Newspaper Page Text
i -'Tflifrfi'frH1 ii h.mi i rnT s M i 1 i 9m "f I; ii to i ! i! 5 I f i i ' i M The Prospector. DEOEMKK 17.1896 RAILROAD TIME TABLES Ar 1XONA SOUTHEASrEXN R. R. IP?! Ka TIM TABLE ISO . Juir a iws. ?5 t W1U Firs'. H Ftrrt Lu 8uUo . inn? etcestt Sunday dsuV xcept dttadar .l 300 iso its i. 10 Blab Ar'iS.J -vs. .s S.S0 IAS e.l ..nn Luii pu ...rackard kt. Water Tanx pe.i ...... .Charleatan ......fS.S F Irbank ... .Lt 1S.0 ,Lr Pairkink . . ArllS 0 .. Jf. M. & A. Civfc5c...IIT. 1 Land fli.7 8....... Dtmtiftn .. ,.l .1 Si .,....Basoa Li'O HI 11.10 11,10 Seine time. Flag Utioa.Btop on 'c!j. ' "mini, Kaptrinttn'tlit. SOUTHERN PACIFIC R R S&11 STATIONS. S. Weil .Ar!u 35 p 4.45 am L ,m . 1 1.30 p mj S-SPn 1.30 am . ....Benn T llron ra ...Maricopa .. Y'lma . . , ...Los Angeles 1 .5 ! 4.30a n 10 soaa 1 7.00 p m Sua Pet, 'Limited, out bound, alondajsand h rsdan 8.1, Renaon' bun Set, (.mil men Basal, Wednesdays a xdordaya, .0S Bcemq I Kiutschnitt. G M E Randolph. D S NEW MEXICO & ARIZONA R R West STATIONS East 6.00pm L Benson .... F'rbank ... ...... Huaehaea... .... Crittenden .. .... Calabavas .. Noiralet.. . ,Ar 10.40 a m 1 oop m 13.10 pm 10.30 pm 0.00 am 8.30 am ,;o ra .00 am 3.37 am 1.15 pm D fly f xoept Sunday. Pacific time. J. J. Fkbt 'General Manager, A. NAVcr.E. I. H. Alerbcht. . Assist General Manager. Train Master. .MARlCOPA & PHOENIX R R. North stations Sooth tcopmLv Phonlx Ar Sooam 'S-ajpra Temp 725am '9.00pm Kjlene..... 700am 9,35 pre Sacaton 6 35a m -45P" Marie ipa. .... 615'am li. S. Shamp. Gen. Sapt. LOCAL NOTES. feilver ii quotf ii nt C5$ A. new flour mill lia been started at Hettheweville, Graham count'. Xew lice of cluclcs at Wolcott's The big Huachucat are covered witb snow, which i plainly visible from Tombtonc. A. Wentworth and Geo. Porter were outgoing passengers on the special to day bound for Bisbee. 200 Boy'a Knea pants. Cost only. at Basbow's. Sctt Wliite left for Tucson last renins on buiinees connected with fail office u U. S. deputy marahal. Nick Noble, accompanied by his sssthsr, rsturr.s-i today from Bisbte where they have bean visiting friends, Holland Hcrrin;, Limbcrger Cheeie," and Sauer Kraut, at Hofixe's. George Oalcr,one of Tomb jtons'a old time citizens and formerly chief of police here was elected to that office is Tucson the other day by 11 major ity. m m ... Crnbrrie, eastern apples and Buekshrst 2or st WoLCorr'e. m i mKVOBAjpiX curwj by Dr. KIVaB 7xa rata. -Oat, cent fcdoec Atl'.iraeiutr If you want a gi od So. fi, cookslove ereral pans and pole. aUo a small Heating stove thrown in; nil second fcead but in good condition, can be kd or $10, cash ; xho a good sewing niehine Singer second hand but in Al working order, for f 12, cash. Call at this office for canicular. tf I Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair, CREM BMIH6 MOST PERFECT MADS. A pen Grape Creaai of Tarfzr Powder. Pit mm Ammonia, Ahun or any c'Ajr adulterant, CO. fEAXS THE STAMtURD VfliO Wr RANDSBURG. What a Tombstoncr Thinks of of it. From Col. Haffotd who returned yesterday from a trip to Randsburg, a Paosfkctoe reporter learned that the new eldorado is a lively camp, typical of early davr, and every one full of ex citement. "Kandsburg is oae of the liveliest mining camps I have teen in many year," said the Colonel when pretsed for his views oj the new camp. "Six stages, four from Mohave, 30 mile distant, and two from Kyrene, 24 milsj away, come in loadod daily Every kind of bueiners is represented and all are doing a rushing business. Lodging houses are crowded and res- taurauti are doing well; a variety theatre is in fall blast. The town is rapidly building up, five lumber yards bavingopened up for business. There are from 160 to 20) tents stulded about besides the innumerable bouse already up and in course of construc tion. About 1200 people are there and some 150 men are at work." The only Tombstoners he met were Geo. Piidham, who is stage agent, and the Keefs brothers. Tho Colonel bought a lot on the main street in Band.burg and will have erected a building to open up a saloon, expect ing to leave here again in abont three weeks when it will be completed. The camp, he says, has a good future, ho mines being pronounced by all tho miners as substantial and lasting, No. S Stoves, $15 at BarbowV. 