Newspaper Page Text
' St s sa rue M t ; m ' 7 i1. . .. 1 v t V Vi i it . . k 1? p 4 r. The Prospector. DECEUBIK 16.1896 RAILROAD TIME TABLES ARIZONA SOUTHEASTERN R. R, ? Hartk r TIM TABLE kXo 4. Jul; KIMS. South I kUXBS Fin?. Hi Fiitt BUUooa Daily csocyt Sunday xcept M 3 US l.5 1.S It) m.A 0. E!V Ar'iSJ ....ttonlAit .,U m 1.11 S.8) S :o u.t ....FeLrd WI ,. ..wutt Tusk p.l .. .Cfcarlwtttn....... fcl... ...r IrbM ...' .Lt 10 . Lt . ,...r rbink. ...Arlit-0 .Jf .1 B.30 .-06 . X. A A. Crtfciii..UT.T Land hi.r i ni.ri ! I .si a L.I 01 IX 11,10 11, W J. ... . .... .Ja... ,. oiennoa ...Bmbo, iH stall. u.fJStop on B'gnCu Sax Whaum. 8a rioWalc.t. SOUTHERN PACIFIC R R lEist STATIONS. West 4.45 ami." Moim 11.30 pm,' S-Jopm ft. jo am1 . Arjn, ....Bensn.. ... ...-Tucson ...Vailcopa ... Yurra .... ...Los Anceles 35 pro 1.50 a m 4 30 a n toaoam 7.00 p m Sua Set, -Limited, " bound, alonairsCaaa' ifradar- 6.1. Beruon' Bun Set, Lout wes oonl, Wedneiaayi alnrdaTa, 106 Btinai I Kictschnitt. G M E Randolph, D S NEW MEXICO 4 ARIZONA R R West STATIONS East Lv. . . Bensn ... .... Fr'rbank .. ....Huachnca,. ... Crittenden . ... CaUbasas . .....Noealr:.. ,Ar 10-40 am t oopm 12.10 pa 10.30 pm 9,00 am 8.30 am JaTy except Sunday, Patific time. "" J. J. Fbet General Manager. A. Naugle. L. H. Auxbcht. '. Assist General Manaer. Traia Matter. 6.00pm . roam .ooam 1.40 am a 37 am 1.15 pm MARICOPA Jt PHOENIX R. R. If" North stations South MoopmLv Phoaix Ar 800am .5pro ,.:,Topi. 735am 9.copra K) .me 700am y.3jpr Sicaton 6 25 m a-4SP Ma-ic ipa. .... 615'ira E. S. Shamp. Geo. Supt. LOCAL NOTES. bilver it quoted at 5$ Condiderable freight oontinuei to attire lor oar local merchants. 200 Boy's Knee pants. Cost only. at Bakbow's. A. Chisbolm ii a visitor to the county seat from Willsox, Xo. S Stoves, 15 at Barrow'u. The Spanish-AmericsD alliance will hold a convention in Tucson on De osmber 20. m Surveyors are at work at Date Creek, near Preioott. laying off a sits for a water storage dam. A man bit by a dog, a dead dog; two aaaa slabbed and nnolhtr in jail, is the summary of a Crowned King Holland Herring, Limbergor Chepefe," and Sauer Kraut, a. Koflkk's. Geo. Forter formerly of the Orb is orsrfrom Bisbte on a short trip. Georga is not yet t!irou;h telling bsar iloriss and hair breadth exper ience of bis recent huntic trip to Mexico. If you went a good No. 6. cookslove SCTST&! pin Dt nl, nisi a small beating stove thrown in; ill second band but in good condition, can be bad for $10, cash ; al-o a good sewing machine Singer second hand but in Al working order. for?12,ca.b. Call at this office for oarticular', tf .IJIe'-S',.-nlaUarftAln'7 but we do know dial the S. P. train failed to eonnect with S. M. and A. at Benson and as a const jii6ncn we have bo eastern mail Awarded Highest Honors Worlds Fair, MOST PERFECT MADE. A awe Grape Cream of Tatar Powder. Pe (bjmAsmmiiii, Akin or any other adulterant, I V YEARS THE STAKOAatf ' CREAM BAKING BLACKJACK'S BAND Supposed to be Disbanded and Seeking bafety. Word receired in Tombstene of the whereabouts of the Blaek Jack band is to the effect that that terreriziug band has pretty muoh disbanded and have left the territory. .After the Dear Creek sight Joase Williams and one other of the band whose name is not known, Isit in one direction, and neither hide, balr rr track of either of these have been heard of since, while JBlaek Jack, whois horse was thet fiem under him, hid around uutil he could make his escape. He flockd by himself, gfing toward Mexico. He was traced to dif ferent ranches and followed across th line. Later he made tracks toward Xogalts where it is presumed be Jn guited himielf and boarded thb K. M. and A. foi a ride out of the country. It was was known that be had con siderable money as he offVred to pay for some