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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
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aflBgaigi)8B!iaBag -. t. x f i tVT&ir 7n t THE PROSPECTOR A OUR WATCHWORD-''COCHISE COUNTY FIRST, THE WORLD AFTERWARD. VOL. X TOMBSTONE, ARIZONA T.IUKSDA.Y EVENING. DECEMBER 17 I896. No. 60 v rtttt&BriMiifaStttttt TOMBSTONE I 13 10rt fAM IV -IV f. JM DAILY PROSPECTOR. City and County Official Paper rdS I'UBLISHED EVERY EVENING (.Except Sunday) BY Win. UattichUtor and Proptietor. Fremont St. Opposite Cliy Hall The PaosrECToa will nol hold itself respon sible for any or the articles or sentiments ex pressed by any of it correspondents. Filtered in tbe Tombstone Second CUss nutter. PROFESSIONAL OARDS. I AMES REILLY. ATTOlOJEY AND Counselor at Law. Land and Mining cases a specialty. Tombstone. Arizona. a .l r STAPHLH. ATTORNEY AT- iy Law and Notary Public. Tombston' Aiitona. G EO W. SWAIN. ATTONEY AT Lv. Will practice in all comts of the Territory, Tombstone Arizona. 0i CLARK. ATTONEY AND COUN se'or at Law. Office en Tourth Street, between Allen and Toahnut. Tomb Will practice in all the courts of tbe cry. CHARLES GRANVILLEJOHNsTON. Attorney and Counsellor at Law and Noury Public. 4a" Fremont street bet. ath and 5th streets. A member o: the Bar of the Supreme Court ot the Temlotv. and will pracuce in any of the courts therein. AWEKTHWORTH COUNTY RE corder and Abstract Oifice. Abstracts of t.tle to real esute and mines turn shed promptly and acurately. Complete trn scripts. OSce in Court House. Tombstone. E. ALVORU. JUSTICE OF THE Prace. Office on Allen Su bet 3! xth Tombstone. A L. KOSKA, USTICE OF THF PEACE LX Oalce on ath St. bet. Allen ana TougLnut, Tombstone. WS. GORDON. M. D. PHYSICIAN AND Vnremn; Oflfire adioininff his residence 1 on 4U1 street. Calls attended at aU Lours day and nignt. S-" C EAKl E. MSMtR mw j"-'' t- lurical laboratory. Oftice ro 1 Fremont at. opposite Oty Hall. .THE ORDERS. 39- F & A M. KING SOLOMON LODGE NO. 5 fleets third Saturday in each month. Visiting brothers cordially Injited to at- end. 1 h Mcpherson, w.m.. A L GROW Secretary. R. A M. OOCHLSE CUAPTER NQ. a MttiJ third Wednesday in each month. is itioe Companions cordially invited to at tend. TOM LOWRY. H. P. A. WEXTWORTH Secretary. P. O. S. OF A. - . .euivrrrrrc PAMP NO 1 MEETS MEETS A isl Friday evening in each month. Vis- " w iune Comrades cnroiaiiy nrnra K I. W. CLARK, President. A. L. GROW, Secretary. A. O. U. W OMBSTONE LODGE NO 3 A. O U. arin each I W. meet 1st and 3rd Thursday in each month. Visiting bro tilers cordially in- Tiled. ROBT. BESfM. W. W. D. MONMONIEK Rocorder. K- OF P- ARIZONA LODGE KNIGHTS OF Pythias No a. meets erery 1st aad 3rd Monday's in each month. V smug " ZEmi. o. c. W. D. MONMONIER. K. of S. PP.OrECT!ON HOSE COMPANY NO j, meets First Sunday in each month at and Fremont streets, opposite the school house. WAl. UAKIUli, Foreman, TOM MITH Secretaiy, R ESCUE HOsEj COMPANY MEETS Fust Sunday ft each month at City Hall Fremont street. 1. V VICKERS. WENTWORTH.Stcty President J. N. McDONOCGH. Foreman. r-NGINE COMPANY NO 1. MEETS tlatt Sunday in ea h month at hose house n tlu isnwi.fTm.hnQt aad clh street. IOSEPH LIPPEKT roremaa HENRY PUNKER. Secretaiy. Wanted An agent in every section to can vass $4 to S5 a day mad'; sells at sight; also a man to sell staple goods to dealers best side line. S75 a mo-th. Salary or large commission mace; experience unnecessary toe caled particulars send sump, uiiten np It Manufacturing Company, Cincinnati, Ohio. UNION WATER WORKS. F. CALVES, Prop. rpmpt Service Water per barrel, ascts. Per backet, 5 cts. Soscial Kates to Families Leave orders with wagon. V Mp;ir. asS n.- SAMUEL M. BARROW "-4 "S . . 