3IEXIC0-S POPULATION. A Classified List of Our Sister Republic People. The population of Mexico in 1S95 was 12,570,195, from which should be deducted 209,805 perrons who are re ported "as nb.ent frem the country." Most of thtm are in TexaNew Mex ico, Arizona and Colorado, and other wettern elates. The number of for eigners living in Mexico is reported to be 240,935. Three-fourths ! them are Americana employed upon the rail road and in the mine. There are i000 American citizeus in in Moateroy and over 2500 in the Federal District. This leaves the net native population 12,113,405, divided as follow : Professional men, lauded proprie tors and capitalists, MX) ,000; federal, state and municipal officials, soldiers, etc, 450,000; engaged in mercantile pursuit?, 750,000; employed upon rail roads, 350,000; factory operatives, 750,. 000; artisauiof variouskinde, 750,000: employed upon farms, 5,000,000; em ployed in miner, 2,550,000; laborers in cities and varieus occupations, l,50u,- 000; wild Indians, 200.000. McPberson &. Co.'s 20-mule team it kept busy now days transferring ore from the mines on the hill south-east of town to the railroad for shipment. Last nigbt was a real winter night for Tombstone, and this rooming the tops of houses, sidewalks aud wood piles were covered with thick coat ol white frost. Seamstress Sewinir Maehincr . ninal to all, inferior to none. Keduced to $20. AT B A BROW'S A Scrap at a prominent rnloon last evening made matter.: a little lively for the lime being but no great dam age is reported avo fracturing the 4th commandment if that is the one that forhiJs swearing and calling one another naughty natne. Seedleea Kairins, London Layer?, Fresh Current r,' Cape Cod Craibtrrirr, rficiian Citrsn, at Hofi-Kk'u. On Snnday next the new Mormon church at Mesa will be dedicated, as Bishop Bbrigham Young ism the city to attend that duty after spending time as delegate to the national irri gation, congress. Other members of the Mormon chnrch will arrive today to lake part in tho church openingj Mr. Young came on J. E. Frost's spec- ciol on Sunday. Gazette. i The greeted "Christmas novelty" this year would b a present that the bead of the bouielol J didn't pay for HIDDEN WEALTH. The Enormeus Copper Fields of Arizona. The output of mineral wealth from Arizona's eztennve copper mines of Jfioxf, nUbee, Clifton, Mere net, and Globe will be so enormous thiscomiBg year that even Montana will Le thrown in the uliade iu the yield of copper and other precio u metal'. Arizona mining i jet i i its infaney. A few yean bt-uce ud Von Hutu bolt's pre diutiun will be rliz id : " The world doos act know the amuunt of bidden wealth in Arizena and Hew Mexico." Two Lives Saved. Mrs. Phoebe Thomas of Junction City HI., was told by her doctors she had con sumption and that there was no hope for her, but two bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery cured her, and she sys it saved her life. Mr. Thoi. Eggers, 139 Florida St., San Francisco, suffered from a dreadful cold, approaching consump tion, tried without result everything else then bought one bottle of Dr. King's New Discoverp and in two weeks was cured. He is naturally thankful. It is ruch results, of which there are samples that proe