victuals at the 1st t ranch ard was anxious of the whereabouts of his two partner., beuing apparently as much at sea of their location as the officers. The supposition that Black Jack had disguised himself and left Nogales on the train is arrived at by different facts traced to reliable sources, all of which poiDt to hit intention of so do ing. It is believed he went to San Antonio, Texas. Cranberries, eastern apples and Buckwheat flour at Wolcott's. A SMOOTH SCHEME- Bat as Full of Business as an Egg is of Meat An attractive scheme for robbing the unwbry has lately been worked in Chicago ss a mining investment. A western gold mining company wanted $40,000 te develop it plant. To ob tain this it issued stock for $200,000 on which a dividend of S per cent was guaranteed for ten years. The guar antee wat made through a Chicago bank, the stock being sold at par. The bank withheld SO per cent of the amount received for the stock or in all $160,000, remitting to its client, the mining company, the $40,000 required te develop the mine. Col. It. F. Hafford returned home today from IUndsburg, California, where he went on c business trip, but what he di'eovered or who met in this new eldorado we are unable to state as we have not met tba Colonel since his arrival. The Prospector acknowledges re ceipt of a Columbia calendar from the Pope Manufacturing Co., of Hartford, Connecticut. It is a handy arrange ment adapted for memorandum notes and ready reference. Send to them fur one. Prof. Charlton tho musician who recently gave au entertainment in this city for thebentlitof thepublic school is making prosrets with an entertain ment at Benton for the holidays. Tha local amatiurs oL that railroad center will participate. Seamstress Sewing Machines, equal to ell, inferior to none. Beduced te $20. at B arrow's The Catholic fair tlosed Satarday night in a blazo of glory. The final business was wound tip, aBd the large building was crowded until there was . Jig jfqm anywhere. The total amount realizKl ty tto management la between thiity-two and thirty-three hundrcJ dollar. Citizen. The account of tli. recent horrible find by Cocopah Indians near Yuma of a muruereu uian a puti.'isneu in wm PBOSriCTOR was btleived at firt to have been a Ce:bi.e county prospector who was recently discharged a9 cured from the hcipiinl here as the latter left for that country and the descrip tion t allied with him. However upon further inquiry it has developed that the unfortunate man waa not the hos pital patient although bis identity is yet ubknown. SecdleseBaisics, London Layer, Fresh Currents, "" Cape Cod Cranberries, Kiciian Citron, at IHonxK'e. I A G0UD IDEA. For the Purchase and Develop ment of Mines. An incorporation has been formed in Silt Like, with a capital of $50,000, divided ino 500 ottificatea ol a par value of $100 each, and it is the aim and iuUntisn of the company to a'cure a Hat of SOU members, each of whom ttill hoi t ona certificate of stock, and no inenib r will be allowed 1 1 ewn or hidd more than one certifi cate. The fund accumulated by the sain at them 5U0 certificate will be used only in the purchase of mining properties, for the development of whioh each member of the association will be assessed $2 a month. Suoh associations might well be formed by business men aad miners in all camps for the purpose of iaveelingiu and de veloping mine; at home. Two Lives Saved. Mrs. Phoebe Thomas of Junction City III., was told by her doctors she had con sumption and that there was no hope for her, but two bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery cured Her, and she says it saved her life. Mr. Thos. Eegers, 139 Florida St., San Francisco, suffered from a dreadful cold, approaching consump tion, tried without result everything else then bought