3 -." " r A T 1 r SAMUEL M. BARROW " New thought to you per- haps that tea is inspiring. T " Schilling's Best tea is 1. " " new to you then. At grocers' in packages. A Schillinc & Company San Francisco l " ' , ' &," STILL ALIVE Like Banquo's Ghoit Refuses to Down. MACEO YET'uN EARTH. Passengers' From Havana Bring the Intelligence No Festivities IT IS iDiFFERENr SOW. Ket West Passenger arming here tonight frem UaMina report that Ant.)cio Maceo i alive and well audi in the proviuuo of .Mu'.anza. The pas lengera ssy tlir! nil tlie festivitie that were coing on in Havana to celebrate bia death huve Leen ordered (topped since it has become known that he is alive. Washington. The day in the hoy to was productive of lit le programs, Ibe army appropriation bill was un der discuiiion but a dead lock occured over the proposition for abandonment of tbe army and naval hospital at Hot springs, Arkatisiv, and the liouso adjourned. BUCKLIN'SAU.VICV. SALVE . The best salve in the world for cuts buises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hinds, chilblains corns, and all skin eruptions and post tivlv -iirr Pile, or no navment reouir ed it is guaranteed to "give peefect stis a faction cr monev relunded. Prices ;o cents per box. For .sale a' nmh tone ? " Drugstore TEAMS WANTED. Tohaul coke and copper bul lion between theterminus of the Gila Valley, Globs and Northern railway and thet own of Globe- Anzon-i. For part iculars address V W. Ed wards, at Geronimo, Ariz jna tf Sit1 ,v ZHSi BE vEST with a b!r B. BlaekweU' Oeaalno BaU Dcrham la In a class by ItMir. xoo will una on eoaoon Inside eaeb two ounce bag, and two cou pons Inside each four otinra bac of BlackveSi's Genuine Durham Smoking Tobacco BayabacofthlJtMlebrattohftrroftndriMdthacoapoii--- WX.IC13 fflTCS rnlUvoi Taia&oic prsi&u uu uqw uj rc- uivbi. A NEW SCHEME Put An Import Silver, Tax on AMERICAN TARIFF CLUB Promote the Idea ami Relieve Can be Successfully Accomplished. A SURPRISE IN STORE CuiCAao: The Poit'i Washington tpecialiayi: Tha American Protec tive tariff league Is promoting a icheoie to put an import tax en ailver. Therd is every reason to belie that the effort will be tucceftsful. Tbe move ie a surprise to free coin ate lto pullicans. 'We had an epidemic of dysentery in this vicinitv last summer," says Samuel S. Pollockof Briceland, Cal. -I was taken with it and suffered severely until someone called my attention to Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, I procured a bottle and felt better after the firt dose. Uefore one btlfof the bottle had been used I was well. I rrcommeuded it to my friends and thtir experience was the same. We all unite in saying it is the best." or sale by Druggists. SISET LUTE The Sun-sst Limit.! irM h ch pn ee Denron twieo w-o sj-'i Kl"i 1 . wet h hy Ir ih lineit s'm hkki innc I nificent triwisffjn'in-ntjl pstseiit-r tmiu in ex eUiine. It in mcompiruble unexcelled and uiif q'il!ei'. No ex pente hs been pire"l to make it per feci in esery repcctt nnd all that human skill or ci"nce could invent and apply to make it absolutely fault lees lim been npplitil. Luxury and bauty Inve been coT.bined with strength and fafety, and, meteor like, it rpans the continent, annihilating time and spnee in its marvelous flight. All who have had the pleasure of a trip on this train unhesitatingly pro nounce It the very hnet in tho land. A ticket on this fona no more than on the recul-ar train. For further rnrticuUrj and any in forma'ion, oddrea'1. E. S. "WEBSTEB. Agent at Benson, Oi V. M. Gocdmae, II P. A. Sin Krancicco. r. Price's Cream Baking Powder .MlcVs Hair Hlzhut .V.tdl ana Dinl'-m- nt. Price's Cresin DaBo, PvnrOMi UJar.tnr1Rn Irian W30 cut mnx c-f com aimpla ItUlltUU "II IUUI. tslnff to Mtaatl Protoct yr Idear; tkrr mar l.rtoe too weallh. WMla JOHN tVEDSrKbURM CO- Patrol Attar rra, Waitiliwion. D. C tor itetr (Uuu prtaa odee SV4 list of two tMOdn4 iaTrcUo&a wanlaa. Highest of all