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...,.,,-.-. inn I -.-w-rrnrsi.&.l.i.-4tr,-il-l-irW I3 ft. 3 . MBSTONE PROSPECTOR OUR WATCHWORD--"COCHISE COUNTY FIRST, THE WORLD AFTERWARD. THE rit ? A J- A i u t i i V I, JU -- VOL.- X DAILY PROSPECTOR. City ami Couuty Oilieial P.ifcr PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING (EXCSPT SUSDAY) BY Wm. Hattich Editor and Proprietor. Fremont St. Opposite City HaH The PsosrECTOi will not hold itself respon sible for any of the articles or sentiments ex pressed by any of it corresponaeuts. Entered in the Tombstone Postoflix as Second Class nutter. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. " AMES REILLY. ATTOKSEY AND 0 counselor ai um. --. - cases a specialty. Tombstone, Arizona w M.CSTAeHt-E. ATTORNEY AT- Law and rotary ruDuc. iuuiou AilroTii G EO. W. SWAIN, ATTONtY Ai T,-xur. wul practice in jui wio w " Territory, Tombstone Arbena. OS. I.LARK. ATTONEY AND COUN selor at Law. Office on Fourth street, between Allen and Toufhnut. Tomb Will practice in alf the coons of the ory. CHARLES GRANVlI.LtUM3i. Attorney and Counsellor at L- and Noury Public, 42? Fremont street bet. 4th and 5th stmts. A member erf the Bar of the Supreme Court ol the temtoijr. and ill practice la any w. uic w .. AWENTHWORTH COUN'TY Rt corder and Abstract Office. Abstracts of title to real estate and mines furn shed promptly and acorately. Complete trn scripts. OSce m Conn House. Tombstone. E. AUVORU, JUSTICE OF 11IE Peace. Office on AEea bu bet. 3I & ath Tombstone. L.KOSKA, USTICE OF THF PEACE L Odlce on 4th St. bet. Allen and Tougbnui. Tombstone. HS. GORDON. M. D. PHYSICIAN AND Sargeon: Oflice adjoiainc his residence on 4th street. Calls attended at d hours day and night. F" CEARUE. ASSWER AND META lnsical laboratory. Office No 319. Fremont M. opposite City Halt. THE ORDERS. F &. A M. KING SOLOMON LODGE NO. 5 Meets third Saturday m each month. Visilinc brothers cordiaUy invited to at- end. 1 11 Mcpherson, w.m.. A L.GROW Secretary. . R. A M. OOCHISE CHAPTER NQ. 4 MEETS thJd Wednesday in each month. is itloc Companions cordially invited to at tend. TOM LOWRY. H. P. A. WENTWORTH Secretary. P. O. S. OF A. . . .icmvnn' rAMP NO 1 MEET A j$i Friday evening tn etch month. Vis- " - iling ccmraes rai """:" . I.W. CLARK, President. A. u. ukOW. Secretary. A. O. U. W- TOMBSTONE LODGE NO 3. A. O U. V. mtet 1st and 3rd Thursday in each rnontli. Visiting brothers cordially in- ,heJ ROBT. BESrM.W. W. D. MONMONIEK Recorder. K- OF P. ARIZONA LODGE KNIGHTS OF PitMisNo s-meits every 1st and3rd Monday's in eJcil month. Vsiuug rothers ccrcially invited. reinerscciuy EMANUEL. 0. C. V D. MONMONIER. K. of & PRO TECTION HOSE COMPANY NO J, meets rirst Sunday in each month at their hose house cs thecoircf fccTtth and Fremont streets, oppss-te Um school house. WM. GARRETT, Foreman, TOM UtTH Secretly. R ESCUE HOSE COMPANY MEETS First nmty in each month at CSyr Hall V ENTVVORTH. S.cty lYesident J, N. McDON'OUGII. Foreman. f NGINE COMPANY NO I, MEE1S J Ut unday ii ea h mon h at hose booir " oa th c rnjr t4T jahnot and 5th strtet. IOjEHM LIPPEk'1 ra-enui HENRY DUNKEK. :'esctaiy. Wented An agenimeveiy sntion ro canj rass i4 to jj a (Ly nvidr; sells at sight; also a irem 10 sl staple ROjd. to dealers tst side Use. $75 a i tb. b-Iy or Ure jomrairiion du v;epeiie-ce tiasrcessary rcr naV.J particuUit tul stamp. Cl.lton Soxp & Manutactuna; towpiny, Ciccuiaiti. OMo ONION WATER WORKS. ZZIF. CALVES, Prop. rompt Srvice. Water per barrel, 25CIS Per bucket, ; cts. Soecial Kates to Families Lmtc orIer with wignn. X&R SAMUEL M. BARROW " "ss-v t 1 1 sHJ V vt A - --- 7 &&' SAMUEL M. BARROW TOMBSTONE, ARIZONA WEDNESDAY EVENING. DECEMBER 16 Sj& r w& ! SENATE ORATORY A Decisive Poiiey Advocated by Uncle Sain SCORES THE PRESIDENT- 1 Morgan Would Welcome a War With Spain The Horrors DISPASSIONATE ADDRESS Wabimkotjx, Senator Morgan, of Alabama held the atteotion of the anate and a well tilled gillery yeiter daybj his o&rnest advocacy of a strong and decisivo policy in dcaliu with the Cuban