f" bct'.le of Dr. Kind's New Discoverp and in two weeks was cured. He is naturally thankful. It is ruch results, of which there are samples that prove the wonderful efficary ot the medicine in coughs aad colds. Free trial bottles at Tombstone and Bisbee drug stores, Regular size 50c and S1.00 Fall only. and winter overcoati. Coit AT BaKKOlv'g. SCIENTISTS BAFFLED. A 3Iissouri Physician Claims to Have Mastered Disease "All disease is but one di.eais with three modes of ezprenion, I have after twenty-five yinrs of ceaele:s labor and scientific research mastered the secret and mystery of the ono di sease. I have diecovcml a modo of inesulition by wbisti a man rai.v be positively innured against all disease known to humanity, and as a proof of my sincerity I am willing, even anxious to i-Uke my life upon the re sult of experiments under my direc tions to be conducted by scientists ap pointed for the purpose." So said Dr. Thomas Powell a rest less bright-eyed little man, as he stood in bis laboratory in Columbia Mo. He left Columbia, recentsy for Los Angeles Cal., at which place he will undergo the remarkable test of inoculating himeelf with the germs of mottdcadly diseases with the view of proving his theory or literally periahicgin the attempt. Anioug the germs which,he proposes to voluntary take into his system both in the blood and stomach, are those of cholera, con sumption, dip'.hfiia, glandsn, tetanus or lockjaw, or typhoid fever and lep rosy. A few weeks ago Dr. Powell started the professors and students in the chemical labrctory of the Missouri Univereity by inoculating himself with tho germs of a number of terrible di.eiie:, including glanders, consump tion and cholera. It was the verdict of tho profesiors that the doctor would be a dead man in less tban a week, but heaurvived the ordsal without showing the slightest indication of injury from the treatment. He went through a similar experience recently in St Louis before a number of scientist of that city. Last August while working in the har vest field became qverheatcd-W)4 iV jw an -- " "" atnaajy auu neatly oeaci. oir. v.ummings, tne drug gist, gave me a dfjse of Cnainbetlain' Colic, CholcM nr d Darrhiea Remedy winch cuinpetiiy relieved ine. I now kep a b -Mle r,( the remedy handy. A. M. KuvNF.LI, Cenierville, Wash. For I deny D ueisu . Tic Tioie- Ind x of Sn Bernardino has an account of a valuable proparity about 50 miles from that city the Gold Mountain miues of which John A. Church is at the head. Mr. Church was the liret rUeriritendant and man ager of the T. M. it M. properties here and is rcmemberM by all Tombstone- ers. Thos. Lowry ,wbo for many yeirs has been foreman of these prop erties, has been sent for by Mr. Church and it is presumed Mr. Lowry will be tendered a similiar position wih the Gold Mountain. New line of clocks at WoiXffli'a CAS A GRANDE. Arizona's Ruin of Prehistoric Build. Of the above name 1 ruin the secre tary of the interior says: "The Casa Grande ruin, located near Florenc, in the territory, i me of the most noteworthy rlic of aprthiitorlc age and people, re uaiuing within tho limits of the United States, The land on which it is located it part of 480 acres reserved from settlement by ex ecutive ordor dated June 22, 1892. It was discovered already in a ruinous condition, by one Padre Cino, in 1C92. and since that time hat been a sub ject of record by explorers and histo rians. This structure, like others erected by the most advanced among the native races in the southwest, is of perishable material, being built of c.ijou that is, of puddle 1 clay, molded into walls dried in the sun. "The director of the bureau of American Ethnology, who at the i stance of this department caused an examination of the ruin to be made, concludes his report in the