the wonderful efficacy ot the medicine in coughs aad calds. Free trial bottles at Tombstone and BUbee drug stores. Regular sire 50c and S1.00 Fall and winter overcoats. Cost only. at Bakkow's. Last August whde working in the har vest field became overheated, was sud denly attacked with cramps and was neitly dead. Mr. Cumminss, the dreg gist, gave me a dose of Chamberlain' Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy which completely relieved me. I now keep a bottle of the remedy handy. A. M. BUNNELL, Centervilie, Wash. For laleby Druggists. CATTLE SALES. Shipments Made from Willcox and San Simon. The News says: Oa December 3, Ruch brothers shipped from Ssn Simon 444 head of cnttle which went to the Kern County Land Co., at Fa- mota. On Wednes Jay of last weak II. W, Maxwell thipped to J. S. Pnrday, at Colton, Cl seventy-lour cows and eigbt calves in Col. Hooker's crooked H. Brand and one cow in his Bouble anchor brand. These were fin beer cattle. Teterda3 evening Mr. II. W. Max well shipped 112 head of fat cattle purehared from Col. II. C. Hooker, mott of them being in the crooked II brand. Half went to S. Purdy at Col ton, Cal., and half to S, Maier it Co. of Los Angeles. 1'Iie UlncoTcrf Mroct 111" f .lie. Mr. G. Caillouette, Druggist, Beaer svillo, IlL.says:"To Dr. King's New Discovery I owe my life, Was taken with La Grippe and tries all the phy sicians, but of no avail and was given up and tr.'.ci I could net live. K&ving Dr. King's New Discovery in' my etoro I sent for a bottle and began its use and from the first dose began to get bet ter, and after using three bottle was up and about again. It is worth Us weigbt iu gold. We won't keep store or house -vlthout it." Get a free tiall the Toaibstono Drug Store. Near Bonrlli'a ferry, a few days ago a man aged about 35 years was found hanging to a small tree. A bailing wire was the instrument with which the man sought death. There was' notbine on him by which be could be identified. He was five feet nine inches in beijht and weighed aboat obo hundred and fi'ty pounds; hair brown in color; beard brown aud ap parently of a week's growth. Wore canvass cost and vert, blue overalls and broad-brimmud nutria hfct. Mo have Miner. I'ree Pills. Sndynr addrrss to H. E. Bucklen & Co, Coicagu, and get a free sample box of Dr. Kings New Life rill. A tna will convince you of ttcir merits. These pills are easy in action and are partic ularly effective in Ihe cure of constipat on and sick heviachr. For mil?ria and liver troubles, they have been proved in valuable They are guaranteed to be perfectly free fro-n every deleterio is sub f Unce and to be purely vegetable. They do not weaken by their iction, but by giving tun to the stomtch and bwel ireatly invigorate the system. Regular size 2 ;c per box. Sold by Tombstone and Utsbre drcgglsts. WANTED. Agents Big money, article to sell to every rancher. Addriss Mullen & Co. Los Angeles, Cal, e. Price's Cream Baking: Powsar WtvieVsFsfeHisfcectAwa.4. , WANT A R3P0RT. Attorneys Barnes and Fie a Demand. Hole Judge W. H. Barnes of Tucson and Judge J. H.Hole of Chicago on behalf or James L. Utter or Oak Hill New York, and Elizabeth B. Voorheps ol New York city, the hollers of the Ari zona Narrow Gutuje Railroad cuni pany'sbonds, lat Saturday male a demand on the board cf i-upervHors of Pinal county for a report to the loan commission ol the outstanding indebt edness eo that the loan commissioner might as they are required by law to do provide for the redeeming or re funding of the county indebtedacss. 