queatiou. He epoca in a ditpaisionate style, although his word had a directness and UYeiityia pic turing the horrors existing in Cuba, luch as is seldom heard in the lemste. Mr. Morgan spoke freely of the possi bilities of war, welcoming it, if neces sary, to guarantee the protection of American citizens. He asserted that Spain's bankruptucy would prevent tb collection of any indemnity for wrongs. The senator questioned the wirdom of tbe president's ronlion that the grant ing of belligerent right would be "un timely." Scfu'IIinjr's Best tea gro cer gives your money bnck!sox- For sa,e "IJ"' if you don't like it , . . . I "We had an epidemic of dvsenter It's one thing- to say money back, and another thing to do money back. We say it, and your gro cer does it; and we pay him A ScMHtaz & Com piny f. iranciKO TEAMS WANTED. To haul cok e and copper bul lion between theterminus of the Gila Valley, Globe and Northern railway and thetown of GIobe; Arizona. For par tculars addr ess W W. Ed wards, at Geronimo, Arizona tf r. Price's Cress Bstlsj PoJ Vorid's Fair Hizbest Medal u4 Olptoox- ar- Price' Crtaua Bataa C 01 vast Get Your Christmas Free - two ounce tag-, and two coupons inside each four sl ounce bag of Blackwell's i Durham. Buy a hag of IH this celebrated tobacco sgl and read the coupon Pf "which gives a list of val uable presents and how to get them. 5T5 Large Number of Natives Leave the Spaniards, .150 ALREADY REVOLT. A Number Recaptured and Shot Down General Massacre, SHOT ON THE STREETS Madeid, A dispatch from Singa pore says tbo natives of Mindano one of the Philipine group, have revolted and many of the native troops are de serting to the insurgents. Bands' ef insurgents frequently appear around Manilla at night and fire volleys into the place. A dispatoeh to the Impar cial from Singapore says that at Aliohte a fortified seaport of thaiiland Luzona, 150 prisoners revolted, killed six soldiers, seized arms and tri'd to ra:o the native inhabitants against tbe garrison. The revolt failed, re volters were shot down in the streets and a crtioral massacre followed. .Many f the prisoners recaptured were shot the following morning. 'BUOKLLVdAltSIOA SALVS. The best salve in the v.urld fcr cuts buises, sores, ulcers, salt iheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains corns, and all sxin eruptions ard post tively cures Piles, or :o payment rcquir ed it t guaranteed t i;ivc ; is a faction cr moaey rciunitf. Vr c 550 tone epidemic titutscnterv m this vicinity last :umnier," says Samuel b. follock, of IlnceUnd. Cal. '1 ws taken with it and ruffered severely unt 1 some one called niy attention to Oai- beriain s Colic, Cholera and Uiarrho' a Remedy, I proured a bottle and felt better aticrthe first dose. Hefiue ne half of the bottle had been used I was well. I recommended it to .my itiends and tnetr experience was the same. We all unite in saying it is the best." fcr sale by Druggists. 31in 1'jrauuy ol tuc Desk. We will suppose that your occupation is sedentary that your are chained, so to speak to the desk in some counting house or perhaps to the loam in some vast mill where you ate compelled to labor from morning to night. Sunday is your only day of relaxa-ion. You return home every evening- wearied mentally and bodily. Your health and strength begin to fail. What will most effectually re- Icuperate your vital energy The weight ol evidence points to 00 other conclusion than that Hosteller's Stomach Hitters is your salest, most reliable sheet anchor. Use It persistently, and your system will soon regain its pristine vigor. Every function will receive a healthful imp-il-p. There is no remedy to equal the liitters (or nevou.ness and want oi sleep, dyspepsia, constipation and billiousnes It averts and reni'dirs all forms .l 11 at ..rial disease, and is a preventive ol heumaii.m aid rcunla. Many thousand dollars worth of valuable articles suitable for Christmas gifts for the young and old, are to be given to smokers of Blackwell's Genuine Durham To bacco. You will find one