matter by stating: "In viow of the slow yet ever Increasing rata of destruction ef the ruiu and of ite great interest as a tan gible record of the prehistoric inhabi tants of this country, no he-itation is felt in recommending that the struc ture li protected end practically perpetuated by a suitable roof, so de signed as to shield the walU from rain and sun and al ilia same lime prtnil an unobstructed view of the ruin from any direction.' " SUNNY ARIZONA. Soil and Climate suited to the Culture of Dates. Thn profitable cultivation of the date in Arizona has passed the experimen tal ft ape, and those who have been testing the same during the last ten, yeare, give evidence that the date palru can be cultivated in any class of soil, peculiar to southern Arizona and that the amount of water necessary for t'u ame after the first year is insignifi cant, ns the plant will grow acd flour ish whero the cacti thrives, e it be longs to the cacti family. The Stir thinks that now there Is a chance for the occupation uf the vast areas of fertile mesa landa which are covered with lnxuriant grasses and cacti. Why should not the anmo be utilized? Why should these vast nreia of lend which are to highly adapted to tho production of this favored fruit, and which tt-day is brought by the thousands of tans from the orient for consumption at home. The fruit which has been produced in Arizona bus been declared by compe tent expeits, to be tit fine and as derir ablo m Mie very choicest imported dates. L-t thia mihijct hi gittd nntil our people will enter upon the pleasant and profitable industiy for which Arizona is by rlimalic and ether conditions fo highly adapted. LOOK HERE! Do you want some fine lay ing hens of blooded stock cheap? soo hens and 12 roosters of white ?nd Brown leghorn and Black Spanish varieties. Good layers, -vill be sold at $12 per dozen. Ca!5 and see them and buy a dozen for home use.) A. D. Walsh, Can Can Restaurant. Agents Bier money, article to Fell to every rancher. Address Mullen & Co. Los Angeles. Cal, 1880. 1896. 16ft Annual Ball Rescue Hose ColTo2 AT MINING EXHACNGfc HALL, New Years Eve Dec 31. 1890. All members areTrequested uniform. to appear in fuT $1 Mmic by the Mexuaa BaoJ. KOTIOE. TOMBSTONE, November 35. 1896. Office of Ihe Uoard of Supervisors of CocU-e vountv. Notice ishceby ejten that the Hoard of Sa pervnors vii 1 sell at pnva'e sate the followitg deacrib d real estate, limite In said county, tlx same having bern duly toMand by tx VM eenvcj ed to lhe Terntory of Arizona by the Tax OuItctorcC said county totecour the urpald tax and cliargcs against each tract or paictl of I jr.d, as the same appears ol record la the ofhee of the Tax Collector and Recorder of same, to wit; Mti I A Alleock. Tombstone Lot t. Wok 45 G.benaro AnavJ. Bisbee adebebouse. Joe lii ton. Tombsune, Lots 1, 3 and j,BIock63 XIacuel Billioia, Bisbee 1 frame boiue 4 90 6 63 5 4 4 o PA Ilo)er. Dos Cabens Blacksmilh shop and stable '7 35 A Binrbati. SI. Datid Improve ments oc ranch I F Branom Improveminuonranch Malcomb Improvements on ranch Juan Barillo. Willcox Lot 17. Block 20 CS Carle. Tombstone Lot 14. Block 3 Wm Cavanaut-h, Tomltone Lots 5 and, Bloct.3 N Chrotianson, bL David Ira provcruents on ranch W R Duucan, West Huachueas Im provements c a ranch ... James Doyle. Benson Lot 18, Block Allen R Enelish. Tombstone Llttla Pedro mine. No. 96; Biz Pedro mine. No. 94; I-ots 14, 15, 16 and 17, Block 44 A EscaUnte. bisbee 1 frame house. . C E Frederick. Tombstone W K of lot 6, blocks Sam Fnedman, Benson Lots 37 and 38, block 18 W C Gieenwecd. Benson E K of S W IS and W of S li 11. Sec sS Tp 36, R30 Coneepdon Gonialw. Benson Lots lands SE T of N E X fee 19. Tp3, li 19 Ignacio GJI, Lower "an Pedio Im provements lesus Gomales, Lower San Pedro N K of N E ii or N W U, Sec 19, Tpi3- R3 ChrisGraner. Chiricahoa mountains S EJfSec 3,Tpi7,R29.. . . W A Gray, St. Dand Improvements T T Hunter Willcox Sec 19, Tp 13. R 5; Sec 16 Tp 13. R 35. .. Hall, Aston and Gray Del Val grant G Lonerg-in, Benson Lot 13. bloej 83 30 81 633 it 03 so S3 6 a I 3 v) 06 9 99 5 9 39 "8 63 51 31 97 36 04 8 48 iS 73 44 3 16 84 40 88 1ST 36 3 J C Loss. W of N W U and W K of S W li bee 38. Tp 15, R 34.. Mead and Clari. Tombstone Lot 7 bock 19 2037 Nicholas Meri Lower Saa Pedro Improvements en ranch.... .... 