'ihe Pbenix Republican says: the supervisors refused to ask the loan commission for the repot t to yesterday Messrs. Barnes and Hole filed another demand as follows: "That said loan commissioners shall provide for the redeeming or refund ing of tho said county indebtedness, notwithstanding the said board ot su pervisors have failed to do their duty as aforesaid, anl shall issus bonds for said indebtednets in resumption of the tamo as required by law." The principal and interest on the bonds now amount tu $155,000. As Secretary Bruce is not in the territory and as he is he is a member of the loan commission, the demand will not be acted upon until his rtttirn. It is not out ot place to mention that tho Ari zona Narrow Guage railroad has never been constructed. The Pima county oonds were iseutd for a like number of the railroad rompsnV londr, the seriea running from one to 200, bear like interest and running lice time. STORY OF A CRIME. Two Men Landed in Yuma on Grave Charges. Eugene Woodbury and William Cook, alias A. L. Wright, were jailed at 1 uma last wees. Woodbury is charged with the murder of H Holmes, a prospector, at tho Uhino bets ranch, on the night of October 2C, 1S93, and Cook is accused ot at- tern j ting to kill a man who had kuowUdge of Woodbury's crime. A synopti f the chapter which is given in the Yuma Sun from which it appears that at daybreak on Oclob?r i7, 1S93, the body of Holmes, an old aud well known prospector, was found about one hundred yards from the Chino railroad depot. Two bullet holes in his heart and a third in his left shoulder showed that ho was the. victim of an assastin. Time paired, the c lews were all run down and dis covered to lead to nothing tatigibla. Iu an ill-lataci moment of contidence Woodbury bad coufessed to an em ployee of the Chino company, uatned Martin Sherry, that he had murdered Holmes to 00 tain possession of a val uable mine ilrlmes owned, and asked Sherry to grub stake him, that he might go out and work on the mine. Sherry kept the awful eesret to him self as he feared it he told it thai be would be the next victim of the blood thirsty Woodbury. But Woodbury, suspicious of his own safety, was not satisfied with the silence Sherry msin tained through fear, and coull not rest confident while Sherry was living to testify against b:m. It was planned to put lbs uuforturiite pc-2sscr cf the fatal secret out of the way. On the night of thelOtb ef last No vember Sherry was murderously assaulted and left for dead. But he recovered and the failure of the attempt up)n bis life will probably mean tbe conviction of Woodbury for the o Id blioddd murder of Prospector Holmes. After the a'patilt, Sherry s Ived th mysterr of the assassination, if his story may be txlieve.l, and i;av in for. matien which will probably nnd an other man in tbe California peniten tiary. He said tial the Mo which knocked him seuaeless was struck by William Cook, alias A. L. Wright, Woo lbury's boon conipaulin and pa!. , LUOK HERE! Do you want some fine lay ing hens of blooded stock cheap? oo hens and 12 roosters of white ?nd Brown leghorn an Black Spanish varieties. Good layers, wiH be sold at $12 per dozen. Call and see them and buy a dozen for home use. A. D. Walsh, Can Can Restaurant. Tmusstone. Noteaiber 35. 1S96. Office of the Hoard of Supervisors of Cod he '.ountjr. Notice Ube-eby given that the Hoard cf Su pervisors vtil sell at private sale the followirg descnb-d real estate, situate in sail county, tlie same having been duly sold and by tax deed icnve) ed to the Temtciry of Arizona by the Tax Collector cf said county to recover Ike uepaid tax and jainst each tract or parcel of land, as tbe same appears of record ia the oflice of the Tax Collector and Recorder of same, tool!: Mtj I A A'.lcock, Tombstone Lot I, E-k as. J 4 00 Gatenaro Asava.Bisbee adbbekoue. ia Joe Bi con, Tombstane, Lots I, a and 3,Block6a IS 40 Marnel Billdoza, Bisbee 1 frame bouse.... 401 PA Eojer. Dos Caberas Blacksmith shopand stable '7 35 A Binrhart, .