coupon inside each ' Blackwtirs 8AUUftA 18o6. Highest of all in Leaveain vower. Rftv oya. aissa ABSOLUTELY PUBE A.TEST NEWS Tbe Irrigation Congress In Session. PERMANENT ORGANIZATION, The American Federation of Labor Meet Steamer Lost. FOURTEEN LIVES LOST Fuesix. The National Irrigation Congress has brought Pheniz about a thousand visitor, nearly all men in terested in the water storage and its distribution, tind reprtseating twsnty stvtn date. Permanent organization was effected by the selection of C. B. Booths of California, to be president; Governor-elect Frank H. Briggs of North Dakota, vice.prs:deut,anU Jas. II. MeClintcck, of Arzona, A.. L. Kcl- ASt of Colorado aud L. S. HowletS of iVnrliicgior, as ftctctarier. Lo.nuon- J. hn Suart, sixth Earl of Darnley, is dead. IbitiiK. The Frcucb steamer Marie Fannie hai be-n totally lost, off the island of Alderne. Tue captain was saved, but fourteen members of the crt w were drowned. Ci.nci.-coiti. Tbe sixteenth annual convention of the American Feder ation of labor was calltd to order here at 10 a. m. yesterday by President Samutl Gompers. About 150 dele gates were jircAent and cssy visitors. The Ilcover-MavolblaI.IIe. Mr. G. Caillouette, Druggist, Beaver svilIe,IH.,sayB:"To Dr. King's New Discover I owe my life, Was taken with .u Grippe and tried all the phy sicians, bat of no avnil and was given up and told I could not live. Having Dr. KingV New Discovery store I sent for a bottle and began its use und from the first dosebezan toeetbet- iter, ami after using three boltlo was up and about sgun. it is worth Us weight in guM. Wo won't keep store or haute without it." Get a free t'lall ha Tombstone Drug Store. Just a pinch of Pride op Japan Tea half what you use of ordinary kinds makes a delicious, fragrant cupful. First pickings finest young tea leaves properly fired and packed on our own premises in Japan. Best tea in pack ages imported. M. J. BRANDENSTE1N & CO. Sa Fraocteca ass Yokairaa Fall zetiihlyis and l-Tbs. Wanted-n Idea I aooiattmK mom am cm thlac o paten tt Protect Yor W; thr may lrfnr yov w&Xtx Writ JOHN TVEIPU:UUIt:i co, Viunt AU. M71, wMBiocioit, u. t, jot tisir s ptixm c and Db( C tmo ant jX tttraUa &ic. No 59 Latcit U.S. Gov't Report ?jw rwucr f 10 rex. Att mi JLLM COCUIbK O. F. A shburn. Benson. PAtACX. A. V.Curry, Banch. Jas. Wolfe. " C. F. Gardner, " SaS 08K, G. M.Porter, BUbee, M. Gorman, " --i. 1 1 . . FAIRBANK DEPARTMENT n ii GEO. G.McGEE, Prop. Fairbank, : Arizona, Headiiuarters for visitors frcmTomb- rtoue end surrounding country. Uest of wines liquors and cigars always on hand. PAY THE EXCHANGE A VISIT P. A. DEMARTiNi, GENERAL MERCHANDISE. A full line of GR00ERIER, PROVISIONS, CIGARS AND TOBACCO. T AIKBANK . 'ARIZONA. FA 1 1 BANK. A. T.J MRS. K. HARRINGTON. Prop. Chagres Reasonable. Parties going from Tombstone to Bisbee will hive ample time for dinner before the train arrives. Table Supplied With the Best. GIVE IT A TRIAL. GUHH P34XEY, Allen St near 3d, (Old.Custom House.; VEGETABLES. FKDIT3, iCIATOES? onions; ;etc Fresh California fruil received every day by express. Everything told at lowest rates. Goods delivered tref. to all oarls of city. Fish Received Xvery Thursday. W. 0. ABBOTT ASSAYING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES TombstoneArizona. Samples by mail or express mil rereivc ""nromiit attention. Office and lUstatiiceUceriock liinite. TliU I Vc.r Or-i-i.-nlir. On reeeipt of ten cent i or sfnicpj, a generoiM rnp!e wil n.Usdof ha cn.t popnter Cilrrii i. ,ay iVser Core (Ely's Crcain I-.!m) tcjiisut 'to 1c3jos stralo tbe gic it ruerits ci' :li6 ictJt. elv nr.oxnEif-'. Zi 'anea I Z ' 1'or- City. IseT.iofiivIletlJ'r.i ' . ' ',Voat., Tecomme ti!e3 Ely's ( 1, . - . i-j t-s. X" can einiir:niii liia e!. .11 . , ,-It hn posi tive enre fr ciUrrb U c -n HO-rcefttL" Iter. Francin 7. "Pool. CcutralPrcs. Church, Helena, M011L Ely's Crtarn Bain h th acjtmrldd care for catarrh auJ lua'tins ld ti.rcurj ocjijsawsidru. Price, SO casta. PAID A IWVVtiU A W f: t fii-j i iM i --v 1.1 M ' 1 I ! f !! I 1