgbSL--'Sold at I'liccs Ilr.t I tfv- Cf mj t'litii n. ' Ir,5!j Jllfct JPtOTXJ&ZZZt, STORE FItEMOXT STREETS. En resh Oyrrents Sisciiian Citron. Cheese, Holland I? B herring. .3S ui 11 1 I 1J Tl. SCWB-s iv and WHISKIES B-$P r .isiNli j"- 4. ,. Ji-S'i-J c- , V -- . sa- HU t & W& if B H M 1 B XJF Q Aras DG 2 si 0 0 B IPW n ' - - .s jiUafeausaaa aji.:PIT' sj3t i.j-s; 1 - - v - FiMIJ.Y TBiE-": JEgf-ZSi ? Z-Zzgv. - nucrLr JL R i .1 -.? At f ah ! ! L rm . I r F 1 ' 1.1 i . f