19 43 E Morales. Willcox Lot 18, Dlocks6 a6 57 Juan Morales, WQcox Lt 17, block 26 491 Jacob Martixci. WUIccx Lot 1 block 13 7 97 R McCormlcV. Tombstone I-ots 1 and 2. block it S 76 1 Mrs. L) II McNW. Tombstone San Di'ko nuncNo. 100 8 33 EG Norton, Bbee Improvements Main streets 27 93 T O'Bneri, Sulphtxr Sprin; tal'ey Improvem rts en ranch 41 93 Mrs. C V Puih. Willccx Lo: 16. block 35 IOC! J R Pansh S E X Sec 14. Tp 17, R ao ISIS R Raadle, Bisbee Frame house ""11 37 Andres Rebiel, San Peiro Improve- iiestson ranch 113 93 O. M, Renaui, Sin bimon valley Improvements on ranch........ 34 20 ED Roberts. San Tedro Imprcve- rr.ents on ranch 663 Ouoct Sing, Tombstone Lot 16, blk. 16 IS 15 WF Stoer. Eibee Adobe house. . 18 10 Noah Seeto S E ; Sec 39, Tp 16 R 3 ISS R D S ton N E l( Sec 3, Tp 16. K29.... Is 15 E Saenz K of Sec 4. Tp 13, R 19. . 7 61 Tul'v, Dolores and OchoaK of SW 'ii sd E ;; of bec 30, Tp ao. K . S E li and .V of N E U . S0C31, Tp 16, R 20; N 1 of N E H and W H of N W See 31. Tp 17, R ai SOS" Ucknnwrn, Richmond mine No, 99, Tombstone disctrict 508 Unknown, McLelland mine No. 100 Tombstone i-lrttiCt Unkno n. May trine No. 154, Tomb stone district. ...... ...... ..... 4 39 4 91 9. Unknown Oi'hirmine. Na 37 Win chester district Uuknava. Copr-r Kinj mine Na 38 Cochise district G S White. Willcox Lot 11 b'ock 32 S 08 S 08 3 'i J. S. WILLIAMS, Chairman, Attest Clerk. By W, A. Haewood. Deputy. SHERIFFS SALE. PUBLIC NOTICE IS'HF.rkiiv rivpv that under and by villus of a special execution I is-ued out the DLtiict Court, of the First Judl ciU District of theTrmtory of "riiona. in and ' ijrmwounty 01 (.ochise. on tho 31st day of ""'. , vn a jucment tnereon ren dered on the 20StdtT of November. 1E96, in favi-r of Paul a Warnekros, pl-fiuff. and aa'nst If. C Hazewoodand D.niel Huddy, copar-ners nnder ihr firm name of Haalewood & l'uddy,"tctendaits. lor the sum of two thoound ana Jony'inei and 43-100 dollars, and one hundred and seven'y-five 4;-loo dol- us i-.i ui aa-i, anu accxniLrj COS.S, py wnlch town oi t-earc. ciuntyand temtory aforesaid, and ."e:nbed as follows, to-wit: Two lots in said lown of Pearce. known as thesto-e and 'umber ya'd of said Hatlewood I'udrly, on ths east side of Willcox street and bounded en tlie north by the property of Henry Fret. I will sell si pob'ie sale to the highest and best bidder for ca.Ii. currency of trm United States, en the I6TH DAY OF DECEMBER. i8c6. at i o'c'ock p.'m. of that day; all the rigM, litie and Ictereet which the said Hatlewcod and Hoddy bad in and to the said ab ,ve dea cubed real es'ate, en the 31 day ot October, 1896. the day the alUchroentin aaid ca-e was levied thereon. C.'.FLY. Sheritr. iate4 Novaciber 33rd J1E9. niajti lEXSil!?- Everything Jn Our Lino is Firft Claw! G..ods JOSEPH CORNER FIFTH AND FB.EMONT STREETS Sm P B fc a m t? Ufa DEALER TN 6e Cape Cod Cranberries Seedless Raisins London Layers, Fresh Currents Siscilian Citron. ANGELICA, SHERRY, PORT, ZINFENDEL, JOHANNESBURG, WHITE Sauer Kraut, Limberger STAPLE AID IFiNCYi GROCERIES CHOICE GlnfS, BRANOiES and Vi HISKSES BOTTLED BEER FOEIFMILT 1AE w 3 -.. -. t, f Soldat' rriccs311'.at"l?ffy C inj-elilioi!. JOS. HOEFLE ESS Cheese, Holland Herring. BBANDS OF ff . is1"" 1- HflFi"! R' - V. H 14 1 b s - Li V K