in Lcavenin powcr. Royal ABSOLUTELY PURE LATEST NEWS Irrigation Congress Down to Work. REP1TS AID MEMORIALS Doings- 'in Congress The Youngest Congressman Elected. GRAND JURY iNVESTIGAT Fiioskix Tho Irrigation Con grits this morning, after hearing communi cations, took up the matter of rteoni- mendations for legislation. Few of tho speakers were prepared for being heard, however. One of the main speakers of the morning was George fj. Maxwell, of San Francisco, one of the counsels in the United Stiles tu-pr- me court againnt the Wright act of California. U pp3, of Arizona, introduced a -nt-moiinl pttitu ning concrete t j take otice id tli ff ftitutd condition of 10, 000 Piaitt and Maricopa Indians, de prived of a livelihood through depri vation by the whites of their water upply, and asking national aid for the conetruclion of a reservoir for im poundimg water at tbe buttss on the Gila above Florence. HaTTKiNSvnxe. Ga. Tho Democrats and the people in general of the tbitd Congressional District ara much inter estcd over tbe selection recently made at the convention held hereof Charles R. Crisp who was nominated to fill the vacancy made by the death of his father, Ex-Speaker of the House of Representative. He is one ef tbe youngest congressmen ever electsd, being only twenty four years old. Sa.v Frakcisco. Tho scandal fol lowing upon the Sbarkey-Fitzim- moiis fight may result in tba whole sale arrest of ttie principles, seconds, mauagtMs of the iccent pugilistic en oou tcr. Tbe testimony given in the uit for $10,003 is construed by many to indica e thul the right was a viola tion of the stale law forbidding prize fighuu, and the evidence given has been called to the attention of tbe grand"Jpry to consider the question of issuing indictments. 1880. 1896. 1 Glli Anal Ball, Rescue Hose Co Uo2 AT MINING EXHACNGH HALL, on New Years Eye Dec 31. 1896. AH members are requested to appear in full uniiorm. TICKETS Untie bribe Uexicam Band. $1 Latest U.S. Gov't Report ncf Powder MOTEI. AUKIVAiJI COCIIIfS 0. F. Ashbarn, IleosoU. PaLACK. A. V. Curry, Ranch. Ja. Wolfe. ' C. F. Gardner, " BASJ JOSC. G.M.Porter, Biabee, M. Gorman, " FAIRBANK DEPARTMENT FAIBMKEXGHAJfGE GEO. Q. McGEE, Prop. Fair-bank, : Arizona, Headquarter, for viitors from Tomb stone end surrounding country. Best of wines liquors and cigars always on band. PAY THE EXCHANGE A VISIT P. A. DEMARTINI. GENERAL MERCHANDISE. A full line of GRO0ERIER, PROVISIONS, CIGARS AND TOBACCO. PAIRBANK.'ABIZOXA. FairliaDk Eestanrant Faixbanc, A. T. K. HARRINGTON, MRS. Prop. Chagres Reasonable. Parties going from Tombstone to Bisbee will j have ample time for dinner before the train arrives. Tabic Supplied With the But. GIVE IT A TRIAL. GUM MAXEY, Allen St near 3d, (Old'Custom House.- VEGETABLES, FRUITS, 1 OTATOE8,; ONIONS,; ET0 Fre California fruit re teitedet try day by ezpreit. Everything told 'at' Iciceit rates. Goodt delivered Ire' to all oarti ct city. FiiK Received Every ' TJiurtday. W. 0. ABBOTT ASSAYING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES TombHtone.Ariona. Samples by mail or express will receive prompt attention. O0fc nncf Reiiden4eOverlock Home. This I Your Oppcftuully. On veecipt of ten cants, r h or atasapa, a geoeroas sampla will l loailej of Ua rout popular CaUrrh anil Hay Fvr Cur (Ely's Cream Balm) rafleient to deinoo tiate tao greif raerita'ot tin raa-dy. ELY UrtOTHEBS, C6 Warren 1 1., I't vr Terk City. ater.JobnSeid, Jr.Tff - -TsT.l&nt.. racomrceiided Cy's Cit.-rilfc m ! ice. I can empbaaizo Lis atateni rt. -It is a pnaU tivs enr for catarrh U naed iu UlrcutetL" Eer. Francis W. Poole. Vwtor CestralPrea. Church, Helena, laont. - Ely's Cream Bahn is tie ael-srfralacA cor for eaturrh and eoaain no tatTrarj BsraajisssiosssaTiic- Price. 50 casta, ' 1 -r-rr-' - IpVmA " "--' ifijimi " "" ... . M t. 1 II . I ' ' . --"ir :