(. Daud Improve ments od ranch 831 F Branom Improiemntsonranch 30 81 Malcomb Improvements on ranch S 33 Juan Barillo, Willcux Lot 17, Block to.. .... ...... .. 11 03 CS Clark. Tombstone Lot 14. Block 3a - ,0 S3 Wm Cavanaueb, Tomlistone Lots 5 ar.d. Block a-) 661 I N Christiansen. St. David Ira prbveruents on ranch .'.. .. 14 t3 W R Dttucan, West Huachueas Im provements ca ranch ... 19 06 lames Doyle. Benson Lot 18, Block 19 S 5 Allen R Enelish. Tombstone Little ' Pedro mine. No. 0; Bi Pedro mine. No. 94: Lots n, 15, 16 and 17, Block 44 69 99 A Escalante, Bnbee 1 frame house.. 59a C E Frederick. Tombstone W X of lot 6, Hock 5 39 18 Sam Friedman. Benson Lots 37 and aS.blockiS 63 51 W C Gieenwood. Benson -E ii of S W K and W ii of S E . Sec aS Tpa. Rao 3197 Conception Gonzales. Benson Lots 1 and 3. S E V of N E K ?ec 19. Tp a, ri 19 36 04 Ignario Gill, Lower San Pedro Im provements... ".... 8 48 Jesus Goniales, Lower San Pedro N H of N E H of N W X, Sec 19, Tp 13. R19 S 7a Chris Graner. Chirirahua mountains S EKSec 3.TP17.R39.. . . 44 3 W A Gray, St David Improvements it 84 T T Hunter Wi'.tcox Sec t9. Tp 13, R 35; bee 16 T 13. R 33. .. 40 83 Hall. Aston andGray Del Val grant 15-5 36 G Lonergan, Benson Lot 18, bloct ao 3 at J C Loss. WK of N W V and W H of S W H Sec a8, Tp 15. R 34. . Mead and Clark. Tombstone Lot 7 frock 19 ao 37 Nicholas M era. Lower San Pedro Improvements on ranch 19 43 E Morales, Willcex Lot it, Dleckai 3637 Juan Morales, Willcox Lt 17, block 6 4 9 Jacob Martinet. Willcox Lot 1 block 7 97 R McComvck, Tombstone I.ots 1 and 3. block! t 5 76 Mrs. U II McN'eal. Tombstone San Dice mine No. lo 8 3a EG Norton, B.sVee Improvements Main sueets 37 93 T O'Brien, Sulphur Spring valley Improvem nts on ranch 41 93 Mrs. C W Pui. Willcox Lot it, block 35 1 C3 I R Parish S E V Sec 14, Tp 17. R 3 S R Rundle. Bisbee Framehouse 11 37 Andres Rekid, San Pedro Improve entsonracch 113 93 O. M, Renaud, Sin Simon valley . Improvements on ranch........ 14 ao ED Roberts, San Fedro Improve- ments on ranch 6 3 Ouong Sing, Tombstone Lot 16, bit 16 S S W F Stover, Bisbe e Adobe bouse. . 18 10 Noah Soeeton S E Jf Sec 39, Tp 16 K 39 15 15 R D Swccton N E ii Sec 3. Tp it. R39. ...... .................... 15 15 ESaens K ofSec4. Tp i3,Ri9.. 761 Tu2y. Dolores and Ochoa ii of SW H and E Jf of Sec 30. Tp 30. K . S E $,' and W K of N E M . S0C34, Tpi6. Rs:;Niof N K ii and W i of N W .' &c 31. Tp 17, R ao 3050 Unknown, Richmond mine No, 90, Tombstone divctrict . -.3 Unknown, McLelland mine No. I0 Tombstone district J0 Unknown, May mine No. 154, Tomb stone district ..... 4 91 Unknona Ophirmine, No. Sj Win chester district s eS Uukncwn, Copper King mine No. 33 Cochise district 3 e G S White. Willcox Lot n block 33 3 21 J. S. WILLIAMS. Chairman, Attest A. A'XNTWOITM, Clerk. Ey W. A. Hakwood. Deputy. Just a pinch of Pride of Japan Tea half what you use of ordinary kinds makes a ' delicious, fragrant cupful. First pickings finest young tea leaves properly fired and packed on our own premises in Japan. Best tea in pack ages imported. i M. J. BRANDENSTEIN & CO. Seui Frauicfsce nni Yokhuu li Full eighi )is omJ i-Vbu a-.J Me. at aMdniagJstav JOSEPH CORNER FIFTH AND PIONEER DEALER IN General Merchant se. Cape Cod Cranberries Seedless Raisins London Layers, Fresh Currents Siscilian Citron. A NGELICA , rORl, ZINFENDEL, JOHANNESBURG, WHITE ?- . , , . m- Sauerkraut. Limberger Cheese, Holland Herring. STAPLE AND 1FANCY CHOICE BRANDS OF GINS, BRANDIES Li. BOTTLED BEER 3gV Everytlung In OurrLino is First Class Goods aiitg " O.l Jl -i T ii ..fin . r .. ' .. , J?J& ouiujui, j rites, iiiHiLC'jy v.ompemion. JOS. STORE HOEFLER J FREMONT STREETS .- SHERRY, 11111 If and WHISKIES t IE- -" s5 STORE. K m GROCERIES HOEFLEi i f 11 j i!f , 'i i 27$ "IV y "